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BPhiip Ray N.

Coronado July 2, 2019

Philosophy IV Philosophy of Religion
Which Belief is more Reliable?

Going back in the past, especially during the wartime, heroic act is a kind of nobility even
though often times it is in a way of killing one’s life as long as it is for the sake of the security of
many. In the same way, there is a common belief before that it is alright to kill as long as this is
for their gods and godesses. In other words, the lives of the others stand as an offering to their
deity. However, there are also teachings which killing is evil or morally wrong. Unfortunately
killing is seemingly appearing that it has an exemption on a particular situation.
Differerent beliefs and action but the same intention. This is the possible analysis on the two
different beliefs. People might have different understanding but both of their intention is just the
same, which to make an offering to god that may lead them to salvation. Everyone wanted to be
saved. However, that salvation also makes people bothered. Since they have the awareness of
having life after death in which there are three possible destinations. Heaven for those who do
good during his life on the earth. Purgatory, for those who do not do much good and bad. Then,
hell for those who do extremely evil during their life on the earth. Now, these three are enough
reason to do good on the earth. But what if, the ways for them to be saved is different? What if to
other’s belief, killing the enemies as long as for god sake, they will be saved? In which this is
also against to other’s belief. The answer might be, God is the basis of right and wrong. Through
scriptures, it is being said what to do and not to do. However, it depends on the people who will
interpret it. God will not command such thing as morally correct. Thus, misinterpretation is the
root of different perspective of many religions nowadays and God’s mistake.
To sum this up, God knows which things are morally good or bad. But through the
misinterpretation of man, the command is being misunderstood by many. Thus, God’s statements
should be understood with reasonable arguments, with a great analysis and shoud not be taken
literally. Otherwise, the belief from the start will become illogical that might others also believe.
And that way of believing on that belief can mislead them in the proper way.

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