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Updated Price List for the month of May 2019

Pearson India Education Services Pvt Ltd World Trade Tower, 15th Floor
Plot No: C – 01, Sector – 16 Noida – 201301, UP.


*All Prices are subject to change without notice

ISBN Author Title EDN

Engineering, Science and Mathematics

Computer Science
Algorithm Design
9788131702055 Aho Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms 1
9788131702444 Baase Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design & Analysis, 3e 3
9789332549999 Brassard / Bratley Fundamentals of Algorithmics 1
9788131799437 Dave Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2/e 2
9788131708682 Johnsonbaugh Algorithms 1
9789332518643 Kleinberg Algorithm Design 1e 1
9789332585485 Levitin Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 3/e 3
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
9788131703069 Charniak Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1
9788131787472 Shivani Goel Express learning - Artificial Intelligence 1
9788131723272 Luger Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, 5e 5
9789332551947 Patterson Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 1
9789332543515 Russell Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3e 3
9788131713310 Waterman A Guide to Expert Systems 1
9788131715055 Winston Artificial Intelligence, 3e 3
Computer Vision
9789332550117 Forsyth / Ponce Computer Vision: A Modern Approach 2e 2
Machine Learning
9789353066697 Dutt Machine Learning, 1e 1
Pattern Recognition
9789332549791 Earl Gose / Richard Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 1
Programming for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
9788131711347 Bratko Prolog : Programming for Artificial Intelligence, 3e 3
Automata Theory
Automata Theory and Theory of Computer Science
9788131720479 Hopcroft Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, 3e 3
9788131793510 Kandar Introduction to Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Computation 1
9788131760772 Kandar Express Learning-Automata Theory and Formal Languages 1
9788131723562 Krithivasan Introduction to Formal Languages, Automata Theory and Computation 1
9789332549890 Lewis / Papadimitri Elements of the Theory of Computation 2e 2
9788131708705 Moret The Theory of Computation 1
9788131788226 Rich Automata, Computability and Complexity: Theory and Applications 1
9788131714751 Sudkamp Languages and Machines: An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science 3e 3
9789332537286 Sunitha Formal Language and Automata Theory 2e 2
Compiler Construction/Language Processors
9789332518667 Aho Compilers Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 2e 2
9788131764916 Dave Compilers: Principles and Practice 1
9789332549500 Holub Compiler Design in C 1
9789332500297 Sunitha Compiler Construction, 1e 1
9788131761267 ITL ESL Express Learning - Principles of Compiler Design 1
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
9788131717288 Agnarsson Graph Theory 1
9788131717943 Akerkar Discrete Mathematics 1
9788131733103 Babu Ram Discrete Mathematics 1
9788131718827 Brualdi Introductory Combinatorics, 4e 4
9788177584240 Grimaldi / Ramana Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5e 5
9789332521391 Gupta Discrete Mathematical Structures 1
9788131790618 Ross/Wright Discrete Mathematics, 5/e 5
9788131714058 Sengadir Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics 1
9788131706985 Wilson Introduction to Graph Theory, 4e 4
Essence Series
Error Control
9788131734407 Lin Error Control Coding 2
9788177586411 Attwood Introduction to Bioinformatics 1
9789332549418 Bryan Bergeron Bioinformatics Computing 1
Computer Architecture
Advanced Computer Architecture
9789332555570 Furber ARM System-on-Chip Architecture 2e 2
9789332551923 Kain Advanced Computer Architecture: A Systems Design Approach 1
9788131702086 Sima Advanced Computer Architectures: A Design Space Approach 1
Computer Organization and Architecture
9789332573901 Randal E. Bryant, D Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 3/e 3
9788177587678 Carpinelli Computer Systems Organization & Architecture 1
9788131761557 Ghoshal Computer Architecture and Organization 1
9788131773390 ITL ESL Express Learning - Computer Organization and Architecture 1
9789332585607 Mano Computer System Architecture, Revised 3/e 3
9789332570405 Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture, 10e 10
9789332571242 Tanenbaum / Austi Structured Computer Organization 6e 6
9788131763476 Williams Computer System Architecture, 2e 2
System Simulation
9789332518759 Banks Discrete Event System Simulation, 5e 5
9789332550247 Gordon System Simulation 2e 2
Mobile Computing / Mobile Communication
9788177582802 Burkhardt Pervasive Computing 1
9788131731666 Garg Mobile Computing 1
9788177588798 Garg Principles and Applications of GSM 1
9788131724262 Schiller Mobile Communications, 2e 2
Computing Concept
Genetic Algorithms/Soft Computing
9788177588293 Goldberg Genetic Algorithms 1
9789332549883 Jang / Sun / Mizuta Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to Learning and Mach 1
9788131723241 Karray Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems 1
9788131792469 Samir Roy/ Udit Ch Introduction to Soft Computing: Neuro-Fuzzy and Genetic Algorithms 1
Database System
Data Warehousing & Data Mining
9788131707173 Adrians Data Mining 1
9788131704592 Anahory Data Warehousing in the Real World 1
9788177587852 Dunham / Sridhar Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics 1
9789332571402 Tan Introduction to Data Mining 1
Database Systems
9788131720257 Connolly Database Systems, 4e 4
9788177585568 Date / Kannan An Introduction to Database Systems, 8e 8
9789332582705 Elmasri Fundamentals of Database System, 7e 7
9788131704134 Garcia-Molina Database System Implementation 1
9789332518674 Garcia-Molina Database Systems: The Complete Book 2e 2
9788131760802 ITL ESL Express Learning - Database Management Systems 1
9788131731925 ITL-ESL Introduction to Database Systems 1
9788131703748 Kifer/Panigrahi Database Systems An Application-Oriented Approach, Introductory Version, 2e 2
9789332549951 Kroenke / Auer Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation 13e 13
9789332526280 Naik Concept Of Database Management System 1
9789332535206 Ullman A First Course in Database Systems, 3e 3
9788131700785 Kahate Introduction to Database Management Systems 1
9789332549722 Shah Database Systems Using Oracle 2e 2
Decision Support Systems
9788131709771 Yates Modern Information Retrieval 1
Distributed Database Systems
9788131727188 Ray Distributed Database Systems 1
9788131760680 Deitel E Business & E Commerce for Managers 1
IT Infrastructure
9789332550193 Rich Schiesser IT Systems Management: Designing, Implementing, and Managing World-Class Infr 2
Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology
IT Fundamentals
9788131794791 Ashok Kamthane/I Express Learning - Computer Fundamentals and Programming 1
9789332587618 Brookshear Computer Science: An Overview, 12e 12
9788131733097 Goel Computer Fundamentals 1
9789332519343 Goel Computer Fundamentals & Programming in C 1
9788131760307 ITL-ESL Introduction to Computer Science, 2e 2
9788131760291 ITL ESL Introduction to Information Technology 2e 2
9788131769737 ITL ESL Express Learning - Introduction to Information Technology 1
Programming Methodology
9788131705629 Dromey How to Solve it by Computer 1
9789332518841 Sprankle Problem Solving and Programming Concepts, 9e 9
Computer Graphics
9789332570498 Angel Interactive Computer Graphics with WebGL, 7/e 7
9789332518711 Hearn Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 4e 3
9788177587654 Hearn Computer Graphics, C Version, 2e 2
9789353068967 Hughes Computer Graphics, 3/e 3
9789332555303 Hill, Jr. / Kelley Computer Graphics Using OpenGL 3e 3
9788131785911 ITL ESL Express learning - Computer Graphics and Multimedia 1
9789386873873 Laszlo Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics in C++, 1e 1
Human Computer Interaction/User Interface Designing
9788131717035 Dix Human-Computer Interaction, 3e 3
9789332518735 Shneiderman Designing The User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, 5
9788177588279 Buford Multimedia Systems 1
9788131709948 Halsall Multimedia Communications 1
9788131707159 Jeffcoate Multimedia in Practice 1
9788177584417 Steinmetz Multimedia: Computing, Communications & Applications 1
Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
9789332578494 Schmalstieg Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice, 1e 1
Computer Networking & Data Communications
9789332550476 Bertsekas / Gal Data Networks 1
9789332550100 Comer Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume I 6e 6
9789332550261 Comer / Stevens Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume II: ANSI C Version: Design, Implementation, an 3
9789332549876 Comer / Stevens Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume III: Client-Server Programming and Applications 2
9789352869152 Comer Computer Networks and Internets, 6e 6
9788131761274 ITL ESL Express Learning-Data Communications and Networking 1
9788177584752 Halsall / Kulkarni Computer Networking and the Internet, 5e 5
9789332549692 Hassan / Jain High Performance TCP/IP Networking 1
9788131711453 Keshav An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking 1
9789332585492 Kurose Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6/e 6
9788131709351 Stallings Computer Networking with Internet Protocols 1
9788177585698 Stallings High Speed Networks and Internets, 2e 2
9788131705636 Stallings ISDN & Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay & ATM, 4e 4
9789332573864 Stallings Foundations of Modern Networking: SDN, NFV, QoE, IoT, and Cloud, 1/e 1
9788131702307 Stallings SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, & RMON 1&2, 3e 3
9789332586932 Stallings Data and Computer Communications, 10/e 10
9789332518742 Tanenbaum Computer Networks 5/e 5
9788131709306 Tomasi Introduction to Data Communications and Networking 1
Network Management
9788131727591 Subramanian Network Management, 2e 2
Network Security
9788177584257 Bishop Introduction to Computer Security 1
9788131764015 Britz Computer Forensics and Cyber C 2
9788131764527 ITL ESL Express Learning-Cryptography and Network Security 1
9788131712887 Merkow Information Security: Principles and Practices 1
9789332517424 Pfleegar Analyzing Computer Security 1
9789352866533 Pfleeger Security in Computing, 5e 5
9789332543645 Bose Cryptography and Network Security 1
9788131704127 Smith Internet Cryptography 1
9789352866601 Stallings Network Security Essentials, 6e 6
9789332585225 Stallings Cryptography and Network Security, 7/e 7
9788131714768 Trappe Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory, 2e 2
Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic
9788131700532 Fausett Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications 1
9788131708088 Freeman Neural Networks 1
9789332570313 Haykin Neural Networks and Learning Machines 3e 3
9789332549425 George J. Klir / Bo Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications 1
9789332550001 George J. Klir Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and Information 1
9788131705346 Yen Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, Control, and Information 1
Network Programming
9789332535152 Ahuja Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications 1
Operating Systems
Distributed Systems
9788131728598 Chow Operating Systems-A Modern Perspective 1
9789332575226 Coulouris Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, 5e 5
9788131713327 Liu Distributed Computing: Principles and Applications 1
9788177581799 Tanenbaum Distributed Operating Systems 1
9789332549807 Tanenbaum / Van Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms 2e 2
Operating Systems
9788131712894 Deitel Operating System, 3e 3
9788131723593 Nutt Operating Systems, 3e 3
9789352866717 Stallings Operating Systems, 9e 9
9789332575776 Tanenbaum / Bos Modern Operating Systems, 4e 4
9789332550513 Tanenbaum / Woo Operating Systems Design and Implementation 3e 3
9789332550254 Kernighan & Pike The UNIX Programming Environment 1
Parallel Processing
9788131708071 Grama An Introduction to Parallel Computing: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2e 2
9789332570948 Storti CUDA for Engineers: An Introduction to High-Performance Parallel Computing, 1/e 1
9788131702390 Wilkinson Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations 2
Programming Languages
C Programming
9789353062828 Deitel C How to Program: with an introduction to C++, 8e 8
9788131728895 Dey C Programming Essentials 1
9788131767610 Etter Engineering Problem Solving with C, 3e 3
9789332518810 Hanly Problem Solving & Program Design in C 7e 7
9788131732090 Kamthane C Programming: Test Your Skills 1
9789332543553 Kamthane Programming in C, 3e 3
9788131724347 Kelley A Book on C, 4e 4
9788131729342 Mittal Programming in C - A Practical Approach 1
9788131715840 Reek Pointers on C 1
9788131705087 Venkateshmurthy Programming Techniques Through C: A Beginner’s Companion 1
C++ Programming
9789332585737 Deitel / Deitel C++ How to Program, 10e 10
9788131706619 Eckel Thinking in C++: Introduction to Standard C++, Volume One, 2e 2
9788131711729 Eckel / Allison Thinking in C++, Volume 2: Practical Programming 2
9789332550506 Johnston C++ Programming Today 2e 2
9788131791448 Kamthane Programming in C++ 2/e 2
9788131760529 Mothe C++ Programming: A Practical Approach 1
9789352863082 Savitch Problem Solving with C++, 9e 9
9789332515833 Sharma Object-Oriented Programming with C++ 1
9788131754559 Vasappanavara Object Oriented Programming Using C++ and Java 1
Data Structures
9788131724224 Kamthane Programming and Data Structures 1
Data Structures Using C
9788177588262 Aho Data Structures and Algorithms 1
9788131722381 Bandyopadhyay Data Structures Using C 1
9788131713921 Kamthane Introduction to Data Structures in C 1
9788177584233 Kruse Data Structures and Program Design in C 2
9789332549319 Langsam / Augens Data Structures Using C and C++ 2e 2
9788131792544 Sharma Data Structures Using C 2/e 2
9789332543546 Tenenbaum Data Structures Using C, 1e 1
9788177583588 Weiss Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, 2e 2
Data Structures Using C++
9788131764701 Nyhoff ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++ 2e 2
9788131714744 Weiss Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 3e 3
Data Structures Using Java
9789332549395 Hubbard / Huray Data Structures with Java 1
File Structures/File Management
9788177583731 Folk File Structures : An Object-Oriented Approach with C++, 3e 3
Java Programming
9788131720806 Bhave Programming with Java 1
9789353062033 Deitel Java How to Program: Early Objects, 11e 11
9788131755440 Jain The class of JAVA 1
9789353063610 Lewis Java Software Solutions, 9e 9
9789332535213 Liang Intro to Java Programming: Brief Version 9e 9
9789353065782 Liang Intro to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, 10e 10
9788131733110 Pandey Java Programming 1
9788131799093 Rajkumar JAVA Programming 1
9789332535121 Sedgewick / Wayn Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach 1
9789332585935 Savitch Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 7/e 7
Programming Languages
9789332549302 Abel IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming 5e 5
9789332556591 Guzdial Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python, 4/e 4
9789332551848 Liang Introduction to Programming Using Python, 1/e 1
9788177586886 Pratt Programming Languages, 4e 4
9789332518872 Sebesta Concepts of Programming Languages, 10e 10
9788177584226 Sethi Programming Languages: Concepts & Constructs, 2e 2
9789332585348 Taneja Python Programming, 1e 1
9789332518766 Venit / Drake Prelude to Programming: Concepts and Design, 5e 5
Real Time Systems
9788131713884 Bennett Real-Time Computer Control: An Introduction, 2e 2
9788177585759 Liu Real Time Systems 1
9788131700693 Mall Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice 1
Express Learning
9788131787472 Shivani Goel Express Learning - Artificial Intelligence 1
9788131785911 ITL ESL Express Learning - Computer Graphics and Multimedia 1
9788131773390 ITL ESL Express Learning - Computer Organization and Architecture 1
9788131764527 ITL ESL Express Learning - Cryptography and Network Security 1
9788131761274 ITL ESL Express Learning - Data Communications and Computer Networks 1
9788131760802 ITL ESL Express Learning - Database Management Systems 1
9788131787045 ITL ESL Express Learning - Digital Electronics and Logic Design 1
9788131794791 Ashok Kamthane/I Express Learning - Computer Fundamentals and Programming 1
9788131760772 Kandar Express Learning - Introduction to Automata Theory and Formal Languages 1
9788131769737 ITL ESL Express Learning - Introduction to Information Technology 1
9788131761267 ITL ESL Express Learning - Principles of Compiler Design 1
9788131795507 Rathinam Express Learning - Thermodynamics 1
Visual C#
9788131764923 Selvi A TextBook on C#
Software Engineering
Object Oriented Software Engineering
9789332518681 Bruegge Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and Java, 3e 3
9788131726068 Deacon Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 1
Software Engineering
9788131716052 Bell Software Engineering for Students, 4e 4
9789332537293 Chandramouli Software Engineering 1
9789332555396 Ghezzi / Jazayeri / Fundamentals of Software Engineering 2e 2
9788131760628 Pfleeger Software Engineering: Theory and Practice, 4e 4
9789332582699 Sommerville Software Engineering, 10/e 10
Software Project Management
9788131717929 Henry Software Project Management: A Real-World Guide to Success 1
9789332542143 Chandramouli / Dut Software Project Management 1
Software Testing
9788177581218 Desikan/Gopalswa Software Testing 1
9789332573659 Rajeev Gupta Agile Automation & Unified Functional Testing, 1e 1
9789332543652 Khurana Software Testing 1/e 1
9788131794760 Mathur Foundations of Software Testing 2/e 2
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
9788131711064 Blaha/Rumbaugh Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML, 2e 2
9788131722879 Booch Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3e 3
9788177583724 Booch The Unified Modeling Language User Guide 1
9789332551930 Lee / Tepfenhart UML and C++: A Practical Guide to Object-Oriented Development 2e 2
Systems/Assembly Language Programming
9788177585551 Beck Systems Software, 3e 3
9789332582743 Kochan Shell Programming in Unix, Linux and OS X, 4e 4
9788177587456 Venkateshmurthy Introduction to Unix and Shell Programming 1
Web Programming
9789332552616 Stevens System Engineering, 1/e 1
Web Programming
Internet/Web Programming
9789332549784 Comer The Internet Book: Everything You Need to Know About Computer Networking and H4
9789332575271 Connolly Fundamentals of Web Development, 1e 1
9789352868599 Deitel Internet and World Wide Web, 5e 5
9788131716854 Deitel / Deitel / Niet XML How to Program 1
9788131717158 Jackson Web Technologies 1
9789332518827 Sebesta Programming with World Wide Web, 7e 7
9788131774199 Srinivasan Web Technology 1
Visual Programming
9788131713914 Chavan Visual Basic. NET 1
Aeronautical Engineering
9788131729519 Hill Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, 2e 2
9788131713891 Kermode Flight without Formulae, 5e 5
9788131716571 Kermode Mechanics of Flight, 11e 11
9788131703892 Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems, 3e 3
9788131728130 Pallett Aircraft Instruments, 2e 2
Core Engineering
Basic Civil Engineering
9788131729885 Gopi Basic Civil Engineering 1
Basic Electronics
9788131764046 Cogdell Foundations of Electronics 1
9788131710685 De Basic Electronics 1
Basic Electrical Engineering
9789332551763 Del Toro Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, 2e 2
9788131785935 SP Bali Electrical Technology Volume I 1
9789332514416 SP Bali Electrical Technology Volume II 1
9789332563308 Hambley Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications 6e 6
9788131733660 Hughes Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology, 10e 10
9789332542167 Sahdev Basic Electrical Engineering 1
Engineering Drawing/Graphics
9788131710562 Shah/Rana Engineering Drawing, 2e 2
9789332549340 James D. Bethune Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2015 1
9789332549982 Warren J. Luzadde Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, The: With an Introduction to Interactive Com 11
Engineering Mathematics
9788131784709 Babu Ram Engineering Mathematics Volume-I, 2e 2
9788131785034 Babu Ram Engineering Mathematics Volume-II, 2e 2
9788131726914 Babu Ram Engineering Mathematics 1
9789332507586 Croft Engineering Mathematics: A Foundation for Electronic, Electrical, Communications a 4
9788131789902 Garg / Gupta Engineering Mathematics Volume I 1
