Tudose Mihai Catalin - Letters For Schizophrenic People and To Schizophrenic People

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Letters for

to schizophrenic



Copyright © 2019 by Mihai Catalin Tudose

All rights reserved. No part of this book may

be reproduced in any form on by an electronic
or mechanical means, including information
storage and retrieval systems, without
permission in writing from the publisher,
except by a reviewer who may quote brief
passages in a review.


About the Author.......................................575


This are my Letters for schizophrenic people

and to schizophrenic people

Note that some are in English and some are in

Romanian language, you can translate them


Letter Number= 1
Date= May 19 at 9:50 PM Date= 5/19/19,
9:50 PM
Continue Reading Follows Their favourite
saying is that they are the army. They like to
say they are the army with all they did.
But they are not the army and they are just
some corrupted nullity some from the army
and police others in other jobs, doing hidden
their corruption and illegalities.
Now they think they are too smart and they
want to escape now under the umbrella of the
army, saying what I say is about the whole
army, but in fact I said about this corrupted
smart guys, about them and does not work
with their smart algorithms to put in front the
army now, so to hide under the umbrella of
the army, because I say on facebook now the
whole truth.
They try to use the army now, again they
think they are too smart and no-one will
understand their smart steps and smart
thinking, now they are saying they are the true
army so to fool the army to protect them as
their own, but they are illegal and corrupted
and not the army. This persons are thinking
they are too smart and have a smart mouth,
they are thinking again too highly about
First they thought they can stay forever
unknown attacking corrupted with bioenergy,
which did not functioned, because we know
the truth they attack as corrupted and legally,
now again they are thinking they are too smart
fooling the army again after their corruption
they now try to use the army umbrella to
remain corrupted, but they are a shame

corrupted without dignity and a shame for
every person in a office.
In reality they are not the army, just corrupted
nullity that think they are so smart to put in
front the army and to use the army again, now
to fool the army so to use the whole army to
protect them now.
But what I said is about the corrupted nullity
and not the real army, because in reality they
are not the army, just some corrupted thinking
they are too smart and now fool the army too,
and after their first corruption, now again they
think are too smart to foo the army again to
protect them as their own, as legal, but what
they did is corruption selling army weapons
legally in their heads thinking they will fool
everybody including the army.
In reality they are thinking too highly about
themselves, thinking they are too smart for
what they really are, and I say they can't smart
the army to fool the army again after their
first corruption acts, because I say the truth
publicly: they are not the army, but just
corrupted that are thinking they are too smart
thinking they can use the army again and no
one realize their smart algorithms and
thinking, after their corruption act that was the
first smart act they tried and tried to hide
forever, but without success, because now
many people know they do illegal acts and are
corrupted, now they try to fool the army again
hiding under the army umbrella, but they will
not succeed because I say the truth, they are
not the army but just some corrupted and
illegal thinking they are too smart, but in
reality they are thinking again wrong, because
the truth it will be told and will reveal to the

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessing
Letter Number= 2
Date= May 19 at 8:40 PM Date= 5/19/19,
8:40 PM

I hope over the years to Serve with a

technology superior to facebook from today, I
hope to Serve with the new technologies, on
that time, but I hope to see the schizophrenic
people free, happy with their rights respected
and to write happy messages with that future
To speak on that future technologies about the

happy life of the past schizophrenic people,
now healthy and happy, to live a fulfilled life.
I hope over the years and decades to speak
with glad and j...oy about the schizophrenic
people this time happy, free, healthy, with
their situation solved, and with their right
respected and completely free.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 3
Date= May 19 at 8:08 PM Date= 5/19/19,
8:08 PM

I am thinking to the schizophrenic people that

hear voices most of them not because they are
sick, but in reality the truth is that they are
attacked with bioenergy and this is unfair and
in fact illegal.
Every good person realize that in truth it is
illegal to do such a thing, to attack people
with bioenergy and telepathy.
And I think it would be a good act to Serve
with God Jesus as Christians to help the
schizophrenic people.
So the people with have their Right back, the
R...ight to Freedom, to Work, to Happiness, to
be in Heaven.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 4
Date= May 13 at 7:42 PM Date= 5/13/19,
7:42 PM

Castle of Cards

INSANE Domino Tricks! (Hevesh5 &



Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 5
Date= May 13 at 6:58 PM Date= 5/13/19,
6:58 PM

Artistic Billiard




Amazing Snooker Trick Shot Artist | Little

Big Shots Australia

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 6
Date= May 11 at 11:54 AM Date= 5/11/19,
11:54 AM

They attacked me from 2003 till 2016,

because a big-shot Director(on that time, now
CEO) corrupted them with case of money
In 2016 I said in a blog publicly about them
attacking people with telepathy and
From 2016 till now 2019 they said they are
corrupted in the army and they want to
revenge on me, because of My blog from
2016 because I said the Truth about them
attacking with bioenergy and telepathy people
and making people schizophrenic.
They said they ...are corrupted but because I
said in 2016 and I Serve as a Christian they
attack me more from 2016-2019 because they
want to punish me, to revenge.

From 2004-2016 they attacked payed with a
case of money each month, and from 2016 till
today 2019 they say this time they want to
They attacked as corrupted and now because I
said about schizophrenic people they attack
now on for another reason, to revenge,.
They say now because I said about them and I
Serve with God Jesus, they will attack me
even if they weren't payed and have
something personal with me.
They say they attack me because I Served
Christian and said about schizophrenic people
being just attacked with bioenerrgy for nullity
like them.
They pretend to be Romanian army that want
to punish me because I said the truth about
schizophrenia and they having many
corrupted in the Romanian army that sell the
weapons from endowment to big-shots for
very much sum of money monthly.
I think they are not the army, but some
corrupted nullity in the army.
They want to pretend telepathically to be the
Romanian army so I DISPUTE them as the
army and then the army will think I have
something personally with them and attack
me too.
In fact I think they are not the army but some
corrupted nullity.
I remain with our Lord Jesus and Serve as a
Christian Adventist.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 7
Date= May 11 at 10:53 AM Date= 5/11/19,
10:53 AM

Io sunt prost(face cu ochiu), n-am invatat

Cum ma?!
Daaaa, io sunt garcea. Dar io sunt prost n-am
invatat carte, am luat Diplomele asa ca am dat
mita, spaga
Si-ti merge?
Daaaa(rade ca tampitelu prostanac asa), da io
fur, sunt corupt la garcea, io sunt garcea
Ii controlez p-aia de la obor si iau CD-uri
Audio mita, spaga, sunt corupt

Cum ma, nu stii ca nu e bine sa furi?!
(si apoi soptit ca la un secret): Eeee, io tot
fur!!! io sunt garcea, in armata
In armata ma?!
Daaa, io n-am invatat carte, in armata da,,,
Pai si e bine ma sa furi?
Eah acuma stiu ca nu e bine, da asa e tehnica
la garcea, io tot fur, daca sunt garcea
Ba te duci in Iad ba
Eeee, dupa poate ma duc in Iad da ce-o fi o fi,
ca io oricum fur si ma duc in Iad, io sunt ratat
asa ca tot in Iad ma duc, nu ti-am zis ca io
sunt garcea d-ala corupt?!
Bine ma, nu te duci in Iad orice ar fi, tu
trebuia sa mergi in Rai, faptele tale te fac sa
mergi in Iad
Da, da io sunt garcea. Io nu sunt educat si stiu
ca nu e bine, da io tot fur. Stiu ca sunt loser
ratat, da io tot ma corup
Si ce mai faci tu pe la armata si la garcea
Eeee, io bat oameni
Cum ma?!
Daaa, io ma maschez si bat oameni si nu stie
cine l-a lovit ca am masca, da imi place sa ii
bat cand ii leaga la interogatoriu
Bine ma, nu stii ca nu e bine, ca e bine
Eah, e bine, da mie imi place sa bat oamenii
Bine ma, nici nu ii asculti si tu ii bati
Daaaa, io sunt garcea, io sunt corupt, mie imi
place d-astea de ne-educat
Baaa, te afla vreunu ce faci te faci de ras
Noooo, noi garcea ne aparam unu pa altu, nu
afla nimeni, sunt mascat si o tin pe a mea
orice ar fi
Baa, tot te afla ba sarmane
Noooo, noi garcea zice lumea ca este prosti,
dar noi este destepti, e numai o aparenta, e o
Ce tehnica ma, ca e prostie, te afla vreunu ce
faci in realitate si te mai duci si in Iad
Eah, io tot fur, ca io sunt garcea in armata,
cine sa stie ca garcea face d-astea, noi garcea
e destepti, face asa doar de tehnica, nu are
nimeni curaj sa spuna ca io ii bat si p-aia, si
nu crede nimeni ca n-are probe(face cu
ochiu), ca de schizofrenii aia,,,
"Ulcioru nu duce de mutle ori la apa" ba
Eah, acum io stiu, da asta e, io sunt loser ne-
educat oricum
Ma, Ceausescu zicea la fel si oamenii l-au dat
afara ma sarmane

Daaa(rade ca tampitelu ca si cum ar spune un
secret), asa e, da nu mai e Ceausescu, da
acuma, ca sa spun drept, io tot fur, ca io sunt
ne-educat, fie ce-o fi,,, asta e
Ba garcea ba, nu mai face ma d-aste ca se afla
tot si face Dumnezeu dreptate odata si odata

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 8
Date= May 9 at 1:21 PM Date= 5/9/19, 1:21

Asociaza garcea din armata romana emotie

negativa la Frumusetea vietii Crestine,,,
Ataca ca sa simti durere si sa asocize la
Bunatate, Frumusete, Dumnezeu Iisus, viata
Saracii imbecili
Ataca pana simti durerea,,, nu functioneaza
asa, Dumnezeu este Iubire,,,...
Prostii mucosi garcea se duc in Iad, iar noi
Crestinii in Rai,,,
Mucosii garcea,,, niste handicapati,,,
Prosti sunt nebarbatii garcea,,,
Saracii mucosi nebarbati,,,
Ne-o fi frica de mucosii nebarbati din armata
Nu este cazul, raman cu Dumnezeu Iisus,
Crestin Adventist

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 9
Date= May 9 at 1:35 AM Date= 5/9/19, 1:35

Te ataca mucosii nebarbati garcea cu telepatie

pentru ca Dumnealui Slujeste si ramane cu
Dumnezeu Iisus si face ce este Pozitiv,
In aceasta seara armata romana a pus niste
mucosi nebarbati garcea sa ma atace ca sa
asocieze emotii negative la munca Pozitiva si

cu Dumnezeu Iisus. Ultima lor prostie astazi
sa asocieze garcea emotii negative la Slujirea
Crestina cu Dumnezeu Iisus,,,
Urata e prostia nebarbatilor garcea, niste
mucosi corupti
Ataca asa in prostie,... pana apar emotii
negative, tehnica de prost ateu, ca sa
ascocieze armata romana emotii negative la
munca Pozitiva cu Dumnezeu Iisus
Urata e prostia,,,
Saraca armata rumana,, uruiala proasta,,,
Ne-o fi frica de nebarbatii garcea ca ataca
pana simti durere,,, saracii,,, sa asocieze ei
gaini proaste(minte de gaina) emotii negative
la ce e Bun, Frumos si cu Dumnezeu Iisus
Nu functioneaza asa,,,
Prosti sunt nebarbatii garcea,,,
Niste imbecili pentru ca Dumnealui(adica eu
Tudose Mihai Catalin) ramane cu Dumnezeu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 10
Date= May 9 at 1:31 AM Date= 5/9/19, 1:31

Taranii sunt multi si au bate, boieru nu le

permite defel altceva, numai bate
Boieru sta in usa cu pusca cu alice
Ce stie taranul: primul din ei in fata e cel
Si ei nu se mai revolta sa nu il omoare
Si atunci fac alte strategii...
Dar boierul intre timp face altele: mai
danseaza cate o taranca sotie mai frumoasa,
mai danseaza cate o fiica mai frumoasa
Taranii stiu asa: noi venim pe usa, strigam la
boier: boierule iesi afara ca te dam afara
Boieru iese in cerdac, sta in usa, cu pusca in
Noi taranii avem bate
Si zicem: Boierule nu te mai suportam, sa
El zice: cine face din tarani un pas, impusc
Taranii: suntem noi, si in frunte e un Leader,
si facem un pas
Boierul trage indiferent ce, el trage cu pusca,
chiar daca stie ca omoara numai 1, maxim 2

ca e pusca cu alice
Taranii vin peste el si ii dau cu bata in cap si il
Taranii daca suporta acest Sacrificiu
Daca nu, ca pana acum,,,
Fac strategii
Ca sa nu impuste boierul 1, 2 din Leaderii lor

Boierul trage oricum, ca stie ca omoara doar 1

cu alice sau maxim 2, dar trage oricum numai
din rautate.
Ca daca pleaca viu, pleaca dar unde pleaca tot
boier sa fie,,,
Si cum boier? Daca pleaca de aici dat afara
Asa ca mai bine moare
Si trage oricum cu pusca chit ca taranii ii dau
apoi in momentele urmatoare cu bata in cap
si-l omoara

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 11
Date= May 8 at 8:15 PM Date= 5/8/19, 8:15

I think I die rather in a Revolution fighting for

my Rights as a Lion than killed with PSI
bioenergetic projections in my Christian
Home as a old dog.
Rather a Lion that fights and live a short life
but an old dog that lives a shameful painful
life tortures and attacked.
I think we cannot accept PSI torture and
attacks in our Homes, as victims, as an old
dog tortured in his own Home, but to be a
Lion to start a Revolution and fight for our
Rights in reality and face death but... fights
for Freedom.
To physically say our Rights on TV, on
facebook, with Courage, Daring, and to say
the whole truth no matter what they will do to
us with bioenergy and guns and tanks, with
Courage, Daring, and start a Revolution and
fight for our Rights even if the corrupted army
fights against us and kill us, because we are
Christian and True, Righteous, and we are
Lions that fight for our Rights.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 12
Date= May 8 at 8:12 PM Date= 5/8/19, 8:12

Someone said a story as follows:

“He: In airplane: Miss you look so pretty, do
you want to come with me for 100,000 Euro?!
Let me kiss you.
She: Mister, who do you think I am, 100,000
Euro a lot of money, but I've seen better?!,,,
He: Look here 1,000,000 Euro then, and you
come to me.
She: Well, I don't know, for that sum, a great
sum of money...
He: Say yes OK? And I will give you
1,000,000 Euro
She: Well,,, Yes!
He: Now that we established who you are:
take this 50,000 Euro and come with me.”
Above I quoted a story.

Now they say: We are the army and kill

everybody with PSI telepathy and bioenergy
with army endowment. He must be killed
tortured PSI because he told the truth about
the corrupted army.
We say: No! you do anything you want, but
do not kill him. You can torture him, but not
kill him. We do not let you kill him.
Now they say: Now that we established who
you, and that you let us torture him, now that
we've seen you are afraid of corrupted army,
now we will attack and torture him PSI and
kill him also, and more, we want 15% from
population as schizophrenic, so you will let us
attack and torture as corrupted.

We must stop this.

We must not let us attacked PSI with
bioenergy and telepathy any more for any
reason. Do not negotiate, do not settle for less,
Complete Righteousness, Complete Integrity,
do not let yourself attacked with bioenergy
and telepathy at all for any reason, no matter

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 13

Date= May 8 at 5:42 PM Date= 5/8/19, 5:42

Parerea mea este ca nu trebuie sa ne fie frica

ca ne tortureaza fizic armata si sa ne lasam
torturati PSI, adica in casele noastre cu
bioenergie si telepatie.
Parerea mea este ca nu trebuie sa ne lasam
atacati si torturati PSI, cu bioenergie si
telepatie sub nici o forma sa nu lasam asa
Orice ar fi fizic, orice ar face armata corupta
fizic, ne descurcam atunci si rezolvam si pe
aceea, dar nu ne lasam atacati in case cu
telepatie si bioenergie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 14
Date= May 8 at 5:04 PM Date= 5/8/19, 5:04

Te ataca armata Romana, armata lu uruiala, au

vandut ca prostii armele din dotare, ca s-a
corupt prostu' si acum insolenta de bosorog de
tanar pe functie, ca o tine pe a lui ca omoara
Crestinii in case cu armele din dotare
bioenergetice si telepatie,,,
Niste patetici corupti care au vandut ca ieftinii
si ca ne-babatii armele din dotare,,,
Gainari ieftini corupti,,,
Ce ne facem ca te ataca armata Romana,
armata lu uruiala telepatic si cu bioenergie?!,,,
Disputam si armata lu ...uruiala.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 15
Date= May 8 at 4:46 PM Date= 5/8/19, 4:46

Cum pregatesc uruiala pentru porci! How do I

prepare the brood for pigs!

Te ataca armata Romana, armata lu uruiala
Disputam si armata lu uruiala.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 16
Date= May 8 at 4:39 PM Date= 5/8/19, 4:39

Texte pe ei astazi telepatic: Te pui cu armata

Niste prosti corupti
Armata Romana,,,ce sa zic,,, armata lu

Prosti corupti ataca de cretini oamenii in case

cu telepatie si bioenrgie.


Ne e frica de nebarbatii din armata rumana?

Nu mai putem dupa armata lu uruiala,,,
Fatalai nebarbati corupti, prostalai ne-educati

Nu ne e frica de armata rumana, armata lu

uruiala, ramanem Crestini si Slujim cu
Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 17
Date= May 8 at 4:36 PM Date= 5/8/19, 4:36

Some homosexuals in the army corrupted

because they are sick nullity and now makes
the insolence to attack Christians in their
homes with telepathy and bioenergy.
Just corrupted stupid in the army that now
makes acts in stupid insolence to bluff.
The bluff of the corrupted for no reason, just

They are just corrupted stupid not-educated
and we are Great Christians with God Jesus.
Some handicapped homosexuals with sexual
sickness vulgar, misogynist corrupted
becaus...e they are weak.
We must fire this corrupted nullity form the
They have no reason to attack people with
bioenergy and telepathy other than corruption
because they are cheap and weak.
Some stupid not-educate corrupted because
they are cheap and weak.
We are Great Christians and we Serve with
God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 18
Date= May 8 at 4:32 PM Date= 5/8/19, 4:32

Mircea Dinescu



Pavel Corut

Pavel Corut si Becali la OTV


Gigi Becali vs Pavel Corut


Dumnezeu este Domnul Nostru Iisus.

Adevarul este in Biblia - Cartea Sfanta.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 19

Date= May 8 at 4:30 PM Date= 5/8/19, 4:30

Aceeasi prostie faceau militienii lui


Gabriel Liiceanu - Apel catre lichele



Horia-Roman Patapievici - Politice


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 20
Date= May 8 at 12:02 PM Date= 5/8/19,
12:02 PM

They heard from me, that we will find

solutions to a problem.
And I said this with Integrity, Righteousness,
Now they say: because you went to Super
Market, no problem, I'll find solutions to that
They have no solution really, basically they
want to cover a lie with another lie.
I said honestly I will find solutions, as a
Christian, Honestly....
But they say with stupid insolence about
Super Market ' I'll find solutions to that too'.
They try to cover a lie with another lie.
They don't have what solution to have,
because I do a good thing going to Super
Market, but they say now with evilness and
stupid insolence ' I'll find solutions to that
They have no solution: they try to cover a lie
with another lie.
Solution is when you are ProActive, Positive,
Honest, with Integrity, Righteousness,
They say with stupidity ' I'll find solutions to
that too' because in their case they try to cover

a lie with another lie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 21
Date= May 5 at 1:26 PM Date= 5/5/19, 1:26

We should not let them to pretend they are

another persons telepathically.
To speak in the name of other persons it is
They simulate the presence of another person,
they speak as the person speak, in the person's
We should not let them do that.
It is illegal to speak in the name of other
persons, it is illegal to pretend you are another
To speak about a person's past and life
experiences from the past it is also illegal, to
comment the person's past it is illegal.
They do this to torture PSI a person.
We should not let them do that.

For example "do not steal" it is simple, but

what wonder it is to respect this law.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 22
Date= May 4 at 3:15 PM Date= 5/4/19, 3:15

First, in 2003 they corrupted foolishly with

Ionica CEO of private company in Europe
with case full of money and attacked me for
no reason, payed and corrupted by CEO
Ionica to attack me with weapons in
endowment Romanian army and other
corrupted nullity.
They attacked me for no reason 13 years from
In 2016 I made this Blog:


And from 2016 till now 2019 they attack me

they say to punish me because I said the Truth
publicly about them.

I mean, 13 years continuum(2003-2016) they

attacked me for no reason, payed and
corrupted by a big-shot CEO Ionica with a lot
of money, case full every month.
And after 2016(2016-2019) when I said what
they do publicly they say they have a new
reason to attack me, they say, and now on they
attack me with the new reason they say: just
to punish me because I told they attack
schizophrenic people and because I said what
they do is illegal and because I said the truth
about them as corrupted.
They attacked me 13 years for no reason, and
after I told what they do, they attack me with
a new reason: because I said the truth,,,
It is normal to say the Truth, it is a Virtue and
what they do is illegal and they are just
corrupted nullity.
It is normal to want the schizophrenic people
to be free.
People have rights.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 23
Date= May 1 at 9:06 PM Date= 5/1/19, 9:06

Telepatic ne prezinta noua ce 'dotari' au

homosexualii cimpanzei in armata romana
corupta, fisa tehnica ca cimpanzei
homosexuali din armata romana, ca
maimutele cimpanzei.
Ne spune noua telepatic ce fel de muschi au
cimpanzeii homosexuali din armata romana,
ca 'dotari',,,
Rusinoasa e prostia!!!


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 24
Date= May 1 at 8:59 PM Date= 5/1/19, 8:59

Despre acestia care ataca cu telepatie si

Genul de insolenti care mananca lebede in
Paris in Franta intr-un parc public, si se fac de
Ei sunt niste vai de capul lor ne-educati,
insolenti si sfidatori prosteste, rusinosi.
Se fac de ras pe unde se duc in excursii in
Grecia, Los Angeles, Croatia, Franta din
cauza lipsei de educatie, ca fura, ca sunt
sfidatori, insolenti, vulgari pe unde se duc,
misogini, rusinosi.
Niste rusinosi cu viata grea ca urmare a
faptelo...r de insolenta prosteasca. In urma
faptelor acelea rusinoase au viata foarte grea,
au viata imposibila, au divorturi, demisii la
munca lor, vai de capul lor.(Cine sa se uite la
ei, asa rusinosi cum sunt,,, real sunt
Se fac de ras.
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 25
Date= May 1 at 7:19 PM Date= 5/1/19, 7:19

Despre acestia care ataca cu telepatie si

Ei mint, fura, inseala, se corup, sunt atei, nu
au nici o Morala si nici un Dumnezeu, genul
de delicventi, lichele.
Ei nu pot fi fericiti asa.
Viata lor de furat, corupti, mincinosi, vai de ei
in viata saracii.
Tudose Mihai Catalin...
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 26
Date= May 1 at 6:37 PM Date= 5/1/19, 6:37

Unii ca astia care ataca cu telepatie nu pot fi
fericiti in viata.
Si viata de la Dumnezeu Iisus este sa fim
Fericirea trebuie in viata, sunt ei prea prosti
de asta nu pot fi fericiti.

Obs: cu faptele alea de gainari, pe contre,

corupti, vulgari, misogini, insolenti, sfidatori,
mincinosi, manipulativi, agresivi, bolnavi
homosexuali, vulgari, misogini.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 27
Date= May 1 at 6:29 PM Date= 5/1/19, 6:29

Bosorogu cretinel ca el e in armata rumana

daaaa ma, el e tampitel, scalamba ca idiotu ca
asa e tehnica
Prostanacu zice ca asa e tehnica,,, saracul
Daca n-ai invatat carte
Daaa, e prost ingramadit pe contre gratuit si
prosteste asa ca tampitelu
Chiar daca n-are dreptate, el e pe contre asa ca
prostu, ce realitate, ce Dumnezeu, ce Legi de
la Dumnezeu,,, el e tampitel prosteste asa
E colonulitate, loser in armata rumana, daaaa
Tampitel si imatur si ne-educat injura misogin
si vulgar ca e ne-barbat atata pricepe el ca e
ne-barbat, el ce spune spune prostanac spune
despre el cand este vulgar si misogin,,, el e
saracu nebarbat, spune despre el, ce pricepe el
saracu slabanog mental
Bosorog de tanar, face in ciuda, pe contre,,,
daaa, pe contre asa prosteste chiar daca nu are
dreptate, ca e tampitel, ofiterul tampitel, daaa
El e ofiter, daaa, ofiter tampitel in armata,,,
Pune prostii din armata rumana sa te injure
Da maaaa
Credeai ca sunt prosti corupti in armata
rumana, credeai ca armata e proasta?!

Credeai tu!!!
Sunt mai prosti de-atat!!!
Acum se fac de ras cu telepatie

Credeai ca armata e proasta?!

Nu e proasta,,, e foarte proasta!!!

Faca ca in filmele alea cu tampitei cu tinichele

in armata
Dar sunt prosti, ca nu este ca in filme,,, vezi
tu, nu este ca in filme,,,
Nu este ca in filme, este ca in Biblie, Cartea
Sfanta, de la Dumnezeu Iisus

Saracii bosorogi de tineri din armata rumana

Nu e frica de toate javrele nebarbati din
armata rumana?!
Nu ne e frica de armata, Slujim cu Dumnezeu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 28
Date= May 1 at 5:50 PM Date= 5/1/19, 5:50

Astazi chipurile rad si se scalamba

"Complementeee" telepatic
Saracii de ei sunt si ei nebarbati
Se razgaie telepatic ratatii nebarbati corupti
din armata, fac ca razgaiatii,,, saracii
Prostanaci asa si ne-educati
Chipurile rad si se scalamba
"Complementeee", scalamba ca nebarbatii,
imaturi,,, timpitei asa,,,...
Imaturi si prostanaci, fac in ciuda
Saracii ei ataca prosteste cu telepatie si
bioenegie si lor le place,,, se comporta
tampitel si imatur, cred ca avem glume cu toti
Ei saracii scalamba, fac gesturi fete fete
Saracii nebarbati
Vorbesc pe contre, injura, saracii handicapati
Nebarbatii corupti din armata
Saracii imaturi
Daca oamenilor le e frica ca au muschi de
maimuta este o greseala,,, pentru ca ei sunt
prosti ingramaditi,,,

Si nici de muschii lor de maimuta nu trebuie
sa ne fie frica pentru ca ei sunt niste slabanogi

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 29
Date= May 1 at 4:53 PM Date= 5/1/19, 4:53

Taranii sunt multi si au bate, boieru nu le

permite defel altceva, numai bate
Boieru sta in usa cu pusca cu alice
Ce stie taranul: primul din ei in fata e cel
Si ei nu se mai revolta sa nu il omoare
Si atunci fac alte strategii...
Dar boierul intre timp face altele: mai
danseaza cate o taranca sotie mai frumoasa,
mai danseaza cate o fiica mai frumoasa
Taranii stiu asa: noi venim pe usa, strigam la
boier: boierule iesi afara ca te dam afara
Boieru iese in cerdac, sta in usa, cu pusca in
Noi taranii avem bate
Si zicem: Boierule nu te mai suportam, sa
El zice: cine face din tarani un pas, impusc
Taranii: suntem noi, si in frunte e un Leader,
si facem un pas
Boierul trage indiferent ce, el trage cu pusca,
chiar daca stie ca omoara numai 1, maxim 2
ca e pusca cu alice
Taranii vin peste el si ii dau cu bata in cap si il
Taranii daca suporta acest Sacrificiu
Daca nu, ca pana acum,,,
Fac strategii
Ca sa nu impuste boierul 1, 2 din Leaderii lor

Boierul trage oricum, ca stie ca omoara doar 1

cu alice sau maxim 2, dar trage oricum numai
din rautate.
Ca daca pleaca viu, pleaca dar unde pleaca tot
boier sa fie,,,
Si cum boier? Daca pleaca de aici dat afara
Asa ca mai bine moare
Si trage oricum cu pusca chit ca taranii ii dau
apoi in momentele urmatoare cu bata in cap
si-l omoara

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 30
Date= May 1 at 4:23 PM Date= 5/1/19, 4:23

Do not let yourself tortured PSI with telepathy

and bioenergy.
They threat telepathically: if you do not let
yourself tortured PSI the corrupted will take
you in the prison, with lies we being
corrupted will falsely take you in the prison.
We'll see that too. We will find solutions even
in the prison. We'll solve the prison after but
we do not accept PSI torture. We do not let
ourselves tortured PSI in any case.
They threat telepathically: we will torture you
physically also ...in the prison.
We'll find Christian Solutions to that too.
They threat telepathically: we'll kill you.
I am not afraid because I am a Christian.

1001 problems nested, will solve each at its

time, but we do not accept PSI torture.
Do not accept to do the sin of letting them
torturing you and your family PSI, whatever
they do, you fins solutions to that too, you
repeat to yourself that you find solutions to
whatever they do after, but do not accept PSI
Do not let yourself tortured PSI, even if they
threat they make physical harm, we'll find
solutions to that too, but we DO NOT
ACCEPT the sin to let ourselves tortured PSI.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 31
Date= May 1 at 1:36 PM Date= 5/1/19, 1:36

Hai bai mucosule, l-ai omora tu pe

Dumnealui(adica eu Tudose Mihai Catalin)?!
Hai spune drept acuma,,,
Ai omora tu toti Crestinii?!
Ai face tu fapte d-astea?!
Iii, faci tu d-astea?!...

Hai ba mucosule,,, il urasti tu pe Dumnealui
ca este Crestin Adventist, Integru si
Neprihanit, iar tu doar un ratat?!
Hai spune drept acuma,,, recunoaste,,,
Nebarbate zi ma,,, l-ai omora tu pe
Faci tu d-astea?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 32
Date= May 1 at 1:15 PM Date= 5/1/19, 1:15

Si se vaita mucosii,,, ce e pe ei,,,

Ce nu mi-ar face mucosii ne-educati,,,
Ameninta telepatic, injura ca la ei la needucati
Saracii nebarbati
El e mucos rusinos de tanar, corupt rusinos,
iar eu Neprihanit...
Ce nu mi-ar face mie loserii,,, 'uliu uliu uliu'
ce nu mi-ar face mie mucosii, ca sunt nu ma
compar cu toti prostii ca ei,,,
Patetica si proasta specie la voi acolo-la
prostii vostrai, si invidiosi ca loserii,,,
Si pe Dumnealui l-a injurat un mucos,,,
Si se vaita mucosii telepatic si injura ca ratatii
ca eu sunt Neprihanit si Integru, iar ei niste
corupti bosorogi de tineri n-au invatat carte.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 33
Date= May 1 at 1:10 PM Date= 5/1/19, 1:10

Si se victimizeaza mucosii,,,
Si se victimizeaza mucosii ca eu sunt Integru
cu Dumnezeu Iisus.
Ce e pe ei de nabarbati, loseri prea prosti
pentru oameni.
Ataca telepatic si injura ca la prostii lor acolo.
Ratatii spun despre ei injuraturile, ca n-au
Eu sunt Neprihanit cu Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 34
Date= May 1 at 1:01 PM Date= 5/1/19, 1:01

Ei spun povesti vanatoresti cu garcea.

Ei au halucinatii pozitive, halucineaza si se
cred mai puternici decat sunt, ce nu spun ei
despre armata,,,
Le place sa se auda vorbind despre ei si sa se
halucineze in scenarii de imaturi si
halucineaza de bolnaviori si homosexuali
Povesti vanatoresti cu garcea:
"Daca garcea vrea,,," ca e dupa garcea nu
dupa Dumnezeu!!!...
Ce nu face armata in imaginatia lor,,,
"Armata trebuie,,," - De unde sa trebuiasca
armata?!Nu este cazul.
"Credeai ca garcea e prost, e ca in filme" - In
realitate de unde?! ca este Dumnezeu alea
sunt filme cu prosti,,,

Puternic este Dumnezeu Iisus

Nu ca eu ar fi cu armata, ca s-au corupt de

handicapati, dar n-au demnitate si vor sa se
dea lingai pe langa armata, ii linge pe aia fara
demnitate, sa-i scape armata acum de ce au
Ei sunt niste lingai slabanogi fara demnitate,
niste ne-barbati care lingusesc de rusinosi fara
demnitate pe garcea acum, ca sa-i scape
armata acum,,,
Gainarii de bosorogi de tineri,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 35
Date= May 1 at 12:52 PM Date= 5/1/19,
12:52 PM

Povesti vanatoresti cu garcea:

Lor le place sa spuna povesti vanatoresti si au
halucinatii pozitive:
"Daca garcea vrea,,," ca e dupa garcea nu
dupa Dumnezeu!!!

Ce nu face armata in imaginatia lor,,,
"Armata trebuie,,," - De unde sa trebuiasca
armata?! Nu este cazul....
"Credeai ca garcea e prost, e ca in filme" - In
realitate de unde?! ca este Dumnezeu alea
sunt filme cu prosti,,,

Puternic este Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 36
Date= May 1 at 12:45 PM Date= 5/1/19,
12:45 PM

Christ is Risen!
Our Lord Jesus sacrificed Himself on the
Cross for us to have the Opportunity to go in
Heaven Happy an Eternity.
He taken our sins, leaving the Sky to live on
earth as a human being, to Save us.
Our Lord Jesus Christ Risen!


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 37
Date= April 30 at 1:26 PM Date= 4/30/19,
1:26 PM

Sunt invidiosi bosorogii din armata rumana

Sunteti cam invisiosi voi nebarbatii pe
Dumnealui(adica eu Mihai Catalin Tudose)
Nu este dupa armata lu cucu si pupezele, este
dupa Dumnezeu
Eu raman cu Dumnezeu Iisus
Si ep Dumnealui Ditamai Crestinul l-a atacat
o colonulitate(un colonel)...
Saracii ratati din armata romana, au amenintat
ca ma fac dement, te ataca cu bioenergie pana
ajungi dement ca nu te uiti la ei
Nici dement nu ma uit la armata
In cazul in care nebarbatii invidiosi cred ca
dement de creier ma uit eventual la ei, nici
dement nu ma uit la nebarbati bosorogi de


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 38
Date= April 30 at 12:26 PM Date= 4/30/19,
12:26 PM

Ce mi-au spus astazi telepatic si atitudinea

Eu zic ca “Eu Slujesc Crestin cu Domnul
Ei: “Asa merge?!”
Ca la gainari de obor, “Asa merge?!”, loseri
bosorogi ieftini.
Pe contre si complet stupid, ca la ne-educatii
lor acolo....
Ei saracii se exprima ca la ratatii lor acolo:
“Asa merge?!”.
Apoi zic mai departe “Asa merge treaba?!”
Ieftin ca la gainari de obor “Asa merge
"merge, nu merge treaba", ca la carpaci, ca la
gainari de obor.
“Cum merge treaba?” ca la gainarii lor ieftini
de obor.
Saracii ei se exprima in limbajul lor de lemn,
ca la loseri bosorogi de tineri corupti.
Bosorogi corny.
Ei cred ca avem glume cu toti ratatii.
Crime impotriva umanitatii nu este o gluma,
sa avem glume cu toti bosorogii ca s-au
corupt ei.

Situatia este ca noi Slujim Crestin cu Domnul

Nostru Iisus iar ei sunt niste ratati corupti care
au atacat de corupti ilegal oamenii schizofreni
pentru ca oamenii au Drepturi: Dreptul la
Libertate, Dreptul la a fii Crestini, Dreptul la

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 39
Date= April 29 at 8:06 PM Date= 4/29/19,
8:06 PM

El ateul care ataca cu telepatie si bioenergie
zica ca 'incorporeaza'
Aude la noi si el zice si el din rautate ce zicem
Dar noi suntem Crestini are un sens ce zicem
La el e rautate gratuita, ne face noua in ciuda
si zice ca “incorporeaza”, asa se exprima el,,,


Ca tehnologia asta din Bucatarie de astazi

care incorporeaza un aragaz, si il incorporeaza
in Bucatarie, apoi incorporeaza un dulap de
bucatarie, o rasnita, o cafetiera

Noi am zis: aragazul este la noi in Bucatarie,

pt ca noi suntem in Bucatarie, dar daca el asa
vrea, sa-l vezi cum a incorporat un aragaz in

De ce? Nu stiu
Daca el vrea sa fie contra noastra, sa raspunda
pe contre

Noi am zis: noi eram Crestini eram in

Bucatarie de aceea Rasnita de cafea
El a incorporat si el o rasnita in Baie, sa-l vezi
cu rasnita in cada
Noi tot am zis: eoi suntem Crestini si eram in
Bucatarie, de aceea e rasnita de cafea
Daca el e pe contre, a pus si el o rasnita in
baie, sa-l vezi cu rasnita in cada, daca el asa
vrea, pe contre, zice ca "incorporeaza" si el,,,
ce-o insemna asta in acest context?!,,,
aberatie, dar daca el asa vrea,,,

Apoi si-a tras gaze in baie

Noi am zis: uite noi eram in Bucatarie si de
aceea gaze, dar el tot sa faca invers, a pus si el
in Baie gaze, ce sens are, nu stim, dar daca el
asa vrea
Ne face noua in ciuda, noi eram Crestini
aveam gaze pt aragaz in Bucatarie, el pe
contre “incorporeaza” si el zice el si pune ce
sa vezi, gaze in baie,,,
Pe contre, face inversul, de ce, nu stiu,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 40
Date= April 29 at 7:57 PM Date= 4/29/19,
7:57 PM
Continue Reading Follows Asta telepatic
atacul inainte de Paste.
Credinte limitative de la acesti gainari ne-
educati astazi:
“Padure fara uscaturi nu exista”
“Unde e multa scoala e si multa prostie”
“Am scoala vietii”

Ce nu inteleg ei saracii din realitate.

Adica ei nu inteleg realitatea si spun aceste
imbecilitati care sunt credinta limitative care
vin din ignoranta.
Saracii ne-educati spune aceste imbecilitati ca
nu-i duce capul, saracii atat pricep ei din

“Padure fara uscaturi nu exista”

Aceasta de mai sus este credinta limitativa
pentru ca sunt corupti. Saracii ca sa isi scuze
coruptia si faptul ca sunt slabi spun aceasta
credinta limitativa. In realitate Dumnezeu ne
vrea Neprihanit, Integri 100%, “fara nici o
pata”. Ei saracii spun aceasta credinta
limitativa “Padure fara uscaturi nu exista” ca
sa isi scuze prostia pentru ca sunt prea slabi sa
confrunte situatia lor reala, pentru ca atunci ar
trebui sa faca eforturi sa o schimbe in mai
bine si cum sunt slabi ca sa nu faca eforturile
spun aceasta credinta limitativa. In realitate
Dumnezeu este Neprihanit si omul cu
Dumnezeu este chemat sa fie Neprihanit. Si
unii oameni suntem Neprihaniti, Integri. De
unde "padure fara uscaturi nu exista", unde
scrie in Biblie asa ceva? DIn contra omul
poate fi Neprihanit, Integru 100%, cu
Dumnezeu Iisus.

“Unde e multa scoala e si multa prostie”

Aceasta de mai sus este cum isi scuza acesti
ratati lipsa de educatie. Saracii spun aceste
credinte limitative si se fac de ras, ca atat
pricep ei. In realite sa fii educat este Vita sa
Slujesti cu Dumnezeu Iisus, o munca Worth-
while, a Job you believe in, Ellen White –
True Motive in Service. De fapt multa scoala
inseamna o Slujire Excelenta, o calitate a
muncii si Slujirii. Multa scoala inseamna sa fii
si smerit si sa Slujesti cu talentele tale pentru
Dumnezeu Iisus, sa ajuti Semenii in an

Excellent Fashion, Excellent Education, to be
really Happy in Life, to Live Holy Bible and
go to Heaven with Jesus. To have a Library
with Christian Books, Psychology Books and
in your area of Excellence, an Excellent Job
in an Excellent Fashion. To be an Authentic
Leader not boss and to "represent something
Good in the Life of people and Living
Beings". To Live life wise with Holy Bible, to
be Authentically Happy in Live with
Psychology and Holy Book, to do an
Excellent Service, Job in an Excellent
Fashion, a Quality Live, a Quality Job, to
Live a Fulfilled Happy Life and go to Heaven
with Jesus for an Eternity.

“Am scoala vietii”

Aceasta de mai sus este ca ei sunt vulgari,
misogini, injura, ataca pe contre, ataca,
pedepsesc cand pot, fac rau din placere fara
sens, se corup ca slabanogii si se fac de ras.
Aceasta “scoala vieti” este un eufemism
pentru “ne-educat”, adica ca sunt vulgari,
misogini, corupti, loser habit, ei nu pot sa mai
zic ca sunt educati si atunci zic “Am scoala
vietii”. De fapt sa injuri este defect, misogin si
vulgar vine din ignoranta, atat pricep ei, atata
pricepe mintea lor slaba. Ei saracii spun
aceste lucruri ridicole ca “Am scoala vietii”
pentru ca nu sunt educati si “scoala vietii”
este un eufemism pentru ne-educat.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessing
Letter Number= 41
Date= April 29 at 7:50 PM Date= 4/29/19,
7:50 PM

I thought: the worst is the pain, I do not have

solution to bioenergetic and telepathic attacks
and I do not stand the pain. I don't like the
They telepathically listened to me all the time
and after they said: “Exactly that I do to
“What pain you have no solution, that I do to
“What you fear most, exactly that I do to
“What is the most painful, that I do to you!!!”


This is the attitude of this corrupted that do
crimes against the humanity with people, and
torture PSI people in their Homes.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 42
Date= April 29 at 11:58 AM Date= 4/29/19,
11:58 AM

Astazi au zis: "Pa unu l-a batut armata de a

ajuns dement"
La ce viseaza prostii astia din armata?!
Ba gaina(minte de gaina) stiam ca esti prost si

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 43
Date= April 29 at 11:57 AM Date= 4/29/19,
11:57 AM

They said “The army beaten a Man till that

Man was demented”
Look at this stupid in the army, at what they
are dreaming.
The truth is we are not afraid of the army, we
stay with God Jesus and Serve with our Lord

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 44
Date= April 28 at 8:29 PM Date= 4/28/19,
8:29 PM

They say: and so we shift one after another

and we attack you yet another hour.
"I buy this hour to attack him"
Who wants to revenge on him next?
Who wants to revenge it is let an hour to
revenge on him.
Who''s next? and wants to revenge? have an
hour also....

And they said: And we shift one after another
each an hour.

The Romanian army seems to be the idiots

doing that things. I knew the army are not
men, just too stupid for human beings.
I knew they are too stupid for being men.
And this example is exactly why the army is
not the case.(this idiots doing this kind of
things go to Hell)
Exactly this is why they are divorced, no-one
can love a stupid that does this things, too
stupid for being a man.
The army, just stupid losers. This is why it is
not the case.

You see: life is not only sufferance including

this stupid from the army, but Life is with our
Lord Jesus, and bear all with god Jesus.
The stupid army goes to Hell for their acts
and I go to Heaven.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 45
Date= April 28 at 8:28 PM Date= 4/28/19,
8:28 PM

Today their attitude: I want to revenge on him,

I want to attack him this hour. Let me attack
him this hour. I from all of us, I want to
revenge on him.
They say: yet again an hour. You have this
hour to attack him.
They seem to do in shift.
One after another, an hour each.
And they change them all the time, “I want
another hour!!!!”, “I want to attack him this
And he say: "You stay another hour!!!
because I am to attack you this hour!!!"

Obs: they seems to be the Romanian army this


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 46
Date= April 28 at 11:49 AM Date= 4/28/19,
11:49 AM

Two rules that will make good in our life:

1_They should not come telepathically in our
minds to attack us with telepathy and to speak
with us telepathically when we do not want to
talk telepathically with that person. And they
should not be allowed to probe our mind
telepathically because this is illegal.
2_They should not pretend to be other persons
in our mind. Meaning they should not be
allowed to come telepathically in our Lives
and 1_pretend to be other persons, to
simu...late other persons and 2_to speak in the
name of other persons and to say in our minds
3_past events from the lives of other persons,
to speak telepathically about other persons
past. This is illegal.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 47
Date= April 27 at 8:47 PM Date= 4/27/19,
8:47 PM

Copilul meu nu are voie sa faca armata pentru

ca merge in Rai si nu in Iad
La armata o sa intalneasca homosexuali
alintati si care se alinta si ratati ne-educati si
nu are voie copilul meu sa faca armata pt ca
merge in Rai nu in Iad
La armata copilul meu intalneste
homosexuiali care se alinta, intalneste ne-
educati care injura, ataca, pe contre, copilul
meu nu are voie sa faca armata pt ca merge in
Rai nu in Iad

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 48
Date= April 27 at 8:34 PM Date= 4/27/19,
8:34 PM

Si ce ne-o fi frica de armata?!

Ne-o fi frica ca ne omoara armata daca
spunem adevarul?!
Nu pt ca chiar daca ma ompara armata eu
merg in Rai si armata merge in Iad.
O viata are barbatul, clar spun, nu e cazul de
Si daca ma omoara nu mi-e frica de armata ca
merg in Rai


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 49
Date= April 27 at 2:39 PM Date= 4/27/19,
2:39 PM

Ce ne e frica de armata
Ce-i aia?!
Ne e frica sa ne educam copii sa le spunem ca
nu este cazul de armata, sa invete o meserie si
sa invete carte
Ne e frica sa spunem Adevarul in inima
Democratiei?! anul 2019?!
Cum sa ne fie frica de armata?!...
Histe homosexuali care se alinta
"complemtente", un exemplu cum se alinta
homosexualii in armata "complimente
Armata e cu homosexuali cu ratati ne-educati
si se duc in Iad, eu sunt Crestin si merg in Rai
Noi nu facem armata, pt ca suntem Crestin
Ce ne e frica ca Popa sa spunem adevarul?! in
inima democratiei 2019
Armata sunt niste ciocoflenteri, niste
handicapati, nu este cazul
Noi nu facem armata pt ca nu mergem in Iad
ca armata ci in Rai
De unde ba?! ne e frica sa gandim de armata
rumana?! Nu mai
Iti spun eu: nu e cazul de armata ca armata se
alinta cu homosexuali si se duc in Iad, iar eu
trebuie sa merg in Rai si de asta nu fac armata
pt ca sunt Crestin
Ne e frica sa ne educam copii ca aude armata
gandurile telepatic cu homosexuali?! Cum sa
fie asa ceva?!
Armata niste homosexuali alintati care se duc
in Iaa, iar eu merg in Rai

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 50
Date= April 27 at 11:36 AM Date= 4/27/19,
11:36 AM

Nu ne trebuie armata rumana

Armata e cu homoxuali, noi mergem in Rai
Homosexuali alintati in armata cu glume de
homosexuali "complemente"
Homosexualii se alinta in armata si ii tine
armata pe homosexuali sa se alinte
Saracii homosexuali se alinta in armata...
Nu ne trebuie noua armata, aia cu
homosexuali noi suntem cu Dumnezeu
Nu ne trebuie noua armata
Nu ne apara pe noi armata ci ne apara
Dumnezeu Iisus
Armata nu e cazul
Armata se duce in Iad cu homosexuali cu tot,
noi mergem in Rai
Noi nu facem armata pt ca nu e cazul, daca
vrem sa margem in Rai?! bineinteles
Nu ne e frica de armata ca ne omoara daca
spunem adevarul pt ca suntem suflete si eu
merg in Rai iar armata merge in Iad
Nu mi-e frica de armata pt ca chiar daca ma
omoara armata rumana, eu merg in Rai pt ca
sunt suflet
Armata merge in Iad, iar eu merg in Rai
Armata cu homosexuali care se alinta
"complemente", armata se alinta cu
homosexualii ei, iar eu merg in Rai nu in Iad
Nu am de ce sa fac armata pt ca eu vreau sa
merg in Rai
Armata e cu homosexuali cu d-aia, se duce in
Iad, iar eu merg in Rai
Eu sunt Crestin merg in Rai
Nu e cazul de armata, ma apara Dumnezeu
Iisus pe mine
Armata e cu atei cu homosexuali cu d-aia care
se duc in Iad, eu sunt Crestin merg in Rai
Armata niste prosti ne-educati care fac numai
rau si nu este cazul de rau ci de Bine, pe mine
ma apara Dumnezeu Iisus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 51
Date= April 26 at 5:11 PM Date= 4/26/19,
5:11 PM
Continue Reading Follows The unfair things
that are done to schizophrenic people.
A big-shot impostor CEO with case of money
corrupted the Romanian army to attack people
and sitting in hidden the army corrupted
nullity attacks healthy people to make them
They create the impression that this people
are sick and schizophrenic, while the
Romanian army attackers sits in hidden and
attack them day and night.
This people take pills for decades from
Psychiatry, often till their death.
They go 24-60 km till the nearest town to
Psychiatry doctors to give them recipe to take
their pills.
While nullity sits in hidden corrupted and
laughing while attacking schizophrenic
The army did not wanted this truth to be
known, that they are corrupted nullity and
pays with the case of money by a big-shot.
They curse the person, threat, project all kind
of pains and negative emotions in the person
minds, create hallucinations and scenario
because they are corrupted, thinking never the
truth will be said and believed.
They try to remain unknown, hidden and the
blame to put on the person that is mentally
sick and schizophrenic, while they are to
blame as corrupted with weapons in the
Some handicapped corrupted in the army,
selling as pawnbrokers illegality their
And they wanted to be unknown, to cover up
all their traces, the schizophrenic people to be
be believed, they to sit in hidden as monsters
too stupid for human beings, and attack
always and take the case of money from
private corporations CEO big-shots to corrupt
The schizophrenic people take the bus to go to
Psychiatry Hospital 24-60 kilometers and take
pills monthly from the nearest town.
They have depressions, conical tiredness, all
kind of negative states, pains projected
telepathically and with bioenergy, and all kind
of emotions send from homosexuals in the
army, projecting their disgusting s-x
The schizophrenic people are a pariah, treated

as crazy, the neighbour treat them as crazy,
mentally ill, not believed that they are
attacked and not sick, but treated completely
unfair, as crazy people.
They are torturing the schizophrenic people
and the life of schizophrenic people is a
torment, torture, agony.
Many times they are in agony and this nullity
are attacking them and tormented them.
From curses to what you cannot believe this
sick monsters are saying and with emotions
projecting are doing to the schizophrenic
Curses, threats, playing with their mind,
sending sick emotions, creating sick scenario
of life.
They speak on the street with 'the voices', they
are called crazy for speaking with all kind of
persons send in scenarios from this monsters
that do crimes against the humanity, torturing
PSI people because they are just corrupted
nullity on chairs, dinosaurs corrupted.
They are defying everyone in their stupid
corrupted minds.
If the situation was for them we never knew
the truth.
But God Jesus Exists and works in this world.
This corrupted nullity makes all kind of
scenario and play in the mind of
schizophrenic people, torturing their minds
for decades, often till death
The schizophrenic person is stigmata, people
treat him or her as crazy, and this is unfair,
and their situations that seem sick as a Taboo.
The life of schizophrenic people is very very
hard with all kind of mental illnesses above
schizophrenia, and all kind of psychosomatic
diseases: stomach, heart, liver.
They are practically tortures day and night by
this monsters corrupted by a impostor CEO
Even in sleep this corrupted nullity send
scenario and emotions, wanting to control the
dreams and dreaming.
They are monsters and sick doing this unfair
thing to our fellowbeings.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessing
Letter Number= 52
Date= April 26 at 2:27 PM Date= 4/26/19,
2:27 PM

Mayor: A 1kg of sugar and 1kg of oil,,, and
you will vote me as mayor, president.
The person: Yes, 1kg of sugar and 1kg of oil,,,
and,,, and a beer,,, and I will vote you as a
mayor, president.
Mayor: Yes,,, and a beer, and you will vote me
as mayor, president.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 53
Date= April 25 at 2:42 PM Date= 4/25/19,
2:42 PM

In Romania it's not that the corrupted army hit

them in the Freedom Rights, the Right to
Happiness, but it's the beer.
The beer?
Yes, when they drink beer, they attack them
with bioenergy and telepathy and the beer
stays as a knot in their throat.
And because of that they said: We'll do
everything the corrupted army want, but let us
drink beer.
So in Romania it's the beer that the corrupted
army attacks people....
"Too much to bear if the beer."

Obs: The Romanian whisky is named "tuica",

besides beer.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 54
Date= April 25 at 2:09 PM Date= 4/25/19,
2:09 PM


The Romanian army will put pawnbrokers on

you, the army will put gangsters on you.
What gangster in Romania?!
Are you crazy?! Even Romania have its

gangsters, The Gipsy....
The Gipsy are the Romanian gangsters.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 55
Date= April 25 at 2:06 PM Date= 4/25/19,
2:06 PM

Nu ti-e tie frica de armata?! Hai Domne, nu ti-

e tie frica de armata?!
Da, nu mai pot de frica!!!
Dumnealui ramane Crestin Adventist cu
Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 56
Date= April 25 at 2:01 PM Date= 4/25/19,
2:01 PM

Coruptii “La armate”:

Armata rumana lasati-ma sa il atac io
homosexualu cu bioenergie pe Dumnealui ca
m-am corupt.
Ziceti si voi ca nu ma puteti da afara.
Si un timp ma lasati ca pe camatar sa ma
razbun in numele armatei.
Ziceti si voi ca javra asta corupta s-a razbunat
de prost, dar voi armatele si cu mine stim ca
am cazut la intelegere, alea alea, io face ca
coruptu rusinos serviciu asta la "la armatele"
si cand o fi de dat sentinta la coruptu ziceti si
voi la homosexualu ...asta 15 ani ba coruptule,
dar faceti cu ochi si baiatu homosexual stie ca
15 ani de alea alea dar de fapt meritam 80 de
ani, ca va face io coruptii homosexuali un
serviciu si corupt inca o data avem noi ca "la
armate" o intelegere alea alea, io va fac
serviciu asta si ca si dublu corupt acest
serviciu ca si camatar ca il imbolnavesc pe
Dumnealui cat voi trageti de timp iar voi la
baiatu o sentinta d-aia de 15 ani nu de 80 de
Tortura PSI. Merge ba?! Alea alea, "la
Rumena armata Rumana, Roumania

Intre timp voi trageti de timp ziceti ca nu ma
puteti da afara, si eu il atac si asa “armatele”
noastre se razbune pe Dumnealui pentru ca
este Crestin Autentic, a Slujit Integru,
Neprihanit, si a spus ca noi avem in armate
corupti care fac crime impotriva umanitatii si
care tortuteaza PSI oameni.
Si ca sa se teama oamenii de “armate” lasati-
ma pe mine sa il imbolnavesc pe Dumnealui
si sa il omor la Tariceni.
Ca sa se razbuna armatele pe Dumnealui
pentru ca a Slujit Crestin si a spus Adevarul
ca in armatele noastre sunt corupti care ataca
ilegal oamenii cu telepatie si bioenergie.
Si lasati-ma pe mine sa il atac pe Dumnealui
ca voi armatele nu il placeti pentru ca este
Crestin si spune Adevarul despre armate.
Asa poate se sperie oamenii de pe planeta de
armatele de pe Planeta.
Poate daca ma lasati pe mine ca pe camatar si
trageti de timp, eu ca si homosexual in armate
il atac intre timp si zic ca s-au razbunat
armatele pe Dumnealui.
Voi armatele ziceti ca nu puteti si trageti de
timp ca eu ca si corupt ma corup inca o data si
cat trageti de timp eu il atac pe Dumnealui, il
imbolnavesc ca sa para armatele
amenintatoare pentru oameni si sa zic ca s-au
razbunat armatele pe Dumnealui pentru ca
este Crestin, a spus Adevarul, este Integru si
Neprihanit cu Dumnezeu Iisus.
Ca poate “armatele” lasa iar pe unii corupti ca
pe camatari sa atace pe alt Crestin care poate
Slujeste si este Integru Neprihanit si spune
Asa poate oamenii se tem de “armate”.
Ca armatele chiar si cand nu au dreptate, se
fac ca nu stiu si trag de timp si lasa pe cate
unii sa se razbune in numele armatelor.
Asa poate nu mai Slujesc Crestinii si
oamenilor le va frica de armate.
Armatele va faceti ca nu cunoasteti si ma
lasati un timp ca sa ma razbun io coruptul din
armata inca o data corupt ca sa zic ca “la
armate” se razbuna pe Crestinii care spun

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 57
Date= April 25 at 2:00 PM Date= 4/25/19,

2:00 PM

And again: it is not the case for the army.

I remain with our Lord Jesus even if the army
will kill me, I go to Heaven.
No matter what torture the army does I remain
with God Jesus and Christian Adventist.
To know the opinion Crystal Clear of a Great
Priest Pastor Adventist: it is not the case of
the army and I remain with God Jesus.
I am not afraid of the army and I do not
politic with you, nice words, I tell you Crystal
Clear so everybody to know....
I do not fear the army. I remain with god Jesus
in any torture of the military and Romanian
I tell you the Truth on that facebook so to be
read by everyone: No, the army must not be
done, it is not that case. Crystal Clear. To
know I am not afraid of the army. I remain a
Christian and I go to Heaven. No matter what
killers the army hire to kill me, I remain with
God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 58
Date= April 25 at 1:52 PM Date= 4/25/19,
1:52 PM

Today they said: because the army must be

done(I suppose they speak about the
Romanian army). This is why I attack you
with telepathy and bioenergy.
I said: No, it is not the case of the army, and
the army must not be done.
God must be and I remain Christian Adventist
with our Lord Jesus.

They said: they will kill me in Tariceni

because the army wants to kill me....
I said: I remain with our Lord Jesus no matter
what. It is not a problem I go to God Jesus.

Obs: In any case not the army, the army

MUST NOT be done. It is not that case, I am
a Christian and I remain with our Lord Jesus..

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 59
Date= April 25 at 1:48 PM Date= 4/25/19,
1:48 PM

I said, I remain with God our Lord Jesus even

in pains.
Today they said: Poor him(meaning me), he
wanted just to fire half of the army
You can see they speak contrary all the time,
no matter how stupid. Stupid is what they
said, because no matter how guilty they try to
keep their lie, they say the same defiant stupid
things. The killers are victimizing themselves.
And the army what propose?
To keep this nullity in the army to be
corrupted and attack people because they sell
a...rmy weapons to whoever pays them?!
The army want to keep this corrupted atheists
that make schizophrenic form healthy persons
because a CEO give them the case with

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 60
Date= April 25 at 1:33 PM Date= 4/25/19,
1:33 PM

Atitudinea lichelelor: Prosti prosti dar le e

frica oamenilor de noi,,, prosti dar temuti,,,
nici nu trebuie destepti tehnica e ca le e frica
de noi,,,
Atitudinea lichelelor: prosti prosti, dar cine ne
da afara?!

Asa zicea micul dictator din SE Europei

Ceausescu: "cand o face plopul pere si rachita
Adica il dau oamenii afara pe el, niciodata,,,


Exact asta e atitudinea ratatilor care ataca cu

telepatie si bioenergie: prosti prosti, dar cine
ne da afara?! le e frica oamenilor de mine,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 61
Date= April 25 at 1:24 PM Date= 4/25/19,
1:24 PM

Cu depresie eu m-am ridicat sa fac cativa pasi
prin camera.
Au zis: Poate te prind eu alta data.
Crestinii au ajuns sa fie prinsi de atei corupti
cu telepatie.
Ideea este ca lichelele se cred vampiri si "te
prin eu alta data" spune ca pt ei este ca un joc,
adica te alearga ei iar eu Crestinul fug de ei,
de asta "te prind eu alta data"...
Adica noi Crestinii am ajuns sa ne alerge atei
corupti cu telepatie.
In vederea lor, ei ma alearga pe mine si ma
vampirizeaza emotional si bioenergetic, iar eu
Crestinul fug de ei.
Lichelele cred ca noi Crestinii am ajuns sa fim
prinsi de atei corupti cu telepatie care ne
alearga si ne vampirizeaza.

Parerea mea este sa nu va lasati sa va treateze

ei asa.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 62
Date= April 25 at 12:33 PM Date= 4/25/19,
12:33 PM

Eu zic: "Eu raman cu Dumnezeu Iisus iar tu
esti o nulitate"
Astazi insolent bosorogu colonel: "Asa sa
Aceasta cu "Asa sa fie!" este o vorba de la
nulitatile acestea adica ceva de genul "Bine
ma, daca asa vrei tu, sa vezi tu ce-o sa fie!!!",
adica o amenintare de la colonelul fara creier,
adica bosorogu colonulitate insolent zice
sfidator si cu aroganta "Asa sa fie!", adica "O
sa vezi tu ce o sa-ti fac eu tie ca spui
adevarul!!! iti arata bosorogu tie ca ai spus

...adevatul ca sunt o nulitate,,,"
Ratati lichele corupte, prostalai colonulitate
Aceasta este exact ca "Iti arat eu tie!" tot de la
acesti atei
Adica in situatia in care Eu zic: "Eu Slujesc si
raman Integru si Neprihanit cu Iisus orice ar
Iar ateul zice "Iti arat eu tie!"
Adica ceva de genul "Iti arata bosorogu tine
ca se razbuna pe tine ca esti Integru si
Neprihanit, iti arata bosorogu tie ca pune
ratatii pe tine sa te atace telepatic pt ca esti
Crestin si Integru. Iti arat eu tie sa fii si sa te
pastrezi Integru si Neprihanit, Crestin Curat...
sa vezi tu ce face coruptul colonulitate
bosorog... pune ratatii sa te injure telpatic
continuu", cam aceasta inseamna la insolenta
lor prosteasca "Iti arat eu tie!"
Ca sa vedem si noi ce inseamna insolenta

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 63
Date= April 25 at 12:59 AM Date= 4/25/19,
12:59 AM

Ateii astia care ataca cu telepatie si bioenergie

sunt prosti fara nici un Dumnezeu.
Si fiind fara Dumnezeu nu pot fi fericiti.
Oamenii si in dureri ramanand cu Dumnezeu
sunt fericiti.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 64
Date= April 25 at 12:55 AM Date= 4/25/19,
12:55 AM

Astazi telepatic: armata trebuie.

Ei sunt niste unii fara demnitate care
lingusesc scaune, dar adevarul este ca armata
nu este cazul.
Cine trebuie este Dumnezeu Iisus.
Dumnezeu trebuie.
Adevarul este ca puternic este Dumnezeu



Adevarul este ca armata nu, nu este cazul.

Armata nu este cazul, sunt ei niste prosti

nebarbati care de rusinosi slabi ling scaune de
ne-educati si slabanogi care nu au nici un fel
de demnitate.
E prea prost pt specia umana cine linguseste
sefi asa, se fac de ras ca prostii nebarbati, si
asta e motivul pentru care sunt divortati si
nefericiti si numai probleme eu, ratatii ca ei.
Adevarul este ca unii ca ei care lingusesc sefi
si scaune sunt nefericiti, vezi Martin Seligman
care spune ca cei mai nefericiti sunt avocatii
si procurorii, pt ca apara mincinos chiar daca
nu e adevar in ce spun, si pt lipsa de
Integritate si Demnitate sunt cei mai nefericiti
dintre meserii.
Cei mai nefericiti sunt avocatii si procurorii,
spune si Martin Seligman.
Iar acestia mai prosti ca aceia, telepatic
vulgar, misogin si ne-educati, niste unii lingai
de scaune si sefi rusinos si nu au nici o
Demnitate si nici o Barbatie in ei, de asta sunt
ei divortati, demisionati si bolnaviori si
nefericiti ca n-au nici un Dumnezeu, sunt doar
niste ratati.
Rusinos nebarbate rusinos sa lingi sefi si
scaune, tu nu esti barbat ba, tu esti un loser.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 65
Date= April 25 at 12:50 AM Date= 4/25/19,
12:50 AM

See Ellen White - Desire of ages


See in the above book, the Chapters for



Chapter 72—“In Remembrance of Me”

Chapter 73—“Let Not Your Heart Be
Chapter 74—Gethsemane
Chapter 75—Before Annas and the Court of
Chapter 76—Judas
Chapter 77—In Pilate's Judgment Hall
Chapter 78—Calvary
Chapter 79—“It is Finished”
Chapter 80—In Joseph's Tomb
Chapter 81—“The Lord Is Risen”

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 66
Date= April 25 at 12:46 AM Date= 4/25/19,
12:46 AM

Noelia Catuna - Passacaglia by G.F. Handel


Luiza Spiridon - La crucea Ta (Official video)



Eliseda Dumitru , Pro Nobile - O cruce de


InTeDomine - Confiare en Ti

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 67
Date= April 24 at 4:17 PM Date= 4/24/19,
4:17 PM

Si pentru ca Pastele se apropie:

De la RVS(RadioVoceaSperantei) Invatatura

de Paste cu Flaviana Iosif:

Ca sa inceapa Invatatura dati click pe zona

player-ului desenata cu negru:


Flaviana Iosif - Paste


Flaviana Iosif - Editie de Paste


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 68
Date= April 23 at 7:14 PM Date= 4/23/19,
7:14 PM

Ionica, CEO in Romania.

