World Lit 1

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ENGL312 – World Literature Week 1: Introduction to the Study

of Literature ► Short Quiz 001

Which of the following does NOT belong to this group?

Answer: 3
According to Stevenson, the difficulty of literature is to ____.
Answer: write what you mean
Which of the following genre does song belong to?
Answer: Poetry
What type of literature is designed to be performed on stage by live actors?
Answer: drama
Stevenson, the difficulty of literature is to
Answer: write what you mean
The following are indirect sources of literature EXCEPT:
Answer: author’s ideas
Rising sun: birth/enlightenment = Setting sun: _____
Answer: death
Which of the following theories holds that art is an imitation of something
Answer: Imitative Theory
Which of the following theories holds that a work of art ought to arouse a particular emotion?
Answer: Affective Theory
Which of the following archetypes usually represents evil or corruption?
Answer: serpent
An “all-knowing” narrator has _________ point of view.
Answer: omniscient

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 2: Epic of Gilgamesh ►

Short Quiz 002

Where did the two go for their first adventure?

Answer: Cedar Forest
Who created Enkidu and with what?
Answer: Aruru, clay
Who steals the magical plant?
Answer: A snake
How did Utnapishtim find out that the gods were planning to destroy the world with a flood?
Answer: Ea, the god of wisdom, spoke to him through the walls of his house
What does Gilgamesh go in search of in the latter part of the story?
Answer: eternal life
What is the name of the wild man that the gods sent to challenge Gilgamesh?
Answer: Enkidu

Why were the villagers upset with Gilgamesh?

Answer: he abuses his powers
Who was Gilgamesh in real life?
Answer: King of Uruk
What happened after Gilgamesh and Enkidu fought?
Answer: They fight to a draw and then become friends
What kind of king is Gilgamesh as how he is first described in the story?
Answer: A tyrant who oppresses his people
Why does Gilgamesh leave Uruk after Enkidu dies?
Answer: To find out how he can avoid having to die himself
Which god supports Gilgamesh’s incursion into the Cedar Forest?
Answer: Shamash, god of the sun
Who guards the Cedar Forest?
Answer: The demon Humbaba

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 3: The Bible as Literature ►

Short Quiz 003

This is a literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision or
Answer: satire
This term refers to songs of praise.
Answer: psalm
“He makes me lie down in green pastures.” (Psalm 23:1)
The sentence above is a good example of the use of _____________.
Answer: image
Which of the following is a development technique in writing lyric poems in which specific
aspects of the theme are delineated?
Answer: listing or cataloging
“Let the hills sing together for joy.” (Psalm 98:8)
The sentence above is a good example of the use of _____________.
Answer: personification

Which of the following images is not used in Psalm 23?

Answer: big fish
“A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7)
This is an example of ______________.
Answer: proverb
Which of the following biblical lines is an example of an apostrophe?
Answer: Depart from me, all you workers of evil
Which of the following refers to the use of words to paint pictures, evoking a concrete sensory
experience of people, places and things?
Answer: image
What is an epistle?
Answer: a literary composition in the form of a letter

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 4: Long Quiz ► Activity 001

What is the name of the wild man that the gods sent to challenge Gilgamesh?
Answer: Enkidu
Which of the following is a development technique in writing lyric poems in which specific
aspects of the theme are delineated?
Answer: listing or cataloging
This term refers to songs of praise.
Answer: psalm
Which of the following biblical lines is an example of an apostrophe?
Answer: Depart from me, all you workers of evil
Which of the following archetypes usually represents evil or corruption?
Answer: serpent
What does Gilgamesh go in search of in the latter part of the story?
Answer: eternal wife

Who was Gilgamesh in real life?