9789332536333 Garg / Gupta Engineering Mathematics Volume II 1
9788177585469 Greenberg Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2e 2
9789332575288 James Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 4/e 4
9788131761311 Rukmangadachari Engineering Mathematics - Vol I 1
9788131784952 Rukmangadachari Engineering Mathematics - Vol II 1
9789332519121 Das/ Vijayakumari Engineering Mathematics 1
Engineering Mechanics
9788131770504 Babu Engineering Mechanics 1
9789332584747 Hibbeler Engineering Mechanics, 14e 14
9788177581232 Shames / Rao Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics 4
9788131732229 Sharma Engineering Mechanics 1
9789332585508 Sinha Engineering Mechanics, 1/e 1
Engineering Physics
9788131761632 Mani Naidu Engineering Physics, 1e 1
9789386873316 Sharma Engineering Physics, 1e 1
Engineering Chemistry
9789332571181 Sesha Maheswara Engineering Chemistry 1
Environmental Science/Studies
9788131721186 Basak Environmental Studies 1
9788131709122 Manjunath Environmental Studies 1
9789332555389 Wright / Nebel Environmental Science 12e 12
General Engineering
9789332556577 Allen / Shonnard Sustainability Engineering: Concepts, Design and Case Studies, 1e 1
9789332556959 Graedel / Allenby Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering 1
9789332535053 Voland Engineering By Design 2e 2
Technical Communication
9789332518599 Gerson Technical Writing Process and Product, 8e 8
9788131733844 Mishra Communication Skills for Engineers, 2e 2
9788131732045 Nitin Bhatnagar an Communicative English for Engineers and Professionals
9788131700884 Pfeiffer Technical Communication, 6e 6
9788177584073 Rutherfoord Basic Communication Skills for Technology, 2e 2
Chemical Engineering
Bioprocess Engineering
9789332549371 Shuler / Kargi Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts 2e 2
9789332549623 Himmelblau / Riggs Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering 8e 8
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
9789332524040 Elliott Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2/e 2
9789332549364 B. G. Kyle Chemical and Process Thermodynamics 3e 3
Chemical Process Control & Safety
9789332524057 Crowl Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications 3/e 3
9789332549463 Stephanopoulos Chemical Process Control: An Introduction to Theory and Practice 1
9789332550346 Turton / Bailie / Wh Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes 4e 4
Chemical Reaction Engineering
9789332549326 Fogler Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering 4e 4
Separation Process Engineering
9789332524842 Wankat Separation Process Engineering: Includes Mass Transfer Analysis: 3/e 3
Transport Phenomena
9789332549432 Geankoplis Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations) 4 4
Civil Engineering
Basic Civil Engineering
9788131729885 Gopi Basic Civil Engineering 1
Building Construction
9789332575097 Mehta, Scarboroug Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems, 2/e 2
9789332508231 WB McKay Building Construction, Metric Volume 1, 5/e 5
9789332509344 WB McKay Building Construction, Metric Volume 2, 4/e 4
9789332508248 WB McKay Building Construction, Metric Volume 3, 5/e 5
9789332508255 WB McKay Building Construction, Metric Volume 4, 4/e 4
9789332544796 Purushothama Raj Building Construction Materials and Techniques 1
Construction Technology
9789332542051 Chudley Construction Technology - Volume 1, 2/e 1
9789332542068 Chudley Construction Technology - Volume 2, 2/e 2
9789332542075 Chudley Construction Technology - Volume 3, 2/e 2
9789332542082 Chudley Construction Technology - Volume 4, 2/e 2
Construction Project Management
9789332542013 Jha Construction Project Management, Theory and Practices, 2/e 2
9789332505735 Hinze Construction Planning and Scheduling 4e 4
Concrete Technology
9789332513754 Praveen Nagarajan Presetressed Concrete Design 1
9788131705360 Neville Concrete Technology 1
9788131791073 Neville Properties of Concrete, 5e 5
9789332575714 Wight Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 6/e 6
Design of Steel Structures
9789332505711 McCormac Structural Steel Design, 5/e 5
9789332542105 Sai Ram Design of Steel Structures, Revised 2/e 2
Engineering Materials
9789332535220 Mamlouk Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 3/e 3
9788131766316 Somayaji Civil Engineering Materials 2e 2
Environmental Engineering
9789332551749 Henry / Heinke Environmental Science and Engineering 2e 2
9789332549760 Masters Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science 3e 3
9789332575752 Revelle, Whitlatch, Civil and Environmental Systems Engineering, 2e 2
9789332549630 Sincero / Sincero Environmental Engineering: A Design Approach 1
9789332575134 Nathanson Basic Environmental Technology, 6e 6
9789332581951 Varandani Environmental Engineering: Principles and practices, 1e 1
Facilities Planning
9789332551787 Francis / Mcginnis / Facility Layout and Location: An Analytical Approach 2e 2
Finite Element Method
9789332551824 Chandrupatla / Bel Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering 4e 4
9788131724644 Desai/Eldho/Shah Finite Element Method with applications in Engineering 1
9788131760642 Moaveni Finite Element Analysis, 3e 3
Geotechnical Engineering/Geology
9789332570955 Sam Boggs Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 5/e 5
9789332535008 Coduto Foundation Design: Principles and Practices 2/e 2
9789332587427 Coduto Geotechnical Engineering, 2e 2
9789332507616 Holtz / Kovacs / Sh An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering 2e 2
9788131707180 Kramer Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 1
9789332581289 Kehew Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists, 3/e 3
9789332542020 McCarthy Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics7 7
9788131790816 Purushothama Raj Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 2/e 2
Geographical Information Systems
9789332581883 Chor Pang Lo Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, 2/e 2
9788131708057 Deodhar Elementary Engineering Hydrology 1
9789332507593 Houghtalen Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering Systems 4/e 4
9789332555297 Viessman / Lewis Introduction to Hydrology 5e 5
Solar Principles
9789332587038 Kissell Introduction to Solar Principles, 1/e 1
Structural Analysis
9788131713297 Chopra Dynamics of Structures, 3e 3
9789332586147 Hibbeler Structural Analysis, 9e 9
9789332559479 Hsieh Elementary Theory of Structures, 4/e 4
9789332558557 Jain Dynamics of Structures with MATLAB® Applications 1
9789332549869 Schodek / Bechtho Structures 7e 7
9788131700662 Bannister Surveying, 7e 7
9789353061739 Ghilani Elementary Surveying, 13e 13
9789352860722 Gopi Advanced Surveying, 2e 2
9788131721247 Huang Pavement Analysis and Design 2e 2
9789353062460 Kavanagh Surveying: Principles and Applications, 9e 9
Transporation Engineering
9789332569706 Khisty/ Lall Transportation : An Introduction, 3e 3
9789332555150 Papacostas / Preve Transportation Engineering and Planning 3e 3
9789332509368 Roess / Prassas / Traffic Engineering 4e 4
Water Resources Engineering
9789332555143 Wurbs / James Water Resources Engineering 1
9789353433819 Chin Water-Resources Engineering, 3e (SI Edition) 3
Wastewater Engineering
9789332550056 Hammer, Sr. / Ham Water and Wastewater Technology 7e 7
9789332549616 Viessman, Jr. / Ha Water Supply and Pollution Control 8e 8
Electrical Engineering
Advanced/Modern Control Systems
9789332559561 Friedland Advanced Control Systems Design, 1/e 1
9789332534971 Ogata System Dynamics, 4e 4
9789332578593 Shearer Introduction to Systems Dynamics, 1e 1
Basic Electrical Engineering
9789332551763 Del Toro Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, 2e 2
9788131785935 SP Bali Electrical Technology Volume I 1
9789332514416 SP Bali Electrical Technology Volume II 1
9789332563308 Hambley Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications 6e 6
9788131733660 Hughes Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology, 10e 10
9789332542167 Sahdev Basic Electrical Engineering 1
9789332586505 Bhattacharya Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2/e 2
Circuits and Networks
9789332542853 Bhattacharya Network Analysis and Synthesis 1
9789332518612 Boylestad Introductory Circuit Analysis, 12e 12
9789332573888 Thomas L Floyd Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version, 9/e 9
9789332550551 Huelsman Basic Circuit Theory 3e 3
9789332559516 Ryder Networks, Lines and Fields, 2/e 2
9788131713907 Suresh Kumar Electric Circuits & Networks 1
9788131791554 Suresh Kumar Electric Circuit Analysis 1
9789353433123 Valkenburg Network Analysis, Revised 3e 3
9788131754283 Visvesvara Rao Electronic Circuit Analysis 1
Control Systems
9788131791653 Bhattacharya Control Systems Engineering, 3e 3
9788131761670 Brogan Modern Control Theory, 3e 3
9789332518629 Dorf Modern Control Systems, 12e 12
9788131758373 Ghosh Control Systems: Theory and Applications, 2/e 2
9789332550520 Goodwin / Graebe Control System Design 1
9788131788240 Johnson/ Malki Control Systems Technology 1
9789332559585 Lewis Basic Control Systems Engineering, 1/e 1
9789332550162 Ogata Modern Control Engineering 5e 5
9789332549661 Ogata Discrete-Time Control Systems 2e 2
9789332507609 Phillips / Parr Feedback Control Systems 5e 5
9789332534131 Salivahanan Control Systems Engineering 1
Electric Machines
9788131760901 Ghosh Electrical Machines 2e 2
9788131708026 Hubert Electric Machines: Theory, Operating Applications, and Controls, 2e 2
9788131711279 Kosow Electric Machinery & Transformers, 2e 2
9789332585577 Rajini Electrical Machine Design, 1e 1
9789332571808 Vincent Del Toro Basic Electric Machines, 1/e 1
9789332571815 Vincent Del Toro Electric Machines and Power Systems, 1/e 1
9789332518537 Wildi Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems 6e 6
Electric Drives
9789332549715 Krishnan Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis, and Control 1
Electrical Engineering Materials
9789332560116 Dekker Electrical Engineering Materials, 1/e 1
Non Conventional Energy Resources
9789332543577 Singh Non Conventional Energy Resources 1
Non Linear Systems
9789332542037 Khalil Nonlinear Systems, 3/e 3
9789352866465 Khalil Nonlinear Control, 1e 1
Power Electronics
9788177588859 Agrawal Power Electronic Systems: Theory & Design 1
9789332557550 Bimal K. Bose Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives 1
9789332584587 Rashid Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits,and Applications, 4e 4
Power Systems
9788177588194 Bergen Power Systems Analysis, 2e 2
9788131764039 Cogdell Foundations of Electric Power 1
9788131707098 Faulkenberry Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission 1
9789332585553 Ingole Power Transmission and Distribution, 1e 1
9788131755921 Ramana Power System Analysis 1
9788131755914 Ramana Power System Operations and Control 1
9788131707913 Sivanagaraju Electric Power Transmission and Distribution 1
9788131733325 Sivanagaraju Generation and Utilization of Electrical Energy 1
9788131726624 Sivanagaraju Power System Operation and Control 1
9789332584662 Shubhanga Power System Analysis, 1e 1
9789332555174 Rashid Introduction to PSpice Using OrCAD for Circuits and Electronics 3e (with CD) 3
Switchgear and Protection
9789386873439 Ingole Switchgear and Protection, 1e 1
Electronics & Communication
Advanced Digital Signal Processing
9788131708958 Allen Natural Language Understanding, 2e 2
9788131708699 Haykin Adaptive Filter Theory, 4e 4
9789332518414 Jurafsky Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing 2
9788177587463 Quatieri Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing: Principles and Practice 1
9788131705131 Rabiner Digital Processing of Speech Signals 1
9788177585605 Rabiner Fundamentals Of Speech Recognition 1
9788131705322 Widrow Adaptive Signal Processing 1
Antenna Theory
9788131711255 Fusco Foundations of Antenna Theory and Techniques 1
9788131701843 Raju Antennas and Wave Propagation 1
Consumer Electronics
9788131717592 Bali Consumer Electronics 1
Communication Systems-Digital & Analog Communications
9789332518582 Couch Digital & Analog Communication Systems, 8e 8
9788131717141 Glover Digital Communications, 2e 2
9788131731871 Kundu Analog and Digital Communications 1
9789332555136 Proakis / Salehi Communication Systems Engineering 2e 2
9788131705735 Proakis Fundamentals of Communication Systems 1
9788177585582 Roddy Electronic Communications, 4e 4
9788131797495 Saha Information Theory, Coding & Cryptography 1
9788131720929 Sklar Digital Communications, 2e 2
9788131719534 Tomasi Electronic Communications System: Fundamentals Through Advanced, 5e 5
9789332549685 Tomasi Advanced Electronic Communications Systems 6e 6
Digital Design
9789332584464 Ciletti Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL, 2/e 2
9789332555228 Fletcher An Engineering Approach to Digital Design 1
9789332584600 Floyd Digital Fundamentals, 11e 11
9788131787045 ITL ESL Express Learning Series - Digital Electronics and Logic Design 1
9788131714126 Johnson High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic 1
9789332543539 Kothari Digital Circuits & Design 1/e 1
9789332522299 Lincoln Digital Electronics 1
9789353062019 Mano Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL, and System Ver 6
9789332542525 Mano Digital Logic & Computer Design 1
9789332518728 Mano Logic & Computer Design Fundamentals, 4e 4
9789332573925 Rabaey / Chandrak Digital Integrated Circuits 2e 2
9788131727249 Tocci Digital Systems: Principles and Applications, 10e 10
9788131713662 Wakerly Digital Design: Principles and Practices, 4e 4
9788131701836 Rao Switching Theory and Logic Design 1
Digital Image Processing
9788177584790 Annadurai Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing 1
9788131712863 Castleman Digital Image Processing 1
9789353062989 Gonzalez Digital Image Processing, 4e 4
9789332551916 Jain Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing 1
Digital Signal Processing
9788131708248 Ifeachor Digital Signal Processing 2
9789332560130 Johnson Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, 1/e 1
9789332550339 Oppenheim / Schaf Digital Signal Processing 1
9789332535039 Oppenheim Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 3e 3
9788131710005 Proakis Digital Signal Processing, 4e 4
9789332560123 Rabiner Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, 1/e 1
9789332535022 Cheng Field & Wave Electromagnetic, 2e 2
9789332535138 Cheng Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics 1
9789332559462 DuBroff / Marshall / Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications, 4/e 4
9789332551770 Jordan & Balmain Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems 2e 2
9788131701713 Raju Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines 1
9788131733424 Reitz Foundations of Electromagnatic Theory 4
9788131760611 Singh Electro Magnetic Field Theory 1
9789332535145 Ulaby / Michielssen Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics 6e 1
Electronic Devices & Circuits
9789332542600 Boylestad Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 11e 11
9788131700983 Cheruku Electronic Devices and Circuits 2e 2
9789332545496 Floyd Electronic Devices 9e 9
9788131787960 Floyd Fundamentals of Analog Circuits 2e 2
9788131726792 Hanson Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics 1
9789332550186 Horenstein Microelectronic Circuit and Devices 2e 2
9788131730249 Hu Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits 1
9788131705858 Visvesvara Rao Electronic Devices and Circuits 2
9788131762189 Ludwig RF Circuit Design 2
9788131760895 Singh Electronic Devices and Circuits, 2e 2
9789332555082 Streetman / Banerj Solid State Electronic Devices 7e 7
Fiber Optics Communication
9788131715888 Kolimbiris Fiber Optics Communications 1
9788131717912 Palais Fiber Optic Communications, 5e 5
9788131732663 Senior Optical Fiber Communication: Principles and Practice, 3e 3
9789332550544 Shotwell An Introduction to Fiber Optics 1
9788131712115 Carr Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, 3e 3
9788177588835 Carr Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, 4e 4
9789332556911 Cromwell Biomedical Instrumentation And Measurements 2e 2
9789332555266 Domach Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 2e 2
9789332556065 Helfrick & Cooper Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques 1
9789332549456 Johnson Process Control Instrumentation Technology 8e 8
9788131721995 Kishore Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement 1
9788131721360 Prince Medical Imaging Signals and Systems 1
Linear IC Applications
9789332550483 Coughlin & Driscoll Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits 6e 6
9789332549913 Gayakwad Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits 4e 4
9789332534124 B. Visvesvara Rao Linear Integrated Circuits 1
9789332556928 Soclof Design and Application of Analog Integrated Circuits 1
9788131708453 Stanley Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated Circuits, 4e 6
Microcontrollers / Embedded Systems
9788131720233 Barrett Embedded Systems 1
9788131787663 Das Embedded Systems: An Integrated Approach 1
9789332543522 Dave Embedded Systems 1
9789332535756 Ghoshal 8051 Microcontroller: Internals, Instructions, Programming and Interfacing 2e 2
9788177587715 Hackworth Programmable Logic Controllers: Programming Methods and Applications 1
9789332549937 Lewis Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex-M3 2
9788131720189 MacKenzie The 8051 Microcontroller, 4e 4
9789332518407 Mazidi AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C 1
9788131710265 Mazidi The 8051 Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems, 2e 2
9788131716755 Mazidi PIC Microcontroller And Embedded Systems , 1e 1
9788177585513 Peatman Design with PIC Microcontroller 1
9788131759905 Raj Kamal Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design, 2e 2
9789332581296 Rehg Programmable Logic Controllers, 2/e 2
9788177581546 Simon An Embedded Software Primer 1
9789332555129 Webb / Reis Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications 5e 5
9788177582765 Antonakos The Pentium Microprocessor 1
9788131726228 Brey The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium 8
9789332536821 Das The X 86 Microprocessors: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing (8086 to Pent 2
9789332555570 Furber ARM System-on-Chip Architecture 2e 2
9789352869183 Irvine Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 7e 7
9789332550087 Liu / Gibson Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family Architecture Programming and Desi 2
9789332584044 Mazidi The X86 PC 5e 5
9789332575783 Michael Slater Microprocessor Base Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Hardware Design 1
9789332577497 Rafiquzzaman Microprocessors: Theory And Applications, 1e 1
9788131709160 Short Microprocessors and Programmed Logic, 2e 1
9788177584813 Triebel The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware 4
9788177584554 Udaykumar The 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing 1
Microwave Engineering
9788177583533 Liao Microwave Devices and Circuits, 3e 3
9788131799444 Rao Microwave and Radar Engineering 1
9789332542099 Bansal/Goel/Sharm MATLAB® and its Applications in Engineering, 2e 2
9788131723135 Etter Introduction to Matlab 7 1
9788131707432 Hanselman Mastering Matlab 7 1
9789332524811 Patel & Mittal Programming in MATLAB ® 1
Probability Theory and Stochastic Process
9788131774526 Kousalya Probability, Statistics and Random Processes 1
9788131709177 Leon-Garcia Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, 2e 2
Pulse & Digital Circuits
9788131721353 Rao Pulse and Digital Circuits 1
Satellite Communications
9788131702420 Pritchard Satellite Communications Systems Engineering, 2e 2
Semiconudctor Devices
9789352866663 Wilson Optoelectronics, 3e 3
9789332587410 Bhattacharya Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, 2e 2
9788177589771 Pierret Semiconductor Device Fundamentals 1
Signal and Systems
9788131787984 Kudeki Analog Signals and Systems 1
9789332550230 Oppenheim / Willsk Signals and Systems 2e 2
9789332518490 Phillips Signals, Systems and Transforms 4e 4
9789332550537 Soliman / Mandyam Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems 2e 2
9789332542044 Ziemer Signals and Systems: Continuous and Discrete, 4/e 4
9788131705025 Flood Telecommunication Switching, Traffic and Networks 1
9789332557161 Jayaram Bhasker A VHDL Primer, 3e 3
9788131732113 Kaur VHDL: Basics to Programming 1
VLSI Design
9788131726044 Plummer Silicon VLSI Technology 1
9788177584080 Smith Application Specific Integrated Circuits 1
9789332542884 Weste CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective, 4e 4
9789332550353 Wayne Wolf Modern VLSI Design: IP-Based Design 4e 4
9788131724651 Wolf FPGA-Based System Design 1
Price New QTY YOP