Rade Ionica: Da Doamne sa-l omoare amata
rumana in Tariceni(pe mine Mihai Catalin
Ca am corupt prosti in armata roamana, aia se
da armata rumana cu totu si apoi il omoara aia
din armata romana.
Rade Ionica, mare CEO-u in romania.
Rade Ionica, io am corupt prostii aia din
armata romana ce-i drept si apoi aia se da
armata romana cu totu, si da Doamne Disputa
Crestinul si apoi il omoara aia din armata
romana in Tariceni, ca aia din armata romana
e... prosti rau, io am corupt pa unii doar, aia se
da toata armata rumana si il omoara aia din
armata rumana apoi
Rade Ionica, CEO-u ruman
Rade Ionica: Da Doamne sa-l omoare amata
romana in Tariceni
Ionica CEO de mare sucursala da firma
privata in Romanica, are bani cu geamanatanu
de la firma privata din Franta, are sucursala in
Europa si are sucursala chiar si in USA
Rade Ionica, CEO-ul roman.
Ionica CEO-ul ruman, a corupt niste prosti din
armata romana.
Oare o sa-i mearga?!
Voi ce credeti?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 69
Date= April 23 at 4:49 PM Date= 4/23/19,
4:49 PM

They say: no matter what I defend your

I say: You are not in that case. You are just a
corrupted stupid. We are Great Christians and
defend the Planet from corrupted nullity as

Obs: They are corrupted by private companies

on France, other subsidiary in Europe, and
even subsidiary in USA. They want to steal on
all Planet money from CEOs of private
companies. They have nothing sacred in them.
They do not know how to corrupt themselves,
they do not defend anything,... the reverse,
just corrupted nullity.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 70
Date= April 23 at 4:36 PM Date= 4/23/19,
4:36 PM

About this nullity: they defy Christians saying

it is good that they are corrupted.
They say the contrary all the time, from pure
They say it is good that they are corrupted and
somebody else put them to do their corrupted
things,,, and what they say is pure stupidity.
Insolence from their handicaps minds.
The truth is that they are stupid and it is
wrong to do what they do....
The thing that they are corrupted is a defect,
and it a bad thing, shameful.
It is wrong that they are corrupted.
They are weak minds not educated saying
contrary from pure stupidity.
They act defiant as the small military of
Ceausescu, the same stupid losers as the
military of the small dictator Ceausescu from
Romania, SE Europe.

Just nullity corrupted by a big-shot with case
of money to attack from hidden and in
illegality with the 'weapons in the
endowment', sustaining they are not doing
that to schizophrenic people and telepathy
does not exist and they are not attacking
people with bioenergy.
The truth is that they attack illegally people
with telepathy and bioenergy because they are
illegally corrupted, the rest is just stupid
insolence and stupid defiance.
And the truth is that God Jesus exists.
God Jesus want us to go to Heaven.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 71
Date= April 23 at 4:26 PM Date= 4/23/19,
4:26 PM

I say we will have a long life with them.

If we do what is legal, I think we will have a
long life with them.
I think the Solution is a Sacrifice and even if
it is sure death do what is Christian, Right no
matter what.

The law does not mention it, so legally we

cannot do any yet....
Even if the law does not mention this, have
Courage and do what is with God Jesus.
Do with Courage even if the law does not
mention it yet.
A Sacrifice it can be accepted in a Christian

I think for the smallest doubt we cannot

accept the situation. Refuse it. Do not go
along if it is the smallest shadow of a doubt.
If it is the smallest doubt: stop it, do not
accept to go along, do what is Christian, and
better death than what have doubts.
Renounce at everything but clean, righteous,
The smallest shadow of a doubt means it is a
sin to do it, to go along. Do not do it any
more, do not continue. For the smallest sin
refuse all package.
It is a package with many, for the smallest
doubt in any part, refuse the whole package,

with courage.
Even it they say it is sure death, do not
continue, stop it, do not go along.
God wants Pure, Clean, 100%, without any

If you know that ALLOWING them

temporarily(you say) you give them TIME in
which you know they torture PSI, Stop it!
They are torturing in that time! Do not give
them Time any more. Stop this strategy needy
for Time. Better a Christian Sacrifice than
ALLOWING 'temporarily'(you say). If you
know that in that TIME they are making harm
and torture people PSI, why you continue?
Better a Sacrifice but Clean for God Jesus.
You cannot continue that strategy because in
that TIME you know what they are doing.
Better a Sacrifice but Clean for God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 72
Date= April 23 at 4:20 PM Date= 4/23/19,
4:20 PM

This nullity base themselves on TIME.

It is not about their atheist powers, the power
of a nullity that attack telepathically and the
powerful bioenergy of this atheists.
It is about TIME.
Stupid but hitting all the Time, in much Time
will produce a disease and finally the death of
the person.
Sooner or later any human being attacked will
be dead....
As a monkey hitting with a stick: we cannot
say it is intelligent, but hit after hit a small
wound it will be made and later a disease and
after a few diseases the death of the attacked
We cannot say the monkey is intelligent, it is
as stupid as it gets, but any monkey
ALLOWED to hit a man(people not doing
real acts, efficient acts), sooner or later
produces a wound, later a disease, and finally
the death of the person.
So are this telepathic attacks from this
corrupted nullity: they are as stupid as they
can get, stupid atheists, but speaking with you

all day long, a little emotion of sorrow, or
tiredness will be from all that stupid
conversation DISPUTING the 'voices' and a
depression may be and finally a disease that is
psychosomatic, and after a few disease finally
the death of the person.
They are as stupid as a money, but even a
monkey ALLOWED to hit a man(without the
man hitting back), it will produce in TIME a
disease, and after a few diseases death.
This nullity base themselves on TIME.
They are stupid atheists but attacks continuum
all day long and every day of the week.
Even a monkey can do that, and they are also,
as stupid as a monkey.
This nullity base themselves on TIME.

I say it is the Christians that does not support

a Sacrifice and ALLOWING them to do that
and giving them TIME.
I say to not give them TIME any more, but do
a Sacrifice and acting with our Lord Jesus in a
Christian way.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 73
Date= April 23 at 4:16 PM Date= 4/23/19,
4:16 PM

Pt ateii care ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie,

ceea ce este ilegal: De ce te-ai corupt ma
Era mic salariul ala?
Armata nu iti dadea bani?!
Si faci crime impotriva umanitatii ca te-ai
corupt tu?!
Esti cam prost pt ca Planeta nu o sa te tina sa
sfiezi tu Crestinii si pe toata lumea ca ataci tu
bosorogul de tanar, ca s-a corupt prostul de
Nebarbate esti prost corupt in armata, ca nu
tine cu insolenta ba,,, nebarbat esti ba,,,
Esti tu cam prost ataci Crestinii la insolenta de
Nu tine vesnic cu sfidarea fatalau bosorog
corupt in armata,,,
Nu esti tu handicapat?!
Nu esti tu cam prost ca te-ai corupt ca prostu
iar noi avem dreptate?!

Esti cam prost tu asa insolent corupt in
armata, fatalau esti cam ignorant, Dumnezeu
exista, Domnul Nostru Iisus
Fatalau nebarbate esti cam prost asa, pt ca
Planeta nu o sa te tina sa faci insolente ca s-a
corupt prostu de tine,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 74
Date= April 23 at 4:14 PM Date= 4/23/19,
4:14 PM

For the nullity that attack with telepathy and

You say now you are corrupted and do this
illegalities and it is normal as you are
You are a stupid because you have no right to
attack people, and it is a defect that you are
corrupted, you defy from stupidity.
As for you, the Planet will not keep you to
defy everybody as a corrupted nullity.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 75
Date= April 23 at 1:34 PM Date= 4/23/19,
1:34 PM

Eu cred ca a venit timpul sa spunem adevarul.

Prea mult timp am vrut sa spunem si a fost
doar un subiect Tabu.
Fara frica, eu cred ca a venit timpul sa
spunem adevarul.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 76
Date= April 23 at 1:33 PM Date= 4/23/19,
1:33 PM

Gainari de obor, telepatic, il baga pe garcea pe
felie ca idioteii bosorogi dinozauri prostalai si
corupti si zic: Daca asa vrea armata,,, apoi ca
idioteii: Armatili face ce vrea ele pe
Planetoidu asta,,,
De unde "Daca asa vrea armata,,, Armatili
face ce vrea ele pe Planetoidu asta,,,"?! ca
exista Dumnezeu, Domnul Nostru Iisus

Numai armata nu ma speria pe mine acuma,,,

Exista Dumnezeu, Domnul Nostru Iisus


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 77
Date= April 23 at 1:24 PM Date= 4/23/19,
1:24 PM

Am stat cu javrele astea corupte atatia ani, sa

tace telepatic
Atata timp am stat cu prostii din armata astia
care ataca telepatic si nu am spus,,,
Mai lasa-ma cu armata,,, cu coruptii prosti
insolenti din armata
Mai lasa-ma cu mintea de gaina din armata
care sfideaza Crestinii si ataca telepatic,
insolenti si prosti, ratati ne-educati
Ca astia sunt niste ne-barbati...
Ne e frica de toti prostii bosorogi pe functii?!
N-au invatat carte, atei handicapati, corupti
prosti, dar atat!!!
Niste imbecili nebarbati, corupti ratati
Cineva trebuie sa spuna si adevarul
Ca nu ne e frica de ei
Am suportat prea multi timp javrele corupte,
atata timp sa atace telepatic
Mai lasa-ma cu tarfele nebarbati
colonulitate(colonel) din armata romana, niste
prosti nebarbati
Mai lasa-ma cu bosorogii corupti din armata,,,
ca Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 78
Date= April 23 at 1:17 PM Date= 4/23/19,
1:17 PM

Ultima stupiditate, ratatii bosorogi corupti au

atacat telepatic si au zis: "Eu sunt Dumnezeu"
Cu homosexualii lor din armata au atacat
telepatic astazi in zi de Sabat.
Astazi ratatii au zis telepatic ultima
imbecilitate de bosorog prost: "Eu sunt
Eu am spus: "Tu esti un prost, Dumnezeu este
Domnul Nostru Iisus"
Ofiterul telepat,,, sustine gainarii de prost ne-
educat,,, tu esti prost nebarbate, Dumnezeu
este Domnul Nostru Iisus....
Ba asta din armata, tu esti prea prost ba
gaina(minte de gaina)
Insolent cu handicap mental
Tu esti o gaina corupta(minte de gaina), tu esti
un prostalau corupt care ataca telepatic si cu
bioenergie ca e prea prost pt specia umana,,,
Dar atat!!!
Bosorogi insolenti, imbecili vuilgar si
misogin, ne-educati
Ba de unde ati aluat prosti ca astia in armata?!
bai nene?!
Tu esti cretin bai gogu corupt din armata, n-ai
invatat carte, Dumnezeu este Domnul Nostru

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 79
Date= April 23 at 12:35 PM Date= 4/23/19,
12:35 PM

Their last stupidity

Their last imbecility is today when
telepathically and with bioenergy they
attacked again saying they are God, this
stupid corrupted homosexual atheists said
today in the Sabbath day the imbecility that
they are God, just stupidity on their dinosaur
corrupted weak minds.
Today they said telepathically: "I am God!!!"
I said: No, you are a stupid, God is our Lord


Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 80
Date= April 22 at 12:51 PM Date= 4/22/19,
12:51 PM

Gainile alea proaste(creier de gaina) coruptii

din armata romana.
S-a apucat prostu sa injure telepatic, ca s-a
corupt el de bosorog de tanar, gaina(minte de
gaina) proasta.
Niste nebarbati vulgari si misogini.
De nebarbati sunteti voi vulgari si misogini.
Si de asta sunteti si divortati voi ba
gaina(minte de gaina)....
Si esti divortat ca esti prost ba gaina!!! pt ca
injuri telepatic, de asta te-a divortat, ca esti
prost si nebarbat(ca si aia care teoretic au sotii
cu certificat, alea nu pot sa ii fie sotii, tot
divortati sunt si aia in realitate, alea nu mai
sunt de mult femei pt niste prosti ca ei).
Tu esti prea prost pt barbat ba coruptule.
Nebarbatii corupti din armata romana, niste
prosti care se fac de ras ca acum fac pe
insolentii cu bioenergie si telepatie.
Nu ne e frica de javre nebarbati ba gaina.
De la melita aia spurcata ca esti vulgar si
misogin de aia te-a divortat.
Ca injuri telepatic, de asta esti divortat, de la
vulgaritatile alea si injuraturile teleaptice de la
asta li se trage divortul prostilor corupti din
armata romana.
Minte de gaina imbecila la nebarbatii ratati
corupti din armata romana.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 81
Date= April 22 at 12:39 PM Date= 4/22/19,
12:39 PM

El foloseste armele din dotare abuziv si ilegal

ca s-a corupt el.
Search in Baza de date.
Are CV-ul si gaseste in CV: Adresa, Telefon,
Poza, eMail, Educatia,,, aaa,,, aia care nu-i
place lui Educatia,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin...
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 82
Date= April 22 Date= 4/22/19, 11:59 AM

Hai spune drept, te-ai corupt tu de prost in

Spune adevarul acum?!
Hai ba militarule ba,,,
Ataci tu oameni cu armele din dotare cu
bioenergie si telepatie?!
Faci tu d-astea ilegale?! Mai faci tu d-astea
Hai ba militarule ba,,,
Hai spune drept, ai luat ilegal geamantane cu
bani de la Directori CEO de multinationala,
pai,,, te-ai coruot?!
Spune drept acum,,, faci tu pe insolentul ca sa
scapi ca esti corupt ratat?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 83
Date= April 22 Date= 4/22/19, 11:32 AM

Astazi m-au atacat iar cu teleaptie si

bioenergie coruptii din armata, nebarbatii
bosorogi pe functii, neabrbatii militari
Eu ii Zic: Prostanacule l-ai ataca tu pe
Hai spune drept,,, Faci tu d-astea?
Spune drept nebarbate, m-ai ataca tu pe
Nebartate stiam ca esti prost!!!...
N-ai invatat carte prostanacule,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 84
Date= April 22 Date= 4/22/19, 11:23 AM

Armata e infestata de delicventi

Ce nu face omul in mod obisnuit, face corupt
el in armata: ameninta ca ne omoara pe noi

Crestinii, ne amenitna, ne injura telepatic, el
in armata omoara oameni, tortureaza PSI
acum Crestinii Nevinovati in casele lor.
Pentru ei armata e o umbrela pentru delicventi
corupti ca ei.
Armata pentru ei bate oameni, mie imi spune
mereu cum ma omoara, ameninta telepatic
Armata e sa injuri, fii vulgar telepatic,
insolent bosorog pe functii, sa torturezi
...oameni, pentru ei armata e infestata de
delicventi care nu pot face in mod nornal asa
ceva, dar in armata, la corupti ei fac asa ceva,
ca tot timpul se ascund neaga tot si cine stie
ca ei au facut asa ceva?! Ei neaga tot si
sfideaza lumea si raman vesnic corupti
Pentru ei armata e locul unde se strang
delicventii: se corup cu bani din multi-
nationale si bat oameni, tortureaza PSI, injura,
sunt vulgari telepatic, misogini, placerea
In mintea lor armata ii tine vesnic acolo si o
sa fie vesnic infestata de delicventi ca ei.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 85
Date= April 22 Date= 4/22/19, 11:21 AM

Ei fac insolente de gainari corupti si fac pe

militienii lui Ceausescu. Insolenta de prosti
ieftini din SE Europei.
Imbeciltiate de prosti corupti in armata
atacand cu bioenergie si telepatie oamenii in
casele lor.
Niste retardati bosorogi care la insolenta
prosteasca vor sa faca pe toata Planeta
gainarie ieftin ca micul dictator Ceausescu.
Acum fac pe micii Ceausei niste retardati
dinozauri corupti in armata, doar niste cretinei
prosti ne-educati.
Bosorogi cretinei si tampit...ei din armata,
fatalai ne-barbati prea prosti pentru specia
umana, retardati fac pe micii Ceausei si se fac
de ras, imbecili rusinosi.
Prostie de gainar corupt.

To know where this insolence comes now

with bioenergy telepathy on all Planet: from
Romania the ones that eat swans in a Park in
France and made a shameful spectacle,,,

something like that,,, stupid ignorance and
They are cheap now making insolence and
shame as the small dictator Ceausescu, losers
not-educated in the army, corrupted stupid
They now act as the military of Ceausescu,
stupid dinosaurs in the army in their stupid
insolence(as Ceausescu) attacking with
bioenergy and telepathy people in their
To know where from comes this insolence on
all the Planet, from SE of Europe and the
small dictator Ceausescu in Romania and they
are making as small Ceausei, corrupted
military stupid, cheap stupid.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 86
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 7:51 PM

The Romanisation of the Planet will not do.

'I'll to do you, as in Romanica' will not do.
'Watch out, I'll do to you, what this military
acting as small Ceausei do in Romanica' will
not do.
The prototype Romanica will not do.
Romanica as a model of fear, corruption,
corrupted dinosaurs on functions, illegalities,
aggression,lack of education, shame, torture,
indifference will not do.
The Planet is not as in Romanica(with
corrupted army nullity acting as the military
of the sm...all dictator Ceausescu, to be feared
as the small dictator Ceausescu, cheap

The Planet have Rights.

The Planet have Rights: the Right to Freedom,
the Right to Work, the Right to be a Christian,
the Right to be Happy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 87
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 7:38 PM

Facts: it all started in Romania, the truth about
schizophrenic people being attacked with
bioenergy and telepathy
Facts: Corrupted nullity in the Romanian
army acts as small dictator Ceausescu, they
want to be feared now as small Ceausei. They
attack with bioenergy and telepathy people in
their homes, making them schizophrenic and
they defy not all the Planet with their
insolence still attacking people in stupid
Facts: But the Planet does not learn
helplessness an...d fear from Romanica. We
are not afraid of the small Ceausei, stupid
military corrupted acting as the small dictator
Romanica has issues with corrupted military
that are dinosaurs and acts as the stupid
military of the small dictator Ceausescu, in
their stupid cheap insolence.
Cheap stupidity from some corrupted army in
The Planet have Rights.
The Planet have Rights: the Right to Freedom,
the Right to Work, the Right to be a Christian,
the Right to be Happy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 88
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 7:20 PM

Te imbolnaveste bosorogu in casa

Eu sunt tampitel si idiotel bosorog de tanar si
io e periculos
Ca am multi prosti ne-educati si ii pun ca pe
camatari pe tine
Stiai ca retardatul bosorog e pe
Daaaa,,, E pe fontie ma,,, io e periculos,,,...
Io e pe funtie si e idiotel si tampitel pune
prostii ne-educati sa te injure telepatic,,,
Da ma, eu e idiotel si tampitel colonulitate si
ce nu-ti place tie aia face io cu telepatie de la
distanta,,, Daaaa,,, cu armele din dotare,,,
Io e periculos, io e colonulitate(colonel),,, io e
pe fontie,,, Si pune prostii aia ne-educatii sa te
atace telepatic si e niste prosti acolo,,, injura
continuu, e d-aia ne-educatii care fiind prosti
si de prosti face ce zice io si injura continuu

telepatic Crestinii in casele lor
Io e gaina proasta fac la insolenta sfidatoare si
atac Crestinii in casele cu nebarbati ratati ne-
educatii, ca e multi prosti acolo bosorogi de
Io e tampitel are multi prosti ne-educati,,, ii
pun ca pe camatari pe tine, si aia e prosti
face,,, ca e d-aia ne-educatii,,, d-aia
Colonulitate gaina esti cam prost,,,
Dumnezeu Iisus exista si nu doarme.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 89
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 5:52 PM

Astazi au injurat telepatic de cum am mers la

Mucosi de 18 ani ne-educati injura ca prostii
prin telepatie. Pune prostii pe tine, stii cati
prosti mucosi ne-educati are bosorogu acolo?!
Pune mucosii sa te injure telepatic!!!
Pune prostii aia needucatii care injura
Stiam ca tu nu esti barbat ba gaina(creier de
gaina) ca injuri ca prostu telepatic si esti
vulgar si misogin. Tu esti prea prost pentru
Esti tu gainar de omor ca de Romanica,
bosorog d...e tanar, dar e si Dumnezeu Iisus
Nebarbate esti prost ca noi Slujim, nu tine cu
frica de militieni(ca la militienii retardati ai
micului dictator Ceausescu).
Esti cam prost bosorog de tanar, mucos de la
18 ani ca injuri prin telepatie. Se vede ca n-ai
invatat care ba gaina!
Te umilesti ca prostu,,,
Hai pa,,,
Esti patetic,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 90
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 5:22 PM

Homosexualii din armata romana care ataca
cu bioenergie
Astazi ma simteam mai rau
Ateii ma-au atacat si eu am simtit o durere de
Ei: "A luat-o!!! A luat-o!!!"
Aceasta a fost expresia homosexualilor din
armata romana...
Apoi din nou ataca si eu simt o durere de cap
Ei zic: "Da-i ca merge!!! Vezi ba ca merge?!"

Aceasta este atitudinea bolnaviorilor

homosexuali care trimit emotii de durere prin
Vulgar si spurcat zic: A luat-o!!! A luat-o!!!,
pentru ca eu am simtit durerea de aceasta data
mai rau. Apoi lichelele rad si zic "Da-i ca
merge!!! Vezi ba ca merge?!"

Cam aceasta este atitudinea lor de

homosexual bolnav.

O monstra reala de prostie a lichelelor corupte

care ataca Crestinii cu bioenergie si telepatie
in casele lor.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 91
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 4:55 PM


I humble may say I am a: vulgar, misogynist
and aggressor
I have as Education the 'School of Life' which
is a euphemism on not-Educated as I
previously mentioned vulgar, misogynist and


Real Skills and knowledge:

SC(Shamefully Corrupted), Great Skills in
AEV (Aggressor and Emotional Vampire),
APRBD (Attacking People that are without
Real Bioenergetic Defense),

(ABWHHP)Attacking with bioenergy without
Justification form Hidden Places,
BV(Bioenergetic Vampire) and in reality
attacking Helpless Christians in their Homes
especially the ones that does not know
bioenergy, CM Technology (Cursing As a
Misogynist) Certified in the “Manual of the
Misogynist” plus the VT(Vulgar Techniques)
Skills, CC(Cursing the Christians)
LPT (Lying People with Telepathy) and more
exactly I try to convince them that they
deserve to be attacked instead all the time I
am corrupted and sit in hidden place attacking
on BMCBN = Big Money of Corrupted
Business Nullity, this sends to my
Certification on CCP(Certified Corrupted
Since I am a CCP meaning (Certified
Corrupted Professional)

Certified by Great CEOs in the Business with
Diploma in Corruption as CCP(Certified
Corrupted Professional)
Details: I am a Certified Corrupted
Professional, and I sell my skills illegal to
Great Companies with the army weapons in
the endowment

Work experience:
Real targets achieved: Shamefully Killing
Schizophrenic people in their homes, with
great Specialization in selling illegally my
skills in Vampirizing and Aggression the
Righteous Christians in their Homes, also
skills in AC (Attacking and Cursing)
defenseless children and Ladies in their
Real targets achieved: Shamefully Torturing
People with Bioenergy and Telepathy,
especially skills in Torturing the people that
does not know Bioenergy and I excel in that
because I find it more easy to attack them and
they are unable to respond at all(thy do not
know bioenergy)

Future Projects:
I would like to work on PT (Physically
Torturing) the Christians.
I find it very helpful while being a
BV(Bioenergetic Vampire) to threat people
that I will torture them also Physically, and I
felt a great negative emotion to Vampirize on

that Field of PT, so in the Future I would like
to learn in practice the Skill of PT (Physically
Torturing) the Christians.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 92
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 12:33 PM

This acts, in which they threat they will

aggress our Christian daughters, Ladies, and
our children DISPUTING their curses, are not
Our Taboo, we know but we don't tell about
this, we don't speak about this.
The military officer dinosaurs on functions,
monsters, that attack us and torture us PSI,
cursing telepathically in ways, and defy us,
and we did not told till now, it was a Taboo
We were ashamed, afraid to tell about the
bioenergy attacks, fearing them t...he
agressors, keep it all as a Taboo.
A world about which we did not speak till
now publicly, a Hell world, with
hallucinations send telepathically, emotions
send from aggressors into our minds, and we
keep it all inside, all the pain, all the injustice,
this monsters that attacked us with telepathy
and bioenergy.
This fat military on big functions, corrupted
that keep us in a world of Hell, attacking us
day and night, saying all kind of threats, how
they will kills us, in what way, how painful it
is, sending emotion of pain too telepathically
and images with torture, how they revenge,
and saying that they obtained their revenge,
they obtained their revenge and punished us.
Military that act as gangsters for us, they see
themselves as the big bad wolf and we the
small rabbits. Their dirty mouth, threats,
torture, sending images on how they will
torture us also physically, and now torturing
us PSI, for no reason, they being corrupted.
Their attitude: we Christians are the rabbit
and they the big bad wolf.
In their minds they are gangsters and
delinquents and we the educated fellow with
fine silk, they are the big bad wolf cursing and
treating, we the small rabbit victim.
Now we speak about this world of telepathic

and bioenergetic attacks and this crimes
against the humanity that this corrupted do.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 93
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 11:54 AM

Astazi zi de Sabat.
Atitudinea retardatului cu bioenergie: Nu ca a
fost neghiobia bosorogului de tanar, asta a fost
asa la masa o gluma, adica te-a injurat in
gluma telepatic, nu ca a fost o neghiobie la
retardatul corupt colonulitate.
Dar in zi de Sabat sa ataci Crestinii in casa nu
este o gluma.
Nu tine cu glume pentru ca el ataca PSI
Crestinii in Casele lor.
Nu prea ma tin de gluma cu toti prostii corupti
ca ofiteri....
El saracu zice ca e o gluma, se razbuna
bosorogul colonulitate(colonel) corupt, un
spirit de gluma de la retardel prostanacul
Dar nu este asa, ce face el nu este o gluma si
nici nu ne-am obinuit cu razbunarile ateilor,
ce face el este ilegal si cu schziofrenii Crime
Impotriva Umanitatii.
Nu avem glume cu toti retardatii ca s-au
corupt ei pe la armata Romana si se vand ca si
camatari, si ca fac bosorogii glume chipurile
si ne umplu de boli in case.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 94
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 10:42 AM

Astazi zi de Sabat.
Atitudinea retardatului cu bioenergie: Nu ca a
fost neghiobia bosorogului de tanar, asta a fost
asa la masa o gluma, adica te-a injurat in
gluma telepatic, nu ca a fost o neghiobie la
retardatul corupt colonulitate.
Dar in zi de Sabat sa ataci Crestinii in casa nu
este o gluma.
Nu tine cu glume pentru ca el ataca PSI

Crestinii in Casele lor.
Nu prea ma tin de gluma cu toti prostii corupti
ca ofiteri.


Atitudinea lui, asta a fost asa o razbunare de

la gainel si tampitel nu mare lucru,,,
Adica ce face imbecilu prostanac colonulitate
e asa, o razbunare, o insolenta de la un
retardel loser ca el, nu mare lucru,,,
Dar nu e asa, ca pe Dumnealui(Tudose Mihai
Catalin) il ataca un limbut colonulitate,,, adica
noi Ditamai Crestinii ne ataca un bosorog
colonulitate ca s-a corupt prostu,,, nu prea am
glume cu prost,,,
Si nu ramane asa,,,

El saracu zice ca e o gluma, se razbuna

bosorogul colonulitate(colonel) corupt, un
spirit de gluma de la retardel prostanacul
Dar nu este asa, ce face el nu este o gluma si
nici nu ne-am obinuit cu razbunarile ateilor,
ce face el este ilegal si cu schziofrenii Crime
Impotriva Umanitatii.
Nu avem glume cu toti retardatii ca s-au
corupt ei pe la armata Romana si se vand ca si
camatari, si ca fac bosorogii glume chipurile
si ne umplu de boli in case.
Ca sa stii gaina(minte de gaina)nu aveai voie
sa faci asa ceva, sa ataci Crestinii in casele

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 95
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 10:37 AM

This is Romania.
You know that brand: “this is Romania”,,, The
same cowardice, ignorance, lack of education,
lack of politeness, lack of good manners, the
same corrupted dinosaurs on functions, the
same corruption,, the same military of
Ceausescu, the same corrupted military on
functions, the same shameful, the same
vulgar, misogynist, the same licking bosses on
big chairs, the same weak military officer too

stupid to be a man, the same arrogance of
military, the same defiant... cheap army of
Romanica, the same 'you are scared of the
army', the same 'you fear the military' in
Attitude as military of small Ceusescu-the
small dictator in SE Europe, the same dummy
military that are vulgar, misogyny, insolent,
cursing, not educated the stupid as you can
get(the same military stupid as you can get
that are insolent, arrogant: cursing everybody
children, ladies, men, treating ladies,
egressing our sisters, mothers, cursing ladies,
children, men, sick homosexuals sending
emotions to boys and girl, this is Romanica,
military that are vulgar, misogyny, not
educated, insolent, arrogant, defying in their
stupidity), the same stupid, ignorant, the same
insolence of dinosaurs on functions, the same
arrogance Romanica, the same defiant
torturers, the same crimes and illegalities in
cheap Romania, the same indifference and

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 96
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 10:27 AM

Today the stupid atheists that attack with

bioenergy and telepathy said: because you
Printed we will attack you, and you should be
scared of us and start in hurry the
breakfast(see Maslow Pyramid), and you
should be happy you are that lucky to eat the
breakfast at all.
The stupid corrupted military thinks I start in
hurry to eat breakfast to be lucky I eat at all
with my stomach disease, and not print the
document for Serving with God being afraid
of their corrupted projectio...ns.
The stupid dinosaur in the Romanian army
think he scares me with PSI torture in my own
Home, that I am happy to eat a breakfast, and
afraid of their criminal attacks, so to hurry to
eat the breakfast because later are his
projections with bioenergy and if I Print the
document for Serving with God at the first
thing in the morning, “the rudder of the
day”(Brian Tracy), he will attack me and I
remain without breakfast.
The dinosaur officer in the Romanian army is

so low and stupid thinking I am afraid of them
to Print a document in the morning and started
in hurry to eat so I am lucky to eat at all.
An attitude of stupid officer is as in the army
of the small dictator Ceusescu also from SE of
Europe, the same Romania.
This corrupted military in the army are so
stupid and low, vulgar, misogynist, cursing
with telepathy and doing low and cheap
bioenegetic attacks as in the army of the small
Ceausescu, stupid not educated stupid
Their stupid attitude that people will always
fear the corrupted officers in the army is
stupid. Comes from the same SE of Europe
Romanica and is the same stupidities as stupid
not educated military of Ceusescu.
The Planet is not as in Romanica with the
small SE dictator Ceausescu with his stupid
military, the Planet is not cheap as Romanica,
and not so low and corrupted without manners
as Romanica, the Planet is Great and Creation
of God.
The Planet will not learn helplessness from
Romanica SE of Europe with his cheap
Ceausescu the small dictator with all the
military on his hands, with all dinosaurs on
his hands, with Romanica cheap acts
shameful acts as eating swans in a park in
France, with their lack of education and
Politeness and Good Manners(now cursing
Christian with bioenergy and telepathy),
because Planet is Great and Creation of God,
and will take a stand and not accept this cheap

A: How it is in Romanica?
B: Cheap as usual,,, and now learns the Planet
cowardice and helplessness,,,
A: I don't think so!!!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 97
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 10:13 AM

Another brainwashing technique with

bioenergy and telepathy is when in the middle
of the night I wake up they say "H, H,
H"(from Hate, Hate, Hate) so to block with

the negative emotion the memories at wake
up. If I wake up in the middle of the
dream(partially conducted by them) then, I
can remember the dream, including what they
do, so they say the trigger "H, H, H"(meaning
Hate emotions, an anchor already set by
them), so to block with a intense negative
emotion the remember...ing. This "H, H, H"
will block with an negative emotion the
remembering, so I do not remember the dream
including what they did during the dream,
being telepathy they try to control our dreams
during the sleep.
Also they attack me with many painful
bioenergy techniques so to not wake up again
in the middle of the night, so I am afraid to
wake up ever again, even if I would want that.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 98
Date= April 21 Date= 4/21/19, 10:11 AM

Today they triad again brainwashing with

telepathy and bioenergy.
They say are put by the army and they are so
feared by the people, they say yes they are
stupid being vulgar, misogynist, cursing me,
but feared by the people, scaring people is a
technique of the army, and they say it is a
military technique what they do, they say they
are stupid but it works because it is a
technique from the military book in Romania
and they say with evilness they apply the
military techniqu...e on me, being a Christian.
The process of brainwash is like below:
They say telepaticaly: I speak now with the
weak part in you, now you are on our side,
I DISPUTE: I am a Christian.
They say: No, not you!!!, the other one, the
one that want to escape, you do as we do and
are on our side.
I say: There is not such a person, I am a
Christian with our Lord Jesus.
So it is in SE or Europe Romania now in
2019, they act as the army of Ceausescu, want
to be feared be people, they say with pride it
is a technique of the army to be feared, and
try again to brain wash me.
Stupid corrupted nullity in the Romanian


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 99
Date= April 20 Date= 4/20/19, 7:27 PM

Strategies are many.

1_The Strategy of the minimum damage:
If I do A_20% damage, if I do B_60%
damage. So I choose A because is the
minimum damage.
2_The Strategy of the Greater Good:
If I do ActionA they will kill 20% of all
population, but 80% are healthy. So for the
Greater Good I sacrifice 20% for the Greater
Good 80%....
3_or Christian: No matter what happens I do
what God tells me in the Holy Bible. No
matter it is sure death, I obey God and do as
Holy Bible tell me. I do not want to escape
myself and my Family no matter what, but
also I know it is sure death I do as God tells
me, and I do not choose nor 1_ the minimum
damage, nor 2_The Greater Good, but I do as
God tells me also I know is sure death. See:
Moses, Noah.

I am a Christian and I do what God tell me no

matter what, I do as in Holy Bible and not
strategies and calculus.

"The sleep of reason produces monsters."

"El sueño de la razón produce monstruos."

You can do wars and strategies as the SMALL

tacticians: Napoleon, Hitler, but I say to do
GREAT Acts as God tell you in the Holy
Obs: Napoleon ended as a 'dead battery' on
the Elba Island, and ended as a cheap Elba
battery, but God in Great.
The small strategists as: Napoleon, Hitler are
small, but God is GREAT.



Small minds as Napoleon and Hitler are
small, what God tell you is BIG and GREAT.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 100

Date= April 20 Date= 4/20/19, 7:22 PM

Emoji not Emoticons

The Four Lads - Istanbul (not Constantinople)



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 101

Date= April 20 Date= 4/20/19, 7:16 PM

Fac crime impotrica umanitatii ca s-au corupt

prostii aciuati pe la armata impreuna cu
armata romana.
Lichele care tortureaza PSI oamenii in casele
lor cu atacuri ilegale cu bionergie si telepatie.
Aceeasi prosti si ne-educati ca lichelele lui
Ceusescu, dupa acelasi model de prosti care
nu au invatat carte, de aroganta insolenta,
bosorogi de tineri, dinozauri pe functii,
aceeasi handicapati, care de prosti sfideaza
acum oamenii de pe toata Planeta cu atacuri
ilegale cu bioene...rgie si telepatie.
Insolenta sfidatoare a unor ratati corupti.
Dar au si ei doua picioare si stau pe aceasta

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 102

Date= April 20 Date= 4/20/19, 11:17 AM

Ei au zis: Pt ca schizofrenii vrem sa aiba

multe boli, le dam medicamente gratuit pe
toate bolile daca se pensioneaza. Vrem sa le
facem multe boli si de asta le dam gratuit
pastilute pentru orice boala.
De ce?
Pentru ca daca nu le dam gratuit pt toate
bolile si daca zic: sunt schizofren si pensia nu
ma ajuta, am boli de 1_stomac si am boli si de
2_acnee Infectie in obraz cu probleme de
dermatologie si am boli si pentru ca 3_ma
doare capul si boli 4_de stomac ulcer, 5_rinita
s...i nu am bani de medicamente, atunci nu ne
convine noua care le facem bolile cu atacuri
cu bioenergie pentru ca asa se alerteaza lumea
si daca nu mai suporta aceasta nedreptate ca le
facem multe boli atunci lumea poate revoltata
spune odata adevarul si face ceva pentru
Si lumea indignata atunci ar spune: nu mai
suport sa atace schizofrenii, eu fac ceva
pentru ei!!! si ar Sluji..
Si ca sa nu ii ajute lumea, lasa-i asa, ca ii
rezolvam noi indirect(zice bolnavioara), sa
vezi cum,,,
Asa ca: Lasa-i asa, ca le dam gratuit pe toate
bolile ca vrem sa le facem multe boli.
Ii atacam PSI cu bioenergie si telepatie si le
facem multe boli.
Asa ca lumea zice: are bolile acelea, dar are
gratuit medicamente pentru orice boala, nu e
chiar asa rau, tot e bine, ca fiind schizofren
are gratuit acces la medic si medicatie pt orice
Si schizofrenii zic: ce noroc si pe mine am nu
stiu cate boli, fac colectie de boli, dar am
gratuit, am medicamente pentru toate bolile si
primesc pastilute gratis ca sunt pensionat
schizofren, tot sa te imbolnavesc.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 103

Date= April 19 Date= 4/19/19, 11:43 AM

Serate muzicale cu Iosif Sava:

Serata muzicala - Gabriel Liiceanu si Iosif





Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 104

Date= April 18 Date= 4/18/19, 6:38 PM

Dinozaurii corupti de burdihan nesatul

vorbesc cum ca ce facea Ceusescu cu coruptii
lui si cu militienii corupti si ce nu facea
militia lui Ceausescu.
Si e rusinos ca spun asa aberatii.
Asta e prostie ca micul dictator SudEuropean
si militienii de dupa tejghea si telepatia lui
Asta e gainarie la bosorog de tanar si
imbecilitate sa sustii asa ceva.
Asa spun coruptii ratati....
In Realitate lumea vrea sa fie Libera, si Libera
sa traiasca Cartea Sfanta, sa aiba Dreptul la
Fericire, sa mearga in Rai.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 105

Date= April 17 Date= 4/17/19, 8:09 PM

In Romania nu preotii sunt de omorat

Nu e normal in Romania ca daca esti preot si
slujesti sa fii omorat
Ci Ceusescu era un handicapat care omora cu
niste dinozauri corupti oamenii care Slujesc
autentic, inclusiv preotii
Ca sa ne lamurim ca nu e "E normal, e popa,
slujeste, il omoara militienii" ci Ceausescu era
un dictator handicapat bosorog pe functie care
omora pe toti care Slujeau si inclusiv preotii
Ca sa ne lamurim ca in Romania starea de
fapt nu e ca omoara Crestinii c...i imbecilii
dinozauri pe functii ceusisti corupti omorau
preotii si Crestinii care Slujesc.
Si in SudEstul Europei este normal sa Slujesti
Crestin si sa Slujesti Evlavios cu Credinta ca

Preot Adventist, Ortodox.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 106

Date= April 17 Date= 4/17/19, 7:32 PM

Atata infatuare si aroganta pe armata rumana

Ce papuci e armata?! Ca nu e cazul, eu
Slujesc Crestin cu Domnul Nostru Iisus.
Texte pe ei: Credeati ca armata e proasta?! asa
pare!, dar uite ca stie de telepatie si stie ce
gandesc oamenii?!,,,
Ce sa zic?! Asta poate si o maimuta daca o
inveti sa atace
Orice ateu prost poate ataca cu telepatie si
Orice ateu poate fi initiat si sa fie telepat, nu
mai ca fiind nepregatit face prostii mai mari
ca telepat
Texte pe ei: armata face ca-n filme, credeati
ca e ca in Vacanta Mare, uite ca stie ce
gandesc cu bioenergie?! armata stie si d-astea,
texte pe bosorogii de tineri loseri
Ce sa zic?! texte de ratati,,,
Texte ca: Credeatica nu mai atat poate armata
romana? Armata face ca-n filme,
Ca e si greu rau sa faci ca-n filme, iti trebuie
si multa minte sa faci gainariile alea din filme
Ce papuci e armata rumana?! gainarie pe gogu
bosorog corupt care ataca PSI oamenii si ii
face schizofreni, ataca cu bioenergie ca niste
gainari bosorogi corupti,,,
Aceiasi ca intotdeauna si da, este exact ca
Garcea din Vacanta Mare

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 107

Date= April 17 Date= 4/17/19, 7:16 PM

Ei spun ca ei sunt armata romana care ma

ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie.
Ce nu face armata romana?!
Prostia armatei romane e mare,,,
In mintea lor de ratati ce nu face armata


De armata nu este cazul pentru ca eu Slujesc

cu Domnul Nostru Iisus si sunt Crestin.
In inima democratiei: de armata nu este cazul,
pentru ca eu Slujesc Crestin.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 108

Date= April 17 Date= 4/17/19, 11:25 AM

Today they said they are the Romanian army

and the first pays to the army price pay with
blood.(this is a stupidity)
This meaning that the Romanian army attacks
me with bioenergy and telepathy because I
Served as a Christian and I Served to solve
the attacks with bioenergy and telepathy of
corrupted nullities.

They threat and attack saying they are the

I say: they are stupid and shameful.


They said that they will kill me after all and

that the world will see me as a hero when I
will die.
I say: the 'HERO' is our Lord Jesus and I am
not a hero but a Christian and important is our
Lord Jesus.
I say: I don't need to be a hero and it is not the
case, is our Lord Jesus. I am not a hero but a
Great Christian Serving with our Lord Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 109

Date= April 16 Date= 4/16/19, 11:32 AM

They say: they are the army, and the

Romanian army in their case, let them attack
people in their homes and do crimes against

the humanity by attacking people in their
homes with telepathy and bioenergy.
I say: they are not the army, just some
corrupted stupids in the army.
I say: they are corrupted because they are
stupid and weak as the stupid Romanian
dictator Ceusescu.
I say: they have the attitude of the small
dictator Ceusescu from Romania SE of
Europe, stupid corrupted... cheap nullities,
cheap arrogance and insolence, stupid in
I say: also the dictator Ceusescu has two legs
and lives on this Planet, and the Revolution
from Romania 1989 prove it
I say: now they lick the army to escape them
saying now they are the army, but they are not
the army, just corrupted shameful nullities that
do illegalities
I say: they are just stupid Ceausists(see the
dictator Ceusescu from Romania before the
Revolution) from the SE of Europe that are
not the army, but corrupted dinosaurs on
function that do illegalities because they are
corrupted and cheap and do crimes against the
humanity by torturing people PSI and
attacking with telepathy and bioenergy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 110

Date= April 15 Date= 4/15/19, 4:05 PM

Astazi au atacat "Asa ca de Sabat!!!" si au

injurat, atacat si ras ca provoaca Crestinilor
De asta sunt divortati pentru ca sunt vulgari,
misogini si bolnaviori cu deviatii sexuale.
Niste ratati ne-educati care fac ilegalitati de
bosorogi pe functii, niste dinozauri ne-educati
care au numai probleme in viata din cauza
insolentei si arogantei stupide(de la militienii
prosti ai lui Ceusescu care ascultau pe furis si
te parau prostalaului Ceusescu, la scandaluri
cu Spo...rtivi pe care ii ataca si agreseaza,
acum la atacuri care se vroiau pe furis ascunse
cu bioenergie si telepatie si care acum s-au
Nimeni cu asemenea fapte nu poate fi fericit
in viata si toti se fac de ras pe unde se duc(ca
de exemplu in excursii si vacante) din pricina

arogantei, lipsei de educatie, agresivitatii care
este slabiciune, insolentei, atitudinii de
sfidatori pe fata, prea prosti si ne-educati.
Gainari corupti care se fac de ras si sunt
nefericiti, niste loseri.
Eu stiu ca sunt prosti si fac atacuri la insolenta
ca sunt bosorogi patetici si lichele, dar saracii
imi e mila de ei, pentru ca eu raman cu
Dumnezeu Iisus. Si Dumnezeu exista.
Fac pe maimutele si gesturi de handicapati,
aceasta spune despre ei, caci eu raman cu
Dumnezeu Iisus.
Lichele care se fac de ras,
Niste prosti ne-educati care injura telepatic
ceea ce spune despre ei, si se fac de ras,
pentru ca Dumnezeu exista si a sadit in om
Valori si Virtuti Crestine si nimeni nu poate sa
ii iubeasca, sa ma scuze gaina(mintea de
gaina) ii spun: 'Esti patetic!'.
Si ei stau pe aceasta Planeta, si ei au doua
picioruse, inclusiv bosorogii dinozauri pe
Imi pare rau de prostia lor ca nu imi e frica de
Prostalai care se fac de ras, iar mie nu imi e
frica de ei ca sunt maimute proaste dar ataca
si provoaca durere pentru ca Iisus ma scapa de
dureri si raman cu Dumnezeu.
Prostia ca rad ca prostii si injura este exact
slabiciunea care cauzeaza divortul la ei, si imi
pare rau de ei ca sunt asa slabi, nimeni nu
poate sta autentic ca sa fie sotie cu niste prosti
incapabili de Iubire si niste ratati ca ei care
fac asa fapte, imi e mila de voi cei care atacati
cu bioenergie si telepatie.
Exact slabiciunea ca sunt slabi in creier ca le
place cand ataca oameni, exact aceasta este
ceea ce ii indeparteaza de sotie si sunt
divoratati, imi e mila de aceste lichele
Si niste lingai rusinosi pe langa scaune ale
unor bosorogi care se umilesc si care au viata
Cat despre mine, eu raman cu Dumnezeu Iisus
si merg in Rai.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 111

Date= April 15 Date= 4/15/19, 2:18 PM

From the military of Ceausescu, to the
corrupted military that are dinosaurs on
functions that say they are feared by the
Sportive(in football are much money), to the
today nullity that attack with bioenergy and
telepathy people and torture PSI, what they
have in common?!
They are loved? No!
They are appreciated? No!
They are talented? No!
(In fact they are too stupid for the human
They say they are feared because they are in
the army on functions, chairs, and people are
afraid of themselves
They think they can attack everybody because
they have all the weapons and they think
everybody fears them.
They defy everybody, corrupted dinosaurs
nullity on functions and are insolent, arrogant
that think people fear them forever
They are as stupid as they can get, but they
are feared.
They are not loved(cannot be with what they
do), they are not appreciated, they are not
talented, they are stupid as they can be, but
they think they are feared, and feared forever.
So they think
At what they do they cannot be loved, but
they think they will scare everybody and in
insolence defy everybody.
But they have two legs too and they live on
this Planet also.
They are as the bully of the school that have
muscles, is stupid vulgar misogynist and
stupid as he can get, but is feared.
And they think we are afraid of them, as
Ceausescu with military under the desk that in
hidden hear the people words and say it all to
the nullity that are on functions. So what they
say is that fear works. They think fear will
work forever for them.
The military of Ceausescu were feared and
they thought they will be feared forever.
Also with Sportive the dinosaurs from
military do illegalities as corrupted nullity and
they think they are feared, they think with
dinosaurs on functions the corrupted military
is feared by the Sportive.
Now with bioenergy and telepathy they think
they are feared because they torture PSI
people in their home.
They are as stupid as they can get, but they
think people will fear them.

Their tool is fear.
The Solution is the Sacrifice from Love.
Like the bully of the school that is as stupid as
he can get, but is feared
The bully of the school is vulgar, misogynist,
stupid but has muscles and he think he can
catch one or two, three children and beat
them, but if the school children are together
they can beat the bully of the school.
Also the Revolution that with sacrifice beat
They defy all Christians because they say they
have big functions, big chairs and they have
weapons on their hands, and they think they
scare all the people.
Think at people being together and beat this

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 112

Date= April 15 Date= 4/15/19, 1:21 PM

Retardati ca militienii lui ceusescu.

Zic ca ei sunt pe functie nu-i da nimeni afara
si ca ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie pe oricine
vor, ca sfideaza ei pe Crestini.
Asa zicea si ceusescu cu militienii lui.
Si l-am dat afara.
Vezi Gabriel Liiceanu - Apel catre lichele....

Ei nu au nici o legatura cu armata, sunt doar

niste bosorogi corupti

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 113

Date= April 15 Date= 4/15/19, 1:07 PM

Injura prostul prin telepatie

Ne-educat vulgar si misogin
E slab in creieri de asta e vulgar si misogin

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 114

Date= April 14 Date= 4/14/19, 8:43 PM

Atea zisa 'Adela', marele ofiter, specialist in

lentoare pt torturat PSI, a atacat astazi cu
Eu ascultam Imnul Crestin Advetist "Ingrid
Iorgulescu - De ai pus atata frumusete.mp3"

Ingrid Iorgulescu - De ai pus atata frumusete



Imnul Crestin Adventist zice "tota fumusetea

Ta" si telepatic "Nu TATA!!!"
Atea bolnavioare zice "Nu TATA!!!' cand se
aude "tota fumusetea Ta" in Imnul Crestin
Injura peste Imnul Crestin Adventist sa
asocieze negativ sa strice Imnurile
Adventiste,,, e si asta o prostie a gainarilor
care ataca de retardati corpuri
Aceasta a fost idee marelui ofiter care-si zice
'Adela', gainarie la gogu
Imnul Crestin Aventist cand spune "Sa-mi dai
o raza de iubire inaltatoare" si ateul telepatic
"Sa-mi fii tu al Dra-c-ului!!!'
Monstra de prostie lucie a ateului zis
'Adela'(asa isi zice ateul telepatic) care ataca
cu bioenergie si telepatie
Imnul Crestin Adventist spune "Sa-mi fii un
cantec de Speranta salvatoare" iar ateul peste
injura cu nervi 'Sa fii tu al Dra-c-ului!!!'
O monstra de prostie a ateilor corupti care
ataca PSI
Injura pe Imnul Crestin Adventist, daca atat ii
duce capul pe bolnaviorii care ataca omeni in
Asa zisa tehnica la gogu ne-educat care
tortureaza PSI cu bioenergie si telepatie
Ca sa vezi cat de rusinoasa e prostia ateilor
care ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie
Prea prosti pt specia umana

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 115
Date= April 14 Date= 4/14/19, 8:30 PM

Micii ceusisti din SE Europei, care ataca cu

bioenergie si telepatie si fac 'gainarie de obor'.
Gainarie la Gogu,,,
Gigi duru trage cu tunu,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 116

Date= April 14 Date= 4/14/19, 2:30 PM

Micii ceusisti din SE Europei, care ataca cu

bioenergie si telepatie si fac 'gainarie de obor'.
Fac pe militienii si micii ceusisti din SE
Se fac de ras ca prostii.
Niste bosorogi de tineri corupti si imbecili
care ataca oamenii ca lichelele si fac crime
impotriva umanitatii si care tot ei de bosorogi
retardati fac pe insolentii si sfideaza toata
Planeta apoi.
Niste retardati care cred ca sfideaza toata
Planeta pt ca sunt prosti si fatalai ne-educati:
gainarie de cea... mai proasta calitate din SE
Gainarie la Gogu,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 117

Date= April 14 Date= 4/14/19, 2:26 PM

With bioenergy and telepathy they say: “We

do to you what we did to this ones in the SE
of Europe.”
The small “Ceausisti” think with bioenergy
and telepathy they will scare all the Planet
treating “We do to you exactly what we did to
this one in the SE of Europe”
But we on the Planet are not like in the SE of
Europe and 'romanica', because we Care, we
Involve, we do not abandon Leaders, we have
Loyalty, Leadership, Values and Christian

We are not so small and cheap, ...poor as in
the SE of Europe.
Take Care we are Strong, Powerful.
We think Possibilities, Opportunities, we have
an Infrastructure.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 118

Date= April 14 Date= 4/14/19, 1:41 PM

I pity them that they come to attack people

with bioenergy and telepathy.
I pity them that they are so weak and so low
And I pity them because they are so shameful
and do the insolence to try to lie and say their
lines and defy all the Planet now when we
know they are corrupted and such low nullity
doing that acts.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 119

Date= April 14 Date= 4/14/19, 11:40 AM

Mi-e mila de ei ca au ajuns sa atace oamenii

prin bioenergie si telepatie.
Mi-e mila ca sunt asa slabi si lichele.
Si mi-e mila de ei ca rusinos fac pe insolentii
ca acum o tin pe a lor si sfideaza planeta acum
cand se cunoaste ca sunt niste corupti si

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 120

Date= April 14 Date= 4/14/19, 11:23 AM

Romanizam planeta
Toata planeta invata lasitate si rusine
umilitoare ca in romanica din SE Europei
Asa zic ei,,, dar nu e asa
Take a stand, Attitude

Noi Slujim Crestin


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 121

Date= April 13 Date= 4/13/19, 10:50 PM

Dupa nedreptatea ca a facut crime impotriva

umanitatii atacand oamenii schizofreni zi si
noapte cu bioenergie si telepatie, adica crime
impotriva umanitatii,,, acum tot ratatii lichele
ataca si acum sa ne omoare in casa ca Slujim
Crestin, tot ei dupa crime impotriva
umanitatii, tot ei cu insolenta sa ne sfideze sa
ne omoare in case ca facem fapte Crestine si
spunem adevarul, atitudine de gainar de obor
din SE Europei, atitudine de gainar la micii
Ceusisti din SE Europei.
Atit...udine de romanica, gainarie de obor
Prostie ca ei sunt micii Ceausisti din SE
Europei, fac pe militienii lui Ceausescu ca
gainarii de obor.
Gainarie ieftina din SE Europei: te paraste
prostu la militian, ce gainarie pe micii
Ceusisti din SE Europei, atitudine de retardati
dinozauri ieftini.
In realitate mie nu imi e frica de micii
Ceusisti din SE Europei care fac gainarii
ieftine de obor si Slujim Crestin cu Dumnezeu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 122

Date= April 13 Date= 4/13/19, 6:29 PM

Astazi atitudinea: pune borosogul de tanar

prostii aia needucati pe tine
Stii ce prosti e aia?!
E d-aia homosexualii care injura tot timpul
E vulgari si e misogini, e bolnaviori
Pune bosorogu ca e pe functie, pune prostii d-
aia care injura continuu telepatic pe tine...
Gainarie din SE Europei

Gainarie la gogu
Insolenta ieftina din SE Europei
Imbecilitate ca sfideaza bosorogu pe fonctie,
sfideaza el Crestinii
Insolenta la prostu, imbecili ne-educati, mici
Ceusesti din SE Europei
Insolenta de fatalau ne-educat
Fatalai ca astia sunt patetici
Niste ne-barbati, gainari de obor
Catre lichele: tu esti prea prost pentru specia
Se vede dupa fapte ca n-au invata carte,
gainarie ca in SE Europei, pune bosorogu de
tanar prostii sa te injure telepatic
Bosorogu pune prostii pe tine si stii ce prosti e
Are bosorogu prosti d-aia ne-educatii care
injura telepatic, e prosti si homosexuali d-aia
ne-educatii si face ce vrea bosorogu de tanar
ca e pe fonctie
Imbecilitate la gogu gainar de obor
Fatalai din SE Europei care fac pe micii
Gainarie la gogu din SE Europei care nu tine,
pentru ca noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.
Sa ma scuze bosorogu pe fonctie: esti imbecil
si prea prost pentru specia umana, gainar
ieftin de obor
Noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 123

Date= April 13 Date= 4/13/19, 3:50 PM

"We - the defiant, we defy all the Planet"

They defy the Christians, attacking people in

their homes, attacking with bioenergy in the
Sabbath day. They are insolent and defy
everybody,,, in their hallucinations.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 124
Date= April 13 Date= 4/13/19, 2:44 PM

They attack with bioenergy and telepathy and

defy all the Christians on the Planet.

Movie Title:
"Amazing abyssal intelligence, we defy in
insolence all the Planet"


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 125

Date= April 13 Date= 4/13/19, 2:44 PM

A facade of the problem of the pawnbrokers.

The pawnbrokers are kept to attack a person
and the persons wanting to solve the problem
say the work is in progress and the solution
need time, but in the meantime the
pawnbrokers harm and torture the person.
In fact the pawnbrokers are kept to do their
'job'(so called job) and to attack a person, to
torture PSI the person.
The solvers of the problem say they need
more time to implement a successful strategy.
The pawnbrokers still ...attack and do their
PSI torture with bioenergy and telepathy all
the time.
And after the pawnbrokers are satisfied with
the level of damage and revenge, after that
they appear to be weak, the solvers appear to
be stronger and come with solutions and
resources to solve the problem, after a short
time they obtain more and more success, they
seem to win finally in this unfair situation.
They win and they are crying their victory and
are happy.
In fact the pawnbrokers let them win and let
the solvers to beat them in a fake battle and
that after they tortured and made enough
damage to the person, they say 'we did all job'
now we let them win.
It appears the solvers win and are successful.
In fact the pawnbrokers are let a great deal of
time to revenge and torture PSI the person and
after the 'client' is satisfied with the level of

damage the pawnbrokers, they let the solvers
to win in a fake battle.
After the level of damage the pawnbrokers
did to the person in the meantime I don't
know it it can be said the solvers wined
indeed and have authentic success.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 126

Date= April 13 Date= 4/13/19, 12:42 PM

The attitude of the nullity that attack with

bioenerrgy and telepathy: If I want to eat
swans in the middle of Paris?! What's the
problem?!(they create a scene by killing the
swans in a park in the France and started to
eat them and they say: What's the problem?! I
do what I like?!,,,)
And: If I want with bioenergy to torture him
in his home, what's the problem?! What's your
problem?! I do what I like!!! If I want to kill
people in their homes by attacking them with
bioenergy... and telepathy, what's the
But this is not so in reality.
This attitude of nullity that attack with
bioenergy from 'Romanica' is shameful. They
are losers ans shameful and will not remain

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 127

Date= April 13 Date= 4/13/19, 12:31 PM

Someone said: "You can say 'That's too

much!' and 'That's too less!'"

A quote say: "if you want to fly with eagles

don't scratch with turkeys"

Do not accept nothing less but Complete

Integrity, Righteousness.


Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 128

Date= April 13 Date= 4/13/19, 10:32 AM

As someone said: "It's your Right to say

You can Refuse if it is not right.

No-one has the right to Blame you and use

Destructive Criticism on you, or Punish you,
Make you pay, no-one has the right to hurt
you no matter what.


A quote say: "Who does that does not love

you and who love you do not do that thing"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 129

Date= April 12 Date= 4/12/19, 12:57 PM

A world in which you can ask for your Rights,

you Dare and have Courage to ask for your
And not be afraid to work hard for your
Rights, to fight for them.
A world in which you Believe that you can
obtain your Rights.
To Believe in your Rights and Work Hard for
Free to Think, free to be a Christian, your
right to Happiness....
To Believe in your Rights.
As someone said and I quote: “You can fight
city halls.”
A world in which you fight for what is yours,
you fight for your rights, you fight for your
You ask and obtain your Rights with Courage.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 130
Date= April 12 Date= 4/12/19, 12:45 PM

For God you dress some simple clothes,

cheap, not expensive great clothing with great
look and vogue, but you are free on your
head, you DISPUTE the telepathy and you are
not 'brain washed' with telepathy and
You DISPUTE one thought at a time and have
real consume, but you are not 'brain washed',
you are free on your mind and Christian with
You accept the sacrifice to stay in a simple
room, not in a big house, but you are free on
your mind, Christian.
Maybe ...you do not eat great food what you
will love to, but what you have in the
refrigerator at a small price and affordable for
your small sum of money, but your mind is
free, you do Christian acts.
You take pills but you are not afraid of the
'voices' and bioenergy and telepathy, and
DISPUTE them and not let them 'brain wash'
You close the business, because they control
you and want to corrupt you and make you
problems if you do Christian acts, and you
pay on amend more than your profit for your
business, so you must close the business for
Integrity, and Jesus, but you are free on your
mind and clean and not corrupted and you are
with Jesus, Righteous.
You accept a simpler life maybe, but you do
Christian acts, you are free on your mind.
You DISPUTE every thought, but you are
Christian and Courageous not 'brain washed'
by this 'voices' meaning them attacking with
telepathy and bioenergy.
You accept a simpler life, a small room not a
big house, a small sum of money not a big
salary, but you are free and remain with Jesus
and do Christian acts.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 131

Date= April 11 Date= 4/11/19, 4:54 PM

I would appreciate some people to say their
opinion with honesty.
I think we must DISPUTE the voices they do
with bioenergy and telepathy if we are
Christian and act with Christians acts.
They attack me too and want that I would not
know the truth any more to 'brain wash' me,
they come into my head with bioenergy,
telepathy, and 'brain washing' techniques, but
I DISPUTE and do not let their lies affect my
thoughts, I DISPUTE evey thought and this is
a great consume, but I do ...Christian acts.
I think we must be Courageous and even if
they attack you and me, we do Christian and
act Christian and DISPUTE them as 'voices',
not being afraid of their 'brain washing', but
have Courage.
They want to scare us and come in our head to
apply their technique for 'brain washing', but I
think we must not let them, so DISPUTE
them and do not let them to 'brain wash' us,
and have Courage.
I would appreciate some Courageous
Christian people to tell they honest opinion.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 132

Date= April 11 Date= 4/11/19, 1:26 PM

El se joca cu Psihiatrii.
El se joaca cu mintea Psihiatrilor.
El e coleg si medic psihiatru in Spitalul de
Si colegii nu isi dau seama ca el se joaca cu
mintea pacientilor inainte sa intre in cabinetul
colegului Psihiatru Autentic.
Adic ale trimite emotii acolo joc inainte sa
intre la cabinetul colegului Autentic Psihiatru
si ii tortureaza de cand asteapta pe hol si
nimeni nu isi da seama ca e el....
Un fel de Spion Dublu.
El e medic la alea alea, dar de fapt se joaca cu
mintea colegilor din Spital si acestia nu isi
dau seama.

Am putea noi vreodata sa pricepem asa ceva?!

Te pui cu ei?! Si cu inteligenta lor?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 133

Date= April 11 Date= 4/11/19, 12:50 PM

I think that many people sometime say 'God

knows that I am good, it is such a sinful act to
do just this action instead?! I will think I did
all I could and put a cross near it and God
knows I am a good Christian and I want the
best to happen, but it is too dangerous and I
cannot fully act, so I do this action instead and
have my conscience clear, and I think about it
that it is enough and it is all I can do, it will be
such a sin?! after all I did all I could, I put a
cross ...near and God knows I am a good
But I think this is wrong.
I think God want us to do all we can.
I think God want us to do fully without
reserve, even if it is dangerous and the
sacrifice is big.
I think we cannot escape people by doing a
'small' sin and we cannot escape people by
living fear and 'protecting' them by
committing a 'small' sin and saying a 'small'
lie till they are our of danger. I think we must
obey God in all even if it is dangerous, a big
sacrifice. I think we must do all we can and
keeping the Holy Bible fully even if it is
inconvenient, dangerous, a big sacrifice.
I think we must do fully what God tell us in
the Holy Bible and not just to sleep our
conscience and saying to ourselves we did all
we could and repeating calming 'small' lies.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 134

Date= April 11 Date= 4/11/19, 12:35 PM

If a murder is happening, and I know about

the murder, doesn't this mean I am a
partaker(accomplice) to the murder?!

I think I am if I do not act to stop the murder,

even if I know I cannot fully stop it.
I think I must do everything I can with God

even if I know I cannot stop it, but I am
Christian, Righteous.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 135

Date= April 11 Date= 4/11/19, 12:35 PM

If you wait for some elite group of people, to

solve this bioenergetic and telepathy problem
with their crimes against the humanity I think
you are wrong.
Because I think every human being must
involve and care about living beings and do
something, with attitude, and Courageous,
If you let the 'elite' group to solve the situation
I think you will have a long list of dead
people till this strategy will work in reality to
be efficient.
And with this list of dead peo...ple, will you
be satisfied? even if the strategy will work,
you will be satisfied with this dead people as
casualties? is this a Christian approach?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 136

Date= April 10 Date= 4/10/19, 8:49 PM

I often wandered why people do not say

publicly about the bioenergetic attacks and
telepathy attacks and schizophrenic people.
I often wandered why people do not give me
examples of other facebook sites that speak
about bioenergetic and telepathic attacks.
I also expected some eMails, Phones,
facebook Messages.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 137

Date= April 9 Date= 4/9/19, 10:21 PM

Pentru copii, cu inima curata, care vor sa

realizeze ceva in viata:
Sa lasi asemeenea monstruozitati de bosorogi
corupti care ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie sa
tortureze PSI oamenii este monstruos si eu nu
pot sa fac asa ceva.
Ei sunt doar niste prosti ne-educati care ataca
oamenii cu telepatie si bioenergie in casele
Ei zic “Asa, asa!!! ca sa te pedepsec eu”,
“Vezi tu dupa, ca te pedepsesc acasa”, “Asa ca
inainte de masa”, “Asa ca de Sabat”, “u u u ,
ura, ura, ura”, ...“imagineaza-ti ca te lovesc eu
cu ranga in cap, imagineaza-ti ca durerea este
din cauza mea”
Cand un lucru reuseste “te atac telepatic
dupa”, “Asa, asa!!! ca sa te pedepsec eu” si
“simte ura, U U U!!!, Ura!! ura ura”

La Super-Market zic: “Vezi tu dupa, ca te

pedepsesc acasa, vii tu acasa”
Cand te plimbi pe afaca cu insolenta de
bosorogi "sa nu te mai prind pe afara, in
'recreatoe'", cu insolenta de ratat fac mistouri
zicand 'recreatie'
Cand scrii la Calculator "Sa nu mai atingi
calculatorul!!!" si injura cu orele continuu
"Asa ca sa nu mai atingi calculatorul!!!" si
spun tot felul de lucruri bolnave de la
homosexualii lor cu emotii proiectate, spun
tot felul de vulgaritati denaturate ca la
bolnavii lor homosexuali de care se folosesc
Cand ceva reuseste “Gasesc eu solutie si la
asta!!!, asociez eu durere si la asta!!!”,
chipurile este 'solutie' sa asocieze durere si
emotii negative ca injura continuu prin
telepatie ca sa simta omul durerea
Masa de dimineata o intarzie cu orele pt ca zic
“Asa ca inainte de masa!!!” si ataca, injura
prin telepatie, vulgar. misogin, trimite emotii
proiectate de la homosexuali si bolnaviori si
fac insolente si sfideaza zicand "Ulcer, ai sa
faci ulcer"
In ziua de Sabat ataca “Asa ca de Sabat!!!”,
“Ca sa imi iei frica!!!”, si fac ironii la adresa
Cand obosesti de carat ceva si simti o durere
cat de mica: “imagineaza-ti ca te lovesc eu cu
ranga in cap, imagineaza-ti ca durerea este din
cauza mea, URA URA Ura, U U U"

Ei sunt prea prosti pentru specia umana.
Niste ratati ne-educati, bosorogi de tineri care
ataca oamenii in casele lor si fac crime
impotriva umanitatii cu tortura PSI de corupti
cu bani de la companii private mituiti de
Directori de multinationale sa faca ilegalitati,
si tortureaza de corupti oamenii cu bioenergie.
Sa lasi asemeenea monstruozitati de bosorogi
corupti care ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie sa
tortureze PSI oamenii este monstruos si eu nu
pot sa fac asa ceva.
Eu cred ca oamenii trebuie sa realizeze ceva
in viata si sa fie Curajori si Curati cu
Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 138

Date= April 9 Date= 4/9/19, 10:03 PM

The level is chicken without brain(Romanian

term 'gainari', 'gainari ieftini de obor').
With telepathy they curse, and the stupid
chicken without brain say telepathically “what
you don't like that I will do to you”.
They threat because they know what you
fear(listening to your thoughts) and he will
say he will do that to you.
If you do not afraid he cannot do anything.
In reality they can do much less, if any....
If you remain with Jesus and Holy Bible they
cannot do much if any.
They are just stupid chicken without brain,
vulgar, misogynist and sick homosexuals used
because they corrupted because they are
weak, greedy, without character, in one word
they are: weak.
They threat with many and we remain with
Jesus and Holy Bible and they can do any.
I say about this: “They threat with many, they
can't do any”(Mihai Catalin Tudose)
FEAR =- False Evidence Appearing Real.
Remember this corrupted nullity want to
simulate paranoid schizophrenia based on
They like to play mind games with people in
their atheist sick chicken brain, because they
are weak without character and stupid
ignorant shameful.
They will put you do say your biggest fear for
you alone in your mind, they are listening

telepathically to you and they will create this
scenario with telepathy and send emotion so
you to engage in negativity, maybe paranoid,
angry, fearful, but do not fear, they can't do
much if any of all the dirty mouth things they
In reality they cannot do what they say.
Anyway they do crimes against the humanity,
because they are corrupted by a big-shot full
of money,.
Do not be afraid he cannot do what he say, he
is just immature and terrible, he just like to
hear himself talking and proud for his chicken
acts. He is just a no-brainier, do not be afraid,
read Psalms, remain with Jesus.