Answer: King of Uruk
Rising sun: birth/enlightenment = Setting sun: _____
Answer: death
What advice does Siduri, the tavern keeper, give to Gilgamesh?
Answer: To be satisfied with the pleasures in this world
“Let the hills sing together for joy.” (Psalm 98:8)
The sentence above is a good example of the use of _____________.
Answer: personification
How did Utnapishtim find out that the gods were planning to destroy the world with a flood?
Answer: Ea, the god of wisdom, spoke to him through the walls of his house
What kind of king is Gilgamesh as how he is first described in the story?
Answer: A tyrant who oppresses his people
In what city did this story take place?
Answer: Uruk
Which of the following images is not used in Psalm 23?
Answer: big fish
“A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7)
This is an example of ______________.
Answer: proverb
An “all-knowing” narrator has _________ point of view.
Answer: omniscient
“He makes me lie down in green pastures.” (Psalm 23:1)
The sentence above is a good example of the use of _____________.
Answer: image
What type of literature is designed to be performed on stage by live actors?
Answer: drama
Who created Enkidu and with what?
Answer: Aruru, clay
Who guards the Cedar Forest?
Answer: The demon Humbaba
Which god supports Gilgamesh’s incursion into the Cedar Forest?
Answer: Shamash, god of the sun
The following are indirect sources of literature EXCEPT:
Answer: author’s ideas
Which of the following does NOT belong to this group?
Answer: 3
This is a literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision or
Answer: satire
ENGL312 – World Literature Week 4: Long Quiz ► Long Quiz

What is an epistle?
Answer: a literary composition in the form of a letter
Which of the following images is not used in Psalm 23?
Answer: big fish
Rising sun: birth/enlightenment = Setting sun: _____
Answer: death
What type of literature is designed to be performed on stage by live actors?
Answer: drama
Why were the villagers upset with Gilgamesh?
Answer: He abuses his powers
Which of the following theories holds that art is an imitation of something?
Answer: Imitative Theory

“Let the hills sing together for joy.” (Psalm 98:8)

The sentence above is a good example of the use of _____________.
Answer: personification
Which of the following is a development technique in writing lyric poems in which specific
aspects of the theme are delineated?
Answer: listing or cataloging
Which of the following theories holds that a work of art ought to arouse a particular emotion?
Answer: Affective Theory
According to Stevenson, the difficulty of literature is to ____.
Answer: write what you mean
This is a literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision or
Answer: satire
“A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7)
This is an example of ______________.
Answer: proverb
What happened after Gilgamesh and Enkidu fought?
Answer: They fight to a draw and then become friends
Who created Enkidu and with what?Answer:
Answer: Aruru, clay
Which of the following archetypes usually represents evil or corruption?
Answer: serpent
An “all-knowing” narrator has _________ point of view.
Answer: omniscient
What kind of king is Gilgamesh as how he is first described in the story?
Answer: A tyrant who oppresses his people
What advice does Siduri, the tavern keeper, give to Gilgamesh?
Answer: To be satisfied with the pleasures in this world
Which of the following biblical lines is an example of an apostrophe?
Answer: Depart from me, all you workers of evil
“He makes me lie down in green pastures.” (Psalm 23:1)
The sentence above is a good example of the use of _____________.
Answer: image
This term refers to songs of praise.
Answer: psalm
Who steals the magical plant?
Answer: A snake
How did Utnapishtim find out that the gods were planning to destroy the world with a flood?
Answer: Ea, the god of wisdom, spoke to him through the walls of his house
Why does Gilgamesh leave Uruk after Enkidu dies?
Answer: To find out how he can avoid having to die himself
Who was Gilgamesh in real life?
Answer: King of Uruk
Which of the following refers to the use of words to paint pictures, evoking a concrete sensory
experience of people, places and things?
Answer: image
The following are indirect sources of literature EXCEPT:
Answer: author’s ideas
Which god supports Gilgamesh’s incursion into the Cedar Forest?
Answer: Shamash, god of the sun
In what city did this story take place?
Answer: Uruk
Which of the following does NOT belong to this group?
Answer: 3
What does Gilgamesh go in search of in the latter part of the story?
Answer: eternal life
ENGL312 – World Literature Week 5: Persian and Arabic
Literature ► Short Quiz 004

What form of literature is Rubaiyat?

Answer: poetry
What type of literature was most prevalent among Arabic people?
Answer: religious prose
What is The Shah-nama?
Answer: an epic

What type of literature was most prevalent among Persian people?

