The Problem and Its Setting

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Chapter I



Philippines known as the uttermost use of social media by the

use of cellular phone. Some use it as instrument or tool for

academic purposes such as browsing, communicating, calculating

even in business. Since, our country is influences of modern

world which some of us are prone and focuses in technology like

cellphone. These are also having benefits and negatives effects

that gives to the users.

Currently education making a move toward the use of

technology within classroom ranging from elementary to the

collegiate level using the most commonly devices for educational

purposes; tablets (iOS/Android), smartphones (Android/iOS), and

laptops (Windows/Macintosh) (Dietz & Henrich, 2014). These

devices are used to enhance the overall educational performance

of the students; answering questions, examining visualization,

note taking, researching, and communicating (Integrated Tech in

High School, 2012).

Cellphone is small wireless device that has at least the same

functions of a standard wired telephone but is smaller and more

mobile. It requires a subscription to a service provider and

requires either a prepaid or monthly billing set up and also

called mobile phone or mobile device (Business Dictionary). The

world’s first cell phone was launched in 1083. It was the

Motorola Dyna TAC 800x and priced at the around $4,000 and lasted

for 30 minutes of talk time before dying. Mobile phones have

become an almost essential part of daily life since their rapid

growth in popularity in the late 1990’s. The extensively impact

of mobile phone affect the development of the countries. Every

single moment there is a need of mobile phone, from dawn to dusk

mobile phone is a must with us. Mobile phone can highly have

affected by the young generation all over the world


The use of cellphone has been increasing in all economic and

age sectors and has expanded the boundaries of higher education.

Mobile phones connected students to one another, to educational

resource, and to a potential host of distractions. The presence

of cellphones presents both opportunities and challenges for

today’s students. Mobile phone can be a helpful academic tool, or

harmful academic disruption depending upon the attitude and use

pattern of the students and the policies of the schools they


This research was conducted to determine causes and effects

of using mobile phone or cellphone in development of the

performance and skills of the students in writing, reading and

comprehension. It also sought to distinguish the effect of over

usage of cell-phone to the behavior of the student. It also

sought to distinguish the effect of over usage of cell-phone to

the mental and physical behavior of the students.


Philippines continues to improves and develop in terms of

technology. Many used technology particularly the cellphone as a

tool in education. These was a very huge help to each in the part

of teaching. It will give a positive and negatives effects.

In the past century, Education can improve a lot by the more

civilized and creative. The teachers can impart to their students

effectively in brief way while the students learned and

understand easily the lessons by the used of the technologies. It

also a new techniques and strategies of teaching which innovate a

better quality of education.

In this research paradigm shows the cause and effects of using

cellphone in academic performance of the students and it will

give idea and awareness to the negative and positive effects of

cellphone on the part of the respondents.

Input Process Output

1.Profile of the 1. Administration 1.It will

students/responden of the survey identify the
ts. questioner. cause and
a. Age effects of using
a. Profile of the
b. Gender cellphone in
c. Sibling rank academic
d. Time rate
b. Possible cause performance of
used of
and effects students.
e. Subjects used
by cellphone 2.It will
2. Analyses of increase the
statistical data knowledge about
2.Possible cause
treatment. the cause and
and effects of
using cellphone in effect of
the academic cellphone on
performance of their academic
students. performance.

Research Paradigm
Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the research paradigm. The researcher used the

system of input-process-output approach.

The inputs include; the profile of the respondents in terms

of Age, Gender, Sibling rank, Time rate used of cellphone and
Subject's used by cellphone. Possible cause and effects of
cellphone in the academic performance of students.

The process that used is by the help of survey questionnaire

and the way of sampling. The output was notice are the following.
1. It will identify the cause and effects of using cellphone in
academic performance of students. 2. It will increase the
knowledge about the cause and effects of cellphone on their
academic performance.


This research study is conducted to attempt and to identify

the cause and effects of using cellphone in the academic

performance of grade ten (10) students of Sto. Domingo Trade

National High school. Specifically, the study attempted to answer

the following questions.

1. How may the profile of the respondent be describing in terms


a. Age
b. Gender
c. Sibling rank
d. Time rate used of cellphone
e. Subject's used by cellphone

2. What are the causes and effects of using cellphone on the

academic performance of the students?

3. How may the cellphones affects to the academic performance of

the students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between respondents and

their profile variables on their academic performance in terms of

using cellphone?

There is a significant relationship between respondents and

profile variables in terms of academic performance by using of



The study that conducted is very beneficial, the findings

will help to the following specially to the students in terms of

learning pattern.

Students. The findings will help to the students to be able to be

aware on positive and negative cause and effects of cellphone. It

will be the way to be used of time productive. The findings will

also help to make students to be responsible users and it will a

lot for a better academic performance.

Teachers. The findings will help to the teacher to know the

effects of cellphone on their students. It will be the way to

guide the students in a right way for a better teaching

strategies for a better quality of education.

Principals. The findings will help to the Superior for able to

know what best practices that he or she can do which the students

learn and enhance the academic performance.