He say all kind of paranoid things, he like to

hear himself talking and he is abyssal stupid,
he cannot do much if any of what his dirty
mouth say from ignorance.

Remain with Jesus, and Holy Bible, read


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 139

Date= April 9 Date= 4/9/19, 7:13 PM

Happy Sabbath!

Anelisse & Beatrice Craciun- He is the

everlasting God


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 140

Date= April 9 Date= 4/9/19, 12:53 PM

Eu zic ca nu trebuie sa ne fie frica sa gandim

si sa facem ce este Crestin.

Astazi mi-au zis ca ma spun armatei,
Aceasta este atitudine de gainar, imi aminteste
ca in comunism cand militianul sta ascuns
dupa tejghea in magazin si tragea cu urechia
la ce spunea cumparatorul tras de limba de
vanzator, si apoi militianul gainar il para pe
om comandantului suprem al armatei, lui
Ceausescu. Si Ceausescu il 'pedepsea'
chipurile pe omul Crestin.
Acum acelasi lucru, gai...narii de obor care
ataca cu telepatie si bioenergie spun ca ma
parasc pe mine armatei si ca militarii nu ma
iarta, armata nu te iarta.
Eu spun ca nu este acel caz si ca eu sunt
Crestin Neprihanit.
De asemenea nu imi este frica de armata si
nici ca lichelele care ataca prin telepatie ma
parasc si denatureaza ce gandesc eu.
Asta cu militianul gainar dupa tejghea paraste
omul lui Ceausescu e atitudine de gainar din
SE Europei, de romanica ceausista, de
militian comunist gainar ieftin. Trebuie sa
avem curaj sa gandim, trebuie sa ramanem cu
Dumnezeu Integrii, sa gandim fara frica, sa
fim Liberi, sa fim Crestini, sa fim Fericiti, si
nu atacati de lichele corupte.
Aceasta gainarie prin telepatie este gainarie de
romanica si ceusism prostanac de SE Europei,
noi trebuie sa gandim mare, noi trebuie sa ne
gandim la libertate si drepturile omului si sa
avem curaj si hotarati sa traim Valori si Virtuti
Trebuie sa avem curaj si nu sa cedem fricii.
Tot gainarii de obor care ataca cu telepatie si
fac crime impotriva umanitatii, tot ei zic ca se
razbuna si tot ei care ataca de lichele oamenii
si ii fac schizofreni si acestia iau pastile cu
zecile de ani zilnic, tot aceste lichele si
bosorogi de tineri corupti zic ca se razbuna si
incearca sa atace chipurile sa ne fie frica de ei,
dar nu este asa.
Nu ne este frica de armata.
Nu este cazul.
Dumnealui Tudose Catalin Mihai Slujeste
Neprihanit cu Domnul Nostru Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 141

Date= April 9 Date= 4/9/19, 12:48 PM

If you want to Serve for this situation of
bioenergy attacks I think it will be helpful to
you to know.

You can take pills from Psychiatry: Leponex,

Leponex will help you to sleep in the nights.
The above pills have action of
'voices'(telepathic and bioenergy attacks).


And you must DISPUTE the

'projections'(meaning telepathy) and to remain
positive and with Holy Bible.
It is one thought at a time.
The best is to DISPUTE on writing, on paper
or on a PC document as Word,
You must also know that sometimes are rains
and storms, but you can wait for the sunshine
because it surely will be in your life.
The idea to ignore the situation of bioenergy
attacks and to see your own interest: house
taxes, job, children, own family, just your
friends I think is not a Christian solution. We
as Christians are called to do as the 'good
Samaritan' parable in Holy Bible. Sometime
we must act from Love and do a Sacrifice to
be with God. God waits for you to do what is
good, even if is hard to do.
Are ups and downs but Jesus will warm your
heart every time.
You can do it.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 142

Date= April 7 Date= 4/7/19, 8:09 PM

Let's think at Liberty, Freedom, Happiness.


Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 143
Date= April 7 Date= 4/7/19, 7:40 PM

Hai ma 'generale maresal', te superi tu ca

scriem pe facebook Adevarul?!
Ce mai e pt un general maresal, pentru tine
care esti cel putin comandantul suprem al
armatei, adevarul?!
Te superi tu de atata lucru?! Ca scriu pe
Celebru te facem.
Nu ataci tu cu bioenergie si telepatie?!,
celebru te facem,,,...
Nu esti tu comandantul suprem al armatei? Ce
mai este pentru tine Adevarul?!
Te superi tu de atata lucru?!
Celebru te facem pe facebook.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 144

Date= April 7 Date= 4/7/19, 7:30 PM

Are bosorogu glume a la razbunare.

Se razbuna bosorogu ca l-ai spus ca ataca cu
bioenergie si telepatie si ca de prost s-a corupt
si face crime impotriva umanitatii si oamenii
Se razuna bosorogu ca e pe fonctie inca.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 145

Date= April 7 Date= 4/7/19, 3:44 PM

I paraphrase: "Don't let the fear of physical

torture to be greater than the excitement of
being free."
Do not let yourself tortured 'only' PSI with
bioenergy and telepathy, because you are
afraid of physical torture.
Dare to be free even if they threat with
physical torture, do not accept PSI torture.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 146
Date= April 7 Date= 4/7/19, 3:31 PM

I think we must do something about this, we

must act, physically.
I think DISPUTATION will work just for few
days, months, not decades.
We can DISPUTE the 'voices' and act with
Courage, speak freely without fear about
telepathic attack, have Attitude without fear,
be united and together, say our position,
express loudly, say without fear what we think
and our Rights.
I think the temporary solution is to DISPUTE
for few days, months and act on reality, to fire
this atheists th...at attack with bioenergy and
telepathy and to give them pills at psychiatry,
because they are sick.
Also we cannot DISPUTE for decades
because we will get sick and all kinds of
projections with bioenergy will harm us and
become mentally ills, and physically ill and
spiritually ill.
So DISPUTATIONS is temporary till we will
do something in reality, physically to stop this
corrupted nullity to do crimes against the
humanity with 'voices' as schizophrenia.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 147

Date= April 6 Date= 4/6/19, 1:02 PM

If you think they would not attack your

children you are wrong!
What we can do: give them our children?!
Because they are atheists that do crimes
against the humanity,,, they like to torture
people with telepathy,,,
If now we do not involve and shut up and if
we go to our jobs and see just our house taxes,
home interest, our family now, then they will
attack your also.
What you will do: teach your children to be
atheists to be left alone by this atheists that
attack telepathi...cally, so to tech them to not
do Christian acts because you fear?! Then
they will go to Hell. They may be left alone
by this atheists if they are dirty and not

Christian, but they will go to Hell,,,
If you let your children to be Christians, they
must act accordingly and do Christian acts
and this corrupted atheists with bioenergy will
attack them, and torture them with bioenergy
and telepathy,,,
I think we must face the situation, with
Courage and we must act Christian and do
something about, speak about our Rights and
Freedom freely and involve, care, act, do
something about in reality.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 148

Date= April 6 Date= 4/6/19, 11:57 AM

Eu: “Noi suntem cu Dumnezeu”

Ateii care ataca cu bioenergie, telepatie: “Eu
sunt Dumnezeu”
Eu: “Tu esti prea prost nu Dumnezeu, pentru
ca Dumnezeu este Domnul Nostru Iisus”

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 149

Date= April 5 Date= 4/5/19, 8:07 PM

Atitudinea ratatilor care ataca cu bioenergie si

telepatie: bosorogu care ataca e insolent si
rade cand ataca, sfideaza Crestinii.
Atitudinea e ca el se bucura cand tortureaza
PSI si cu telepatie ca noi suntem victimele lui
si nu avem ce face, e la distanta si nu putem
sa-i facem nimic ca e doar telepatic.
Adica sa ii luam frica ca el e bosorog de tanar
pe functie si are puterea sa atace, face ce vrea
el pe Planeta asta, e insolent, rade cand
tortureaza PSI in casele noastre,... si
batjocoreste, e sfidator cu noi Crestinii.
Ratatul care ataca cu telepatie si bioenergie
merge in Iad iar eu Crestinul in Rai.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 150
Date= April 5 Date= 4/5/19, 12:32 PM

I think the solution is to DISPUTE the

'voices', telepathic and bioenergetic attacks.
I think the solution is to Serve with the Lord
Jesus and to Act Christian and when the
'voices' appear to DISPUTE them.
I think we must involve and act Christian and
do the hard work and DISPUTE.
Dare to act Christian and have Courage and
work hard to DISPUTE 'voices'.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 151

Date= April 5 Date= 4/5/19, 12:14 PM

The plan is to fire the corrupted ones from the

army, the ones that attack people in their
homes with bioenergy, and to give them pills
because they do crimes against the humanity
attacking people and making them
I am not afraid of the army.
They are not the army, just corrupted nullities
in the army.
The plan is to fire the corrupted ones from the


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 152

Date= April 4 Date= 4/4/19, 10:08 AM

With insolence the corrupted

nullities(Romanian term 'lichele') attack the
They are defiant against the Christians, and
with telepathy attack, say vulgarities, curses,
threats, misogynist.

They are just corrupted and have nothing to
say in their defence, they shouldn't do this,
and now face to face with their illegal
corruption, they say ignorant insolence and
stupid defiance, just stupid texts, because they
have nothing to say in their defence in reality.
They are... dinosaurs(Romanian term
'bosorogi de tineri') corrupted and act defiant
and insolent say all kinds of ignorant things
because they think will stay corrupted forever
and people will fear them forever, but they are
wrong immature atheist nullities.
They are payed with the case of money by a
big-shot to do crimes against the humanity
and attack schizophrenic people, and they do
this illegality because they are corrupted and
The schizophrenic people are tortured daily
with PSI bioenergy attack because they are
corrupted dinosaurs and attack as corrupted
and do illegalities in their ignorant defiance.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 153

Date= April 3 Date= 4/3/19, 8:52 PM

Sa iti fie frica ca esti torturat fizic si sa te lasi

torturat 'doar' PSI, asa ceva nu se face.
Adica sa iti fie frica ca esti torturat fizic si sa
te lasi torturata mintea, nu se face.
Mintea libera este prima si cea mai
Eu cred ca nu trebuie sa acceptam tortura
PSI(adica cu telepatie si bioenergie) ci trebuie
sa Slujim impreuna.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 154

Date= April 3 Date= 4/3/19, 7:41 PM

The attitude of the atheist nullity that attack

with bioenergy and telepathy is to make joke,
vampire with telepathy, act as they like to

attack and make harm with telepathy.
It seems they like to torture PSI, torture with
telepathy, they make jokes, and say no one
can escape because they attack from a
distance, telepathically, they act as bullies and
are insolent and laugh and like to make harm,
torture with bioenergy, they are defiant and
insolent and emotional vampires.
I ...say it is not a joke, they are just dinosaurs,
old corny not educated corrupted nullity.
I think it is not a joke, they do crimes again
the humanity.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 155

Date= April 3 Date= 4/3/19, 1:37 PM

The sick atheist homosexual say with

telepathy “Army must be done”. I say “It is
not the case”.
Now my dear, let it be, because the army does
not upset on us, because it is not the case,
because we Serve as Christians.
And who is upset does not matter because we
take Attitude and we will Serve as Christians.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 156

Date= April 3 Date= 4/3/19, 1:31 PM

El zice bolnavior cu telepatie ca “Armata

trebuie facuta”. Eu zic ca “Nu este cazul”.
Lasa draga ca nu se supara armata, pentru ca
nu este cazul, noi Slujim Crestin.
Si cine se supara ii taiem nasul.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 157

Date= April 3 Date= 4/3/19, 1:23 PM

Today the atheists that attacked with

bioenergy said telepathically “the army will
not forget you”, “the army revenge on you”
I say I Serve with our Lord Jesus as Christian
They said they are the Romanian army and
they revenge on me because I said they create
schizophrenic people and they do crimes
against the humanity because they corrupt
with big-shots money from private
They said the army revenge on me and the
army do keep them to attack me for some
t...ime, just to revenge, but they can fire him
but the army want to revenge on me also.
Partially the army wants revenge, and keep
him in there to revenge on me.
They say the Romanian army keep him to
attack me some time as revenge because I
served and I wanted justice and freedom for
schizophrenic people.
They said I should let schizophrenic people
and not Serve because they attack me now.
He said it is worth for them even if he goes to
hell, and the army keep him to attack me as
He said the “army must be done anyway”, I
say it is not that case, because I Serve as
Christian and it is not the case for the army.

“Armata trebuie facuta!”

Eu spun ca “Nu este cazul, Dumnealui
Slujeste Crestin Adventist”.

Bolnaviorul homosexual zice ca ei sunt

“armata popului”(este fara 'r' in acest caz sa
ma scuze generalul homosexual care ataca, si
maresalul homosexual care ataca) marea
armata rumana,
Asa zice homosexualu ca pe el l-a pus armata
romana sa atace.
Eu zic ca face crime impotriva umanitatii si s-
a corupt de prost si acum o tine pe a lui, dar
ca noi Slujim si Dumnezeu nu doarme.
Asa zice el ca “Aia din armata nu m-au
invatat”(acum bolnaviorii sunt acum lingai pe
langa armata, ca armata l-a facut homosexual,
nu ca e el prost s-a corupt si ataca schizofrenii
fara motiv si ca face 'crime impotriva
umanitatii', el se da lingau pe langa armata
acum ca 'aia m-au pus' dar nu cred)
Te pui cu arma romana?!
El zice ca e homosexual creat de armata, adica
armata l-a facut homosexual sa atace cu

telepatie si bioenergie.
Eu zic ca nu este in acel caz, e el corupt prost
care face crime impotriva umanitatii si ia un
geamantan de Euro de la Firme Private ca s-a
corupt de prost lichele. Sa ataci corupt si sa
faci crime impotriva umanitatii nu este
Ca sa stii generale, maresal ca ne dam seama.
Eu zic ca e un camatar prost aciuat pe la
armata, si nu e el armata.
Eu zic ca nu armata romana l-a creat
homosexual ci el n-a DISPUTAT ca putea sa
ia pastilute ca schizofren si sa slujeasca.
De ratat corupt a facut asa ceva, marele
general maresal homosexual din armata
Eu cred ca el de prost s-a dat cu coruptii din
“armata romana”, dar nu cu armata ci doar cu
coruptii si nu cu toata armata.
S-a corupt de lichea.
Practic ateul se duce in Iad ca face asa ceva,
ataca oamenii si ii face schizofreni, ca s-a
corupt el in armata.
Practic noi Crestinii mergem in Rai chiar si
atacati zilnic.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 158

Date= March 31 Date= 3/31/19, 4:51 PM

The impression is that an elite does something

about the bioenergetic and telepathic attacks.
The elite does high level things to solve the
bioenergetic attacks.
And people should stay and go to work, their
usual tasks, and not necessarily work
themselves each for the bioenergetic attacks.
And each person thinks he should not do
something, but go to usual work and see their
interests and their home, relatives, friends, but
not involve in the telepathic attacks, because
this e...lite will solve this problem.
I think each person must involve and have
something to help with, even if this is just a
good word.

I think we cannot go to our usual job and see

our homes and just let the elite alone to solve
them this situation, but I think God calls you

and me to involve and have a Christian
position and attitude,

A person said 'somebody else should do this,

not I', and 'somebody else will solve this
situation, not me', but I think we must act
ourselves and not wait for somebody else to
solve the situations.

It is easier to believe that somebody else will

solve the problem, it is easier to think this
elite will solve it all, and it is easy for us to go
to work and see our own interests and home,
children, but I think we must do what is
difficult and not what it is easy and nice to do,
I think we must do what is important.

I know it is easy and it is convenient to think

that we go to our usual job, pay taxes, see our
children and spouse and homes, and let the
hard work for this elite, but I think we cannot
be lazy and egoist and do what is easy, but I
think we and each of us must involve in this
project with bioenergetic and telepathic
attacks, I think we as Christians must involve
because God calls us.
I think each person has something to help
with, even if it is just a nice word.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 159

Date= March 31 Date= 3/31/19, 4:46 PM
Continue Reading Follows
Letter Number= 160
Date= March 31 Date= 3/31/19, 1:28 PM

Pentru ca se apropie 8 Martie.

O Invatatura in care sunt Cantece de Ziua

Mamei, cu Poezii pentru Mama, Citate despre
Mama si Biblia - Cartea Sfanta.

Flaviana Iosif - 8 Martie - Ziua Mamei...


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 161

Date= March 31 Date= 3/31/19, 1:21 PM

De ce sa lasam doar un grup de elite sa

slujeasca pentru noi?! sa rezolve ei treaba,,,
Noi de ce sa nu ne implicam?
Pentru ca putem si noi sa Slujim.
Oricine poate ajuta cu ceva, macar cu o vorba


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 162

Date= March 31 Date= 3/31/19, 1:09 PM

Daca vrem sa mergem cu Dumnzeu in Rai, nu

putem continua sa ne scapam viata, sa ne fie
bine noua si Familiei si sa ignoram Slujirea si
sa ne prefacem ca nimic nu se intampla, ca ne
scapam propria viata, sa ne spunem ca avem
Taxe, Impozite, si Copii, de platit lumina, apa,
gazele, mancarea, apa, etc si sa mergem in
fiecare dimineata la munca ca si cand
atacurile acestea nu s-ar intampla,,, nu putem
cu Dumnezeu sa ne mintim in continuare ca
avem Casa si Taxe si Job munci si Cop...ii si
asta este,,, nu putem zice 'eu am viata grea' -
pentru ca viata este grea pentru noi toti, sau ca
e periculos sa Slujesc - ma ataca si pe
mine,,,nu putem fi asa comozi,,, eu cred ca
trebuie sa Slujim si nu e usor, nu e comod, dar
realitatea si Dumnezeu ne cheama,,,

Situatia mi se pare ca este asemanatoare cu

Iona in Ninive din Biblia - Cartea Sfanta,,,
intocmai cum Iona chema oamenii din Ninive
asa noi suntem chemati sa Slujim,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 163

Date= March 31 Date= 3/31/19, 12:53 PM

Si ce vreau eu este nu sa ma plang, ca imi fac

rau si e greu si imi e rau si ce dureros este
pentru mine, nu este sa ma victimizez eu.
Eu doresc sa spun ca e revoltator si nedrept
pentru oamenii schizofreni si trebuie sa ne
Eu doresc sa scriu ca sa vedem pentru ce
merita sa ne implicam.
Sa spun cu Putere si Curaj ca este revoltator si
sa aduc un aer de "revolta spiritului pur", sa
visam la o viata curata si sa avem Curaj,
Demnitate, nu sa stam batuti ca si cainii in...
casa si sa tacem si sa conspiram.
Eu doresc sa spun faptele cu Putere si Curaj
ca sa vedem pentru ce sa Slujim, si ca merita
sa ne implicam.
Daca vrem sa mergem cu Dumnzeu in Rai, nu
putem continua sa ne scapam viata, sa ne fie
bine noua si Familiei si sa ignoram Slujirea si
sa ne prefacem ca nimic nu se intampla, ca ne
scapam propria viata, sa ne spunem ca avem
Taxe, Impozite, si Copii si sa mergem in
fiecare dimineata la munca ca si cand
atacurile acestea nu s-ar intampla,,, nu putem
fi asa comozi,,, eu cred ca trebuie sa Slujim si
nu e usor, nu e comod, dar realitatea si
Dumnezeu ne cheama,,,
Ca nu putem intoarce capetele sa nu ne uitam
si sa ignoram acest rau, mergend in fiecare zi
la munca si sa ne pastram noua viata pentru
noi si Familia noastra, ca si cand nu s-ar
intampla nimic cu altii, ci trebuie ProActiv sa
facem fapte ca sa rezolvam acestea, daca
vrem o viata cu Dumnezeu Iisus.
Ce doresc eu este sa chem la Slujire cu
Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 164

Date= March 30 Date= 3/30/19, 2:33 PM

Si astazi a spus ca se razbuna si ma ataca in

fiecare zi cu bioenergie si telepatic.
Razbunarea e arma prostului.
Si pentru ce?! ca el e corupt si ataca oamenii
schizofreni care iau pasile zilnic,,, si tot el, si
acum ma ataca pe mine,,,

El e vulgar, misogin, care ataca si ameninta ca
un camatar corupt, prost ne-educat. Un
bolnavior la cap imatur si teribilist, bosorog
pe functie(ei sunt bosorogi de tineri).
Si pentru ce face pe insolentul,,, ca tot el, care
face 'crime impot...riva umanitatii', tot el ataca
si acum,,, pentru aceasta atitudine de insolenta
si nedreptatea care o face, prostul se duce in
Iad, noi Crestinii Neprihaniti in Rai.
Si putem avea incredere in Dumnezeu ca face
Dupa ce a atacat atata timp oamenii
schizofreni ca e corupt ateu cu geamantanele
de bani de la un big-shot, platit ca un camatar
sa faca 'crime importriva umanitatii' cu
oamenii schizofreni, tot el, se razbuna pe
mine pentru ca Slujesc Crestin si sunt
Lui Dumnezeu nu-i plac lichelele.
Atitudinea de gainar care rade ca prostu si da
replici telepatic din rautate gratuita, si care
sfideaza atacand oamenii Neprihaniti, de la
departare e ignoranta si defect nu calitate.
Dumnezeu nu doarme.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 165

Date= March 30 Date= 3/30/19, 2:28 PM
Continue Reading Follows Domnul Nostru
Iisus vorbeste in Biblia - Cartea Sfanta despre
Mai jos este un citat din Biblia-Matei 23:
1. Atunci Isus, pe cand cuvanta gloatelor si
ucenicilor Sai,
2. a zis: "Carturarii si fariseii sed pe scaunul
lui Moise.
3. Deci toate lucrurile pe care va spun ei sa le
paziti, paziti-le si faceti-le; dar dupa faptele
lor sa nu faceti. Caci ei zic, dar nu fac.
4. Ei leaga sarcini grele si cu anevoie de
purtat si le pun pe umerii oamenilor, dar ei
nici cu degetul nu vor sa le miste.

5. Toate faptele lor le fac pentru ca sa fie

vazuti de oameni. Astfel, isi fac filacteriile
late, isi fac poalele vesmintelor cu ciucuri

6. umbla dupa locurile dintai la ospete si dupa
scaunele dintai in sinagogi;

7. le place sa le faca oamenii plecaciuni prin

piete si sa le zica: "Rabi! Rabi!"

8. Voi sa nu va numiti Rabi! Fiindca Unul

singur este Invatatorul vostru: Hristos, si voi
toti sunteti frati.

9. Si "Tata" sa nu numiti pe nimeni pe

pamant; pentru ca Unul singur este Tatal
vostru: Acela care este in ceruri.

10. Sa nu va numiti "Dascali"; caci Unul

singur este Dascalul vostru: Hristosul.

11. Cel mai mare dintre voi sa fie slujitorul


12. Oricine se va inalta va fi smerit; si oricine

se va smeri va fi inaltat.

13. Vai de voi, carturari si farisei fatarnici!

Pentru ca voi inchideti oamenilor Imparatia
cerurilor: nici voi nu intrati in ea, si nici pe cei
ce vor sa intre nu-i lasati sa intre.

14. Vai de voi, carturari si farisei fatarnici!

Pentru ca voi mancati casele vaduvelor, in
timp ce, de ochii lumii, faceti rugaciuni lungi;
de aceea veti lua o mai mare osanda.

15. Vai de voi, carturari si farisei fatarnici!

Pentru ca voi inconjurati marea si pamantul ca
sa faceti un tovaras de credinta; si, dupa ce a
ajuns tovaras de credinta, faceti din el un fiu
al gheenei, de doua ori mai rau decat sunteti
voi insiva.

16. Vai de voi, povatuitori orbi, care ziceti:

"Daca jura cineva pe Templu, nu este nimic;
dar daca jura pe aurul Templului, este legat de
juramantul lui."

17. Nebuni si orbi! Care este mai mare: aurul

sau Templul, care sfinteste aurul?

18. "Daca jura cineva pe altar, nu este nimic,
dar daca jura pe darul de pe altar, este legat de
juramantul lui."

19. Nebuni si orbi! Care este mai mare: darul

sau altarul, care sfinteste darul?

20. Deci cine jura pe altar jura pe el si pe tot

ce este deasupra lui;

21. cine jura pe Templu jura pe el si pe Cel ce

locuieste in el;

22. si cine jura pe cer jura pe scaunul de

domnie al lui Dumnezeu si pe Cel ce sade pe

23. Vai de voi, carturari si farisei fatarnici!

Pentru ca voi dati zeciuiala din izma, din
marar si din chimen si lasati nefacute cele mai
insemnate lucruri din Lege: dreptatea, mila si
credinciosia; pe acestea trebuia sa le faceti, si
pe acelea sa nu le lasati nefacute.

24. Povatuitori orbi, care strecurati tantarul si

inghititi camila!

25. Vai de voi, carturari si farisei fatarnici!

Pentru ca voi curatati partea de afara a
paharului si a blidului, dar inauntru sunt pline
de rapire si de necumpatare.

26. Fariseu orb! Curata intai partea dinauntru

a paharului si a blidului, pentru ca si partea de
afara sa fie curata.

27. Vai de voi, carturari si farisei fatarnici!

Pentru ca voi sunteti ca mormintele varuite,
care pe din afara se arata frumoase, iar pe
dinauntru sunt pline de oasele mortilor si de
orice fel de necuratenie.

28. Tot asa si voi, pe din afara va aratati

neprihaniti oamenilor, dar pe dinauntru sunteti
plini de fatarnicie si de faradelege.

29. Vai de voi, carturari si farisei fatarnici!

Pentru ca voi ziditi mormintele prorocilor,
impodobiti gropile celor neprihaniti

30. si ziceti: "Daca am fi trait noi in zilele
parintilor nostri, nu ne-am fi unit cu ei la
varsarea sangelui prorocilor."

31. Prin aceasta marturisiti despre voi insiva

ca sunteti fiii celor ce au omorat pe proroci.

32. Voi, dar, umpleti masura parintilor vostri!

33. Serpi, pui de naparci! Cum veti scapa de

pedeapsa gheenei?

34. De aceea, iata, va trimit proroci, intelepti

si carturari. Pe unii din ei ii veti omori si
rastigni, pe altii ii veti bate in sinagogile
voastre si-i veti prigoni din cetate in cetate;

35. ca sa vina asupra voastra tot sangele

nevinovat care a fost varsat pe pamant, de la
sangele neprihanitului Abel pana la sangele
lui Zaharia, fiul lui Barachia, pe care l-ati
omorat intre Templu si altar.

36. Adevarat va spun ca toate acestea vor veni

peste neamul acesta.

37. Ierusalime, Ierusalime, care omori pe

proroci si ucizi cu pietre pe cei trimisi la tine!
De cate ori am vrut sa strang pe copiii tai cum
isi strange gaina puii sub aripi, si n-ati vrut!

38. Iata ca vi se lasa casa pustie;

39. caci va spun ca de acum incolo nu Ma veti

mai vedea pana cand veti zice: "Binecuvantat
este Cel ce vine in Numele Domnului!"
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessing
Letter Number= 166
Date= March 30 Date= 3/30/19, 10:57 AM

Eu: Noi Slujim, vezi facebookul

Licheaua: Merge si asa
Eu: Nu ai ce sa faci, nu ca merge si asa.
(Licheaua da ca sobolanul din colt in colt)


Licheaua: Gasesc io solutie si la asta
Eu: Solutie este cand faci ceva bun nu ca
orice gainar sa se contreze
Spui asa din rautate gratuita, in realitate noi
suntem Neprihaniti Crestini si Slujim cu
N-ai ce solutie sa gesesti ca nu functioneaza
asa pe contre, noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus
si Neprihaniti.
Si DISPUTAM mereu cu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 167

Date= March 30 Date= 3/30/19, 9:39 AM

Astazi au atacat iar cu telepatie si au zis “Asa

ca de Sabat!!!”
Ce vrea sa insemne asta?! Sa se prosteasca
orice bosorog de tanar, gainar cu noi?!
Bosorog si imbecil, doar lichele.
(ne ataca in propria casa gainaru?! cum vine
Esti rau cu noi?! Prostalaule noi ramanem cu
Si esti prostalau ca eu raman cu Dumnezeu.
(Te DISPUTAM si ramanem cu Dumnezeu)

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 168

Date= March 28 Date= 3/28/19, 6:50 PM

Ce mai e crima impotriva umanitatii la ei?!

Ei cred ca ne randem cu bolnaviori
homosexuali, lichele, corupti
Ei cred ca ne radem prin telepatie si
Dar nu-i asa pentru ca Dumnezeu exista.
Si nu e dupa melita lor teribilista si imatura,
Dumnezeu lucreaza in lume....
Noi Slujim Crestin cu Dumnezeu.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 169
Date= March 28 Date= 3/28/19, 6:49 PM

Tu gandeste-te ca eu nu slujesc asa ca sa ma

contrez cu lichelele, ca are el placerea de a
vampiriza si simte placere sa injure, tu
gandeste-te ca nu stau la glume cu ei ca au ei
placerea de a vampirizare, ci ca noi slujim
pentru ca oamenii sa fie liberi sa nu mai faca
lichelele crime impotriva umanitatii si sa faca
rau oamenilor schizofreni.
Nu slujesc asa sa se bucure el ca are placerea
de a vampiriza si vorbeste pe contre si ma joc
cu el, cum crede el.
Tu gandeste-te ca no...i slujim pentru ca
oamenii sa fie liberi sa nu mai faca lichelele
crime impotriva umanitatii si sa faca rau
oamenilor schizofreni.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 170

Date= March 28 Date= 3/28/19, 1:25 PM

They are just mental handicapped, losers that

are uneducated vulgar and misogynist.
They are just losers.
They had only problems in life because they
are vulgar and misogynist.
Because they are losers to do such shameful
stupid things, they had only problems in life.
Their lack of character and their insolent
ignorant mouth brought them only sickness,
and failure....
Weak minds(Romanian term 'gainari'), losers.
This time they did crimes against the
humanity because they corrupt themselves
and they are nulities(Romanian term 'lichele')
to attack people with bioenergy with telepathy
and to make them schizophrenic because they
corrupt themselves with a big-shot that payed
them with case and sack of money as
pawnbrokers(/Romanian term 'camatari').
The sack of money staled as corrupted
pawnbrokers that do crimes against the
humanity does not bring to them happiness,
but only problems, unhappiness and losers
Their sad life does not worth, they are

unhappy, they cannot be happy with such a
mind, and they go to Hell.
When the world looks at them, the world
know what is the shame, they are shameful
corrupted that do crimes against the humanity.
Their shameful existence is a losers life.

We Serve as Christians with Jesus so they to

not make harm to people, so they will not
make people schizophrenic.
And also it will be better for this sick
persons(this ones that attack with bioenergy
and telepathy) because they cannot be happy
doing this illegalities, crimes, it will be better
for them too.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 171

Date= March 26 Date= 3/26/19, 12:51 PM

Ateii care m-au atacat astazi cu bioenergie

Cum isi explica ateul in mintea lui bolnava,
teribilist si imatur mi-a zis ca "el bea sange"
Asa zice el ca el "bea sange" apoi adauga
"sange de taur"
De unde?!
El bea alcool ca e dependent ca e slab...
Ce inseamna "sange de taur"?! adica alcool
Si apoi ateul se abereaza ca e bolnavior si
imatur la creier si beat ce nu face el si ce
periculos e el si ce mare e el,,, el e de fapt
beat, si aceea este defect nu calitate
Dupa ce e beat de teribilist deschide melita
spurcata, vulgar si misogin ne-educat, si ce nu
zice ca e, si ce nu face el, de unde?! e doar
unu care e beat si la mintea lui de bolnavior
teribilist si imatur spune texte si vorbeste
vorbe, in realitate nu e deloc asa, doar
halucinatii de bolnavior ratat, in realitate nu
poate sa faca mai nimic din ce zice
E doar boala din mintea lui, se halucineaza ce
nu este si vorbeste teribilist si imatur
E doar un ateu ratat
Vai steua lui
Cand bea vin toata planeta e a lui, de unde?!
e-n stare de ebritate, s-a imbatat cu "sangili
inchipuit", "sange de taur" care de fapt e vin si
vorbeste fara sens de imatur, vulgar si

misogin, ratat teribilist

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 172

Date= March 26 Date= 3/26/19, 12:50 PM

Happy Anniversary with the occasion of 1

March, the beginning of spring.
Spring represents a new beginning full of life
and beauty.
Let this be a new beginning with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 173

Date= March 26 Date= 3/26/19, 12:35 PM

Tomorrow is 1 March and we celebrate the

beginning of the Spring.
And since tomorrow it will be this
celebration, and many gesture of appreciation
and love will be made: messages(eMails,
Messages), gifts, flowers, letters, and many
words of consideration and caring, that
express what we feel, with this occasion, I
want to tell you “Happy anniversary”.

Obs: also to make a distinction between

official greetings for colleagues, co-workers
that should be polite showing good manne...rs
and official, and letter that is for wife(love,
romantic) and words for mother, sister, family,
and friends.
For colleagues, co-workers, the letters should
be official, polite, office, respectful but
serious and official, telling that we are just
colleagues, co-workers.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 174

Date= March 25 Date= 3/25/19, 4:42 PM

Today they attacked with bioenergy.
They said all kinds of threats, curses and they
said that they punish me because I had a good
day and I did good things today and I had
success, but I am Righteous.
In reality I DISPUTE and remain with our
Lord Jesus.
No matter what vulgar, sick and misogynistic
things they say, I remain with Jesus, I
DISPUTE and I remain with God.
I remain with our Lord Jesus no matter and I
go to Heaven....
They do crimes against the humanity
attacking people with bioenergy and telepathy
and still they are the ones that threat, attack,
upset. Just stupid ignorant tactics, but we
Serve with our Lord Jesus in a Christian way
on all Planet.
Today they said I am punished and that they
revenge on me because I did good things and
I had a good day.
In reality I DISPUTE them as voices and I
remain with our Lord Jesus and Christian.
They have just stupid minds, that is why they
are so low, vulgar, misogynist.
They have problem with head, from ignorance
and immaturity.
I am sorry for this loser but I am Righteous
and Clean with God and I Serve with
They are just uneducated, and what he said,
he said about him, I am a Great Christian and
God counts in reality, is our Creator, even if
they are ignorant and do not realize from
stupidity, in Romanian the term is 'lichele',
corrupted losers.
All the curses, vulgar, misogynist things he
said are about him, not about me, because I
am Christian and Clean with our Lord Jesus.
We do not compare, I am Clean with our Lord
They are uneducated saying all kind of dirty
mouth things because they are ignorant and
losers, uneducated.
They are a shame for their colleagues and go
to Hell because of their ignorant things they
say, they do not realize because they are
occupied to saying dirty courses, but they are
just sick, and ignorant, and this is a defect.
I responded calm, assertive 'he say as about
another person, I am Clean and Righteous
with God'
Also they said they are god, but they are just
ignorant stupids because GOD is our Lord

The master of the planet is Jesus, they are just
corrupted losers, uneducated bullies, that do
crimes against humanity as corrupted with
sack of money by big-shots, and have
ignorant minds and say things that make no
sense, because they are losers and they are
just terrible and immature.
What evil they said they say about them,
because I am Clean and a Great Christian,
They say is a technique but it is not, their
mind is immature and ignorant, it is their
ignorant mind.
I Dispute and I remain with Jesus.
For their stupidity they go to Hell, and we go
to Heaven with our Lord Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 175

Date= March 25 Date= 3/25/19, 4:16 PM

Astazi am dorit sa scult “academia fountain

view canada - Create in Me a Clean
El zice telepatic: Gasesc eu solutie si la asta
Adica sa nu ascult ca oricum gaseaste el
solutie, aceasta ar fi Helplesness

Imi amintesc ce mi-a spus un Medic Doctor

Psiholog la care merg lunar si care m-a ajutat


Ce spune el: si daca asculti, da, te simti mai

bine pe moment, dar te atac, ma auzi, adica
ma auzi deci am eu solutie si la asta,,, si o sa
asociez negativ si o sa renunti in timp,,, ca
"gasesc eu solutie si la asta",,, dar nu e asa,
alea sunt doar vorbe,,,

Pt ca nu are solutie el, pt ca eu sunt

Nevinovat, Neprihanit cu Iubirea Domnulu
Solutie la ce?! Ca eu sunt Nevinovat, el
vorbeste doar vorbe,,,
El vorbeste pe contre vorbe, unde este

Dumnezeu Iisus nu incape contre si rautati
Alea cu “gasesc eu solutie si la asta” sunt pt
rezolvat ce e gresit, solutionam ce e gresit si
nu functioneaza asa “pe contre” prosteste cum
spune el
Solutie gaseste la ce e rau, ca sa solutionezi
Nu merge ce zice el prosteste si ignorant pe

El nu e in situatia aceea, spune doar vorbe

Solutia inseamna sa repari ce e gresit si nu
aiurea cum zice el din rautate gratuita, pe
contre prosteste

Eu am puterea de la Domnul Nostru Iisus pt

ca sunt Neprihanit
Eu nu-l las sa aleaga gandul, cand merg cu
piciorul pe jos
Eu nu-l lasi sa aleaga gandul, ma gandesc la
Domnul Nostru Iisus cand ma implic intr-o
munca importanta care merita
Eu il DISPUT mereu
Deci nu e ca "gaseste el solutie si la asta" ci e
Iubirea Domnului Iisus

Nici nu exista pt ei “Gasesc eu solutie si la

Pt ca e numai Iubirea Domnului Iisus
1 Corinthians 13, Love never fail, Iubirea
acopera tot
E Iubirea Domnului Iisus, Unicul mod in care
este bine
Nici nu suntem pe contre, ci noi cu Iisus, cu
Iubirea Domnului Iisus

Nici nu exista pt ei “Gasesc eu solutie si la

asta”, vorbeste doar vorbe
Tu incearca vezi ce simti
Merge si asa, vorbeste doar vorbe
Tu incearca si o sa vezi, Dna Dobrescu
Si asa ii auzi, ce se poate intampla rau, ii auzi
si asa, tu indrazneste si vezi ce simti, si daca e
rau vedem apoi

Noi gasim solutii ca suntem Neprihaniti cu

Iisus, nu el
El spune doar vorbe ca e vinovat si ateu

Contre la Domnul Nostru Iisus nu exista, el

spune doar vorbe

Merge si asa
Nu "merge si asa", nu are el ce sa faca, ca noi
Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus

El zice "Intai demonstreza"

Tu gandeste-te ca noi Slujim si astazi si la
acest facebook, daca era dupa ei nu mai
slujeam astazi pe acest facebook.
Aceasta este demonstratia ca noi Slujim si
astazi, vezi acest facebook(plus toata Biblia
Cartea Sfanta"
Nu e ca "intai demonstreaza", daca era dupa el
ne stergea creierul, dar cu Dumnezeu Iisus,
noi Slujim si astazi Crestin pe acest facebook

El face crime impotriva umanitatii

El zice telepatic "Merge si asa"
Nu merge crime impotriva umanitatii, ca noi
Slujim, nu il lasam, Slujim

Merge si asa
Nu merge si asa, ca noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 176

Date= March 23 Date= 3/23/19, 4:13 PM

Flaviana Iosif este un autor, lector, psiholog in

dezvoltare personala si relational, realizator
TV, educator spiritual.
Flaviana Iosif este realizatorul emisiunii
PopasDeSuflet la SperantaTV in anii 2012-
Emisiunea PopasDeSuflet cu Flaviana Iosif
este de o unica intelepciune, psihologia
Dumneaei este incarcata de o Spiritualitate
Autentic Crestina, un Pozitiv bazat pe Cartea
Sfanta si un Optimism de o inalta
spiritualitate cu "Viata si Cantec".
Aceasta emisiune are un f...ormat unic si
"Vom Canta, Vom Spune Poezii, Povestioare
de Suflet si Cuvinte Intelepte".
O Minunata Psihologie caci Dumneaei ne
aduce cea mai inalta forma de Psihologie
fundamentata pe Iubirea Domnului Iisus.
Cele mai bine alese Piese Muzicale, Poezii,
Povestioare pentru Suflet care au implicatii

spirituale dincolo de Psihologia obisnuita si se
intalnesc cu Harul Divin al Domnului Iisus,
cea mai intalta forma de Psihologie.

Flaviana Iosif - Sabatul


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 177

Date= March 23 Date= 3/23/19, 10:00 AM

In aceasta seara in mintea lor de handicapati

mental ei neaga tot si zic inversul telepatic.
Ei saracii zic ca aplica tehnica inchipuita. Nu
este in acel caz,,, Care tehnica?! si de ce?! ca
eu sunt Neprihanit
Mi-au zis: "ce nu-ti place tie fac eu"
Adica tot ce zic eu, el neaga si spune inversul
telepatic in mintea mea.
De unde sa fim pe contre ca eu Slujesc
Neprihanit cu Dumnezeu Iisus....
E perfect handicapat un bosorog de tanar, care
crede ca ne certam telepatic.
In realitate noi Slujim Crestin, cu Domnul
Iisus, Neprihanit.
De unde contre?!
Iar el e unu care face crime impotriva
umanitatii si ataca oamenii schizofreni de
corupt platit cu gentile cu sute de mii de euro
de un big-shot.
Si licheaua crede ca avem de gluma cu el, mai
ataca ca e lichea corupt, mai vampirizeaza din
placere, imi vorbeste de bolnav mental pe
contre, ca are el bosorogul de tanar placere sa
El saracu crede ca noi ne jucam cu el sa atace
el ca licheua din placere.
Dar nu-i asa, prostu se duce in Iad, iar noi
mergem in Rai.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 178

Date= March 20 Date= 3/20/19, 6:46 PM

Se apropie Primavara.

1 Martie


8 Martie

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 179

Date= March 20 Date= 3/20/19, 6:37 PM

Dati si voi un mesaj.

Sunteti atacati oricum.
De ce va e frica?
Oricum va ataca cand faceti fapte bune.
Ce se poate intampla mai rau? ca v-a atacat si
inainte? au facut ce a fost mai rau, cat de rau
poate fi?


Trebuie sa facem un consum, si daca apar

vocile astea, le ignori, stii ca ai facut o fapte
buna ca ai indraznit, ca ai avut curaj si Disputi
vocile si le ignori, cat de rele pot sa fie? ca si
data trecuta, zi-ti ca au facut tot ce puteau, si
in cel mai rau caz or sa fie tot ca data trecuta,
ei bine, le ignori si treci si peste asta,,,

De ce sa va fie frica? ca ei zic telepatic varzi

si uscate si vorbesc aberatii, oricum au facut
tot ce puteau. Dati si voi un mesaj.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 180

Date= March 20 Date= 3/20/19, 6:32 PM

Eu inteleg ca ei sunt bolnavi mental si spun
lucruri incredibile, sunt teribilisti si imaturi si
ce nu e la melita lor ca fac,,, dar aceea este
defect nu calitate, pentru ca in realitate nu pot
sa faca ce sustin de teribilisti si imaturi.
Ce spune el ca face, ce e la melita lui si el zice
ca e sanatos si ca e doar tehnica, de unde 'doar
tehnica', e vai steaua lui saracu,,,
Ca sunt bolnavi mental sustin lucruri
incredibile, ce e la melita lor ca fac ei si spun
povesti de terib...ilisti si imaturi aceea este
defect nu calitate.
Orice ar fi tu eu raman cu Cartea Sfanta si cu
Domnul Nostru Iisus.
Eu imi zic "este ca un radio care vorbeste fara
sens, ca un radio care se aude de la un vecin si
spune lucruri fara sens, nici nu considera asa
ceva, cum sa se poata asa ceva?! nu, este
imposibil in realitate, eu sunt Ditamai
Crestinul si sunt cu Domnul Nostru Iisus"
Eu imi zic: "De unde sa poata in realitate sa
faca ce spun?! ale sunt niste aberatii,,, si nu te
lasa amenintat si speriat, chiar daca situatia e
mai grea nu te speria, orice ar ameninta nu te
speria ci ramai cu Domnul Nostru Iisus, fa ce
spune Cartea Sfanta Biblia"
Eu intr-o situatie grea am Disputat ca mai sus
si am citit Psalmi din Cartea Sfanta.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 181

Date= March 20 Date= 3/20/19, 6:22 PM

Astazi a urmat o proiectie in care bosorogii de

tineri atei handicapati mental m-au atacat cu
bioenergie si telepatie.
Au zis ca pt ca am scris Posturile de dinainte
pe facebook, ca se razbuna cu o proiectie de
stergere a creierului si ca “vezi tu intr-o ora,
ca e si asta o moarte”, adica ca imi sterg
creierul intr-o ora si ca e si asta o moarte, dar
nu este asa pt ca eu nu mor, ma duc in Rai si
Disput si nu imi sterg creierul.
Texte de bosorogi cu handicap, niste atei
imbeci...li vai steaua lor.
El e prost n-a invatat carte si de prost ataca cu
bioenrgie si telepatie.
Ratatii bosorogi handicapati au spus ca aplica
tehnica de stergere a creierelor si au tipat
telepatic si au amenintat in fel si chip cu

zecile de minute.
Ratatii au repetat ca ei sunt “Stapanii
planetei” dar stiu ca sunt niste ratati care se
duc in Iad si Dumnezeu Iisus este stapanul
Ei sunt doar niste bosorogi rusinosi care se
cred talibani si ca “sperie si psihiatrii” dar nu
este asa pentru ca suntem mai multi si Slujim.
Ei sunt niste homosexuali bolnaviori care se
duc in Iad si de prosti se cred Dumnezei, dar
sunt niste bolnaviori care nu mai stiu sa
gandeasca, bolnavi mental, care de prosti se
cred Dumnezeu.
Ei sunt niste ratati care n-au invatat carte de
asta injura, sunt misogini, ameninta telepatic
de imbecili.
Au repetat ca se duc in Iad nu e nici o
problema, “dupa” cum zic ei, adica dupa ce
ataca oamenii Crestini de-abia apoi se duc in
iad, saracii patetici asa au zis de texte ca sa
spuna si ei ceva dar nu au ce face nu ca
“dupa”, ca ar vrea ei sa scape dar Dumnezeu e
Dumnezeu si ii baga in Iad pt faptele alea de
imbecili care tipa telepatic ca se razbuna, ca
“platesti ca ai spus adevarul, nu trebuia sa
Slujesti” cand de fapt este bine ca am spus
Adevarul de niste lichele corupte ca ei care se
cred mafia telepatiei si care ataca oemenii
schizofrenie, fara sens corupti si care sunt
niste bosorogi retardati, niste bosorogi de
tineri, ne-educati.
Tot prostii "nu are nimic, merge si asa", dar ei
sunt niste gainari nu au ce face, nu ca merge si
asa. Daca era dupa ei nu se cunostea ca ataca
schizofrenii si nu se stia de ei, dar nu e asa.
Ei sunt niste perfect imbecili, imaturi si
teribilisti, ce e la melita lor,,, niste ratati
handicapati mental bolnaviori, vai steua lor,,,
nu pot sa faca ce zic, sunt niste imaturi si
Limbutii telepatiei, niste ratati bosorogi de
tineri care ataca de handicapati si prosti fara
sens, ratati cu handicap, dar tot Dumnezeu
Iisus este Dumnezeu.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 182

Date= March 20 Date= 3/20/19, 10:08 AM

They said to me today “If they do something

to help you, we start the war. It will be war on
all planet.”

No matter what war they will start, I do not

abandon my family.
Do not let yourself to this emotional
No war will stop me to help my family....
Because this is the right thing with God to do,
I listen to God and not my fears of war and
what this Mafia of telepathy say with

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 183

Date= March 16 Date= 3/16/19, 2:06 PM

They said to me today “If they do something

to help you, we start the war. We start the war
on all planet.”

My opinion is for you to not abandon your

brother, father, mother, sister for anything in
the world, no matter what this mafia of
bioenergy thread to do, even if they threat to
start a war on the planet, you act with God
and Love.
That is no war anyway, we are Christians and
act with Love and Holy Bible.
No matter if they threat to start a war, you do
not let alone your... family, do not abandon
your family.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 184

Date= March 16 Date= 3/16/19, 2:00 PM

“Vreau dar nu pot”

Inseamna vreau, adica inima si Dumnezeu imi
spune sa fac, dar nu pot, adica omul, natura
umana, imi spune sa nu, ca am taxe, impozite,
copii, casa, munca, eu nu fac acest sacrificiu
pt Dumnezeu.
Nu pot nu inseamna nu pot, ci mai mult, nu

vreau sa accept suferinta, sacrificiul si nu pot
sa fac asa un sacrificiu, mai bine merg asa
inainte, vreau Dumnezeu stie ca in inima mea
e dorinta, inima imi pune sa fac, adica vreau,
dar natura cazuta si egoismul imi spun...e ca
nu pot si eu ma mint “vreau dar nu pot”
Cel mai oribil refuz al iubirii e “vreau dar nu
Inima imi spune sa fac, adica vreau
Dar nu pot, adica e o durere prea mare,
sacrificiu mare si nu fac asa ceva, asa zis nu
Acesta este pacatul cel mai mare, vreau da nu
Inima imi spune sa fac din iubire, dar eun
sacrificiu si o durere prea mare zice omul si
eu ma conving ca nu pot

Si cati ar vrea sa iti spuna o vorba buna pe

strada, dar vor dar nu pot, adica ar vrea, dar
sunt atacati si nu pot sa suporte sacrificiul,
Dumnezeu stie ca sunt om bun, vreau, dar nu
pot,,, nu este asa, este exact sa il refuzi pe
Dumnezeu, vreau dau nu pot

Nimeni nu spune “nu ascult de Dumnezeu” ci
facem o srategie pe termen lung, sau e mai
bine asa, strategie pe termen lung, lumea
spune “iesim la un rezultat mai bun asa”-si nu
spune “nu ascult de Dumnezeu”, asta e exact
“nu-mi ascult inima ca am sacrificii, durere, si
nu-mi ascult inima si fac dupa capul meu si
merg inainte asa si in timp se rezolva”, dar ce
ai facut nu ai ascultat inima si de Dumnezeu
ci ai facut strategii, calcule umane, cu natura
ta umana cazuta.
Se convinge ca e o strategie mai buna pe
termen lung, dar e exact sa refuzi pe
Dumnezeu si sa nu faci ce iti spune inima
iubitoare, ci sa faci dupa capul tau, si te
convingi ca e o strategie mai buna pe termen
lung, dar de fapt e pacatul ca nu ai ascultat de
Nimeni nu spune nu ascult de Dumnezeu, nu,
ci ascult dar e mai bine pe termen lung asa o
strategie, exact aia e ca nu asculti inima ca ai
de pierdut ci faci dupa tine strategiile tale in
locul iubirii lui Dumnezeu.

“Parintele iubitor mustra copii”

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 185

Date= March 16 Date= 3/16/19, 1:35 PM

I think God will end this people that are

fearful that do calculus and strategies, because
they do not listen to their heart.
Many times were wars and who seems good
but act with fear and not listened to their heart
were punished by God with a war that ended
Many times people were the good ones, but
did nor listen fully to God and their hearts,
and did calculus, strategies and God punished
them with a war that ended them.

My opinion is to not do calculus any more,

and t...o not do cold strategies any more, but
to listen to our heart and act from Love, with
God, even if it is painful, and sacrifice, God
will give us a solution.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 186

Date= March 15 Date= 3/15/19, 2:41 PM

Let's see who the planet will be: the Christians

and people who love freedom, or atheists and
attackers with bioenergy and telepathy.
Now they attack us and threat us with
bioenergy and telepathy.
They torture us with bioenergy non-physical.
They will corrupt more and more people on
the planet to be with them.
And they will not stop to torture us just with
They like to vampirize and torture physically
As they will corrupt enough to be more
powerful than us they will come physically in
our homes to take us and torture us physically
Like they do now from a distance with
bioenergy and telepathy, they will do
physically also.

They like also physical torture combined with
PSI bioenergy torture.
They will not stop at bioenergy torture, they
like to torture physically also.
They wait to be many more, enough to beat us
physically also,
We will not stop just at PSI torture.
They will be many to torture us physically
also, they want to gain more and more people
from their part to beat us physically,
They will become many more and when they
will get enough they will take us from homes
to torture us physically also.
For them PSI torture with bioenergy is little,
they like to combine also with physical

Cold strategies without heart and without

God, just cold calculus and cold strategies
will get us to lose and them to win, even if
they are atheists and wrong.
I think if we do calculus and strategies we
will lose and this will be a pithy for our
children to be tortured PSI and physically
I think the solution is to be Christian to do
what our heart tell us even if it is hard and
painful, and require a sacrifice.

I think not at grand strategies and calculus but

to follow our heart and what God wants from

We do not tell the whole truth, we have

taboos, we shut up in fear, do not tell
completely the whole truth, and this is a sin
for God.

I think God will end this people that are

fearful and do calculus and strategies, because
they do not listen to their heart.
Many times were wars and who seems good
but act with fear and not listened to their heart
were punished by God with a war that ended
Many times people were the good ones, but
did nor listen fully to God and their hearts,
and did calculus, strategies and God punished
them with a war that ended them.

My opinion is to not do calculus any more,

and to not do cold strategies any more, but to

listen to our heart and act from Love, with
God, even if it is painful, and sacrifice, God
will give us a solution.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 187

Date= March 15 Date= 3/15/19, 11:08 AM

The Problem of pownbrokers (romanian term


To formulate the problem: 1_you the one the

pownbrowkers are payed to inpain, revenge,
punish, more exact you and your Family,
2_the big-shot that corrupted pownbrowkers
to do the illegality-corrupted with loads of
money to do illegalities and crimes, 3_the
pownbrowkers that do this crimes,
4_neighbour that pretends to be deaf to let the
pownbrowkers do their crimes against you in
the meantime

A big-shot corrupted some... pownbrowkers to

do harm, he payed the pownbrowkers to do
illegal crimes against the humanity.
This pownbrowkers make illegalities and till
we reach them they do their business in this

It is like the pownbrowkers come to your

home, break down the door and start killing
your family cut them with swords.
Till you do to your neighbour they slice down
al your family.
And your neighbour: what are you saying, I
do not hear you,,, pretending to be death,
speak louder,,, yes, I can help you,,, what?! I
do not hear(he hears but pretends to give time
to pownbrowkers to slice all your family),,,
when he is sure the pownbrowkers sliced all
your family and punishes and revenge on
you,,, yes, I can help you now,,, he comes and
get out the pownbrowkers by 'force',,, starts
getting them our and call help to finish all

In the meantime the pownbrowkers sliced all

your family and revenge on you and punished
you so they say,,,

Details: After the pownbrowkers sliced down
your family with swords, more they brushed
with spray your walls 'we punished you', 'this
is our revenge'.

What do I feel: The pownbrowkers are not

payed to kill you, this will be too easy for the
big-shot, but to punish and revenge on you, to
slowly torture you seeing all your Family
suffering, in the meantime, so you feel pain
hearing your family slices down. The
Momentum Pattern when you cannot stop
them and hear your Family screaming in pains
when they slices down them and in this way
torturing you and revenge, punishing you, and
the neighbour that is with the big-shot also
pretend not to hear and delay the help, to give
the pownbrowkers time to slice all your
family in painful ways.

I say: I am Christian with our Lord Jesus and I

bear my burden with Jesus. I go to Heaven
and I do my pain with Jesus, we are souls and
we go to Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 188

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 7:38 PM

A parable:
The elite group, supra-humans to solve for
them the situation.
Why they should work, do something, the
elite group promised all it will be OK.
The supra-humans elite group promised it will
be a future all OK, bright
They wait for that future without doing
After all it is painful and costly to do

I do not go to pharmacy to take pills for cold,

but I wait 2 weeks when all it will be solved
by themselves
Why to do to pharmacy, take the car, pay
money, I just stay to pass all without doing
In 2 weeks it all pass from itself,,, how much

Love is in that?! Especially when somebody
else have the cold.
They stay in their homes, go to work, doing
their house routine, their life not much
affected and not much pain for them, but
mostly as usual, they not supporting the pain,
all is supported by the elite group of super
humans, they have their life mostly
unaffected, as usual,,,

They wait for that promised future, without

involving, working, doing things, it is painful
anyway and risky, they just wait for that
future, alter all the elite group should solve
this as they promised
Christian is to listen to your heart, to involve,
to do something for your fellow-beings, as the
good Samaritan

They just wait for the elite group of super

humans to solve the situation
They just wait for that future

No matter what a elite group promise to me, I

cannot stay away because I am a Christian,
because I care and I Love, I do something
myself, I feel in my heart and I help.
Christian is to do something, to listen to your
heart, to do Christian acts, not just to wait for
some super humans to solve the situation, to
Love, to act from Christian Love.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 189

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 5:04 PM

With telepathy sometime is like:

“You don't see the forest because of the trees”

Because some know the thoughts of people,

do many calculus, strategies to take into
consideration what people think, and do not
listen to their hearts and Holy Bible.


I say to listen to what is in your heart, and

Holy Bible and not do as many strategies,

With telepathy sometime is like:

“When you have a hammer all it seems to be
Including lightning bulbs, dishes, all seems to
be nails when you have a hammer.

I think we must listen to our hearts and what

God tell you, Holy Bible and not based on
telepathy and do not make many advanced
strategies what people think.

Listen to your heart, God, Holy Bible.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 190

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 4:58 PM

Cineva zicea odata:

"Voi ce faceti acum in prezent?

Noi nu facem nimic, asteptam sa vina viitorul,
am auzit ca e frumos."


"Eu sunt mic, nu ştiu nimic, Tata-n pod
jupoaie-o oaie"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 191

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 4:31 PM

A quote say: "The head that bow in

acceptance the sword does not cut, but also
the light does not see"

I say to not bow to negative people, but to

serve to see the light and to live in the light, to

go to Heaven.

Also but to be a beaten dog that live long life

in shame, fear, complicity, conspiracy, better a
lion that lives a shorter but Good, Virtuous
life, in Integrity and go to Heaven.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 192

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 1:47 PM

Ghita stia daca isi asulta inima ca nu avea de

ce sa o dea pe Ana lui Lica Samadaul.
Dar Chita a facut calcule si strategii, ca nu e
asa rau, ca deja era rau si ca si asa nu mai era
ca inainte, ca nu e asa rau ci e doar asa, si a
dat-o pe Ana lui Lica Samadaul.
Apoi vazand-o asa rau ca Lica era om rau si
isi batea joc, apoi a innebunit cu totul si a
omorat-o pe Ana si s-a sinucis si el.
Dar daca isi asculta inima stia ca renunta la
Moara cu Noroc, mai si se imprumuta sa
plate...asca numai pe Ana nu in mainile lui
Lica Samadaul si pleca in alta localitate cu
sotia lui Neprihaniti.

Cu El Zorab, a facut calcule, l-a vandut pe El

Zorab, acela il si batea sa mearga la trap, il
batea cand il dresa sa arate lumii roibul, si
apoi vazandu-l asa rau, copii plangeau,
depresii, apoi si el a innebunit si l-a ucis pe El
Zorab si nici el nu era bine apoi.
Cu inima ar fi stiut ca pe El Zorab nu avea de
ce sa-l vanda.
Daca isi asculta inima stia ca nu e posibil sa-l
Dar pentru calcule si strategii, l-a vandut,
avea si bani apoi si aceasta a dus la dezastru.

Ana si Mesterul Manole, care a fost ambitios

si a sacrificat-o pe Ana ca sa cladeasca
biserica, dar daca isi asculta inima nu mai
construia biserica ci renunta numai sa nu
sacrifice sotia lui preaiubita.

Acestea de mai sus sunt cazuri limita de viata.
Sunt drame, din care putem sa invatam, sa ne
ascultam inima si sa nu facem calcule si
strategii cand inima spune ceva.
Toate aceste drame de mai sus s-au incheiat
rau pentru persoana care nu si-a ascultat

Eu zic sa ne ascultam inima si sa nu facem

calcule, sa nu lasam in mainile lor familia,
semenii ci sa facem din inima, cu Iubire.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 193

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 1:10 PM

I dream to a world in which people to involve,

Not sit from fear to do cold calculus and
strategies, but in which they listen to they
hearts and involve, care, do things that work
to help their fellowbeings.
A world in which they act from Love and
have Courage, do not abandon people and do
not let people alone.
A world in which people do from Love and do
not do as much calculus, strategies, but listen
to their hearts, to what they feel and do from
Love anyway.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 194

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 12:57 PM

Chris Naersi Macovei - Taticul meu


Naersy Cris Macovei - Familia mea



Anelisse Craciun - Ce frumos e sa fii copil


Florin Piersic - Repetabila povara (Adrian


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 195

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 12:38 PM

This is our life?!

All the Planet to live in paranoia, when one
does a good things, to live fear because of this
ones that attacks with bioenergy, telepathy?
Our life is to have fears and be paranoid?!
God does not exist?! We do not act with


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 196

Date= March 14 Date= 3/14/19, 10:06 AM

Cum vine asta? ei fac crime impotriva

umanitatii si tot ei sunt nemultumiti?
Adica spun ca ma pedepsesc pe mine la
Tariceni, si ma ataca sa stau in satul Tarice...ni
fara bani si singur in saracie

Cat despre mine eu nu sunt vinovat nici macar

cu o iota, sunt total nevinovat, eu am spus
adevarul de oamenii schizofreni si atacurile cu
bioenergie si telepatie, eu pot sa ma duc la
Dumnezeu curat
Eu sunt complet nevinovat, ei sunt ateii
corupti care fac ilegalitati si care au facut
crime impotriva umanitatii

Ce spun ei texte ca ma pedepsesc pe mine, ca
se razbuna?! Pentu ce?! Pentru ca eu sunt
Neprihanit si complet nevinovat
Cum adica sa se razbune, sa pedepseasca, tot
Trebuiesc adresati ei pt ca fac crime impotriva
umanitatii, nu eu care sunt complet nevinovat

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 197

Date= March 11 Date= 3/11/19, 2:05 PM

Cum vine asta? ei fac crime impotriva

umanitatii si tot ei sunt nemultumiti?
Adica spun ca ma pedepsesc pe mine la
Tariceni, si ma ataca sa stau in satul Tariceni
fara bani si singur in saracie

Cat despre mine eu nu sunt vinovat nici macar

cu o iota, sunt total nevinovat, eu am spus
adevarul de oamenii schizofreni si atacurile cu
bioenergie si telepatie, eu pot sa ma duc la
Dumnezeu curat
Eu sunt complet nevinovat, ei sunt ateii
corupti care fac ilegalitati si care au facut
c...rime impotriva umanitatii
Ce spun ei texte ca ma pedepsesc pe mine, ca
se razbuna?! Pentu ce?! Pentru ca eu sunt
Neprihanit si complet nevinovat
Cum adica sa se razbune, sa pedepseasca, tot
Trebuiesc adresati ei pt ca fac crime impotriva
umanitatii, nu eu care sunt complet nevinovat

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 198

Date= March 11 Date= 3/11/19, 1:41 PM

Unii oameni au auzit basme, niste povesti,

niste istorii, legende, dar nu sunt siguri
Altii au auzit glume
Unii nu stiu ce sa creada, or fi doar glume,
rautati, doar ironii si misto-uri
Altii isi urmeaza viata ca inainte fara sa ia in
considerare ca ceva s-a schimbat

Voi ce credeti despre Slujirea noastra in
situatia atacurilor cu bioenergie si telepatie?...
Dati si voi un mesaj pe facebook, eMail

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 199

Date= March 10 Date= 3/10/19, 5:05 PM

In my opinion I say not to Victimize, not to

see ourselves as martyr, but to do something
about in reality.
The Legend of Prometheus say that
Prometheus brought the fire and the light to
people, but the Gods were upset because he
did this good think for the human-beings and
chained Prometheus on a mountain and the
Gods put a eagle to eat the liver of
Prometheus, but slowly so to make him pay
for his good act and so Gods to be feared by
anybody that try to do a good act and se...rve
for people. So Gods punished Prometheus and
the eagle slowly eaten the liver of this hero
that brought light to people.