Answer: poetry
1. Whether at Naishapur or Babylon
2. Whether the Cup with sweet or bitter run,
3. The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop,
4. The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one. — From The Rubaiyat
The figure of speech used in Lines 3 and 4 is __________.
Answer: methapor
Which of the following uses a metaphor?
Answer: He is my Light
What is the name of the holy book of Islam?
Answer: Quran
1. Whether at Naishapur or Babylon
2. Whether the Cup with sweet or bitter run,
3. The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop,
4. The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one. — From The Rubaiyat
Lines 3 and 4 suggest that life _______________.
Answer: is short and temporary
What is the prevalent theme in Persian and Arabic Literature?
Answer: fate
The following stories from The Thousand and One Nights closely resemble the fable form
Answer: The Fisherman and the Jinnee

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 6: Chinese Philosophical and

Religious Texts ► Short Quiz 005
The earliest Chinese poetry begins with the ___________, a collection of 305 poems of varying
length, drawn from all ranks of Chinese society.
Answer: Shih Ching
The title Shih Ching is usually translated in English as ______________.
Answer: The Book of Songs
“Tzu-kung said, ‘What I do not want others to do to me, I have no desire to do to others.’ The
Master said, ‘Oh Ssu! You have not quite got to that point yet.'”
This quote captures the concept of _________________.
Answer: reciprocity
Which of the following trait of Classical Chinese poetry is shown by the following statement:
“Chinese culture, influenced by the anonymity of the Shih Ching, had a tendency to think of
poems as something written by common humanity for the eyes of other humans.”
Answer: Chinese poem is fairly simple on the surface

Which of the following may be considered the central term in The Analects?
Answer: gentlemen
“The Master said, ‘At fifteen, I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I had planted my feet firm
upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from complexities. At fifty, I knew what were the
biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the
dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right.'”
In this quote, Confucius outlines a life devoted to learning and the pursuit of _______________.
Answer: Jen
This is an anthology of brief passages that present the words of Confucius and his disciples
Answer: The Analects
This refers to a literal path or road.
Answer: Tao
Complete the analogy.
Feng = ________
Answer: Folk songs
The Analects = Confucius; The Tao Te Ching = ___________
Answer: Laozi

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 7: Selected Haikus by

Matsuo Basho and Kobayashi Issa ► Short Quiz 006

Determine the kigo/seasonal element in the following haiku:

A snowy morning–
by myself,
chewing on dried salmon.
Answer: snowy
How many syllables does the second line of a haiku have?
Answer: 7
This is a Japanese poetic form which consists of three lines of five, seven, and five syllables.
Answer: haiku
How many syllables does the first line of a haiku have?
Answer: 5
How many syllables does the last line of a haiku have?
Answer: 5
Which of the following may not be considered a kigo?
Answer: passion

What is the opening verse of a haiku called?

Answer: hokku
This person is considered as the most famous haiku writer in Japan.
Answer: Matsuo Basho
This is a form of collective poetry.
Answer: renga
The seasonal element in a haiku.
Answer: kigo

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 8: Long Quiz ► Activity 002

The earliest Chinese poetry begins with the ___________, a collection of 305 poems of varying
length, drawn from all ranks of Chinese society.
Answer: Shih Ching
The title Shih Ching is usually translated in English as ______________.
Answer: The Book of Songs
“Tzu-kung said, ‘What I do not want others to do to me, I have no desire to do to others.’ The
Master said, ‘Oh Ssu! You have not quite got to that point yet.'”
This quote captures the concept of _________________.
Answer: reciprocity
Which of the following trait of Classical Chinese poetry is shown by the following statement:
“Chinese culture, influenced by the anonymity of the Shih Ching, had a tendency to think of
poems as something written by common humanity for the eyes of other humans.”
Answer: Chinese poem is fairly simple on the surface
Which of the following may be considered the central term in The Analects?
Answer: gentlemen
“The Master said, ‘At fifteen, I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I had planted my feet firm
upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from complexities. At fifty, I knew what were the
biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the
dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right.'”
In this quote, Confucius outlines a life devoted to learning and the pursuit of _______________.
Answer: Jen
This is an anthology of brief passages that present the words of Confucius and his disciples
Answer: The Analects
This refers to a literal path or road.
Answer: Tao
Complete the analogy.
Feng = ________
Answer: Folk songs
The Analects = Confucius; The Tao Te Ching = ___________
Answer: Laozi
What form of literature is Rubaiyat?
Answer: poetry
What type of literature was most prevalent among Arabic people?
Answer: religious prose
What is The Shah-nama?
Answer: an epic

What type of literature was most prevalent among Persian people?

