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2018/ 2019
WAKTU : 07.10 – 08.35 WIB

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan bulatan pada Lembar Jawaban
Contoh cara menghitamkan
● ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ benar
2. Isilah nama peserta, nomor peserta, kelas, jenis ujian, tanggal ujian, mata pelajaran pada kolom yang tersedia dan
hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai dengan angka/ huruf di atasnya.
3. Hitamkan bulatan pada mata pelajaran yang diujikan pada hari tersebut
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal terlebih dahulu sebelum kamu menjawabnya
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang lebih mudah
6. Jika ada jawaban yang hendak diperbaiki, hapus sampai bersih lalu bulatkan jawaban yang kamu anggap benar
7. Periksalah pekerjaan sebelum kamu serahkan kepada Pengawas Ujian
8. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika, HP/Ponsel atau alat bantu lainnya selama Ujian

1. Ani : Happy Birthday, Wulan! 8. There is a small swimming pool. The bold word
Wulan :.... has the similar meaning with....
a. Wow, you look beautiful a. large c. huge
b. Welcome to my house, Ani b. petite d. immense
c. Thanks. That’s very kind of you 9. He has got two brothers. ... names are Luke and
d. Your present must be expensive Andrew and they are 14 & 16. His mother is
2. Ted : What do you do? French and ... name is Christine. His dad is from
Ben :.... Swiss and his name is Dieter. They live in Zurich
a. I’m fine, thank you. and ... house has got four bedrooms and a small
b. I’m a student garden.
c. She’s a teacher a. They, her, their c. their, hers, them
d. She’s alright b. They, hers, they d. their, her, their
Read this following passage to answer question 10. Andri : Good Morning, Mr. Gultom.
number 3-5. Mr. Gultom : Good morning, Andri.
Those girls are my best friends. (3) .... names are Siska Andri : How are you, Sir?
and Dini. They are (4) .... classmates. They are Mr. Gultom : I’m fine. Thank you.
beautiful. I like (5) .... very much. The underlined greeting above shows us that Andri
met Mr. Gultom ...
3. a. they b. their a. at about seven p.m c. in the afternoon
c. them d. theirs b. at about seven a.m d. at night
4. a. my b. I 11. Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence.
c. me d. mine Usually – spend – I – in – Bali. – holiday – my
5. a. they b. their a. I spend usually my holiday in Bali.
c. them d. theirs b. I spend in Bali usually my holiday.
This paragraph is for question numbe 6-8. c. I usually spend my holiday in Bali.
My family and I live in a new house in Medan on S. d. I usually spend in Bali my holiday.
Parman street. It is a very nice house and I like it. The 12. Wawan : Hello, Wiwin. This my friend, Dini,
house has four bedrooms, one living room and one and Dini this is my sister Wiwin.
kitchen. There are two bathrooms and one of them is Wiwin : How do you do, Dini?
next to my room. My house also has a garage. Beside Dini : how do you do?
the garage, there is a small swimming pool. There is The sentence which are said by Wawan is one way
also a large garden in front of the house. We love the of ...
house. a. Introducing yourself c. leaving someone
6. How many bedrooms does the house have? b. Introducing someone d. inviting someone
a. two c. three 13. Father : It’s getting dark in the room. It’s
b. four d. five almost 07.00 p.m. ..., please.
7. What is next to the garage? Windy : O.K. Dad, I will.
a. swimming pool c. kitchen a. Open the window c. turn on the tv
b. bathroom d. living room b. Take me a magazine d. turn on the light
14. X : ..... 20. Why does not he like his Maths teacher?
Y : I’m from Jakarta a. He is often angry.
a. what are you? c. where are you come? b. He gives them a lot of homework.
b. where do you from? d. where are you from? c. He often comes late.