I say the above legend is a fake one.

I say not to see ourselves as martyr and to be
Positive, ProActive, based on our Circle of
Influence, winners.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 200

Date= March 10 Date= 3/10/19, 5:02 PM

Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All

(Official Music Video)

The Lyrics are quotes as follows:


"Greatest Love Of All

I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we
used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
And so I learned to depend on me
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest
Love of all is happening to me
I found the greatest
Love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we
used to be
I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest
Love of all is happening to me
I found the greatest
Love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all
And if, by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 201
Date= March 10 Date= 3/10/19, 5:00 PM

Am scris aceste posturi ca sa spun ce

inseamna lichele.
Si ce nivel au aceste nulitati care ataca cu
bioenrgie si telepatie.
Ce inseamna un atac cu bioenrgie si telepatie.
Ce inseamna real si cum este un atac cu
bioenergie si telepatie.
Ca un copil atacat la scoala, a scris intr-o ora,
o jumatate de pagina doar, pt ca ei l-au atacat
cu bioenergie si telepatie si nu s-a putut
concentra la examen.


Parerea mea este sa Slujim cu Dumnezeu

pentru Libertatea noastra, dreptul de a fii
Crestin, dreptul la Fericire.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 202

Date= March 10 Date= 3/10/19, 8:49 AM

Today they attacked with bioenergy and

telepathy and he said: what you don't like, this
is what I do to you.
They attacked my nose, because I thought I
like to have a clean skin and not problems of
And the nullity said: because you like to have
a clean skin I attack now your nose with
projections of bioenergy!!! and what you do
not like, this is what I do to you!!! I do to you
exactly what you do not like!!!! And I felt
sharp sting on my nose they attacking
with ...bioenergy.
After he shouted telepathically: think h h h,
hate, hate, hate. Think hate, hate, hate.

I pity this nulities, their act are shameful and

they are so limited and ignorant.
They are pathetic.
I pity this atheists that attack with bioenergy
and telepathy.
That stupidity as at this losers is shameful.

We Serve with God to live a Free, Christian,
Happy life.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 203

Date= March 9 Date= 3/9/19, 5:21 PM

To the nulities that attack with bioenergy and


Well, this is how it works?! You say you

speak all this things and do this things and
you go to Hell?! Say to everybody you go to
Hell because you do this stupidities?!
You say you are powerful and instead you go
to Hell?!
Well, this is how it works?!...
Say you are stupid and you go to Hell so
everybody will know,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 204

Date= March 9 Date= 3/9/19, 5:18 PM

Catre lichelele care ataca cu bioenetgie si


Pai, asa merge treaba?!

Te lauzi ca spui imbecilitatile alea si ca faci
prostiile alea si te duci in Iad?! Pai, asa merge
Spune sa cunoasca toata lumea ca esti prost si
te duci in Iad?!,,,...
Te lauzi ca esti puternic iar tu te duci in Iad?!
Pai asa merge treaba?!
Spune ca te duci in Iad, sa stie toata lumea,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 205

Date= March 9 Date= 3/9/19, 5:10 PM

Today the nullifies that attacks with bioenergy
and telepathy said:
“Let me hurt you, do not Serve with God any
more, let me hurt you”
“Why don't you let me make you harm?! let
me, allow me and let me control your
thoughts, let me choose your thoughts”
“Imagine I hit you”
“Now continue and think at pain and
sufferance, you continue and imagine I do
what you are afraid most in life, imagine you
feel pain because of me”...
“Imagine I hit you with a punch”
“Imagine your pain is because of me, and
because I am strong”

This are things this low nullifies repeat over

and over all day.

This shameful things they say all day but this

nullities go to Hell and I go to Heaven, God
exists and do Justice.

I think we must Serve with our Lord Jesus to

be healthy and live a Christian Life.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 206

Date= March 9 Date= 3/9/19, 1:05 PM

To not involve, to not be present and to not do

something is the mark of a sick society or
A healthy community cares, it think
involvement, it is interested about the good
life of members and do something about.
A sick community is fearful, leave members
to the sake of aggressors, it does not involve,
do not act for Justice, leave people to be
attacked and harmed.
A healthy community act for what is Right,
care for Justice and do something about, in
real world.
A s...ick community from fear to ignoring the
negative that happens and living in negative
A healthy community is from caring to doing
something real that is efficient, in real world,

it cares, involves, act on things, Positive,
A sick community knows about fear, own
A healthy community knows about Love and
do sacrifices from Love.
A member of a healthy community cares for
what is Right, for Justice and do the Sacrifice
and act on the situation(to Help a Sacrifice
must be mare, to Help it is not easy or
straight-forward, but it needs a Sacrifice), do
something about in real world, efficient.
A member of a healthy community pass over
risk and fear and from Love and Justice does
a Sacrifice with Courage to Help fellow-
beings, and cares, acts on things.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 207

Date= March 9 Date= 3/9/19, 8:45 AM

I am very happy to talk about my book

"Success as an Uplifting Art" and to share
with you my Vision for a Successful Happy

Success as an Uplifting Art is a wonderful

light that give you the Beauty of Living,
Being Positive, Successful, Virtuous.
This how-to guide to Success explains the
Psychology of Success with many great
quotes and Mihai's own experience.
Inside you'll find:


How to be Successful explained with Art: by

saying Poetry, by reading Stories, Parables,
Wisdom, Holy Bible
What is Authentic Success, what is the
Christian Success Formula
Many Holy Bible quotes to show God
Perspective and Vision, because He knows
what's best for us since it is our Creator
How to be a Super Achiever and Virtuous, on
a Foundation of Values and Christian Virtues
How to be Successful in School, Academic

How to have a great job, and a wonderful
How to have Superior Human Relations at
Home and Work
How to pass over Life situations and Live a
Fulfilled Life, Authentically Wealthy
How to pass over depression and find
Happiness as an Art and Science
How to find Purpose in Life and Connect with
God our Creator
How to Discover God in your Life and Life a
Wonderful Life with God
How to Live a Happy Life

Letter Number= 208

Date= March 8 Date= 3/8/19, 9:08 AM

I’m very happy to announce my new book

"The Uplifting Art of Success", it is released!

This book is about how to be Successful and

Happy, explained with Art: Po...etry, Stories,

It is on 'amazon' site:

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 209

Date= March 6 Date= 3/6/19, 6:48 PM

I’m very happy to announce my new book

"The Uplifting Art of Success", it is released!

This book is about how to be Successful and

Happy, explained with Art: Poetry, Stories,

It is on 'amazon' site:...

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 210
Date= March 6 Date= 3/6/19, 6:27 PM

They say all kind of threats, curses and say

they are the army, they say "the Romanian
army wants it so", "this is the army"
As I Dispute they say: he said that
DISPUTATION about the army,,, now you
from the army attack him too(this nullities
that attack with bioenergy try to be smart and
want to fool the army to attack the Christians
also. They want to escape with their
illegalities and corruption and put that on the
army, but it is not like so)
I say: I think I said about y...ou, not about the
army. You are not the army, you are not in that

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 211

Date= March 3 Date= 3/3/19, 3:27 PM

They attacked me with telepathy today again

They say they are the Romanian army
I say: You are not in that case

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 212

Date= March 3 Date= 3/3/19, 2:56 PM

With telepathy today they attacked again from

the morning
They said "you shouldn't get to be who you
are, to get to become the Person you are now,
so big, and to Serve a Great Christian Service,
You shouldn't be as you are, you should of
staied small and in silence"
I say: No, I am a Great Christian and I Serve
with Jesus, I must Serve with God
They attack me because I Serve with Jesus
and I do a Christian Service
I Serve with God and as an Excellent Human


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 213

Date= March 3 Date= 3/3/19, 2:40 PM

Today they attacked with bioenergy also for

many hours.
They say they are the Romanian army.
I say they are not in that case, and I say they
are just some corrupted atheists that do crimes
against the humanity.
They are some corrupted atheists that are
payed with the case of money by a big-shot
because I know he is corrupted and he wanted
to escape with his illegalities, so he payed this
atheists to attack me with bioenergy.
Today they said all kinds of mind games as “I
am so...rry because,,, you continue,,, because”
and they keep saying this brainwashing phrase
for 30 minutes or more.
I Disputed all the time to keep myself healthy.

They do crimes against the humanity, and

attack with bioenergy because they corrupt

This is what we prepare for our children?! A

world of delinquents?!
I say we must Serve with God and stop this
bioenergy and telepathic attacks.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 214

Date= March 3 Date= 3/3/19, 2:22 PM

Flaviana Iosif, un autor unic, de o

Spiritualitate Autentic Crestina, o Psihologie
bazata pe Iubirea Domnului Iisus.
O invatatura unica, minunata, de o bucurie
molipsitoare, optimism, intelepciune din
Cartea Sfanta, Psihologie pe o fundatie

Flaviana Iosif - Copilaria


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 215

Date= March 2 Date= 3/2/19, 10:08 AM

In liceu:
O gasca care cum veneam spre casa, ne
acosta, ne ataca si unui coleg, Marius i-a furat
fesul, i l-a luat de pe cap si apoi l-a lovit si
ameninta ca i...l bate, sa isi batea joc de el
Mereu isi bateau joc de elevii de liceu si ii
lovea si ii teroriza, o gasca care fura de la
elevi cand veneau spre casa

Ma baieti
Inalt ca bradul
Elena, vreti sa puna mana pe ea
Uite ce au facut lui Marius, i-a furat fesul,, va
terorizeaza aia?!,,, se poate,,, si voi stati asa,,,
Cum sa lasati voi asa ceva
Uite: Vasile 2 metri inaltime 120 kg, Cristi
1.95 inaltime si 110 kg
Cum sa stati voi asa
Mergeti toti impreuna, si sa nu mai vad ca fac
asa ceva
Impreuna, sunteti baieti in toata firea, ei sunt
putini voi atatia, se aduna toata scoala daca e
nevoie, mergeti toti uniti impreuna
Sunteti impreuna, mergeti impreuna nu
separat cate putini
Si daca e nevoie ii bateti
Va vad inalti ca bradul
Sa nu mai aud asa ceva,,,

Obs: Eu cred in asa o atitudine si asa fapte,

pentru Familie Autentica, Rude Autentice,
Prieteni, Colegi, Semeni

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 216
Date= March 2 Date= 3/2/19, 9:44 AM

In liceu:
O gasca care cum veneam spre casa, ne
acosta, ne ataca si unui coleg, Marius i-a furat
fesul, i l-a luat de pe cap si apoi l-a lovit si
ameninta ca il bate, sa isi batea joc de el
Mereu isi bateau joc de elevii de liceu si ii
lovea si ii teroriza, o gasca care fura de la
elevi cand veneau spre casa

Ma baieti
Inalt ca bradul
Elena, vreti sa puna mana pe ea
Uite ce au facut lui Marius, i-a furat fesul,, va
terorizeaza aia?!,,, se poate,,, si voi stati asa,,,
Cum sa lasati voi asa ceva
Uite: Vasile 2 metri inaltime 120 kg, Cristi
1.95 inaltime si 110 kg
Cum sa stati voi asa
Mergeti toti impreuna, si sa nu mai vad ca fac
asa ceva
Impreuna, sunteti baieti in toata firea, ei sunt
putini voi atatia, se aduna toata scoala daca e
nevoie, mergeti toti uniti impreuna
Sunteti impreuna, mergeti impreuna nu
separat cate putini
Si daca e nevoie ii bateti
Va vad inalti ca bradul
Sa nu mai aud asa ceva,,,

Obs: Eu cred in asa o atitudine si asa fapte,

pentru Familie Autentica, Rude Autentice,
Prieteni, Colegi, Semeni

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 217

Date= March 2 Date= 3/2/19, 9:24 AM

Citatul de mai jos este 'Definitia iubirii, spusa

de copii cu varsta intre 4 si 8 ani '

Copii au spus:
"Dragostea este… cand cineva te raneste…

chiar daca te doare ingrozitor… tu nu plangi,
pentru ca stii ca o s-o doara pe persoana care
te-a ranit! MATHEW – 6 ani


Dragostea este cand.. cand bunica mea avea

artrita si nu-si putea vopsi unghiile… bunicul
meu le-a vopsit el pentru ea, cu toate ca si el
avea artrita. REBECCA – 8 ani

Dragostea este… cand o fata se da cu parfum

si baiatul se da cu after-shave… si ies la
plimbare impreuna… si se miros unul pe
celalalt. KARL – 5 ani

Dragostea este.. cand stii ca sora ta mai mare

te iubeste… pentru ca-ti da tie toate hainele ei
vechi… si ea trebuie sa se duca la
cumparaturi, sa-si ia altele! LAUREN – 4 ani

Dragostea este… cand un batran si o

batrana… sunt inca buni prieteni cu toate ca
se cunosc unul pe celalalt de mult
timp.TOMMY – 6 ani

Dragostea este… cand cineva te iubeste…

felul in care-ti spune numele, e… este diferit!!
BILLY – 4 ani

Dragostea este… cand oferi cuiva din

mancarea ta, fara sa te astepti ca celalalt sa-ti
ofere din mancarea lui! CHRISSY – 6 ani

Dragostea este… ce se intampla de Craciun…

cand te opresti din desfacut cadouri… ca sa te
bucuri de bucuria celorlalti! BOBBY – 5 ani

Dragostea este cand… daca vrei sa inveti sa

iubesti mai bine… incepe cu un prieten care
nu-ti place! NIKKA – 6 ani

Dragostea este… cand ii spui unui baiat ca are

o camasa asa frumoasa… cu toate ca el poarta
aceeasi camasa in fiecare zi! NOELLE – 7 ani

Dragostea este… niciodata sa nu spui TE

IUBESC doar cand iti vine… iar daca o
simti… atunci spune-o mai des… oamenii

uita prea mult sa spuna TE IUBESC.
JESSICA – 8 ani

Dragostea este… sa iei in brate… sa pupi…

sa spui NU! PATTY – 8 ani

Dragostea este… cand catelul tau te linge pe

fata… cu toate ca l-ai lasat acasa singur toata
ziua! MARY ANN – 4 ani

Dragostea este… cand iubesti pe cineva…

ochii tai se tot misca… si niste stelute
stralucesc din ei! KAREN – 7 ani

Dragostea este… Dumnezeu ar fi putut sa

spuna niste cuvinte magice ca sa scape din
cuiele de pe Cruce… dar n-a facut asta… asta
este DRAGOSTE! MAX – 5 ani

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 218

Date= March 2 Date= 3/2/19, 9:13 AM

Nu este cel mai rau ca esti atacat cu

bioenergie si telepatie.
Ce este mai rau este comunitatea, oamenii
care stiu si nu fac nimic.
Oricine poate face ceva, mac...ar o vorba
Pt ca omul sufera, dar daca o comunitate,
poate fi si toata Planeta are ca obicei sa nu
faca nimic, sa nu se implice, atunci pe acest
fond bolnav apar si alte atacuri.
Pe acest fond bolnav apar si alte tipuri de
atacuri, adica acesti bolnavi lichele vor face
rau si alta data in alta forma, daca ii lasam asa
si ne uitam acum in alta parte si trecem pe
langa monstruozitati care si cum nimic s-ar fi
Si doare si posibilitatea ca aceste lichele care
ataca cu telepatie si bioenergie au posibilitatea
sa atace data viitoare copii.
Adica daca nu rezolvam acum, data viitoare
cu bioenergie si telepatie lichelele ataca din
nou si fac rau din nou, altei fiinte umane, cel
mai rau unui copil care e crud, copil, inocent.
Adica o comunitate, un oras, etc, care nu are

ca obicei sanatos sa se implice si sa rezolve
nedreptatea, si care intoarce privirea, aceasta
comunitate perpetueaza un obicei bolnav, si
drept urmare are ca destin sa traiasca din nou
monstruozitatea de a fii atacata de lichele, sa
sufere din nou, adica sa apara si alte acte
monstruoase si sa fim martori la alte scene
oribile data viitoare cu alta persoana.
Sa fim cumva jenati de violenta scenei si sa
intoarcem capul si sa privim in alta parte,,,
Asa sa fie oare?!
Un fond bolnav este un diagnostic care
trebuie adresat si sa ne insatosim pt ca boala
va aparea si in alta parte, si ar fi pacat.
Nu este vorba de a scapa o persoana ci de a fii
sanatosi si solidari sa rezolvam acesta boala.
Adica degeaba scapam o persoana si pe
fundal lichelele exista printre noi pt ca pe
acest fond al unei societati care suporta si tace
cand lichelele ataca, un fond bolnav, pe acest
fond vor aparea si alte acte aberante ale
lichelelor, alte monstruozitati, si frica si
tristetea este ca pericolul iminent in care
suntem daca lasam aceste lichele sa existe
printre noi si facem pact cu ei, intelegeri
paliative, pericolul este ca ei vor ataca data
viitoare, un copil, sau o alta persoana.
Daca traim simbiotic cu lichelele care ataca cu
bioenergie si telepatie corupte si platite de un
big-shot cu servietele cu euro, suntem
condamnati ca aceste monstruozitati sa atacei
si data viitoare, un copil, un seaman, etc
Adica si mai rau este ca aceste lichele tolerate
acum, sa faca rau si alta data altcuiva, unui
copil nevinovat, crud si inocent.
Daca noi perpetuam obiceiul de a face cu ei
pact, si sa traim simbiotic cu ei, si sa le lasam
in maini un procent din populatie,
schizofrenii, in acest caz vom suferi inca si
mai mult, si traim o viata bolnava care va
aduce si mai multa tristete, ne vom afla intr-
un pericol iminent, care ne vor face si mai
mult rau.
Data viitoare pot ataca un copil inocent, un alt
seaman Crestin, tot corupti si plini de bani
dati de un big-shot, care i-a platit sa atace din
Solutia este: o atitudine, Dumnezeu, sa fim
Crestini, si Samariteanul milostiv, sa ne
implicam, sa ne insanatosim.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 219
Date= March 2 Date= 3/2/19, 9:12 AM
Continue Reading Follows Nu este cel mai
rau ca esti atacat cu bioenergie si telepatie.
Ce este mai rau este comunitatea, oamenii
care stiu si nu fac nimic.
Oricine poate face ceva, macar o vorba buna.
Pt ca omul sufera, dar daca o comunitate,
poate fi si toata Planeta are ca obicei sa nu
faca nimic, sa nu se implice, atunci pe acest
fond bolnav apar si alte atacuri.
Pe acest fond bolnav apar si alte tipuri de
atacuri, adica acesti bolnavi lichele vor face
rau si alta data in alta forma, daca ii lasam asa
si ne uitam acum in alta parte si trecem pe
langa monstruozitati care si cum nimic s-ar fi
Si doare si posibilitatea ca aceste lichele care
ataca cu telepatie si bioenergie au posibilitatea
sa atace data viitoare copii.
Adica daca nu rezolvam acum, data viitoare
cu bioenergie si telepatie lichelele ataca din
nou si fac rau din nou, altei fiinte umane, cel
mai rau unui copil care e crud, copil, inocent.
Adica o comunitate, un oras, etc, care nu are
ca obicei sanatos sa se implice si sa rezolve
nedreptatea, si care intoarce privirea, aceasta
comunitate perpetueaza un obicei bolnav, si
drept urmare are ca destin sa traiasca din nou
monstruozitatea de a fii atacata de lichele, sa
sufere din nou, adica sa apara si alte acte
monstruoase si sa fim martori la alte scene
oribile data viitoare cu alta persoana.
Sa fim cumva jenati de violenta scenei si sa
intoarcem capul si sa privim in alta parte,,,
Asa sa fie oare?!
Un fond bolnav este un diagnostic care
trebuie adresat si sa ne insatosim pt ca boala
va aparea si in alta parte, si ar fi pacat.
Nu este vorba de a scapa o persoana ci de a fii
sanatosi si solidari sa rezolvam acesta boala.
Adica degeaba scapam o persoana si pe
fundal lichelele exista printre noi pt ca pe
acest fond al unei societati care suporta si tace
cand lichelele ataca, un fond bolnav, pe acest
fond vor aparea si alte acte aberante ale
lichelelor, alte monstruozitati, si frica si
tristetea este ca pericolul iminent in care
suntem daca lasam aceste lichele sa existe
printre noi si facem pact cu ei, intelegeri
paliative, pericolul este ca ei vor ataca data
viitoare, un copil, sau o alta persoana.
Daca traim simbiotic cu lichelele care ataca cu
bioenergie si telepatie corupte si platite de un

big-shot cu servietele cu euro, suntem
condamnati ca aceste monstruozitati sa atacei
si data viitoare, un copil, un seaman, etc
Adica si mai rau este ca aceste lichele tolerate
acum, sa faca rau si alta data altcuiva, unui
copil nevinovat, crud si inocent.
Daca noi perpetuam obiceiul de a face cu ei
pact, si sa traim simbiotic cu ei, si sa le lasam
in maini un procent din populatie,
schizofrenii, in acest caz vom suferi inca si
mai mult, si traim o viata bolnava care va
aduce si mai multa tristete, ne vom afla intr-
un pericol iminent, care ne vor face si mai
mult rau.
Data viitoare pot ataca un copil inocent, un alt
seaman Crestin, tot corupti si plini de bani
dati de un big-shot, care i-a platit sa atace din
Solutia este: o atitudine, Dumnezeu, sa fim
Crestini, si Samariteanul milostiv, sa ne
implicam, sa ne insanatosim.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessing
Letter Number= 220
Date= March 2 Date= 3/2/19, 9:06 AM

Vh2 - Dacã n-ai iubi


Boyzone - Love Me For A Reason



Bryan Adams - Have You Ever Really Loved

A Woman

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 221

Date= March 2 Date= 3/2/19, 9:06 AM

De multe ori oamenii nu stiu ce inseamna

Ei cred ca sunt niste paria, cu crize
periculoase si bolnavi.
Ei cred ca sunt nebuni, a innebunit, cu niste
"voci" in capul lui.
Viata reala de schizofren nu o stiu.
Se roaga zilnic si sunt singuri si nu sunt
schizofreni ci atacati majoritatea cu
Nici nu sunt de la ei acele "voci", ca sunt ei
nebuni, ci sunt atacati cu bioenergie si
Si parintii nu ii cred, “e de la tine, precis nu iti
face nimeni nimic, nu vrei sa muncesti ma, nu
ca nu poti”
Si nu ii crede nimeni
Vecinii zic ca e nebun si rad de persoana
Lumea a auzit vesti si il vad ca pe un paria
E Tabu in familie sa vorbeasca despre atacuri
cu bioenergie
Nu are bani, nu potea munci ca e atacat
monstuos de fiecare data cand se angajeaza,
big-shot-ul plateste serviete de bani lunar, zeci
de mii de Euro sa il atace pe el si pe altii.
Se roaga si incearca “singur pe lume” sa se
impace si sa gaseasca un pic, stropi de Iubire
Nu are prieteni, pt ca nimeni nu vrea sa se
intalneasca cu el/ea(la unii prieteni si
cunostiinta au aparut proiectii subtile si l-au
asociat negativ si au fost subtil convinsi sa
renunte la prietenia cu el/ea).
Oamenii nici nu stiu ce este viata de
schizofren, cum sufera atacati cu bioenergie si
telepatie nu schizofreni real bolnavi, cat de
nedreptatiti sunt, cat sufera enorm, singuri,
fara bani ca sunt atacati mereu sa nu poata
muncii, cat de rau le este, cat sufera pe
nedrept, ca are nevoie sa fie ajutat.
Oamenii schizofreni vor sa Munceasca, sa
aiba Dreptul la Munca, vor sa fie Fericiti, sa
aiba Dreptul la Fericire, nu sa auda "vocile"
acelea in capul lor, vor sa fie Crestini, sa aiba
Dreptul la a trai Cartea Sfanta.

Despre Slujirea noastra: uneori s-au auzit

povesti, care nu se stie cat sunt de reale. Si de
multe ori am auzit glume, mistouri si nu
situatia reala,,, si unii oameni au ramas cu
glume si mistouri, catirinca,,, si povesti care
nu stiu cat de reale sunt, cineva spunea: “nu
am stiut, eu am auzit ca e nu stiu ce si ca are
el ceva si glume pe seama lui, nu am stiu ca
este adevarat, acum ca mi-ai spus inteleg si

vreau sa ajut”

Uneori oamenii spun: "vreau dar nu pot sa

Oricine poate ajuta cu ceva: un pahar cu
lapte(1 Litru costa 5 RON), sau macar cu o
vorba buna.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 222

Date= March 2 Date= 3/2/19, 8:38 AM

Acestia au facut crime impotriva umanitatii

atacand cu bioenergie.
Apoi au fost platiti de un big-shot ca sa faca
S-au corupt.
Apoi zic ca au ceva personal cu mine Mihai
Catalin Tudose.
Dar de fapt ei au ceva cu o Slujire Crestina si
cu oamenii care Slujesc Crestin(pentru ca eu
personal nu am nimic cu ei ci Slujesc


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 223

Date= March 1 Date= 3/1/19, 2:07 PM

Contextul: ateii ataca cu bioenergie

Omul: Ai grija ca daca mai ataci ai si tu
picioare. Esti uman si tu.
Un prieten Crestin: Umanoid, dar Uman nu!!!
Corect, ei sunt monstruosi, Umanoizi dar
UMANI nu!!!


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 224
Date= March 1 Date= 3/1/19, 10:29 AM

Ateii care ataca cu bioenergie mereu spun ca

ei sunt armata, "daca asa vrea armata"

Ca ateul care ataca cu bioenergie zice ca poate

il apara armata
Ca fraiereste armata
El saracu crede ca eu raspund mereu cu
negativ si fraiereste armata care il apara pe el
si ma ataca pe mine armata


"daca asa vrea armata"

Eu ziceam de tine nu de armata
Pentru ca nu este armata in acest context

Data viitoare vor zice ca sunt martienii

Daca martienii vor te atac, martienii m-au
pus, daca asa vor extraterestrii
Iar eu ar trebui sa zic ca am ceva personal cu
extraterestrii si ca ii urasc de moarte
Si apoi istetul se duce la extraterestrii: ia uite,
de voi a zis
Si martienii: pai tu ai zis ca esti martian si a
zis de noi?!,,, Noi suntem fraieri sa il atacam
pe el si sa iti facem tie pacaleala,,, Umanoid
simpatic ce esti,,, umanoizii astia sunt asa
simpatici,,,(fraieresc extraterestrii ca au
Extraterestrii: umanoizii astia sunt asa isteti,,,
aproape ca e destept, pe bune,,, zici ca e
destept si alta nu,,,

Ateii care ataca cu bioenergie mereu spun ca

ei sunt armata, "daca asa vrea armata"
Raspunsul meu: Eu ziceam de tine nu de
Pentru ca nu este armata in acest context

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 225

Date= February 28 Date= 2/28/19, 10:48

Sentimentul desacralizarii lumii
Sentimentul ca lumea si-a pierdut tot ce e

Lucian Blaga - Paradis in destramare


Ultimele lumini de speranta si ultimele lumini

de Libertate sunt inabusite de violenta brutala
a monstrilor
Demonstratiile de violenta si brutalitate iau in
mintea oamenilor locul Libertatii, Pacii,
Iubirii, tihnei dobandire in urma comuniunii
cu Dumnezeu.
Visele de libertate sunt inlocuite in mintea
oamenilor de emotii de frica si durere,
complacenta si conspiratie si scene de
brutalitate si violente iau locul imaginilor
maretelor inaltimi ale libertatii si iubirii
Implicarea este inlocuita de indiferenta care
devine un obicei de nepasare
Starea de normalitate nu mai este pacea,
Iubirea, Fericirea ci delasarea, frica,
neimplicarea, nepasarea, indiferenta, si in
inima oamenilor panica, frica.
Desacralizarea lumii, pierderea a ce e sfant si
lipsa re-legarii cu Divinitatea, lipsa conexiunii
cu Sacrul, obiceiul de a sta in nepasare si a sta
intr-un spatiu desacralizat ca stare de
normalitate si pierderea obiceiului sanatos
absolut necesar de a sta in prezenta lui
Ultimele obiceiuri de a sta in prezenta
Sacrului inlocuite cu fapte care tin de spatiul
Pierderea contactului cu Moralitatea si Sfantul
duce la ne-echilibre si nefericire din care se
pare ca nu se poate iesi mai ales cat o solutie
se cauta in spatiul obisnuit deja al
desacralizarii si nu o intoarcere la Dumnezeu,
la Sacru, o cautare in locuri pustii sordita
esecului si tristetii, nefericirii si in final
Asa sa ramana oare?!
Dumnezeu exista si vrea sa fim cu El si

Caderea in gol, ca urmare fiinte cazute, si

vidul existentelor care sunt desacralizare,
caderea in gol, caderea ca fiinte desacralizate,
care se pare ca nu mai pot sa se intoarca

inapoi de vreme ce se cauta solutii in spatiul
dezacralizatului, si nefericirea de ne-evitat
pentru acestea sa le marcheze viata pe veci,
din ce in ce mai nefericite, devreme ce solutia
ar fi o intoarcere la Dumnezeu si la ce
reprezinta Dumnezeu, si la Valori si Virtuti
Crestine care se gasesc in spatiul Sacrului.

Letter Number= 226

Date= February 27 Date= 2/27/19, 8:46 PM
Continue Reading Follows Nu Forma ca ma
bate si doare ma deranjeaza cel mai mult, mai
oribil este fondul, faptul ca oamenii nu se
implica, ca te lasa sa fii batut.
Pe acest fond apare forma in abisala ei durere.
La indiferencia del mundo, Indiferenta lumii.
Faptul ca ei stiu dar nu se baga, ca da, vreau
sa te ajut dar nu pot.
Adica mai dureros este sa te simti “singur pe
Adica sa stii ca lumea are o inima rece, ca nu
au empatie, o lume oribila in care au inima de
gheata, ca nu se bqaga unul pt altul, ca nu se
Iubesc, ca nu sunt o societate, ca nu sunt uniti,
ca nu le pasa unul pt altul, ca au inima
Faptul ca lumea stie de frica, stie de durerea ei
si nu face din iubire, altruist, neconditional,
“Samariteanul milostiv”.
Sentimentul ca esti “singur pe lume” si lumea
e rece, pustiita de sentimente umana “Doamne
vino Doamne sa vezi ce-a mai ramas din

Nu forma, faptul ca doare bataia in sine doare

ci doar mai tare ca oamenii stiu ca sunt batut
si nu se baga, merg inainte asa.
Complacenta si simbioza oamenilor semenilor
cu monstuozitatea, “in pat cu dusmanul”,
faptul ca ei stiu ca e un monstru oribil dar
merg inainte ca si cum nimic nu s-ar intampla.
Merg inainte cu gandul sa faca o intelegere
simbiotica si parazitara intr-o lume bolnava de
indiferenta, inima de piatra rece.
Si gandul ca forma s-ar putea imbunatatii
local pentru mine dar fondul, acest fond oribil
duce la aparitia a aceleiasi forme pentru alta
fiinta umana, alt seaman, alt suflet, adica ce
mi se intampla mie sa se repete pe acest fond
bolnav sub alta forma cu alta suflet, cu alt
seaman al meu. Gandul ca poate fii un copil,
un inger de copil nevinovat, ca data viitoare I

se poate intampla unui copil sau femeie, sau
barbat e dureros, suflete care apartin Lui
Dumnezeu, de Dumnezeire, care este Iubire.
O planeta bolnava care a invatat ce e frica si
traieste “in pat cu dusmanul”, si are o relatie
simbiotica si parazitara cu monstrul care poate
repeta crima oricand, pe acest fond netratat si
bolnav, nevindecat.
In viitor ce mai sacrificam monstrului ca sa-l
imbunam, un copil, o femeie, un barbat?
Si paradigma lui Prometeu, care aduce lumina
oamenilor si care este pedepsit de zei si ii
mananca incet un vultur ficatul.
Si gandul ca data viitoare cel care va ajuta
semenii va fi lasat sa ii manance incet ficatul
o monstruozitate pusa de zei.
Pentru ca ei sunt monstrii, lichele si monstrii.
O planeta pe care lumea priveste
monstuozitatea si isi intoarce privirea si
merge inainte, putin jenata de scena de oribila
violenta si inumana, putin jenata de suferinta
si spectacolul de prost gust si urat creat de
aceste lichele, spectacolul violent si bolnav.
Sentimentul ca ei privesc bataia si trec mai
departe, traiesc in frica si de frica nu se baga,
ca sunt comozi si din comoditate nu suporta
un sacrificiu moral si normal pt un Om cu O
Durerea ca oamenii sunt indiferenti.
Faptul ca Dumnezeu exista si vrea ca ei sa fie
in Rai.
Nu pe o planeta urata, insingurata si parasita,
unde fiecare e pentru el si abandonam oameni
monstuozitatilor, lichelelor.
Cu spectacole violente si brutale si parade de
prost gust si venite din minti bolnave.
Manifestatii si specacole cu scop
demonstrativ de violenta si monstruozitate pe
strazi venite din minti monstruoase si
Mai fac si strategii, un fel de management
planificat al durerii, daca este peste un prag
pondere se implica, daca nu este acceptabil pt
ei faptul ca sunt atacat si nedreptatit.
Iubirea nu are ponderi si praguri, iubirea este
sincera, completa, “Domnul Iisus s-ar fi
sacrificat si pt un singur om”.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessing
Letter Number= 227
Date= February 26 Date= 2/26/19, 2:38 PM

De cateva zile ma ataca mai rau noaptea.
Cand ma trezesc din somn la ora 23:00, sau
1:00 PM apar "vocile" si spus tot felul de
Uneori injura si ataca.
Sunt ca o 'echipa' care lucreaza in schimburi
si noaptea.
Adica ataca non-stop....
Ataca ziua, ataca noaptea si ataca si in somn.
Au unul dintre ei care sta noaptea si cum ma
trezesc din somn imediat incepe sa ma atace.
Sunt atacat zi si noapte.
Si cand ma trezesc uneori din vis realizez ca
si in vise apar niste vorbe care sunt de la ei,
adica apar si in vise, vor sa controleze visele.
Ma intreb: cum e sa fii atat de lichea incat sa
ai ca 'meserie' si sa fii platit pentru ca ataci
oamenii neprihaniti, Crestinii?! sa faci rau
oamenilor Neprihaniti si sa iei un sac cu bani
pentru asta?!
Cum o fii sa iei o gramada de bani lunar de la
un big-shot ca sa ataci cu bioenergie pe
oricine vrea ala?! si oameni curati,
Neprihaniti, Crestini nevinovati?!
Cum o fii sa n-ai nici un Dumnezeu?!
Un lucru stiu sigur: saracii ratati si lichele
care ataca se duc in Iad, iar eu ma duc in Rai.
Ei saracii sunt prea prosti pentru Specia
Niste ratati, despre care sa spun ca sunt
nesimtiti ar fi prea putin, ei nu au nici un
Dumnezeu, ei sunt prea prosti sa realizeze
realitatea, niste ratati care ataca din placere
bolnava si niste nulitati care nu pot fi fericiti
cu viata lor acum pe acest Pamant si care
saracii ratati se duc in Iad, iar eu ma duc in
Ma gandesc anume la unul dintre ei, fiind atat
de ateu, vulgar, misogin a ajuns divortat.
Faptul ca el nu avea nici un Dumnezeu, era
ateu si mintea tot timpul, vulgar si misogin l-a
dus la a fi divortat. Si o sa-i fie mai rau daca
continua sa fie lichea.
Ei sunt o rusine pentru colegii lor oriunde
Lumii ii e rusine cu ei.
Cu insolenta aia prosteasca a lor si instolenta
lor gratuita o sa le fie rau in viata, pentru ca
Dumnezeu nu doarme, da dupa fapte.
Colegii lor de asta nu vor sa lucreze cu ei, pt
ca mint, sunt vulgari, negativi, vampiri
emotionali, agresivi, imorali, fara nici un
Dumnezeu si colegilor le e rusine cu ei.
Ca ei sunt prorea prosti sa realizeze ca
Dumnezeu exista este problema lor, dar

Dumnezeu exista si lucreaza.
Lumea nu este dupa mintea lor, este dupa
mintea lui Dumnezeu.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 228

Date= February 26 Date= 2/26/19, 1:08 PM
Continue Reading Follows
Letter Number= 229
Date= February 26 Date= 2/26/19, 12:49

Cyndi Lauper - The World Is Stone


Valeriu Sterian - Vino Doamne



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 230

Date= February 25 Date= 2/25/19, 4:05 PM

Stefan Hrusca - Un copac cu flori ( English


Oameni buni - Florian Pittis & Pasarea



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 231
Date= February 24 Date= 2/24/19, 6:26 PM

Voi ce credeti despre atacurile cu bioenergie?

Dati si voi un mesaj.
Un mesaj, un eMail.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 232

Date= February 24 Date= 2/24/19, 2:42 PM
Continue Reading Follows I have a dream.
That we will be Free one Day.
Today we are attacked with bioenergy and
First time I was attacked in 2004, as some of
you know from my previous writings.
I was in Bucharest just graduating Automatics
and Computer Science Faculty at UPB and in
the same time I was working as Software
Engineer.(I worked from the 3-rd year of
Faculty, in that time the University UPB was
of 5 years)

And in the 5-th year I was attacked for the

first time with bioenergy and telepathy.
For the first time in my life were some
“voices” that said all kind of threats to me,
cursing, attacking me. And the attack was so
acute that in few weeks I get sick with
Since I get sick, I could not work any more,
this “voices” were so bad that I could not
focus to work, so I could not pay my rent, and
I had to leave Bucharest and come at my
parent in a small village in Prahova, at 24
kilometers from Ploiesti City.
I went to Psychiatry, and I was diagnosed with
depression first and due to this permanent
“voices”, to schizophrenia.
Now is 2019 and I still live in the village with
my parents.
I tried to work few times in Bucharest, but
due to bioenergetic attacks I could not
concentrate and I had to quit working in 2
months and leave the city to live in the small
This attacks were payed by a big-shot from
They attacked me in Bucharest and first

wanted to be subtle, but I felt like this is not a
disease due to depression, but because they
attack with telepathy and bioenergy.
They were dis-conspired, I realized they
attack with bioenergy and I wanted to tell the
whole truth, and they wanted this not to not be
known. They wanted to sit in hidden and
attack and this to not be find out. I knew
about them, and I wanted to tell the whole
thing, and they wanted to not be find out what
they do.
They threat, attacked and I get a depression.
They tried to convince me that they cannot do
that, they even tried to convince me that it
seems to me, but this is not possible, how can
they know my thoughts and do that, they tried
to convince me that I hallucinate, but I
realized the truth and I was determined to tell
the whole truth. Due to this fact they payed to
attack me permanently. I realized that they
payed some persons to attack me and I wanted
to tell this fact so people to not be attacked
any more. I knew how painful it is and I
wanted to help my fellowbeings also.
They did not want anyone to believe me, even
if I told the truth. They wanted to discredit
me. But this did now worked completely.
They tried to give me money to shut up but I
did not accepted.
And I was determined to tell the whole thing.
And to make some steps to solve this, so
people to not be attacked any more.
Because there are people known as
schizophrenic that are in fact attacked with
bioenergy and telepathy.
Often they are not believed, people telling it
cannot be the truth, such things do not exist,
no one can do such a thing.
But in reality many people are not
schizophrenic but one person payed other
persons to attack, often non-stop the man or
woman considered schizophrenic.
This “voices” the person hear are due to
bioenergetic and telepathic attacks.
I know how problematic it is to be attacked,
lonely, people to not believe you.
They attacked me from 2004 till now in 2019.
All the time they wanted to conspire the
whole thing.
They wanted people will not find out what
they do.
They wanted people to not find out they do
They wanted me to shut up.
They tried to make me shut up all this years,

they promised me things if I do not tell, but I
refused all.
I knew I must Serve with God to solve this
bioenergetic and telepathic attacks.
I know it is very hard to be attacked, after all
from 2004 I could not work full-time job and
I live now in a small village with my parents.
So I know is very hard to be attacked with
This attack cannot be seen with the eyes and
at first people did not believed this things are
Till 2016 almost everybody considered it
cannot be the truth, but is because I am sick,
due to a depression. People thought I worked
hard and I get a depression and since then
crisis appear so I am sick and schizophrenic
and not attacked with bioenergy.
Now many people find out the truth.
Now many people know that bioenergetic and
telepathic attack exists and that it is not
because I am sick but I am attacked.
First time in 2004 the big-shut(full of money)
wanted to make me keep the silence, so the
truth to be conspired, they wanted to hide the
fact that he attacks with bioenergy and pay
people to do this attacks(they have so much
money they can pay as monthly salary and
They wanted to discredit me so nobody
believe me, also wanted to pay me to keep the
silence, but I refused.
I know it is very hard to be attacked with
bioenergy since from 2004 I could not work a
full-time job, and I lived in this small village
with my parents, being unable to pay my rent
in Bucharest.
I think we must Serve to be Free, to do
something in reality, to have a plan to solve
this situation.
I think we must have our Right to Think, our
Right to be Free, our Right to Work, our Right
to be Christian, our Right to Happiness.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessing
Letter Number= 233
Date= February 24 Date= 2/24/19, 12:46


Flaviana Iosif - Sabatul



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 234

Date= February 24 Date= 2/24/19, 11:26 AM


Let's remain in the presence, proximity of

God, this will keep us away and safe from
harm, evil, pain.
It is like a great immune system for our
spiritual life, mental and also physical life.
Let's remain in the proximity of Jesus, this
will keep us safe and happy.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 235

Date= February 24 Date= 2/24/19, 11:01 AM

Buna ziua,


Ea era frumoasă ca umbra unei idei, -...

a piele de copil mirosea spinarea ei,
a piatră proaspăt spartă
a strigat dintr-o limbă moartă.

Ea nu avea greutate, ca respirarea.

Râzânda şi plângânda cu lacrimi mari
era sărată ca sarea
slăvită la ospete de barbari.

Ea era frumoasă ca umbra unui gând.

Între ape, numai ea era pământ.
"(Nichita Stanescu)

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 236

Date= February 24 Date= 2/24/19, 9:51 AM

Buna ziua,

Semnal M - La fereastra ta


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 237

Date= February 24 Date= 2/24/19, 9:46 AM

Buna ziua,

O poezie:
Rondelul cupei de Murano


Nu e de aur: e de raze.
O-ntind grifonii ce-o susțin.
E dătătoare de extaze,
Cu ea-n onoarea ta închin.

În scânteierea-i de topaze
Cuprinde-al nemuririi vin. --
Nu e de aur: e de raze.
O-ntind grifonii ce-o susțin.

E arta pură, fără fraze,

E cerul tot de soare plin.
Talaze largi, după talaze,
E sufletescu-avânt deplin,
Nu e de aur: e de raze.
" (Alexandru Macedonski)

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 238

Date= February 23 Date= 2/23/19, 12:56

Buna ziua,

Fragmente din audiobook:

fragment din audiobook-ul "Apel catre

lichele", in lectura lui Gabriel Liiceanu...

"De ce regi?" / fragment din audiobook-ul

"Apel catre lichele", in lectura lui Gabriel

Booktrailer "Dragul Meu Turnator" de Gabriel


Gabriel Liiceanu despre "Dragul meu

turnator" la Radio Romania Cultural

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 239

Date= February 23 Date= 2/23/19, 11:56 AM

Buna ziua,

Doua carti care mi se par interesante si pe

care vreau sa le citesc:

Gabriel Liiceanu - Dragul meu turnator...


Gabriel Liiceanu – Apel catre lichele

Poate vi se par interesante si voua si doriti sa

le cititi.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 240

Date= February 23 Date= 2/23/19, 11:54 AM

Psalmul 1 - recita Ioan Paicu


Ingrid Iorgulescu - De ai pus atata frumusete



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 241

Date= February 23 Date= 2/23/19, 8:00 AM

Genius - Orasul trist


Oamenii schizofreni in spitale, si de la cainii

abandonati pe strada, la oamenii strazii.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 242
Date= February 21 Date= 2/21/19, 1:45 PM

Buna ziua,

Nu numai ce ucide trupul ucide.

Si indiferenta ucide.
Faptul ca nu ma implic inseamna 'nu imi pasa
de tine'....
Indiferenta ucide.
Eu vreau sa fiu Crestin.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 243

Date= February 20 Date= 2/20/19, 2:11 PM

Buna ziua,

Cand stim si ne facem ca nu stim e

Cand intoarcem capul in alta directie si ne
facem ca nu vedem si mergem inainte e
Cand stim dar nu spunem adevarul si ne
facem ca nu cunoastem este indiferenta....
Pacat, ar trebui sa fim crestini.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings

Letter Number= 244

Date= February 20 Date= 2/20/19, 12:56


Frank Sinatra - Strangers in the Night



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 245

Date= February 20 Date= 2/20/19, 11:58 AM




Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 246

Date= February 19 Date= 2/19/19, 3:50 PM



magic cups and balls by David Copperfield...


David Copperfield TEACHES HOW TO


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 247

Date= February 19 Date= 2/19/19, 3:34 PM


Vh2 - Dacã n-ai iubi


Holograf - Undeva departe


Vaya con Dios ~ What's a woman without


Al Bano & Romina Power - Tu, soltanto tu


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 248

Date= February 19 Date= 2/19/19, 10:33


Happy Sabbath!

I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther

King .Jr HD (subtitled) (Remastered)...

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 249

Date= February 18 Date= 2/18/19, 3:41 PM


Let's listen to:
Richard Clayderman - Matrimonio de amor


Lionel Richie - Truly


Charles Aznavour - Les plaisirs demodes


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 250

Date= February 18 Date= 2/18/19, 11:09 AM


Happy New Year in 2019.

I wish that the year of 2019 to represent a

Success for Service and Job....
Let it be as in 2019 we will be something
good and beautiful in the life of people and to
give them something good for their lives.
I wish all our projects to fulfil.
Robert Kiyosaki said “Don't let the fear of
losing be greater than the excitement of
I wish you a Happy New Year with Success,
Health, Happiness and Accomplishments with
our Lord Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 251

Date= February 18 Date= 2/18/19, 10:41


La multi ani in Noul An 2019.

Anul 2019 sa fie un an cu Succes si pentru
Slujire si Job.
Fie ca in anul 2019 sa insemnam ceva frumos
si bun pentru oameni si sa le dam ceva bun
pentru vietile lor....
Fie ca toate proiectele noastre sa se
Robert Kiyosaki spunea "Nu lasa frica de a
pierde sa fie mai mare decat entuziasmul de a
Va urez un An Nou cu Succes si Fericire si
Impliniri cu Domnul Nostru Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 252

Date= February 17 Date= 2/17/19, 1:30 PM


Earl Nightingale once wrote, “Happiness is

the progressive realization of a worthy ideal,
or goal.”
So involve in works that help people, really
Work to help, to be something good in the life
your fellowbeings....
Use your powers to do good, and be Virtuous.

Someone said that “Happiness is not to pursue

directly and obtain directly, but the
progressive realization of a worthy goal.”

Albert Einstein said “If you want to live a

happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or
So be in an environment that care for people
and help people, involve, care, do, help
people through through Service. And so you
will have friends and you will be happy.

As someone said “if you want to have a friend

you must first be a friend.”

So, live Values and Christian Virtues, and
Serve with our Lord Jesus through your Work,
and you will find Happiness and attract
friends in your life.

I wish you Happiness in the New Year of


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 253

Date= February 16 Date= 2/16/19, 8:22 AM


Happy Sabbath!

Let's use our powers only for good....

Let's Serve with Love of our Lord Jesus.
Let's live Values and Christian Virtues.
Only by living Values, Virtues we can be
Aristotle said “Only the good can be happy,
and only the virtuous can be good.”

Let's Live so we will be something good in

the life of people.

Let's use our talents for the Good, Love, for

what is Right with God.

God wants us happy in Heaven not in hell,

God wants us an Eternity happy in Heaven.
Let's Serve with our Lord Jesus.
Let's Live Love of our Lord Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 254

Date= February 15 Date= 2/15/19, 11:46 AM


When bioenergy attacks appear I sing(in my
mind) Christian Adventist Hymns.
I think it is helpful in face of negative
thoughts to sing(in your mind) Up...lifting
Songs, with Positive Lyrics, Songs with Love
and Holiness of our Lord Jesus.
I personally sing Christian Adventist Hymns.
And respond only with Love, Goodness, sing
all the time.
Do not engage in negativity, do not respond
with evil, but accentuate the Positive, remain
Loving, respond Calm, with Kindness.
In face of negative thoughts sing all the time:
uplifting songs, Positive songs, full of Love,
Holiness as Christian Hymns.
So to remain Positive, Loving, with our Lord

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 255

Date= February 15 Date= 2/15/19, 11:27 AM


When bioenergy attacks appear I sing(in my

mind) Christian Adventist Hymns.
I think it is helpful in face of negative
thoughts to sing(in your mind) Uplifting
Songs, with Positive Lyrics, Songs with Love
and Holiness of our Lord Jesus.
I personally sing Christian Adventist
And respond only with Love, Goodness, sing
all the time.
Do not engage in negativity, do not respond
with evil, but accentuate the Positive, remain
Loving, respond Calm, with Kindness.
In face of negative thoughts sing all the time:
uplifting songs, Positive songs, full of Love,
Holiness as Christian Hymns.
So to remain Positive, Loving, with our Lord

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 256
Date= February 15 Date= 2/15/19, 11:03 AM


DISPUTATION means question thoughts and

beliefs and remaining positive, true.

A quote say “Disputation is a technique used

in rational emotive behavior...al therapy
(REBT) within cognitive restructuring to treat
social anxiety and other mental illnesses. The
basic process involves questioning thoughts
and beliefs that maintain your anxiety and
make it hard for you to move forward.”

Is one thought at a time.

See what you feel.
Do not DISPUTE every though but see what
you feel.
And do not let negative thoughts and
emotions to influence you.

So you remain Positive.

It is one thought at a time.
You can give power to one thought, empower
one thought and ignore other thoughts.
You choose your thinking.
Give power to positive, true thoughts and do
not let negative thoughts influence you.

Remain Positive no matter what.

Respond Positive, do not engage in negativity.
Be Positive, Assertive.
Empower positive, true thoughts and do not
affirm negative, bad thoughts, ignore them
and instead, accentuate the Positive, good
thoughts, truth.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 257

Date= February 15 Date= 2/15/19, 11:03 AM


O Poveste:
Un prieten
Stie ca e ceva ce nu ii place...
De cate ori vine la tine sa iasa la un suc
Se intampla ceva si nu se simte bine
Nu ii place de tine
Ca la altii e bine cand se vede cu ei, la tine e
mereu ceva si nu se simte bine
Te asociaza negativ si mai bine nu se baga cu
tine si cu asta basta
Ce mai atat munca, bataie de cap

De asta oamenii schizofreni sunt singuri si nu

se baga nimeni cu ei
Pt ca cei care ii ataca cu bioenergie ataca
telepatic cu ganduri si emotii si cu bioenergie
prietenii lor, care ii parasesc pt ca nu stiu ce se
intampla si ii asociaza negativ, si nu se mai
baga cu ei, renunta la prietenia lor, ca nu era
asa bine oricum, zic dupa un timp
In realitate sunt si ei subtil atacati cu emotii
negative sa nu se simta bina in prezenta
prietenului schizofren(asa zis schizofren pt ca
nu este bolnav ci atacat cu telepatie si
bioenergie), sa il asocieze negativ
Prietenul zice: de fiecare data e ceva care nu
imi place, nu e asa un bun prieten oricum, nu
mai ma vad cu el
Si il abandoneaza pe omul asa zis 'schizofren'
Si nici nu isi dau seama ca si ei sunt atacati
dar subtil, de-abia daca isi dau seama uneori,
de multe ori nu isi dau seama
Este un atac subtil ca sa nu isi dea seama
prietenul ca nu sunt emotiile lui, atat de subtil
incat majoritatea nici nu si-ar da seama ca nu
sunt de la ei ci sunt proiectii de bioenergie
Sunt niste emotii negative pe care le simt,
niste amintiri din trecut care apar de cate ori
se vede cu amicul lor
Ei nici nu isi dau seama ca sunt atacati cu
emotii, si amintiri din trecut negative in mod
special ca sa asocieze negativ prietenul
Si dupa ce constata ca de fiecare data e ceva
ce se intampla si ii face sa se simta rau, zic
“nu e asa un mare prieten oricum, nu ma simt
bine cu el, nu mai ne vedem” si il parasesc
De fapt atacatorii au reusit sa il faca sa
asocieze negativ prietenul schizofren, care
ramane singur.
Lumea nu se baga cu el si cine ar dori e atacat
ca mai sus sa il asocieze negativ.
Si daca sunt experiente negative si neplacute
renunta si acestia la omul schizofren

Care pe termen lung ramane chiar singur
Nici fostii prieteni nu isi dau seama ca au fost
atacati subtin, de-abia sesizabil sa il asocizeze
negativ, ca sa renunte la prietenia cu el
Aceasta, ca omul schizofren sa nu aiba
prieteni, sprijin, sa nu fie fericit, sa nu
slujeasca(spune adevaruri incomode, slujeste
sa faca bine semenilor) si sa ramana ei
atacatorii cu bioenergie nestiuti si sa atace
subtil si ascuns pe cine vor, platiti de unii big-
shot cu servieta cu sute de mii de Euro pe
luna, ataca ascunsi si subtil de multe ori, de-
abia sesizabil si isi mentin controlul nestiut,
ascunsi si scape de o Slujire Crestina care ar
ajuta semenii, omul ramanand schizofren,
singur, de-abia daca isi tine casa curata, si
depresiv, nimeni nu se baga cu el real. Iar ei
atacatorii cu bioenergie si telepatie, raman la
distanta, ascunsi, nestiuti, necunoscute faptele
lor si ataca pentru o gramada de bani lunar,
numai de la un big-shot iau cateva sute de mii
de euro pe luna ca sa atace pe cine vrea
acesta, pe cine are interes acesta sa nu se afle
un adevar si ataca si pentru placerea lor
bolnava, si raman nestiuti, inabordabili ca nu
au prezenta fizica, la distanta ca este telepatie,
bioenergie, raman ascunsi.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 258

Date= February 15 Date= 2/15/19, 10:38


DISPUTATION means question thoughts and

beliefs and remaining positive, true.

A quote say “Disputation is a technique used

in rational emotive behavioral therapy
(REBT) within cognitive restructuring to treat
social anxiety and other mental illnesses. The
basic process involves questioning thoughts
and beliefs that maintain your anxiety and
make it hard for you to move forward.”


Is one thought at a time.
See what you feel.
Do not DISPUTE every though but see what
you feel.
And do not let negative thoughts and
emotions to influence you.

So you remain Positive.

It is one thought at a time.
You can give power to one thought, empower
one thought and ignore other thoughts.
You choose your thinking.
Give power to positive, true thoughts and do
not let negative thoughts influence you.

Remain Positive no matter what.

Respond Positive, do not engage in negativity.
Be Positive, Assertive.
Empower positive, true thoughts and do not
affirm negative, bad thoughts, ignore them
and instead, accentuate the Positive, good
thoughts, truth.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 259

Date= February 14 Date= 2/15/19, 10:34
Continue Reading Follows Preaiubitilor,

O Poveste:
Un prieten
Stie ca e ceva ce nu ii place
De cate ori vine la tine sa iasa la un suc
Se intampla ceva si nu se simte bine
Nu ii place de tine
Ca la altii e bine cand se vede cu ei, la tine e
mereu ceva si nu se simte bine
Te asociaza negativ si mai bine nu se baga cu
tine si cu asta basta
Ce mai atat munca, bataie de cap

De asta oamenii schizofreni sunt singuri si nu

se baga nimeni cu ei
Pt ca cei care ii ataca cu bioenergie ataca
telepatic cu ganduri si emotii si cu bioenergie
prietenii lor, care ii parasesc pt ca nu stiu ce se
intampla si ii asociaza negativ, si nu se mai

baga cu ei, renunta la prietenia lor, ca nu era
asa bine oricum, zic dupa un timp
In realitate sunt si ei subtil atacati cu emotii
negative sa nu se simta bina in prezenta
prietenului schizofren(asa zis schizofren pt ca
nu este bolnav ci atacat cu telepatie si
bioenergie), sa il asocieze negativ
Prietenul zice: de fiecare data e ceva care nu
imi place, nu e asa un bun prieten oricum, nu
mai ma vad cu el
Si il abandoneaza pe omul asa zis 'schizofren'
Si nici nu isi dau seama ca si ei sunt atacati
dar subtil, de-abia daca isi dau seama uneori,
de multe ori nu isi dau seama
Este un atac subtil ca sa nu isi dea seama
prietenul ca nu sunt emotiile lui, atat de subtil
incat majoritatea nici nu si-ar da seama ca nu
sunt de la ei ci sunt proiectii de bioenergie
Sunt niste emotii negative pe care le simt,
niste amintiri din trecut care apar de cate ori
se vede cu amicul lor
Ei nici nu isi dau seama ca sunt atacati cu
emotii, si amintiri din trecut negative in mod
special ca sa asocieze negativ prietenul
Si dupa ce constata ca de fiecare data e ceva
ce se intampla si ii face sa se simta rau, zic
“nu e asa un mare prieten oricum, nu ma simt
bine cu el, nu mai ne vedem” si il parasesc
De fapt atacatorii au reusit sa il faca sa
asocieze negativ prietenul schizofren, care
ramane singur.
Lumea nu se baga cu el si cine ar dori e atacat
ca mai sus sa il asocieze negativ.
Si daca sunt experiente negative si neplacute
renunta si acestia la omul schizofren
Care pe termen lung ramane chiar singur
Nici fostii prieteni nu isi dau seama ca au fost
atacati subtin, de-abia sesizabil sa il asocizeze
negativ, ca sa renunte la prietenia cu el
Aceasta, ca omul schizofren sa nu aiba
prieteni, sprijin, sa nu fie fericit, sa nu
slujeasca(spune adevaruri incomode, slujeste
sa faca bine semenilor) si sa ramana ei
atacatorii cu bioenergie nestiuti si sa atace
subtil si ascuns pe cine vor, platiti de unii big-
shot cu servieta cu sute de mii de Euro pe
luna, ataca ascunsi si subtil de multe ori, de-
abia sesizabil si isi mentin controlul nestiut,
ascunsi si scape de o Slujire Crestina care ar
ajuta semenii, omul ramanand schizofren,
singur, de-abia daca isi tine casa curata, si
depresiv, nimeni nu se baga cu el real. Iar ei
atacatorii cu bioenergie si telepatie, raman la
distanta, ascunsi, nestiuti, necunoscute faptele

lor si ataca pentru o gramada de bani lunar,
numai de la un big-shot iau cateva sute de mii
de euro pe luna ca sa atace pe cine vrea
acesta, pe cine are interes acesta sa nu se afle
un adevar si ataca si pentru placerea lor
bolnava, si raman nestiuti, inabordabili ca nu
au prezenta fizica, la distanta ca este telepatie,
bioenergie, raman ascunsi.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 260
Date= February 13 Date= 2/14/19, 1:30 PM


And even if the Apocalypse is now and even

if the Antichrist is now on Earth(this is a
theory I read about in many Posts), I think the
Good Samaritan i...s still the proper way to
I think we must do as in the parable of the
Good Samaritan and to help our fellowbeings.
We have children on this Earth and let's help
them by teaching them something Beautiful
and not Helplessness, Egoism, not teach them
that everybody is for himself/herself.
Even if the Antichrist is responsible for this
bioenergetic attacks, I think we must help our
fellowbeings, and Holy Bible is still the right
thing to do, to follow.
They attacked with bioenergy to simulate
schizophrenia for ages, always this was their
tactic and they did this for money, for great
profit and for their sick pleasure to make
harm, hidden and seeking to lie so nobody
will find out the truth and take action Positive,
ProActive to solve this unfair act of them.
I think we must be united for our Children
and for us, and to help our fellowbeings as in
the parable of Good Samaritan.
It is our right to Health.
It is our right to Work.
It is our right to Live a Christian Life.
It is our right to Live the Holy Bible.
It is our right to Happiness.

Let's stay united.

Let's Live with Love and be ProActive on a
Foundation of Goodness, Values, Christian

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 261

Date= February 13 Date= 2/13/19, 4:16 PM


And even if the Apocalypse is now and even

if the Antichrist is now on Earth(this is a
theory I read about in many Posts), I think the
Good Samaritan is still the proper way to live.
I think we must do as in the parable of the
Good Samaritan and to help our fellowbeings.
We have children on this Earth and let's help
them by teaching them something Beautiful
and not Helplessness, Egoism, not teach them
that everybody is for himself/herself.
Even if the Antichrist is r...esponsible for this
bioenergetic attacks, I think we must help our
fellowbeings, and Holy Bible is still the right
thing to do, to follow.
They attacked with bioenergy to simulate
schizophrenia for ages, always this was their
tactic and they did this for money, for great
profit and for their sick pleasure to make
harm, hidden and seeking to lie so nobody
will find out the truth and take action Positive,
ProActive to solve this unfair act of them.
I think we must be united for our Children
and for us, and to help our fellowbeings as in
the parable of Good Samaritan.
It is our right to Health.
It is our right to Work.
It is our right to Live a Christian Life.
It is our right to Live the Holy Bible.
It is our right to Happiness.

Let's stay united.

Let's Live with Love and be ProActive on a
Foundation of Goodness, Values, Christian

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 262

Date= February 13 Date= 2/13/19, 2:25 PM


My friends I write you with grief.

In 2017.11.19(19 November 2017). they
killed with bioenergetic projections my cat
named Tomita that had 14 years old....
See Photos.
Also with projections they killed a neighbour
lady that helped me in our Service.
Today I prayed for them.
I wanted to share this with you.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 263

Date= February 13 Date= 2/13/19, 2:15 PM


My friends I write you with grief.

In 2017.11.19(19 November 2017). they
killed with bioenergetic projections my cat
named Tomita that had 14 years old.
See Photos....
Also with projections they killed a neighbour
lady that helped me in our Service.
Today I prayed for them.
I wanted to share this with you.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 264

Date= February 13 Date= 2/13/19, 1:48 PM


Home Free - Auld Lang Syne



Sebastian Morosan - Why Me Lord

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 265

Date= February 13 Date= 2/13/19, 1:47 PM


Often people are like in the parable that


"The Parable of the Sower...

1 And again He began to teach by the sea.
And a great multitude was gathered to Him,
so that He got into a boat and sat in it on the
sea; and the whole multitude was on the land
facing the sea. 2 Then He taught them many
things by parables, and said to them in His
3 “Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. 4
And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed
fell by the wayside; and the birds of the air
came and devoured it. 5 Some fell on stony
ground, where it did not have much earth; and
immediately it sprang up because it had no
depth of earth. 6 But when the sun was up it
was scorched, and because it had no root it
withered away. 7 And some seed fell among
thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked it,
and it yielded no crop. 8 But other seed fell on
good ground and yielded a crop that sprang
up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold,
some sixty, and some a hundred.”
9 And He said to them, “He who has ears to
hear, let him hear!”
The Purpose of Parables
10 But when He was alone, those around Him
with the twelve asked Him about the parable.
11 And He said to them, “To you it has been
given to know the mystery of the kingdom of
God; but to those who are outside, all things
come in parables, 12 so that
‘Seeing they may see and not perceive,
And hearing they may hear and not
Lest they should turn,

And their sins be forgiven them.’ ”
The Parable of the Sower Explained
13 And He said to them, “Do you not
understand this parable? How then will you
understand all the parables? 14 The sower
sows the word. 15 And these are the ones by
the wayside where the word is sown. When
they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes
away the word that was sown in their hearts.
16 These likewise are the ones sown on stony
ground who, when they hear the word,
immediately receive it with gladness; 17 and
they have no root in themselves, and so
endure only for a time. Afterward, when
tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s
sake, immediately they stumble. 18 Now
these are the ones sown among thorns; they
are the ones who hear the word, 19 and the
cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches,
and the desires for other things entering in
choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. 20
But these are the ones sown on good ground,
those who hear the word, accept it, and bear
fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a
hundred.”"(Bible-Marc 4:1-20, NKJV)

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 266

Date= February 12 Date= 2/13/19, 1:42 PM


Astazi de Nasterea Domnului un mesaj sa ne

dea putere.
Nu renunta.
Suntem Fii si Fiicele Dumnezeului Preainalt.
Indrazneste sa-ti realizezi Visele.

Flaviana Iosif - Suntem fii Dumnezeului prea


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 267

Date= February 10 Date= 2/12/19, 8:56 AM


We have the right to be Christian.

We have the right to Live the Holy Bible.
We have the right to Think freely to our Lord
We have the right to be Happy.
We have the right to be Work.

This are rights that we must defend and keep

as ours.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 268

Date= February 10 Date= 2/10/19, 6:09 PM


We have the right to be Christian.

We have the right to Live the Holy Bible.
We have the right to Think freely to our Lord
We have the right to be Happy.
We have the right to be Work.

This are rights that we must defend and keep

as ours.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 269

Date= February 10 Date= 2/10/19, 1:14 PM


Today we celebrate the birth of our Lord
Jesus is a model for us.
He gave His life to save us, to offer us a
wonderful future, the possibility to be Happy
an Eternity in Heaven.


I hope we will follow Him and work as He

wishes, to Serve God.

I hope we will spread His Love and help our

fellowbeings through our Service.

Today Jesus is born.

The Son of God was born on this Earth and
felt all sufferance to offer us the possibility to
be in Heaven.
He left the Heaven to be born as a baby on
this Earth and lived His Great Life on this
Earth through sufferance, pains, worked hard
and all of this for us, to have the possibility to
be in Heaven an Eternity in Happiness.
Let's remain with Him and show that in our
Service. Let's remain united, together. And
let's remain in His Love.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 270

Date= February 10 Date= 2/10/19, 1:14 PM

Happy Sabbath!

Let's live to fulfil our Dreams.