Answer: poetry
1. Whether at Naishapur or Babylon
2. Whether the Cup with sweet or bitter run,
3. The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop,
4. The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one. — From The Rubaiyat
The figure of speech used in Lines 3 and 4 is __________.
Answer: methapor
Which of the following uses a metaphor?
Answer: He is my Light
What is the name of the holy book of Islam?
Answer: Quran
1. Whether at Naishapur or Babylon
2. Whether the Cup with sweet or bitter run,
3. The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop,
4. The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one. — From The Rubaiyat
Lines 3 and 4 suggest that life _______________.
Answer: is short and temporary
What is the prevalent theme in Persian and Arabic Literature?
Answer: fate
The following stories from The Thousand and One Nights closely resemble the fable form
Answer: The Fisherman and the Jinnee

Determine the kigo/seasonal element in the following haiku:

A snowy morning–

by myself,
chewing on dried salmon.
Answer: snowy
How many syllables does the second line of a haiku have?
Answer: 7
This is a Japanese poetic form which consists of three lines of five, seven, and five syllables.
Answer: haiku
How many syllables does the first line of a haiku have?
Answer: 5
How many syllables does the last line of a haiku have?
Answer: 5
Which of the following may not be considered a kigo?
Answer: passion

What is the opening verse of a haiku called?

Answer: hokku
This person is considered as the most famous haiku writer in Japan.
Answer: Matsuo Basho
This is a form of collective poetry.
Answer: renga
The seasonal element in a haiku.
Answer: kigo

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 8 long quiz

The Analects = Confucius; The Tao TeChing = ____________
Answer: Laozi
The earliest Chinese poetry begins with the ___________, a collection of 305 poems of varying
length, drawn from all ranks of Chinese society.
Answer: Shih Ching
Determine the kigo/seasonal element in the following haiku:
A snowy morning–
by myself,
chewing on dried salmon.Answer: snowy
How many syllables does the second line of a haiku have?
Answer: 7
This is a Japanese poetic form which consists of three lines of five, seven, and five syllables.
Answer: haiku
How many syllables does the first line of a haiku have?
Answer: 5
How many syllables does the last line of a haiku have?
Answer: 5

Which of the following may not be considered a kigo?

Answer: passion
What is the opening verse of a haiku called?
Answer: hokku
This person is considered as the most famous haiku writer in Japan.
Answer: Matsuo Basho
This is a form of collective poetry.
Answer: renga
The seasonal element in a haiku.
Answer: kigo
The title Shih Ching is usually translated in English as ______________.
Answer: The Book of Songs
“Tzu-kung said, ‘What I do not want others to do to me, I have no desire to do to others.’ The
Master said, ‘Oh Ssu! You have not quite got to that point yet.’”
This quote captures the concept of _________________.
Answer: reciprocity
Which of the following trait of Classical Chinese poetry is shown by the following statement:
“Chinese culture, influenced by the anonymity of the Shih Ching, had a tendency to think of
poems as something written by common humanity for the eyes of other humans.”
Answer: Chinese poem is fairly simple on the surface
Which of the following may be considered the central term in The Analects?
Answer: gentlemen
“The Master said, ‘At fifteen, I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I had planted my feet firm
upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from complexities. At fifty, I knew what were the
biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the
dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right.’”
In this quote, Confucius outlines a life devoted to learning and the pursuit of _______________.
Answer: Jen
This is an anthology of brief passages that present the words of Confucius and his disciples
Answer: The Analects
This refers to a literal path or road.
Answer: Tao
Complete the analogy.
Feng = ________
Answer: Folk songs
The Analects = Confucius; The Tao Te Ching = ___________
Answer: Laozi
What form of literature is Rubaiyat?
Answer: poetry
What type of literature was most prevalent among Arabic people?
Answer: religious prose
What is The Shah-nama?
Answer: an epic
What type of literature was most prevalent among Persian people?
Answer: poetry
1. Whether at Naishapur or Babylon
2. Whether the Cup with sweet or bitter run,
3. The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop,
4. The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one. — From The Rubaiyat
The figure of speech used in Lines 3 and 4 is __________.
Answer: methapor
Which of the following uses a metaphor?
Answer: He is my Light
What is the name of the holy book of Islam?
Answer: Quran
Lines 3 and 4 suggest that life _______________.
Answer: is short and temporary
What is the prevalent theme in Persian and Arabic Literature?
Answer: fate
The following stories from The Thousand and One Nights closely resemble the fable form
Answer: The Fisherman and the Jinnee