Parents. The findings will help to the parents to guide their

child in a right way which the students achieve a best quality of

life in a future.


The focus of this research study is to aim the cause and

effects of using cellphone on the academic performance of the

grade ten (10) students of Sto. Domingo Trade National High

school. The research conducted at Sto. Domingo trade National

High school school, Sto. Domingo Trade Nueva Ecija.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presented the review related of literature that

contains of from foreign and local studies of the past studies.

Cellphone is one of the most rapidly growing technologies in

the world. A cellphone or cellular phone also known as a mobile

phone is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over
a radio link while moving around a wide geographical area. Modern

cell phones support a wide variety of other services such as text

messaging, multi-media messaging, email, internet access,

Bluetooth, business applications, games, photography and

calendaring among other service.


The human behavior is rapidly changing with the touch of

technology. Technology is the main key indicator of development

of today’s world. The effect of mobile phone on daily activities

of human being is affected the whole society and even the whole

country. Mobile addiction can be seriously affected at the

psychological level of human mind and human organs (Goswami &

Singh, 2015).

Many research was found the effective effect this change

maker device. The mobile phones are not only communication device

but also used for news, information and other non-formal

communication media (Rejeev & Jobilal,2015).

According to John Holland, students who always used cellphone can

result to decreasing the ability in grammar, spelling, and the

construction of sentence as well.

Students’ achievement increase significantly when students

use mobile learning devices, including smartphones during

learning time (Norries,Hossain & Soloway,2011). This is because

their time-on-task completion will increase as they have the

device in hand. Students were constantly using smartphone camera

to take pictures of abstract concepts taught in class so that

later they could relate them with concrete ideas (Norries et al.,


Similarly, Woodcock et al. (2012) reported that respondents

in their research believed that smartphones had allowed them to

improve productivity and eventually their learning performance.

Kumar (2011) indicated that students were downloading online

lectures and reading e-books to improve learning. Smartphone have

created sophisticated avenues for students to learn and it is

undeniable that more students are spending more time using mobile

apps. This positively correlated with the higher rate of

smartphone ownership among higher education students (Bowen,

Kyle, & Mathew,2012).


World Health Organization stated that the person who used

cellphone have a big prone in malfunction of the body. It

presented that lack of physical activities which should need of

the human body (WHO,2015).

Many current studies have shown smartphones usage benefits

in learning, students were found always using their phones more

for playing games and leisure activities than for learning. Among

the identified factors preventing widespread adoption of

smartphones for physical, technical, and psychological

limitations. Students were increasingly adopting smartphones with

the focus on personal use rather than education (White & Mills,

2012). More studies were carried out investigate he causes behind

a negative relationship between electro media use and academic

performance; multitasking has emerged as a possible explanation

(Jocobse & Foster, 2011; Junco & Cotton, 2011; 2012; Karpinski et

al., 2013; Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010; Rosen et al., 2013; Wood

et al., 2012). Smartphones use is not only limited to texting and

calling but internet use, email and social-networking site such

as Facebook, it can potentially increase multitasking and task

switching during academic activities and can affect the cognitive

processes of students.


The increase of technology in the classroom (e.g., use of

cell phones), there has been an increased report of a decline in

overall grades and decrease of work and using cellphone in the

classroom has been connected with lower recall and decrease in

student satisfaction with instruction (Dietz & Henrich, 2014);

comprehension has also lessened when students use electronic

devices for non-educational purposes. It was found that students

find their devices more exciting and stimulating than what is

happening in their class (Sana et al., 2013); students have also

been found to continue to use cell phones for non-educational

purposes during class instruction, even when they are aware of

negative side-effects of cell phone usage in the classroom.

Another reason of student uses their cell phones in class (e.g.,

messaging, looking at social media, gaming) is because they

believe that they can “multitask”.

The ability to truly process two streams of independent

information at the same time is nearly impossible; what most

people refer to as multitasking is actually considered serial

tasking, which is the action of shifting back from one task to

another (Fisher & Plessow, 2015). Students belief of multitasking

is important because it need to compared to teachers’ beliefs of

multitasking. Students who believe they can multitask may be more

likely to believe they can use their cellphones and pay attention

during class (Kuznekoff,Munz, & Titswoeth, 2015).


The Review of Literature shows different cause and effects

of using cellphone on the academic performance of the students.

It is very relevant, productive and significant to the study to

give insight particularly to the present study about the cause

and effects of using cellphone on the academic performance of

grade ten (10) students of Sto. Domingo Trade National High

school in the school year 2019-2020.

In today's situation cellphone is a huge tool in academic

performance of students. It can be result to a positive or

negative effects. The only thing to do is to be a responsible

one. Cellphone give a potential development for the future of

youth. But, to make it that the superior should be guide the

young age in a right way.