Do not quit....
Do not settle for less. Don't be cheap.
Work Hard and realize your Dream.
Let's work hard to the Dream we Love.
The Beauty of the Life we will have is worth
the effort.
Do what you love. Live with Love and
Passion. Ask Creative questions "how can I do
that?", "what are my options?", "what do I
have that can help me?", "how do I get from

here to there?"
And step by step make progress to realize
your Dream, it is one step at a time. Plan,
track progress, update your plan, set
milestones. Live beautifully.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 271

Date= February 10 Date= 2/10/19, 10:00

Happy Sabbath!

Let's live to fulfil our Dreams.

Do not quit....
Do not settle for less. Don't be cheap.
Work Hard and realize your Dream.
Let's work hard to the Dream we Love.
The Beauty of the Life we will have is worth
the effort.
Do what you love. Live with Love and
Passion. Ask Creative questions "how can I do
that?", "what are my options?", "what do I
have that can help me?", "how do I get from
here to there?"
And step by step make progress to realize
your Dream, it is one step at a time. Plan,
track progress, update your plan, set
milestones. Live beautifully.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 272

Date= February 10 Date= 2/10/19, 1:13 PM
Continue Reading Follows Preaiubitilor,

Sa ne gandim ce oribil ca unii sa atace chiar

gandurile cu bioenergie.
Nu ca naruiesc ce construieste omul, adica ii
strica munca si succesul facandu-i greutati si
rele, dar mai rau, nu il lasa sa gandesca corect,
il ataca in ganduri cu emotii negative si sa nu
mai gandeasca deajuns incat sa aiba roade la

munca, rezultate bune la munca.
Ataca o persoana ca aceasta sa nu mai
gandeasca corect, la capacitatea sa si sa nu
mai poata sa munceasca deci sa nu aiba
rezultate, roade.
Unii ar vrea sa iti strice succesul, sa iti ia
rezultatele, dar mai rau este sa iti strice chiar
procesul de a gandi pt ca atunci nu mai poti sa
ai rezultate bune, adica nu mai gandesti
E o frica paranoida pt ca iti repeta telepatic
mesaje negative si amenintari si trimit si
emotia in capul tau
E o depresie pt ca de multe saptamani iti
repeta lucruri negative si sa te gandesti la
evenimente din trecut dureroase si de atatea
saptamani sa rumegi negativul din trecut si
boala prezenta incepi sa faci o depresie
cronica, grava.
Si cu asa viata atacat mereu cand te gandesti
la munci care sa te implineasca, atacat cand te
gandesti la solutii pt viata ta, mereu atacat
incepi sa nu mai gandesti corect si ai obiceiuri
negative chiar de gandire.
Adica nu mai gandesti sanatos si la
capacitatea unui om normal ci gandesti slab,
iti strica chiar gandirea.
Cat de rau poate sa fie ca lumea sa nu il
creada, sa zica ca este omul nebun, adica nu il
ataca nimeni cu bioenergie ci este el bolnav
cu capul, schizofren.
Si cant de nedrept, dupa ce ca e atacat cu
bioenergie sa nu il creada si sa dea vina tot pe
persoana ca nu vrea sa gandeasca pozitiv ca
sta asa bolnav ca e paranoic, cand de fapt este
atacat si nu sunt gandurile lui ci ii sunt trimise
telepatic si prin bioenergie ganduri, si trimise
si emotii.
Acasa rudele nu il cred zic ca e paranoic ca nu
ii face nimeni nimic.
La spital si la doctor ii spun ca este
schizofrenie paranoida.
Prietenii si cunoscutii incep sa stie de
diagnostic si nu il cred, zic ca a innebunit
el/ea, si ca e schizofren.
Si mai rau este ca omului cei care il ataca cu
bioenergie ii zic anumite lucruri negative sa le
continue chiar el ca sa il faca si pe el sa creada
uneori ca e de la el, adica cei care il ataca
incearca si pe om sa il convinga ca e bolnav
cu capul, schizofren si ca nu il ataca nimeni.
Adica nu se vad atacatorii, de unde stii, vezi
tu gandurile?! Nu, daca nu poti vedea, de
unde?! Trebuie sa fii tu bolnav, si de unde sa
stie asemena detalii cei care te-ar ataca, nici

chiar ei nu ar putea sa stie asa ceva,,, si vor
sa-l convinga pe om ca este de la el, ca asa
ceva este chiar imposibil si ca toate sunt de la
el, ca este asa cum ii spune toata lumea, ca
este el bolnav cu capul,,,
De unde stii ca nu esti paranoic?!, ca esti
schizofren?!, ca ai ramas socat si esti
paranoid, adica anumite evenimente din trecut
numai de el stiute si interpretate sa le spuna
chiar el si sa dea impresia ca e de la el totul de
fapt, si nu il ataca nimeni.
Incearca sa il convinga si pe el ca toti au
dreaptate, ca sunt gandurile doar ale lui si ca
este el bolnav si paranoic si ca nu il ataca

Apoi cineva, o cunostinta poate il intreaba:

Spune drept, acum, cinstit, nu ti s-a parut
niciodata ca sunt gandurile tale?! Ca sunt de
la tine si ca nu te ataca nimeni?!
Persoana raspunde: Da, chiar mi s-a
intamplat, pentru ca erau niste idei si apoi mi-
am dat seama ca sunt de la mine si sa nu ma
angajez in negativ.
Cunostiinta: Vezi?! Chiar tu zici ca ti-ai dat
seama ca atunci au fost gandurile tale, vezi,
asa sunt toate, sunt numai de la tine, toate sunt
de la tine.
Persoana: Sunt, dar nu toate, doar atunci, in
rest nu cred ca sunt de la mine.
Cunostiinta: Nu, eu cred ca toate sunt de la
tine, si ca nu te ataca nimeni, sunt doar niste
ganduri de la tine, incearca sa nu te mai
gandesti la rele, la ce s-a intamplat, la negativ,
sa gandesti pozitiv, pt ca poti si ca toate sunt
de la tine.

In realitate este atacat cu bioenergie si acele

ganduri nu sunt de la el, nu are ce sa le faca sa
nu mai apara, pt ca I le trimit telepatic si prin
bioenergie(omul poate sa Dispute si sa
ramana pozitiv, sa nu se angajeze in negativ
chiar daca acele ganduri apar si sa nu continue
el/ea), cei care-l ataca ii mentioneaza
experiente din trecut negative, ii spun niste
idei ca persoana sa se angajeze in negativ,
adica sa continue el/ea sa se gandeasca la
experiente dureroase, la trecut, esecuri din
trecut, la dureri, la faptul ca este bolnav, ca
are depresii, ca are o viata grea, ca este
nedrept, etc. Si nu sunt de la el toate, ci este
atacat cu bioenergie.
Si uneori chiar atacatorii incearca sa-l faca sa

se indoiasca de faptul ca este atacat si chiar el
sa creada cum zice toata lumea, ca sunt de la
el si ca nu il ataca nimeni, este bolnav,
paranoic, si ca sunt de la el.

Asa ca e bolnav, schizofren si sa stea acasa

sau sa se pensioneze, ca nu mai poate munci,
Sluji de-acum, ci de-acum gata, sa se
pensioneze si sa nu mai zica ca este atacat pt
ca totul este de la el, este el bolnav,,,
Si asa unii nu mai Slujesc nu isi mai
realizeaza visul si nu devin mari, Great cum
erau destinati sa devina si cu ganduri triste,
depresivi, frica paranoida, obiceiuri negative
de gandire, nu mai muncesc mai deloc, iau
pastile zilnic si duc o viata dureroasa de om
schizofren si trista, mai mult singuri,
depresivi, ganduri pe care nu le poti opri,
ganduri negative care ii ranesc, le fac rau si pe
care nu le pot opri si de multe ori nu le pot
controla ci sunt indurerati, tristi, depresivi,
bolnavi de asa zisa 'schizofrenie', nimeni nu ii
crede ca sunt atacati ci un fel de paria cu
stigmatul ca sunt bolnavi cu capul si

Eu as vrea sa ajutam pe acesti dragi semeni ai

nostrii pentru ca multi nu sunt schizofreni ci
atacati cu bioenergie.
As vrea ca ei sa Slujeasca, sa Munceasca cu
Domnul Nostru Iisus, as vrea pentru ei sa isi
indeplineasca Visul, sa fie de Succes si sa aiba
o viata Fericita.
Si pentru ca aceasta sa se intample noi sa ii

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 273
Date= February 9 Date= 2/10/19, 10:00 AM

Happy Sabbath!

Fountainview Academy - Steps to Christ in

Song - How Great Thou Art


Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 274

Date= February 9 Date= 2/10/19, 9:47 AM


I think we must help the people attacked with

Many are diagnosed with schizophrenia
because they hear “voices”.
I think not all are so lucky as we are and they
are our fellow-beings and we must help
See in Holy Bible “The parable of the Good
I think we must involve in this job and
Even if we live hard times, special times, I
think we must help our fellow-beings, and I
think "Good Samaritan" is how we must
Very few of the people attacked with
bioenergy rise and live a good life.
This is because very few can work even a part
time job.
Not all are so lucky and skilled as we are to
be able to work with their talents when
attacked with bioenergy.
In majority they live hard lives and their
situation is unfair, so I think we must do
something for them.
I think we cannot say: "their own business",
"that is their luck", "everybody is for
himself", "if I can, so can you", or "their life,
their business", or "let them get up and work
as I do", but I think we must help them.
I think we must involve and help them.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 275

Date= February 9 Date= 2/9/19, 12:38 PM


Sa ascultam emisiunea PopasDeSuflet pentru
Nasterea Domnului(emisiunile din Arhiva
O invatatura cu o intelepciune de care avem
nevoie si intr-un format unic:






Obs: In fiecare pagina de mai sus dati Click

pe zona de culoare neagra si Player-ul

Sa ne pregatim pentru Nasterea Domnului.

Sa ascultam invatatura si sa ascultam vocile
cristaline ale copilasilor si cantece crestine
special alese pentru Nasterea Domnului
interpretate minunat.
Sa traim aceasta sarbatoare a Nasterii
Domnului autentic si sa-l primim pe Domnul
Nostru Iisus in inimile si sufletele noastre cu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 276

Date= February 9 Date= 2/9/19, 12:22 PM


Happy Sabbath!

Let's live with Art.
Let's remain with our Lord Jesus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 277

Date= February 8 Date= 2/9/19, 12:19 PM


Today let's listen and think to:

Julio Iglesias and Dalida - La Vie en Rose...


Lionel Ritchie and Diana Ross - Endless Love


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 278

Date= February 8 Date= 2/9/19, 10:26 AM


Happy Sabbath!

Carpe Diem....
Seize the Day.
Live the Moment.

Let's Live in Beauty and see the Beauty and

let worries.
Let's Pray and let worries with Faith in our
Lord Jesus and Live Love.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 279

Date= February 8 Date= 2/8/19, 9:12 PM
Continue Reading Follows Preaiubitilor,

Oameni la magazin, SuperMarket, de

exemplu cineva facea glume, lui i s-a parut o
gluma buna si a spus-o, dar nu era de la el, si
nici nu si-a dat seama, asa este de multe ori un
atac cu bioenergie, omul a avut niste ganduri
si i s-a parut o gluma buna, nu era de la el si
gandurile nu au fost de la el ci cu telepatie dar
el nu si-a dat seama, asa uneori oamenii dau
curs unor tendinte, instincte, care nu sunt de la
ei, dar ei nu isi dau seama. Si prin ei se
produc atacuri cu bioenergie, le vin in minte
niste ganduri si el le spune sau face o fapta si
nu isi da sema ca nu e de la el.
Alteori prin sotie sau o ruda(sora, verisoara,
frate, etc) apar niste idei ca omul sa renunte la
tine. Niste glume, niste credinte limitative
apar la sotie pentru ca sotia este atacata cu
bioenergie si apar niste ganduri, ii vin aceste
ganduri in minte, sotia nu isi da seama si i se
par bune si le spune, iar sotul sau fratele
renunta la tine si nu mai vrea sa se intalneasca
cu tine, sa iti fie prieten, convins de ruda.
Omul trebuie sa se cunoasca bine si sa se
infraneze ca sa treaca peste atacurile cu
bioenergie. Este o munca dar merita. Sa
ramanem Virtuosi cu Domnul Nostru Iisua, sa
pastram Biblia, Cartea Sfanta. Altfel atacuri se
vor produce prin el si el nici nu isi da seama,
crede ca sunt niste glume bune, sau ca spune
un adevar, care nici nu este de la el, prin
telepatie ii vine in minte un gand si caruia el ii
da curs, dar este un atac cu bioenergie.

Trebuie o persoana sa reziste proiectiilor, sa

Dispute mereu, sa se cunoasca foarte bine ce e
si ce nu e de la el, ca viseaza si dimineata se
trezeste cu niste porniri si te asociaza negativ
si nu mai te place, nu se mai baga cu tine. Si
trebuie sa Dispute si ce zic si fac alte
persoane, pentru ca acestea il vor influenta sa
faca glume, sa nu te placa, sa te asocieze
negativ pentru ca daca le lasa asa si nu
Disputa bine, pana ne vedem peste cateva zile
te asociaza negativ si nu mai vine, si nu te mai
place, pe urma isi vede de viata si uita de tine.

Ce este Disputarea? Cineva a spus si citez
"Disputarea este tehnica in Psihologie care
implica chestionarea gandurilor si credinteleor
si care te pastreaza sanatos."

Nu raspundeti cu rau. In familie daca un

membru al familiei are tendinte cand este
nervos sa ridice vocea sau sa tranteasca,
buseasca, trebuie ajutat ca sa raspunda cu
Bine, Bunatate, Blandete, ProActiv, pentru ca
aceste tendinte cu proiectii de bioenergie vor
fi mai rele, proiectii il pot influenta si sa
reactioneze chiar mai rau in anumite situatii,
anormal. Sa raspundem cu Bunatate. Sa
formam Obiceiuri de Succes.

Trebuie ca o persoana sa reziste proiectiilor,

sa Dispute mereu, sa se cunoasca foarte bine.
Sa "ramanem in vita" cum ne spune Biblia si
sa ramanem in dragostea Domnului Nostru
Cartea Sfanta ne ajuta mereu, Domnul Nostru
Iisus este un model.
Sa pastram gandurile frumoase si sa mergem
in Cer unde vom fi o Eternitate Fericiti cu
Domnul Nostru Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 280
Date= February 8 Date= 2/8/19, 9:11 PM
Continue Reading Follows Preaiubitilor,

O perspectiva:
Unii oameni diagnosticati cu schizofrenie au
reusit sa munceasca part time pe perioade
scurte, apoi vocile au aparut din greu – practic
atacurile au fost mai puternice si nu au mai
putut lucra iarasi, iarasi au revenit singuri fara
loc de munca, fara bani
Altii poate au o meserie de la birou, au reusit
sa munceasca de acasa, o munca de birou cu
relativ succes
Dar aceste cazuri sunt rare, viata oamenilor
atacati cu bioenergie este destul de grea si
putini reusesc sa lucreze part time chiar si pe
perioade scurte.
Majoritatea au viata destul de grea, dar cu
Iisus viata noastra este mult infrumusetata si
aceasta numai datorita Lui Dumnezeu Iisus.

O alta perspectiva:
Acum oricine cu bani poate plati un initiat in
bioenergie sa atace o persoana.
Si persoana este atacata si poate dobandi o
depresie, daca atacul continua poate fi
diagnosticat cu schizofrenie.
Apoi viata persoanei depinde si de cati bani
are, pentru ca atacat nu poate munci in
majoritatea cazurilor si daca are o suma de
bani, viata persoanei este mai buna, daca nu,
este mai greu pentru persoana..
Atacul cu bioenergie si plata unor persoane sa
atace, astazi, nu se considera ilegal, acum
oricine poate plati sa fie atacata o persoana si
daca plateste continuu, este atacat continuu,
poate chiar si zilnic
Aceasta situatie nu se ia in calcul astazi, nu se
considera ilegal si nu se poate lua nici o
masura legala ca o persoana sa spuna ca este
atacat si sa se ia masuri sa fie ajutat sa nu mai
fie atacat..
Viata persoanei atacate depinde de unii
factori: daca atacul continua, de banii de care
dispune, de cum poate sa-si usureze viata in
cazul in care atacul continua, daca are ce-i
trebuie in casa
Dar astazi nu se ia in considerare atacul cu
bioenergie si nu se considera ilegal si nu se ia
nici o masura, nimeni nu are la cine apela
legal sa fie ajutat in cazul in care este atacat,
atacut cu bioenergie nici nu se ia in
Astazi oricine poate ataca pe oricine si nu se
poate apela inca la nimeni sa faca ceva legal.
Daca o persoana are neplacerea sa fie atacata,
viata persoanei depinde de cum se poate ajuta
singura persoana, fiecare se descurca cum
poate, unii mai bine, altii mai putin, fiecare
este pe cont propriu.
Trist este cand oamenii nu au bani, sunt intr-o
casa modesta, au o varsta, au niste boli care ii
sacaie si ii macina si atacul continua, sunt
atacati pe toata durata vietii lor, atunci pot
apare depresii, boli, dureri mari.
Sa ramanem cu Domnul Nostru Iisus si sa
pastram gandurile noastre Iubitoare, sa
gandim cu Bunatate, sa raspundem cu bine la
rau, sa ramanem Iubitori, Buni, sa traim cu
Domnul Nostru Iisus.

Daca fiecare se descurca cum poate, si este pe

cont propriu, atunci sunt oameni care nu sunt
atat de norocosi ca noi, sunt foarte multi
oameni care sunt singuri, depresivi, nu pot

munci, si au dureri foarte mari din cauza
acestor atacuri cu bioenergie, si a caror viata
este foarte grea cu zecile de ani, pana la
moarte si eu cred ca ar trebui sa ii ajutam noi.

Un caz:
Oamenilor care vor sa Slujeasca le fac viata
grea la locul de munca si acestia parasesc
locul de munca, direct ii dau afara sau indirect
le fac viata grea si demisioneaza ei. Multor
oameni le-au facut viata grea si acestia au
trebuit sa paraseasca un loc de munca unde

Noi Crestinii nu putem sta, sa stim ca unii

oameni sunt atacati(chiar si Apocalipsa, nu
putem sta, nu Learned Helplessness), vezi
parabola Samariteanului milostiv, noi
Crestinii trebuie sa ajutam semenii nostrii.
Eu cred ca ar trebuie sa Slujim si pentru acest
caz al atacului cu bioenergie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 281
Date= February 8 Date= 2/8/19, 11:11 AM


Christal Quartet - Orice zi e o noua cale



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 282

Date= February 7 Date= 2/8/19, 9:11 AM


Happy Sabbath!
We are Great Son and Daughters of God,
Royal Kids.


“16 For God so loved the world that He gave

His only begotten Son, that whoever believes
in Him should not perish but have everlasting
life. ”(Bible – John 3:16)

“I will make a mortal more rare than fine

A man more than the golden wedge of
Ophir.”(Bible – Isaiah 13:12)

“28 And having come in, the angel said to her,

“Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with
you; [e]blessed are you among
women!””(Bible – Luke 1:27)

God Created us to be Great.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 283

Date= February 7 Date= 2/8/19, 8:36 AM


Sa ascultam astazi:

Marc Anthony - You Sang To Me (Video)...


Directia 5 - Am nevoie de tine


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 284

Date= February 7 Date= 2/8/19, 8:36 AM


Do you know people with schizophrenia
sometimes feel psychological pressure to the
end of the day and go to sleep without even
eating anything and take their psychiatric pills
on the empty stomach?! Do you know that
many times they live alone?!
What do you think: we should shut up in
silence and keep this conspiracy or tell the
Do you know that many times is not
schizophrenia but people are attacked by
telepathy and with bioenergy and today they
use computers... to attack people with
Do you think they will attack you too?!
Maybe we should just shut up and do what is
convenient for you and your family, so they
do not attack you, not making waves to not
upset this ones,,, bigshot with money and the
ones he pays to attack people,,,
Do you think your children will be attacked?!
Or maybe they will be lucky not meeting this
ones or if they meet this ones then they will
do what the attackers want and conspire and
escape and then just live their lives by
keeping silence and conspire and live for their
own interest. But your grandchildren?! maybe
your grandchildren will be Authentic
Christian and Serve our Lord Jesus and some
bigshot will be upset by something, or think
your grandchildren will tell some truth and
pay to attack your grandchildren, or do you
think they will get lose by quiting Serving our
Lord Jesus, get to some agreement with the
bigshot that have money and escape by doing
his dirty work and conspire too?! Or maybe
your grandchildren will want to remain with
our Lord Jesus no matter what and will be
attacked and diagnosed as schizophrenic and
have all the pains of this disease just the same
as it is today?!
Or do you think we should serve to solve this
Well, this questions are to be answered by
each of us,,, please consider that we are
beings Created by God and God wants us to
live Values and His Virtues and to go to

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 285
Date= February 6 Date= 2/7/19, 4:30 PM


Happy Sabbath!
Have a Sabbath with Peace and Love of our
Lord Jesus.


Don't forget, Jesus Loves you. You are a Great

Being Created to Love and Live Values and
Christian Virtues.

Sandra Lungu and Edy Satinger Mihaescu -

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus Loves You!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 286

Date= February 2 Date= 2/7/19, 11:17 AM


I’m very excited to announce my new book

"Success and Happiness", it is released!

This book is about how to Live a Happy Life

and how God Beauty Reflec...ts Values and
Virtues in your Life that make you
authentically Successful and Happy.

It is on 'amazon' site:

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 287
Date= February 1 Date= 2/7/19, 10:11 AM


I’m very excited to announce my new book

"Success and Happiness", it is released!

This book is about how to Live a Happy Life

and how God Beauty Reflects Values and
Virtues in your Life that make you
authentically Successful and Happy.


It is on 'amazon' site:

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 288

Date= February 1 Date= 2/7/19, 10:11 AM


"1. Laudati pe Domnul! Lauda, suflete, pe

2. Voi lauda pe Domnul cat voi trai, voi lauda
pe Dumnezeul meu cat voi fi." (Biblia -
Psalmii 146)


"1. Voi binecuvanta pe Domnul in orice

vreme; lauda Lui va fi totdeauna in gura mea.
2. Sa mi se laude sufletul in Domnul! Sa
asculte cei nenorociti si sa se bucure.
3. Inaltati pe Domnul impreuna cu mine. Sa
laudam cu totii Numele Lui!" (Biblia -
Psalmii 34)

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 289

Date= January 28 Date= 2/6/19, 7:03 AM


Let's sing with Love, to our Lord Jesus:

Fountain view Academy - O, Glorious Love...


Let's remain with our Lord Jesus and in His


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 290

Date= January 28 Date= 2/2/19, 10:57 AM


If you want to consider the following

It is a young person, he or she was very good
in High-school, so good it just entered at a
great university, and studied very hard to get
Diploma from this university, considered
So all the High-school studied great with
wonderful results, it entered at this great
University and obtained the University
Degree Diploma, with a great Degree....
Now the young person just hired at some
company at 24 years old, just after he or she
obtained University Diploma.
Here it happened some “situation”(problem)
and comes home accusing a health issue, it
hears some “voices”.
The parents tell the young person to be
stronger and that with psychiatric help it can
work and can live a good life.
But the young person accuse this voices to
making hard to him/her and with pills from
psychiatry cannot focus on work and cannot

keep a full time job. It tried and cannot work
because this “voices” attacks the person and
say all kinds of negative things to him/her,
Now the young person is in some small
village in the home of parents and takes pills
from psychiatry and cannot work a full time
job and not even a part time job..
Consider so much work, so great degrees in
High-school, so much work in the University
to get the Diploma from this hard University
and on a great field.
So hard work on this young person, so great
degrees and now at 24 years old with this
diagnostic schizophrenia, taking pills, unable
to work because this “voices” makes hard and
talks in the his/her head.
Now parents do not believe the person and
consider it is not attacked but is paranoid and
has this mental disease, schizophrenia. They
cannot believe him/her of being attacked.
The psychiatry tells it appears as from the
young person and they think it is
schizophrenia and it manifests this way.
Now the young person is right, he/she is
attacked with bioenergy by the persons where
it first started to work after the University
degree, but no-one believes him/her.
Now he/she is in parents house, far away from
the city, without money, being told to have a
mental disease, schizophrenia, accusing this
“voices” to make harm and with little money,
being unable to work because this “voices”
tell all kinds of negative things and attacks the
Well, consider this story was a real story for
many people.
Now I wish to Serve with God Jesus to solve
this situations, so people to have their
Freedom, their Right to be Happy and the
Right to Work.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 291

Date= January 28 Date= 2/1/19, 11:59 AM


I would like to think at the following life

There may be people that are depressed, they
feel bad and do not have much strength so
they cannot work, so being unable to work
does not have money. Without money they
cannot go in the city or have friends, so they
are more alone. And this situation because
they are alone generate more tension and in
depression again.
So this is a loop in their life, they are
depressed, lonely, fell bad, cannot work, and
does no...t have money, without friends, and
lonely again depressed.
You can see that is a loop in their life.
Days, months, years and decades pass and
they cannot break this pattern and cannot get
our of this loop.

And when they gather strength to motivate

themselves and to work at a part time job
again depression occurs and they cannot
Here I must tell that some people are attacked
in this “inflection points” in their life,
meaning in this moments when they want to
change their life, to work and to break the
pattern, they are attacked so what seems
depression occurs and they feeling bad cannot
work. Please consider that this kind of attacks

And I would like to break this pattern to help

them somehow.
Maybe today right now we can say a prayer
for them.
If you see yourself in the above situation:
Jesus Loves you and do not quit. Carry on
with goodness and Love of our Lord Jesus.
Please respond with Love and remain in Jesus
Love, respond with Goodness even in
negative situations, Think at 1Corinthians 13
"Love never fails"(Holy Bible - 1 Corinthians

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not

envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It
does not dishonor others, it is not self-
seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no
record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in
evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always
protects, always trusts, always hopes, always
perseveres. Love never fails”(Holy Bible - 1
Corinthians 13:4-8)

I am think at ProActive ways to help you.
Live Values and Christian Virtues, be a good
person. I am praying for you. With God help
there will be more people that are praying for

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 292

Date= January 27 Date= 2/1/19, 11:28 AM


Happy Sabbath!
Let's seek to keep God word from the Holy
Bible in our Life and to obey His laws and


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 293

Date= January 27 Date= 1/28/19, 6:11 PM


Al Bano & Romina Power Ci Sara



The Lyrics are quoted as follows:

Al Bano & Romina Power Ci Sara

Dopo questa vita che

Si dimentica di te
Dopo questo cielo senza arcobaleno
Dopo la malinconia
Che mi prende a ogni bugia

Dopo tutta questa voglia di sereno
Dimmi chi ci sarà?

Dopo il sogno delle Hawaii

Come i tutti marinai
Attraverso questo mare di cemento
Dopo un altro inverno che
Soffia neve su di me
Che ho già freddo se non sono accanto a te
Devi crederci

Ci sarà
Una storia d'amore ed un mondo migliore
Ci sarà
Un azzurro più intenso in un cielo più
Ci sarà
La tua ombra al mio fianco vestita di bianco
Ci sarà
Anche un modo più umano per dirsi ti amo di

Dopo un oggi che non va

Dopo tanta vanità
E nessuno che ti dà niente per niente
Dopo tutto il male che
C'è nel mondo intorno a te
Com'è bello ritrovarti accanto a me
Devi crederci
Ci sarà
Una storia d'amore ed un mondo migliore
Ci sarà
Un azzurro più intenso in un cielo più
Ci sarà
La tua ombra al mio fianco vestita di bianco
Ci sarà
Anche un modo più umano per dirsi ti amo"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 294

Date= January 27 Date= 1/28/19, 9:33 AM


Always trust in who you are.

The true Noble people are those that are Good

people and try to help others.
This are Loved by our Lord Jesus and will
find happiness in their life even in sufferance
and difficulties....
God Loves people with Character and Good
people, think at being happy and an Eternity
with Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 295

Date= January 26 Date= 1/28/19, 9:22 AM


Let's listen to the below songs:

Cântecul fluturașului - Corul de copii flori și

stele - dirijor Carmen Stoica...

Sandra Lungu and Edy Satinger Mihaescu -

Jesus Loves Me

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 296

Date= January 23 Date= 1/27/19, 10:39 AM

I am thinking, to dedicate our Lives, to Serve
for our Lord Jesus.

Fountainview Academy - Wonderful Words of



Fountainview Academy - Steps to Christ in
Song - How Great Thou Art

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 297

Date= January 23 Date= 1/27/19, 9:39 AM


Un Psalm spune:
"125. Eu sunt robul Tau; da-mi pricepere, ca
sa cunosc invataturile Tale.
126. Este vremea ca Domnul sa lucreze: caci
ei calca Legea Ta.


127. De aceea, eu iubesc poruncile Tale mai

mult decat aurul, da, mai mult decat aurul
128. de aceea gasesc drepte toate poruncile
Tale, si urasc orice cale a minciunii.
129. Invataturile Tale sunt minunate: de aceea
le pazeste sufletul meu.
130. Descoperirea cuvintelor Tale da lumina,
da pricepere celor fara rautate."(Biblia -
Psalmii 119:125-130)

Anda Tabrea - Vreau sa merg


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 298

Date= January 22 Date= 1/27/19, 12:08 AM


Un mesaj foarte frumos pe care as vrea sa il

revedem si pentru Noul An care va incepe
peste putin timp:
Popas de suflet

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 299

Date= January 21 Date= 1/26/19, 9:31 AM


Intrucat este deja Noiembrie si mai este putin

pana pe 25 Decembrie cand sarbatorim
Craciunul, adica nasterea Domnului Nostru
Iisus, as vrea sa v...edem o Invatatura

Flaviana Iosif - Credință , biruință și viață


Flaviana Iosif - Ce mult Isus ne-a iubit !


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 300

Date= January 21 Date= 1/23/19, 1:06 PM


Confesiune(Florin Laiu) - Corvin Alexe



Corul de copii Licurici - Fa-ma Doamne


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 301

Date= January 21 Date= 1/23/19, 12:18 PM


Un mesaj foarte frumos pe care as vrea sa il

revedem si pentru Noul An care va incepe
peste putin timp:
Popas de suflet


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 302

Date= January 19 Date= 1/22/19, 8:35 AM


Intrucat este deja Noiembrie si mai este putin

pana pe 25 Decembrie cand sarbatorim
Craciunul, adica nasterea Domnului Nostru
Iisus, as vrea sa vedem o Invatatura Minunata:

Flaviana Iosif - Credință , biruință și viață


Flaviana Iosif - Ce mult Isus ne-a iubit !


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 303

Date= January 19 Date= 1/21/19, 7:05 PM

Happy Sabbath!
Have a day full of light!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 304

Date= January 19 Date= 1/21/19, 3:35 PM


Let's think to Human Rights, our Right to

Freedom, our Right to Happiness, our Right
to be Christian and to Live the Holy Bible.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 305

Date= January 19 Date= 1/21/19, 3:17 PM


I think we should stop this "Mafia of

telepathy and bioenergy" and say this attacks
are illegal.
Yes they exist and is not right to shut up and
sit sil...ent because they will happen to
another and then another person.
Today is like in the "wild west", anybody can
do everything because this attacks are not
taken into consideration and no one does
anything about this, they are not catalogued
and not labelled as illegal but they are not
recognised and nowhere to address if it
I think we must stand up and make this

attacks with bioenergy and telepathy illegal
and considered a crime if it happened.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 306

Date= January 19 Date= 1/19/19, 2:33 PM


I think we should stop this "Mafia of

telepathy and bioenergy" and say this attacks
are illegal.
Yes they exist and is not right to shut up and
sit silent because they will happen to another
and then another person.
Today is like in the "wild west", anybody can
do everything because this attacks are not
taken into consideration and no one does
anything about this, they are not catalogued
and not labelled as illegal but they are not
recognised and nowhere to address i...f it
I think we must stand up and make this
attacks with bioenergy and telepathy illegal
and considered a crime if it happened.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 307

Date= January 18 Date= 1/19/19, 9:38 AM

Happy Sabbath!
Today let's remain with Jesus and let's study
the Holy Bible.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 308

Date= January 18 Date= 1/19/19, 9:23 AM


Let's sing the song with the name "in the


Elvis Presley - In The Garden...


The Lyrics of this Song are below:

"I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear
Falling on my ear
The song of God discloses
And He walks with me
And He talks with me
And He tells me I am his own
And the joy we share
As we tarry there
None other has ever known
He speaks and the sound
Of His voice
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing
And the melody
That He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing
And He walks with me
And He talks with me
And He tells me I am his own
And the joy we share
As we tarry there
None other has ever known
And the joy we share
As we tarry there
None other has ever known"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 309

Date= January 17 Date= 1/19/19, 8:59 AM


Let's sing the song with the name "in the


Elvis Presley - In The Garden...

The Lyrics of this Song are below:

"I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear
Falling on my ear
The song of God discloses
And He walks with me
And He talks with me
And He tells me I am his own
And the joy we share
As we tarry there
None other has ever known
He speaks and the sound
Of His voice
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing
And the melody
That He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing
And He walks with me
And He talks with me
And He tells me I am his own
And the joy we share
As we tarry there
None other has ever known
And the joy we share
As we tarry there
None other has ever known"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 310

Date= January 17 Date= 1/19/19, 8:11 AM

Love of our Friends in images.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 311

Date= January 17 Date= 1/18/19, 3:32 PM
Continue Reading Follows Preaiubitilor,

Eu cred ca trebuie sa facem ceva legal, sa fie

interzis atacul cu bioenergie: atacul PSI(cu
energie psihica).
Adica sa nu se mai poate ca un om sa
plateasca pe o persoana sa atace pe o alta
Si persoana atacata poate sa aiba probleme de
Poate sa fie diagnosticata la Spital ca
Asa ceva nu mai trebuie permis.
Ex: o persoana s-a suparat pe alta persoana.
Prima persoana care s-a suparat a mers la un
asa zis 'bioenerget'(care are niste abilitati
dezvoltate PSI) si l-a platit sa atace persoana
pe care s-a suparat.
Persoana atacata va avea probleme de sanatate
si nu stie cauza.
Poate va merge chiar la Spitalul de Psihiatrie
pentru ca 'aude voci' si va lua pastile pentru ce
pare a fi schizofrenie si nu este crezut ca este
atacat cu bioenergie sau daca este crezut, legal
nu se poate face nimic inca, si ramane atacat
uneori zilnic, si ia pastile pentru tot restul
vietii de cele mai multe ori, deoarece legal
inca nu se poate face nimic.
Unii oameni merg la Psihiatrie cu zecile de
ani si nu sunt schizofreni practic, ci atacati cu
bioenergie. Iau pastile care trateaza unele
efecte dar nu cauza si aceste pastile tratand
doar o parte din efecte nu pot fi complet
eficiente. Iar oamenii iau pastile zilnic si nu
pot munci si sufera dureri foarte mari in
fiecare luna pt ca sunt atacati cu bioenergie.
Atacati si fara sa poata munci sunt practic fara
bani, maxim au o pensie dar foarte mica de
obicei intrucat nu au experienta pe Cartea de
Munca, Atacul cu bioenergie nu este doar
ceva simplu, care se intampla unora si nu
noua si nu celor cunoscuti noua ci doar unora,
la altii, ci pacientii la Psihiatrie iau pastile
zilnic cu zecile de ani si nu pot munci, fiind
atacati nu se pot concentra la munca si nu sunt
capabili sa munceasca si practic viata lor este
foarte grea cu zecile de ani, de multe ori toata
viata lor de-atunci inainte, atacati cata viata
le-a mai ramas.
Asa ceva nu mai trebuie permis, sa fie ca in
vestul salbatic, oricine sa poata ataca pe
oricine(direct sau sa plateasca o persona sa
atace) nu mai trebuie permis.

Trebuie sa facem ceva. Trebuiesc date niste
legi in acest sens.
Trebuie sa fie ilegal sa ataci pe cineva cu
bioenergie, trebuie sa fie ilegal sa platesti pe
cineva(care are dezvoltate anumite skill-uri
PSI) sa atace o persoana.
Este ca si cum l-ai bate pe strada, sau ai plati
pe o alta persoana mai puternica sa bata pe
strada pe cineva, pentru ca te-ai suparat pe
aceasta, asa ceva trebuie sa fie ilegal.
Si drame tacute in care oameni sunt atacati cu
bioenergie si sufera foarte rau(sunt si asa
numite 'proiectii' de bio-energie care fac mult
rau) si viata lor este radical schimbata din ziua
cand au fost atacati, practic nu pot munci, se
simt foarte rau.
Exact ca si cum l-ar bate pe cineva repetat de
cate ori il intalneste pe strada, asa este si cu
atacul PSI, asa ceva trebuie sa fie ilegal.
Un om care se simte atacat trebuie sa poata sa
mearga undeva sa spuna ca banuieste ca este
atacat si sa se vada daca da, si daca este atacat
intr-adevar, sa fie ajutat , sa se ia masuri
legate, si persoana care ataca sa fie trasa la
raspundere sa nu i se mai permita sa atace cu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 312
Date= January 15 Date= 1/18/19, 3:24 PM


Atitudinea armatei a fost: uite ca acum

Dumnealui(adica eu) a spus ca atacam cu
bioenergie si telepatie corupti si platiti de unii
bogatani si acum atacam pe fata, uite ca nu ne
e frica, si atacam pe fata acum, daca tot s-a
aflat, ia uite ca ii atacam pe cine vrem in
continuare fara nici o frica, fara nici o jena,,,

Chiar asa?!...
Atunci daca nu aveti jena, daca nu va e frica,
atunci inainte de ce ati facut atatea eforturi sa
nu se stie ca atacati?
Ca au incercat peste tot sa ma discrediteze, au
incercat sa ma mituiasca sa tac la toate
locurile de munca cu unii si altii
Au incercat din rasputeri armata cu corupti sa
ma faca sa tac, sa imi dea bani si functii dar

nu am primit, eu raman cu Dumnezeu Iisus
Si, intrebarea e, daca chiar nu va e jena ca s-a
aflat adevarul, daca nu va e deloc rusine cu
voi ca ati facut ce ati facut, daca nu va e
teama,,, atunci atata timp, de ce ati incercat
din rasputeri sa ma faceti sa tac? sa ma
discreditati in asa masura sa nu mai ma creada
Si uite ca nu s-a reusit pentru ca a fost inteles
adevarul si multi oameni stiu, au aflat
adevarul ca armata ataca pe nedrept fara nici o
noima, si bogatani platesc bani multi unor
corupti din armata sa atace fara nici o dreptate
pe cine nu le place lor, pe cine le cashuna lor

Adevarul este ca doar Dragostea atrage

Dragoste si niciodata rautatea, bataia
nedreapta, ura, coruptia, mita, vina, ci acestea
nu plac majoritatii oamenilor. Si adevarul este
ca le e si acum rusine cu unele din ce au facut,
adevarul e ca le e si acum frica ca s-a aflat ce
fac si ca eu tot spun tot si ca eu Slujesc si
spun tot Adevarul. Si acum le e jena cu unele
din faptele pe care le-au facut, nedrepte, fara
nici o noima, corupti, mituiti, si le cu unele
rusine pentru ca asa cum spuneam numai
Dragostea atrage Dragoste si cei care urasc,
fac rau pe nedrept si ataca platiti si mituiti si
corupti, acestia nu pot fi placuti de semeni, de
oameni, asa ca ei sunt vinovati si nu fac bine
ce fac si asta tot omul simte, oamenii simt
cine face fapte bune si cine nu face bine ce

Eu Tudose Mihai Catalin Slujesc cu

Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 313

Date= January 15 Date= 1/17/19, 2:27 PM


Armata era platita sa atace anumiti oameni cu

bioenergie si telepatie, bineinteles pe nedrept,
luau bani mita pe ascuns corupti si atacau pe
cine ii casuna unuia cu bani, pe cine avea unul

interes sa atace, deseori oameni care Slujeau
cu Dumnezeu erau atacati, oameni buni la
inima si talentati, iubitori si credinciosi.
Inainte cei care atacau din armata erau ascunsi
ca nu se stia ce fac ca faceau rau si nu bine si
le era frica sa stie lumea ce fac, si faceau
ef...orturi mari sa inchida gura cui spunea, sa
il discrediteze si sa nu creada nimeni adevarul
ca fac asa ceva
Acum stim ca fac asa ceva, ca ataca si fac rau
pe nedrept cu atacuri bioenergetice si
Acum suntem ca Ceausescu cu aramata, stim
ca armata lui Ceausescu face rele fara sens dar
stam de frica in dictatura, asa vor acum pe
toata planeta
Cum atunci in Romania stiam ca Ceausescu
dictatorul cu armata lui face rele si fapte
nedrepte si fara nici un Dumnezeu si
strigatoare la cer si chinuie oameni buni la
inima care slujesc si armata dictatorului ii
ataca fara nici o dreptate, fara nici o lege, din
rautate si interes egoist, corupt, asa e acum cu
bioenrgia, acum stim ca aramata face asa ceva
si stam cum stateam atunci cu dictatorul, desi
nu il iubeam si nu puteam sa il iubim cand el
facea actele pe care le facea, totusi din frica
stateam cu dictatorul, care cu armata lui ataca,
facea rele, cu delicventi si facea mult rau fara
sens, pe cine le casuna lor
Asa este acum
Stim ca e dictatorul cu armata lui care face
ilegalitati si ia la inchisoare si bate dictatorul
cu armata lui fara nici un drept, fara baze
legale, fara nici o dreptate
Planeta delicventilor, unii cu bani dau bani
armatei sa-l atace pt ca e bun la inima,
Crestin, iubitor, talentat, integru, virtuos
Si lumea stie dar tace de frica armatei pe toata
Si din planeta Pamant devine planeta
delicventilor, delicventii care unii au bani
multi platesc armata sa atace pe cine ii supara,
pe cine le vine lor sa-l atace ca nu le-a placut
lor, ca le-a casunat pe el si armata mituita ia
banii si ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie.
Cine are copii buni la inima, Crestini,
talentati, capabili sa iubeasca, virtuosi e in
pericol sa-i fie atacati de armata pe toata
Inainte nu se stia ca fac asa ceva pt ca se
temeau sa nu ii afle lumea
Acum se stie
Se pare ca din planeta Pamant devine planeta
Delicventilor in care armata pe planeta ataca

oameni dupa cum vrea cu bioenergie si

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 314

Date= January 14 Date= 1/17/19, 2:15 PM


Happy Sabbath!

It is Written> See Bible> Matthew 18:5,6...

5 “Whoever receives one such child in my
name receives me,
6 but whoever causes one of these little ones
who believe in me to sin, it would be better
for him to have a great millstone fastened
around his neck and to be drowned in the
depth of the sea."

It is Written> See Bible> Mark 10:14-16

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not
forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of
God. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does
not receive the kingdom of God as a little
child will by no means enter it.” 16 And He
took them up in His arms, laid His hands on
them, and blessed them."

Sandra Lungu and Edy Satinger Mihaescu -

Jesus Loves Me

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 315

Date= January 14 Date= 1/17/19, 1:47 PM

Let's say 'I Care!'
Let's say 'I Can HELP!'

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 316

Date= January 14 Date= 1/15/19, 3:32 PM


I call you to tell about bioenergetic attacks.

To discuss openly this attacks because there
are patients called schizophrenic that accuse
'voices' but in fact they are not sick but
attacked with bioenergy and telepathy and no
pill can cure their so called 'disease'.
Also I know Psychiatry pills will make better
the life of the person, will treat some
simphtoms, effects, the cause is many times
bioenergetic and telepathic attacks and not
adressed and the patients will... have a hard
life, painful voices torture them many hours,
unable to work, unable to make friends,
unable to enjoy life as a normal person
because they are attacked by some persons
with bioenergy and telepathy and all their
remaining life taking pills that treat some
effects but not address the real cause.

I, Mihai Catalin Tudose, was attacked in 2003

first time while I was working as Software
Programmer in Bucharest.
Since then, are 15 years(2003-2018).
In 2004 I was diagnosed with schizophrenia,
because at Psychiatry this 'voices' are believed
to be schizophrenia, panic attacks and a
chemical disbalance and a sickness at me, as a
Patient at Psychiatry.
In reality I was attacked with bioenergy and
telepathy and I was not sick, in reality I do not
have schizophrenia but I am attacked with
bioenergy and telepathy.

It was unbelievable that someone can do such

a thing as bioenergetic and telepathy attacks.
Most times patients are not believed to be
attacked with bioenergy and telepathy.

Some people told me that an attack is not
credible, because this kind of attacks are to
politicians, maybe high level people, and
cannot be in my case, but in reality it was at
me too.

Since 2004 till now in 2018, 14 years I take

pills from Psychiatry daily and I go every
month at Ploiesti city hospital at Psychiatry.

I think we should tell the truth about

bioenergetic attacks and telepathic attacks so
we help all patients that are attacked and at
Psychiatry labelled as schizophrenic.
If we sit silent patient would be called
schizophrenic and the 'voices' would continue
to be due to a sickness at the patient, a sick
person, but in reality no pill can cure the
'voices' because many times are bioenergetic
and telepathic attacks, so psychiatry pills will
improve sometime the life of the patient but
not address the cause, not really helping the
patient to work and enjoy life, and patients
cannot work many times, they go to
Psychiatry monthly and take pills all their
remaining life, unable to work a full time job,
many times unable to work at all so without
money and sometime a very small pension as
schizophrenic person with handicap, not
really happy many times, with depressions,
painful attacks, because their life as
schizophrenic is very very hard hearing this
'voices' in fact being attacked with bioenergy
and telepathy.
So I think we should tell the situation as it is
to help our fellow-beings.
Thank you.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 317

Date= January 14 Date= 1/15/19, 3:09 PM


Mood constantly Cats Hitting Things |Try Not

to Laugh

2 Praise Him for His mighty acts;
Praise Him according to His excellent
3 Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;
Praise Him with the lute and harp!
4 Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and
5 Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with clashing cymbals!
6 Let everything that has breath praise the
Praise the Lord!"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 320

Date= January 10 Date= 1/14/19, 12:31 PM


Happy Sabbath!

Corul de copii Licurici - Fa-ma Doamne


As the lyrics say "God I want to light Your

Path! God make me a firefly in the night!"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 321

Date= January 10 Date= 1/14/19, 12:29 PM

Spread Love to all around you.
Reflect Jesus Love in the world and Help

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 322

Date= January 10 Date= 1/12/19, 7:47 AM


Someone said “A lot of people have gone

further than they thought they could because
someone else thought they could”.
Forever trust in who you are.
Jesus Sacrificed for me and you, Jesus Loves


Below is the Poetry "if" written by Rudyard

"If you can keep your head when all about
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too

If you can dream—and not make dreams your

If you can think—and not make thoughts your
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out

If you can make one heap of all your

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold

If you can talk with crowds and keep your

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my

With Jesus Love you can do it.

Do not settle for less. Dare to Dream.
We remain in His Love and His Happiness
will Shine upon us.

Luiza Spiridon & Vili Dula - The Prayer


Sandra Briseis Lungu - The children's Savior


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 323

Date= January 9 Date= 1/10/19, 1:27 PM

Let's give Thanks to God for all Great and
wonderful Love in all Creation.

As someone said "Live with Love and



Fountainview Academy - How Great Thou

Give thanks for people from which you

learned useful things and wisdom or that
helped in your life.
There are some Excellent Persons I want to
Thank and Pray for, to have a Happy Life and
more Success in Career and Love of Jesus.

For this people below is a Quote from the

Holy Book.
It is Written> See Bible> Psalm 1 (NKJV)
The Way of the Righteous and the End of the

1 Blessed is the man

Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the
Nor sinners in the congregation of the

For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the ungodly shall perish.

I Expect for this Excellent Persons more

Successes and wish to them all the Best.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 324

Date= January 5 Date= 1/10/19, 1:15 PM


Let's remember God in our Life.

Let's remember how many blessings Jesus did
to us in our Life.
Let's remember how many good things Jesus
did in our Life....
Let's read Psalms of David in Holy Book.

It is Written> See Bible> Psalm 146

1 Praise the Lord.[a]

Praise the Lord, my soul.

2 I will praise the Lord all my life;

I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
3 Do not put your trust in princes,
in human beings, who cannot save.
4 When their spirit departs, they return to the
on that very day their plans come to nothing.
5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of
whose hope is in the Lord their God.

6 He is the Maker of heaven and earth,

the sea, and everything in them—
he remains faithful forever.
7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets prisoners free,
8 the Lord gives sight to the blind,
the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
the Lord loves the righteous.
9 The Lord watches over the foreigner
and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

10 The Lord reigns forever,

your God, O Zion, for all generations.

Let's remember how Beautiful Jesus is for us.

Fountainview Academy ASI 2011 How Great

Thou Art

Noblesse - I found the happy side of life


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 325

Date= January 4 Date= 1/10/19, 1:07 PM


Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 326

Date= January 3 Date= 1/10/19, 12:26 PM


Under the impression that the army has a

problem with me Mihai Catalin Tudose or
with CNP 179,,, etc, they want to end a
Christian Service.
In fact they have a problem with our Christian


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 327

Date= January 2 Date= 1/9/19, 11:15 AM


Sub impresia ca armata are o problema cu

Mihai Catalin Tudose sau cu CNP-ul 179,,,
etc, vor sa termine o slujire Crestina.
Ei au o problema cu Slujirea noastra Crestina.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 328

Date= December 31, 2018 Date= 1/13/13,
12:47 AM


It is Written> See Bible> Psalm 1 (NKJV)

The Way of the Righteous and the End of the


1 Blessed is the man

Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the

Nor sinners in the congregation of the

For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the ungodly shall perish.

It is Written> See Bible> Psalm 27 New King

James Version (NKJV)
"1 The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked came against me
To eat up my flesh,
My enemies and foes,
They stumbled and fell.
3 Though an army may encamp against me,
My heart shall not fear;
Though war may rise against me,
In this I will be confident.

4 One thing I have desired of the Lord,

That will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.
5 For in the time of trouble
He shall hide me in His pavilion;
In the secret place of His tabernacle
He shall hide me;
He shall set me high upon a rock.

6 And now my head shall be lifted up above

my enemies all around me;
Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.

7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice!

Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
8 When You said, “Seek My face,”
My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will
9 Do not hide Your face from me;
Do not turn Your servant away in anger;
You have been my help;
Do not leave me nor forsake me,

O God of my salvation.
10 When my father and my mother forsake
Then the Lord will take care of me.

11 Teach me Your way, O Lord,

And lead me in a smooth path, because of my
12 Do not deliver me to the will of my
For false witnesses have risen against me,
And such as breathe out violence.
13 I would have lost heart, unless I had
That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.

14 Wait on the Lord;

Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 329

Date= December 30, 2018 Date= 1/5/19,
8:59 AM



Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 330

Date= December 29, 2018 Date= 1/4/19,
12:26 PM


-noua ordine mondială

-cercetari stiintifice contra umanitatii
-noul camp de lupta mental ...
-creearea de boli de la distanta
-inducere telepatica

Letter Number= 331

Date= December 28, 2018 Date= 1/3/19,
9:29 AM


Garcea e prost, atazi 'l-am facut sa sufere pe

Saracu se baga in seama nebarbatii garcea cu
complexele lor de inferioritate, se simt prost
cu ei insisi asa ratati vinovati cum sunt ca
ataca cu bioenergie de loseri.
Ce n-a fost barbat garcea niciodata, il bate pe
Ditamai Crestinii sa nu ne bata gainarii

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 332

Date= December 28, 2018 Date= 1/2/19,
8:56 AM



Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 333

Date= December 28, 2018 Date= 12/31/18,
10:20 AM


Below, images of the School addressing the

'bully of the school' situation:





Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 334

Date= December 28, 2018 Date= 12/30/18,
8:13 AM


E o psihologie a lui bully of the school.

Eu inteleg ca el e dezaxat si putin cam prost

ca de asta e garcea....
Dar un bully of the school cu alti 2-3 bully.
Si daca te prinde singur te bate, sau daca te
prinde cu 3-4 te bate.
Dar daca e el cu 2-3 bully si suntem uniti
toata scoala, cativa zeci, ce se intampla?!
(Adica el garcea cu 'bully of the
school=armata', adica 2-3 si noi scoala cativa
zeci = uniti toata Planeta, toti Crestinii. Eu
inteleg ca e dezaxat si cam prost ca de asta e
garcea in armata, dar aceea e defect nu
calitate, noi suntem Crestinii pe Planeta mult
mai multi ca ei)
Eu inteleg ca el e dezaxat dar daca ne
strangem toti si suntem uniti toata scoala
cativa zeci si el cu 2-3 bully, atunci nu ii mai
(Oricat de dezaxat ar fi daca ne strangem toti
si suntem uniti nu-i mai merge. Planeta =
Scoala, ei care ataca cu bioenergie = bully of
the school, Scoala unita = noi Crestinii de pe
Planeta uniti si toti carora ne pasa)
Putem chiar sa il dam afara din scoala.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 335

Date= December 28, 2018 Date= 12/29/18,
11:44 AM


Happy Sabbath!
Have Faith in God Jesus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 336

Date= December 28, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:50 PM


Rusinoasa armata si de asta nu este nevoie de

Niste violatori de 18 ani, care fac imbecilitati
rusinoase si denaturati slabanogi nebarbati.
Homosexuali bolnaviori, niste violatori
murdari si slabanogi....
Probabil de asta sunt divortati si incapabili de
relatii autentice, pentru ca sunt misogini,
vulgari, ataca pe la spate prosteste ca
nebabatii si nu au nici un Dumnezeu.
Insolenta de cretinel idiotel.
Ambitie prosteasca de ratat.
Fara politete, fara bune maniere.
Vinovati ataca fara sa aiba dreptate.
Agreseaza ca prostii da-i costa, se duc in Iad.
Niste ratati ne-educati.
Probabil de asta sunt nefericiti, nu sunt
capabili de fericire autentica.
Si e mai rau, se duc in Iad.
Tu garcea: razi ca prostul dar e ca te duci in
Ne e mila de armata.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 337

Date= December 28, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:48 PM


Armata cu nebarbati garcea, sa nu ne omoare

pe toti barbatii Crestini, nebarbatii garcea
Armata niste slabanogi nebarbati.
A CHAMPION is a CHAMPION and a chimp
is just a chimp....
Armata slabanogi maimute complexate.
Sa nu ma bata nebarbatu garcea ca e
complexat de mine, Ditamai Crestinul.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 338

Date= December 27, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:48 PM


Nebarbatii garcea, niste handicapati,

homosexuali si divortati.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 339

Date= December 27, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:35 PM


Pentru garcea din armata, nebarbatii garcea:

suntem Suflete si ramanem cu Dumnezeu

Tudose Mihai Catalin...
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 340

Date= December 27, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:32 PM


Garcea: Si cand m-am lanseta la el,,,

Lanseta de vanator garcea, cu melita
multa(melita spurcata e arma armatei PSI), cu
relatii de armata, lanseta dotata de pescar
profesionist, cu relatii multe de armata cu
Si cu lanseta la Crescatoria de Crestni...
Sigur ca da, asa ziceam si eu
Ce Dumnezeu?!, ce Suflete?!, ce Oameni?!,
garcea si-a tras Crescatorie de Crestini

Mai prinde un Crestin, mai ii da drumul, pt

placerea persoanala a lui garcea, Iacov si
Laban, sigur ca da,,,


Ce Dumnezeu?!, ce Suflete?!, ce Oameni?!,

garcea si-a tras Crescatorie de Crestini

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 341

Date= December 27, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:35 PM


La voi in spital care e politistul psihiatru?! si

ce vampirizeaza el?

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 342
Date= December 27, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:21 PM


In Spitalele de Psihiatrie sunt unii doctori

garcea, politisti medici.
Are si armata garcea in Spitale, mai
vampirizeaza un pacient asa zis 'schizofren',
mai il tine pe loc sa nu se afle.
Armata are mana neagra intinsa pe planeta si
infiltrati politisti medici in Spitalele de
Mai vampirizeaza si armata pacienti, mai ii
tine pe unii sa nu se afle secrete care le face
Garcea are Politisti Medici bagati prin
Spitalele de Psihiatrie care mai tin un pacient
pe loc, mai il vampirizeaza, pentru placerea
personal a lui garcea.
Noi Crestinii suntem in crescatorie pentru
garcea, ca pestii in crescatorie - asta e
atitudinea lui garcea.
Garcea are Politisti Medici bagati prin
Spitalele de Psihiatrie care mai tin un pacient
pe loc, mai il vampirizeaza, pentru placerea
personal a lui garcea.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 343

Date= December 27, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:32 PM


Crescatorie de Crestini.
Armata are arondat pentru fiecare schizofren
cativa garcea.
Armata si-a tras crescatorie de Crestini....
Ce atitudine are garcea.
Ca Wraith: in filmul StargateAtlantis
Noi Crestinii pentru armata suntem de
Mai vampirizeaza si armata, mai ii tine pe
unii in crescatorie.

Vampirii garcea: Noi Crestinii pentru armata
suntem buni, dulci avem energie buna de la
Ca pestii in crescatorie, sa nu crestem prea
mari pt ca nu ne mai prinde garcea, nici prea
mici ca nu are de vampirizat.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 344

Date= December 25, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
12:21 PM


The army attacks people with bioenergy and

this people are diagnosed with schizophrenia
because they hear so called 'voices'. This
'voices' are in fact telepathic attacks and
bioenergy attacks and not due to craziness or
mental illness.

Schizophrenia Symptoms, Patterns And

Statistics And Patterns ...

The site above said, and I quote "Worldwide

about 1 percent of the population is diagnosed
with schizophrenia, and approximately 1.2%
of Americans (3.2 million) have the disorder.
About 1.5 million people will be diagnosed
with schizophrenia this year around the world.
In the United States, this means about
100,000 people will be diagnosed, which
translates to 7.2 people per 1,000 or about
21,000 people within a city of 3 million who
are likely to be suffering from schizophrenia."

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 345

Date= December 25, 2018 Date= 12/28/18,
9:07 AM


Elena Carstea Nu sunt perfecta



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 346

Date= December 25, 2018 Date= 12/17/18,
2:35 PM


Armata niste atei handicapati "aprig la manie

si degraba varsatoriu de sange nevinovat“.

Trebuie sa facem ceva, sa nu lasam prostii

astia din armata sa fim Victime la ei.


Sa nu lasam armata ca sa faca pe insolentii pe

langa jucatori de fotbal ca ies multi bani si
fura garcea pe langa sportivi jucatori de

Sau ca daca se corup ies multi bani din


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 347

Date= December 25, 2018 Date= 12/27/18,
8:59 PM


Romania, is just Romania after all,,,

The army is just imbecile.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 348

Date= December 25, 2018 Date= 12/27/18,
8:53 PM


Nu exista 'asa e viata'

Sunt ei niste imbecili care pentru bani si alte
profituri de corupti fac rau oamenilor.


Daca munca nu I-a placut, sta la garcea face

pe istetul telepatic.

Homosexuali gretosi.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 349

Date= December 22, 2018 Date= 12/27/18,
8:53 PM


The army, some stupid, that when I caress my

children cry telepathically 'Do not touch'
because in their stupidity the army want to
associate negative in my mind the Love of My
The army is too stupid for human beings.
This is why it is not the case for army.


Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 350

Date= December 22, 2018 Date= 12/27/18,
8:28 PM


Baiete garcea esti prost pentru ca vorbesti pe

contre cu Dumnealor.
Dumnealor Slujesc cu Dumnezeu Iisus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 351

Date= December 19, 2018 Date= 12/27/18,
8:22 PM


You do not do things for personal profit,

pleasure to vampirize, revenge, attack.
I know it is cheap as the army 'olympics', but
they have cheap life too, they go to Hell.
We have a Christian Life and we go to


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 352

Date= December 15, 2018 Date= 12/27/18,
8:22 PM


The army, with homosexuals, and other stupid
that are vulgar and misogynist go to Hell.
Their actions cost them.
We are not just speaking for the personal
satisfaction of the army, satisfied after their no
sense attacks.
It is not just for revenge and satisfaction of
some stupid in the army, it is not just for the
army to vampirize and to have jokes with the
The army is stupid, we are not just speaking
for the satisfaction of some stupid in the army,
they to satisfy their stupid weak minds after
They attacking people with bioenergy but
they go to Hell, this army is stupid, because itt
is a price for them, they go to Hell, but we are
Virtuous Christian and go to Heaven.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 353

Date= December 14, 2018 Date= 12/27/18,
5:33 PM


The army, guilty in face of God and Man.

Guilty because they corrupted themselves for
money and profit attacking with bioenergy
Army is guilty and corrupted, speaking
stupidities, just stupid words, in reality they
are weak and guilty in face of God and Man.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 354

Date= December 9, 2018 Date= 12/27/18,
5:19 PM


Armata niste idioti spun texte cand ei sunt
vinovati ca ataca cu bioenergie oamenii.
Armata niste corupti idioti.
Vorbe mari si limbuti cand ei nu au nimic de
spus, doar flencanitori in realitate slabanogi si
vinovati in fata lui Dumnezeu si a oamenilor.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 355

Date= December 8, 2018 Date= 12/25/18,
3:22 PM


Daria Ilie - Isus e salvarea mea



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 356

Date= December 8, 2018 Date= 12/25/18,
3:14 PM


Romania: drame tacute pe la Tariceni, Balta

alba, locul in care nu s-a intamplat nimic,
nimeni nu spune nimic, toti tac, drame tacute,
Tomita, copilul, drame tacute si l-a omorat

Romania: ai aruncat pe strada, ia-l la bataie,

cum?! Si ce?!, in alte parti: vin inca trei
oameni, Da ati aruncat pe strada, Dumnealui
are dreptate, va rog sa ridicati. Lumea se
implica. In Romania, nu stim nimic, drame
tacute, lumea intoarce capul si merge inainte.


Dar nu trebuie sa fie asa.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 357

Date= December 7, 2018 Date= 12/25/18,
12:59 PM


Ca armata face asa ceva e Revoltator

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 358

Date= December 1, 2018 Date= 12/25/18,
12:54 PM


Orice javra din armata, bolnav, spune despre

Dumneaei o Sora Crestina ca o violeaza in
viior e nedrept
Sa iti trimita in cap emotia, sa spunca ca tu
simti invers, ca simti ce a spus un vinovat din
trecut, cand e invers, tu esti cel Bun si ala era
vinovat si ratatii din armata sa iti spuna ca
replici sa le gandesti tu si cu emotia aceluia
vinovat, cand tu esti Curat, e nedrept
Armata niste atei care se duc in Iad...
Niste handicapati care au fost prinsi ca sunt
vinovati atacand oamenii cu telepatie si
Armata niste handicapati vinovati
Si sa spuna ca violeaza o Sora Crestina un
spurcat la melita din armata, si sa injure
vulgar si misogin unu din armata, sa spuna cu
detalii ce I-ar face armata Sorei Crestine si ca
in viitor o sa aiba depresii si o prinda si o sa o
violeze armata si cum si in ce fel, si sa trimita
imagini din capul unui bolnav cum o violeaza
armata, armata niste nebarbati prea prosti

pentru specia umana, niste handicapati sunt in
Armata sunt niste prosti care se duc in Iad
Sa vina toti homosexualii cu emotii de pe
calculatoare si sa spuna la microfon replicile
sa ti le puna replicile iunui vinovat n cap cu
emotiile de pe un calculator e nedrept, cand tu
esti mereu curat si nevinovat, sa spuna ca tu
gandesti ca unul vinovat cand tu esti
nevinovat e nedrept
Armata niste slabi la minte care se duc in Iad
Eu ma duc in Rai

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 359

Date= November 30, 2018 Date= 12/25/18,
12:54 PM


Toti handicapatii din armata, toti prostii din

armata ataca cu bioenergie.
Armata niste prosti care se duc in Iad.
Eu Crestin ma duc in Rai.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 360

Date= November 28, 2018 Date= 12/25/18,
7:35 AM


Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 361
Date= November 24, 2018 Date= 12/22/18,
2:00 PM


Locuitorii stelelor asteapta - Benone Burtescu



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 362

Date= November 24, 2018 Date= 12/22/18,
9:04 AM


Sunt multi Crestini pe Planeta ce ai sa faci

garcea, ii ataci pe toti pentru ca esti tu

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 363

Date= November 22, 2018 Date= 12/22/18,
9:04 AM


Da garcea in Dumnealui pentru ca Dumnealui

e integru si nu e corupt ca javra nebarbat
prostalau din armata.

Garcea: il pun pe prostu ala, da din fleanca

multe cuvinte pe minut,,, ce poate sa faca
Dumnealui, trebuie sa le Dispute,,, dar nu-i
asa, exista Dumnezeu,,,


Armata: Punem niste prosti sa-l bata pe
Dumnealui, ca e Integru, nu e ca javra
garcea,,, saracii handicapati din armata si

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 364

Date= November 21, 2018 Date= 12/19/18,
3:31 PM


Asa zicea si Ceausescu: ce sa fac si io, daca

sunt comandantul suprem al armatei, am
prostii astia cu mine?!,,, si nu mai e,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 365

Date= November 17, 2018 Date= 12/15/18,
11:25 AM


Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have A Dream



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 366

Date= November 15, 2018 Date= 12/14/18,
12:28 PM


Nu asa, Not like that
Vank - Noi o scoatem la capăt (Extras de pe
”Best of Vank”)...

Marillion - Beautiful

Ci, It is
Elena Carstea Nu sunt perfecta YouTube

Bob Marley - Get Up Stand Up [HQ Sound]


Smokie - It's Your Life (Official Video)


Bob Marley - One Love


Beatles Hey Jude


♥ MY LOVE ♥ Julio Iglesias with Stevie

Wonder Lyrics HD by Sonia Medeiros

Michael Jackson – Earth song


Michael Jackson - They Don’t Care About Us

(Brazil Version) (Official Video)

Michael Jackson – Man in the Mirror

USA FOR AFRICA - We Are The World -

Reduto Musical

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World


Laura Pausini & Andrea Bocelli - Vivo Per


Andrea Bocelli, Laura Pausini - Dare To Live

(HD) ft. Laura Pausini

Toto Cutugno - L'amore è...