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 9: Classical Greek and

Roman Literature ► Short Quiz 007

Why did the Trojans finally decide to bring the horse inside the gates?
Answer: They are afraid of arousing Minerva’s anger
What token must Aeneas carry to be admitted alive into the underworld?
Answer: A golden bough
Which of the three Theban plays was probably written last?
Answer: Oedipus at Colonus
What are the names of the twin brothers, suckled at the breast of a wolf, who became the
founders of Rome?
Answer: Romulus and Remus

How do the young Trojan boys participate in the contests in Sicily?

Answer: They exhibit their horsemanship in a mock battle
What was hidden inside the wooden belly of the horse left outside the Trojan gates?
Answer: Greek warriors
What does the name “Oedipus” mean?
Answer: “Swollen foot”
The author of The Aeneid.
Answer: Virgil
Which of the gods is the staunchest enemy of Aeneas and the Trojans?
Answer: Juno
The following are Greek poets EXCEPT:
Answer: Catullus

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 10: The Heritage of English

Literature ► Short Quiz 008

Who wrote the fiction, “The Gulliver’s Travels”?

Answer: Jonathan Swift
The following are literary works developed during the Middle Ages, EXCEPT:
Answer: The Adventures of Don Quixote
How many lines does a sonnet have?
Answer: 14
This is a type of writing that ridicules or holds in contempt the faults of individuals or of groups.
Answer: satire

A literary movement which depicts a person’s fate as determined by heredity, chance and the
Answer: Naturalism
Who wrote the Divine Comedy?
Answer: Dante Alighieri
The following are examples of oxymoronic phrases EXCEPT:
Answer: beautiful facade
A literary movement inspired by imagination, inner feelings and emotions.
Answer: Romanticism
This is a long historical poem about a medieval knight and is by far the most studied of all
medieval poems.
Answer: The Song of Roland
A literary movement which sought to depict life as faithfully and accurately as possible.
Answer: Realism

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 11: Existentialism in

Literature: The Little Prince of Antoine de Saint-Exupery ►
Short Quiz 009

After talking with the little prince, what does the pilot realize that makes the desert seem
Answer: It hides a well somewhere
Which of the following themes best refers to the advice of the fox regarding the Little Prince’s
accountability to his rose?
Answer: Relationships Teach Responsibility
How does the fox define the phrase, “to tame”?
Answer: “To establish ties”
Why does the pilot worry about the little prince’s departure?
Answer: The prince’s plans involve a deadly snakebite
What is the narrator’s occupation?
Answer: Pilot
What does the narrator say is the most important to him in the story’s final chapter?
Answer: Whether the sheep has eaten the prince’s rose
On his planet, what does the little prince place over the rose at night?
Answer: A glass jar
Who is the first being the prince meets on Earth?
Answer: The snake
Which character said the following line: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye.”
Answer: The fox
According to the fox, what makes the prince’s rose so important?
Answer: It symbolizes the time the prince has spent caring for her

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 12: An Introduction to

Critical Approaches ► Short Quiz 010

Which of the following critical approaches explores the artist’s common humanity by tracing
how the individual imagination uses myths and symbols common to different cultures and
Answer: Mythological Criticism
Which of the following critical approaches emphasizes the role of class and ideology as they
reflect, propagate and even challenge the prevailing social order?
Answer: Marxist Criticism
Which of the following critical approaches views any given text as having irreconcilably
contradictory meanings, rather than being a unified, logical whole?
Answer: Deconstructionist

Which question is not a concern of Psychological Criticism?