15. Dear Reno, d. He teaches them quickly.
21. What does Hyun-Shik want to be when he finishes from
Thanks a lot for coming to my birthday party last
night. It means a lot to me. a. A teacher
With love, b. A doctor
Dini c. An engineer
The card above tells us .... d. A scientist
a. Reno celebrated his birthday 22. My father’s brother is my ...
b. Dini celebrated her birthday a. Aunt
c. Reno expresses his gratitude for Dini’s coming b. Brother
d. Dini expresses her gratitude for Reno’s coming c. Uncle
16. Bruce : Please . . . me for interrupting you. I d. Grandpa
didn’t realise you were on the phone. 23. The oranges are not in the basket. They are . . . the
Emma : No harm done.
a. In c. next
a. Forgive c. Sorry b. Between d. on
b. Apologize d. Accept 24. I put my coffee cup on the shelf next to the phone and
now it’s gone! The word it refers to . . .
Read the text and answer the questions 17 to 21. a. Shelf
A day in the life of twelve year-old Korean boy, Hyun-Shik b. Coffee cup
I get up every day at six o’clock. I have breakfast c. Phone
with my family and go to school. School starts at seven d. I
o’clock. I like my school, the teachers are friendly and 25. I asked at several shops for strawberries and the owners
helpful, except my Math teacher. He often comes late and he all told me they are out of season. The word they refers
is very boring. I also cannot stand Physics. I think it is very to . . .
difficult, but our teacher is very kind. I have five hours of a. Strawberries
lessons and then it is time for lunch. I have lunch at school. b. Shops
Then, I have another five hours of lessons until six o’clock. c. Owners
Nearly all the schools in South Korea have lessons from d. Seasons
seven to six every day. 26. After lunch, Jason usually ... football with his friends.
I go home and have dinner and then my father takes Last Sunday, he played basketball. He jumped very
me to the library to do my homework. My friends do the high and ran very fast, so he ... very hungry.
same. Our parents want us to go to university. If you do not a. is playing, is feeling
go to university in Korea, you cannot get a good job. That’s b. plays, feels
why we go to school for so long every day. I am very tired in c. played, felt
the library and sometimes I fall asleep. I study in the library d. plays, felt
until eleven o’clock. A special minibus takes us home. I go 27. The usual subjects are Maths, English, History, and so
to bed at about twelve o’clock. on. But I study them in my own way. I use books or the
I never watch TV but I sometimes play computer internet. And sometimes our parents ... us.
games at the weekend. I really want to study Biology at a. teaches
university and be scientist. I want to make my parents b. taught
happy. My name, Hyun-Shik means “clever” in Korean, but c. teach
I do not know if I am. I do not really like studying for so d. is teaching
long every day but everybody does it, so I do the same. 28. The place is large. Mrs Jane is working there. The room
17. How many hours is he at school? has three shelves. There are many books, magazines,
a. Nine hours c. eleven hours maps, dictionaries, etc on the shelves. In the corner
b. Ten hours d. twelve hours there two cabinets. Mrs Jane files the catalogues and
18. What does his father do after finishing his dinner? membership cards there.
a. Father helps him finish his homework. The proper topic of the text above is ...
b. Father takes him to the library to do his homework. a. in the classroom
c. Father is very tired and falls asleep. b. in the library
d. Father sometimes does his work. c. in the language laboratory
19. Why do the students in South Korea go to school for so d. at school
long every day? 29. I do not live far from the school, so I ... there with my
a. So that they can go to university and get a good job. friends, Brian and Gemma every morning.
b. Because they really like studying for so long every a. Walk
day. b. catch the school bus
c. So that they can go to other countries. c. ride my bike
d. Because they study to make their parents happy. d. drive car
30. On Mondays we all start the day with Assembly in the 40. Andy says that today is ....
school hall at 8.50. We write 8.50 in English is ... a. the twenty three of March
a. ten to nine c. fifty past eight b. the twenty third of March
b. ten past nine d. ten to ten c. the twentieth third of March
31. Dave and Amy bring sandwiches to school for lunch. d. twenty three of March
The interrogative form of the sentence is ... 41. What date do we celebrate Mother’s day every year?
