Phil Rel 3

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Philip Ray N.

Coronado July 8, 2019

Philosophy IV Philosophy of Religion

Why God allows evil and yet He is known as a loving God? This question might be making
every man think of having a stupid God. Free will is one of the greatest gift of man from God.
This is the capacity to choose between right and wrong. Does freedom make man evil? Maybe
yes, maybe no. Yes, in a way that since man has a freedom, he has a tendency to err that makes
the act evil. On the other hand, it is no, in a way that though he has a freedom, there are things
that he ought to do which are the good things and the standard of this good deeds is no other than
God’s omniscience is one of the most crucial nature of God. Does God really know man’s
future? Owing the reason that man was given a freedom by God. This question is also related to
the first question because if God knows the future and that future might cause of evil event, why
does He allow it? Thus that question also questioned God’s omniscience. In the same way, a
parents who trust their son to go to school regularly, however since their son has a choice but
thought of something bad like cutting class and go to computer shop instead or do some vices
like smoking, gambling, dinking liquor and many others. On the other hand, he might think also
to obey his parents to go to school regularly and study well to get a high grades. The parents’
intention is to give their son a good future through assisting him in school, however if their son
will not cooperate, it will become useless. Most probably both of them will suffer. Perhaps, on
the side of the parents that they do not want to see their son suffering but because it already
happened, they cannot do something anymore. On the side of the son, since he did not perform
well in school, he was not able to learn many things that he my apply to his job and unfortunately
did not have a good job that he may earn a good salary.

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