Answer: How is the narrator, speaker, or character revealed to readers?
Which of the following critical approaches attempts to describe what happens in the reader’s
mind while interpreting a text?
Answer: Reader-response
Which of the following critical approaches views that no text provides self-contained meaning?
Answer: Formalist
Identify the critical approach as reflected by the following question: How do the characters fare
against economic and political odds?
Answer: Marxist Criticism
All the following statements refer to a Deconstructionist approach on literature EXCEPT:
Answer: Texts are material products to be understood in broadly historical terms
What is an archetype?
Answer: an image of power-play
Identify the critical approach as reflected by the following question: What roles do men and
women assume and perform and with what consequences?
Answer: Feminist Criticism

ENGL312 – World Literature Week 13: Long Quiz ► Activity


Which of the following critical approaches explores the artist’s common humanity by tracing
how the individual imagination uses myths and symbols common to different cultures and
Answer: Mythological Criticism
Which of the following critical approaches emphasizes the role of class and ideology as they
reflect, propagate and even challenge the prevailing social order?
Answer: Marxist Criticism
Which of the following critical approaches views any given text as having irreconcilably
contradictory meanings, rather than being a unified, logical whole?
Answer: Deconstructionist
Which question is not a concern of Psychological Criticism?
Answer: How is the narrator, speaker, or character revealed to readers?

Which of the following critical approaches attempts to describe what happens in the reader’s
mind while interpreting a text?
Answer: Reader-response
Which of the following critical approaches views that no text provides self-contained meaning?
Answer: Formalist
Identify the critical approach as reflected by the following question: How do the characters fare
against economic and political odds?
Answer: Marxist Criticism
All the following statements refer to a Deconstructionist approach on literature EXCEPT:
Answer: Texts are material products to be understood in broadly historical terms
What is an archetype?
Answer: an image of power-play
Identify the critical approach as reflected by the following question: What roles do men and
women assume and perform and with what consequences?
Answer: Feminist Criticism
After talking with the little prince, what does the pilot realize that makes the desert seem
Answer: It hides a well somewhere
Which of the following themes best refers to the advice of the fox regarding the Little Prince’s
accountability to his rose?
Answer: Relationships Teach Responsibility
How does the fox define the phrase, “to tame”?
Answer: “To establish ties”
Why does the pilot worry about the little prince’s departure?
Answer: The prince’s plans involve a deadly snakebite
What is the narrator’s occupation?
Answer: Pilot
What does the narrator say is the most important to him in the story’s final chapter?
Answer: Whether the sheep has eaten the prince’s rose
On his planet, what does the little prince place over the rose at night?
Answer: A glass jar
Who is the first being the prince meets on Earth?
Answer: The snake
Which character said the following line: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye.”
Answer: The fox
According to the fox, what makes the prince’s rose so important?
Answer: It symbolizes the time the prince has spent caring for her
Who wrote the fiction, “The Gulliver’s Travels”?
Answer: Jonathan Swift
The following are literary works developed during the Middle Ages, EXCEPT:
Answer: The Adventures of Don Quixote
How many lines does a sonnet have?
Answer: 14
This is a type of writing that ridicules or holds in contempt the faults of individuals or of groups.
Answer: satire
A literary movement which depicts a person’s fate as determined by heredity, chance and the
Answer: Naturalism
Who wrote the Divine Comedy?
Answer: Dante Alighieri
The following are examples of oxymoronic phrases EXCEPT:
Answer: beautiful facade
A literary movement inspired by imagination, inner feelings and emotions.
Answer: Romanticism
This is a long historical poem about a medieval knight and is by far the most studied of all
medieval poems.
Answer: The Song of Roland
A literary movement which sought to depict life as faithfully and accurately as possible.
Answer: Realism
Why did the Trojans finally decide to bring the horse inside the gates?
Answer: They are afraid of arousing Minerva’s anger
What token must Aeneas carry to be admitted alive into the underworld?
Answer: A golden bough
Which of the three Theban plays was probably written last?
Answer: Oedipus at Colonus
What are the names of the twin brothers, suckled at the breast of a wolf, who became the
founders of Rome?
Answer: Romulus and Remus
How do the young Trojan boys participate in the contests in Sicily?
Answer: They exhibit their horsemanship in a mock battle
What was hidden inside the wooden belly of the horse left outside the Trojan gates?
Answer: Greek warriors
What does the name “Oedipus” mean?
Answer: “Swollen foot”
The author of The Aeneid.
Answer: Virgil
Which of the gods is the staunchest enemy of Aeneas and the Trojans?
Answer: Juno
The following are Greek poets EXCEPT:
Answer: Catullus