a. Do they bring sandwiches to school for lunch? We celebrate it on ....
b. Does she bring sandwiches to school for lunch? a. the twenty second of December
c. Did they bring sandwiches to school for lunch? b. the twenty two of December
d. Are they bring sandwiches to school for lunch? c. the twentieth second of December
32. I spend five hours at school. Arriving home from school d. the twentieth two of December
at one p.m I have a lunch. After that I . . . for an hour. I 42. There is a garage on the left side of the house. A garage
need it, otherwise I would be sleepy to do my is a shed where ....
homework in the evening. a. a driver sleeps
a. sleep on the bed c. take a nap b. cars are washed
b. close my eyes d. watch television c. cars are stored
33. Now you’re here, please go with . . . d. household appliances are kept
a. They c. I The following text is for questions number 43 to 45.
b. Them d. She Mr Gunawan has a daughter. Her name is Dilla. Dilla has
34. My father doesn’t . . . coffee every morning. one brother. His name is Rizal. Dilla has a classmate. Her
a. Drink c. drunk name is Norma. Norma is also Dilla’s cousin. Norma’s
b. Drank d. drinking father is Mr Gunawan’s brother.
35. Handoko and Mrs Sunarni . . . always happy every 43. Mr Gunawan is Norma’s ....
time. a. Father c. brother
a. Is c. are b. cousin d. uncle
b. Am d. were 44. Rizal is Mr Gunawan’s ....
Read Peter’s email to his friend and answer the questions a. nephew c. uncle
36 to 39. b. brother d. son
Hi, Richard! 45. Dilla is Mr Gunawan’s ....
This is just quick message, because I’m really busy. We are a. Wife c. son
all getting ready for my grandfather’s sixtieth birthday. b. Sister d. daughter
There is a big family party this evening in the garden, with 46. My brother always does it in his spare time. He always
about 40 people. So, this afternoon we’re cleaning and buys some books every month to add his collection. He
tidying up. My mother is cooking in the kitchen and my aunts says that it can improve his knowledge. It is ....
are helping her. Dad is putting up lights in the garden at the a. drawing c. photography
moment, and my uncle is organizing the tables and chairs. b. cooking d. reading
My cousins are here too, but they are not helping much – This text is for number 47 and 48.
they’re playing computer games. It is 8.30 a.m. Students are studying in their classroom. The
I must go now. See you on Monday. students of 2A are not in the classroom. They are in the
laboratory. They are doing the experiment. The students of
Peter 2B are in the library. They have Indonesian subject. They
36. What is the event for Peter’s email to his friend? are studying composition. Some students of 1B are in the
a. A family party c. annual activity classroom. Some are in the school yard. And the others are
b. Farewell party d. giving a help in the office. They are paying the school fee.
37. What is mother doing in the kitchen? 47. What is the suitable title for the text above?
a. She is decorating rooms. a. In the classroom c. in the library
b. She is organising tables. b. In the laboratory d. at school
c. She is cooking. 48. What are the students of 2A doing? They are ...
d. She is helping aunt. a. reading some books in the library
38. What are his cousins doing? b. studying composition
a. They are cleaning and tidying up. c. playing football in the school yard
b. They are playing in the field. d. doing the experiment
c. They are playing computer games. 49. We . . . in this restaurant two days ago.
d. They are organising chairs and tables. a. Eat
39. Dad is putting up lights in the garden at the moment, b. Eaten
and my uncle is organising the tables and chairs. My c. Eating
cousins are here too, but they are not helping much – d. Ate
they’re playing computer games. The word “they” 50. Ten years ago, a holiday trip to Australia . . . cheap.
refers to ... a. Did not
a. uncle and father c. his cousins b. Was not
b. mother and aunts d. peter and uncle c. Were not
Tonny : What date is today ? d. Is not
Andy : It’s 23 th March.
“Luck is for the lazy, Success is for those who work hard”

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