809.00 2006
859.00 2006
649.00 2015
909.00 2013
959.00 2006
949.00 2013
779.00 2017

929.00 2006
339.00 2013
979.00 2008
549.00 2015
899.00 2015
969.00 2007
859.00 2007

939.00 2015

569.00 New Book 2018

679.00 2015

1049.00 2007

799.00 2008
519.00 2013
389.00 2012
539.00 2009
539.00 2015
829.00 2006
829.00 2012
799.00 2007
449.00 2015

929.00 2013
509.00 2012
809.00 2015
469.00 2013
299.00 2012

659.00 2008
599.00 2007
649.00 2010
799.00 2008
949.00 2006
519.00 2014
899.00 2012
659.00 2009
689.00 2006

1079.00 2010

619.00 2007
489.00 2015

639.00 2015
789.00 2015
1039.00 2006

929.00 2016
849.00 2006
569.00 2011
329.00 2012
759.00 2017
779.00 2016
839.00 2016
799.00 2011

759.00 2013
439.00 2015

799.00 2005
529.00 2010
999.00 2006
869.00 2008

759.00 2006
669.00 2015
939.00 2008
629.00 2013

669.00 2006
769.00 2006
729.00 2006
799.00 2016

1059.00 2008
919.00 2006
919.00 2017
989.00 2006
1169.00 2013
389.00 2012
659.00 2010
799.00 2007
749.00 2015
329.00 2014
819.00 2014
729.00 2006
569.00 2015

829.00 2007

529.00 2009
859.00 2011

679.00 2015

459.00 2013
679.00 2017
499.00 2010
479.00 2011
579.00 2012
449.00 2012

749.00 2006
849.00 2013

859.00 2016
969.00 2013
959.00 2006
949.00 New Book 2019
939.00 2015
439.00 2013
349.00 2017

959.00 2007
1059.00 2013

799.00 2006
1029.00 2007
639.00 2006
969.00 2005

939.00 2016

679.00 2015
749.00 2015
739.00 2015
759.00 2015
769.00 New Edition 2018
389.00 2012
909.00 2006
679.00 2015
959.00 2007
879.00 2017
859.00 2007
969.00 2005
809.00 2006
639.00 2016
1059.00 2006
869.00 2017
789.00 2013
959.00 2007

828.00 2010

829.00 2005
579.00 2011
299.00 2012
789.00 2007
885.00 2013
919.00 New Edition 2018
529.00 2016
739.00 2006
739.00 New Edition 2018
749.00 2017
829.00 2007

839.00 2006
839.00 2006
799.00 2016
629.00 2015
579.00 2015
849.00 2006

959.00 2014

949.00 2009
919.00 2017
759.00 2007
959.00 2005
699.00 2015

1079.00 2007
939.00 2008
869.00 New Edition 2018
849.00 2016
869.00 2015
629.00 2015

809.00 2006
709.00 2016
899.00 2006

929.00 New Edition 2018

469.00 2010
839.00 2013
489.00 2010
489.00 2015
849.00 2008
629.00 2010
859.00 2007
639.00 2006

899.00 2017
879.00 2006
999.00 2007
679.00 2015
459.00 2013
509.00 2011
969.00 2017
399.00 2014
639.00 2011

529.00 2008
849.00 2006
579.00 2008
579.00 2007
769.00 2006
669.00 2015
429.00 2013
789.00 New Edition 2018
779.00 2005

939.00 2011
849.00 2007

669.00 2015

929.00 2005

679.00 2008
979.00 New Edition 2018
529.00 2010
709.00 New Book 2018
979.00 2014
1059.00 New Edition 2018
679.00 2012
519.00 2013
689.00 2014
935.00 2017

699.00 2015
529.00 2015
749.00 2017
749.00 2006
939.00 2013
899.00 2006
519.00 2017
629.00 2013

799.00 2007
949.00 2005
699.00 2006

339.00 2013
439.00 2013
329.00 2012
299.00 2012
389.00 2012
389.00 2012
429.00 2013
459.00 2013
389.00 2012
449.00 2012
299.00 2012
349.00 2013

529.00 2011

1029.00 2013
1019.00 2008
859.00 2007
549.00 2015
679.00 2015
799.00 2011
929.00 2017

879.00 2007
619.00 2015

590.00 2005
899.00 2016
489.00 2015
749.00 2013

769.00 2007
929.00 2009
969.00 2005
609.00 2015

769.00 2006

769.00 2016
659.00 2006

539.00 2017

649.00 2015
799.00 2016
989.00 New Edition 2018
1209.00 2007
789.00 2007
919.00 2013
449.00 2012

799.00 2007

999.00 2009
719.00 2007
909.00 2007
689.00 2006
889.00 2009

499.00 2009

559.00 2011
599.00 2010

669.00 2015
529.00 2013
529.00 2013
799.00 2016
869.00 2010
469.00 2015

599.00 2009
975.00 2015
750.00 2015
459.00 2012
599.00 2012
829.00 2009
899.00 2013
799.00 2014
649.00 2014
1029.00 2006
909.00 2016
489.00 2012
529.00 2012
899.00 2017

529.00 2012
839.00 2017
889.00 2005
599.00 2010
559.00 2017

489.00 2013
599.00 New Book 2018

519.00 2016

469.00 2009
379.00 2006
889.00 2015

319.00 2015
589.00 2015
769.00 2014

889.00 2013
419.00 2011
285.00 2010
789.00 2007
669.00 2005

725.00 2015

860.00 2015

1070.00 2013
735.00 2015

935.00 2013
790.00 2015
1120.00 2015

995.00 2015

1050.00 2013

820.00 2015

499.00 2009

979.00 2016
519.00 2013
519.00 2013
519.00 2013
559.00 2013
569.00 2016

469.00 2014
469.00 2014
469.00 2014
469.00 2014

699.00 2015
449.00 2013

449.00 2013
789.00 2006
899.00 2012
979.00 2016

769.00 2013
519.00 2015

789.00 2014
639.00 2011

729.00 2015
609.00 2015
479.00 2016
719.00 2015
599.00 2016
499.00 2017

649.00 2015

699.00 2015
559.00 2011
749.00 2011

719.00 2016
879.00 2014
649.00 2017
839.00 2013
919.00 2006
739.00 2016
899.00 2014
789.00 2013

689.00 2016

639.00 2008
649.00 2013
649.00 2015

429.00 2017

849.00 2007
899.00 2017
499.00 2015
559.00 2016
779.00 2015
769.00 2006
869.00 New Book 2018
649.00 2017
1039.00 2008
649.00 New Book 2018

709.00 2017
649.00 2015
879.00 2013

779.00 2015
799.00 New Book 2019

659.00 2015
899.00 2015

469.00 2015
979.00 2014
789.00 2016

669.00 2015
529.00 2013
529.00 2013
799.00 2016
869.00 2010
469.00 2015
499.00 2017

519.00 2015
999.00 2013
1079.00 2016
659.00 2015
549.00 2015
789.00 2008
489.00 2013
579.00 New Edition 2019
539.00 2011

669.00 2013
829.00 2011
1069.00 2013
629.00 2012
779.00 2015
559.00 2012
589.00 2015
729.00 2015
739.00 2015
789.00 2013
649.00 2015

609.00 2012
829.00 2006
769.00 2007
549.00 New Book 2018
569.00 2016
639.00 2016
959.00 2013
809.00 2015

319.00 2016

449.00 2015

669.00 2014
359.00 New Book 2019

799.00 2006
790.00 2015
739.00 2017

939.00 2006
559.00 2011
899.00 2006
629.00 New Book 2018
629.00 2010
529.00 2010
769.00 2008
679.00 2010
679.00 2009
599.00 New Book 2018

519.00 2015

529.00 New Book 2018

769.00 2007
979.00 2006
1149.00 2013
979.00 2006
819.00 2006
839.00 2008
979.00 2006

609.00 2007
559.00 2006

879.00 2007

909.00 2013
1049.00 2007
489.00 2010
729.00 2015
979.00 2006
979.00 2008
409.00 2013
999.00 2008
999.00 2008
679.00 2015

909.00 2017
649.00 2015
759.00 2017
429.00 2013
979.00 2007
569.00 2015
469.00 2014
669.00 New Edition 2018
749.00 2016
729.00 2013
799.00 2016
999.00 2009
799.00 2008
629.00 2006

629.00 2006
979.00 2007
839.00 New Book 2018
649.00 2015

899.00 2006
499.00 2015
539.00 2015
769.00 2014
839.00 2007
749.00 2015

879.00 2014
709.00 2014
819.00 2015
539.00 2015
729.00 2006
719.00 2010
509.00 2011
669.00 2014

879.00 2015
769.00 2008
849.00 2015
989.00 2012
829.00 2009
1049.00 2015
719.00 2009
449.00 2006
779.00 2011
739.00 2012
649.00 2015

1019.00 2007
829.00 2008
879.00 2010
279.00 2015

899.00 2007
1029.00 2006
569.00 2015
469.00 2015
579.00 2015
729.00 2015
629.00 2009
1019.00 2008

789.00 2015
539.00 2015
419.00 2015
709.00 2015
879.00 2006
829.00 2008
599.00 2012
519.00 2015
509.00 2014
789.00 2006
589.00 2015
919.00 2008
919.00 2013
759.00 2007
849.00 2008
709.00 2005
669.00 2011
619.00 2016
839.00 2005
699.00 2015

829.00 2005
959.00 2008
569.00 2014
639.00 2015
699.00 New Book 2018
699.00 2015
849.00 2017
659.00 2016
659.00 2016
979.00 2006
919.00 2006
769.00 2008

719.00 2005
609.00 2013

659.00 2016
769.00 2008
829.00 2006
449.00 2014

439.00 2013
879.00 2007

709.00 2010

829.00 2006

599.00 New Book 2018

679.00 2017
899.00 2006

669.00 2012
699.00 2015
1009.00 2013
519.00 2015
729.00 2014

789.00 2006

480.00 2015
459.00 2011
699.00 2006
989.00 2008
1049.00 2005
899.00 2015
639.00 2015
849.00 2008
Wireless Communications
9788131704431 Haykin/Moher/Koilp Modern Wireless Communication 1
9788131731864 Rappaport Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2e 2
9788131715345 Rogers Introduction to Wireless Technology 1
9788131720936 Stallings Wireless Communications & Networks, 2e 2
Mechanical Engineering
9789332571785 Robert D. Finch Introduction to Acoustics, 1/e 1
Basic Mechanical Engineering
9789386873293 Kumar Basic Mechanical Engineering, 2e 2
9788131721643 Chang Computer-Aided Manufacturing, 3e 3
9789332572492 Groover Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 4e 4
9788177584165 Groover CAD/CAM: Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing 1
Computational Fluid Dynamics
9789332559455 Hodge / Koenig Compressible Fluid Dynamics, 1/e 1
9788177587647 Niyogi Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics 1
9788131720486 Versteeg An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics The Finite Volume Method, 2e 2
Engineering Graphics/Engineering Drawing
9788131710562 Shah/Rana Engineering Drawing, 2e 2
9789332549340 James D. Bethune Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2015 1
9789332549982 Warren J. Luzadde Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, The: With an Introduction to Interactive Com 11
Engineering Management/Industrial Management
9789332543560 Pravin Kumar Industrial Engineering and Management 1
Engineering Materials/Material Science
9789332574045 Budinski Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection, 9e 9
9788131759110 Jindal Material Science and Metallurgy 1
9788131761625 Parashivamurthy Material Science and Metallurgy 1
9788131700907 Shackelford Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, 6/e 6
9788131706008 Van Vlack Elements of Materials Science & Engineering, 6e 6
Engineering Economy
9789332550148 Park Contemporary Engineering Economics 5e 6
9788131734421 Sullivan Engineering Economy, 14e 14
Engineering Mechanics
9788131770504 Babu Engineering Mechanics 1
9789332584747 Hibbeler Engineering Mechanics, 14e 14
9788177581232 Shames / Rao Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics 4
9788131732229 Sharma Engineering Mechanics 1
9789332585508 Sinha Engineering Mechanics, 1/e 1
Experimental Stress Analysis
9788131759103 Jindal Experimental Stress Analysis 1
Finite Element Methods
9789332551824 Chandrupatla / Bel Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering 4e 4
9788131724644 Desai Finite Element Method with applications in Engineering 1
9788131760642 Moaveni Finite Element Analysis, 3e 3
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
9788131721407 Douglas Fluid Mechanics, 5e 5
9789332518544 Esposito Fluid Power with Applications, 7e 7
9788177583649 Gupta Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines 1
9789332547018 Hibbeler Fluid Mechanics in SI Units, 1e 1
9789353433697 Kumar Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, 5/e 5
Gas Turbines and I.C. Engines
9788177589023 Cohen Gas Turbine Theory, 5e 5
9789332549494 Pulkrabek Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine 2e 2
Heat & Mass Transfer
9789332575066 Chapman Heat Transfer, 4e 4
9789332574069 Hines Mass Transfer, 1/e 1
9788131727133 Mills / Ganesan Heat Transfer, 2e 2
9788177585193 Thirumaleshwar Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 1
Machine Design
9788131716595 Jindal Machine Design 1
9789353062408 Norton Machine Design, 5e 5
9789353433130 Spotts Design of Machine Elements, Revised 8e (SI Edition) 8
Machine Drawing
9788131706787 Junnarkar Machine Drawing 1
9788131706770 Pohit/Ghosh Machine Drawing with AutoCAD 1
789.00 2011
789.00 2009
829.00 2007
839.00 2008

1039.00 2016

449.00 New Edition 2018

919.00 2008
779.00 2016
729.00 2005

709.00 2015
719.00 2006
919.00 2008

599.00 2009
975.00 2015
750.00 2015

519.00 2015

869.00 2016
459.00 2011
349.00 2012
1009.00 2006
789.00 2006

839.00 2015
719.00 2010

529.00 2012
839.00 2017
889.00 2005
599.00 2010
559.00 2017

449.00 2012

699.00 2015
559.00 2011
749.00 2011

1019.00 2008
819.00 2013
709.00 2006
819.00 2017
679.00 New Book 2019

789.00 2006
699.00 2015

679.00 2016
569.00 2016
979.00 2009
829.00 2006
789.00 2010
899.00 New Edition 2018
899.00 New Edition 2019