ENGL312 – World Literature – Last

Which of the following critical approaches explores the artist’s common humanity by tracing
how the individual imagination uses myths and symbols common to different cultures and
Answer: Mythological Criticism
Which of the following critical approaches emphasizes the role of class and ideology as they
reflect, propagate and even challenge the prevailing social order?
Answer: Marxist Criticism
Which of the following critical approaches views any given text as having irreconcilably
contradictory meanings, rather than being a unified, logical whole?
Answer: Deconstructionist
Which question is not a concern of Psychological Criticism?
Answer: How is the narrator, speaker, or character revealed to readers?

Which of the following critical approaches attempts to describe what happens in the reader’s
mind while interpreting a text?
Answer: Reader-response
Which of the following critical approaches views that no text provides self-contained meaning?
Answer: Formalist*
Identify the critical approach as reflected by the following question: How do the characters fare
against economic and political odds?
Answer: Marxist Criticism
All the following statements refer to a Deconstructionist approach on literature EXCEPT:
Answer: Texts are material products to be understood in broadly historical terms
What is an archetype?
Answer: an image of power-play*
Identify the critical approach as reflected by the following question: What roles do men and
women assume and perform and with what consequences?
Answer: Feminist Criticism
After talking with the little prince, what does the pilot realize that makes the desert seem
Answer: It hides a well somewhere
Which of the following themes best refers to the advice of the fox regarding the Little Prince’s
accountability to his rose?
Answer: Relationships Teach Responsibility
How does the fox define the phrase, “to tame”?
Answer: “To establish ties”
Why does the pilot worry about the little prince’s departure?
Answer: The prince’s plans involve a deadly snakebite
What is the narrator’s occupation?
Answer: Pilot
What does the narrator say is the most important to him in the story’s final chapter?
Answer: Whether the sheep has eaten the prince’s rose
On his planet, what does the little prince place over the rose at night?
Answer: A glass jar
Who is the first being the prince meets on Earth?
Answer: The snake
Which character said the following line: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye.”
Answer: The fox
According to the fox, what makes the prince’s rose so important?
Answer: It symbolizes the time the prince has spent caring for her
Who wrote the fiction, “The Gulliver’s Travels”?
Answer: Jonathan Swift
The following are literary works developed during the Middle Ages, EXCEPT:
Answer: The Adventures of Don Quixote
How many lines does a sonnet have?
Answer: 14
This is a type of writing that ridicules or holds in contempt the faults of individuals or of groups.
Answer: satire
A literary movement which depicts a person’s fate as determined by heredity, chance and the
Answer: Naturalism
Who wrote the Divine Comedy?
Answer: Dante Alighieri
The following are examples of oxymoronic phrases EXCEPT:
Answer: beautiful facade
A literary movement inspired by imagination, inner feelings and emotions.
Answer: Romanticism
This is a long historical poem about a medieval knight and is by far the most studied of all
medieval poems.
Answer: The Song of Roland
A literary movement which sought to depict life as faithfully and accurately as possible.
Answer: Realism
Why did the Trojans finally decide to bring the horse inside the gates?
Answer: They are afraid of arousing Minerva’s anger
What token must Aeneas carry to be admitted alive into the underworld?
Answer: A golden bough
Which of the three Theban plays was probably written last?
Answer: Oedipus at Colonus
What are the names of the twin brothers, suckled at the breast of a wolf, who became the
founders of Rome?
Answer: Romulus and Remus
How do the young Trojan boys participate in the contests in Sicily?
Answer: They exhibit their horsemanship in a mock battle
What was hidden inside the wooden belly of the horse left outside the Trojan gates?
Answer: Greek warriors
What does the name “Oedipus” mean?
Answer: “Swollen foot”
The author of The Aeneid.
Answer: Virgil
Which of the gods is the staunchest enemy of Aeneas and the Trojans?
Answer: Juno
The following are Greek poets EXCEPT:
Answer: Catullus

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