Beatles – Let it be

Whitney Houston - Miracle


Boyzone - When the Going Gets Tough


Whitney Houston - When You Believe (From

The Prince Of Egypt)

Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 367

Date= November 15, 2018 Date= 12/9/18,
12:18 PM


Daca o Iubesti ia-o de sotie.

Nu astepta sa ai casa, mobila, electronice pana
trec anii si apoi sa o intalnesti ca ai apoi toate
si pana atunci nu mai stii cate au fost.
Nu astepta sa ai casa, mobila, electronice ca
pana la 43 de ani le ai p-alea si pana atunci
cate or fi fost?!,,, e pacat,,,...
Sa nu pui mana pe nimeni.
Daca e si o Iubesti ia-o de sotie, daca nu e
buna de sotie nu sta nici langa ea, vezi Biblia
duduia Potifar - fugi!!!
Sa va casatoriti la 18 ani daca Iubiti.
Daca Iubesti nu astepta, ia-o de sotie, daca
Iubesti la 18 ani casatoreste-te la 18 ani.
Ori o iei de sotie, ori o lasi, nu sta sa o tii asa
sa locuiti impreuna, ia-o de sotie, si daca nu e
buna de sotie nu pune mana pe ea, fugi, nu sta
nici langa ea.
Daca nu asteapta, pana intalnesti sotia, dar nu
pune mana pe alta si nu sta langa alta ca se
ajunge la pacate.
Daca o Iubesti si e buna de sotie, ia-o, si nu o
tine asa sa faci cu ea pacate, ia-o cu totul de
sotie sa fie in fata lui Dumnezeu legal.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 368

Date= November 13, 2018 Date= 12/8/18,
3:18 PM


Nu este cinstit ca eu sa stau atacat in fiecare zi

in satul Tariceni din judetul Prahova, singur,
intrucat trebuie sa Slujim si sa solutionam
problema atacurilor cu bioenergie din partea
armatei platita si corupta de unii.
Ar trebuie sa Slujim impreuna pentru
rezolvarea acestei probleme.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 369

Date= November 12, 2018 Date= 12/8/18,
10:46 AM


Eu de 14 ani sunt atacat in fiecare zi cu

bioenergie de catre armata, de la varsta de 24
de ani.
Am fost 'deportat' din Bucuresti in satul
Tariceni, ca sa nu Slujesc, mai exact la 24 de
ani au aparut primele atacuri cu bioenergie
incat 'vocile' produse sunt toata ziua si nu mai
pot sa lucrez, astfel a trebuie sa plec din
Bucuresti in satul Tariceni in Prahova.
Aceste persoana care au comandat si au platit
armatei atacuri cu bioenergie au vrut sa nu se
afle ca e...i ataca oamenii cu bioenergie, dar
vezi acest facebook, unde eu Slujesc si spun
Adevarul. Aici am reusit, incat un prim pas
catre solutionarea aceste probleme a fost cu
'Vocile' produse de armata prin atacuri cu
bioenergie ma deranjeaza atat de mult toata
ziua incat nu pot sa lucrez.
Acest facebook este Slujirea mea de Crestin
ca sa adresam problema asa ziselor 'voci'
astfel incat sa ajutam oamenii care sunt atacati
de armata cu bioenergie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 370

Date= November 12, 2018 Date= 12/7/18,

5:50 PM


Atitudinea lui garcea din armata: "te atac,

daca astia ma lasa,,,"





Atitudinea lui garcea din armata: "te atac cu

bioenergie la tine in casa, iti fac boli, daca
astia ma lasa,,, daca astia 'marii'(zice el) cu
snurulete, tabla pe ei-insignifiante, plastic pe
ei ma lasa,,, daca astia marii garcea ma lasa,,,
si lumea se sperie de ei,,,"

Dar nu-i asa, pt ca mie nu imi este frica de

generali gunoaie niste gigi garcea cu
snurulete, tabla pe ei, plastic pe ei, niste
imbecili din armata,,, ratati garcea generali
gunoaie, colonei colonulitati, locotenenti
loseri, niste ratati,,,

Ei cred ca ne e frica de armata garcea 'aia

marii', generali gunoaie si altii, ca aia ii lasa si
ii apara aia, care au influenta si putere si
relatii politice, plini de bani, cunostiinte peste
tot,,, dar nu-i asa,,,

Mie nu imi e frica de ei si Slujesc cu

Dumnezeu Domnul Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 371

Date= November 10, 2018 Date= 12/1/18,
8:13 AM


It is Written > See Bible > Ezekiel 20:19,20
"19 I am the Lord your God; follow My
decrees and be careful to keep My Laws. 20
Keep My Sabbaths holy, that they may be a
sign between us. Then you will know that I
am the Lord your God."...

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 372

Date= November 10, 2018 Date= 11/30/18,
1:45 PM


Afro-americans were considered slaves.

The army run after them, catched them, bated
them, tortured them, and kept them as slaves.
But they fought and freed themselves.


See the movie 'Deacons for Defense Full

Movie Only 360p'

Now they are free people.

The same thing is now with so called
schizophrenic people, the army attacks them
with bioenergy and beat them with
projections, keep them in their homes almost
as slaves, in depressions, torture them, etc, but
we fight for our freedom.

We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 373

Date= November 9, 2018 Date= 11/28/18,

10:44 AM


See 'Ellen White - Thoughts from the Mount

of Blessing'
'Christ is to live in His human agents and
work through their faculties and act through
their capabilities. Their will must be
submitted to His will; they must act with His
Spirit. Then it is no more they that live, but
Christ that lives in them.'...

See 'Ellen White - Thoughts from the Mount

of Blessing' > Chap. 2 - Beatitudes

Sandra Lungu and Edy Satinger Mihaescu -

Jesus Loves Me

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 374

Date= November 9, 2018 Date= 11/24/18,
1:38 PM


Si era un buldog un catelus si asa tragea de el

si nu-i dadea drumul, sa-l omoare, la gatul lui
si asa trageam de catelus si nu-i dadea
drumul, i-am deschis gura cu o lopata,,,

Buldog white - un catelus...


Catelusii garcea sa-l omoare si alta nu, asa

trageam si de catelusii din armata si nu-i
dadeau drumul, era la gatul lui si muscase sa-l

omoare si alta nu, trageam de el-ma da-i
drumul si ei nu, de-abia de-abia daca l-am
scapat pe Dumnealui(adica pe mine Tudose
Mihai Catalin Zig Ziglar Seventh Day
Adventist Church) din gura lui garcea,,, ce
schizofreni, ce slujire, de-abia daca ma scapa
pe mine din gura catelusului garcea,,,

Saracul garcea zice ca negociaza dur, de-abia

daca scapam noi, ce schizofreni,,, ce slujire,,,

Asa zice garcea, de-abia daca l-am scapat pe

Dumnealui din gura lui garcea, ce schizofreni,
ce slujire, pe aceia ii lasam asa schizofreni ca
e mai rau,,, Asa zice garcea, dar nu-i asa,
pentru ca noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu.

Noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 375

Date= November 8, 2018 Date= 11/24/18,
8:49 AM


Happy Sabbath!

It is Written> See Bible> Psalm1 (NKJV)...

The Way of the Righteous and the End of the
1 Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

4 The ungodly are not so,

But are like the chaff which the wind drives
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the
Nor sinners in the congregation of the

6 For the Lord knows the way of the

But the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 376

Date= November 7, 2018 Date= 11/22/18,
8:38 AM


It is a pity for schizophrenic people that are

attacked day and night by the corrupted army
with bioenergy and stay in pains.
For them I did my Service... with Jesus.
And it is a pity they stay in pains, depression,
headaches, with no money often a pension
that is very very small, with a stigmata of
diagnostic as crazy people schizophrenic.
And it is a pity they stay at the door in
hospitals for hours to take their schizophrenic
pills and after that in pharmacy in their sick
state feeling ill and hope they stop voices that
do not stop because they are done by
bioenergy attacks, the neighbours call them
crazy whispering in front of their house, they
live with a stigmata of crazy people, nuts,
schizophrenic, and unfair people saying they
are paranoic and they are crazy hearing the
'voices' but no one doing nothing to them in
fact - but this is not the truth.
And it is a pity they stay unable to eat 3 meals
per day, the 'voices' say commands day and
night, the 'voices' make psychological pains,
psiho-somatic effects sometimes, head like in
fire, often acute pains of head, without few
minutes per day in silence because the 'voices'
attack them with curses, threats, say
commands to make evil actions, many night

without sleep at all, tormented in bed all night
and daily black depressions, maybe a few
hours per day sleep.
For them I started this Service with God

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 377

Date= November 7, 2018 Date= 11/21/18,
4:46 PM


It is a pity for schizophrenic people that are

attacked day and night by the corrupted army
with bioenergy and stay in pains.
For them I did my Service with Jesus.
And it is a pity they stay in pains, depression,
headaches, with no money often a pension
that is very very small, with a stigmata of
diagnostic as crazy people schizophrenic....
And it is a pity they stay at the door in
hospitals for hours to take their schizophrenic
pills and after that in pharmacy in their sick
state feeling ill and hope they stop voices that
do not stop because they are done by
bioenergy attacks, the neighbours call them
crazy whispering in front of their house, they
live with a stigmata of crazy people, nuts,
schizophrenic, and unfair people saying they
are paranoic and they are crazy hearing the
'voices' but no one doing nothing to them in
fact - but this is not the truth.
And it is a pity they stay unable to eat 3 meals
per day, the 'voices' say commands day and
night, the 'voices' make psychological pains,
psiho-somatic effects sometimes, head like in
fire, often acute pains of head, without few
minutes per day in silence because the 'voices'
attack them with curses, threats, say
commands to make evil actions, many night
without sleep at all, tormented in bed all night
and daily black depressions, maybe a few
hours per day sleep.
For them I started this Service with God

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 378

Date= November 6, 2018 Date= 11/17/18,
11:27 AM


Vezi Ghita care a lasat-o pe Ana in mana lui

Lica Samadau, care apoi scarbit de fapta lui s-
a sinucis, s-a dat cu capul de un copac.
Vezi ca El Zorab a fost vandut dar apoi l-a
Mesterul Manole care a zidit-o pe sotie in
manastire, dar apoi a sfarsit rau, a murit.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 379

Date= November 6, 2018 Date= 11/15/18,
10:06 AM


Mie imi pare rau cand aud "decat sa mor ca un

Leu in lupta, mai bine mor ca un caine batut
in casa" sau "Decat sa mor ca un Leu in lupta
si sa risc asa ceva mai bine traiesc ca o javra
de caine batut in casa, viata lunga de javra
batuta in fiecare zi in casa"
Viata lunga de javra batuta in fiecare zi in
casa, sa te jigneasca ala la cap, sa iti creeze
scenarii dureroase si sa trimita emotii si
proiectii, sa te innebuneasca de cap, sa fie
misogin, vulgar, sa te jigneas...ca si sa te
tortureze psihologic, traume, depresii,,, asta
nu e viata,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 380
Date= November 6, 2018 Date= 11/15/18,
9:12 AM


Armata niste violatori de 18 ani,,,

Doi bani gauriti nu dau pe violatorii de 18


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 381

Date= November 6, 2018 Date= 11/15/18,
9:12 AM


Frica de armata, niste violatori de 18 ani nu

are sens.
Armata va fi mereu pentru noi doar o cretinie.
Si atat,,,


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 382

Date= November 6, 2018 Date= 11/13/18,
1:23 PM


Foaia verde de prostie

E aceeasi ceusie
Tot din Romania aceasta imbecilie...
Frica de armata
Tot o cretinie

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 383

Date= November 3, 2018 Date= 11/12/18,
1:31 PM


Armata: astia mi-i lasi in mana mea

Nu te baga ca te atac si pe tine
Si ii atac pana zic ca armata sau ii omor, sa nu
fie Crestini, sa nu Slujeasca...
Pe astia mi-i lasi in mana, drame tacute in
Vecinii stiu dar nu se baga nimeni, ii lasi in
mana mea
Ca daca ii ajuti, te atac si pe tine
Si vecinii stiu dar tac
Lumea stie dar nu se baga, ca asa vrea armata
Si cine vrea sa ii ajute, e atacat si el/ea
SI daca cineva face ceva e atacat de armata
Si nu ajung sa se stranga cativa ca ii desparte
armata si ii ataca pana ii desparte
Si tot asa
Pana armata zice, pe astia ii ataca armata si
mi-i lasi in mana mea, nu se baga nimeni
Atac si ii tin despartiti

Tu gandeste-te ca nu: astia mi-i lasi in mana

mea, asta nu faci, pe astia ii vrea armata, daca
faci asa te atac, asta nu ai voie, daca armata
vrea, etc
Tu gandeste-te la Solidaritate, Loialitate,
Impreuna Simtire, Oameni Uniti, Echipa
Tu gandeste-te ca orice ar fi sa fim Impreuna
si Ajutor si Fizic

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 384

Date= October 28, 2018 Date= 11/12/18,
1:13 PM



Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 385

Date= October 28, 2018 Date= 11/10/18,
2:37 PM


"Nihil sine Deo", "Nothing without God"

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 386

Date= October 28, 2018 Date= 11/10/18,
8:47 AM


Conteaza, sunt lucruri Importante, ne

Vorbim despre asa ceva. Nu putem sa tacem
din gura, sa ascundem gunoiul sub pres pentru
ca ne Afecteaza si sunt Importante pentru noi.
Nu putem sa inchidem ochii si sa mergem
Trebuie sa Spunem aceste lucruri pentru ca
acestea Conteaza....
Conteaza si NU permitem.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 387

Date= October 27, 2018 Date= 11/9/18, 3:43


Cum armata nu are voie sa ne vorbeasca
vulgar, misogin, sa ne injure pe strada, nu are
voie sa ne atace sa ne violeze pe strada, asa nu
are voie nici telepatic.
De ce telepatic sa ai voie sa fii vulgar si
misogin cu noi?! si pe strada fizic NU ai voie
sa strigi vulgar, misogin, sa ne injuri?!
NU are voie armata sa faca asa ceva....
NU are voie armata sa-si indese carnea in noi
nici telepatic cum NU are voie niici pe strada.
Conteaza si NU permitem.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 388

Date= October 25, 2018 Date= 11/9/18, 1:32


Armata bosorogi de tineri.

Si cum sunt multi care la 18 ani sunt in
armata, relativ la populatia planetei, multi
bosorogi de tineri.
Ne ameninta armata ca ne violeaza si Fizic.
Pun soldatii sa te violeze....
Noi zicem: Indeasa carnea in corpul meu?!
Sa indese toti soldatii de 18 ani carnea in
corpul meu?!
Ne e frica sa nu indese soldatii de 18 ani
carnea in corpul meu,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 389

Date= October 25, 2018 Date= 11/8/18,
10:40 AM


I Believe in Sacrifice from Love.

To Live Holy Bible even if it seems sure
I Believe in Love.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 390

Date= October 23, 2018 Date= 11/7/18, 5:11


Ceausescu: daca astia ma lasa nu sunt eu

DICTATORU vostru?!,,, nu sunt eu tovarasu
prim, conducatorul SUPREM al Armatei?!,,,
Daca astia nu fac revolutie si ma lasa, nu sunt
eu tovarasu prim?!,,,


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 391

Date= October 22, 2018 Date= 11/7/18, 9:58


We cannot live in Fear that the army will:

+kill my husband/wife/children
+rape my husband/wife/children.

What will be?! We pay for protection to the

What do you want: to sleep with my wife?! as
payment for Protection?! and you let me
live?! A Husband will never do the Sin for the
Protection of Wife and a Wife will never do
the Sin for the Protection of Husband.

We cannot live as Victims of the army.

We cannot live in Fear of the army.
We must act in spite of Fear, Dare to Live and
"Do the thing you Fear".

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 392

Date= October 20, 2018 Date= 11/6/18, 5:22


Children does not relay with logic that much.

I do not understand strategies, logic, calculus,
I live on Love, Sacrifice, Love that Sacrifice
for no reason at all, just Righteousness....
Sacrifice with Love when everybody tells it is
impossible to win, but for Righteousness,
Complete Integrity.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 393

Date= October 20, 2018 Date= 11/6/18, 3:55


Armata nu vroia sa se cunoasca adevarul, dar

acum scrie pe acest facebook.
Ca deh! Dumnezeu nu doarme!!!


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 394

Date= October 20, 2018 Date= 11/6/18, 5:22


Eu merg in Rai cu Domnul Nostru Iisus, dar
armata se duce in iad.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 395

Date= October 15, 2018 Date= 11/6/18, 3:17


Garcea a fost prins la furat nu ca are probleme

personale cu Dumnealui Zig Ziglar
SeventhDay Adventist Church Tudose Mihai
Dumnealui Slujeste cu Domnul Nostru Iisus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 396

Date= October 15, 2018 Date= 11/6/18, 4:51


Nu trebuie sa ne fie frica de prostii astia din

Nu trebuie sa ne fie frica sa spunem adevarul
ca ne ataca armata
Nu trebuie sa lasam in mainile lor pe nimeni
temporar de frica ca ne ataca armata si sa
facem d-astea doar temporar ca zicem ca apoi
facem altele...
Nu trebuie lasat in mainile lor nimeni de frica
ca ne ataca armata

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 397
Date= October 15, 2018 Date= 11/6/18, 3:55


Cum sa lasam sa ne jigneasca toti prostii din

armata?! niste ratati prinsi la furat?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 398

Date= October 15, 2018 Date= 11/6/18, 3:17


Nu exista atac telepatic cu justificare din

partea armatei.
Si nu trebuie lasate Fiicele lui Dumnezeu,
Surorile noastre Crestine lasate sa Dispute
armata care le spune vorbe prin telepatie,
pentru ca aceea este jignire si nu trebuie sa le
lasam sa le jigneasca armata cu vorbe
misogine si vulgare.
Nu trebuie sa lasam sa ne atace cu bioenergie
armata, nu au justificare.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 399

Date= October 13, 2018 Date= 11/3/18, 8:25


Ce mi-a spus astazi armata care ataca cu

telepatie: ca ne sterge mintea in proiectie de
lentoare si apoi ne violeaza fizic, adica noi
nefiind constienti ca e el din armata si afectati
de lentoare, o stare ca de somn si hipnoza, cu

mintea partial stearsa sa credem ca e alta
persoana Crestina, dar tot timpul ne-a violat
fizic el, un ateu in armata.
La sfarsit o sa vedem ca de fapt nu a fost sotul
Crestin ci un ateu in armata.
Asta zice ca face armata cu bioenergie, nis...te
bolnavi mintal, violatori, homosexuali.
Adica Fiicele lui Dumnezeu Crestine el le
vine in cap cu proiectii de bioenergie,
telepatic vorbeste mult, le hipnotizeaza
telepatic, le sterge mintea partial, ne face sa
credem alta realitate, si apoi o Fiica de
Dumnezeu Crestina, crede ca este un sot
Crestin dar tot timpul este el, un ateu in
armata si de fapt o violeaza.
Ne e mila de armata romana, dar eu cred ca
trebuie sa Slujim sa nu fim victimele unor atei
din armata.
Eu Slujesc cu Domnul Nostru Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 400

Date= October 13, 2018 Date= 10/28/18,
8:13 PM


Cum vede armata: ce noroc pe noi femeile

Crestine ca garcea are violatori vorbesc
murdar si pervers cu noi cum ne place
noua(asa vede garcea femeile Crestine), ce
noroc ne violeaza armata cu nebarbati vulgari,
misogini, perversi, ne jignesc, niste murdari
agresori spurcati nebarbati, ce noroc pe noi
femeile Crestine,,,
Garcea e prost rau.
Sotul e doar Crestin nu ne bate, nu ne
injura(asa vede armata Sotii Crestini),,, dar ne
bate, ne violeaza armata cu bosorogi de
ti...neri, vorbesc murdar cu noi, je jigneste un
garcea din armata,,,
Ce noroc pe femile Crestine ca ne violeaza
armata cu homosexuali ce bine ca sunt
perversi in armata vulgari, misogini, ce noroc
pe noi,,,
Voi sunteti prosti rau in armata, niste
slabanogi nebarbati,,, Ne e mila de voi,,,
In Realitate femeile Crestine vor sa fie

Neprihanite si un Sot Crestin Educat cu Iubire
Autentica si cu Domnul Nostru Iisus.
Obs: tu gandeste-te la BarbaraDeAngelis-
What Women want Men to Know, Brian
Tracy - Superior Human Relations

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 401

Date= October 6, 2018 Date= 10/28/18, 6:14


Trebuie sa fii un luptator foarte bun sa lovesti

un om in aura stiind ca el nu iti poate
raspunde ca nu stie din acelea ca Reiki.
Intr-adevar un razboi pe cinste,,, mare


Tu stai acolo ascuns si lovesti stiind ca el nu

iti poate raspunde,,, un razboi in toata regula,,,
la nivelul lui,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 402

Date= October 5, 2018 Date= 10/28/18, 6:03


Slabanogii nebarbati din armata.

Armata e mai proasta ca niciodata.
Armata se face de ras.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 403

Date= October 3, 2018 Date= 10/28/18, 6:03

What is at you in Romania that you eat swans
from a park in France, catch swans from a
park in France and eat them, that you throw
away on the streets everything without shame,
without education, without politeness, now
you started to attack people with bioenergy
with corrupted Romanian army?!
What it is at you in Romania that you do all
this shameful things, from you in Romania
started all this bioenergy shame?!
How to do, all this are from Romania?!
Since the world... is, we did not see that
shameful things as at you, now with army you
do all this shame without any God.
What is at you in Romania that you do all this
shameful things?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 404

Date= October 3, 2018 Date= 10/27/18,
11:09 AM


It is about Human Beings, Freedom, God,

Christian, Love.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 405

Date= October 2, 2018 Date= 10/25/18, 6:23


Acum s-au facut 2 ani de cand se stie de
atacurile cu bioenergie si sunt 14 ani si 9 luni
de cand am fost atacat prima oara eu cu

Vad cum stam noi...

Frica e mare
Frica sa nu ne implicam ca sunt prea puternici
pentru noi
Sa nu spunem, sa nu vorbim deschis despre
atacurile cu bioenergie
Eu tot singur spun adevarul pe acest facebook
Nimeni nu a vorbit cu mine Adevarul despre
atacurile cu bioenergie, NIMENI nu a fost
alaturi de mine real sa vorbeasca cu mine, sa
spuna adevarul, sa fie alaturi de mine,,, dupa 2
ani de cand se stie public tot SINGUR
Mita,, spaga tot mai mare
Mita si spaga vor fi tot mai mari, adica vor
cere mai mult
Adica eu cred ca ne va fi mai rau, Frica mai
mare, vor cere Mita, Spaga mai mare
Lumea tace si nu spune nimic, de Frica

Dumnezeu nu place asa ceva! E urat in fata lui

Dumnezeu sa tacem asa!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 406

Date= September 29, 2018 Date= 10/25/18,
6:11 PM


Ratat homosexual zice telepatic de Fiicele lui

Dumnezeu: "merge si asa".
Un violator tot un violator ramane, adica nu
poate sa fie cu o Fiica de Dumnezeu, este un
ratat bolnavior.
Imbecilu se da si el cocosel "La femei le place
sa vorbeasca vulgar si misogin cu ele si mie
imi place sa fiu pervers cu ele", Nu! e el
bolnavior pentru ca in realitate este nevoie de
o Relatie bazata pe Iubire Autentica, Fiicelor
lui Dumnezeu le place Neprihanit, un Sot cu
Un bolnavior psihopat nu e capabil sa fie cu o

Fiica de Dumnezeu, pentru ca se necesita
dragoste si el e bolnav psihopat homosexual si
Un psihopat si violator tot violator ramane.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 407

Date= September 25, 2018 Date= 10/25/18,
6:11 PM


Voi garcea sunteti patetici cu ambitia aia

prosteasca si atitudinea de jevrute nebarbati
cretinei: "daca textul din cartea militara asa
zice, eu nu stiu nimic, am citat din Parazitii,
daca textul asa zice, eu am aplicat tehnica
militara,,, asa mi-a zis unu mai mare,,,"
Il dam afara si p-ala.
Voi garcea sunteti patetici, nu tine cu texte de
prostalau la ambitie prosteasca, pentru ca
Slujim si il dam afara si p-ala....
Obs: nu e de gainarii d-astea: ambitie
prosteasca, pedepse, razbunare, insolenta de
cretinei la bosorogi de tineri
Noi Slujim Neprihaniti cu Domnul Nostru

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 408

Date= September 25, 2018 Date= 10/23/18,
3:51 PM


El era pe strada si javra garcea de armata l-a

intrebat "vrei?", el a zis "da",,, acuma javra de
armata, javra, dar nu stie nimic, ca sunt
proiectii, emotii trimise in capul lui asta nu
stie javra va rog sa credeti jevruta nebarbat
garcea, javra garcea de armata nu stie nimic, e
javra din armata dar javra nevinovata, nu stie

nimic, eu l-am intrebat ca jevruta un nebarbat
garcea, el a zis "da", javra din armata l-a vazut
pe strada si el a zis "da", credeti-ma sunt
jav...ra garcea de armata, nebarbat garcea, dar
javra e nevinovata, jevruta garcea,,,
Asa zice el saracu javra garcea de armata,,,
Probabil de asta esti divortat si bolnavior
homosexual in armata.
Probabil daca te gandesti bine, si acela este un
motiv pentru care esti divortat,,,
homosexual,,, in armata,,, probabil,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 409

Date= September 25, 2018 Date= 10/22/18,
5:23 PM


Armata fac pe bagabontii ne-educati cu noi,

citeaza din Parazitii injuraturi, vulgari si
misogini prin telepatie.
Ne spune telepatic cum isi vorbesc
homosexualii la garcea intre ei cu injuraturi,
vulgaritati, boli care au cauzat misoginisme,
glume d-alea de garcea vulgar si slabanog
mental si cum se violeaza la armata
homosexualii garcea intre ei, asa zise glume
vulgare si rusinoase de slabi mental.
Acelea sunt defecte nu calitate ca de aceea
sunt niste ratati ne-edu...cati, nefericiti in viata
si rusinosi loseri bolnaviori care si-au ratat
viata. Acum stie tot Internetul de ei.
Vulgari, misogini, glume proaste.acestea sunt
slabiciuni nu calitate.
Si armata crede ca noi stam asa si fiind
Educati, avand Educatie Aleasa suntem
victimele unor limbuti ratati divortati si
homosexuali bolnaviori si ratati.
Tu gandeste-te ca si Ingerii.
Tu gandeste-te ca Slujim cu Domnul Nostru

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 410
Date= September 25, 2018 Date= 10/20/18,
8:26 PM


Preaiubitilor sa Iertati este Divin.

Sa Raspundem cu Iubire la ura este Divin.
Sa nu te angajezi in negativ este Miraculos....
Sa nu dai curs egoismelor si intereselor dar
pierderii, sa faci sacrificiu este Divin.
Sa nu Critici Distructiv ci sa Asculti si sa Ierti.
Sa incerci sa Intelegi si sa cauti Vorbe de
Sa nu judeci si sa nu crezi vorbele rele ci sa
Stii sa ai Incredere si sa fii Supportive si sa ai
Sa ne gandim la Fericirile.
Sa nu cauti solutii la paliative si efecte ci
solutii la sursa, cauza este Intelept.
Sa nu judeci ci sa ai Incredere, sa Stii ce e mai
bun, sa crezi Ce e mai bun.
Sa ai Credinta ca isi va reveni si va practica ce
e mai sus.
Sa nu mai gandesti ci doar sa Canti si sa simti

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 411

Date= September 25, 2018 Date= 10/20/18,
8:09 PM


Gigi garcea din armata unde este Iubire

sincera ei zic s-x, la orice vede numai s-x
bolnav, asta e boala lor a homosexualitlor din
armata, ei sunt redusi mintal.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 412

Date= September 25, 2018 Date= 10/20/18,
8:23 AM


Gigi garcea din armata iti taiem noi si melita

aia telepatica.
Telepatic dai din melita aia proasta fleanca
fleanca, dar iti taiem noi si melita aia


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 413

Date= September 23, 2018 Date= 10/15/18,
7:58 PM


Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 414

Date= September 23, 2018 Date= 10/15/18,
7:27 PM


Ei armata care stiu tot viitorul si care si-l si

creaza pe ala dorit cum de nu sunt infailibili?
Ei armata care stiu tot viitorul si care nu il tin
pe cel prezis ci care il creaza pe ala dorit cum
de nu sunt infailibili?
Ca ionica nu vroia sa se stie, dar acum stie
toata lumea de el pt ca eu am invins cu


Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 415

Date= September 22, 2018 Date= 10/15/18,
4:58 PM

Garcea de armata, flencanitor prin telepatie.
Asa zicea in 2004 si ionica, flencanitor
teribilist cu garcea ca ce nu face cu garcea,
vroia sa scape, dar nu a scapat, acum e pe
Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus si le dam pastilute


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 416

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 10/15/18,
8:15 AM

Garcea de armata, ca tin 1% din populatie
schizofreni atacandu-i cu bioenergie si
telepatie, si unii prea putini care se mai corup,
doar loserii se corup, dar noi Slujim cu
Dumnezeu Iisus.
Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus si le dam pastilute

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 417

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 10/13/18,
4:10 PM


In Wonderful Teaching PopasDeSuflet at

SperantaTV(HopeChannel) Flaviana Iosif

said "The Beauty is the Autograph of God"
and also “Music is an agreeable harmony for
the honor of God and the permissible delights
of the soul.” as Johann Sebastian Bach said.

Wonderful Words of Life ~ Fountainview

Academy ~ lyric video...

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 418

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 10/13/18,
10:48 AM


Wonderful Words of Life ~ Fountainview

Academy ~ lyric video


Flaviana Iosif - Sabatul


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 419

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 10/6/18,
5:24 PM


Tu gandeste-te la schizofrenie paranoida.

Ei sustine aberatii cu telepatie, sunt doar
limbuti nu pot sa faca in realitate ce spun din
melita, teribilisti bosorogi de tineri misogini si
In Realitate nu pot sa faca ce spun din melita,

adica ar sustine Fricile tale cu emotii dar nu
sunt reale. Nu-ti fie Frica nu pot face in
realitate. Daca ti-e frica le dai putere si se
realizeaza partial in realitate, dar nu, nu-ti fie
frica, Indrazneste ce poti sa pierzi real..., cat
de rau poate fi in realitate. Fara Frica
indrazneste cu Iisus, da-i lui Iisus tot si
Indrazneste, Curaj.
As a Quote say "Dare and the death of Fear is

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 420

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 10/5/18,
6:47 PM


Armata ataca cu telepatie: din cate vorbe

proaste spune el, din cate vorbe rele spune el,
poate poate te-o afecta vreuna.
Acesta este nivelul, gainar limbut dar atat.
Noi Suntem si Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 421

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 10/3/18,
10:16 PM


One thing I know: do not commit the sin.

One thing I know: keep the Holy Bible no
matter how small I advance in my life.
No egoist reasons, I let all for Jesus. I leave
all pleasures for Jesus....
One thing I know: keep the commandments.
The rest is done by God.
Just one Day is mine, and this Day I do not
commit the sin ad I keep the Holy Bible no

matter how small I advance, I grow, I achieve.
I leave all egoist reasons, interests.
This Day I do all with God, God it will do the
rest for me, all Vision, all my Life that is Left
in the Future.
The sufferance it will be easy and God it will
give me happiness in all sufferance, and even
in death I win because I am Victorious with
Jesus in Heaven.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 422

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 10/3/18,
8:10 PM


Astazi cand mangaiam copilul armata trimite

emotii negative prin bioenergie, sa nu mai
simt iubirea mangaiand copilul ci sa simt
durere si emotii negative.
Sa nu mai iubesc copilul si iubirea sa fie
inlocuita cu durere.
Rusinos nu?!


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 423

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 10/2/18,
7:56 PM


Armata mi-a spus si astazi ce vise are cu mine

Tudose Mihai Catalin:
"tu o sa tremuri pe un pat de Salvare si o sa
zici: 'luati-l de pe garcea de pe mine, luati-l pe
garcea de pe mine'",
asta tremurand si in convulsii si nefiind nici
un garcea langa mine, ei atacand cu telepatie
de la distanta....

Asa vise are armata cu mine.
Rusinos nu?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 424

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 9/29/18,
10:46 AM


Pentru armata: va deranjeaza cumva Cartea

Sfanta? de ce? vreti sa faceti ilegalitati si va
vedem noi ca Slujim cu Cartea Sfanta?

Eu vreau sa merg in Rai cu Iisus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 425

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 9/25/18,
6:34 PM

Solutia care ar fi, sa inchidem toti ochii ca sa
poata armata sa faca ilegalitati
Sa nu mai traim Cartea Sfanta pentru ca e
prea Virtuoasa pentru armata ca ei vor sa faca
Si sa mergem in Iad pentru ca am inchis ochii
Eu nu vreau sa merg in Iad...
Eu vreau sa merg in Rai cu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 426

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 9/25/18,
6:25 PM


Armata zice ca ataca cu bioenergie pe toti cei

care sunt Crestini pentru ca noi Crestinii
vedem cand fac ilegalitati si Slujim cu
Dumnezeu cu Virtuti si Valori Crestine.
Asa ca acum care este ideea?
Sa murim noi Crestinii Autentici pentru ca nu
ii convine lui garcea de armata?!...
Sau sa fim Crestini dar sa nu mai slujim ca sa
fie o lume mai buna, curata, Crestina?! Si
daca noi nu Slujim pentru o lume Crestina,
atunci mai suntem Crestini?! Nu, nu mai
suntem Crestini, Crestini Autentici si se
supara Dumnnezeu pe noi si ne ducem in Iad.
Atunci care e solutia? Sa mergem toti in Iad
ca sa poate sa faca armata ilegalitati.
Eu cred ca o viata Crestina Autentica este
neaparat necesara sa mergem in Rai.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 427

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 9/25/18,
6:12 PM


We will never be free if we do as we do now.

The army will kill in silence people in their
homes with bioenergy from a distance.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 428

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 9/25/18,
5:42 PM


Ratatii din armata dau replici cu telepatie gen

"Asta-i altceva". Ei saracii nu simt nimic, dau
replica prosteste. Am vazut boti de chat mai
Ei saracii dau replici prosteste.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 429

Date= September 21, 2018 Date= 9/25/18,
5:38 PM


La Psihiatrie: radea de gigi garcea din armata,

ce zicea el vulgar si misogin, c-asa e tehnica.
Sigur ca da, vulgar si misogin c-asa e tehnica
in armata, dar tu esti sanatos?!,,, vaide capul
Saracii bolnaviori din armata.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 430

Date= September 20, 2018 Date= 9/25/18,
3:28 PM


Armata cu homosexuali cand facem baie prin

telepatie "Aha aha pune mana la, pune mana
la", retardatii din armata cu telepatie "apa
fierbinte, se simte, imi place aha aha", niste
retardati homosexuali si divortati ratati.
Imbecili din armata care ataca cu bioenergie
cu homosexuali bolnaviori rusinosi.
Cand facem baita dus vulgari si misogini,
armata niste retardati homosexuali si
In realitate suntem Neprihaniti.

Noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 431

Date= September 18, 2018 Date= 9/23/18,
8:03 PM


The army with stupidity say: "I attack you and

I pay after"
The army say for their acts "Does it have any
importance? I go to Hell, no problem.", and
they in their stupidity say "I pay after" and
they are simply stupid and they are weak and
go to Hell for their shameful actions, just
Their attitude is simply stupid....
Ignorant with stupid ambition without any
Because they are homosexuals in the army
that attack with bioenergy they will have only
problems, they go to Hell, losers and unhappy,
and I pity them.
Poor you, you go to Hell.
We are Christians and Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 432

Date= September 18, 2018 Date= 9/23/18,
7:50 PM


I know that 1% of globe population is

So the army attacks with bioenergy and
telepathy many people, because the majority
of schizophrenic people are not sick to 'hear
voices', but are attacked by the army with
So the army have many to attack with

bioenergy if they can keep as schizophrenia so
many people on the globe, 1%....
So they have some resources already allocated
on the globe to attack with bioenergy.
We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 433

Date= September 18, 2018 Date= 9/22/18,
10:38 AM


Ratata armata astazi zice prin telepatie: "Nu

trebuia sa iti zici Zig Ziglar Seventh Day
Adventist Church".
De ce? vroia armata sa scape de faptul ca
ataca cu bioenergie pacientii schizofreni?
Nu, Dumnealui Slujeste cu Dumnezeu si cu
Psihologia Crestina pentru semeni.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 434

Date= September 18, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
6:51 PM


Ratata armata astazi zice prin telepatie: "Nu

trebuia sa ma spui, nu trebuia sa iti zici Zig
Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist Church". Cu
certitudine ca da, eu trebuia de la Dumnezeu
sa slujesc cu Psihologia Crestina pentru
Dumnealui este Zig Ziglar Seventh Day
Adventist Church, tu gandeste-te la Slujire.
Da, Dumnezeu spune sa Slujesc pentru
pacientii schizofreni....
Da, eu Slujesc cu Domnul Nostru Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 435

Date= September 15, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
6:22 PM


And what we do not have?!

We have SuperMarkets, Vegetables, Fruits,
Food, Pharmacy, Hospitals, PCs, Laptops,
Internet, SmartPhone, Tablets
What we do not have?!...
We have Cosmetics of all kind, we have
Freedom and Internet, OpenSource Software,
Hardware, TV, Radio, Buses, Trains,
What we do not have?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 436

Date= September 15, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
5:11 PM


Armata sunt in romanica niste prosti nu-i lasa

sa te taca taca la cap toata ziua telepatic.
Nu-i lasa sa te taca taca la cap pe cacareaza
telepat in armata lu huruiala, armata rumana.
Ca daca conversezi cu toti cacareaza din
armata,,, nu-i lasa,,, nu conversa cu toate
cacarezele din armata telepatii lu huruiala,
armata lu huruiala...
Fara frica de cacareaza telepat in armata, fie
ca mori nu-l lasa si daca e ilegal, tu stii ca e
legal cu Dumnezeu.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 437
Date= September 15, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
5:06 PM


Armata sunt in romanica niste prosti care n-au

invatat carte, s-au bagat cu pile in armata pt ca
nu au invatat carte, sunt ne-educati sa faca o
In rest armata fura pe langa sportivi fotbalisti
pt ca se baga in seama de retardati corupti.
Armata sunt niste prosti slabanogi de care nu
imi e mie personal frica....
Nu trebuie sa ne fie frica de cacareaza telepat
in armata.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 438

Date= September 15, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
4:30 PM


Since when is the romanisation of the planet?!

In Romania is the fear of the army because
there is no education, in the army are just
stupid that did not learned in the school, some
corrupted uneducated, mili-vanili military of
great country romanica.
Romanisation of the planet with some losers
in the romanian army?! because they did not
learned and are uneducated?!...
We learn all planet the romanisation?!
We learn in all planet shameful fear of army
as in romanica, the great country romanica?!
We made stupid from all Planet?! for the great
country Romanica?!
We fear romanica?! the great army of
romanica, some stupid that did not learned in
school and are corrupt, uneducated!
We all planet learn shame from romanica?!
from great country romanica?!
I do not think so!
Excellent Education, Christian with God

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 439

Date= September 15, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
4:23 PM


De cand cacareaza de armata romana isi

imprastie prostii pe planeta?! ce e
rumanizarea planetei?!
Ca sa invete toata planeta rusine de la
N-au invatat carte, ca daca invatau carte nu
erau in armata, faceau o meserie....
Niste prosti din armata din romania, niste
ratati cacareze care n-au invatat carte?!
Mie nu mi-e frica de toti prostii!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 440

Date= September 15, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
4:22 PM


In romania unii fara scoala se fac paznici, se

angajeaza in armata, niste unii se fac garcea
ca n-au invatat carte.
Niste PNA, niste prosti care se baga cu armata
ca n-au invatat carte, ii baga cu pile ca n-au
invatat carte si nu stiu meserie.
Ce e aia armata si de ce ataca oameni cu
De cand ne e frica de un cacareaza telepat la
garcea ca te omoara in casa cu bioenergie?!
Ce e ala cacareaza cracanel din Prahova
colonulitate si de cand ne e frica de un
cracanel din armata ca ne violeaza divortatu
armatei garcea in comuna Sirna din judetul
De cand ne e frica de cacareaza din armata ca
ne violeaza?!
O cacareaza divortata de colonulitate are casa

in satul Tariceni si e mare telepat la armata
prahoveana, cacareze cracanate in armata ca
n-a invatat carte
De cand ne e frica ca ne violeaza armata in
satul Tariceni, ca are casa un cacareaza
Fiicele lui Dumnezeu Neprihanite Noblete cu
Dumnezeu si eu Ditamai Crestinul Adventist
sa ne frica de satucul Tariceni ca sta un
cacareaza colonulitate ca ne violeaza?! ne
sterge mintea telepatic un cacareaza din
armata?! Crezi tu?! Crezi prost!
Mie unul nu mi-e frica de armata cu cacareze
colonulitati niste n-ati invatat carte

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 441

Date= September 14, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
4:13 PM


Armata e prea proasta pentru specia umana ca

ataca oameni cu bioenergie in case.
Trebuie sa-i infruntam.
Trebuie sa Slujim Real, cu Efecte Reale,
Asa ne omoara pe noi Leaderii si e vai de noi.
Nu trebuie sa le lesam Leaderii pe mana
Eu sunt Ditamai Crestinul Adventist.
Eu am inceput Slujirea acesta, pentru oamenii
asa zisi schizofreni atacati cu bioenergie de
armata si alde unii.
De la ineput noi am fost Slabi in fata lui
garcea, ei m-au atacat pe mine rau de la
inceput, iar noi nu am avut un raspuns
Noi de la inceput nu am Indraznit.
Si acum tot continuam si nu facem Real,
Autentic progrese.
Eu pot muri ca un Martir, dar daca eu ca
Leader mor, noi ce facem, mai lasam ceilalti
Leaderi in mana armatei? omoara si pe
Leaderii ramasi? Sau Indraznim apoi? Ii
lasam armatei toata Planeta pe mana? Sau ne
trezim dupa un timp, vom avea vreodata

Curaj? si daca da apoi, eu sunt pierdere de
razboi? eu sa fiu Cel care a inceput Slujirea si
o Continuam noi dupa un timp? si ca te-am
lasat in mana armatei sa te atace in satul
Tariceni cum o sa traim cu asta?
Atata stiu, ca nu exista motiv real si justificare
reala sa te lasam in satul Tariceni in judetul
Prahova sa te atace marea armata cu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 442

Date= September 13, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
3:50 PM


Armata e prea proasta pentru specia umana.

Doar homosexuali, ce are ceva?!
Doar divortati misogini si vulgari, niste loseri
in armata....
Armata niste imbecili ca de asta ataca cu
bionergie si simuleaza schizofrenia. Eu stiu ca
e ilegal.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 443

Date= September 13, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
11:36 AM


Armata e prea proasta pentru specia umana.

Texte de imbecil garcea, aplic tehnica militara
pe Dumneata nu tin.
Garcea zici ca e istet si alta nu....
Armata nu a invatat carte, niste imbecili care
ataca cu bioenergie de prosti vinovati, care
acum sunt stiuti de toata lumea ca pe acest
Garcea de armata e prost prost dar si rusinos.
Retardel din armata bosorog de tanar, texte de


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 444

Date= September 13, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
10:47 AM


The army is stupid.

They think they finish military techniques on
me by attacking with all bioenergy stupid
techniques in their stupid military books.
But the army is a stupid monkey, because I
won't buy that and I know it is no reason for
army to attack people with bioenergy in their
The army is just stupid, too stupid for human

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 445

Date= September 13, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
10:39 AM


Treat the Past as a School, you cannot change

the Past but Learn from it.
Practice Forgiveness, Forgive yourself and
Do the Best from the Present Situation....
Do the Most from the Present Situation.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 446

Date= September 13, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,

10:35 AM


Pacientii de la psihiatrie.
Vor o pasitluta ca sa nu mai auda vocile care ii
critica, comenteaza, terorizeaza.
De atata atac telepatic creierasul chemical
disbalance, si se observa creierasul normal
versus creierasul pacientului asa zis
schizofren, arii suprasolicitate din creier....
Si pastilute ca Seroquel si Leponex ajuta
Dar nu pot opri vocile pt ca e atac cu
bioenergie de la armata corupta.
De atata atac telepatic si cu bioenergie se
modifica creierasul.
Dar vocile tot or sa apara ca nu este de la
pacient ca a suferit un soc in trecut si de
atunci paranoia si cand se gandeste la
persoana aceea, locul de munca, apare frica si
schizofrenie paranoida ci este de la ateii care
ataca telepatic.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 447

Date= September 10, 2018 Date= 9/21/18,
10:30 AM


Unii asa zisi tigani furau fesuri cand ieseam

de la scoala de la liceu. Luau numai Chicago
Bulls, Nike, fesuri de firma.
Diriginta: mai baieti, va vad inalti ca brazii,
uite Alexandru 2 metri 10, 1 metru 83, 1
metru 85, 1 metru 90, si voi stati?!, pai
cum!!!, sa puna mana pe colega Elena?!
Va strangeti mai multi, nu mai plecati cate
unul sau in grup mic, plecati toata clasa odata
spre Sud si sunteti inalti, mari, puternici, inalti
ca bradul, ii faceti praf!!!
Cand ne-au vazut la Sud si au vazut ca aveam
moarte in ochi, s-au intors si au plecat, si de-
atunci n-au mai venit.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 448

Date= September 9, 2018 Date= 9/20/18,
8:03 PM

Buna ziua,
Daca am dosarul cu tine garcea de armata il
pun pe internet, dovedeste, nu stiu cine l-a pus
Numai poze cu garcea homosexual dau, le
pun pe Internet, nu stiu cine le-a pus pe teava,
e in share, e pe Internet
Ti-a spart calculatorul, cine garcea
homosexual, nu stiu, ia poze cu garcea si
homosexuali, le-e pus pe Internet pe toate,
norocul tau garcea
Cine a spart serverul lui garcea, nu se stie,
asta e, norocul tau,,,


Cine a spart geamul? musca cu ciocanu,,,

Sunt pe Internet, cine le-a pus nu stiu, acum

se pot verifica, daca sunt pe YouTube si pe
Internet public, acum le poti verifica, ia tot
dosarul cu tine pe Internet, norocul tau, nu
stim cine le-a pus, norocul tau
Cate nu sunt pe calculatorul lui garcea,,,
Tot public pun cu tine pe Internet, poze cu
homosexuali, filme, tot ce am cu tine pe
Internet, nu stiu cine le-a pus fratele meu, ia
d-aici, dovedeste
Iti dau in bot ca e legal cu Dumnezeu.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 449

Date= September 9, 2018 Date= 9/18/18,
8:11 PM

Buna ziua,

E foarte legal.

E legea lui Dumnezeu, ce alta lege vrem?!
Sa ne dea voie garcea?!


Pana se da legea, dovedeste tu garcea de

armata ca e ilegal. SI atunci explica tu garcea
cum e ilegal, de unde stii tu garcea de asa
ceva, daca nu exista? explic tu garcea de
Daca eu sunt legal cu Dumnezeu, numai d-
astea iti fac, pe unde te duci te faultez
Iti dau in bot ca e legal cu Dumnezeu.
Numai d-astea ilegale dar legale cu
Dumnezeu ii fac lui garcea.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 450

Date= September 9, 2018 Date= 9/18/18,
7:52 PM


In Spitalele de Psihiatrie e foarte legal sa il

legi de pat fara cafele si tutun tonton pe gigi
garcea care s-a internat ilegal.
Cat stai, stai legat de pat.
Ca e legea lui Dumnezeu, deci e legal....
Il legi de pat sa nu mai puna mana acolo jos si
sa nu mai converseze.
Ca sunt multe javre de armata care se
interneaza ilegal in Spitalul de Psihiatrie si
care ataca ilegal pacienti, si nu e legal cu
Dumnezeu sa-i lasam asa noi.
Nodul pescaresc este un nod care nu se poate
desface si sunt noduri speciale pentru cei
legati de pat.
Se zice ca nu e totul legal ca unele sunt
ilegale, dar noi stim ca e Legea lui Dumnezeu
si ca este Legal in Spitalul de Psihiatrie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 451
Date= September 8, 2018 Date= 9/18/18,
7:45 PM


E foarte legal.
E legea lui Dumnezeu, ce alta lege vrei?!
Sa iti dea voie garcea?!...
Respecti Biblia si Legea lui Dumnezeu, deci e
Numai ilegale ii fac, e legal cu Dumnezeu?!
Atunci e legal.
E legal cu Dumnezeu atunci este legal.
Nu exista ilegal, daca este legal cu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 452

Date= September 8, 2018 Date= 9/18/18,
7:42 PM


Armata prin telepatie: nu trebuia sa iti zici Zig

Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist Church
Nu exista "nu trebuia sa iti zici ", eu sunt Zig
Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist Church


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 453

Date= September 8, 2018 Date= 9/15/18,
10:38 PM


Un om important sunt eu Tudose Mihai

Catalin, Zig Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist

Se fac presiuni politice
Sa nu iti dea la cap rau, ca esti important...
Ca garcea sa nu iti dea la cap pana se da legea
Zeci de ani sa educi populatia globului
Garcea intarzie legea cu presiunile lui politice
si iti da la cap
Sclavii negri afro-americani pe plantatie
SI l-au batut pe garcea
Nici o presiune politica nu scapa bataia,
trebuie sa il batem pe garcea
Asa frumos elegant presiuni politice, fara
varsare de sange prin pumni in bot
Cum sa se opreasca garcea de luat bani multi
pe sclavi afroamericani ca chipurile ii alerga
pe plantatie si cum sa se opreasca din torturat,
asta e placerea lui
Pana atunci garcea are dreptul legal sa te atace
cu bioenergie
Adica face ce vrea in mare parte
Daca nu s-a dat lege, asta e, ghinion, il tac pe
Te ataca, lumea stie
Opreste-ma sa te opresc
Boii de la bicicleta
Nu-i dam in bot ilegal
De ce legal?
Ca legal are dreptul
Da-i in bot ilegal
Pe garcea trebuie sa il batem ilegal
Ca e legal cu Dumnezeu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 454

Date= September 8, 2018 Date= 9/15/18,
7:41 PM


E foarte legal.
E legea lui Dumnezeu, ce alta lege vrei?!
Sa iti dea voie garcea?!...
Respecti Biblia si Legea lui Dumnezeu, deci e

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 455
Date= September 8, 2018 Date= 9/15/18,
7:06 PM


Respectam Legea lui Dumnezeu din Biblie

Si pe urma legea aia printata a lui garcea
Ca daca legea aia printata ii permite lui garcea
de armata nu ii dam noi voie ca respectam
intai Legea lui Dumnezeu....
Intai Legea lui Dumnezeu si apoi legea
printata ca aia printata a lui garcea poate fi
plina de erori.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 456

Date= September 7, 2018 Date= 9/15/18,
6:46 PM


Ca Sotie
Cum ai vrea sa te apere?
Se roaga pentru tine?...
Ca suntem Mare Preot Pastor dar suntem si
Si ne aparam Familia.
Cum, ala imi violeaza sotia si eu iau Cartea
Sfanta si ma rog pentru ea? Atat?!
Sunt de acord sa ne rugam, dar eu nu as lasa
sotia atacata si sa ma rog doar pentru ea, as
face si ceva fizic, nu omor om, dar sa-l
fereasca Dumnezeu ca nu se atinge de sotia
mea cata vreme eu sunt in viata
Suntem in legitima aparare si Arhanghelii au
sabii, vezi Reprezentarile.
Asa e viata reala, se vede ca avem nevoie sa
stim sa ne aparam in viata reala.
Suntem si barbati si ne aparam Familia.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 457
Date= September 7, 2018 Date= 9/15/18,
6:16 PM


Trebuie sa fim mai Hotarati.

Trebuie sa fim Pregatiti sa apelam la Reiki sa
ne aparam de atacurile cu bioenergie, sa dam
o sabie Reiki in cap celor care ne ataca cu
bioenergie in casele noastre, la birou.
Si Arhanghelii au sabii de lumina, vezi
Reprezentarile Arhanghelilor, Google....
Trebuie sa Slujim pe fata, sa spunem
lucrurilor pe nume.
Trebuie sa spunem public lucrurilor pe nume,
fara Frica, cu Curaj, cu Indrazneala si nu
trebuie sa ne lasam atacati sub nici o forma,
nu trebuie sa ne fie frica, sa ii lasam sa ne
pedepseasca cu atacuri cu bioenergie.
Trebuie sa nu ne fie frica fiecare pentru el ci
sa fim Uniti si sa vorbim despre probleme si
atacurile cu bioenergie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 458

Date= September 7, 2018 Date= 9/15/18,
12:25 PM


Nu avem voie sa lasam oameni, mintea

noastra simte si ne facem rau noua.
Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 459

Date= September 7, 2018 Date= 9/14/18,
9:37 PM

2018.08.27-Apoi va omor pe capete
Pe voi capetele
Asta e: va omor pe capete
Ce traiesti tu acum e ca va omor pe capete...
Eu am zis apoi ca sa dau impresia ca nu e
acum, specialitatea mea asta e, dar acum va
omor capetele
Pai tocmai ce traiesti tu acum era omoratul de
Il bat incet in fiecare zi de 2 ani, asta e
moartea lenta
Moartea lenta, asa omor eu capetele, asta e
moartea lenta
Asta specialitatea lor
Nu armata aia fizica
Cum vrei tu o Revolutie
Asta e specialitatea lor: schizofrenia
Si din orice om, si din medici fac schizofreni
Asta e specialitatea mea: schizofreni paranoizi

Apoi ma dati afara
Eu am zis apoi ca sa dau impresia, dar
Acum ma dati afara ca apoi sa fiti liberi ca
apoi sa ma dati afara
Asta e specialitatea mea confuzia, asta e
armata schizofrenia paranoida, aia fizica e alta
Specialitatea noastra e frica, acolo jos, emotii,
schzofrenie paranoida.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 460

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/13/18,
10:08 PM

Tu esti un fel de CalTroian, holograma parte
care se raspandeste, se raspandeste
Helplessness, invatam sa ne scarbim de viata,
te-am vazut torturat pe tine la Tariceni, l-am
vazut torturat m-am scarbit de mine, Planeta
invata prin tine, sa abandonam oamenii ca pe
caini in satuce, si asta era Zig ZIglar, si ne
scarbim de noi, aia ne scot ochii apoi ca e

pacat si ne scarbim de noi, ne lasam in mana
lui, poti sa-mi faci orice, nu mai simt nimic,
am fost atat de agresata..., nu mai simt nimic,
lumea te abandoneaza, ca tu nu l-ai abandonat
pe el, daca asa e, hai sa ne abandonam cu
totii, de-abia am invatat sa abandonam
oameni, te abandonam si noi pe tine, si ala
poate sa imi faca orice, eah, la ce-am facut io,
ce mai conteaza, nu mai simt nimic
Nu ne lasa sa facem asa ceva.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 461

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/13/18,
10:03 PM


I think at priests in communist prisons, as I

am attacked now by the army in my home.
I think at priests, Sons of God and Daughters
of God in communist prisons.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 462

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/13/18,
9:53 PM


The army thought it will escape with

bioenergetic attacks, but they thought wrong,
because they are now on this site and we
Serve with God Jesus.
The army thought wrong they escape by
treating me and by making me harm by
bioenergetic attacks, they did it all wrong.
The army thought they will do a insolence and
attack me, Tudose Mihai Catalin, and they
will scare me and make me ill and I will shut

up and they continue their conspiracy, but
they thought wrong, because ...they are not
Public on Internet on this facebook and no
matter what I will not let schizophrenic
patients and the army to attack them in
The army attacks people with bioenergy and
say they are schizophrenic, but the truth is on
this facebook, and we Serve with the Truth
and God Jesus to give pills to the army and
stop their hidden bioenergetic attacks.
I say it all publicly and the army will not
escape, all the truth will be said by me and we
Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 463

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/13/18,
2:04 PM


Armata telepatic: "imagineaza-ti ca..."

Armata e proasta
Si armata isi imagina ca scapa dar este pe
facebook si noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu...
Si ionica isi imagina ca il scapa armata, dar nu
l-a scapat
La cat de prost e garcea de armata isi imagina
ca scapa dar nu a scapat
Noi spunem tot adevarul si Slujim cu
Scrie acum pe acest facebook
Si noi Slujim cu Domnul Nostru Iisus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 464

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/13/18,
1:54 PM


Oamenii stiau ca armata e proasta, dar nici
chiar asa de proasta, afla acum cat de proasta
e armata, acum va faceti de ras ca prostii.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 465

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/10/18,
3:33 PM


Armata are probleme cu Educatie Aleasa ca sa

nu fie oameni cu Valori si Virtuti Crestine ci
fricosi sa se umple garcea din armata de bani
si de placeri cu homosexuali.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 466

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/9/18, 4:00


Ataca ca prostii cu telepatie si bioenergie.

Ei: "Daca e armata"
Cum adica "daca e armata"?...
Ce e aia?!
Niste idioti vinovati!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 467

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/9/18, 3:57


Am mancat o ciuperca otravita
Nu e acum calm...
Scuipa nenorocitule ca te otravesti
Enerveaza-te, fa ceva, un facebook nebun
Armata ataca cu bioenergie

Ai mancat o ciuperca otravita, Nu fii calm, ca

o inghiti cu totul si o digeri si mori, nu calm
ca o inghiti si mori
Scuipa nenorocitule ca te otravesti
Enerveaza-te fa ceva, orice, un facebook ca
asta nebun

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 468

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/9/18,
12:35 PM

Army is too stupid to say words telepathically
to people because they corrupt themselves.
The army with sick homosexuals, words of
threat is in illegality and stupidity, so much
stupidity as army treating words is shameful
and completely idiot.
The army is too stupid to attack us with
telepathy and bioenergy.
The army is pathetic with homosexuals and
stupid misogynist and vulgar sick not
educated stupid that threats persons....
We do not fear.
We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 469

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/8/18, 9:30

As an Excellent Person said "When you put in
the Hands of God saying 'God I put myself in
your Hands, You work through Me' "

I Ask God to tell me what to do, I put Myself
in His Hands and He Works through Me.
Read also the Holy Bible to know God and so
let Him Work through us.
God knows it all, all view, let's let Him Work
through our Talents.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 470

Date= September 6, 2018 Date= 9/8/18, 7:08

Ruisnos nu?!
Tot ce-au urat ei in viata Educatia Aleasa,
Fiicele lui Dumnezeu Talentate cu Evlavie
Vie, Noblete cu Dumnezeu si care Slujesc cu
Talentele pe Dumnezeu si Neprihanite, Fii lui
Dumnezeu Mare Preot Pastor care cu
Talentele Slujesc pe Dumenzeu si Neprihaniti.
Tot ce n-au inteles ei despre Fiicele lui
Dumnezeu, Mari Suflete cu Dumnezeu.
Tot ce-au urat ei in viata, Crestinii, Sabatul,
Intelepciunea lui Dumnezeu, Biserica,
Valorile si Virtutile Crestine....
Ei misogini, vulgari, ne-educati, ce e la gura
lor, melita spurcata, agresivi fara motiv,
rusinosi, loseri, slabi fara Valori si Virtuti,
vieti ratate la mana unor pacate rusinoase.
Asta nu e o scuza pentru armata sa atace cu
Nu exista motiv si justificare pentru armata sa
atace cu bioenergie.
Dar noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 471

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/8/18, 5:27
Continue Reading Follows Beloved,

Happy Sabbath!

It is Written> See Bible> Leviticus 26:2-5

"2 You shall keep My Sabbaths and reverence
My sanctuary: I am the Lord.
3 ‘If you walk in My statutes and keep My
commandments, and perform them,
4 then I will give you rain in its season, the
land shall yield its produce, and the trees of
the field shall yield their fruit.
5 Your threshing shall last till the time of
vintage, and the vintage shall last till the time
of sowing; you shall eat your bread to the full,
and dwell in your land safely."

It is Written> See Bible> Exodus 31: 13-17

"13 “Speak also to the children of Israel,
saying: ‘Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep,
for it is a sign between Me and you
throughout your generations, that you may
know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you.
14 You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for
it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it
shall surely be put to death; for whoever does
any work on it, that person shall be cut off
from among his people. 15 Work shall be
done for six days, but the seventh is the
Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever
does any work on the Sabbath day, he shall
surely be put to death. 16 Therefore the
children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to
observe the Sabbath throughout their
generations as a perpetual covenant. 17 It is a
sign between Me and the children of Israel
forever; for in six days the Lord made the
heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day
He rested and was refreshed.’”"

It is Written> See Bible> Isaiah 58:13-14

"13 “If you turn away your foot from the
From doing your pleasure on My holy day,
And call the Sabbath a delight,
The holy day of the Lord honorable,
And shall honor Him, not doing your own
Nor finding your own pleasure,
Nor speaking your own words,

14 Then you shall delight yourself in the
And I will cause you to ride on the high hills
of the earth,
And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your
The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”"

It is Written> See Bible> Jeremiah 17:21-22

"21 Thus says the Lord: “Take heed to
yourselves, and bear no burden on the
Sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of
Jerusalem; 22 nor carry a burden out of your
houses on the Sabbath day, nor do any work,
but hallow the Sabbath day, as I commanded
your fathers."

It is Written> See Bible> Psalms 119:103

"103 How sweet are Your words to my taste,
Sweeter than honey to my mouth!"

It is Written> See Bible> Psalms 37:3-7

"3 Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His
4 Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your

5 Commit your way to the Lord,

Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
6 He shall bring forth your righteousness as
the light,
And your justice as the noonday.

7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him;

Do not fret because of him who prospers in
his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked
schemes to pass."

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 472
Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/8/18,
11:38 AM


Armata e vinovata si nu mai scapa acum

Cretinei idiotei care ataca cu bioenergie de
i8mbecili bolnaviori
Tampitei garcea


Prost armata prost

Slujim noi cu Dumenzeu si itifdam pastilute

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 473

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/8/18, 9:48

Successful people live Successful Habits.
Successful Habits are Reliable, Sure Tools.
Classic Psychology.
Bible = Holy Book....
People with Vertebral Column, Verticality,
Habits that are Sure, Reliable.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 474

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/7/18, 6:04

Daca indraznim o sa fie Dumnezeu si Victoria

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 475

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/7/18, 5:39

Daca nu indraznim, o sa fim tot mai dezbinati,
tot mai suparati unii cu altii.
Armata prin bioenergie ne va dezbina, va
trimite emotii sa fim suparati unii cu altii, sa
nu Slujim.
O sa avem tot mai multe motive si justificari
de probleme personale, armata ne va trimite
emotii prin bioenergie sa ne justificam
emotiile negative care ne tin blocate relatiile
de Munca, de Familie.
Daca nu slujim vom fi tot mai obositi, stresati,
bolnavi, saraci in resurse de tot fe...lul, si ar fi
Eu zic in viata sa Indraznim, cu Curaj.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 476

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/7/18, 5:39


Indrazniti sa vorbiti prin eMail, Telefon, nu

Aveti Curaj.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 477

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/7/18, 4:13


The army that attack us with bioenergy is like

bully of the school.
And what the bully say it can do, terrible
things, he is abyssal, and what language,
stinky mouth, vulgar, misogynist, threats,
basically, he cannot do it if you do not permit,
he wants to terrorize but cannot do it if pupils
are a few together. Dare together, all for one
and one for all, and really no matter how
threaten, no matter what bully say, they are
together, Complete Integrity.
It takes Cour...age, Risk taking, to Dare but a
few pupils together beat the bully, then more
will append to the group and the school is free
from the bully.
All the school is free and happy again.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 478

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/7/18,
12:23 PM


The army that attack us with bioenergy is like

bully of the school.
And we a are small and each of us alone and
weak it seems.
The bully of the school, beat one person
The bully beats all the school if he can, it
beats a person at a time and terrorize all the
This pattern is stopped when a few pupils stay
together no matter what and united all for one
and one for all beat the bully.
The situation is that one at a time they end
beaten by the bully, but a few together can
beat the bully.
It takes Courage, Risk taking, to Dare but a
few pupils together beat the bully, then more
will append to the group and the school is free
from the bully.
All the school is free and happy again.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 479

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 8:26


The best method of Disputing telepathy and

bioenergetic attack is to not let them into your
head at all from the start.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 480

Date= September 5, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 8:22


The best protection against telepathy and

bioenergetic attack is to not let them into your

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 481

Date= September 4, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 8:19


Do not fear attitude like: "If you do that I will

beat you, do you want to make me upset?!" or
"If I will do that they will do all they can and I
fear that" or "They did not wanted that too, I
did all I could in the situation", do not settle
for less
This is Victim attitude
Do not be a Victim...

Dare, with Dignity, Courage, you will win.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 482

Date= September 3, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 8:08

The army attacks with bioenergy without
They do not have the power they say they
have, just words.
If you Dare you will see they cannot do what
they say.
Dare, have Courage, do it anyway in spite of
fear, you will see they cannot do it....
Do not just sit, Dare, out side the Area of
Comfort, and you will see they say just words
telepathically and they cannot do it but you
The army with bioenerrgy say words, they
have not cover in reality, they cannot do the
things they say, just insolence, terrible words,
just words, you have Christian Courage,
Jesus, Virtues.
The army say many things send fake emotions
but do not fear, they want to scare you, do not
Fear, Dare, it will not happened if you Dare
with Dignity, Courage, you will win.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 483

Date= September 3, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 6:47


PopasDeSuflet cu Dumneaei Flaviana Iosif

este Educatie Aleasa.
"Vom Canta, vom Spune Poezii, vom spune
Povestioare de Suflet si Cuvinte Intelepte."