629.00 2006
629.00 2006
Manufacturing Technology/Production Technology
9789332581241 Groover Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work, 1/e 1
9789332587908 Kalpakjian Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (SI Edition), 7e 7
9789353062910 Kalpakjian Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, 6e 6
9789332556973 Lindberg Processes and Materials of Manufacture 3e 3
Machine Tool Process
9789332550032 Kibbe / White / Mey Machine Tool Practices 9e 9
Mechanical Measurements
9789332518520 Beckwith Mechanical Measurement, 6e 6
9788131701829 Bentley Principles of Measurement Systems, 3e 3
9789332559554 Auslander Mechatronics: Mechanical System Interfacing, 1/e 1
9789353065881 Bolton Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engine 6
9788131788257 Carryer / Ohline / K Introduction to Mechatronic Design 1
9788177585407 Necsulescu Mechatronics 1
9788131764756 Liu Foundation of MEMS 2e 2
Operations Research
9789332526471 Natarajan / Balasu Operations Research 2e 2
9788131799345 Mariappan Operations Research
Power Plant Engineering
9789332534100 Hegde Power Plant Engineering 1
Product Design
9788177588217 Otto Product Design 1
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
9788177588811 Dossat Principles of Refrigeration, 4e 4
9789352866724 Pita Air Conditioning Principles and Systems, 4e 4
Reliability Engineering
9789332571075 Singiresu S. Rao Reliability Engineering, 1/e 1
Renewable Energy Systems
9789332586826 Buchla Renewable Energy Systems, 1e 1
9788131718360 Craig Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, 3e 3
9789332544802 Ramachandran Na Introduction to Industrial Robotics, 1/e 1
9789332555235 Schilling Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control 1
Strength of Materials/Mechanics of Solids
9789332559448 Bickford Advanced Mechanics of Materials, 1/e 1
9789332584785 Dowling Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 4/e 4
9789332581272 Fitzgerald Mechanics of Materials, 2/e 2
9789332584037 Hibbeler Mechanics of Materials (SI Edition) Updated, 9e 9
9789352861521 Jindal Strength of Materials, 2e 2
9789332509351 Morrow / Kokernak Statics and Strength of Materials 7e 7
9788131758885 Mubeen Mechanics of Solid, 2e 2
9789332550216 Popov Engineering Mechanics of Solids 2e 2
9789332559547 Popov Mechanics of Materials, 2/e 2
9788131768549 Purushothama Raj Strength of Materials 1
9789332549906 Shames / Pitarresi Introduction to Solid Mechanics 3e 3
9789332584778 Steif Mechanics of Materials, 1/e 1
Theory of Machines/Kinematics of Machines
9788131729656 Bevan Theory of Machines, 3e 3
9789332555204 Myszka Machines & Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis 4e 4
9788131760697 Singh Theory of Machines, 3/e 3
9788131720226 Wilson Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 3e 3
Theory of Vibrations/Mechanical Vibrations
9788131732489 Bhave Mechanical Vibrations 1
9789332518483 Inman Engineering Vibrations, 4/e 4
9789353062569 Rao Mechanical Vibrations, 6e 6
9788131704820 Thomson Theory of Vibrations with Applications, 5e 5
Thermal Engineering
9789352866687 Singh Thermal Engineering, 1e 1
9788177582383 Eastop Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, 5e 5
9788131717950 Gupta Thermodynamics 1
9789332559578 Haberman Engineering Thermodynamics with Heat Transfer, 2/e 2
9788131718889 Joel Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, 5e 5
9788131771853 Prasanna Kumar Thermodynamics 1
9788131795507 Rathnam Express Learning - Thermodynamics 1
9788131702062 Rogers Engineering Thermodynamics, 4e 4
9789332585584 Hoffman Welding, 2/e 2
Science & Mathematics
9789332555181 Acquaah Principles of Crop Production: Theory, Techniques, and Technology 2e 2
9789332556942 Acquaah Horticulture: Principles and Practices 4e 4
9789332519107 Brady The Nature and Properties of Soils 14/e 14
9789332536685 Chiras / Reganold Natural Resource Conservation: Management for a Sustainable Future 10e 10
9789332570344 Havlin / Tisdale / N Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 8e 8
9789332550025 Hartmann / Kester Hartmann & Kester's Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices 8e 8
9789332556966 Kohls / Uhl Marketing of Agricultural Products 9e 9
Anatomy & Physiology
9789332586802 Colbert Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professions, 3 3
9788131726105 Hadley Endocrinology 6
9789332570993 Marieb Human Anatomy, 7/e 7
9789332578548 Marieb Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 10e 10
9789332578579 Martini Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 9e 9
9789332577541 Silverthorn Human Physiology, An Integrated Approach, 6e 6
Animal Science/Zoology
9788131717608 McDonald Animal Nutrition 6/e 6
9789332556935 Moyle / Cech Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology 5e 5
9789332577473 Moyes Principles of Animal Physiology, 2e 2
9789332550049 Taylor / Field Scientific Farm Animal Production 10e 10
General Biology
9789332570986 Audesirk Biology: Life on Earth with Physiology, 10/e 10
9789332555372 Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology 5e 5
9789332575912 Freeman Biological Science, 5e 5
9789332577459 Freeman Evolutionary Analysis, 4e 4
9789332577480 Kleinsmith Principles of Cancer Biology, 1e 1
9789332578562 Krogh Biology: A Guide to the Natural World, 5e 5
9789332586864 Madigan Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14/e 14
9789332573895 Michael D Johnson Human Biology: Concepts and Current Issues, 7/e 7
Dictionary of Biology
9789332517400 Lawrence Henderson's Dictionary of Biology 5/e 15
9788131774854 Anandhi Introduction to Biochemistry and Metabolism 1
9789332585454 Appling Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections, 1/e 1
9788177588842 Boyer Modern Experimental Biochemistry, 3e 3
9788131775141 Mariappan Biostatistics - An Introduction 1
9789332536678 Zar Biostatistical Analysis, 5e 5
Introductory Biotechnology
9789332535060 Thieman Introduction to Biotechnology, 3e 3
9788131727409 Falconer Introduction to Quantitative Genetics, 4e 4
9789332577466 Klug Concepts of Genetics, 10e 10
9789332571624 Peter J. Russell iGenetics: A Molecular Approach, 3/e 3
9789332578555 Sanders Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach, 1e 1
9789332555105 Strickberger Genetics 3e 3
9788131771099 Wasim Ahmad Fari Genetics and Genomics 1
9788177587432 Ratner Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea 1
9789332575745 Charles J. Krebs Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance, 6e 6
9789332586093 Kormondy Concepts of Ecology, Updated 4/e 4
9789332536692 Smith Elements of Ecology, 8e 8
9788131711583 Khan Elements of Immunology 1
Intellectual Property Rights (Biotech)
9788131774700 Goel/Parashar IPR, Biosafety and Bioethics 1
9789332587441 Bauman Microbiology with Diseases by Body System, 4/e 4
9789332587274 Bauman Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy, 4/e 4
9789332535190 Cappuccino Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, 10e 10
9789332575417 Tortora Microbiology: An Introduction, 11e 11
Molecular & Cell Biology
9788131773284 Ali The Cell: Organization, Functions and Regulatory Mechanisms 1
9788131728604 Leach Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications, 2e 2
9788131773215 Malathi Essentials of Molecular Biology 1
9789332571792 Bernhard O. Palsso Tissue Engineering, 1/e 1
9789332585478 Watson Molecular Biology of the Gene, 7/e 7
9789332517387 Weyers Practical Skills in Biomolecular Science 4
Analytical Chemistry
9789332551879 Day & Underwood Quantitative Analysis 6e 6
9788131723258 Mendham Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6e 6
9789332545076 Shobha/Banani Essentials of Analytical Chemistry, 1e 1
9788131773710 Svehla Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7e 7
9789386873750 Stoker Introduction to Chemical Principles, 10e 10
9788131773789 Ekambaram General Chemistry 1
9789332519022 McMurry Chemistry 6e 6
9788131729571 Mahan University Chemistry, 4e 4
9789332581302 Tro Introductory Chemistry, 5e 5
9789332581319 Timberlake Basic Chemistry, 4/e 4
Heterocyclic Chemistry
9788131707937 Gilchrist Heterocyclic Chemistry, 3e 3
Inorganic Chemistry
9788177581300 Huheey / Medhi Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity 4
9788131718858 Miessler Inorganic Chemistry, 3e 3
9788131706992 Sharpe Inorganic Chemistry, 3e 3
9788131799062 Sivasankar Inorganic Chemistry, 3e 1
Organic Chemistry
9789332519046 Bruice Organic Chemistry, 7e 7
9788131703731 Bruice Essential Organic Chemistry 1
9788177585421 Finar Organic Chemistry, Vol. 1, 6e 6
9788177585414 Finar Organic Chemistry, Vol. 2, 5e 5
9788131700938 Finar Problems & Solutions in Organic Chemistry 2
9789332546974 Finnar Organic Chemistry, Vol 1, 6e (Bangla) 6
9788131791394 Finnar Organic Chemistry, Vol 1, 6/E NTM (Hindi) 6
9788177589573 Furniss Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5e 5
9788131727102 Mann / Saunders Practical Organic Chemistry 4
9788177581690 Morrison Organic Chemistry, 6e 6
9788131704813 Morrison Organic Chemistry, 7e 7
9788131711514 Morrison Study Guide to Organic Chemistry, 6e 6
9788131729496 Page Organic and Bio-organic Mechanisms 1
9788177584332 Sykes A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6e 6
9788131756867 Vogel Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Vol: I 2
9788131756874 Vogel Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Vol: II 2
9788131756881 Vogel Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Vol: III 2
9789332578586 Wade Organic Chemistry, 8/e 8
Physical Chemistry
9789353063627 Cooksy Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and Kinetics, 1e 1
9789353063634 Cooksy Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Interactions, 1e 1
9789332519015 Engel Physical Chemistry 3e 1
9788131709726 Laidler Chemical Kinetics, 3e 3
9789332558533 Levine Quantum Chemistry, 7e 7
9788131792155 Rajaram & Kuriako Chemical Thermodynamics: Classical, Statistical and Irreversible 1
9788131709757 Tinoco Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences, 4e 4
Geology & Oceanography
9789332577565 Billings Structural Geology, 3e 3
9789332555242 Critchfield General Climatology 4e 4
9789332518940 Jensen Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective 2e 2
9789332551909 Hess / Tasa McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation 10e 10
9789332551817 Lutgens / Tarbuck / Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology 12e 12
9789352864348 Marshak Basic Methods of Structural Geology, 1e 1
9789332575738 Kump The Earth System, 3/e 3
9789332571662 Edward J. Tarbuck Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, 11/e 11
9789332550421 Perkins Mineralogy 3e 3
9789332550438 Trujillo / Thurman Essentials of Oceanography 11e 11
9789332550407 Winter Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology 2e 2
9789353433000 Katz A History of Mathematics, 3e 3
9789353432744 Schumacher Chapter Zero, 2e 2
9789353433093 D'Angelo Mathematical Thinking: Problem-Solving and Proofs, 2/e 2
9789332549838 Artin Algebra 2e 2
9789353433048 Bretscher Linear Algebra with Applications, 5/e 5
9789332519039 Fraleigh A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7e 7
9789332549647 Friedberg / Insel / S Linear Algebra 4e 4
9789353433284 Johnson Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5/e 5
9789353433031 Kolman Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications, 9/e 9
9789332571631 Stephen W. Goode Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, 3/e 3
9789332550070 Hoffman / Kunze Linear Algebra 2e 2
9788177583335 Lay Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3e 3
9789332552463 Peterson Linear Algebra and Differential Equations 1
9789332522145 Saikia Linear Algebra, 2e 2
9788131760864 Sharma/Shankar/S Algebra I : A Basic Course in Abstract Algebra 1
9789353432997 Spence Elementary Linear Algebra, 2/e 2
9788131758922 Swamy Algebra: Abstract and Modern 1
9788131768570 Folland Advanced Calculus 1
9789332535244 Goldstein Calculus and Its Applications, 13/e 13
9788131758908 ICFAI Calculus - Differentiation and Integration 1
9789353060411 Weir Thomas' Calculus, 14e 14
9788177583250 Thomas / Finney Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 9e 9
Complex Analysis
9789332537613 Roopkumar Complex Analysis 1
9789332535091 Saff Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with Applications to Engineering, Science, and M 3
9788131772492 ITL ESL Complex Analysis 1
9789353432768 Wade An Introduction to Analysis, 4e 4
Differential Equations
9789332570979 R Kent Nagle Fundamentals of Differential Equations, 8/e 8
9789353432263 Haberman Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value 5
9789353432270 Polking Differential Equations (Classic Version), 2e 2
9789353432782 Edwards Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (Classic Vers 6
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
9788131717288 Agnarsson Graph Theory 1
9788131717943 Akerkar Discrete Mathematics 1
9788131733103 Babu Ram Discrete Mathematics 1
9788131718827 Brualdi Introductory Combinatorics, 4e 4
9789353433017 Goodaire Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, 3e 3
9788177584240 Grimaldi / Ramana Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5e 5
9789332521391 Gupta Discrete Mathematical Structures 1
9789332535183 Johnsonbaugh Discrete Mathematics, 7e 10
9789332549593 Kolman / Busby / R Discrete Mathematical Structures 6e 6
9789332550490 Mott & Kandel Discrete Mathematics For Computer Scientists And Mathematicians (English) 2nd E 2
9788131790618 Ross/Wright Discrete Mathematics, 5/e 5
9788131714058 Sengadir Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics 1
9789332549654 West Introduction to Graph Theory 2e 2
9788131706985 Wilson Introduction to Graph Theory, 4e 4
9788131773604 Vittal Analytical Geometry 2D and 3D 1
Mathematical/Numerical Methods
9788131732212 Babu Ram Numerical Methods 1
9788131709429 Bradie A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis 1
9788131776469 Das / Vijayakumari Numerical Analysis 1
9788131700686 Dasgupta Applied Mathematical Methods 1
9788131728536 Fausett Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, 2e 2
9788131717400 Gerald Applied Numerical Analysis, 7e 7
9789332549357 Mathews / Fink Numerical Methods Using Matlab 4e 4
9788131787823 Sarma Basic Applied Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, 3/e updated 3
Number Theory
9789332535237 Silverman A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, 4e 4
Probability and Statistics
9789332573871 Morris H. DeGroot, Probability and Statistics, 4/e 4
9789332535107 Ghahramani Fundamentals of Probability, with Stochastic Processes, 3e 3
9789332519114 Hogg Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 7e 7
9788177585537 Hogg / Rao Probability and Statistical Inference, 7e 7
9789332550414 Johnson / Miller / F Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers 8e 8
9789332519053 Miller John E. Freund's Mathematical Statistics with Applications 8e 8
9789353065607 Ross A First Course in Probability, 9e 9
9788131761366 Rukmangadachari Probability and Statistics 1
9789332519084 Walpole Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists 9e 9
Real Analysis
9788131757987 Karunakaran Real Analysis 1
9789332551589 Royden Real Analysis 4e 4
9788131726921 Adams / Franzosa Introduction to Topology: Pure and Applied 1
9789332549531 Munkres Topology 2e 2
9789332586871 Chaisson Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe, 7/e 7
Classical/Quantum Mechanics
9788131708392 Bransden Quantum Mechanics, 2e 2
9788131773734 Somnath Datta Mechanics 1
9788131758915 Goldstein Classical Mechanics, 3e 3
9789332550445 Griffiths Introduction to Electrodynamics 4e 4
9789332542891 Griffiths Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2e 2
9788131704417 Liboff Introductory Quantum Mechanics 4e 4
9789332571648 David McIntyre Quantum Mechanics, 1/e 1
9788131773628 Murugan Quantum Mechanics 1
9788177589160 Sakurai Advanced Quantum Mechanics 1
9789332573918 Symon Mechanics, 3/e 3
9788131773352 Tyagi Principles of Quantum Mechanics 1
Electricity and Electromagnetism/Electrodynamics
9788131773727 ICFAI Electricity and Magnetism 1
9789353430061 Shur Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Updated edition, 1e 1
Intermediate Physics
9788131768587 Berg / Stork The Physics of Sound 3e 3
9788177582796 Bransden Physics of Atoms and Molecules, 2e 2
9789332570962 Harris Modern Physics, 2/e 2
9789332535084 Hartle Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein’s General Relativity 1
9788131795682 SP Puri General Theory of Relativity 1
9788131785010 SP Puri Special Theory of Relativity
9788131719244 Sharma Atomic and Nuclear Physics
9788131758625 Young University Physics - Volume II Electricity and Magnetism 12
9789332586284 Young University Physics with Modern Physics,14/e 14
Nuclear Physics/Engineering
9789332522657 R Prasad Nuclear Physics 1
9789332536708 Lamarsh Introduction to Nuclear Engineering 3e 3
9789332559431 Blaker Optics: An Introduction for Students of Engineering, 1/e 1
9788131718070 Hecht Optics, 4e 4
9789332534995 Pedrotti Introduction to Optics, 3e 3
Physics Fundamentals
9789332575769 Art Hobson Physics: Concepts and Connections, 5e 5
9788131792117 Feynman The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Millenium Edition, Vol. 1
9788131792124 Feynman The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Millenium Edition, Vol. 2
9788131792131 Feynman The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Millenium Edition, Vol. 3
9789352861774 Hewitt Conceptual Physics, 12e 12
9789332575721 Knight Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics, 3/e 3
Solid State Physics
9788177583779 Omar Elementary Solid State Physics 1
9788131754016 Singh Solid State Physics
Thermal Physics/Thermodynamics
9788131754009 Manna Heat and Thermodynamics
9789332535077 Schroeder An Introduction to Thermal Physics 1
9789332535169 Cullity / Stock Elements of X-Ray Diffraction 3e 3
Emergency & Medical Care
9789332573857 Campbell, ITLS International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers, 8/e 8
9789353060466 Berman Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, Updated 10e 10
9789353062026 LeMone Medical Surgical Nursing, 6e 6
9788131773345 Nisha Clement Nursing Ethics-Concepts, Trends and Practices
9788131775707 Nursing Research Nursing Research and Statistics
9788131732168 Morris Psychology for Nurses 1
9788131788394 Patidar Communication and Nursing Education
English for Nursing
9788131769621 Bhatnagar English for Nurses
Medicinal Chemistry
9788131731444 Sriram / Yogeeswa Medicinal Chemistry 2/e 2
9789332517295 Roger McFadden Introducing Pharmacology 2e 2
Business & Economics
Accounting & Finance
9788131754450 Basu Studies in Accounting and Finance, 1e 1
9789352866212 Romney Accounting Information Systems, 13e 13
9788177581782 Basu Auditing: Principles and Techniques, 1e 1
9788131728857 Basu Fundamentals of Auditing , 1e 1
9789332547971 Basu Auditing and Assurance 1e 1
Cost/Managerial Accounting
9788131759462 Alex Cost Accounting, 1e 1
9789332543126 Braun Managerial Accounting, 3e 3
9788131729038 Dutta Cost Accounting : Principles & Practice
9789332518261 Horngren / Sundem Introduction to Management Accounting, 16e 16
9789352860197 Datar/Rajan Horngren’s Cost Accounting, 16e 16
9789332551862 Kaplan / Atkinson Advanced Management Accounting 3e 3
9788131733509 Proctor Managerial Accounting for Business Decisions, 3e 3
9788131732076 Rajasekaran Cost Accounting, 1e 1
9788131754511 Rajasekaran Corporate Accounting, 1e 1
Financial Accounting
9789352868339 Dhamija Financial Accounting for Managers, 3e 3
9789352866700 Gupta Financial Accounting for Management, 6e 6
9789352862474 Horngren Introduction to Financial Accounting, 11e 11
9788131731802 Rajasekaran Financial Accounting, 1e 1
9788177582284 Tulsian Financial Accounting, 1e 1
9789332511200 Weetman Financial and Management Accounting , 5/e 5
Financial Institutions and Markets
9789332518285 Fabozzi Bond Markets Analysis and Strategies, 8e 8
9789332585522 Mishkin Financial Markets and Institutions, 8/e 8
Financial Statement Analysis
9788131709399 Foster Financial Statement Analysis 2e 2
9789332551893 Fraser / Ormiston Understanding Financial Statements 10
Financial Modelling
9788131719619 Day Mastering Financial Modelling in Microsoft Excel: A practitioner’s guide to applied cor 2
Financial Management/Corporate Finance
9789332576506 Berk Financial Management , 3e 3
9789353069988 Berk Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 3e 3
9789332587595 Gitman Principles of Managerial Finance, 13e 13
9788131761427 Sharan Fundamentals of Financial Management, 3e 3
9789332558670 Van Horne / Wacho Fundamentals of Financial Management 13e 13
9788131754467 Van Horne Financial Management and Policy, 12e 12
Financial Services
9788131731598 Siddaiah Financial Services, 1e 1
9789352861873 Suresh Management of Banking and Financial Services, 4e 4
Indian Financial System
9789352864867 Pathak Indian Financial System, 5e 5
9789353069858 Hubbard Money, Banking and the Financial System, 2e 2
International Finance
9789332586079 Eiteman Multinational Business Finance, 14e 14
9789332541375 Siddaiah International Financial Management: An Analytical Framework 2e 2
9789353066284 Fischer Security Analysis Portfolio Management, 7e 7
9789332583207 Haugen Modern Investment Theory, 5/e 5
9788131759202 Ranganatham Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, 2e 2
9789332536531 Solnik Global Investments, 6e 6
Risk Management and Insurance
9788131774335 Chugh/ Maheshwa Financial Derivatives: The Currency and Rates Factor, 1e 1
9789332549487 Dorfman / Cather Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance 10e 10
9789352866595 Hull Options, Futures and other Derivatives, 10e 10
9789352865635 Hull Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 9e 9
9788131728048 Hull Student Solutions Manual for Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives 7e 7
9789332536746 Mc Donalds Derivatives Markets, 3e 3
9788131755143 Janakiramanan Derivatives and Risk Management, 1e 1
9788131759936 Madhumathi Derivatives and Risk Management, 1e 1
9789332584921 Rejda Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 13/e 13
Mergers & Acquisitions
9789332558663 Sudarsanam Creating Value from Mergers and Acquisitions, 2/e 2
9789332555259 Weston / Chung / H Mergers, Restructuring and Corporate Control, 1/e 1
9788131730638 Weston Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance, 4e 4
9789332543119 Titman Valuation 2e 2
9789386873255 Damodaran Dark Side of Valuation, 2e 2
General Management
Business/Management Communication
9788131732441 Bovee Business Communication Essentials, 4e 4
9789353062682 Bovée Business Communication Today, 14e 14
9789353065805 Beebe Communication: Principles for a Lifetime, 6e 6
9789332587380 Chaturvedi The Art and Science of Business Communication, 4e 4
9789332536807 CHANEY Intercultural Business Communication, 6e 6
9788131763346 Inch Critical Thinking and Communication 6
9788131773550 Chaturvedi/Chaturv Fundamentals of Business Communication, 1e 1
9789332576643 Payal Mehra Business Communication For Managers , 2e 2
9788131731628 O'Rourke Management Communication: A Case-Analysis Approach, 4e 4
9788131727652 Taylor Communication for Business: A practical approach, 4e 4
Business Process Modelling
9788131761359 Laguna Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, 1e 1
Business Environment
9788131731581 Fernando Business Environment, 1e 1
9789332547490 Shaikh Business Environment, 3e 3
Business Ethics
9789352862306 Boatright Ethics and The Conduct of Business, 8e 8
9789332536524 DeGeorge Business Ethics 7/e 7
9788131774342 Fernando Business Ethics 2/e 2
9788131762219 Fernando Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, 2/e 2
9788131731475 Murthy Politics Ethics & Social Responsibility
9788131787229 Mohapatra/Sreejes Case Studies in Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, 1e 1
9789332560093 Velasquez Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases 7e 7
Business Law
9789332586154 Sheth Business Law, 3e 3
Corporate Governance
9789353062668 Fernando Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices, 3e 3
9789332536593 Barringer Preparing Effective Business Plans: An Entrepreneurial Approach, 1/e 1
9789332555587 Barringer Entreprenuership 4/e 4
9789353066260 Charantimath Entrepreneurship Development and Small Business Enterprises, 3/e 3
9789332559981 Scarborough Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 8e 8
9789332568730 Holt Entrepreneurship : New Venture Creation 1
9788131765784 Kumar Entrepreneurship: Creating and Leading an Entrepreneurial Organization , 1e 1
