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Vlog Script

Name (s): __________________________________

Shirl: Hey! Anybody know of a great pasta recipe? Just kidding. I have enough of those already.
Stick to Kraft Dinner. I will however tell you how to be the best mom ever. Once you’re done
with this video, you’ll be an expert.

Shirl: I’m Shirl Shadboldt, best mom in Alberta, Canada. I am a mom to the two most adorable
children on the planet, Lyle & lizzie. If you have a great thing going, why not share it. KIDS!!
STOP FIGHTING!! (Shouting off screen) Don’t throw the KD, you’re wasting good carbs! (Comes
back to the audience.)Stick around, not only will you find out how to wear a super cape as a
mom, you’ll also want to give tips to the moms in your life.

Shirl: Being a mom is challenging. Between paying the bills, working full time for minimum wage
and trying to fit in last year’s jeans, being a mom is rough.

Shirl: I believe the key to being the best mom ever is making sure you put quality food on the
table. If your kids aren’t fed well and aren’t filled to the brim with carbs you’re losing the game
before you even begin.

Make sure that they have a great dad. That’s another way to be a great mom. Without Herb in
the picture I’m not sure what I’d do.

Put on elaborate birthday parties to celebrate life. Even if it means going a little over budget,
the kiddies are worth it. They need to know they’re loved.

I also love opening my home to others. There is no other way to show love then to share it.
Actually, right now I’m entering into a new phase of motherhood. Fostering. Not sure what I’ve
gotten myself into with a teenager, but my heart is big and full, like a pot of spaghetti boiling
over. I always have room for one more.
Shirl: Well there you have it. The key to being a great mom is food, an amazing father, birthday
celebrations, and opening your home to strangers.

Call to Action
Shirl: Thanks for listening. I invite you to share the above information with the moms in your
life. Do it. I also encourage you to leave your comments below. (Point to bottom of screen.)
Perhaps you have some advice that I have failed to mention. I’m always trying to improve! I
know you all gave me plenty of comments on my lasagna dish last week. I’m sure you won’t
hesitate to chat with me now. Thanks for your time. Next week I’ll be sharing how to survive
watching your teenager learn to drive. See you!

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