Te chemam sa revii - Corvin Alexe


Noblesse - Salveaza o viata


Flaviana Iosif - Vorbe de încurajare ( Speranţa

tv )

Flaviana Iosif - Imaginația omului


Noblete cu Dumnezeu inseamna sa ajuti


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 484

Date= September 3, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 4:05

Garcea din armata e prost pentru ca astazi
ataca cu bioenergie mai ales cand facem baie.
Garcea nu are voie sa ne atace cand facem
baie, servim masa, e imbecil si prostalau.
Prostalau garcea face pe insolentul ca vara
facem baita mai des.
Retardatii din armata ataca acum dupa ce am
scris postul anterior ca fatalaii imbecili....
Garcea e prost pt ca spunem tot adevarul
despre ei fara frica.
Armata e proasta pt ca stim ca ei sunt vinovati
si noi spunem tot adevarul.
Fatalaii nebarbati din armata cred de prosti ca
ne pot tine vinovati pt ca spunem adevarul,
dar nu este asa ci din contra, spunem tot
adevarul si fara frica.
Garcea e prost pt ca stim ca ei sunt retardati si

Prostalaii din armata cred de imbecili ca ne e
frica de ei, dar spunem tot adevarul pe
facebook ca acesta.
Niste handicapati homosexuali si ratati
vulgari si misogini.
Armata e proasta pt ca nu ne e frica de
retardatii garcea, fatalai bosorogi de tineri.
Fara frica spunem tot adevarul pe facebook,
pe Internet.
Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus si le dam pastilute.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 485

Date= September 3, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 3:13

Garcea din armata cu bioenergie niste frustrati
care n-au avut niciodata Educatie Aleasa.
Ei spun vulgaritati, misoginisme si amenintari
care spun despre ei, nu despre noi, spun ca
sunt niste frustrati.
Armata niste prosti n-ati invatat carte, frustrati
de esecuri, relatii esuate si n-au avut niciodata
Educatia Aleasa, cu melita aia vulgara,
misogina, amenintari, spun despre ei ca sunt
bosorogi de tineri, niste loseri.
Ca nu stam dupa toti frustratii care fac pe
amen...intatorii cu noi ca sunt ei frustrati.
Ce n-au fost ei in viata lor iubiti ca sunt prea
slabanogi de toate cele.
Niste sarmani imbecili.
Frustrati de varsta, bosorogi de tineri care se
fac de ras cu melita spurcata, niste ratati.
Va faceti de ras ca prostii.
Ne e mila de voi.
Noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu si va dam pastilute.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 486

Date= September 3, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 3:02

Garcea din armata cu bioenergie sustine
Iti sondeaza mintea si vede de ce ti-e frica si
aceea sustine si trimite emotia ca sa iti
blocheze relatii, ariile vietii cu frica ta.
Garcea sustine cele mai mari Frici ale noastre,
el trimite emotii ca sa ne fie frica si sa ne
justifice Frica, dar nu este reala,
Aceasta Frica activata ne poate bloca relatii
Daca nu ti-e Frica si Indraznesti nu o sa poata,
Act in Spite of Fear, sa vezi ce se intampla,
vei reusi.
Nu te uita nici in jos-nici victima, nici in ochii
lui ca sa-l agresezi pe garcea, drept inainte si
mergi fara Frica.
Daca indraznesti fara Frica, in spite of Fear,
Dare, nu o sa se intample nimic, with
Attitude, nu se intampla nimic, nu poate face
ce sustine in realitate.
Armata nu poate sa faca ce sustine in realitate
Daca nu ne e frica atuci deblocam blocajele
provocate de frica si reusim.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 487

Date= September 3, 2018 Date= 9/6/18, 2:34

The army with bioenergy attacks try to
explore our Fears, if we do not Fear they
cannot do it.



In paranoid schizophrenia a patient has

FEAR, False Evidence Appearing Real, do
not Fear, Dare, what can happen?! you will

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Nebarbatii din armata: "tot te prind eu pe
tine", saracii ratati din armata, noi nu fugim
de voi retardeii din armata si sri care ataca cu
bioenerrgie, noi suntem Ditamai Crestinii si
Slujim cu Dumnezeu si te dam afara gigi
garcea din armata.
In Realitate exista Dumnezeu, ca retardelu
garcea nu stie e prostia lui, doar limbuti de
armata, in Realitate noi Slujim.
Problema nu se pune ca retardelu insolent din
armata ca fugim de colonulitate un colonel
din armata sau de un loser locotent, sau de
gunoi-un gigi garcea general.
Prostii din armata perle de prostie vulgari si
misogini, insolenti de ratati, dar noi Slujim cu
Armata de prosti sunt insolenti, si nu ne
prinde garcea pe noi si nu fugim de armata, e
toacmai invers si nu tine cu melita insolenta
de fatalau limbii din armata, ei sunt prosti
vinovati si acum nu mai scapa pentru ca noi
Slujim cu Dumnezeu si le dam pastilute.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 490

Date= September 2, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 7:45


Armata dupa tot ce a facut ca ataca oamenii

cu bioenergie si zicea ca sunt schizofreni, tot
armata acum sa ne atace si pe noi.
Ei ziceau ca acum tot armata dupa tot ce a
factu sa se atace ca Slujim cu Adevarul, si ca
tot ei garcea sa se dea lezati si atacati intr-o
insolenta prosteasca abisala, perle de prostie,
dar nu e asa.
Ei ziceau ca acum garcea de armata sa se dea
suparat ca spunem adevarul dupa tot ce a
facut si ca slujim si tot garcea se da lezat si sa
ne ata...ce tot armata si pe noi, dar nu e asa.
Asa zicea armata, dar nu e asa, pentru ca
Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 491
Date= September 1, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 4:21


Garcea de armata jevrulite limbute vulgasi si

Nebarbatu garcea libuteste de prost ca de alte
persoane, noi suntem Neprihaniti.
Dumnealor Slujesc cu Dumnezeu Iisus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 492

Date= September 1, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 3:41


Garcea de armata e prost rau.

Ai momente de pauza mentala, nu-l deranja
pe garcea ca e javre slabe si daca-l superi te
ataca limbutisme de la homosexuali.
Limbuti din armata telepatici....
Saracii garcea de armata: stai ca pe ace ca ai
momente de pauza mentala sa nu superi pe
javre slabe din armata ca te ataca telepatic de
fatalau vinovat.
Nu deranja, profita de liniste mentala, engioi
zha silenche(enjoy the silence), ca daca il
superi pe garcea de armata, e javre slabe si te
ataca telepatic cu limbuti homosexuali,
Nu ne e frica de armata si nu negociem cu
ateii fara nici un Dumnezeu care ne ataca
teleaptic, ci Slujim cu Dumnezeu.
Armata e patetica, noi Slujim cu Iisus sa le
dam pastilute.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 493
Date= September 1, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 3:27


We want to be Free, Happy, we want to be

with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 494

Date= August 31, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 3:23


In Reality they are not as powerful as they

Think they want to produce schizophrenia
paranoid, they explore your Fears. Do not
Fear, Do what you Fear, they cannot do it.
They cannot do what they say, they have
dizziness and words, do not Fear, Dare,
Courage, in Reality they cannot....
From stinky mouth with telepathy what this
army do not say they do, but in reality they
are poor, words they say from mouth not
covered in reality.
They say just hallucinations, they cannot do it
in reality, Dare, Courage and see what
With rape do not Fear, Stay with God no
matter what, Dare, have Courage, Daughters
of God, and you will see you will be
Stay on Position Strong, Dare, see what
happens if you have courage, surely you will
In Reality with God we Win.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 495
Date= August 31, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 3:11


The army with bioenergy are just words in the

They say words to your head with telepathy to
affect your mental and psiho-somatic.
They do not have the power they say they
In reality they are just poor, some negative
In Reality they are not as powerful as they
Think they want to produce schizophrenia
paranoid, they explore your Fears. Do not
Fear, Do what you Fear, they cannot do it.
They cannot do what they say, they have
dizziness and words, do not Fear, Dare,
Courage, in Reality they cannot.
From stinky mouth with telepathy what this
army do not say they do, but in reality they
are poor, words they say from mouth not
covered in reality.
They are just mouth, with telepathy, words
and what they do not say they do, in reality
just atheist negative losers, just stupid,
abyssal, just stinky mouth with telepathy, in
reality they cannot do any, they cannot do
anything in reality, just mouth in this army.
They in reality are not that powerful, they
want to make fears from stinky mouth.
They are in reality losers in the army,
misogyny, vulgar, stupid.
They just say words to affect your mental but
in reality their negativity cost them a lot.
From divorced to many loser relations,
In Reality with God we Win.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 496

Date= August 31, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 3:08


Nebarbate garcea esti umilitor de prost.
Voi garcea din armata nu sunteti barbati
sunteti niste prosti fatalai melite spurcate
misogini si vulgari ne-educati nebarbati. De
asta aveti voi numai probleme in viata de la
melita aia proasta vulgari, misogini, insolenti
de prosti ca vorbiti ca prostii ne-barbati
umilitori de prosti.
Voi homosexualii garcea din armata va faceti
de ras ca prostii....
Daca esti handicapat homosexual divortat
cracanel, de asta esti divortat pentru ca nu te
duce capul, esti ne-educat, vulgar, misogin, ne
e mila de tine.
Vorbiti ca niste retardei vulgari si misogini
despre surorile noastre care sunt niste
Doamne si Slujesc Neprihanite, de o Educatie
si Evlavie rara.
Tu garcea esti patetic.
Tu nu esti barbat esti nebarbat ba garcea!
Nebarbatul garcea este misogin si vulgar cu
sorele noastre crestine si e atat de prost
homosexualul ratat de armata incat crede ca
scapa. Asa crede el ca e prost, pentru ca nu-l
duce capul, dar nu e asa pentru ca noi slujim
cu Dumnezeu, vezi si acest facebook.
Surorile Noastre cu Educatie Aleasa si un
needucat gainar ca el de armata, stiu ca esti
frustrat, ca esti prost garcea de armata si ca te
compari ca prostul, un gainar din armata ca
tine, dar nu-ti permitem si noi Slujim
Stiu ca esti prost nebarbate din armata ca esti
frustrat si nebarbat prea prost pentru specia
umana cu melita aia spurcata dar tu vorbesti
ca de alta persoana de fatalau ne-educat,
surorile noastre sunt Crestine, niste oameni
foarte Educati cu Educatie Aleasa, foarte
Curati, Neprihanite. Tu de prost nebarbat te
bagi in seama si e rusinos, esti patetic si nu
scapi pentru ca nu-ti permitem si Slujim cu
Dumnezeu si Educatie Aleasa.
Sarmanu homosexual frustrat si bolnavior
crede de prost ca poate vorbi asa, dar el
vorbeste ca de alta persoana si plateste si
pentru ce spune de nebarbat garcea de armata
Tu garcea de armata esti patetic, ne e mila de
Noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 497
Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 3:05


FEAR=False Evidence Appear Real, Dare,

Courage, Pacienti au frica si Indrazneste sa
vezi ce se poate intampla, sa vezi si gasesti
solutii daca apar probleme in realitate, pe
teren, nu toate fricile posibile, eu nu cred ca e
real, nu poate fi, eu zic sa indraznesti,
Indrazneste ce se poate intampla?!. Daca ne
regasim putin si noi in acest capitol. Poate le
avem si noi pe ale noastre ca tot omul. Poate
ca nici noi nu mai suntem ce eram, poate ca si
noi suntem mai schiz...ofrenici paranoizi
decat credem, dar nu trebuie sa ramanem asa.
Nu trebuie sa fie o schizofrenie paranoida
fabricata prin proiectii cu emotii prin
bioenergie si telepatie. FEAR, Me and the
Person=PainMaker, he/she behaves as my
Pain Maker projections not from him/her and
I have my FEAR activated. This way they
destroy all relations, SOLUTION DARE, Do
Not Quit, do not do that to your Pain Maker,
Do what you FEAR. Altfel o sa iti distruga
toate relatiile importante, ca toti se comporta
putin anormal si iti activeaza cate o FEAR si
nu mai indraznesti nimic. SOLUTION Dare,
Courage Do what you FEAR, in real Life, and
SOLVE the problems in Reality. Noi suntem
mai paranoici decat credem dupa proiectiile
lor, schizofrenie paranoida. Daca ne regasim
putin. SOLUTION: indrazneste, ce se poate
intampla?! nu renunta la relatii, in realitate
vezi ce probleme apar si le rezolvi, altfel nu
mai faci nimic in viata, esti schizofren
paranoid, dar nu trebuie sa fie asa,
indrazneste, ce se poate intampla?! eu cred ca
nu e asa grav si ca rezolvam real toate

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 498

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 12:51


ceausescu a zis, care armata sa scoata armata,

ca trebuie o armata sa bata o armata, si toata
armata e la mine, eu am toate armele si
nimeni nu mai are arme si armata e toata a
si uite ca oamenii au facut Revolutia din 89 si
au scos armata cu tot cu ceausescu


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 499

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/5/18, 11:00


armata armata sau armata aia nearmata

armata armata sau armata aia insolenta de
terebilisti prosti ca s-au corupt ei
e armata cu oameni cu Cartea Sfanta...
e armata armata sau armata aia ne-armata, ca
aia nearmata cu oameni cu Dumnezeu e slaba,
e fleanca fleanca
armata armata cu melita insolenta de prost
atunci nu e armata, ca nu e armata armata cu
dreptate, cu oameni, niste tembelusi imbecili
armati cu homosexualisme slabanoage
e armata armata cu dreptatea cu oameni cu
Dumnezeu, sau e armata aia armata cu melita
spurcata a homosexuali slabanogi si
bolnaviori insolenta de prosti
ceausescu, marele dictator, care era
comandantul suprem al armatei, tovarasu prim
s-a dus, l-am dus noi nu s-a dus el, ca el nu
vroia sa se duca, dar l-am dus noi

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 500

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/4/18, 9:05



De armata nu e cazul, ca de obicei.

Dar chiar atat de prosti ca acum nu au fost
niciodata, se fac de ras cu atacuri cu
bioenergie ca prostii.
Ne e mila de armata....
Noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 501

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/3/18, 10:18


The army was always stupid but was never

that stupid as today with bioenergy attacks.
The army is not the case as always, but today
is that shameful and stupid, we pity the army.
We Serve with God Jesus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 502

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/3/18, 9:06


Do not stay with doubts through telepathy:

mixed messages, two sides.
Talk face to face, to put light to the smallest
doubt, without any shadow of a doubt.
Do not communicate just telepathically but
eMail, Phone and face to face....
Dispel any shadow of a doubt, for any doubt
the whole is a lie, as a small drop of poison

makes it all not good.
Complete Integrity, Whole Truth and nothing
but the Truth.
Do not allow the smallest doubt, without Any
Shadow of a doubt.
Clarify all face to face, Phone, eMail(not
How much clear can it be?
Lighten any doubt, for the smallest doubt talk
face to face(not telegraphically)
Telepathy is a virus in itself, no matter how
much you want to clarify you cannot clarify
all, the telepathy is a wrong method in itself,
it will virus all communication, talk face to
face, eMail, Phone
What to not do: Indirect doubts, not me but,,,
or I do not know, it may be, I do not do that
but I know someone else, in the given
situation, I do not fully know myself, I do not
call it a lie but it is a doubt, etc, please do not
do that, but clarify all, in the full light of a
For the smallest doubt the whole is a lie, do
not allow the smallest doubt, talk face to face
or by eMail, Phone.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 503

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/3/18, 8:40


Army takes us for a fool: "You see what you

can do after I come into your head
We are not fools, how to do that?!(not with
dizziness, psihos, pain, and projections, no
one has the full psychologist abilities if
dizziness affects him/her)
Since when we play a game as mouse and
We do not find solutions to attacks, we stop
the attack, because we do not allow the idea
of being attacked.
Do not address effects, to try to find solutions
to attacks, but cause and do not allow the

We do not let them come into our head
We help the persons attacked and give a Reiki
sword of light into the army.
We do not allow anyone to be alone attacked.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 504

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/3/18, 6:42

Dignity to be a martyr with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 505

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/3/18, 5:39


In the end I go to our Lord Jesus as a martyr.

But it will be a shame to let all my Service off
because I die and to do that to God because I
Serve with God and you will do that to God
Me and You are called to Serve and to not let
people tortured and killed by the army with
You are called to do whatever you can for

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 506

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/3/18, 1:03


Domn prea Sfant - Cantabile



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 507

Date= August 30, 2018 Date= 9/3/18, 12:49


We all have the responsibility toward our

Lord Jesus.
We are not just Adventist or just Orthodox or
just Catholic, etc, and we have all
responsibility to our Lord Jesus.
We all are called by Jesus to help the Service
on Planet Earth....
We are all Brothers and Sisters and all are
called to Serve.
I expect Adventists, Orthodox, Catholic, and
all Christians to Help me and our Service.
It is not just a person to have the blame for
our problems, but we are all called to
Solutions, we are many Christians and all of
us have the same responsibility toward God
We are all responsible to Jesus to help me and
our Service.
It is not just Adventists, but we are all called
by Jesus, we are all Adventists, Orthodox,
Catholic, all called to Help the Service.
It is no one person to blame, but all of us to
seek solutions, all of us to solve, all called.
We do not seek a persons to blame, but
All of us can bring solutions: Adventists,
Orthodox, Catholic, etc.
It is not just for Adventists but for all of us,
for you and me also, no matter the Church,
you are called to Help me and the Service too.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 508

Date= August 29, 2018 Date= 9/3/18, 12:10


PopasDeSuflet cu Flaviana Iosif este o

"Muzica este o armonie agreabilă în onoarea
lui Dumnezeu şi desfătarea permisă
sufletului." spune un citat.
Avem nevoie de Invatatura si Viziunea curata
despre Dumnezeu.


Invatatura de Sabat:
Flaviana Iosif - Sabatul

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 509

Date= August 29, 2018 Date= 9/2/18, 6:32


Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 510

Date= August 29, 2018 Date= 9/1/18, 12:35


Today we speak about the Wonderful
Teaching PopasDeSuflet with Flaviana Iosif.
We need in a particular way this Unique
Vision and is brings a Vital Contribution to
our Life.
A Teaching about Singing, Saying Poetry,
Stories for the Soul, and Wisdom from the
Holy Bible.
The joy of children with crystalline voices,
the symphony of Christian Adventist Hymns,
the wonderful Parables and the contagious Joy
and Devotion of speaking about Holy Bible
and Jesus....
Below is the teaching about the Sabbath:
Flaviana Iosif - Sabatul

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 511

Date= August 29, 2018 Date= 9/1/18, 12:03


No matter what we remain with Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 512

Date= August 29, 2018 Date= 9/1/18, 10:27


Locotenent asculta loser, te invata

colonulitatea colonel, aici e cu jmecherie, sa
vezi ce zice colonelul Dumnezelui "de unde
stiu eu daca nu stai c?"
Locotent asculta aici e cu istetime, te invata
colonelul, asculta ce spune garcea
colonulitatea Dumnealui "de unde stiu eu

Saracii de ei...
Voi armata va faceti de ras ca prostii
Ne e mile de voi

Dumnealor Slujesc Neprihaniti

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 513

Date= August 29, 2018 Date= 8/31/18, 10:04


Cand asculti un mp3 armata zice telepatic

cand este ceva pozitiv "zice cumva garcea, de
ce nu zice armata garcea?! eee?!" si cand este
ceva negativ "zice de tine", atata poate
Rusinos nu?!,,,
E si asta o imecilitate, acum este pe
Intr-adevar armata e proasta slabanoaga
Saracii de ei, se baga inseama pe muzica,
armata sunt niste retardati,,,
Noi Slujim cu Iisus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 514

Date= August 29, 2018 Date= 8/31/18, 4:30


Garcea de armata: pe pui cu dra-u?

Asa era si acum o mie si ceva de ani, tot cu

dra-u era armata, asa zice mereu armata....
Toti garcea sunt precursorii Antic-, acum o
mie si ceva de ani era la fel
Asa zicea armata si acum o mie si ceva de ani,
asa ii invata tehnica lor sa zica, asa sunt

'invatati' ei sa zica.

De exemplu Napoleon era cu drac- si Rusii

erau tot cu drac daca sunt garcea, te pui cu
armata?!, si de exemplu Napoleon a pierdut.
Tu gandeste-te ca noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 515

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/31/18, 4:17


Balciu telepatic romanesc

Se multa balciu de colo colo, de la un crestin
la altul, ne ia pe fiecare in parte si ne baga in
Ne proiecteaza cele mai mari frici si ne trimite
emotii in minte direct...
Tu gandeste-te ca Slujim cu Iisus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 516

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 8:04


Cu voi n-am nimic

Cu el am treaba, pe el il atac cu
bioenergie(adica pe mine Tudose Catalin
Si cine il ajuta il fac praf...
Dar cu voi n-am nimic, nu va pupa agresoru
pe voi,,,
Voi stiti ca-l cam macelaresc, dar nu va bagati
Ca daca e cuminte nu-l pedepsesc rau
Stati exact ca lumea cum va spun io ca daca
ma supar si pe voi,,, dar eu sunt agresor bun si
cu voi n-am nimic
Aveti grija ca asa va fac si voua daca ma

Amenintare voalata.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 517

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 7:58

When we do not have a problem, then we
have a problem.
When we start talking and see that we have a
problem, we're good, it starts being OK.
So let's talk on facebook, eMail, blog, Phone
about bioenergy attacks, details, our story, etc.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 518

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 12:22

The Telepathy blocks our access to
communication, because we have sure devices
as SmarPhones, eMail.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 519

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 12:08

They are just a few in the army and we are all
the Planet.
We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 520

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 10:41


The army is pathetic.

The army has homosexuals that touch
themselves down there and send emotions as
We must not let them into our head with
telepathy, bioenergy....
We Serve with Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 521

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 8:52

We must not let them come into our head with
telepathy and bioenergy.
Else we may think we have solutions to treat
the situation but what it seems good on the
moment is a treatment for effects not the
cause, palliatives.
Also a treatment of effects it is OK for short
term rapid intervention, the Solution is to treat
the cause for real authentic success.
A gastritis is a situation where we can treat
the effects by a taking a painkiller, but only
temporary, on short te...rm, we must treat the
cause for results on long term. Painkiller for
effects and daily pills for the cause.
We must treat the Cause not the effects.
Else we stay forever treating the effects and
get more ill, more stressed, frustrated, as
Napoleon in Siberia till lose.
We must not let them come into our head with
telepathy and bioenergy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 522

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 8:46


Vine unul langa altul, impreuna simtire

Sa suferim impreuna si vine unul, apoi doi,
apoi 5, apoi 7, apoi 9, etc
Si suntem impreuna la bine si la greu,
empatie, impreuna simtire, suntem impreuna
in toate...
Calcam peste frica, dubii, ce va fi cu Iubire si
impreuna simtire
Ce sens are?! Are un sens, asa simt eu, sa fiu
impreuna cu el
Sa suferim impreuna si vine unul, apoi doi,
apoi 5, apoi 7, apoi 9, etc
Si apoi o sa vezi ca se schimba situatia.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 523

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 8:27


Armata: daca eu am voie sa fac un singur

lucru: lentoare
sa vin in capul tau cu lentoare, proiectii
bioenergie de lentoare
oricine ai fi nu mai rationezi corect, oricat de
bun ai fi nu mai gandesti corect si devii slab
ca oricare altul...
si eu am halucinatii ca sunt puternic si mare
iar tu simti cele mai mari frici ale tale
cine te pune sa ma lasi sa vin in capul tau?!
The Rule: n-are voie in capul tau cu proiectii,
nu ii da voie, sabii Reiki de lumina

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 524

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 8:22


Pe o femeie nu o atinge nimeni

Eu pot fi violeat de homosexuali
Dar pe sotie n-o atinge nimeni...
Sotia nu poate sa fie violata de homosexuali
Nu este ca "eu sunt femeie pot sa suport"
zicea cineva "femeile suporta mai bine
durerea", dar nu este acel caz, invers, la un
barbat mai merge
Eu pot sa iau pumni in fata, picioare in fata ca
sunt barbat, dar sotiei nu-i da nimeni o palma.
La mine o cicatrice e beauty mark.
Dar pe o femeie sa nu o atingi nici c-o floare

Eu am spus si despre mine: Eu pot fi violeat

de homosexuali, dar evident ca nu vreau asa
ceva si este o trauma si pentru mine si nu este
cazul nici pentru mine asa ceva

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 525

Date= August 28, 2018 Date= 8/30/18, 8:19

daca mergea la toate cu insolenta de prost,,,
garcea de armata: aoleu asta Chiar Era un zid!
nu ti-ai dat seama nu?!
nu ca ei sunt bolnaviori si halucineaza la
si ionica a zis la fel. da, in realitate era Zig
Ziglar SeventhDay Adventist Church
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 526

'daca asa a dat Dumnezeu' ci ii dau ratatului
de armata una in cap ca nu are voie sa faca asa
Exemple: David si Goliath, Samson si mai
sunt eroi ai Bibliei care nu au stat cu mana...
in san ci au facut ceva.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 529

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/29/18, 6:10

You are not a man army, you are too stupid
for human beings to send that images about
our Christian Sisters. I know they are wrong
and that are hallucinations in stupid army
mind and I know our Christian Sisters are
Clean and Righteousness.
We know the stupid garcea say as about
another person, and our Christian sisters are
Righteousness, but the army with
homosexuals is too stupid for human beings
to have that shameful disability and
hallucinate such ugly and stupid... sick
relations, they are not real, but hallucinations
in the army stupid mind.
The army send me images with hallucinations
caused by their mental disorder in their
ignorant minds, they are stupid and we resist
to their stupidity, but we Serve with God.
You army make a fool of you with sexual
disorders losers that are stinky mouth in their
The army say to me what a loser army thinks
about or Sisters in his stupidity, he thinks
wrong and stupid, but our Sisters are Clean
and Righteousness. He will pay for every
word in face of God. We are pity on stupid
army sexual disorders and divorced losers.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 530

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/29/18, 5:37



The Holy Bible teach us that Lord have mercy

on the person that is sorry for this wrong act,
failures, sins.

It is Written> See Bible> Matthew 9:13...

"13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I
desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not
come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

We live with humble acts with God now on.

I think is a good thing to "raise an altar
wherever I go"

The Church is where the God comes.

And the "Love never fail", the Authentic Love
of God.
God is Great and Powerful, God is Radiant
and Brilliant, God is Authentic Love.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 531

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/29/18, 5:07


The Love of Lord Jesus always wins. Some

people may fail but the Lord never fail.
"Love never fail"
I failed sometimes in my life, but I failed in
face of God also, because the Love of God
never fails....
If I failed I failed to Serve with the Lord of
God, not the Love of God failed, because
"Love never fail".
Try and retry and Lord will send another one
to implement His plans and "Love never fail".

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 532

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/29/18, 4:53


Durerea este proiectata de mintea lui, nu este

reala fizica ci o simte el si ti-o trimite tie, este
proiectata de el in mintea ta. Daca tu te misti
si te gandesti la alticeva nu mai simti durerea.
Nu sta intr-un loc, misca-te sa nu mai simti
durerea care e proiectata de el. Cand te misti
si te gandesti la altceva si nu stai in lentoare,
durerea dispare, pt ca mintea ta este la altceva
si nu mai e conectata in lentoare la mintea lui.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 533

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/29/18, 4:49


Sub lentoare
Zici ca doare
Garcea se da foarte tare...
Cand e lentoare
Ratiunea somn are
Sub lentoare
Cand nu e lentoare
Putere armata nu are
Cand nu e lentoare
Realitatea e graitoare

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 534

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 5:28

Ca sa nu-i omoram ii convingem sa fie mai
Unii uita sub unele stari mentale sa faca rau,
altii spun tot ce au facut in viata lor sub unele
stari mentale.
Poti sa intri in capul lor sa le spui sa fie
linistiti, calmi, sa nu faca rau, sa fie buni.
Si garcea are ganduri in cap si ii convingem
cu ganduri bune sa fie linistiti, calmi, sa nu
faca rau.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 535

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 4:55


Stiu ca esti prost misogin si vulgar dar n-ai

dreptate garcea de armata.
Dumnealor Slujesc Neprihaniti cu Dumnezeu


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 536

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 4:41


Bine ba javra garcea de armata gunoi ataci de

la distanta cu telepatie?!
Ba javra noi slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus si iti
dam pastilute.
Nu scapi ba general gunoi de armata, javra
esti pe facebook acum si Noi slujim sa iti dam

Acum te rade toata planeta javra de armata.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 537

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 4:29


Sunt multi carora le-ar pasa si care ar putea

face ceva daca ar stii povestea noastra spusa
de fiecare dintre noi ca cine este el/ea(nu
spusa de altcineva).
Sa spunem noi public ce a fost si gasim si


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 538

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 4:20


Sa nu ne atace pe fiecare pe rand si fiecare sa

tina numai pentru el, din frica, amenintari
telepatice, proiectii cu bioenergie
Nu sa ne atace pe fiecare pe rand si noi tinem
pt noi drame in tacere ar fi trist, scriem special
pe un facebook numai pt acest scop, un
facebook al nostru dedicat, scriem pe un Blog
special pt aceasta, scriem pe un Forum special
daca vrem, nu la gramada ci speciale sa
vorbim public despre atacurile cu bioenergie
si telepatie.
Sa vorbim publ...ic ca pe acest facebook, sa
trimitem eMail, sa scriem pe Blog.
Apoi sa fim uniti si asa Solutionam aceasta

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 539

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 4:13

Cine vrea sa vorbeasca despre atacurile cu
bioenergie poate sa vorbeasca pe Chatul
facebook sau sa imi trimita eMail pe adresa
mea de yahoo.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 540

Date= August 27, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 3:46

Solutia este intai primul pas sa vorbim public
despre atacurile cu bioenergie.
Daca nu vorbim nu putem sa fim uniti si sa
Primul pas este sa vorbim ca pe acest
facebook despre atacurile cu bioenergie
Sa nu tinem numai pentru noi detalii despre
atacurile cu bioenergie ale armatei si altora....
Sa nu ne atace pe fiecare pe rand si fiecare sa
tina numai pentru el, din frica, amenintari
telepatice, proiectii cu bioenergie
Sa vorbim public ca pe acest facebook, sa
trimitem eMail, sa scriem pe Blog.
Apoi sa fim uniti si asa Solutionam aceasta

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 541

Date= August 26, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 3:36


Ca sa vezi cam care e nivelul

Garcea de armata e gainar
Ionica vroia sa scape ca sa nu se afle
adevarul(ca armata ataca cu bioenergie si
telepatie), dar l-am batut eu si am spus totul,
garcea: merge si asa...
Apoi garcea vroia sa nu Slujim noi, dar l-am
batut noi si Slujim, garcea: merge si asa(adica
daca nu i-a mers sa se tina tacerea merge si
asa, apoi daca nu a mers sa ne opreasca si
Slujim merge si asa- armata garcea niste
Apoi garcea zice: da, nu am scapat, dar merge
si asa: macar m-am razbunat pe tine
Ca sa vezi cam care e nivelul, ca armata
garcea sunt niste gainari
Noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 542

Date= August 26, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 3:34


The Key is to say it all public as this

facebook, or your Blog and eMails
We say it all public, everything the army
do(attacks with bioenergy, telepathy)


And we gather many more and we Serve

And the we solve the army too

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 543

Date= August 26, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 3:31


We say it all public, everything the army

do(attacks with bioenergy, telepathy)
Say it all publicly as this facebook
No matter what do not keep the silence...
Say it all public
In details, what army say, do, with bioenergy
Write eMails, talk to your friends
Even persecuted, attacked by the army, they
say will punish you more with bioenergy, do
not keep the silence, say it all public
The Key is to say it all public as this
facebook, or your Blog and eMails

And we gather many more and we Serve

And the we solve the army too

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 544

Date= August 25, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 2:40


We say it all public, everything the army

do(attacks with bioenergy, telepathy)
And we gather many more and we Serve
And the we solve the army too


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 545

Date= August 25, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 2:19


Spunem tot public, tot ce face garcea(ataca cu

bioenergie, telepatie)

Si ne strangem mai multi si Slujim
Si se rezolva si garcea


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 546

Date= August 25, 2018 Date= 8/28/18, 11:21


Faze ca 'garcea pedepseste la tine' nu tin

Noi Slujim cu Iisus.
Texte ca: pentru fapte Crestine prostul ala
garcea armata te ataca nu tin...
Nu stam noi Crestinii asa sa fim atacati cu
Uite acum este pe facebook si Slujim
Nu stam, nu tacem, spunem tot pe facebook
ca acesta si apoi ne strangem mai multi si
Slujim impreuna noi Crestinii
Noi Slujim cu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 547

Date= August 25, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 8:58


Archangel Michael


True Motive in Service.

We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 548

Date= August 25, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 8:56


Asemenea atacuri ale armatei cu telepatie nu

permitem noi Crestinii.

Armata insolenti de prosti "Asa ca de

De cand armata ataca Crestinii de Sabat si noi
sa nu tacem?! uite acum armata e pe facebook
si Slujim
Nu tine cu insolenta
Garcea esti patetic
Armata e proasta si slabanoaga cu ratati care
ataca de imbecili cu bioenergie, dar nu tacem,

Noi Crestinii Slujim cu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 549

Date= August 25, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 8:35


Astazi "Tot ce-i viu, tot ce-i frumos, Tu

Doamne l-ai creat" spune un Imn Crestin
Adventist despre Domnul Nostru Iisus.
Ratatii armata cu telepatie astazi: "zice cumva
armata?! de ce nu zice armata?!", garcea de
prostalau face pe insolentul
Eu: "Pentru ca nu este cazul. Armata nu e
cazul. Pe Dumnezeu Iisus il laudam"


Voi armata va faceti de ras ca prostii

O noua perla de prostie a lui garcea
Garcea de armata e prost rau
Va faceti de ras ca prostii armata loseri

Noi Slujim cu Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 550

Date= August 25, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 8:25

Like so, anybody has a weak point, something
to lose, the army take each on our turn and
beat us with bioenergy.
And I with my Family and with my friends
are a few and the army are many and beat us
with bioenergy.
One at a turn or a few of us are easy to beat
by the army with bioenergy.
The situation is to be United, together to beat
the army to not attack us with bioenergy....
The situation is to be United all of us, not just
I with my Family and a few friends, but to be
United as many as we can, gather much many
more, together to beat with bioenergy as Reiki
the army to not attack us with bioenergy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 551

Date= August 25, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 8:19


On Sabbath days I think is a good idea to give

a few slices of bread to a dog and some food
to a cat in our neighbourhood. They are
Creation of God, Great Souls and Lovely.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 552

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 8:18


Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 553

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 7:58


Noi suntem multumiti ca facem fapte, dar sunt

permise de unii gigi.
Noi stam multumiti ca facem ceva cu tupeu,
ceva nepermis, dar de fapt gigi te lasa sa faci,
adica alea nu-l prea intereseaza
Ca daca facem pe bune fapte, alea nu, alea
sunt interzise de gigi...
Noi facem fapte de ochii lumii, si lui gigi ii
place asa
Ca daca nu facem fapte deloc, ne inflamam si
ne luam la bataie cu ei
Dar asa, noi ne calmam ca 'facem fapte',
credem noi si alea controversate de gigi si
pedepsite de gigi. Dar nu faptele alea
adevarate, autentice, cum vede tot omul, eu
sunt tot singur in satucul Tariceni
Asa ca va astept: sa facem fapte pe bune, din
alea adevarate

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 554

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 7:41


Sub bocancul armatei

Oamenii stiu dar tac, Tabu, frica de armata ca
de armata lui ceausescu
Eu stau la Tariceni singur si noi stim dar nu
facem fapte reale...
Lumii ii e frica
Exact ca in comunism
Acestea nu sunt atitudini de democratie, dar
de comunism
Statuia Libertatii, gesturi nebunesti de
libertate, a indrazni, Dare, Courate, asta e
Noi acum stam si tacem, armata ameninta iar
noi mai mult tacem
Produse rusificate
Lucruri mici care spun ca noi nu gandim ca in
democratie ci de multe ori ca in comunism
Ne omoara in casa, lumea nu ia atitudine pe
Frica de SRI, spionii lui ceausescu care umbla
si la capul nostru, exact ca in comunism
Eu deportat din Bucuresti, adica Bucuresti
zona armatei si a lui ceusescu si eu la
Tariceni, deportat din Bucuresti, exact ca in
Frica de spioni care sunt peste tot, nu este din
Democratie ci in comunism
Spioni care vin si in satuc din oras, exact ca in
Oamenii care nu vorbersc despre, desi stiu nu
vorbesc deschis despre pt ca le face armata
rau si le e frica ca de armata lui ceausescu
Sunt mici tente care spun ca noi nu traim in
Democratie ci mai mult gandim ca in
“Asa ca de Sabat”, armata ne ataca in zile de
Sabat si ne fac rau pt ca suntem Crestini



Sa ne ajute Dumnezeu sa readucem

Democratia, Libertatea

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 555
Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 7:00


Nu-i lasati sa vina in capul vostru cu telepatie

si bioenergie, vor intoarce membrii echipei
impotriva voastra, familia impotriva voastra.

Glossa de Mihai Eminescu...

"Nu spera când vezi mişeii
La izbândă făcând punte,
Te-or întrece nătărăii,
De ai fi cu stea în frunte;"

Glossa de Mihai Eminescu

Vreme trece, vreme vine,

Toate-s vechi şi nouă toate;
Ce e rău şi ce e bine
Tu te-ntreabă şi socoate;
Nu spera şi nu ai teamă,
Ce e val ca valul trece;
De te-ndeamnă, de te cheamă,
Tu rămâi la toate rece.

Multe trec pe dinainte,

În auz ne sună multe,
Cine ţine toate minte
Şi ar sta să le asculte?...
Tu aşează-te deoparte,
Regăsindu-te pe tine,
Când cu zgomote deşarte
Vreme trece, vreme vine.

Nici încline a ei limbă

Recea cumpăn-a gândirii
Înspre clipa ce se schimbă
Pentru masca fericirii,
Ce din moartea ei se naşte
Şi o clipă ţine poate;
Pentru cine o cunoaşte
Toate-s vechi şi nouă toate.

Privitor ca la teatru
Tu în lume să te-nchipui:
Joace unul şi pe patru,
Totuşi tu ghici-vei chipu-i,
Şi de plânge, de se ceartă,
Tu în colţ petreci în tine
Şi-nţelegi din a lor artă
Ce e rău şi ce e bine.

Viitorul şi trecutul
Sunt a filei două feţe,
Vede-n capăt începutul
Cine ştie să le-nveţe;
Tot ce-a fost ori o să fie
În prezent le-avem pe toate,
Dar de-a lor zădărnicie
Te întreabă şi socoate.

Căci aceloraşi mijloace

Se supun câte există,
Şi de mii de ani încoace
Lumea-i veselă şi tristă;
Alte măşti, aceeaşi piesă,
Alte guri, aceeaşi gamă,
Amăgit atât de-adese
Nu spera şi nu ai teamă.

Nu spera când vezi mişeii

La izbândă făcând punte,
Te-or întrece nătărăii,
De ai fi cu stea în frunte;
Teamă n-ai, căta-vor iarăşi
Între dânşii să se plece,
Nu te prinde lor tovarăş:
Ce e val, ca valul trece.

Cu un cântec de sirenă,
Lumea-ntinde lucii mreje;
Ca să schimbe-actorii-n scenă,
Te momeşte în vârteje;
Tu pe-alături te strecoară,
Nu băga nici chiar de seamă,
Din cărarea ta afară
De te-ndeamnă, de te cheamă.

De te-ating, să feri în laturi,

De hulesc, să taci din gură;
Ce mai vrei cu-a tale sfaturi,
Dacă ştii a lor măsură;
Zică toţi ce vor să zică,
Treacă-n lume cine-o trece;
Ca să nu-ndrăgeşti nimică,

Tu rămâi la toate rece.

Tu rămâi la toate rece,

De te-ndeamnă, de te cheamă;
Ce e val, ca valul trece,
Nu spera şi nu ai teamă;
Te întreabă şi socoate
Ce e rău şi ce e bine;
Toate-s vechi şi nouă toate:
Vreme trece, vreme vine.

Totul este sa nu le dai voie sa vina in capul tau

cu telepatie si bioenergie, sa le dai o sabie
Reik de lumina in cap.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 556

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 6:31


În grădina Ghetsemani
de Vasile Voiculescu


"Iisus lupta cu soarta şi nu primea paharul…

Căzut pe brânci în iarbă, se-mpotrivea îtruna.
Curgeau sudori de sânge pe chipu-i alb ca
Şi-amarnica-i strigare stârnea în slăvi furtuna.

O mâna nendurată, ţinând grozava cupă,

Se coboară-miindu-l şi i-o ducea la gură…
Şi-o sete uriaşă stă sufletul să-i rupă…
Dar nu voia s-atingă infama băutură.

În apa ei verzuie jucau sterlici de miere

Şi sub veninul groaznic simţea că e
Dar fălcile-nclestându-şi, cu ultima putere
Bătându-se cu moartea, uitase de viaţă!

Deasupra fără tihnă, se frământau măslinii,
Păreau că vor să fugă din loc, să nu-l mai
Treceau bătăi de aripi prin vraiştea grădinii
Şi uliii de seară dau roate dupa pradă."

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 557

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 2:47


My advice is to Forgive.
Usually the team members will not do that
acts, but there are projections with bioenergy
and they did not knew it.
Usually the team members would not do such
an error, but this time there are projections
that affects them and they did not have a
Practice Forgiveness.
They did not mean it, usually this things did
not happened in their entire life.
Love, Forgive and go on with Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 558

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 2:40


Daniel Iordachioaie - ma intorc la tine mare





Aurelian Temisan - Nu, nu, nu!


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 559

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/27/18, 2:13


Mihaela Runceanu - Iarta (Prima auditie, Live



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 560

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/26/18, 6:50


Here it is a Profound and Important Post:

With telepathy and bioenergy attacks they

turn your Team against you, they put members
of the Team on your head....
As a Leader you will be unfollowed, the
people will not follow you.
They say personal things from one to another
and matters. For daughters of God there are
little things, little things said that matters

BE aware, they will turn people and team
members against you.

It is Written> See Bible> Matthew 31: NKJV

"31 Then Jesus said to them, “All of you will
be made to stumble because of Me this night,
for it is written: ‘I will strike the Shepherd,
And the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’"
Be aware, you will be a thread of anger,
resentment, personal issues one against
another, 'All of you will be made to stumble
because of Me this night,' as the Quote say.

BE aware, communicate always in words not

only telepathically, Leadership, do not let
them come into your head telepathically, or
they will destroy the Team and scatter Team

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 561

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/26/18, 6:43


The 7 Areas of Life.

Someone said there are 7 Areas of Life as

"The Wheel of Life - 7 Areas:
+2_Family: Wife or Husband, Children
+3_Career: Service with God Jesus
+4_Physical: Sport, Health
+6_Spiritual: Church
+7_Financial: Job, Sallay

Be attentive to have all areas of life in not

Good but Great State, States can be for each

from low, poor, etc, Great.
If Areas of Life are poor or low then you will
have problems in your Life.
For example if you do not do Sport, then it is
a warning, an event that you must take action,
do not continue your life and go on careless,
do not sit like so, but take action to make
For example if you do not have Friends any
more to see you at least weekly then do not sit
alone, but take action to remedy this situation.
The Areas of life Perfectly balanced are like
the atomic structure of the Diamond, perfectly
balanced, and Powerful.

The Areas of life missing give a atomic

structure of graphite, poor, weak, do not sit,
your life it will break down easily, put back
the areas of life missing, to Diamond again to
he Healthy, Powerful.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 562

Date= August 24, 2018 Date= 8/26/18, 6:15


In my opinion the teaching from this facebook

is good.
I am attacked and more and more ill.
Every day I get more sick....
But I think that if the teaching is implemented
no one will die any more because they won't
get attacked.
Any monkey if hit you till the end it will kill
I think that if you implement the teaching
from this facebook you will be great.
The teaching say to make a Revolution so to
not let army come into their head and attack
with bioenergy, but to beat them with Reiki
swords of light.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 563

Date= August 23, 2018 Date= 8/25/18, 8:35


Julio Iglesias with Stevie Wonder - My Love



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 564

Date= August 22, 2018 Date= 8/25/18, 8:14


1_The people know the truth: army attack us

and beat us in our homes, workplace and
terrorize and we suffer, the army is bad and
mean and terrorize us and we cannot do but
2_No, the other truth, with Attitude, Christian:
The army is stupid, insolent, unfair and we
Serve with God to our Right to be Free,
Happy, Christian. We are Great Christian and
we Serve with God with Courage, Belief in


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 565

Date= August 22, 2018 Date= 8/25/18, 7:57

I said and we said that army attacks people
with voices by bioenergy and telepathy, and
you and me and everybody now knows that
till now hidden fact that the army commit
such a crime to attack people with bioenergy.
The army said: not that I did all that
monstrosities to attack daily with voices by
telepathy innocent human beings but I am a
monster to sock you by my infinite cruelty,,,
by killing your chicken, cats, dogs, children,,,
by attacking in your own home all... of you,,,
everybody,,, depressions,,, monster,,, wow!!!
I'm impresses!!!
Army said: army is a monstrosity, not that we
did all that acts, all the crimes. The army will
attack you openly, the army will sock by
attacking you now,,, you will stay socked and
be afraid and stay in silence,,, I do not think
so!!! read this facebook good and well, we
Serve with Jesus!
The army is a monster, such crimes, such
See you are not bad to me!!!
Are you for real?!
Yeah right! You are the only only monster I
have seen!!!
We are not impressed army, We Serve and
give you pills!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 566

Date= August 22, 2018 Date= 8/25/18, 7:39


Sunteti o rusine pentru oameni armata

Ca d-aia sunteti divortati ca sunteti vulgari si
misogini prostilor
Cat despre armata romana, lumea o sa va tina
minte pe voi ca pe prostii de armata de la care
a pornit totul, ca de la armata rumana a pornit
totul, va faceti de ras ca prostii armata
rumana, niste handicapati, niste divortati si
niste prosti...
Armata rumana o sa va tina lumea minte ca pe

prostii rusinosi de la care a pornit totul, cum
ati mancat lebede in franta, asa va fceti de ras
pe tot globul acum, 'ramaneti in istorie' prin
prostie, niste divortati melite spurcate
misogioni si vulgari, niste ratati
Mai omule, sa nu mai tin eu Sabatul si
mucosul colonulitate "asa ca de Sabat" si ca
ma injura divortatul ala vulgar si misogin
toata ziua,,, sa nu mai tin eu Sabatul,,, din
cauza lu javra de armata, un slabanog vulgar
si misogin de colonulitate si loseri gunoaie
care n-au invatat carte,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 567

Date= August 22, 2018 Date= 8/25/18, 7:03

Ca nu se mai poate asa ceva,,, javra aia
needucata de armata da in Dumnealui Zig
Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist Church
Sa ne omoare mucosii armata cu bioenergie in
Ataca mucosii cu bioenergie si telepatie,,, ce e
aia,,, lasam toti mucosii nespalati la gura
vulgari si misogini sa faca misto de viata
noastra, Ditamai Crestinii,,, toate gainaturile
homosexuali garcea,,,
Toate javrele needucate armata, mucosul ala
garcea sa ma omoare in casa Ditamai
Adventistul Zig Zi...glar Seventh Day
Adventist Church
Toti mucosii din armata nespalati la gura!
Doamne fereste!!!
Ca d-aia sunteti divortati ca sunteti vulgari si
misogioni imbecililor din armata
Cracanatul ala divortat de homosexaual "asa
ca de Sabat", ca sa nu mai tin eu Sabatul,,, de
cand lasam prostii astia din armata sa faca asa
ceva,,, colonulitatea cracantul ala de
homosexual divortat
Cu prostii astia nu sta nimeni ca sunt vulgari,
misogini, ne-educati, se fac de ras ca prostii
ne-educati si unde s-or duce nu o sa-i placa
Si lasam mucosii astia colonei colonulitati sa
faca asa ceva,,,
Un mucos colonulitate nespalat la gura, ca d-

aia esti divortat prostule,,,
Ditamai Zig Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist
Church sa il omoare in casa o javra mucos de
armata, un divortat colonulitate,,,
Un mucos nu i-au dat tuleilele la 18 ani vulgar
si misogin sa ne omoare in casa,,,
Lasam toti prostii din armata sa ne omoare in
Ca nu sunt singur pe lume
Ce mai oameni buni sunt singur pe lume,
Ditamai Zig Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 568

Date= August 22, 2018 Date= 8/25/18, 1:58

De cand javra proasta garcea il lasam sa ne
omoare in case?!
De cand armata javre proaste o lasam sa isi
bata joc de viata noastra, sa ne ingane in
ganduri, sa faca misto de noii,,,, cum sa faci
asa ceva,,, cum sa lasi asa ceva,,, niste prosti
ca armata,,, cum sa lasi sa faca ratatii din
armata asa ceva
Gainaturi de homosexuali garcea
Niste garcea divortati misogini si vulgari...
De cand ii lasam sa ne omoare in case
De cand lasam om singur si stim ca il omoara
garcea in casa si il lasam
Sa faca misto un garcea de mine, Ditamai
Ce e aia
De cand lasam armata sa faca asa ceva
De cand lasam prostii astia din armata sa faca
asa ceva,,, il lasam noi sa faca asa ceva,,, de
Ca prostii asia isi bat joc de viata lor,,,, de ce
sa isi bata joc si de viata noastra,,,
Ca prostii astia din armata isi bat joc de viata
lor ca sunt vulgari si misogini, niste prosti, dar
de ce sa isi bata joc de viata noastra
Armata niste imbecili neimportanti, niste
divortati misogini si vulgari,,, de cand lasam
ratatii astia sa faca misto de noi sa isi bata joc
de Dumezeu,,, niste ratati gainaturi de
homosexuali din armata

De asta nu e cazul de armata, pt ca e prea
proasta pt specia umana, niste divortati, de
ratati vulgari si misogini imaturi si niste ratati
De cand lasam prostii astia din armata sa isi
bata joc de viata noastra,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 569

Date= August 22, 2018 Date= 8/25/18, 11:53


We give Reiki sawords in the head of the

army to not kill us completely in our home.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 570

Date= August 21, 2018 Date= 8/25/18, 11:34


Tu gandeste-te ca ii dam sabii Reiki in cap lui

garcea armata ca sa nu ne omoare cu totul asta
in casa.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 571

Date= August 21, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 9:43


I say WE MUST NOT DIE as martyrs in our

homes, but live to fight for our Freedom, live
to be Happy, live with Jesus, live the Holy
I am a martyr as I am attacked from 2004 till
2018 by the army, because this sufferance I
suffered are for God, Liberty, Human Rights.
I say WE MUST NOT DIE as martyrs but
give a sword of light in the army garcea to
obtain our freedom.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 572

Date= August 21, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 4:36


How many human beings are on planet and

how many army persons?!
We beat you how number of army person you
are and we have our Freedom!!!


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 573

Date= August 21, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 2:19


Do you want to eat another swan?! as in

Do you want another scandal in Romania?!
Do you want another Top News on
Mapamond: Report, a new Scandal in
Romania, a new shameful act in the SE of
A new shame?!

Army does want to bury Romania in shame
and SE of Europe?! with this army attacking
with bioenergy?!
I know people have rights, Right to Freedom,
Right to Happiness, Right to Live a Christian

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 574

Date= August 20, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 2:17


De cand e lumea asa e

Sa fiu cu el acolo
Unde? acolo in saracie...
Domne da!
Oriunde e el ma duc cu el
Asa e Iubirea, Fratia, Solidaritatea
Ce sens are? Ca nu face nici un bine
Ca nu e eficient(eeee, eficienta si iubirea)
Are un sens
Ca se simte el mai bine
Pt el inseamna mult, inseamna foarte mult ca
nu e lasat fizic singur
Ca nu e singur, ca nu e lasat singur

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 575

Date= August 20, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 1:49


Ceausescu nu va las, nu va las!!!

Si stii ce i-a trecut ultima data prin cap?! Un
glont asa,,,


Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 576

Date= August 20, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 1:24


Armata se hotaraste, juriul armatei se decide.

Pana toti din juriu sunt toti batuti pe jos cu
sabii Reiki de lumina
Apoi uitandu-se pe jos: Armata este hotarata
in unanimitate...
Asa da!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 577

Date= August 19, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 1:21


Ceausescu zicea: Ceausescu nu va lasa nici

Pana l-am impuscat
Ceausescu v-a parasit, a plecat dintre voi...
Stim, noi l-am impuscat!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 578

Date= August 19, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 1:13


Cu garcea armata este sa le spargem toate

Cu sabii Reiki de lumina.

Garcea are mai multe capete seci si sunt usor
de inlocuit, in locul unui loser vine alt loser,
colonulitate alta colonulitate, un gunoi alt
gunoi si are capete seci de inlocuit....
Asa ca trebuie sa le spargem toate capetele.
Stiu ca e munca fizica, dar daca atata poate
garcea, daca atata stii tu garcea, daca tu ca o
maimuta te comporti, ca pe maimuta te
tratam, spargem toate capetele pana nu mai
ramane unul
Si munca fizica e munca cinstita, ne punem pe
spart, spargem toate capetele pana nu mai
ramane unul
Ca la Revolutie: gata, gata, armata e cu
voi?!,,, ai vazut!!!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 579

Date= August 19, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 1:11


Ceausescu, comandantul suprem al armatei- ii

spargi dintii: asa da, acum armata e de acord.
Fara frica de generali gunoaie, maresali mari
daselati, comandantul suprem al armatei, da-i
in bot lu garcea, bate-l pe prostu garcea,
sparge-i dintii: asa da, acum garcea e de
acord, eram sigur ca asa esti de acord.
Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 580

Date= August 19, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 12:48


On that time the same said the army, with the

great multinational director ionica, that they
will do many things, and that they are-and
how great the army is, and threats, and look
now: they did not escaped.
Look the reality now: they did not escaped.
And the same said on that time too, in 2004
and also the whole army was in that time too,
the same....
Look at the reality that now the Psychiatry
knows about schizophrenia and people know
what army does with bioenergy, and how they
tried to escape with no-one to know: but they
did not escaped.
We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 581

Date= August 19, 2018 Date= 8/24/18, 12:27


The army is stupid and insolent attacks us

with bioenergy every day, but it will be worse
for them.
We Serve and every act of attack with
bioenergy from the army part will be worse
for them.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 582

Date= August 19, 2018 Date= 8/23/18, 8:24


This is why the army did not wanted people to

know what they did because they are scared
with what they did and ashamed with what
they did. This was their last insolence.


Armata: "Joaca armata mind games-uri cu
mintea voastra cu bioenergie"
Aoleu,,, iar esti prost ca Slujim!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 586

Date= August 18, 2018 Date= 8/22/18, 2:24


The army: "The army play mind games with

your mind with bioenergy".
Army is too stupid.
Who does let the army play with our mind?!
Who do you think will let them?! The army is
too stupid for human beings....
We Serve and we write all on facebook.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

MERGE_BEGIN Letter Number= 334

Date= August 8, 2018 Date= 8/9/18, 7:05


The army: "The army play mind games with

your mind with bioenergy".
Army is too stupid.
Who does let the army play with our mind?!
Who do you think will let them?! The army is
too stupid for human beings....
We Serve and we write all on facebook.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 335
Date= August 8, 2018 Date= 8/9/18, 6:52


"Till I will catch you" say the stupid insolent

army with bioenergy
We do not play with garcea army, they are
Even a stupid monkey can attack as army till
a person is damaged, hurt...
That does a stupid monkey too, attack with
the stick till damage, but we do not play with
the stupid monkey army garcea
Since when they attack us with bioenergy?!
We do not let them attack us!
We do not let the army attack us with
bioenergy, we give them swords Reiki in their

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 336

Date= August 8, 2018 Date= 8/9/18, 6:45

Consider that God destined husband and wife
to meet.
And the army attack the husband with
projections to stay away or to meet another
relatively compatible and wife to not meet
husband to another.
What terrible it will be if husband and wife
not meet because the army with projections
make them stay away one for another
What if will be if you will not meet real love
in your life also was possible for you form
What terrible world it will be if you won't
meet your real, authentic wife or husband at

Alice Cooper - Brutal Planet


I think we must Serve to be Happy in our

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 337

Date= August 8, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 10:49

Today I write you also to Dare.

If everybody will sit and not do all they can,

there will remain one by one people attacked.
People are attacked by the army one at a time
and we remain in a shameful life, a small life,
helpless, learning helplessness....
We must Dare, Involve, to do all we can for
one person if it is attacked, 'one for all and all
for one', united.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 338

Date= August 8, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 10:48

Say a word to the army also: 'Aren't you
ashamed with yourself to attack with
Take a stand
Say a word too on your facebook, blog,


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 339

Date= August 8, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 10:25


How is that?! You the army attack him/her in

home because he/she does not know Reiki.

What we may think:...

And I that know Reiki what I will do to you?!
And I to let him/her attacked in the home
daily?! I to let him/her getting sick every day
because the army attack him/her with

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 340

Date= August 8, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 10:18


We die fighting better, but be Christians, than

to be slaves of a few army stupid with mental
diseases, that hallucinate terrible abyssal
We die fighting better for our Christian Life,
for our Freedom, for our Right to Happiness,
and we never be slaves to the army.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 341

Date= August 7, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 9:29

My opinion is not to let army garcea to do
their shameful stupidities.
The army is shameful stupid attacking with

bioenergy, and the truth is that to many of the
army they are ashamed with their actions.
We are so many Christians on this planet and
they are some stinky mouth army with mental
diseases that are to take pills, to give them
treatment for their disease and weakness.
They have no God, are stupid as they can be,
insolence based on ignorance, in reality
God ...exists, Love exists, Truth exist and we
are many and with God, they are a few stupid
sick with the small brain, mental diseases and
do not understand well the reality, terrible
abyssal and insolence based on nothing.
If you Dare to Confront them, you will see
you will beat them.
A Stand Up in face of this losers from the
army is the solution.
With Attitude to say a word to this stupid
They are few comparing to us and they are
with diseases and they do actions for effect, to
obtain some effect, in reality, they are terribly
abyssal and not that powerful as they say.
Stand up without fear and with Attitude.
For anything in the world we will not let our
wives offended by army with homosexuals
that say daily shameful words through army
telepathy, and our daughters and sisters to be
attacked with vulgar, misogynist words
telepathically daily, to be traumatized by this
stinky mouths from the army and to have
psychological trauma from the army shameful
losers, we are ashamed with the army and we
Serve in Reality, army are just a few and we
are many.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 342

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 5:40


A Revolution is made through Loyalty,

Solidarity, Empathy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 343

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 3:20


A story in which a planet becomes dark, with

camps in which people are tortured physically,
and as Hitler or Ceausescu people liven in
some kind of communism and dictature, and
the army take people that say the truth, live
Christian live and torture physically
sometimes with homosexuals also with
telepathy and bioenergy, tortured with
bioenergy playing games in their mind. In this
camps people are in the worse prisons as
priests in communism and are telepathically
at...tacked and attacked with bioenergy
projections but also physically.
People that keep Sabbath are taken by the
army in camps to torture, psychological
trauma, physical trauma.
Also the story is frightening, remember "Love
never fail" and we Live Love of Jesus and we
keep Values, Christian Virtues, Love will
always be Victorious. Dare to Live, Love,
have Courage, Live Free, Happy, it is your
inborn right to Freedom, it is your inborn
right to Happiness, it is your inborn right to
Live Christian, it is your inborn right to Holy

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 344

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 3:18


UNICEF - for every Child



Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 345

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 3:15


In Life you must Live Love, you must 'dance

in the rain'
Love is doing something Crazy, when
everybody go in one direction you follow
your heart and do in the opposite direction
Love is like doing the impossible, 'walking on
Love is dancing when everybody tells you
that you cannot listen to that kind of music
Love is like doing a crazy thing also people
tell you it is wrong, you follow your dream,
people call you wrong, but you know and do
it anyway, people tell you not much if any
will you contribute, but you feel it is huge and
important for you and you do it anyway
Love is doing the little things also people say
it ain't help with any, you do them anyway.
Love is doing the things even if people say it
is sure death, you do it anyway.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 346

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 3:00


How little it can be, but Clean, and Christian.

Do what is in your heart.
Involve, do the right thing, do All You Can
Do, not just usual, not just as I always did, not
just enough, do All You Can Do.


Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 347

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 2:42


We that know Reiki and Radiesthesy do not

let them attack people: Involve, Dare, with
Courage, Empathy, Help people.

It is Written> See Bible> Matthew 25:40...

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you,
whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Do not let them attack people, say a word to

them, give a Reiki sword in their head. Do
really an action, do all you can.
And help people help themselves, to protect
themselves, Empower people, help people to
be in control, in charge of their lives.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 348

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 2:24


Armata credea ca noi tacem si suportam in

casa sa fin atacati cu bioenergie.
Cam imatur si stupid garcea


Noi Slujim cu Domnul Nostru Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 349

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 2:01


De cand acceptam jevrutele din armata sa ne

atace cu bioenergie
Va e frica de prostii aia?!
Suntem atatia pe planeta


De ce handicapatul ala garcea m-a injurat

aseara pana am adormt?! De ce?!
De cand acceptam sa fin atacati telepatic de
armata niste gigi garcea?!

De cand acceptam noi asa ceva?! Nu! Slujim!

Suntem atatia pe planeta

Army it is stupid that we do not let, we beat

them with Reiki swords of light, we Serve
with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 350

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 1:42


De cand acceptam jevrutele din armata sa ne

atace cu bioenergie
Va e frica de prostii aia?!
Suntem atatia pe planeta


Army it is stupid that we do not let, we beat
them with Reiki swords of light, we Serve
with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 351

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 1:31


Nu accepta fatalai sa te atace

Niste prosti nebarbati garcea
Nu accepta prostii din armata sa te atace cu
Ce e aia, sa te atace armata cu bioenergie
Spune tot, bate-i ca pe prosti
Publica pe Internet, spune tot ce fac, fara
frica, ca sunt doar niste nebarbati, prosti
garcea n-au invatat carte
Ce e aia: armata te ataca, de cand acceptam
noi asa ceva, ca n-am inteles,,, niste 'tarfe
masculine' de armata,,, armata niste prosti
insolenti,,, nu sunt barbati sunt niste prosti,,,
De cand stam sa tacem,,, spunem tot, public,
bati la armata ca la fasole
Ce e aia armata,,, armata e la handicapati
De armata nu e cazul
Ce e aia armata?! 'tarfa masculine' - ma faci sa
rad cu tarfele garcea, de cand barbatii si
femeile sunt tarfe?! bate la ei ca la fasole
De cand ne uitam in gura la prostii astia,,,
Armata insolenta de prosti
De cand are dreptul armata sa faca asa ceva?!
De cand ne ataca armata,,, niste tarfe
Armata sunt prosti n-au invatat carte,
insolenta de prosti,,, suntem toti uniti, batem
la ei ca la fasole
Ce e insolenta asta pe capul lor, niste imbecili
Suntem toata planeta,,, uniti batem la armata
ca la fasole
Hai pa garcea esti patetitc

Army it is stupid that we do not let, we beat

them with Reiki swords of light, we Serve
with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 352

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 10:46


Do not let yourself tortured by them

Give them a good beat, beat them with


See that what army does is torture, and you

must be healthy, do not accept this because
you will get sick, do not accept the army to
attack with bioenergy because you will get
Do not accept the mental slavery, to sit
because of pain, do not accept to stay small
because you are in pain, beat the army like
crazy and do not let mental slavery

Army it is stupid that we do not let, we beat

them with Reiki swords of light, we Serve
with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 353

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 10:40


The army does not like everybody to know,

but they cannot do anything.
The stupid army wanted me to fear, but I do
not fear and I tell everything now and they do
not have a choice.
The army makes a fool of themselves and
now everybody will now....

The army is stupid and insolent, and I am not
impressed by them, just stupid, now
everybody will know how stupid they are,
If it were after them people would not know
this, but they do not have what to do, because
now it is on this facebook

Army it is stupid that we do not let, we beat

them with Reiki swords of light, we Serve
with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 354

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/8/18, 10:37


It is not pleasant a stupid to attack you with

bioenergy and to curse till you sleep.
The army is just stupid
The world laughs of you because army is
Army is pathetic
We are pity on you
You beat the army like crazy
At how stupid is army garcea,,, it does
matter? Yes, it matters, because army is on
Internet and everybody will know
Army you make a fool of yourself
Army are not men, are fools, weak stupid that
makes a fool of themselves

Army it is stupid, we Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 355

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/7/18, 11:58


Adica numai Ditamai Crestinul Zig ZIglar
Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Si pe Dumnealui l-a atacat un garcea
colonulitate de colonel, loser locotenent,
gunoi de general.
Dar nu-i asa, pt ca Dumnealui este Zig ZIglar
Seventh Day Adventist Church si Slujim cu
Dumnezeu Iisus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 356

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 5:44


To beat a person can do anyone.

Even a monkey can hit and beat.
Only God can give life, and a Great Human
Being can do good....
We Serve with God Jesus to keep our
Freedom, our Rights to Freedom and

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 357

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 4:07


A Wrinkle in Time (2003)


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 358

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 4:00


We should NOT LET the army to attack us

with bioenergy in out homes.
We should not be in the situation to not be
able to go to SuperMarket, Metro, etc,
because it is a too great consume after we
endure the attacks with bioenergy.
We should not be in the situation to not be
able to clean our home, to sweep, clean our
home because it is a too great consume after
we endure the attacks with bioenergy.


DO NOT LET the army to attack you with


We Live with God Jesus, beat the army with

Reiki swords of light to live Free, a Life with
God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 359

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 3:25

Cat food should be room temperature and do
not feed cat with food from refrigerator. So let
food a few minutes in the summer at room

Tip: Never feed your cat with cold cat food

served directly from the fridge.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 360

Date= August 6, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 3:17

Since the world exist, you must beat the
Do not remain victim because the aggressor it
will keep you in silence and you will get sick
Since the world is, you must beat the


The neighbour knows and heard it all before,

you must beat him/her publicly, everybody to
see, you must beat the aggressor
Do not wait for superior forums to allow you,
to help you, beat the aggressor till he/she is at
the ground.