9789332536616 Shane Technology Strategy for Managers and Entrepreneurs 1
Innovation Management
9788131728031 Trott Innovation Management and New Product Development, 4e 4
9788177586459 Narayanan Managing Technology and Innovation for Competitive Advantage 1e 1
9789332536623 Mohr Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations, 3e 3
International Business
9788177589238 Bennet International Business, 2e 2
9789332584518 Cavusgil International Business, 4e 4
9789352861880 Daniels International Business, 16 16
9788131732519 Sharan International Business: Concept, Environment and Strategy, 3e 3
9789332560086 Sundaram / Black The International Business Environment: Text and Cases 1
9789353068950 Varma Fundamentals of International Business, 4/e 4
9788131761298 Varma International Business, 1e 1
9789332584525 Wild International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, 8/e 8
International Management
9789332584730 Deresky International Management, 9e 9
Knowledge Management
9788131714034 Awad Knowledge Management, 1e 1
9788131706350 Tiwana Knowledge Management Toolkit w/CD 2
Human Resource Management
9789332518155 Aguinis Performance Management 3e 3
9788131754221 Bhattacharyya Performance Management Systems & Strategies, 1e 1
9788131721056 Carrell / Heavrin, J. Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices 1
9789332543195 Corvette Conflict Management: A Practical Guide t 1
9789332584822 Dessler Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4e 4
9789332518438 Dessler A Framework for Human Resource Management 7e 7
9789352862658 Dessler Human Resource Management, 15e 15
9789353065393 Durai Principles of Management, 2e 2
9788131715222 Edwards International Human Resource Management , 1e 1
9789332559509 Gomez-Mejia / Balk Managing Human Resources 7e 8
9788177582062 Greer Strategic Human Resource Management, 2e 2
9789332555211 Harvey / Allard Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises 5e 5
9788131711101 Henderson Compensation Management in A Knowledge-Based World, 10e 10
9789332584839 Martocchio Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach, 9e 9
9789332574168 Mondy Human Resource Management, 14e 14
9789332551992 Phillips Strategic Staffing 3e 3
9788131726013 Singh Employee Relations Management , 1e 1
9789332547537 Sinha Industrial Relations,Trade Unions and Labour Legislations, 3e 3
9789353065621 Sharma Strategic Human Resource Management and Development, 1e 1
9788131733493 Watson Organising and Managing Work, 1e 2
HR Analytics
9789352861958 Guenole The Power of People, 1e 1
9789352862313 Sesil Applying Advanced Analytics to HR Management Decisions, 1e 1
9789332511194 Dalton Leadership and Management Development: Developing Tomorrow's Managers, 1/e 1
9789352866205 Nahavandi The Art and Science of Leadership,7e 7
9789332575219 Yukl Leadership in Organization, 8/e 8
9789332574175 Annie McKee Management, 2e 2
9788131754214 Bhattacharyya Principles of Management: Text and Cases, 1e 1
9788131727973 Browaeys Understanding Cross-cultural Management , 1e 1
9789352867424 Boddy Management: An Introduction, 7e 7
9789332565029 Certo Modern Management, 14e 14
9789386873248 Chapman Introduction to Materials Management, 8e 8
9789332536579 Demarr Negotiation Dispute Resolution 1
9789332559424 Drafke Human Side of Organizations 10e 10
9789353066963 DuBrin Human Relations: Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills, 12e 12
9789332519480 Hannagan Management: Concepts & Practices, 5e 5
9788131725153 Hitt Management, 2e 2
9789332515819 Jacob Thomas Environmental Management,1e 1
9788131711491 Maslow Motivation and Personality 3e 3
9789332557000 Massie Essentials of Management 4e 4
9788131754429 Kulkarni Case Studies in Management, 1e 1
9788131794012 Ramani Hospital Management: Text & Cases, 1/e 1
9789332536814 Mahadevan Rames College to Career 1
9788131733547 Robbins Essentials of Management, 6e 6
9789332574120 Robbins Fundamentals of Management, 9e 9
9789353067229 Robbins Management, 14e 14
9789352865604 Stoner Management, 6e (Revised) 6
9789332540330 Thompson Making the Team 4e 4
9788131716342 Tulsian Business Organisation and Management , 1e 1
9788131733493 Watson Organising and Managing Work , 1e 2
9789332584686 Whetten Developing Management Skills, 8/e 8
9789353066987 Palacio Foodservice Management: Principles and Practices, 13e 13
Management Control Systems
9789352867431 Merchant Management Control Systems , 4e 4
Organizational Behaviour
9788131724866 Andre Organizational Behavior: An Introduction to Your Life in Organizations 1e 1
9789332518339 Brown / Harvey An Experiential Approach to Organization Development, 8e 8
9789332578043 Elsbach Contemporary Organizational Behavior: 1e 1
9789332575264 French Organization Development, 6e 6
9788131724965 George Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior, 5e 5
9789332556997 Greenberg Behavior in Organizations 10e 10
9789332549852 Hersey / Blanchard Management of Organizational Behavior 10e 10
9789332587120 James Organisational Behaviour, 1e 1
9789352865291 Jones Organizational Theory, Design and Change , 7e 7
9789332571204 Laurie J. Mullins Management and Organisational Behaviour, 10/e 10
9788177585186 Sethi Organisational Transformation Thru Busin 1
9788177584318 Pathak Organizational Change, 1e 1
9788131717301 Robbins Organization Theory: Structure, Design, and Applications, 3e 3
9789353067007 Robbins Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 14/e 14
9789353067038 Robbins/Vohra Organizational Behavior 18e 18
9788131727980 Senior Organizational Change, 3e 3
Quality Management
9789353066314 Besterfield Total Quality Management, 5e 5
9788131700648 Besterfield Quality Control w /CD 7
9789332579392 Charantimath Total Quality Management, 3/e 3
9789332551855 Summers Quality Management 2e 2
Strategic Management
9789332550155 Barney Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage 4e 4
9789332559400 Barney / Hesterly Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts 5e 5
9788131754535 Carpenter/Salwan Strategic Management, 2e 2
9789353062835 David Strategic Management Concepts: A Competitive Advantage Approach, 16e 16
9789353067960 Johnson Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases, 11/e 11
9788131759844 Mohapatra Case Studies on Strategic Management , 1e 1
9789332535404 Thomas Strategic Management
9789352861897 Wheelen Strategic Management and Business Policy, 15e 15
9788131774205 Saptarsh/ Kochava Case Studies in Corporate Strategy 1
9789332549845 Robbins / Hunsake Training in Interpersonal Skills: TIPS for Managing People at Work 6e 6
Operations & Decision Science
Business Forecasting
9789332549609 Hanke / Wichern Business Forecasting 9e 9
Business Statistics
9789352861743 Asllani Business Analytics with Management Science Models and Methods, 1e 1
9788131797006 Bajpai Business Statistics, 2/e 2
9789332582095 Evans Business Analytics, 2/e 2
9789332549555 Johnson / Wichern Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis 6e 6
9789332581180 Levin Statistics for Management, 8/e 8
9789332578951 Levine Business Statistics A First Course 7e 7
9789332585744 Levine Statistics for Managers, Using Microsoft Excel, 8e 8
9788131719275 Newbold Statistics for Business and Economics, 6e 6
9789332518308 Stine Statistics For Business 2/e 2
9788131704981 Viswanathan Business Statistics: An Applied Orientation , 1e 1
9789352861750 Tabachnick Using Multivariate Statistics, 6e 6
Operations Management
9788131717394 Chapman Fundamentals of Production Planning and Control 1
9789332586703 Heizer Operations Management , 12e 12
9789386873309 Johnston Service Operations Management, 4e 4
9789353066475 Krajewski Operations Management, 12e 12
9789332547520 Mahadevan Operations Management: Theory and Practice, 3e 3
9788131708897 Muhlemann Production and Operations Management, 6e 1
9789332519473 Slack Essentials of Operation Management, 1e 1
9789332579422 Taylor Introduction to Management Science, 12e 12
Operations Research / Quantitative Techniques
9789332518216 Balakrishnan / Ren Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 3e 3
9789332526471 Natarajan Operations Research, 2e 2
9788131799345 Mariappan Operations Research
9789332568853 Render Quantitative Analysis for Management, 12/e 12
9788131772485 Levine Quantitative Techniques for Management, 1e 11
9789332536340 Mariappan Business Mathematics 1
9789353066369 Rardin Optimization in Operations Research, 2e 2
9789353060459 Slack Operations Strategy, 5e 5
9789352865277 Taha Operations Research: An Introduction, 10e 10
9788131732182 Trivedi Business Mathematics, 1e 1
9788131701867 Tulsian Quantitative Techniques: Theory & Problems , 1e 1
9789332511187 Wisniewski Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers, 5/e 5
Project Management
9789332518346 Anupindi Managing Business Process Flows: Principles of Operations Management, 3e 3
9789353430856 Pradeep Pai Project Management, 1e 1
9788131727157 Pinto Project Management 1
9788177580365 Maylor Project Management, 3e 3
Supply Chain Management
9789352868322 Baily Procurement and Principles Management, 11e 11
9788131705841 Ballou Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management, 5e 5
9789332549753 Blanchard Logistics Engineering & Management 6e 6
9789332555112 Bloomberg / Lemay Logistics 1
9789353065966 Chopra Supply Chain Management, 7e 7
9789332555273 Handfield / Nichols Introduction to Supply Chain Management 1
9788131733486 Lysons Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 7e 7
9789353069735 Murphy Contemporary Logistics, 12e 12
9789332548206 Shah Supply Chain Management: Text and Cases, 2e 2
9788131768624 Sople Logistics Management ,3e 3
9788131760994 Sople Supply Chain Management: Text and Cases, 1e 1
Information Technology
9788177587623 Dyche The CRM Handbook, 1e 1
9788131787038 Bansal Enterprise Resource Planning: Managerial Perspective, 1/e 1
9788131702406 Sumner Enterprise Resource Planning, 1e 1
9788131724316 Motiwala Enterprise Systems for Management 1e 1
Database Management Systems/Business Intelligence
9789352866489 Sharda Business Intelligence and Analytics, 10e 10
9789353067021 Sharda Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science, 4e 4
9789386873262 Hoffer Modern Database Management, 12e 12
9789332511170 Chaffey E-Business and E-Commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 5
9788131760680 Deitel e-Business & e-Commerce for Managers, 1e 1
9789353063153 Laudon E-Commerce 2017, 13e 13
9788177581164 Kalakota e-Business 2.0: Roadmap for Success, 2e 2
9788177583168 Kalakota Electronic Commerce: A Manager’s Guide , 1e 1
9788177583922 Kalakota Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, 1e 1
Information Management
9789332543188 McKeen / Smith IT Strategy, 2e 2
Management Information System
9788177587784 Alter Information Systems: Foundation of E-Business, 4e 4
9789353433802 Kroenke Using MIS, 10/e 10
9789352865475 Laudon Management Information System, 15e 15
9789332575387 Laudon Essentials of MIS, 11e 11
9789332555167 Marakas Decision Support Systems: In The 21st Century 2e 2
9789332587670 Sahil Raj Management Information System, 2e 2
9789332549944 Valacich / Schneide Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World 6e 6
9789353062798 Wallace Introduction to Information Systems: People, Technology and Processes, 3e 3
9788131704721 Weber Information Systems: Control & Audit, 1e 1
System Analysis and Design
9788131761410 Hoffer Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 6e 6
9789332547988 Kendall / Kendall Systems Analysis and Design 9e 9
9789332550209 Valacich / George / Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design 5e 5
9788177588507 Batra Advertising Management, 5e 5
9789332518377 Clow / Baack Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications, 6e 6
9788131703823 Jefkins Advertising, 4e 4
9789332536845 Malaval/ Abbo Integrated Marketing Communication: Pentacom, 4/e 4
9789332574144 Moriarty Advertising & IMC, 10e 10
Digital Marketing
9789332587373 Bhatia Fundamentals of Digital Marketing, 1e 1
9788131766965 Miller Ultimate Web Marketing Guide, The 1
Product / Brand Management
9788131724286 Baker Product Strategy and Management, 2e 2
9789332542204 Keller/ Parameswa Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, 4/e 4
Consumer Behavior
9789332586499 Kumar Consumer Behaviour: The Indian Context (Concepts and Cases), 2/e 2
9788131774489 Kumar Case Studies in Consumer Behaviour, 1e 1
9789332543218 Shea Behavior Management, A Practical Approach for Educators, 10/e 10
9789353069834 Schiffman Consumer Behavior, 12/e 12
9789332557468 Solomon Consumer Behavior 11e 11
Direct Marketing
9788131764411 Tapp Principles of Direct and Database Marketing, 1e 4
B2B Marketing / Business Market Management
9788131763308 Vitale Business to Business Marketing 1e 1
9788131731635 Anderson/Seshadri Business Market Management (B2B): Understanding, Creating and Delivering Value 3
International/Global Marketing
9788131791189 Albaum International Marketing and Export Management, 7e 7
9789332530355 Gautam Dutta Global Marketing, 1e 1
9789352865284 Green Global Marketing, 9e 9
9788131728147 Hollensen / Benerje Global Marketing 4/e 4
9789332584327 Keegan Global Marketing Management, 8e 8
9788131757970 Balakrishna Case Studies in Marketing, 1e 1
9788131756331 Kapil Case Studies in Marketing, 1e 1
9788131785003 Singh Case Studies in Marketing Management
Marketing Management
9789332584471 Armstrong/Kotler Marketing: An Introduction,13/e 13
9789332549678 Best Market-Based Management 6e 6
9788131725191 Chaffey Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 3e 3
9789332575394 Kotler A Framework for Marketing Management, 6e 6
9789352865611 Kotler Principles of Marketing, 17e 17
9789332587403 Kotler Marketing Management, 15e 15
9789332587106 Contributors Marketing Management: Indian Cases
9788131761397 Kumar Case Studies in Marketing Management, 1e 1
9789332536630 Martin Sustainable Marketing 1
9789332543140 Winer Marketing Management, 4e 4
9789332535589 Wood Essential guide to Marketing Planning 3e 1
Marketing Research
9789332584679 Burns Marketing Research, 8/e 8
9789353433291 Malhotra Marketing Research, 7/e (Revised) 7
9789332571198 Malhotra Essentials of Marketing Research, 1/e 1
9789332535572 Wilson Marketing Research 1
9789332536371 Bajpai Marketing Research 1
Marketing Analysis
9789353065744 Miller Marketing Data Science: Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics with Pyt 1
Public Relations
9789332556980 Center / Jackson / Public Relations Practices 7e 7
Research Methodology
9789332585515 Bajpai Business Research Methods, 2e 2
9789352863518 Chandra Research Methodology, 1e 1
9788177585636 Krishnaswamy Management Research Methodology: Integration of Methods and Techniques , 1e 1
9788131704967 Kumar Research Methodology, 2e 2
9788131761045 Saunders Research Methods For Business Students, 5e 5
Retail Management
9789332587694 Berman Retail Management, 13e 13
9788131704714 Cox Retailing: An Introduction, 5e 5
9788177588255 Gilbert Retail Marketing Management, 2e 2
9789386873279 Vedamani Retail Management, 5e 1
Rural Marketing
9789332543607 Pradeep Kashyap Rural Marketing, 3/e 3
9788131701881 Krishnamacharyullu Cases in Rural Marketing : An Integrated Approach, 1e 1
9788131732632 Krishnamacharyulu Rural Marketing: Text and Cases, 2e 2
Sales / Distribution Management
9789352866045 Jobber Selling and Sales Management, 10e 10
9789353060428 Manning Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value, 14e 14
9789332587090 Still Sales and Distribution Management, 6e 6
Services Marketing
9789332587687 Lovelock Services Marketing : People Technology Strategy, 8e 8
9788131732250 Rao Services Marketing, 2e 2
Strategic Marketing
9789332549517 Andreasen / Kotler Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations 7e 7
9788131727997 Hooley Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 4e 4
9788131785058 Pandey Marketing Issues in SMEs: Cases from India, 1e 1
Developmental Economics
9789332585539 Todaro Economic Development, 12/e 12
Economic Theory
9789332549586 Baumol Economic Theory & Operations Analysis 4e 4
9788131717257 Stonier A Textbook of Economic Theory, 5e 1
9788131715000 Sloman Economics, 6e 6
9789353061074 Greene Econometric Analysis, 8e 8
9789352863501 Stock Introduction to Econometrics, 3e 2
9789332584914 Studenmund Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide,7/e 7
Economic Environment
9789332550384 Berck / Helfand The Economics of the Environment 1
Indian Economy
9789332520905 Dangut / Matkar / B Indian Economy-Problems & Prospect(Marathi), 1e 1
9789332554689 Fernando Indian Economy 1
9788131758939 Prakash The Indian Economy Since 1991, 2e 2
International Economics
9789332586550 Krugman International Economics, 10e 10
9789332585768 Krugman International Trade: Theory and Policy, 10/e 10
9789332585775 Krugman International Finance: Theory and Policy, 10/e 10
9788131701775 Caves World Trade Payments 9
9789332536791 Gerber International Economics, 6e 6
9789332536470 Stutz The World Economy: Geography, Business, Development, 6e 6
9789332518247 Abel / Bernanke / C Macroeconomics, 8e 8
9789332587601 Blanchard Macroeconomics, 6e 6
9788131731499 Agarwal Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, 1e 1
9788131761014 D'Souza Macroeconomics, 2/e 2
9789332518322 Froyen Macroeconomics, 10e 10
9789332550360 Gordon Macroeconomics 12e 12
9789332586543 Hubbard Macroeconomics, 5/e 5
9789332579439 Mishkin Macroeconomics: Policy & Practice, 2e 2
9789332536609 Sullivan Macroeconomics: Principles, Applications and Tools, 8e 8
Managerial Economics
9788131775622 Agarwal Managerial Economics, 1/e 1
9789386873286 Keat Managerial Economics, 7e 7
9788177583861 Petersen / Jain Managerial Economics, 4e 4
9788177589672 Sloman Economics for Business, 3e 3
9789353067014 Sloman Essential Economics for Business, 5e 5
Mathematical Economics
9788177581041 Sydsaeter Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 1e 1
9789352866496 Sydsaeter Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 5e 5
9788131764497 Dwivedi Microeconomics II
9788131716557 Gravelle Microeconomics, 3/e 3
9789332586536 Hubbard Microeconomics, 5/e 5
9789353068684 Perloff Microeconomics, 7/e 7
9789332585096 Pindyck Microeconomics, 8/e 8
9789352862702 Pindyck Study Guide For Microeconomics, 8e 8
9789332536647 Sullivan Microeconomics: Principles, Applications and Tools, 8e 8
Principles of Economics
9789352863433 Case Principles of Economics, 12e 12
Hospitality, Travel, Tourism and Event Management
Event Management
9788177580655 Wagen Event Management 1
Hotel/Tourism Management
9788131788950 Bhat Beverages, 1/e 1
9788131701348 Cousins Food and Beverage Management, 2/e 2
9788131731826 Dasgupta Tourism Marketing, 1/e 1
9788131701560 Dix Front Office Operations, 4/e 4
9789332586260 Kotler Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 7e 7
9788131721063 O’Halloran Cases in Hospitality and Tourism Management , 1/e 1
9788131771105 Suri/Malhotra Food Science, Nutrition, and Safety, 1/e 1
9788131773567 Viswamohan English for the Hotel Industry With CD, 1/e 1
9788131765647 Walker Exploring the Hospitality Industry, 2e 2
9788131724873 Walker Introduction to Hospitality Management 2e 2
9788131717486 Woods Front Office Management 1
9789353062842 Laloganes The Beverage Manager's Guide to Wines, Beers, and Spirits, 4e 4
9789332518117 Armstrong Patternmaking for Fashion Design (Paper) 5/e 5
9788131706954 Tate Inside Fashion Design 5
9788131709979 Colussy Redering Fashion Fabric Prints W Phtshp 1
9789332536760 Kadolph Textiles, 11e 11
9788131730966 Kincade / Gibson Merchandising of Fashion Products 1
9788177580761 Glock Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis 4e 4
Mass Communication
9789332538528 Suresh Kumar Online Media (Hindi) 1
9789332543157 DeVito The Interpersonal Communication Book 13
Humanities and Social Sciences
9789353067496 Bonvillain Cultural Anthropology , 4/e 4
9789353069667 Ember Anthropology, 14/e 14
9789332550278 Miller Cultural Anthropology 6e 6
9789353060435 Stanford Biological Anthropology, 4e 4
Education/Special Education
9789332574519 Best/Kahn Research in Education, 10e 10
9788131720752 Linn Measurement & Assessment in Teaching 9
9789332556881 Rani Enriched Readings 1
9788131754290 R P Pathak / Chau Educational Technology
9788131790953 Bhattacharya Sociological Foundation of Education(Bengali)
9789332516939 Allen Classroom Gems: Games, Ideas and Activities forPrimary PE 1
9789332574526 Bogdan Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theories and Methods, 5e 5
9789332516854 Bonnett How to Argue 3
9788131765661 Borich Effective Teaching Methods: Research-Based Practice 1e 7
9789332517073 Cousins The Essential Guide to Shaping Children’s Behaviour in the EarlyYears 1
9789332549470 Creswell Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Quali 4
9789332516861 Dix The Essential Guide to Classroom Assesment 1/e 1
9789332517004 Dix The Essential Guide to Taking Care of Behaviour 2/e 2
9789332541061 Gay/Mills Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications 10
9789332516946 Hancock How to Improve your Memory for Study 1
9789332551794 Joyce & Weil Models of Teaching 8e 8
9789332517349 Kirton Brilliant Study Skills 1
9789332516953 Lakin How to Improve your Maths Skills 2
9789332517196 Lakin How to Use Statistics 1
9789332517080 Ling Cognitive Psychology 1/e 1
9789332517097 McMillan How to Write Essays & Assignment 2
9789332517189 McMillan How to Improve your Critical Thinking & Reflective Skills 1
9789332517202 McMillan How to Write Dissertations & Project Reports 2
9788131771624 Sindhu Education Administration and Management
9788131765654 Powell Your Introduction to Education: Explorations in Teaching 2e 7
9788131771631 Suresh Pachhauri Environmental Education
9788131772522 Chauhan Educational Management
9788131772539 Sandeep Chauhan Academic Management
9789353067236 Schunk Motivation in Education, 4/e 4
9788131760321 Panikkar / Nair Quality Access and Social Justice in Hig
9789332517134 Tolhurst The Essential Guide to Coaching and Mentoring 1
9788131771976 Uma Rani Sharma Shiksha Ke Darshanik 1
9788131769423 Pathak Development and Problems of Indian Education
9788131769430 Pathak Measurement and Evaluation in Education
9788131770498 Pathak Vishwa ke Mahan Shiksha Shastri (Hindi)
9788131771365 Pathak Principles and Trends in Education
9788131770986 Pathak Bhartiye Samaj mein Shiksha
9788131759288 Pathak Statistics in Education and Psychology
9788131759257 Pathak Uccha Siksha Manovigyan (Hindi)
9788131770207 Pathak Educational Psychology
9788131767634 Pathak Teaching of Social Studies
9788131767641 Pathak Teaching Skills
9789332550063 Roopnarine / Johns Approaches to Early Childhood Education 5e 5
9788131759271 R P Pathak Doorasth Siksha ke Ayam (Hindi)
9788131758441 R P Pathak Philosophical and Sociological Principles of Education
9788131758434 R P Pathak Research in Education and Psychology
9788131760079 R P Pathak Shaikshik Prodyogiki (Hindi)
9788131770221 Rajan Methodology of Teaching Science
9788131759486 Saxena Contemperory Trends in Education:A Handbook for Educators
9788131771976 Sharma Shiksha Ke Dharshanik evam Samajshastriya Adhar 1
9789353061067 Slavin Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice, 12e 12
9789332550223 Smith / Polloway / P Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings 6e 6
9788131790113 Tarafdar School Organization (Bangla)
9788131773017 Talla Curriculum Development: Perspectives, Principles and Issues
9789332549821 Thorndike / Thornd Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education 8e 8
9789332555198 Werts / Culatta / To Fundamentals of Special Education: What Every Teacher Needs to Know 3e 3
9789332574502 Reynolds Measurement & Assessment in Education, 2e 2
Study Skills
9789332516946 Hancock How to Improve your Memory for Study 1
9789332516953 Lakin How to Improve your Maths Skills 2
9789332517097 McMillan How to Write Essays & Assignments 2
9789332517189 McMillan How to Improve your Critical Thinking & Reflective Skills 1
9789332517196 Lakin How to Use Statistics 1
9789332517202 McMillan How to Write Dissertations & Project Reports 2
9789332516854 Bonnett How to Argue 3
9789332517349 Kirton Brilliant Study Skills 1
9788131733394 Biber Longman Student Grammar of Spoken English 1
9788131755372 Amin Common Mistakes In English 6
9788131708989 Leech Learn Correct English: Grammar, Composition and Usage 1
9788131773567 Viswamohan English for the Hotel Industry With CD 1
9788131733431 Quirk A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language 1
9788177587500 Quirk A University Grammar of English 1
9788131718773 Bennett An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory, 3e 3
9789332517172 Storey Cultural Theory and Popular Culture 6
