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SEP Journal

June 19
 Orientation on the SEP and expectations
 Briefed us on what to expect
 7 things we have and sacrificing them

On 21st Century Skills

 We were informed of the skills needed by top companies

 Envision yourself in 2,5,10 years
 We formed our sections
June 20
Reading and Writing
 Introduction Essay
 Interviewed partner and introduced them
 Essays should be cohesive and has a defined structure

Digital Learning

 Created an infographic using Venggage

 Created a Presentation through Canva
 Created a Mindmap using Mindmup
 Usage of other applications to make a presentation other than powerpoint
June 24
June 25
Digital Learning
 Photoshop yourself with a pokemon
 Photoshop yourself with a celebrity
Gender Sensitivity
 We learned about the sexual anatomy
 We should be impartial when it comes to gender
June 26
Reading and Writing
Fire Drill/ Earthquake Drill
July 1
Reading and Writing
Half day due to bad weather
June 2
Reading and writing
On confidence and assertiveness
July 3
No professor
On Skill Building
July 4
Reading and Writing
Gender Sensitivity

July 8
Reading and Wriing
On Setting Priorities

July 9
Reading and Writing
On Basic Research
July 10
Digital Learning
 Vlogging and a career on it
 Assignment: Make a 5-minute vlog

On Well Being
 Assignment: Table and reflection about the speech on Well Being
July 11
Reading and Writing
Time Management
 Reflection on time management
July 15
Digital Learning
 Made a sway presentation on FEU Learning Journey
 Youtube Guidelines
 Usage of Sway in Microsoft office
On Basic Research
 Discussion about research
 Activity on research
July 16
 Discussion on positivity
 Even if you don’t like it, you might as well enjoy it
 We have to try even if we don’t want to
 Activity given was to write a reflection about the discussion
 Discussion on FEU Core Values
 Fortitude – it is about perseverance and having grit
 Uprightness – It is about having the right moral courage and to be
 Excellence – It is about achieving the standard of a role model student
July 17
Suspended classes
July 18
Locus of control
 We learned if we believed that fate is controlled internally or externally
 There is always a solution to any kind of problem
 Even if it isn’t our fault why we are in a situation it is no excuse to give up
but find a solution

July 19
Conflict Resolution and Decision making
 Arm-Wrestling Activity
 Traffic Jam Activity
 Discussion on strategies in decision making
 We learned that when we make a decision we can think about others and
ourselves, and these decisions can be to fight, avoid, compromise,
cooperate or smoothing over the problem
Half Day
July 22
Finding your niche
 Discussion about the importance of goals
 Goal planning activity
 Vision Board activity
 It is greatly helpful if we plan our goals and have a plan before we start
taking action
 Ma’am Joy talked about understanding and motivating 2 of her students
who were underperforming

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