The present study is similar to the previous studies that

find out the common cause and effects of cellphone on the grade

10 students. The studies which have similarity and related to

each of other are Bowen,Kyle,& Matthew, D.P. (2012). Students

preferences for mobile app usage. Retrieved from

Eysenck,M.W.,& Keane,M.T.(2015). Cognitive Psychology: A

Stusent’s Handbook. New York,NY: Psychology Press Fischer,R.,&

Plessow,F.(2015). Efficient multitasking: Parallel versus serial

processing of multiple task. Frontier in Psychology,6,1366.


(2013).An exploration of social networking site use,

multitasking, and academic performance among United States and

European University students. Computer in Human Behavior,29,1182-


Kumar,M.(2011), Impact of the evolution of smart phones in

education technology and its application in technical and

professional studies: Indian perspective. International Journal

of Managing Information Technology(IJMIT),3(3),39-49.

Norries,C.,Hossain,A.,&Soloway,E.(2011). Using smartphone as

essential tools for learning: A call to place schools on the

right side of 21st century. Educationl Technology.,51(3),18-25.

Sana,F.,Wenston,T.,&Cepede,N.(2013). Laptop multitasking hinders

classroom learning for both users and nearby peers. Computer and


Pullam,Daniel,Effect of Student Classroom Cell Phone Usage on

Teacher (2017). Master Theses & Specialialist Project Paper 1915.


White,J.,& Mills,D.J.(2012). Examining attitudes towards and

usage of smartphone

Pasquale,D.,&Nosko,A.(2012). Examining the impact of off-task

multi-tasking with technology on real-time classroom learning.

Computer & Education, 58(1),365-374.

Woodcock,B.,Middleton,A.,&Nortcliffe,A.(2012). Considering the

smartphone learner: an investigation into student interest in the

use of personal technology to enhance their learning. Student

Engagement and Experience Journal, 1(1),1-15


This chapter describes the method of study, data gathering,

procedure and statistical treatment used in the study in order to

have a reliable analysis and interpretation of data.


The method used to conduct the research is descriptive. It

will clearly describe the cause and effects of using cellphone on

the academic performance of the grade ten (10) students. It

describes the fact-finding that stated in the problem of the

study. It is used also to gather, analyze and interpret result in

a specific problem of the research.


The respondents were the Grade ten (10) students of Sto. Domingo

Trade National High school, Purok 5 Baloc, Sto. Domingo, Nueva

Ecija of the SY 2019-2020:

Researcher used to determine the respondent by the used of

sampling. The respondent chosen basically based on their

knowledge. All of Grade ten (10) students of Sto. Domingo Trade

National High School with one hundred eighty (180) male student

and two hundred twenty (220) female student with a total of four

hundred (400) respondents.

Table 1: Distribution of Respondent

Gender Number

Male 180

Female 220

Total 400

Table 1: Shows the distribution of respondent all grade ten (10)

students. The breakdown of female and male respondents.


"Education is the key to the success." Sto. Domingo Trade

National School that promote a best quality of education. It

focuses of a better life of their students whose produces

effective and efficient students that make successful someday.

The school create and build an innovative child which can step up

to continue the legacy of our national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal

which he stated that "the youth is of the nation."

The research was conducted in Sto. Domingo Trade National High

school, Purok 5, Baloc Sto. Domingo Nueva Ecija. The superior of

this school is Madam Cecille O. Ocsan Ed. D as the principal.

Figure:2 Map of Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija


The procedure of collecting data is by the used of survey

questionnaire. Survey questionnaire is a paper containing a list

of question that answer by factual way of respondent. (Babbie

2013). Itis characterized by semi-structural interview that

contains of choices but free to answer with honesty (Rubin 2012;

Bernard 2013).

Description of the Instrument

Part I. Is a survey questionnaire on the profile of respondent or

student that questions contain of Age, Gender, Sibling rank, Time

rate used of cellphone and Subject's used by cellphone.

Part II. Is a questionnaire on the possible cause and effects of

using cellphone on the academic performance of the grade ten (10)

students of Sto. Domingo Trade National High school. The

respondent answer the given statement based on the verbal rating.

The research data collected by the following step.

Seek Permission

Researcher makes a letter for the respective person where

he/she are the superior of the location where the study is

conducted. It is conducted at Sto. Domingo Trade National High

School and Madam Cecille O. Ocsan Ed. D as the school Principal

or superior.

Administration and Retrieval of Questionnaire

The questionnaire is distributed to the respective

respondents which are the Grade ten (10) students of Sto. Domingo

Trade National High School. The questionnaire is divided into two

(2) parts. Part I contains of profile of respondent and Part II

contains of possible cause and effects of using cellphone in

academic performance

The following statistical treatments were used to analyzed the

data that gathered.

The formula for percentage

P = F/N X 100%


P = percentage

F = number of frequencies

N = total number of respondents

The possible factors are personality, person influences,

economic stability and academic ability or aptitude. The

respondent answered the statement rate by the following verbal


3.21– 5.00 = strongly agree

3.41 – 4.20 = agree

2.61 – 3.40 = uncertain or no comment

1.81 – 2.60 = disagree

1.00 – 1.80 = strongly disagree

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