9788131731000 Kumar/ Sreehari Effective English
9788131729212 Nayar Methods of Humanities 1
9788131755945 Thornley An Outline of English Literature 1
9788131707210 Lodge Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader, 2e 1
9788131727355 Nayar Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory: From Structuralism to Ecocriticism 1
9788131713730 Nayar Postcolonial Literature: An Introduction 1
9789332515215 Thampi Meeting the World: Writings on Contemporary Issues
9788131705209 Verma Indian Literature : An Introduction 1
English Language Teaching and Communication Skills
9788131728499 Allen Living English Structure, 5e 5
9788131769621 Bhatnagar English for Nurses
9788131733394 Biber Longman Student Grammar of Spoken English 1
9788131731987 Nayar Sen Critical Thinking, Academic Writing and Presentation Skills: MG University Edition 4
9788131759929 Day Teaching of English
9789332516014 Taylor Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents, 7/e 7
9788131755372 Fitikides Common Mistakes in English 6
9789332518599 Gerson Technical Communication: Process and Product, 8e 8
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Longman Study Edition
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Political Science
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9788131769607 R S Yadav Bharat ki videsh niti
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9789353432454 Singh Political Process in Contemporary India, 1e 1
Public Administration
9789332555075 Alka Dhameja / Sw Public Administration: Approaches and Applications, 1/e 1
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9788131760857 Hoshiar Singh & Pr Lok Prashasan : Siddhant Evam Vyavhar
9788131761182 Hoshiar Singh / Sa Public Administration : Theory and Pract
9788131727430 Wilcox Public Relations Strategies & Tactics 9
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9788131728116 Aiken / Groth-Marn Psychological Testing and Assessment 12e 12
9789332575585 Anastasi Psychological Testing, 7e 7
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9788131759530 Baron and Bhardw Fundamentals of Social Psychology
9789332558540 Baron/ Mishra Psychology 5th Edition 5
9788131730751 Baron et al and Go Psychology, 5e (Hindi) 5
9789332537927 Baumgardner / Cro Positive Psychology 1
9789332585201 Berk Child Development, 9/e 9
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9788131793695 Butcher Abnormal Psychology, 13/e (Hindi) 13
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9789332586697 Woolfolk Educational Psychology, 13/e 13
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Psychology Express Learning
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Bengali HSS Titles
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Professional Technology Group
Cisco Press
Official Exam Certification Guides
9789332575790 Odom CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-105 Offical Cert Guide, 1e 1
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Self Study Guides
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Portable Command Guides
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Companion Guides
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Exam Crams
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CCNA Security
Official Certification Guides
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Foundation Learning Guides
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CCNA Lab Manuals
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CCNA Voice
Official Certification Guides
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CCNA Voice Lab Manual
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Official Exam Certification Guides
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Foundation Learning Guides
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Official Exam Certification Guides
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Professional Development Series
9788131723050 Bhaiji Network Security Technologies and Solutions (CCIE Professional Development Seri 1
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Official Exam Certification Guides
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Cisco Networking
Networking Technology
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Networking Technology: Security
9789332585898 Mead Cyber Security Engineering: A Practical Approach for Systems and Software Assura 1
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Storage Virtualization
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Computer Fundamentals
How it works Series
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Repairing & Upgrading
9789332557352 Mueller Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 22/e (with DVD) 22
Windows & Microsoft Office
Microsoft Windows
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Windows 10
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Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office 2007
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Microsoft Office 2010
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Microsoft Office 2013
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Microsoft Office 2016
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Latest Trends in IT
Big Data and Data Analytics
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Database Technologies
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Information Systems
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Microsoft Technologies
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Windows Programming
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Windows Server
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Networks and Security
Computer Networks
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Cryptography & Network Security
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Computer Ethics
9789352868766 Baase A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology , 4e 4
Software Security
9789332501980 Viega Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way, 1/e 1
9788131705605 Cheswick Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker, 2e 2
Open Source Technologies
9789332549579 Bach Design of the UNIX Operating System 1
9789332578609 Berny UNIX Curses Explained, 1e 1
9789332549975 Chan UNIX System Programming Using C++ 1
9789332547919 Nemeth Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4e 4
9788131722084 Robbins UNIX Systems Programming, 2e 2
9789332541269 Ray Unix and Linux: Visual QuickStart Guide, 5e 5
9789332549746 Stevens / Fenner / Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API, 3/e 3
9789332549708 Stevens UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2: Interprocess Communications 2e 2
9789332575905 Stevens Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment, 3e 3
9789332570467 Taylor Unix in 24 Hours, 5/e 5
Embedded Linux
9788131764077 Hallinan Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical Real-World Approach, 2e 2
9788177584356 Hollabaugh Embedded Linux®: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing 1
9789332502116 Sobell Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, 3/e 3
9788131774274 Sobell A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 6/e 6
9789332552340 Suehring Linux Firewalls: Enhancing Security with nftables and Beyond 4
9789332571778 Sander van Vugt Red Hat RHCSA/RHCE 7 Cert Guide: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (EX200 and EX30 1
9789386873545 Rothwell Linux for Developers, 1e 1
9788177589566 Beck Linux Kernel Programming, 3e 3
9788131758182 Love Linux Kernel Development, 3e 3
9789353061777 Rankin Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks, 1e 1
Arduino Programming
9789332552432 Blum Arduino Programming in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself, 1/e 1
Programming Languages
9789332570368 Bracha The Dart Programming Language, 1/e 1
9789332569713 Donovan The Go Programming Language, 1/e 1
9788177588583 Bentley Programming Pearls, 2e 2
C Programming Language
9789332536104 Jones C Programming in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself, 7/e 7
9789332549449 Kernighan/Ritchie The C Programming Language 2e 2
9789332543553 Kamthane Programming in C, 3e 3
9789332554665 Kochan Programming in C, 4e 4
9789332539570 Perry C Programming Absolute Beginner's Guide, 3/e 1
9789353065720 Shaw Learn C the Hard Way, 1e (With CD) 1
9789332549739 Tondo & Gimpel The C Answer Book 2
9788131715093 Van Der Expert C Programming 1
Objective C
9789332539136 Feiler Sams Teach Yourself Objective-C in 24 Hours, 2e 2
9788131791400 Kochan Programming in Objective-C, 4/e 4
C++ Programming Languages
9788131791455 Josuttis The C++ Standard Library 2/e 2
9788131711156 Alexandrescu Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied 1
9788131722824 Lafore Object Oriented Programming in C++, 4e 4
9788131766910 Liberty Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours, 5e 5
9788131710777 Lippman C++ Primer, 4/e 4
9788177589801 Meyers More Effective C++ 1
9789332539228 Overland C++ for the Impatient, 1/e 1
9788131703915 Pohl Object Oriented Programming Using C++, 2e 2
9789332546189 Prata C++ Primer Plus, 6e 6
9789332516021 Siddhartha Rao Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day 7e 7
9788131705216 Stroustrup C++ Programming Language, 3e 3
Data Structures & Algorithms
9788131722428 Hunt The Pragmatic Programmer 1
9788131718124 Lafore Data Structures & Algorithms in Java 2
9788131713051 Sedgewick Algorithms in C++, 3e 3
JAVA Programming
9788131702215 Arnold The Java Programming Language, 3e 3
9789332547933 Bloch, Gafter Java Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases 1/ E 1
9789332576537 Bloch Effective Java, 2e 2
9789352866540 Deitel Java 9 for Programmers, 4e 4
9789332502031 Cadenhead Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Covering Java 7 and Android), 6/e 6
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9789332539075 Gosling The Java Language Specification, Java SE 8 Edition 1
9789332579378 Mughal/Rasmusse A Programmer's Guide to Java SE 8 Oracle Certified Associate (OCA), A, 1/e 1
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9789332585461 Horstmann Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Features, 10/e 10
9789332582712 Horstmann Core Java Volume I--Fundamentals, 10e 10
9788131774267 Hunt Java Performance, 1/e 1
9789332575103 Hunt Java Performance Companion, 1e 1
9789332540309 Zakhour The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics, 5/e 5
9789332585935 Savitch Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 7/e 7
Advance Java Concepts (J2EE /J2SE/J2ME/Java Script)
9789332523913 Ballard / Moncur Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours, 5e 5
9788131715451 Callaway Inside Servlets 1
9788131761922 Geary / Horstmann Core Java Server Faces, 3e 3
9788131720547 Hall Core Servlets and Java Server Pages Volume II: Advanced Technologies 2e 2
9788131775219 Knoernschild Java Application Architecture: Modularity Patterns with Examples Using OSGi, 1/e 1
9789332540224 Lindholm The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Java SE 8 Edition, 1/e 1
9789332535947 Long The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java, 1/e 1
9788131709085 Valesky Enterprise Java Beans 1
9789332515925 Wright Learning JavaScript: A Hands-On Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript, 1
9788131734681 Cade Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide, 2e 2
Natural Language Processing
9788131791370 Bikel Multilingual Natural Language Processing Applications: From Theory to Practice, 1/e 1
Swift Programming
9789332552357 Deitel Swift for Programmers, 1/e 1
9789332552401 Pitre Swift for Beginners: Develop and Design, 1/e 1
9789332552418 Miller Swift in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself, 1/e 1
9789332575110 Sadun Swift Developer's Cookbook (Includes Content Update Program), 1e 1
9789332578487 Schatz Learning Swift 2 Programming, 2e 2
Game Programming
9789332540248 Adams Fundamentals of Game Design, 3/e 3
9788131786888 Harbour Sams Teach Yourself Windows Phone 7 Game Programming in 24 Hours 1
9789332536029 Cunningham Python in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself, 2/e 2
9789332555365 Chun Core Python Applications Programming 3e 3
9789386873507 Hellmann The Python 3 Standard Library by Example, 1e 1
9789332552364 Slatkin Effective Python: 59 Specific Ways to Write Better Python 1
9789332577435 Sedgewick Introduction to Programming in Python: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1e 1
9789352869176 Summerfield Programming in Python 3, 2e 2
9788177582475 Mowbray Inside CORBA 1
Perl / Ruby
9788131774250 Hall Effective Perl Programming: Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl, 2/e 2
9789332581333 Julian Gamble Clojure Recipes, 1/e 1
Software Engineering
Software Architecture
9788177589962 Bass Software Architecture in Practice, 2/e 2
9789332502307 Bass Software Architecture in Practice, 3/e 3
9789332570375 Len Bass DevOps: A Software Architect's Perspective, 1/e 1
9789332547957 Rozanski, Woods Software Systems Architecture; Working With Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and P 2
9789332551954 Shaw / Garlan Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline 1
9789332586901 Cervantes Designing Software Architectures: A Practical Approach, 1/e 1
9789353063603 Kocher Microservices and Containers, 1e 1
Service-Oriented Architecture
9788131794807 Erl SOA Governance: Governing Shared Services 1
9789332523845 Erl SOA with REST: Principles, Patterns & Constraints for Building Enterprise Solutions 1
9788131714904 Erl Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design 1
9788131723098 Erl SOA Principles of Service Design 1
9788131722961 Hansen SOA Using Java™ Web Services 1
9788131711132 Newcomer Understanding SOA with Web Services 1
Software Design
9788131718681 Budgen Software Design 2
Software Development
9788131762134 Gove Multicore Application Programming: for Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris, 1/e 1
Software Engineering Technologies
9788131703809 Humphrey A Discipline for Software Engineering 1
9788131704080 Jacobson Object Oriented Software Engineering 1
9788131705230 Szyperski Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, 2e 2
Project Management
9789332581340 Mary Lynn Manns , More Fearless Change: Strategies for Making Your Ideas Happen, 1/e 1
Software Project Management
9789332547940 Jalote Software Project Management in Practice 1e 1
9788131791899 Lyons Interactive Project Management: Pixels, People, and Process, 1/e 1
9788177583786 Royce Software Project Management 1
9789332575295 Shtub Project Management: Processes, Methodologies, and Economics, 2e 2
9789332573949 Chandramouli/Dutt PMI Agile Certified Practitioner: Excel with Ease, 3/e 3
9789353064822 Chandramouli PMP® Certification: Excel with Ease, 3e 3
Software Quality Management
9788131723951 Galin Software Quality Assurance 1
9789332551602 Kan Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, 2e 2
Software Testing
9788131730683 Crispin Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams 1
9788177585438 Dustin Effective Software Testing: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Testing 1
9789353062385 Easttom Penetration Testing Fundamentals, 1e 1
9788131791318 Graham Experiences of Test Automation: Case Studies of Software Test Automation, 1/e 1
9789332573659 Rajeev Gupta Agile Automation & Unified Functional Testing, 1e 1
9789332526297 Gupta Selenium WebDriver 1
9788177581218 Gopalaswamy / De Software Testing: Principles and Practice 1
9788131715710 Marick The Craft of Software Testing 1
9788131794760 Mathur Foundations of Software Testing 2/e 2
9788177580310 Patton Software Testing, 2e 2
9789352866588 Spinellis Effective Debugging, 1e 1
9789332586918 Tarlinder Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software, 1/e 1
9789386873552 Wolff A Practical Guide to Continuous Delivery, 1e 1
9789332547926 Arlow, Neustadt UML 2 AND THE UNIFIED PROCESS: Practical Object-Oriented Analysis and Desig 2
9789332551619 Booch The Unified Modeling Language User Guide 2e 2
9788131700792 Douglass Real Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems, 3e 3
9789332553934 Fowler UML Distilled; A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language 3e 3
9789332553941 Larman Applying UML and Patterns, 3e 3
9788131726891 Quatrani Visual Modeling with IBM® Rational® Software Architect and UML™ 1
9789332555402 Gamma Design Patterns: Elements of ReusableObject-Oriented Software 1
9788131725085 Hohpe Enterprise Integration Patterns 1
9789332553941 Larman Applying UML and Patterns, 3e 3
9788131713068 Martin Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# 1
9788131700846 Shalloway Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design, 2e 2
Lean Agile Technologies
9789332557314 Ambler / Lines Disciplined Agile Delivery: A Practitioner’s Guide to Agile Software Delivery in the Ent 1
9789332502062 Brown Enterprise Software Delivery: Bringing Agility and Efficiency to the Global Software S 1
9789332547964 Cohn Succeeding with Agile: Software Development using Scrum 1e 1
9788131705483 Cohn Agile Estimating and Planning 1
9788131786871 Guckenheimer / Lo Agile Software Engineering with Visual Studio: From Concept to Continuous Feedba 2
9789332557369 Narayan Agile IT Organization Design 1
9788131766644 Pichler Agile Product Management with Scrum: Creating Products that Customers Love 1
9789332539112 Pixton The Agile Culture: Leading through Trust and Ownership, 1/e 1
9788131787007 Shalloway / Bain / P Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design 1
Web Development and UI
Web Development
9788131786840 Devlin HTML5 Multimedia: Develop and Design 1
9788131786901 Hudson / Leadbette HTML5 Developer's Cookbook 1
9788131786956 Kyrnin Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours 1
9788131786970 Meloni Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript All in One 1
9789332535992 Meloni HTML and CSS in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (Updated for HTML5 and CSS3), 9
9789332536012 Sarris HTML5 Unleashed, 1/e 1
Web Programming & Design
9788177583267 Burdman Collaborative Web Development 1
9789332575271 Connolly Fundamentals of Web Development, 1e 1
9789332570443 Weinschen 100 MORE Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People, 1/e 1
Web Services
9788131713174 Chatterjee Developing Enterprise Web Services: An Architect’s Guide 1
9788131703120 Coyle XML Web Services and the Data Revolution 1
9788131718698 Schmelzer XML and Web Services Unleashed 1
9788131775264 Ullman Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design, 1/e 1
9788131792193 Negrino JavaScript: Visual QuickStart Guide, 8/e 8
J Query
9789332515949 Blanchard jQuery and jQuery UI: Visual QuickStart Guide 1
9788131775189 Hadlock jQuery Mobile: Develop and Design, 1/e 1
9789332552449 Dayley NoSQL with MongoDB in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself, 1/e 1
9789332502017 Meloni Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One, 5/e 5
9789332557338 Sullivan NoSQL for Mere Mortals 1
9789332586086 Ullman PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 5/e 5
9789332501997 Ullman PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide, 4/e 4
9789332582736 Welling PHP and MySQL Web Development, 5/e 5
9788131770610 Ullman Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL 1
Digital Marketing
9789332578463 Ganis Social Media Analytics, 1e 1
9789332540286 Gratton Zero to 100,000: Social Media Tips and Tricks for Small Businesses, 1/e 1
9789332540316 Miller B2B Digital Marketing: Using the Web to Market Directly to Businesses, 1e 1
9789332539273 Carter Facebook Marketing: Leveraging Facebook's Features for Your Marketing Campaign 3
9789332539297 Kennedy Global Search Engine Marketing: Fine-Tuning Your International Search Engine Res 1
9789332539587 Amerland Google Semantic Search: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques That Get 1
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9789332539327 Dietrich Marketing in the Round: How to Develop an Integrated Marketing Campaign in the D 1
9789332539334 McHale Navigating Social Media Legal Risks: Safeguarding Your Business 1
9789332539426 Moltz Small Town Rules: How Big Brands and Small Businesses Can Prosper in a Connec 1
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9789353430191 Hemann Digital Marketing Analytics, 2/e 2
IT Interview Guides
9788131733271 Maini Cracking Technical Interviews 1
Professional Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Bioprocess Engineering
9789332549371 Shuler / Kargi Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts 2e 2
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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
9789332524040 Elliott Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2/e 2
9789332549364 B. G. Kyle Chemical and Process Thermodynamics 3e 3
Chemical Process Control & Safety
9789332524057 Crowl Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications 3/e 3
9789332549463 Stephanopoulos Chemical Process Control: An Introduction to Theory and Practice 1
9789332550346 Turton / Bailie / Wh Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes 4e 4
Chemical Reaction Engineering
9789332549326 Fogler Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering 4e 4
Separation Process Engineering
9789332524842 Wankat Separation Process Engineering: Includes Mass Transfer Analysis: 3/e 3
Transport Phenomena
9789332549432 Geankoplis Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations) 4 4
Electrical Engineering
Digital Communication
9789332549562 Marvin K. Simon / S Digital Communication Techniques: Signal Design and Detection 1
Embedded Systems
9788131715895 Pont Embedded C 1
9789332518636 Razavi RF Microelectronics 2
Modern Semiconductor Design Series
9788177589184 Palnitkar Verilog HDL, 2e 2
Multimedia Communications
9789332549388 Andleigh / Thakrar Multimedia Systems Design 1
9788131711187 Foster Nanotechnology 1
Power Electronics
9789332557550 Bimal K. Bose Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives 1
Signal Processing
9788131764367 Lyons Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 3e 3
9789332501973 Dodd Essential Guide to Telecommunications, 5/e 5
Wireless Communications & Networks
9788131726389 Black Introduction to Wireless Systems 1
9788131707807 Black Optical Networks: Third Generation Transport Systems 1
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9789332536043 Miller Wireless Networking Absolute Beginner's Guide, 1/e 1
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9789332555440 Toh Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks; Protocols and Systems 1/ E 1
9788131720967 Perkins Ad Hoc Networking 1
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Mechanical Engineering
Quality Engineering
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9789332577442 Hughes Robot Programming: A Guide to Controlling Autonomous Robots, 1/e 1
General Engineering
9788131732137 CADCIM Technolo AutoCAD Electrical 2010 for Engineers 1
9788131774359 CADCIM Technolo AutoCAD LT 2012 1
Engineering Graphics
9789332549340 James D. Bethune Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2015 1
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Six Sigma
9789352865581 Kubia The Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook, 3e 3
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Business Trade
9789332540910 Eggert Brilliant Personal Development: Your essential guide to an all-round successful life 1
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9788131756416 Menon Technology and Society
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9788131719312 Sengupta History of Science and Philosophy of Science: A Philosophical Perspective of the Logic of Ide
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Vocational Courses
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Competitive Examinations/ Test Prep
MBA Entrance Examinations
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JEE Main and Advanced
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Medical Entrance Examinations
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Civil Services Examinations
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General Competitive Examinations
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General Knowledge
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809.00 2016
899.00 New Edition 2018
979.00 New Edition 2018
719.00 2015

869.00 2015

859.00 2013
769.00 2006

349.00 2015
799.00 New Edition 2019
989.00 2012
819.00 2005

699.00 2011

649.00 2014
389.00 2013

649.00 2015

999.00 2006

789.00 2006
669.00 New Book 2018

919.00 2016

609.00 2017

819.00 2008
399.00 2016
589.00 2015

519.00 2015
799.00 2017
849.00 2016
849.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 2017
719.00 2013
609.00 2011
759.00 2015
709.00 2015
509.00 2012
789.00 2015
729.00 2017

669.00 2009
719.00 2015
729.00 2012
1049.00 2008

489.00 2010
719.00 2013
869.00 New Edition 2018
769.00 2008

699.00 New Book 2018

909.00 2005
669.00 2007
819.00 2015
769.00 2008
459.00 2013
349.00 2013
919.00 2006

679.00 2017

1029.00 2015
1029.00 2015
1199.00 2013
939.00 2014
849.00 2016
1159.00 2015
649.00 2015

949.00 2017
979.00 2008
999.00 2016
769.00 2016
1249.00 2016
1189.00 2016

1009.00 2007
839.00 2015
859.00 2016
779.00 2015

1039.00 2016
899.00 2015
1079.00 2016
909.00 2016
419.00 2016
979.00 2016
1569.00 2017
809.00 2016

589.00 2013

439.00 2014
889.00 2017
899.00 2006

439.00 2013
1009.00 2014

819.00 2014

799.00 2009
839.00 2016
829.00 2016
959.00 2016
849.00 2015
769.00 2013

719.00 2016
579.00 2017
1039.00 2014

1039.00 2009

419.00 2013

1299.00 2017
1299.00 2017
979.00 2014
1149.00 2016

709.00 2014
1009.00 2009
419.00 2012
679.00 2016
889.00 2017
709.00 2013

779.00 2015
959.00 2009
499.00 2017
639.00 2012
879.00 2017

469.00 2013
1209.00 2013
939.00 2009
919.00 2016
809.00 2016

769.00 2006

909.00 2005
899.00 2008
979.00 2006
709.00 2013

1099.00 2013
849.00 2007
1049.00 2005
999.00 2005
709.00 2006
389.00 2016
419.00 2016
1119.00 2006
739.00 2009
939.00 2005
939.00 2010
819.00 2007
649.00 2009
709.00 2005
649.00 2010
649.00 2010
649.00 2010
919.00 2016
599.00 New Book 2018
599.00 New Book 2018
1119.00 2013
799.00 2007
759.00 2016
439.00 2013
1029.00 2007

549.00 2016
509.00 2015
1099.00 2013
1139.00 2015
1029.00 2015
599.00 2017
529.00 2016
989.00 2016

859.00 2015

1199.00 2015

949.00 2015

849.00 New Book 2019

299.00 New Book 2019
449.00 New Book 2019

509.00 2015
549.00 New Edition 2019
889.00 2013
449.00 2015
579.00 New Book 2019
659.00 New Book 2019
929.00 2016
399.00 2015
739.00 2005
589.00 2015
469.00 2014
469.00 2011
599.00 New Book 2019
419.00 2012

669.00 2011
879.00 2014
499.00 2012
899.00 New Edition 2018
899.00 2005

419.00 2014
789.00 2014
469.00 2012
629.00 New Book 2019

789.00 2016
699.00 New Book 2019
679.00 New Book 2019
759.00 New Edition 2019
659.00 2008
599.00 2007
649.00 2010
799.00 2008
549.00 New Edition 2019
949.00 2006
519.00 2014
939.00 2014
679.00 2015
699.00 2015
899.00 2012
659.00 2009
599.00 2015
689.00 2006

499.00 2013

519.00 2010
899.00 2007
649.00 2014
879.00 2006
869.00 2009
819.00 2007
689.00 2015
419.00 2012

769.00 2014

979.00 2016
799.00 2014
959.00 2013
889.00 2006
649.00 2015
999.00 2013
789.00 New Edition 2018
289.00 2012
1039.00 2013

439.00 2011
499.00 2015

739.00 2009
529.00 2015

899.00 2017

979.00 2006
469.00 2012
799.00 2011
489.00 2015
649.00 2015
1009.00 2006
809.00 2016
649.00 2014
739.00 2006
619.00 2016
499.00 2012

419.00 2012
699.00 New Book 2019

589.00 2011
1119.00 2005
789.00 2016
1019.00 2014
439.00 2013
349.00 2013
709.00 2008
469.00 2011
899.00 2017

519.00 2014
979.00 2014

439.00 2015
869.00 2008
949.00 2014

649.00 2016
649.00 2012
649.00 2012
649.00 2012
869.00 2017
939.00 2016

859.00 2005
519.00 2011

519.00 2011
649.00 2014

739.00 2014

829.00 2016

1899.00 New Edition 2018

1999.00 New Book 2018
419.00 2013
439.00 2013
309.00 2010
389.00 2012

239.00 2012

709.00 2010

449.00 2013

589.00 2010
849.00 2017

589.00 2005
399.00 2009
559.00 2015
579.00 2012
829.00 2015
589.00 2009
899.00 2013
889.00 2017
629.00 2015
829.00 2010
599.00 2010
1099.00 2011

529.00 New Edition 2018

699.00 New Edition 2018
829.00 2017
689.00 2010
699.00 2005
869.00 2013

899.00 2013
729.00 2017

799.00 2007
479.00 2015

669.00 2008

929.00 2016
795.00 New Book 2019
859.00 2017
429.00 2011
809.00 2015
789.00 2011

679.00 2011
699.00 2017

749.00 2017
695.00 New Book 2019

829.00 2017
669.00 2015

729.00 New Edition 2018

709.00 2017
699.00 2011
689.00 2014

489.00 2012
679.00 2015
779.00 New Edition 2018
679.00 2017
679.00 2009
889.00 2014
649.00 2011
629.00 2011
669.00 2017

899.00 2015
599.00 2015
729.00 2011
759.00 2014
679.00 2017

479.00 2010
749.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 New Book 2018
549.00 2017
609.00 2014
599.00 2011
359.00 2012
519.00 2016
619.00 2010
629.00 2010

649.00 2011

689.00 2011
709.00 2015

699.00 2017
669.00 2014
629.00 2013
569.00 2012
259.00 2009
359.00 2012
599.00 2015

529.00 2017

659.00 New Edition 2018

499.00 2014
759.00 2015
499.00 New Edition 2018
749.00 2016
569.00 2016
579.00 2012
629.00 2014

779.00 2009
799.00 2006
859.00 2014

729.00 2006
729.00 2017
749.00 New Edition 2018
589.00 2010
589.00 2015
299.00 New Book 2019
529.00 2012
749.00 2017

799.00 2017

629.00 2007
709.00 2006

659.00 2013
549.00 2011
609.00 2008
509.00 2014
689.00 2017
669.00 2013
829.00 New Edition 2018
499.00 New Edition 2018
629.00 2007
779.00 2015
669.00 2005
529.00 2015
859.00 2007
599.00 2017
689.00 2016
669.00 2015
649.00 2010
709.00 2017
499.00 New Book 2018
829.00 2010

519.00 2017
349.00 2017

759.00 2013
519.00 2017
709.00 2017

779.00 2016
549.00 2012
729.00 2009
699.00 New Book 2018
625.00 New Edition 2018
629.00 2017
529.00 2014
699.00 2016
600.00 New Book 2019
829.00 2013
829.00 2009
429.00 2014
759.00 2007
379.00 2015
429.00 2011
559.00 2012
329.00 2014
529.00 2010
729.00 2016
875.00 New Edition 2019
799.00 New Edition 2018
699.00 2014
599.00 2007
829.00 2010
699.00 2017
700.00 New Book 2019

829.00 New Book 2018

829.00 2008
799.00 2013
669.00 2016
599.00 2017
789.00 2009
749.00 2015
569.00 2015
699.00 2017
649.00 2017
899.00 2016
699.00 2005
539.00 2010
649.00 2009
499.00 New Edition 2019
929.00 New Edition 2018
689.00 2009

729.00 New Edition 2018

679.00 2006
639.00 2017
599.00 2015

639.00 2015
679.00 2015
859.00 2012
549.00 New Edition 2018
875.00 New Edition 2019
409.00 2011
529.00 2015
629.00 New Edition 2018
359.00 2014

650.00 2015

649.00 2015

529.00 2017
709.00 2013
669.00 2017
749.00 2015
779.00 2017
699.00 2017
829.00 2017
929.00 2008
899.00 2013
529.00 2006
799.00 2017

649.00 2007
779.00 2017
599.00 2017
809.00 New Edition 2018
709.00 2015
729.00 2007
729.00 2013
829.00 2016

829.00 2013
649.00 2014
389.00 2013
729.00 2016
699.00 2012
619.00 2015
949.00 New Book 2018
799.00 New Edition 2018
859.00 New Edition 2018
449.00 2010
709.00 2006
759.00 2013

729.00 2013
599.00 New Book 2019
729.00 2009
739.00 2005

649.00 New Book 2018

849.00 2007
589.00 2015
399.00 2015
719.00 New Edition 2018
379.00 2015
779.00 2010
400.00 New Book 2019
709.00 2016
539.00 2012
479.00 2011

709.00 2006

329.00 2013
599.00 2006
679.00 2008

799.00 New Book 2018

670.00 New Book 2019
729.00 2017

879.00 2013
859.00 2011
849.00 New Edition 2018
749.00 2005
799.00 2005
899.00 2005

539.00 2015

809.00 2006
785.00 New Book 2019
799.00 2017
599.00 2016
649.00 2015
519.00 2017
679.00 2015
559.00 New Book 2018
909.00 2006

739.00 2011
759.00 2015
709.00 2015

689.00 2006
809.00 2013
779.00 2006
579.00 2014
809.00 2016

519.00 2017
780.00 2011

829.00 2008
829.00 2015

549.00 2017
489.00 2012
479.00 2015
899.00 New Edition 2019
899.00 2015

859.00 2011

759.00 2011
779.00 2010

909.00 2012
649.00 2016
729.00 2017
859.00 2009
699.00 2017

399.00 2011
369.00 2011
379.00 2012

749.00 2017
649.00 2015
889.00 2008
579.00 2016
899.00 New Edition 2018
999.00 2015
319.00 2017
539.00 2011
509.00 2014
629.00 2014
549.00 2014

559.00 2017
829.00 New Edition 2019
579.00 2016
709.00 2014
599.00 2014

599.00 New Book 2018

579.00 2015

709.00 2017
399.00 2017
599.00 2006
679.00 2006
729.00 2011

859.00 2017
679.00 2006
689.00 2006
479.00 2017

609.00 2016
509.00 2006
609.00 2010

729.00 New Edition 2018

699.00 New Edition 2018
699.00 2017

799.00 2017
599.00 2011

629.00 2015
779.00 2009

379.00 2012

729.00 2017

699.00 2015
839.00 2007

949.00 2007

925.00 New Edition 2018

799.00 2017
629.00 2017

599.00 2015

165.00 2013
759.00 2015
629.00 2011

819.00 2017
469.00 2017
519.00 2017
759.00 2006
679.00 2014
659.00 2014

759.00 2013
679.00 2017
519.00 2010
599.00 2012
759.00 2013
779.00 2015
729.00 2017
699.00 2016
629.00 2014

519.00 2013
699.00 2017
779.00 2005
899.00 2006
549.00 New Book 2018
879.00 2005
829.00 New Edition 2018

250.00 2011
799.00 2007
759.00 2017
849.00 New Edition 2019
809.00 2017
549.00 2017
629.00 2014

859.00 2017

629.00 2005

479.00 2013
599.00 2006
499.00 2010
499.00 2006
899.00 2017
669.00 2008
479.00 2013
389.00 2013
709.00 2011
979.00 2008
899.00 2008
599.00 New Book 2018

969.00 2013
809.00 2006
809.00 2007
849.00 2014
699.00 2011
859.00 2005

299.00 2015
529.00 2015

749.00 New Book 2019

859.00 New Edition 2019
659.00 2015
789.00 New Edition 2018

549.00 2016
709.00 2008
150.00 2015
299.00 2011
180.00 2012
279.00 2013
489.00 2016
279.00 2013
659.00 2011
319.00 2013
739.00 2015
289.00 2013
359.00 2013
659.00 2014
349.00 2013
619.00 2015
529.00 2013
389.00 2013
499.00 2013
379.00 2013
399.00 2013
429.00 2013
499.00 2013
399.00 2012
599.00 2011
319.00 2012
319.00 2012
289.00 2012
499.00 New Book 2019
475.00 2011
339.00 2013
289.00 2012
369.00 2012
369.00 2012
265.00 2012
259.00 2012
249.00 2012
199.00 2011
359.00 2011
265.00 2012
299.00 2012
299.00 2012
579.00 2015
135.00 2011
259.00 2011
299.00 2011
250.00 2011
259.00 2012
219.00 2011
289.00 2012
649.00 New Book 2018
769.00 2015
189.00 2012
299.00 2012
639.00 2015
549.00 2015
529.00 2017

349.00 2013
389.00 2013
399.00 2013
429.00 2013
499.00 2013
499.00 2013
279.00 2013
529.00 2013

719.00 2010
229.00 2010
299.00 2007
389.00 2013
1399.00 2010
569.00 2006
669.00 2008
489.00 2013
389.00 2009
99.00 2009
479.00 2010
729.00 2006
319.00 2009
359.00 2008
95.00 2013
319.00 2006

369.00 2009
239.00 2012
719.00 2010
185.00 2009
329.00 2012
709.00 2013
229.00 2010
889.00 2013
689.00 2008
389.00 2014
255.00 2010
389.00 2009
469.00 2014
299.00 2007
340.00 2011
789.00 2007
1399.00 2010
569.00 2006
289.00 2014
669.00 2005
629.00 2008

239.00 2007
209.00 2012
90.00 2006
239.00 2006
209.00 2011
239.00 2008

419.00 2006
369.00 2010

749.00 2009
899.00 2015

499.00 2010
469.00 2011
1400.00 2011
409.00 2016
379.00 2015
449.00 2016
509.00 2015
799.00 2009
769.00 2016
409.00 2014
250.00 2010
325.00 2010
349.00 2010
325.00 2010
425.00 2010
495.00 New Book 2019

409.00 2015
339.00 2015
339.00 2015
275.00 2011
4449.00 2013
369.00 2014
339.00 2012
409.00 2015
129.00 2010

799.00 2011
339.00 2010
369.00 2009
369.00 New Edition 2018
479.00 2012
299.00 2011
279.00 2012
319.00 2009
399.00 2016
379.00 2011
449.00 2009
499.00 2012
749.00 2017
190.00 2012
299.00 2013
619.00 2010
279.00 2012
250.00 2011
299.00 2011
299.00 2012
329.00 2012
499.00 2015
349.00 New Edition 2018
399.00 New Book 2018
359.00 2017
319.00 2011
549.00 New Edition 2018
419.00 2013
449.00 2017
369.00 New Book 2019
339.00 New Book 2019

449.00 2016
299.00 2011
260.00 2011
289.00 2011
699.00 2009
309.00 2011
310.00 2011

619.00 2009
669.00 2016
619.00 2017
729.00 2017
329.00 2011
749.00 2015
539.00 2014
439.00 2014
899.00 2017
859.00 New Edition 2018
579.00 2016
749.00 2007
459.00 New Book 2019
479.00 2013
749.00 2014
729.00 2017
599.00 2017
599.00 2017
489.00 2011
739.00 New Edition 2019
749.00 New Book 2018
319.00 2013
579.00 New Edition 2018
639.00 2015
629.00 2017
779.00 New Book 2018
509.00 2008
679.00 2006
629.00 2014
689.00 2015
449.00 2014
529.00 New Book 2018
809.00 2016
719.00 2015
549.00 2015
699.00 2017
729.00 2015
249.00 2012
629.00 2008
799.00 2015
389.00 2015
519.00 2012
759.00 2017
499.00 2013

349.00 2013
299.00 2013
279.00 2013
279.00 2013
299.00 2013
379.00 2013
309.00 2013

599.00 2015
299.00 2011
729.00 2015

669.00 2007
899.00 New Edition 2018
729.00 2006
499.00 2015
359.00 2015
349.00 2015
769.00 2015
290.00 2012
299.00 2012
280.00 2010
309.00 2012
359.00 2016
249.00 2011
99.00 2009
899.00 2013
469.00 2015
739.00 2014
429.00 2014
329.00 2014

150.00 2013
210.00 2013

875.00 2016
925.00 2016
530.00 2016
885.00 2016
945.00 2016
915.00 2014
1145.00 2015
1040.00 New Book 2018
935.00 New Book 2018
655.00 New Book 2018
875.00 2016

850.00 2013
695.00 2014

615.00 2013

975.00 2014

830.00 2014

910.00 2016

915.00 2013

1020.00 2013
955.00 2013

770.00 2012

1050.00 2013

730.00 2014
930.00 2014
970.00 2014

935.00 2013
915.00 2012
830.00 2012
850.00 2011
1165.00 2016

800.00 2012

915.00 2014
850.00 2014
1145.00 New Book 2018

1050.00 2008
1185.00 2006
985.00 2017
830.00 2008

1020.00 2016

735.00 2012
830.00 2011

540.00 2017
669.00 New Book 2019
655.00 2017

520.00 New Book 2018

1020.00 2016
1070.00 2016
945.00 2016

975.00 2014

310.00 New Book 2018

915.00 2012
770.00 2012

1090.00 2015

1100.00 2014
645.00 2013
435.00 2014
520.00 2014
695.00 2013

520.00 New Book 2018

1135.00 2007

850.00 2011

520.00 2014
1050.00 2014
675.00 2013
885.00 2013
915.00 2013
975.00 2014
500.00 2014

580.00 2016
780.00 2016
635.00 2016
510.00 2016

615.00 2014
915.00 2013
1080.00 2011

899.00 2017
675.00 New Book 2018
429.00 New Book 2019
760.00 2016
490.00 2016
365.00 2017
599.00 New Book 2018
599.00 New Book 2018
730.00 New Edition 2018
365.00 2014
405.00 2014
465.00 2016
540.00 2015
830.00 New Book 2018
860.00 2016
715.00 2016
600.00 New Book 2018

885.00 2007
660.00 2014
725.00 2015
385.00 2017
625.00 2006
435.00 2015
600.00 2008
449.00 2014

945.00 2016
750.00 2016

705.00 2016
530.00 2016

800.00 2015

675.00 2013

820.00 2013

490.00 2012
925.00 2013
685.00 2016
490.00 2016
800.00 2013
435.00 2015
735.00 2012

1020.00 2012
1215.00 2015

630.00 2017
550.00 2015

885.00 2014
990.00 2014
735.00 2015
365.00 New Book 2018
800.00 2015
550.00 2017

830.00 2007
590.00 2016

679.00 2005
1215.00 2012
1165.00 2014

885.00 2006
1060.00 2016
735.00 2012
540.00 2016

1165.00 2011
1100.00 2014
1090.00 2016
915.00 2012
540.00 2009
425.00 2017

770.00 2013
1185.00 2013
1110.00 2016

1330.00 2010
735.00 2015

1165.00 2013
715.00 2016
1165.00 2013
1135.00 2013
1215.00 2013
1135.00 2013
1020.00 2012
1135.00 2014
1099.00 2017
625.00 New Book 2018
935.00 2011
675.00 2011

780.00 New Edition 2018

735.00 2011

850.00 2011
800.00 2014

780.00 New Edition 2018

780.00 New Edition 2018

830.00 New Edition 2018

780.00 New Edition 2018

780.00 New Edition 2018

830.00 New Edition 2018

490.00 2017

639.00 2016
925.00 2014
885.00 2013
885.00 2013
469.00 2015
675.00 2012
725.00 2007

770.00 2009
830.00 2013
729.00 2014
725.00 2016
885.00 2013

749.00 2017
550.00 2014
415.00 New Book 2018

625.00 New Book 2018

830.00 2013

675.00 2006

655.00 2015
475.00 2016
570.00 2015
945.00 2015
850.00 2008
645.00 2014
830.00 2015
675.00 2015
935.00 2016
735.00 2016
850.00 2011
645.00 2005

1165.00 2013
1165.00 2012
615.00 2015
1120.00 2016
340.00 2017
830.00 2006
705.00 2010
395.00 New Book 2018

675.00 2015

455.00 2016
695.00 2016
490.00 2006

770.00 2014
440.00 2015
489.00 2015
580.00 2015
540.00 2014
399.00 New Book 2018
310.00 2015
675.00 2007

490.00 2014
800.00 2012

1050.00 2012
615.00 2007
800.00 2008
770.00 2011
800.00 2007
645.00 2006
850.00 2014
675.00 2006
1000.00 2015
820.00 2013
975.00 2006

830.00 2007
915.00 2007

830.00 2008
455.00 2015
550.00 2016
985.00 New Book 2018
830.00 2013
550.00 2016
850.00 2014
625.00 2016
735.00 2015
935.00 2017
900.00 2016
850.00 2012
375.00 2016
915.00 2014
935.00 2017

695.00 2013
735.00 2007
885.00 2011
935.00 2008
695.00 2012
850.00 2014
975.00 2014
675.00 2006
770.00 2013
645.00 2010

800.00 2012

645.00 2015
540.00 2015
675.00 2015
500.00 2016
635.00 2016

800.00 2014
800.00 2012

520.00 2014
725.00 2015
1199.00 2017
455.00 2015
975.00 2016
725.00 New Book 2018

675.00 2005

915.00 2012

550.00 2016

655.00 2006
550.00 2016
695.00 2015
399.00 2015
415.00 2017
465.00 New Book 2018

1020.00 2012
915.00 2013
910.00 2007
1050.00 2008
800.00 2008
675.00 2007

695.00 2007

705.00 2016
975.00 2006
885.00 2006
675.00 2006

500.00 2016

435.00 2015
455.00 2012
760.00 2005
909.00 2016
760.00 2016
675.00 New Edition 2018

885.00 2008
675.00 2015

935.00 2009
615.00 2005
645.00 New Book 2018
850.00 2012
899.00 2016
675.00 2014
590.00 2005
830.00 2007
749.00 2013
655.00 2005
395.00 New Book 2018
465.00 2017
425.00 New Book 2018

830.00 2015
850.00 2015
975.00 2006
405.00 2015
680.00 2015
615.00 2009
680.00 2015
680.00 2015
975.00 2007
675.00 2006

800.00 2015
615.00 2013
800.00 2015
830.00 2006
675.00 2012
615.00 2015
435.00 2011
490.00 2014
675.00 2012

800.00 2012
770.00 2012
915.00 2012
675.00 2012
770.00 2014
770.00 2014
615.00 2005
799.00 2016
475.00 2016

770.00 2007
735.00 2006
1040.00 2008

915.00 2012
850.00 2012

435.00 2014
615.00 2012

800.00 2015
885.00 2013
735.00 2015
665.00 2017
915.00 2014
1020.00 2016

695.00 2011

475.00 2016
405.00 2014
540.00 2014
300.00 2014
435.00 2014
365.00 2014
455.00 2014
365.00 2014
455.00 2014
365.00 2014
490.00 2014
520.00 2013
615.00 2012
645.00 2012
780.00 2011
379.00 New Book 2019

490.00 2011

725.00 2015

860.00 2015

1070.00 2013
735.00 2015

935.00 2013
790.00 2015
1120.00 2015

995.00 2015

1050.00 2013
820.00 2015

995.00 2015

645.00 2007

925.00 2013

640.00 2006

725.00 2015

625.00 2007

790.00 2015

1090.00 2011

780.00 2013

860.00 2008
780.00 2006
705.00 2015
550.00 2014
920.00 2006
550.00 2015
530.00 2008
675.00 New Book 2018

480.00 2015

725.00 2008

675.00 2016

925.00 2010
925.00 2012

975.00 2015
750.00 2015

839.00 2017
829.00 2015

449.00 2014
469.00 2014
499.00 2014
519.00 2014
469.00 2014
469.00 2014
469.00 2014
369.00 2014
419.00 2014
419.00 2014
499.00 2014
469.00 2014
339.00 2015
259.00 2012
629.00 2012
399.00 2013
369.00 2012
259.00 2012
339.00 2011
469.00 2011
499.00 2011
559.00 2011
379.00 2013
599.00 2011
829.00 2015
250.00 2012
350.00 2014
379.00 2013
369.00 2007
525.00 2011
349.00 2012
475.00 2011
499.00 2009
250.00 2012
399.00 2009
399.00 2008
1256.13 2011
339.00 2009
669.00 2008
250.00 2010
669.00 2009
469.00 2012
449.00 2011
419.00 2013
369.00 2009
499.00 2010
499.00 2010
459.00 2008
469.00 2009
499.00 2011
675.00 2009
325.00 2010
559.00 2008
339.00 2009
275.00 2008
655.00 2011
799.00 2013
609.00 2010
729.00 2009
209.00 2015
499.00 2010
579.00 2007
369.00 2009
399.00 2009
629.00 2010
339.00 2009
375.00 2009
419.00 2006
469.00 2007
415.00 2011
550.00 2016
249.00 2016
249.00 2010
250.00 2010
225.00 2010
85.00 2011
699.00 2010
289.00 2008
1075.00 2010
799.00 2010
2300.00 2010
2700.00 2011
4200.00 2010
1400.00 2011
699.00 2011
1050.00 2011
115.00 2012
105.00 2010
625.00 2010
875.00 2010
475.00 2011
3000.00 2010
2800.00 2011

250.00 2011
150.00 2011
250.00 2011
160.00 2011
310.00 2011
160.00 2011
299.00 2012
199.00 2011
329.00 2012
229.00 2012
285.00 2012
229.00 2012
270.00 2006
575.00 2010
300.00 2006
529.00 2017
245.00 2011
300.00 2006

99.00 2011
169.00 2006
139.00 2008
55.00 2005

699.00 New Edition 2019

250.00 2017
599.00 New Edition 2019
299.00 2017
775.00 2016
595.00 2016
215.00 2013
795.00 New Edition 2018
699.00 2015
795.00 New Edition 2018
850.00 New Edition 2018
550.00 New Edition 2018
325.00 New Edition 2019
375.00 New Edition 2019
350.00 New Edition 2019
499.00 New Edition 2019
399.00 New Edition 2019
425.00 New Edition 2019
575.00 New Edition 2019
625.00 New Edition 2019
425.00 New Edition 2019
550.00 New Edition 2019
625.00 New Edition 2019
650.00 New Edition 2019
275.00 New Edition 2019
350.00 New Edition 2019
450.00 New Edition 2019
675.00 New Edition 2019
325.00 New Edition 2019
499.00 New Edition 2019
160.00 New Edition 2019
150.00 New Edition 2019
150.00 New Edition 2019
135.00 New Edition 2019
175.00 New Edition 2019
160.00 New Edition 2019
175.00 New Edition 2019
150.00 New Edition 2019
210.00 New Edition 2019
225.00 New Edition 2019
175.00 New Edition 2019
160.00 New Edition 2019
399.00 2016
499.00 2016
499.00 2016
599.00 2016

550.00 2016
725.00 2017

725.00 2013
750.00 New Edition 2019
699.00 New Edition 2019
575.00 2015
675.00 2015
399.00 2011
430.00 2009
450.00 2013
475.00 2013
625.00 2014
499.00 2012
475.00 2015
850.00 New Edition 2018
875.00 New Edition 2018
850.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 2015
450.00 2015
699.00 2016
625.00 2016
499.00 2016

350.00 2017
499.00 New Edition 2018
499.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 New Edition 2018
350.00 New Edition 2018
350.00 New Edition 2018
425.00 New Book 2018

850.00 New Edition 2019

549.00 New Edition 2019
899.00 New Edition 2019
850.00 New Edition 2019
899.00 New Edition 2019
799.00 New Edition 2019
299.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 New Edition 2018
599.00 New Edition 2018
499.00 New Book 2018
499.00 New Book 2018
499.00 New Book 2018
499.00 New Book 2018
499.00 New Book 2018

875.00 New Edition 2019

699.00 New Edition 2019

239.00 2017
250.00 New Book 2018
495.00 New Edition 2019
239.00 2017
699.00 New Book 2018
999.00 New Edition 2018
1599.00 New Edition 2018
1599.00 New Edition 2018
250.00 2010
325.00 2010
349.00 2010
325.00 2010
425.00 2010
525.00 New Book 2018
650.00 New Book 2019
495.00 New Book 2019

199.00 2015
199.00 2013
599.00 2016
270.00 2016
375.00 2017
270.00 2013

249.00 New Book 2018

699.00 New Edition 2018
299.00 New Edition 2018

949.00 New Edition 2018

675.00 2017
450.00 2013
599.00 New Edition 2018

1099.00 New Book 2018

1099.00 New Book 2018
1099.00 New Book 2018
1500.00 New Book 2018


449.00 New Edition 2019

449.00 New Edition 2019

325.00 2016
225.00 2016
250.00 2015
350.00 2016
325.00 2016
350.00 2016

375.00 2017

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