We Serve, beat the army with Reiki swords of

light to live with Free with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 361

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 2:58


Armata: jap, jap la sotia mea,,, zice el garcea

de armata!!!
Adica ce treaba are armata cu iubirea, el crede
ca jap, jap la sotia mea
Crede prost


Pana il fac praf in bataie pe garcea din armata,
pana bat la armata ca la fasole, pentru ca este
sotia mea

Armata: inima e un organ care face pulsatie la

Aoleu prostalau garcea de armata: inima e cu
inima ma prostalau armata

Pana il batem pe garcea de armata de il lasam

lat ca e prost de insolent n-a invatat carte

We Serve, beat the army with Reiki swords of

light to live with Free with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 362

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 2:47


Armata: jap, jap, bate oaminii jap jap

Armata n-are nici o treaba, ei zice ca, io bate
la oamini adica jap, jap
Adica deh, ce treaba are armata cu realitatea,
cu Dumnezeu, ei armata sunt prosti teribiisti,
limbuti, ei jap, jap la oaminii de pe
La ei oaminii e niste bipezi la care ei pe
planetoid: jap, jap

Pana vine unul si jap jap il bate pe garcea de

armata de il lasa lat si acela este de la
Pana il batem pe garcea de armata de il lasam
lat ca e prost de insolent n-a invatat carte

We Serve, beat the army with Reiki swords of

light to live with Free with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 363
Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 1:54


The army: 'punch, punch' and beat people

Till one person gives one to the army and beat
him with punches from God Jesus


We Serve, beat the army with Reiki swords of

light to live with Free with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 364

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 1:31


The army did not want to say it all publicly.

They thought that their insolence, threats will
block us in fear, negative emotions, lack of
money, poverty and we will not tell
The army did not want us to say it all publicly
because they do not resist to the people saying
everything publicly, in loud voice, the army
do not resist to the people saying what they
feel in a loud voice...
The army do resist to people with Attitude
that say that they beat the army
The army do not resist to people saying that
the army is shameful and the army is weak
and that we beat the army like crazy
They thought their insolence will block us in
fear, anger, pain, paralysed by their actions,
but they do not know the power of God, they
do not know the power of Love, because if
they knew they would lived with God and
Love, here it is this facebook all said publicly,
crystal clear
The army do not resist of us telling the truth

on all Internet, all planet to know what they
do and how shameful, weak they are
This stupids thought they will take us quickly
with their army stinky mouth and we will not
say everything, in loud voice
They thoughts we will be afraid, in pain, and
will sit silent not saying publicly what they
But we help eachother, we Serve with God
And we say it all publicly
We say it all in loud voice, everything
We have Courage, we Dare and we say it all
publicly like on this facebook, our facebook
We Serve, beat the army to live with Free
with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 365

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 1:09

With Ceausescu the same army did the stupid
acts to be insolent, inhuman, to persecute, and
other shameful acts, to attack people and we
beaten the army, killed the dictator Ceausescu
and we lived democracy
With afro-american also the army persecuted
and did all the stupid, shameful acts, imbecile
acts, and we beaten the army and afro-
american are now free
Now also the same stupid army attacks with
bioenergy in abyssal stupidity, unjust,
insolent, vulgar, misogynist ...and are too
stupid for human beings
We beat the army like crazy to live free live,
our rights to freedom, happiness
We Serve, beat the army to live with Free
with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 366

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 12:49


Armata niste prosti limbuti care ataca cu
Va faceti de ras ca prostii
Va stie doar toata planeta acum?! sunteti
In realitate Noi Crestinii Slujim cu Domnul
Nostru Iisus


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 367

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 12:03

Armata niste prosti limbuti care ataca cu
Armata o batem si ii dam afara
Sabii Reiki de lumina in capul lui garcea cand
ataca cu bioenergie
Dupa care se vor da si legi(dupa ce ii batem
vor fi si legi)...
In realitate Slujim cu Domnul Nostru Iisus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 368

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 11:24

Armata niste prosti limbuti care ataca cu
Armata niste prosti teribilisti.
Ce nu zice garcea armata ca face?! limbuti
ratati bosorogi de tineri
Niste ratati...
Ce nu e la melita lor, teribilisti si ratati, doar

In realitate Slujim cu Domnul Nostru Iisus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 369

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 10:45


Gloria Dei - Corul national Adventist - Asa e

al meu Isus


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 370

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 10:36


Cântecul fluturașului - Corul de copii flori și

stele - dirijor Carmen Stoica


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 371

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 10:31




Go Healthy for Good


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 372

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 10:20


Garcea n-a invatat carte, misogin, vulgar.

Prost garcea se face de ras pe toata planeta
Garcea zice cu insolenta prosteasca: Ce are
Doar toata planeta te stie, ne e mila de tine
Oricum umplem Internetul cu tine, te stie
toata lumea de prost acum
Garcea: Ce are ceva?!
Iti spun eu: Are ceva! Slujim cu Dumnezeu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 373

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 10:11


Anelisse si Beatrice Craciun - Cred in



Anelisse și Beatrice Crăciun - Stăm împreună


El este pace - Anelisse și Beatrice Crăciun


Anelisse si Beatrice Craciun - He is our

Everlasting God

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 374

Date= August 5, 2018 Date= 8/6/18, 10:04


Anelisse Craciun - Isus,mama si eu



Anelisse si Beatrice Craciun - Cantec de seara


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 375

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 10:57

You army, your acts makes you a fool

Your own acts made you a fool
You make a stupid out of you, by your own
Now all the planet knows you, as is all on
facebook, publicly...
You army, now you made a fool on all planet
by your own acts
We say the truth and you are a fool by your
own acts

We keep the Sabbath, we are Christian and we

are with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 376

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 9:26


Army attacks on Sabbath day with telepathy

and bioenergy: you army are pathetic
We Great Christian and this army stupid
attacks us on Sabbath Day


You army, your acts makes you a fool

You make a stupid our of you, and it all begin
with Romanian army corrupted as stupid
You made a fool out of you on all planet by
your own acts
You are a fool out of you by your own acts,
you are pathetic

Who can know that army does that: just all

the Planet now, because I write on the
facebook, you make a fool out of you on all
Planet Earth

We say the truth, you are too stupid for human

beings, stupid army
We keep the Sabbath, we are Christian and we
are with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 377

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 8:37


Armata face pe insolenta telepatic, ataca in zi

de Sabat cu bioenergie
Te faci de ras bai prostalau, tu esti prost de
armata n-ai nici un Dumnezeu, dar noi avem
Te faci de ras bai gigi garcea de armata: daca
esti prost n-ai invatat carte...
Armata a atacat astazi telepatic "Pentru ce
slujesti cu Dumnezeu si pentru ce esti Crestin
si muncesti talentele cu Dumnezeu, pentru ce
tii Sabatul"
Gigi garcea: Insolenta de prost
Prostalau de armata
Suntem Crestini si Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 378

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 8:22


Today army garcea attacked telepathically:

"You upset garcea army!"
Another stupid line from army today: "Why
do you Serve with God on facebook?!"
Texts on army garcea, that we keep the
Well, army has no right to attack us to not
keep Sabbath
So stupidity as army I did not seen and won't
remain like so, we Serve with God Jesus
Army has no rights to attack us not to be
Christian and work our Talents with Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 379

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 7:26


Happy Sabbath!
For Love may not seem always perfect
situation, but you may find that also in those
situations is perfect Love for you.
I Believe in Marriage based on Values,
Christian Virtues.


Love and Marriage Frank Sinatra : Lyrics HD


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 380

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 4:57


Asta a fost povestea lui garcea armata de cand

Daca te vede ca ti-e frica de el atunci retardelu
garcea si-o ia in cap si face pe insolentul.
Daca vede ca nu ti-e frica si ca il bati, atunci
sta la locul lui.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 381
Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 4:21


The army stupid: "Here it is, like for Sabbath"

This is the stupid thing army say when they
attack me on Sabbath Day.
The Sabbath is from God....
We Serve to keep the Sabbath Day.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 382

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 4:16

Noi stam asa sa proiecteze cu bioenergie
armata garcea imagini cu depravati si
perversitati homosexualice in mintea
We Serve with God Jesus for our Right to
Freedom, Happiness, Love, Christian Life.
We give them Reiki swords into their head.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 383

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 4:13


We stay like that with army garcea having

laptops and other 'machines homosexuals' that
attack us with bioenergy?!
We Serve with God Jesus for our Right to
Freedom, Happiness, Love, Christian Life.
We give them Reiki swords into their head.


Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 384

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 12:40


It is like he/she will beat you on the street,

when he/she sees you, he/she will beat you
and you take patches to wait to heal your
wounds, you cannot do that, everybody knows
that you cannot let him/her beat you, you
must take a stand and beat him or with others
to beat him/her so he/she will be forced to let
you live your life, a happy life.
This is when you are attacked with telepathy
and you do not know bioenergy like Reiki and
he/she attacks you and you try to b...e
positive, optimistic, to use psychology to
remain positive, like taking patches to heal
your wounds, this won't do, you cannot let
him/her attack you from hidden telepathically
and you to try be positive till he/she projects
all kind of emotions from them to you, you
must beat him/her by giving a Reiki sword
into him/her head so to force them to let you
live your life, a happy life.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 385

Date= August 4, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 12:10


If the army see that you are not afraid and say
a few things to them and give them punches
and a good beat, yes you keep your right to
Freedom, Happiness, Christian Life.
If the army sees you are afraid, walk carefully,
he will be insolent, but it won't do, beat the
Cum adica vine la sotie, la sora, la fiica sa

atace?! vina sa puna mana cu bioenergie?! sa
violeze telepatic?! bat la el ca la fasole,,,,...
Cum adica vine la sotie, la sora, la fiica sa
atace?! bat la el ca la fasole,,,,
I am not afraid, and we say all the truth, with
Freedom of Speech, saying all the Truth with
Power in our Voice and with Strength and
Serve with God Jesus and we beat the army
with Reiki swords of light.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 386

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 11:47


If the army see that you are not afraid and say
a few things to them and give them punches
and a good beat, yes you keep your right to
Freedom, Happiness, Christian Life.
If the army sees you are afraid, walk carefully,
he will be insolent, but it won't do, beat the
I am not afraid, and we say all the truth, with
Freedom of Speech, saying all the Truth with
Power in our Voice and with Strength and
Serve with God Jesus and we beat the army
with Reiki swords of l...ight.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 387

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 11:39


Adica fatalau garcea de armata crede ca le

lasam copii sa-i atace cu bioenergie?!
Sa crezi tu fatalau garcea, Slujim, iti dam
sabii Reiki dupa ceafa ca la prostalau!!!


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 388

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/5/18, 11:36


Cum adica garcea armata zice: "ce are ceva?!

acum va atac pe fata cu bioenergie?!"
Cum adica "ce are ceva?!" Ce esti tampit
Trebuie sa Slujim sa le dam cateva sabii Reiki
in cap lu garcea de armata!...
Cum adica "ce are ceva?!" Ce esti tampit
boule armata!!!
Bai handicapatule de armata Slujim!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 389

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 6:44


We cannot live in bed with the enemy.

We cannot live with the monsters under the
We know they do that now....
We must Serve with God.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 390

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 5:09


Do Reiki.
It will give you motivation self esteem
because you address the problem.
It is something you do for yourself, for your
health, for your happiness....
This will improve your motivation, self
esteem, self confidence.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 391

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 4:25


It is not the Romanisation of the planet.

In Romania usually is: to do not involve, to

not care, to look on the other side pretending
you do not see the injustice, to fear the army
of ceausescu, to be army and police insolent
stupid, to not have loyalty, to not be together
for good, to not have solidarity, to not care for
politeness, good manner, to not care about
your neighbour....
What army garcea would not do in Romania?!
in poverty,,,
Fear of the army because they have guns and
people have sticks of wood must not be,
because we take measures, we will have our
weapons too, you remember the Revolution
from 1989.
Do not accept the Romanisation of the planet.
Dare, have Courage, Involve, Care, Stay
Together, have Solidarity, Live a Christian
In Reality does not exist Romania in this
context, we Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 392
Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 4:19


Army us too stupid for human beings.

They are so stupid they think are to hide after
The army does not say they are stupid with
homosexuals and attacks people with
bioenergy from stupidity, they in their
stupidity think can hide after Romania....
It is not about Romania in particular, but army
is stupid to attack with bioenergy.
The army is pathetic, we Serve with God.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 393

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 3:32


A story say as a stonemason to obtain the

favour of gods build his own wife into the
walls, because the walls always break down.
He was to build a Church.
You may think what integrity had the one for
which build the Church, if he knew that the
stonemason will brick his own wife into the
walls and he accepted this killing act....
After the Church was build, the stonemason
was on the roof and the one for which build
the Church let him die on the roof because he
had no inters to let him alive.
You may understand that a person that
accepted the stonemason to build his wife into
the walls to kill her for gods, has no Integrity,
so that kind of person is fishy, and suspect of
lacking in Virtues and Christian Values, is a
person without Integrity, and that's why when
the work was done and Church was ready
killed him too.

That story tell us to have Integrity, to not

accept presents as one brick his own into the

walls, Complete Integrity, Crystal Clear
Values, Christian Virtues..

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 394

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 3:21


Do not accept presents, gifts if you know they

are not clean
As a quote say "Clean flowers, not flowers
form cemetery"
It may seem great to receive a present, a
solution to a problem, but if this is done by
pain of a person or persons or you're not sure,
or you know people suffered and you feel bad,
do not accept the present no matter how
It is right to say No!
It is your right to express your emotions,
To compromise your integrity it will make
you unhappy on time, do not do short time
gain because it will lead to long time pain but
"short time pain for long time gain" as a quote
The Great People, Really Wealthy and
Successful accept sacrifices but do not
compromise their Integrity and this in time
leads to Success, they Risk their Success for
Integrity and Truth and Honesty and this in
time leads to a Greater Success, Authentic
Success they did not dreamed.

If you are not sure you can say: "If I must

think now the answer is No!, but if I have
time to think the answer it may be Yes"
If you feel bad in some respects and you have
doubts about areas of the gift do not accept it,
Complete Integrity, Crystal Clear Values,
Christian Virtues.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 395
Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 11:20


The most powerful human beings are Great

People, and they Live Values and Christian
Virtues, and as an Excellent Human Being
said "are people of the Bible".

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 396

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 11:13


Si pe mine cine ma bate?!

Ala io, ala io


Stai mai frate ca nu e asa, ca nu are voie sa te

bata, ca il bat io, nu te las singur, ca il iau io la
bataie pe ala si nu il las sa te bata. Eu il las sa
te bata?! ca ma implic eu, nu il las, ii iau eu la
bataie pe aia, vin si eu cu ai mei si ii iau la
bataie pe aia
Ce e ca la voi ca-n codru, ii iau eu la bataie pe
aia, vin si eu cu ai mei si ii iau la bataie pe aia

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 397

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 11:09


In Romania, a woman alone
A person: Here, quick someone stolen her
The other person: Ready my bro, I take her
shopping bags!


Not that Attitude

It is we do something about
We take attitude
We do something about
You beat the army like in USA, with attitude!
We are Christians with Attitude!
We give Reiki Swords of light in the army
head till he is at the floor and he has no choice
but to let us live a free Life!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 398

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 11:04


What is Romania in here?!

Is the romanification of the planet?!
You let a alone woman attacked and you to
shut up?!...
You let a woman Virtuous, Christian that
husband died alone?! to be attacked with
bioenergy and shut up?!
What is Romania in here?!
Is the romanification of the planet?!
What quiet drama?!
Here it is Romania?! it is Romania of
Is the romanification of the planet?!
Quiet drama?! No!
With Attitude
We take attitude
We do something about
You beat the army like in USA, with attitude!
We are Christians with Attitude!
We give Reiki Swords of light in the army
head till he is at the floor and he has no choice
but to let us live a free Life!

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 399

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/4/18, 9:52


You do not touch a woman neither with a

Treat her like a lady
We beat the army with Reiki Swords of
We do not let army speak vulgar misogynistic
with our wife, sisters, co-workers.
We do not let our wife attacked by the army
and army rape our wife and attack with
bioenergy our wife.
We beat the army with Reiki Swords of light.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 400

Date= August 3, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 6:07


What quiet drama?!

Here it is Romania?! it is Romania of
Is the romanification of the planet?!...
Quiet drama?! No!
With Attitude
We take attitude
We do something about

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 401

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 5:14



The army: "I do not let you, till I die"

I say: We beat the army like in USA, we have
Attitude, we are Christians and we have
"Here does not work with Romania and fear
of the army garcea"


The army: "Do you kill a human?! You are

This is emotional blackmail
I say: "No, I let you rape my wife, because
you are army garcea,,, you think!!! Of course
I beat you till I let you at the floor"
"You have no right to be vulgar and
misogynistic with me, my wife, my sisters,
my brothers and I beat army with Reiki
swords. And yes, I am a man and I am
Christian and it is self defence"

I say:"I beat the army like crazy" and you do

not rape my wife with bioenergy projections
and telepathy

I say: "Here it does not work with Ceausescu,

army of the dictator Ceausescu from
Romania, I beat the army till I let them at the
floor, because they have any right to attack
me telepathically and attack my wife and rape
her telepathically and with bioenergy"
It is not the army of Ceausescu under the
counter, it is we free that beat the army with
Reiki swords of light
Yes it is self defence and I as Christian I
defend myself, and my Family
Reiki is Christian if the person is Christian
and I am Christian

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 402

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 4:52



People in the small village I still live, had

some chicken and the army attacked with
bioenergy the chickens and killed some.
This were their only source for food
sometime, some eggs and some chicken meat
The people learned that army kills their
So 'catch the blind man, and take out his/her
The people felt like, is no-one to see, they are
hidden and attacks without physical presence,
I cannot give them one in their head, because
I am angry and I want to say this truth, but I
cannot, because they attack from hidden with
I would like to give one in their head to this
army garcea that do that, but I can't see him,
he/she has no body and is in hidden, does this
with bioenergy from hidden
The people felt like cannot do any, they do not
see the attacker and has no physical presence
to give to this unfair, unjust attacker one in
his/her head.
So they felt like helpless
The army did that with bioenergy and are
hidden and the people do not know the person
from the army that did this unfair, unjust act
Also some people, a few have stores, they are
controlled in the store and things happen if
they do good things, so the army attacks this
stores with bioenergy and the store is the only
way to survive for that people and they cannot
see the attacker, and cannot do anything,
because the army attacker has no physical
presence, they attack from hidden with
People like to have a few words with the army
attacker but this is hidden have no physical
presence, is with bioenergy
They learned helplessness. But they cannot
live life this way.

They also killed my tomcat Tomita. My

tomcat had 14 years old of age, and they
killed my children. They killed Maria and
Peter few months of age cats children. Also in
my house were 4 dogs and they killed all of
them with bioenergy.

I think we cannot let them do that and learn
Reiki to give a sword of light in the head of
the army that attack us with bioenergy in our
home, workplace.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 403

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 4:50


Do not do that.
Do not support that.
The army that attacks say: "I will find
solutions to that too"...
It is not that hard: they are vulgar
telepathically, misogynist, they curse all day,
swear, say negative things,,, eventually they
will find 2-3 negative emotions that enter
projected in your mind, you engage in
negative till the end
It is so easy for them to make you harm, to
make you feel pain
It is like in the ring, when one attacks and one
do not attack but just defend, I know it is not
usual, but you are not allow to attack but just
defend, and not 12 rounds, all day, it is
understood that the one that attack will make
harm eventually, because you cannot give
punches(it is telepathy and he is hidden, it is
not at your reach physically) so you can only
defend, till the end, you will get tired and
receive some punches.
It intervene the routine, and activities are
boring, you all day in one room, tired, upset,
and the negative projections will enter
It is not as they say "I will find solutions to
that too", I tell you they have sure success and
wins if you accept them telepathically in your
head, it is not as hard to imagine that for them
is piece of cake, as taking candy from a baby
Do not do that
Do not accept that
They must not attack you telepathically,
because till the end they will make you harm
eventually no matter how calm, psychology
you know, are projections, bioenergy

You must give a Reiki sword in their head to
not come into your head with telepathy and

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 404

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 4:31


"The army will not forget you"

You do not let the children to be raped by the
army?! "The army will not forget you"


So let's let the children to be raped by the

army, no?!
No! We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 405

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 12:29


I eat army garcea at dinner.

I do not feel the pain.
I could of beat you any time, I let you beat me
every time.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 406
Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 12:26

The desperate technique: what he did not say
he will do, what power he not clam to have,
but if you go to him, you will see he is weak
and cannot do what he say.
And what he do not do in his 'speech', all
abyssal and all stupid

His dirty mouth say about anybody at any

level, what we as Excellent Human Beings are
comparing to him,,, his dirty mouth, he eat us
alive, and what familiarities with us,,, he
speaks with us like who we are comparing to
army garcea,,, what Nobl...e with God, what
Service with God,,, he speaks with us like
who we are comparing to army garcea,,,, just
terrible imbecile,,,

His dirty mouth say about anybody at any

level, as he is all powerful, the most powerful
on all planet,,, just terrible imbecilities, just
garcea trying to impress, dare, he cannot do
any,,, the Church and what he cannot do to the
Church,,, and he is a loser,,,

What is at his army stinky mouth, he speak

with us like who we are comparing to him,,,
he treat us like we have familiarities,,,

He is so afraid that become desperate and

terrible to say all kinds of stupidities and
abyssal things, but do not get impressed, he
cannot do it, it is his last throb.

You desperate army garcea,,, I see you say

only stupidities! you make a shame out of
yourself, we Serve with Jesus.

We Serve with God Jesus

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 407

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 12:06


I think the solution is "Just do it!"

On Strategies we do not beat them.
I feel like 'Addams Family' is not to continue
being the show people sees in their minds,
soul, hearts....
I feel like we must follow our heart.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 408

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 11:51


How to hire.
Speak about cats, dogs, children, wife, or
We do not talk about Reiki, Programming, at
We do not speak about Reiki level 5 at
interview, we speak about children, laughters,
cats, dogs, wife or husband, Family.
Children say funny things.
We hire based on cats, dogs, children, not
technicalities, levels, etc.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 409

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 11:47


Ce nu face gainushe cracanel, homosexual

garcea de armata?!
Daca esti singur intre 4 pereti si nu stii Reiki

ce nu face el, gainushe cracanel?!
Daca stii Reiki si te implici in activitati o sa
vezi ca nu mai poate.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 410

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 10:29


Do not let them come into your head with

It is the same thing as they terrorize you on
the street, as they would speak vulgar,
misogynist on the street, accost on the street,
agrees you on the street. Do not let them do


The Solution: Reiki, it's self defence to give a

sword of light in their head, till they will stop
attacking you telepathy, they say they will
never let you nor death, but they will let you.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 411

Date= August 2, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 9:47


A society in which Dictator makes harm, is

unfair, you know there are tragedies, crimes,
pains, torture, you feel bad, because you say
to yourself to be positive but it affects you,
you are unhappy, guilty to not oppose the
dictator, and because you shut up or do little

or nothing in the meantime they do crime and
torture, you feel bad, negative emotions, sad.
You think at empathy and transfer.
A society in which people live in Democracy,
free, with happy people you fee...l happy, you
know there is good that prevail, you know
there is love, happiness and you feel better
and great.

A class in which pupil are bad, nasty, evil and
they usually fight, argue, speak angrily, curse,
a problem as unfairness or beat will be not
addressed and the bad act will be undergo or
accepted by other bad acts.
A class in which pupils live in goodness, good
sense of humour, Values, Christian Virtues,
live in good relations, superior human
relations, politeness, good manners, this class
in face of the same problem as unfairness or
beat will be easily addressed and not
accepted, but pupil will involve and stop the
unfair act to happen, have a positive attitude,
classic solutions and creative solutions, dare,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 412

Date= August 1, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 9:34

See the Blog from 2016

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 413

Date= August 1, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 9:21


Dear Madam, Sir, I apologize because my
Service was till now without success, the
bioenergetic attacks being today on as in the
last years.
Today people are attacked with bioenergy
also, the Schizophrenia is still today as before.
I know you were in 2017 very eager to see us
solving the situation with the army that attack
with bioenergy and I know you made hopes....
I know you have Great Expectations from us,
and we are not together in reality even today.
I do not Serve with resources even today, I am
still in a small village without resources.
You made hopes that I did not fulfilled, but
the bioenergetic attacks are on you too.
We told to give the atheists pills and we did
not gave pills till now.
The Service is good, it is the best way.
I continue the Service with God Jesus maybe
in the future we will be united to Serve
together to win.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 414

Date= August 1, 2018 Date= 8/3/18, 8:41

Do Reiki, initiation and Level 1 is 350 RON,
80 Euro, 90 USD.
Practice Reiki daily.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 415

Date= August 1, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 8:00

How a bioenergetic attack is.
I do not know who am I talking with.
I feel some presences, but the atheists
telepathically can simulate the attitude and
personality and voice of any person.

The voice may seem of a person, the attitude,
the words, but you do not know for sure who
is speaking.


Do not do that.
If you can clarify who are you speaking with,
speak in person, phone, yahoo chat, etc, do
not stand not knowing who is speaking.

Usually if you know Reiki you can see who is

speaking in truth, you develop bioenergetic

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 416

Date= August 1, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 2:39


Stay in Relationships Based on Love, Pure

Love, no doubts, resentment, negative past
actions, stay in Relations that are Clean, Pure
Love, listen, truly listen.
Listen, Truly Listen: 'Do onto others as you
want to be done unto you' as a Quote say.


Stay in Teams based on Love, without

resentment, negative emotions, always talk,
communicate to have Love in your Relations.
At Home, Clean Love, Pure Heart, Relations
based on Love, always talk, communicate,
Unconditional Love.
At Work, Superior Human Relations.
Cleanness of Heart as a Child.
I heard 'she is small, and ugly', you think if
you Love her and are Values, Christian
Virtues, Superior Human Relations, Pure
Love. Also 'he is uneducated and he is poor,
he has no money, is not at all wealthy', you
think if you Love him and are Values,
Christian Virtues, Superior Human Relations,

Pure Love.
Wife and Husband, just Love, Clean Pure
Love, Unconditional Love, with God, Great
Christian Family: no much material, no much
money, but Quality of Relations, Pure Love,
Clean of Heart, Trust Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 417

Date= August 1, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 2:34


We need to be persons without Fear.

We need to be persons with Courage.
We need to be persons Hard-working, that not
give up in face of anything....
So to not be afraid to do the Good thing, to
say the Truth, for fear of persecution.
There are many cases 'I believe you, I love to
help you, but,,,', and follows 'but I can't
because I have Family, a Job', etc
ot 'I believe you, I love to help you, but they
will attack me too', 'and I to suffer?!"
We need to be the kind of person that Dare,
have Courage, that never give up, that are
Loyal, that stay no matter what.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 418

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 2:18 PM

Our Strength is the Truth and Love.
We have all the Truth on our side, we are
Right, and is with God, Creator of the
Universe, we are not anybody, we Serve as
Son and Daughters of God.
This is our Power: the Truth, Love and people
want to live Love.
And if we listen at people in quiet
desperation, at silent drama, and do half-

measure acts for them, the person will get sick
and ultimately die, and we did not do God
will and did not fully act our Service, the
aggressor wi...ll attack with bioenergy another
person, maybe will come after us too.
The Solution if to say the Truth, in the Light
of God, with Love and to Serve with Jesus, to
do all we can do with God.
So we should tell the Truth and to say with

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 419

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 2:14 PM

Un proverb zice "ulciorul nu merge de multe
ori la apa"
Buly of the school face pana se mobilizeaza
baietii si fetele din clasa si ii spun o vorba
Apoi se cuminteste ca nu i se mai da voie.
E pus la punct....
Uneori se fac eforturi serioase: stie Diriginta
si i se spune totul cu indrazneala, vine Tatal la
scoala si il pune la punct.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

What the bully of the school does not do?!
The bully say about him that it is powerful,
the strongest, is vulgar, misogynist.
The bully sees you give one finger, it takes the
whole hand.
So first at the school will speak to you so
called jokes, after that vulgar, after want to
put hands on you.
And always say the same thing: that no one
can do anything to him, that he is the
strongest, not based on reality but FEAR in
others, that he does that and that and is
invulnerable, that no one can do anything to
Always the bully say the same thing.
Till you give a good beat, and you see it is

The Solution: is to give to thins bully a good
beat, with a brother, with your Father.
Usually say: your father, I beat your father
anytime, till the father comes to the school
and gives a palm to the bully and this one
starts crying.

The bully eulogize, say about him so many

enormities, it is abyssal, stupid as it can get,
what he does not say about himself?! We did
not applied the Solution till now, not that he is
so and so,,, as he in his stupidity say,,,

Usually a bully in his life will come to work

in the army, police, this kind of jobs.

In many cases the boys in the school are

united and give to this bully a good beat.

We did not applied the Solution till now, but

we Serve and apply the Solution: give a good
beat with Reiki to the army garcea that is a
stupid bully.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 420

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 2:10 PM


The attitude: we do not Help the person

because the army garcea does something to us
too, it attack us too, is not good.
Better to be together and united and Serve
with God Jesus 'one for all, and all for one'
Better to talk about the situation, the army
attacks with bioenergy, and to seek Solutions.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 421
Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 2:01 PM


There were people that tried and no one was

with them when they suffered. Many of them
returned at the old lifestyle, and the
bioenergetic attacks stooped after a time, the
army saying it already punished the person.
But this is not for you.
We know is unfair and we do not let things
this way, we do something about....
Do not quit, let's be together and help one
another, together we will win.
Many of us know Reiki and can protect
themselves, we can learn Reiki and be

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 422

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 1:27 PM


The truth is the army can kill anyone as long

as the person is alone and not helped, and the
persons near let the person alone.
The army has some stupidities in their head
and they say they are so big, and they are just
The truth is the army is weak and we should
be together and united so to Serve with God


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 423

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 12:17 PM

The army is attacking shamefully with
bioenergy people in their own home.
You are called to say publicly all the truth
about the attacks with bioenergy and to Serve
with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 424

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 9:55 AM

We cannot live our life attacked by the army
and to keep the silence.
To shut up while they attack us is murder,
indirect murder.
To live silently unknown drama is not a life.
To live live of quiet desperation is not a life....
We must address the situation that the army
attacks with bioenergy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 425

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/2/18, 8:28 AM


Garcea "io nu va las pana mor"

Eu: "considera-te un om mort"


Nu este cazul 'sa intoarcem obrazul' acum, nu

este acel caz, nu se interpreteaza mereu
motamo, literal, suntem in legitima aparare
Ca nu ne face placere sa il batem, nu ne facem
placere sa il chinuim, nu ii facem rau cu
placere, dar suntem in legitima aparare

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 426

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/1/18, 7:19 PM


Garcea "io nu va las pana mor"

Eu: "considera-te un om mort"


Ca Preot nu trebuie sa ai lucruri prost intelese

ci sa stii ca esti si barbat
Atata sensibilitati de Biblie, atatea lucruri
gresit intelese, ai voie, esti si barbat, e
legitima aparare, esti si sot, ai voie

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 427

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/1/18, 2:08 PM


Garcea "io nu va las pana mor"

Eu: "considera-te un om mort"


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 428

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/1/18, 12:52 PM


Prea multe fineturi de Preot prost intelese.

Prea mult Dumnezeu prost inteles

Dumnezeu nu ne vrea asa...
Prea multe blocaje de Popa cand Dumnezeu te
vrea si barbat si sa iti aperi Familia
Prea multi Popi si Sfintia lor nu inteleg Biblia
si pe Dumnezeu
Da-i la cap ca esti si barbat nu numai popa
Si daca prostu moare norocul lui
Vrei sa-ti violeze ala sotia ca io sunt popa si
nu pot, sa-ti violeze ala fiica ca io sunt popa si
nu pot, da-i la cap, fii barbat si da-i la cap
Avem tot ce ne trebuie

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 429

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/1/18, 9:42 AM


Eu va violez, va injur, sunt vulgar cu nevasta-

ta, iti violez nevasta, sunt misogin si vulgar cu
Handicapatu garcea: "Si-asa trebuia sa mor
Eu zic: "Cu mare placere. Tu ai sa mori de
mana mea"...
(Bai popo io nu sunt popa d-ala)
Asta-i barbat
Eu zic sa nu fii carlig de rufe, sa fim barbati,
ca avem fiice, sotii, sora.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 430

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/1/18, 9:30 AM

To live in a free world we must escape the
world of army that attacks with bioenergy.
The army is guilty because it attacks people
with bioenergy.
To Live free we must go to the Judge with
army garcea because this stupid attacks with
In order to achieve that till then, we must

attack in self-defence with Reiki swords the
army because they are insolent and attacks us
without reason with bioenergy....
We are in self defence and beat the army
stupid that attack us with bioenergy and so the
Judge will receive the army stupid garcea, we
are not waiting to give the law and after, we
are in self-defence.
So to get in the situation to Judge garcea till
then all the time we are in self-defence and
we are OK to give a sword of light in the head
of the army stupid garcea.
Everybody did it this way till now, and now
we say publicly and we Serve with God.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 431

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 8/1/18, 7:54 AM

Era una, gigi nefemeie garcea in Spitalul
Judetean, o nefemeie garcea, o spalacita care
ataca cu bioenergie.
Trebuie sa ii dam sabii in cap lu' gigi
nefemeia garcea pana nu ne mai ataca cu
Ca altfel ratata aia face pe imbecila cu
prostalaii homosexuali garcea ca: 'io nu ma
las si te atac mereu', pai nu, ca iti dam sabii
Reiki in cap pana te calmezi.
Ma violeaza spurcata aia garcea in casa cu
proiectii de lesbiana garcea si imi vorbeste
vulgar nefemeia garcea...?!
Normal ca nu ne lasam batuti telepatic de
nefemeia garcea imbecila spalacita.
Ca e tot proasta aia cumparata de loserul de
multinationala ionica, care cumpara garcea
ratati ca sa atace pe ascuns cu bioenergie.
Eu zic sa Slujim si sa ne aparam.
Garcea astia din armata nu mai ajung judecati
daca nu le dam sabii in cap, sa ne aparam, ca
daca tacem in casa, ne ataca in casa pana ne
fac praf.
Sa ne facem dreptate ca sa ni se faca dreptate.
Armata tot gunoaie au fost, tot gunoaie au
ramas, trebuie sa spunem tot si sa le dam sabii
Reiki dupa ceafa lui gigi garcea, caci suntem
in legitima aparare.
Sa Slujim si sa ii dam sabii Reiki in cap lui

garcea care ne ataca cu bioenergie, este
legitima aparare.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 432

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 5:56 PM


We are sorry for the Romanian army, they are

stupid and guilty.
It all begun in Romania, and started with
army that attacked me with bioenergy being
corrupted by a multinational stupid director.
The army is guilty and it will have only
problems, because it is guilty....
It is a God on this Earth.
We Serve with God, Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 433

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 5:50 PM

As it was Ceausescu with Aro car and Dacia
car and demonstrations and one person or two
said the truth, the army beat or kill the person
that told the truth, till we made a Revolution,
beat the army and killed Ceausescu, then we
were free, it was democracy and Russia said:
of course we agree, here it is the stamp,
Romania is free and Europe is free. As no-one
can stop you, the army is beaten and
Ceausescu killed, now of course, you are free,
we agree with democracy.

Tud...ose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 434

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 5:04 PM

Please some chocolate, small chocolate
We do not have any
Please I want to eat something sweet...
No maybe some cheap biscuits and soon nor
that one
Please some biscuits
Nope, and when I see you that needy it is I
don't know what that I tell you we do not have
nothing sweet
Please something sweet
We do not have any nor biscuits

It is at the bank: 'The bank do not give you

any loan if you need it, the bank gives loans
only if you do not need it'

When we will beat with swords of light the

atheists then the laws will be given.
If they see we need the laws because we
cannot resist any more they will not give the
laws 'when I see you so weak, victim, needy,
it is something in me that I say No, you wait a
little more'
We beat them and they will give the laws:
they beat them and they do not need the laws,
they are free,,, wait a minute, ready, yes, we
give the laws!

As Ceausescu, the great dictator, he kills with

the army all people, and no one can stand
Ceausescu and no one will escape alive, till
we beat the army, we stop the helicopter of
Ceausescu and kill the dictator,,, Russia: stop,
ready, here it is, Romania is Free, yes, Europe
is free. As you killed Ceausescu and beat the
army, we Russia of course we agree, because
no one can keep the communism in Romania
and cannot stop the democracy, because the
democracy already it is, here it is, the stamp,
Romania is free and Europe is free.

It is at the bank: 'The bank do not give you

any loan if you need it, the bank gives loans
only if you do not need it'

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 435

Date= July 31, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 4:45 PM

Un proverb zice "ulciorul nu merge de multe
ori la apa"
Buly of the school face pana se mobilizeaza
baietii si fetele din clasa si ii spun o vorba
Apoi se cuminteste ca nu i se mai da voie.
E pus la punct....
Uneori se fac eforturi serioase: stie Diriginta
si i se spune totul cu indrazneala, vine Tatal la
scoala si il pune la punct.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 436

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 3:25 PM

Garcea e tarfa masculina.
'Daca asa cere armata?!'-saracu ne e mila de
Esti tu prost nu ca cere armata.


Tu gandeste-te la Fiicele lui Dumnezeu care

Slujesc cu Evlavie vie, cu Sfintenie, Talentele
dedicate Domnului Iisus.

Slujim cu Domnul Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 437

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 1:35 PM

Garcea e misogin, vulgar, insolenta de prost.
Garcea, tu esti curva umana nu barbat
Garcea armata e prostalau limbut, de asta zici
misoginisme si vulgaritati.
Tu esti prostalau limbut armata, mai esti tu
barbat?! niste ratati...
El sarmanu zice de toata lumea vulgaritati si
misoginisme de limbut, de prost ce e.
Dar Slujim cu Sfintenie.
Tu gandeste-te la Fiicele lui Dumnezeu care
Slujesc cu Neprihanire, Evlavie vie.
Slujim cu Domnul Iisus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 438

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 1:23 PM


What is Love?
Love does exist and is doing things like
'walking on water'


Marillion - I will walk on water


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 439

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 11:59

We rather die fighting, than to be slaves and
support daily terror.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 440

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 11:18


"Who wants to do it, does it, and who does

not want to do it, seek excuses" a Quote say.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 441

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 11:14


"Just do it!" as a Quote day.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 442

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 11:10


There are: 1=-I, 2=we and 3= the army that

attacks with bioenergy.
It would be a shame that we continue giving a
sword of light in the army from time to time,
since the army attacks me daily and I get
more and more ill.
Not to say a word to army garcea, but to
empower me....
The important person is I not the attacker
army garcea.
So the Solution is to Empower the person, I.
Not to give so much attention to army garcea,
to give so much importance to them. They

would like this, because since Ceausescu
army was not so important and is not the case.
It is not the case to give them so much
To give attention to me, not to give
importance to garcea.
It would be a shame for the kids to live in a
world in which we give so much importance
to the army.

It would be a shame to give to kids such

example. We should Dare.

The Solution is to Empower the person, I to

he Helped and to Dare.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 443

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 10:58


In Life you should Dare.

Or I think, you will be sorry that you did not
You will be sorry that you did not tried....
It would be rainy days when you ask yourself
"what would of been if,,,"

In Life you should Dare, at least you see what

is in reality and deal with that problems too.
It is a Risk in Daring, but you cannot win
In Life you should Dare to Live your Dream.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 444

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 10:45

Life is Daring, Life is an Adventure to Dare.
Life is meant to do crazy things. Look at
Solomon and the Book 'Song of Songs', and
still Solomon written what he could,
considering it is a Chapter in Holy Book :))
Life is Daring, Life is Loving in many
aspects, Love is of many forms and should be.
Life is not only what we consider Saint, but
Life is also Passion, Love....
Life is not all Serious and stiff, bite my upper
lip, Laws of the Bible, but also fun.
God in Holy Bible in more than all Serious
and Laws, but also Fun, Communicating,
Life is Serious, Christian Pastor Saint,
Virtuous, Moral but also 'Dancing in the rain'
Life is Wisdom as also is Savouring
Life is Moral and Values and Virtues but also
Fun and Passion and Love.
Look at Solomon and the Book 'Song of
Songs', and still Solomon written what he
could, considering it is a Chapter in Holy
Book :))

Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do (HQ Audio)


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 445

Date= July 30, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 8:43 AM

Love is a fire.
Catharsis a combustion, burning.
Love is the fuel that drive us.


Love is 'dancing in the rain'.

Love is walking in the middle when
everybody is going sideways.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 446
Date= July 29, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 8:09 AM

Romania has its crimes: Miorita, Victoria
Lipan, Mesterul Manole.
Romania has many Priests killed in Ceausescu
Action it is happening in Romania.
I propose to Serve with God Jesus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 447

Date= July 29, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 8:01 AM

Who wants to, do it anyway.
Who really wants, does the good thing for
From Love, Unconditional Love.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 448

Date= July 29, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 8:00 AM

It would be sad to bury all the service.
The army attack us with bioenergy in our
homes, at jobs.
It would be sad to pass over and look on the
other side.
It would be sad to pretend that nothing
And people to be attacked in homes.
Being in bed with the enemy is the worse
The idea is to fight the aggressor, not to

pretend nothing happened and to be in bed
with the enemy.
The idea is to fight, to beat the aggressor, to
Dare, to have Courage and fight and beat the
aggressor no matter how dangerous, painful,
we can do it.
We can do it.
We must Serve with Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 449

Date= July 29, 2018 Date= 7/31/18, 7:48 AM

Agresorul este teribilist.
Armata sunt niste garcea care daca ne vade
slabi isi bat joc de viata noastra.
Vorbeste multe si e teribilist, nu bazat pe
Cum sa ii lasi sa fie vulgari cu sora noastra,
cu sotia, cu fiica?!...
Cum sa ii lasam sa ne vorbeasca asa?!
Eu zic ca trebuie sa Slujim cu Dumnezeu.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 450

Date= July 29, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 6:53 PM

It can't be done and we have the power.
It is still free, a free world, still good. How
much better conditions we could possibly
It is a shame not to Serve with God Jesus.
We can't let kids to be telepathically attacked
by the army saying 'I am garcea, I am the
army, if I am the army, of course!'. How to let
the army attack us telepathically?! Why?! To
let kids attacked to hear voices from the
army?! We can't do that....
Don't tell me the army is too dangerous for
us! Don't tell me is too much of a danger too
Serve with God and that's Honest!

We can't let this insolent stupid atheists from
the army do that!
We must Serve with God.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 451

Date= July 29, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 6:38 PM

Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 452

Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 6:28 PM

What sometimes people do not help you.
You do not say 'Yes boss!'
People say: If you would say 'Yes boss!' I
would of helped you.
But if I help your, you would be free, and
your acts would show me. You would be
Christian and Honest, Sincere and I am
christian but not quite so every time and
people would see my acts, so I do not help
you, I can, but only if you say 'Yes boss!'...
I keep you alive but that's it.
I do not really help you.
Because you want to live a clean, honest life
and your Service will show my life as a little
less, and I do not empower, I want to be the
boss. I have Personal issues with you, I can
help you but I do not.
I do not live completely Unconditional Love
and I want you to say 'Yes Boss'.
I keep you in a game mouse and cat so I am
the big cat and you the small mouse, and I am
strong and you just a weak mouse, also I do
not empower you to have your power and
your life, I want to keep you dependent of me,
little mouse and I to be the big cat.
That's a reason also from which I stay in that
small village.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 453

Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 3:55 PM

It is not normal to support to see people
suffering, to know that are atrocities and to
bear, to walk on and to say 'I did what I can'
and look in the other side.
It is not normal to see people suffering and to
turn our look, to look in the other side.
I personally cannot continue my life knowing
people are suffering.
See the parable 'the good Samaritan' .


It is written> See Holy Bible> Matthew 25:40

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of
the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
you did for me.’

Do not accept monstrous things to happen to

people and just sit or act saying 'I did all I
could', do something for real, even if danger.
We cannot continue looking on the other side.
Do not do 'what you can' to have a so called
'clean conscience' looking in the mirror, do
what God tells us.
Seeing people in terrible sufferance and doing
nothing it makes us ill. Do not do that! Do
Do not accept socking facts at breakfast, do
not stand knowing people suffer, do
something for real, not just calming your
conscience by some half true facts and go on
with your life, do something for real.
Do not accept mental torture, do not accept
people to be tortured and you hear about that
I rather die for freedom than living a slave
life, looking in the other side when I see
injustice, pain, people suffering.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 454

Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 3:04 PM

I appreciate better the human being that die
for a cause, than the person that is slave living
what seems 'dolce vita'.
I personally prefer to die for freedom than to
continue a slave life.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 455

Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 9:15 AM

It is not possible to help the person Dispute
We cannot consider in reality that we do all
we can and help the person just telepathically,
from the distance.
We do not do with God fully, to do something
the person to be better
To empower person to be better...
To help in reality the person and physically
help the person
We cannot consider that helping telepathically
God is happy and we do Good and we're good
with Jesus.
I think we must do fully what God want us
To help fully, a full commitment
I think God cannot be happy if we consider
that we are with clean conscience by helping
just from a distance telepathically
I think we must do something fully, with all
I think we must not play in that game mouse
and cat, as we protecting the person from the
I think the attitude that the person is small and
we protect the person by helping just
telepathically from a distance and sometimes
threat the atheists is keep playing a game
between mouse and cat.
It is sack without end, the person is weak and

we permanently help the person with all we
can but being just from a distance with
bioenergy and telepathy we cannot possibly
win, just keep the person alive in pains and
attacked till more and more ill will die.
No person can live helped just telepathically
from a distance and with bioenergy from a
distance, but it will suffer daily, live in terror,
develop psychological trauma.
I think God want us do a full commitment and
do something for real and physically for the
I think God is only happy if we do a real
commitment, to be involved fully. To
empower the person to be powerful, to give
the power to the person to be able to help
herself/himself. To be united, to not let the
person alone physically, to say publicly that
we help the person and have physical
presence and to say this to all people.
I think God expect from us and is happy only
if we do a Full Commitment, to tell the Truth,
to tell Publicly the Whole Truth, to say to
everybody that we Help the person without
fear, without shame to say the Whole Reality,
to not hide, to Live in Truth Openly.
I think we must Serve with God to not let
them attack the person telepathically and with

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 456

Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 8:51 AM

No psychologist, nor one of the Greatest
Talent, of Mondial Size will not resist.
Psychologists are human beings too.
The emotions he/she will feel are bioenergy
projections, are send by the attacker through
Are not due to natural process, not to
psychological natural processes, not causal,
not understandable, they are send by the
They make you sick, you'll make you ill.
We can Dispute and keep as positive as you
can get, optimistic, positive, but no one can

The emotions is send by the attacker with
bioenergy projections and you feel it as any
human being.
Some may say that they are of mystical
nature, mystical, supernatural.
They are not by natural psychological
processes, understandable, are sickness, they
are also homosexuals and with other diseases,
are psychopaths. It is not good to do that to
yourself, and you should not let this happen to
You can't fully understand a sick person, a
psychopath, also you understand the
coordinates of the illness, you can't
understand it fully, and be aware, the observer
change the nature of the experiment, do not
let this happen to yourself. They will make
you ill. Do not let them telepathically attack
You do not have to do this to yourself.
The attacks are getting to a psychological
trauma. They will harass you, terrorize you
and they will cause psychological diseases.
You must not accept this.
You should not undergo this.

We must Serve and not let them come in our

head with telepathy and bioenergy.

It is like a garden with flowers and weeds.

You must rip the weeds. It is Christian to rig
the weeds and Wise. The weeds will always in
nature kill the flowers, and you cannot allow
this to happen so you must rip the weeds. In
nature is flowers or weeds, so nurturing caring
for your garden is to rip the weeds and water
the flowers.

We must Serve to not accept to be attacked by

them, to not come to our head telepathically
and with other bioenergy projections.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 457

Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 8:49 AM


Do not accept presents that you do not feel
quite well.
If you feel bad do not accept the sacrifice, the
"Clean Flowers, not Flowers from the
cemetery" as a quote say.


Pink Floyd - Another brick in the Wall



See how do you feel?! good and bad and if

you are not comfortable if you feel some pain,
some distress do not accept the present, do not
accept the gift, the sacrifice.
It's your right to say no.
Say "That's too much and that's too less" as
someone said.

Someone may say: I did it for you. You can

say "No, you did not do this thing for me,
because if you asked me I would of said 'No',
you did not asked me, you did it for yourself"

To compromise your integrity makes no good

for anyone: not for you, nor for the one that
try to compromise you. Do not accept. Just
Say No! and do something ProActive.




"Clean Flowers, not Flowers from the

cemetery" as a quote say.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 458
Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 8:13 AM

The action is in Romania, in a village, that's
why it is so hard.
That's why it is so difficult for us to Serve,
lack of resources: material, money,
technologies, Authentic Leadership.
In a village in a third world country.
In Romania the fear of army of Ceausescu
dictator is still also the dictator seems to not
Without resources, without money
The resources are less than minimum, money
are 100 Euro per month, 1000 Euro per year,
also money are the aspect the most vulgar,
and are other resources more important in
Life. See Maslow Pyramid also.
But if we apply the Solution, we will succeed.
Not they are so powerful attacking with
bioenergy, we are in a critical situation, I live
in a small village in Romania.
We were weak till now, not them powerful,
but we can be easily more.
We did not applied the Solution till now.
The Solution is to give a sword of light in the
attacker head as with Reiki.

The psychologists and psychiatrists are

human beings and a bioenergetic attack
affects psychologists too.
It is something mystical, supranatural, in
bioenergy, they send emotions in the head of
the person and the person feel it without a
cause, without causality, are conflictual
emotions send by attacker without sanity of
Also our psychological knowledge helps on a
short term, to remain positive, optimistic
helps and pills helps a little(it is not a
chemical disbalance in the brain but that is an
effect after the telepathic attack, also to treat
after the effects helps, but you must treat the
cause), the Solution is to not let them come in
your head telepathically, but to give them a
sword of light in the attacker head.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 459
Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/30/18, 8:07 AM


Marillion - I will walk on water



Back to the Future - The Power of Love

(Huey Lewis and the News)

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 460

Date= July 28, 2018 Date= 7/29/18, 3:45 PM


Jimmy Cliff - I can see clearly now



What is missing for us? What we need?

Beatles - Love Is All You Need


Lyrics are as follows:

"Beatles - Love Is All You Need

Love, love, love

Love, love, love
Love, love, love
There's nothing you can do that can't be done
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung

Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to
play the game
It's easy
Nothing you can make that can't be made
No one you can save that can't be saved
Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to
be you in time
It's easy
All you need is love, all you need is love
All you need is love, love, love is all you need
All you need is love
All you need is love, love, love is all you need
There's nothing you can know that isn't
Nothing you can see that isn't shown
There's nowhere you can be that isn't where
you're meant to be
It's easy
All you need is love, all you need is love
All you need is love, love, love is all you need
All you need is love (All together now)
All you need is love (Everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Oh yeah
(She love you, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(She love you, yeah, yeah, yeah)"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 461

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/29/18, 3:44 PM

What the bully of the school does not do?!
The bully say about him that it is powerful,
the strongest, is vulgar, misogynist.
The bully sees you give one finger, it takes the

whole hand.
So first at the school will speak to you so
called jokes, after that vulgar, after want to
put hands on you....
And always say the same thing: that no one
can do anything to him, that he is the
strongest, not based on reality but FEAR in
others, that he does that and that and is
invulnerable, that no one can do anything to
Always the bully say the same thing.
Till you give a good beat, and you see it is
The Solution: is to give to thins bully a good
beat, with a brother, with your Father.
Usually say: your father, I beat your father
anytime, till the father comes to the school
and gives a palm to the bully and this one
starts crying.

The bully eulogize, say about him so many

enormities, it is abyssal, stupid as it can get,
what he does not say about himself?! We did
not applied the Solution till now, not that he is
so and so,,, as he in his stupidity say,,,

Usually a bully in his life will come to work

in the army, police, this kind of jobs.

In many cases the boys in the school are

united and give to this bully a good beat.

We did not applied the Solution till now, but

we Serve and apply the Solution: give a good
beat with Reiki to the army garcea that is a
stupid bully.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 462

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/29/18, 1:12 PM

I Dream one day we'll be United.
This can be Heaven for me and you.

Prince Ital Joe Feat. Marky Mark - United

(Extended Mix) ...

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 463

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/29/18, 12:35

The wife and the husband.
The attacker say: "I feel through your
husband, through telepathy"
We Serve with God, Jesus.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 464

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/29/18, 12:10

The before posts are the Vision of Love we
can die for.
I do not say that the posts before are a
replacement of Solution.
The Posts before are the Vision of Love for
which we must Serve with God Jesus, the
Love we can die for so to have our Rights, to
defend and win back our Human Rights.
I do not post and write to you to keep you
positive and Live on, but to see the Vision of
Love for which to die for, to fight for and win
our Freedom....
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 465

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/29/18, 9:22 AM


Alphaville - Forever Young ~Official Video



"Forever Young - Alphaville

Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while

Heaven can wait we're only watching the
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever

We don't have the power, but we never say
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad man

Can you imagine when this race is won?

Turn our golden the faces into the sun
Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune
The music's played by the, the madman

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, and ever

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever young

Some are like water, some are like the heat

Some are a melody and some are the beat
Sooner or later they all will be gone
Why don't they stay young?

It's so hard to get old without a cause

I don't want to perish like a fading horse
Youth's like diamonds in the sun,
And diamonds are forever

So many adventures given up today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams swinging out of the blue
Oh let it come true

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, and ever?

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever, and ever?

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever young"





Katherine Jenkins // Angel (Official Music





A Victory Of Love - Alphaville


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 466
Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 5:31 PM

A Victory of Love.
So God created us Human Beings to Live
Love, to Be Happy Living Love.
We are Happy Authentically, Really Happy
when we fell Love.
The Crave for Love, the Desire for Love is in
A Victory of Love.
The Victory of Love.

A Victory Of Love - Alphaville


Alphaville - The Jet Set (Album Version)


Alphaville - Summer In Berlin


Berlin Wall

A Victory of Love.
The Victory of Love.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 467

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 2:02 PM

Este vorba ca spun telepatic si cu bioenergie
despre surorile noastre crestine lucruri, si ce
oameni de calitate sunt, ce Integritate, ce
Slujire si ce Educatie si ce Talentate sunt.
Sunt surorile noastre Crestine. Oameni
Minunati, Slujire cu Evlavie vie.
Si nu poti sa vorbesti asemenea lucruri despre
o Doamna.

Noi Slujim.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 468

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 1:26 PM

Communication needs person to person.
Communication needs person to be in the
physical presence of a person. Telepathy is on
a short term, just for a message, is not meant
to replace the real communication that is with
words. You cannot communicate just
telepathically with a person and have a
relation, because authentic relations needs
words and to be physical presence.
Do not communicate just telegraphically,
communicate in speech with words in the
physical presence of... the person or persons.
Telepathy will not create a real relation as
words and real presence creates.
Relations that are just telepathically do not
work, it will create problems and illnesses,
and cannot replace a healthy relationship,
communicate in the usual way with words and
in the physical presence of the person. And if
you want to help call the person to the cabinet
where is in your physical presence.
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 469

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 1:22 PM

Nu trebuie sa ii permitem sa ne atace
telepatic, sa ne hartuiasca peste tot.
Daca ii permiti agresorului sa te injure, apoi te
impinge, iti da o palma, apoi agresorul iti face
alt rau, te bate, te violeaza telepatic.
Ce e aia sa te hartuiasca telepatic?! cauzeaza
trauma psihologica, e foarte periculos, practic
nimeni nu scapa sa nu se imbolnaveasca.

Slujim si nu le dam voie
Nu are voie sa vina in mintea noastra ca sotia
se imbolnaveste oricat de bine ar Disputa si
orica...t de bine ar face managementul starilor
mentale. Adevarul e ca nimeni nu scapa
sanatos mental daca e atacata telepatic pe
termen mediu si lung, practic profita agresorul
telepatic in moduri inimaginabile.
Agresorul daca ii lasi un deget, iti ia toata
mana. Daca te vede slab ca tu conversezi cu
el, te atinge, apoi vorbeste pervers cu tine.
E sotia ta, nu trebuie sa spui texte ca 'Disputa
ca poti', 'nu exista in acest context', etc,
practic nimeni nu poate daca vine telepatic in
capul tau, agresorul ii face rau si e sotia ta,
cum sa vorbeasca asa cu sotia ta?! cum sa fie
perversc cu sotia ta?! cum sa se atinga si sa
trimita emotia la sotia ta?! Nu! Trebuie sa
Cum sa se atinga cu gandul la sotia ta si sa ii
mai si trimite emotii?! si sa fie si pervers cu
sotia ta?! sa vorbeasca vulgar cu sotia ta?! Da-
i la cap. Slujim!
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 470

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 1:19 PM

"Don't wish life will be easier on you, wish
you have better skills and abilities." as a Great
Quote say.
"It is not the will to succeed, to win, it is the
will to train that counts". as a Great Quote

Do Reiki....
Keep yourself motivated in a team, keep a
close relationship with your Reiki Master, do
Reiki and train in a team.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 471

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 12:57

"Don't wish life will be easier on you, wish
you have better skills and abilities." as a Great
Quote say.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 472

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 12:16

Story1: The attacker with bioenergy, was in a
store: do that, to that one, give me that, no I
want the other one and to impress the seller to
see how powerful are the army with
bioenergy,,, in their hallucinations,,,
After 10 min of thoughts conflicting in the
mind, the seller at the counter: well, how
powerful is that army garcea, my head is now
so and so and so, and I feel low
Now: You do not want to give a sword of light
in the head of that gipsy that attack you with...
bioenergy?! so to see how weak is in reality
that person?! Because if you do that that one
cannot attack you.
Story2: They attacked me with bioenergy. So
after 30 min, no problem, I attack you on,
after 1 hour, neither now? Not yet? No
problem said the army garcea I attack you
more, after 2 hours,,, not now? I attack you
more,,, You give a sword of light with Reiki
in the head of that stupid person that attack
you with bioenergy and you will see how
weak is in reality

It is the same thing as they will attack you

physically on the street, they beat you gibing
physical punches and they yell at you with
words, it is the same thing they yell at you
telepathically and they beat you with
bioenergy, no to let them as you do not let
them on the street beat you, attack you, say
and yell things at you.

We are weak till now, not that they are

powerful, we did not applies the Solution till
now, not that they are powerful.
Do not let them come in the head of the

children with telepathy, beat them till they
leave unable to harm you.

So, the Conclusion, do not let yourselves to be

attacked, do not let them come in your head
with telepathy.

Solution: do not let them attack you, do not let

them cone in your head with telepathy, give a
sword of light with Reiki in the head of that
stupid person that attack you with bioenergy

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 473

Date= July 27, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 10:47

The army attacks us with bioenergy and
By accepting the attack we mutilate our
We do not know how much bad we do to
We cannot just Dispute and think positive and
live on because they send a negative emotion
and even for 1 second if we feel that emotion
it affects our body, mental, spiritual, even if
then we come back and become positive fast,
if even for 1 second we feel the negative
emotion send it affects us because we feel it
and we are af...fected.
When they attack the person with bioenergy
and telepathy the person feels the exact send
emotion, it is send by them and it affects
badly the person mental and spiritual
We should not let them attack us
telepathically and with any form of bioenergy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 474

Date= July 26, 2018 Date= 7/28/18, 10:41

An Excellent Human Being said that some
people say today: "It was better on the time of
the Pharaoh, it was better on the
Communism" and “for most people slavery is
easy and liberty is hard to live” so for most
people to remain a slave is easy and the
liberty is hard.
Some live life as slaves, and get used. First
they say with anointment it is revolting, then
they get used with the slavery fact, then it
does not bother them that much, then we live
our slave life daily w...ithout much thinking,
because we get used with the facts. We get
used with unfairness, injustice, evil, harm
does to us.
My advice is not to do that
We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 475

Date= July 26, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 6:12 PM


O Poezie zice bine

"Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină,
Decât să fim sclavi iarăşi în vechiul nost'


"Acum ori niciodată croieşte-ţi altă soarte,

La care să se-nchine şi cruzii tăi duşmani."

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 476

Date= July 26, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 3:46 PM


Ca armata garcea astia ar vrea sa ne faca mult
rau telepatic.
Ei au probleme cu capul, disfunctii si daca ar
fi dupa armata ar face mult rau.
Ei daca ar prinde pe unul in niste conditii
grele i-ar face mult rau ca sunt bolnaviori,
sunt perversi cu disfunctii si boli mentale si
ratati vulgari si fara educatie, genul asta....
Ar vrea sa creeze scenarii pe care sa le traim
ca reale, scenarii dureroase, sa suferim, sa
plangem, sa traim emotii negative. Asta e
intentia lor cu bioenergia, ar vrea sa traim
scenarii care sa ne faca sa suferim
Cu ce drept face armata asa ceva?!
Ar vrea sa traim dureri si sa simtim suferinta
pt ca sunt ei psihopati si bolnaviori
descentrati, ca sunt ei niste dezechilibrati si
niste ratati prosti de melita, niste vulgari si
niste perversi ratati, niste bolnaviori
homosexuali cu disfunctii si maladii si boli
Ei sunt iresponsabili de bolnaviori, bolnavi
mental, nu stiu ce e responsabilitatea, ne-
realisti, realitatea nu e asa cu toate ca ei cred
ca e, sunt bolnavi mental.

Sunt niste psihopati cu disfunctii, niste

bolnaviori mental si spiritual, fara nici o
noima, fara nici un Dumnezeu

Sunt bolnaviori la cap

Sunt de-o perfiderie rara si prosteasca
Nu-i duce capul, fac lucruri fara sa fie bazati
pe realitate, nu sunt realisti din cauza ca au
disfunctii si boli mentale
Niste retardati mental care s-ar bucura sa faca
Daca ar fi dupa ei, daca ar putea, ar face mult
rau pt ca sunt de-o rautate rara, ceea ce e
defect, si sunt de o prostie si de o lipsa de
educatie lucie
Daca ar fi fost dupa ei, ar fi facut mult rau
Melite spurcate, vulgari, ne-educati, ar face pe
bully cu noi, prosti, ne-realisti misogini, prosti
de gura, ratati, losers
Daca ar fi dupa ei si ar prinde pe unul i-ar
face mult rau

Dar noi Slujim cu Dumnezeu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 477
Date= July 25, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 2:58 PM

Armata ataca cu bioenergie ca insolentii
Nu e drept ce fac ei
Sunt vulgari si misogini
Sunt vulgari si ne vorbesc de rau pe nedrept...
Cu ce drept armata ne vorbeste telepatic sa ne
Cu ce drept sunt vulgari cu noi si vorbesc ca
homosexualii cu noi?
Cu ce drept armata e vulgara si ne spun
perversitati bolnave?!
Cu ce drept face armata asa ceva?! pentru ca
este Dumnezeu
Si spun jigniri despre noi si cine nu suntem?
spun despre oameni de o sinceritate rara,
despre oameni de o calitate rara si bunatate si
care traiesc Virtuti Crestine

Cu ce drept ne vorbesc cu tupeu de prost

acesti ratati?!
Cu ce drept acesti ne-educati din armata ne
vorbesc de rau telepatic si ne spun lucruri
vulgare si ne injura telepatic
Cu ce drept spun aceste vulgaritati de ne-
educat acesti ratati din armata

Este la fel de rau ca si cum ne-ar acosta pe

strada si ne-ar spune injura si ne-ar striga
vulgaritati pe strada

Cu ce drept rad ca prostii si injura telepatic

Cu ce drept spun injuraturi prostii astia care
nu au invatat carte?!
Armata ne ataca cu bioenergie ca insolentii
Cu ce drept acesti ratati fac asa ceva?!

Pai nu! pt ca noi Slujim,

Trebuie sa fim uniti si sa Slujim!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 478

Date= July 25, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 11:49

Choose people with Love in their hearts.
Stay with people that cares for you and Really
Choose Leaders.
I know that is hard to find a person with Love,
Unconditional Love, that really Cares and is a
Leader, Lives Values and Christian Virtues....
Choose people that cannot stand the unfair
things, that have Complete Integrity, that
cannot stand you being attacked and do the
Right thing, Dare, have Courage.

People that do not stand in the comfort zone,

but do what is hard and necessary. A person
that not let you bullied and attacked daily in
your home telepathically and with bioenergy.
That gives a sword of light in the head of the
one that attack you with bioenergy. Go to a
Reiki master and do a initiation, Reiki Levels
are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Experts are Reiki Masters. Go
a Reki cabinet, do a healing session, learn

Choose people that Cares and Love with

Complete Integrity and will not leave you
alone in troubles but will Help you and that
you really Trust in your heart, Completely.
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 479

Date= July 25, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 10:06

Solution is not to Dispute thoughts, to feel
positive emotions. No one can resist on the
long term it will get sick more and more each
day till the end and it will die. It's not your
fault and it is not because you do not Dispute
correctly and that you do a consume, no one
succeeds Disputing the bioenergetic attacks.
Do not have hope on that approach, this is
losers approach and you will get sick in time
and you will die.

The Solution: to not permit them to attack you

t...elepathically, give one sword of light in the
head of the one that attacks you telepathically.

For the ones you love do not let them Dispute
negative emotion and thoughts, and not do a
consume, this is not the solution, but do not
let the one you love attacked, give a sword of
bioenergy in the head of the one that attack
the loved one with telepathy and bioenergy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 480

Date= July 25, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 9:41 AM


"She says, we've got to hold on to what we've


It doesn't make a difference if we make it or



We've got each other and that's a lot for love

We'll give it a shot

Woah, we're half way there

Woah, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear
Woah, livin' on a prayer"

Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 481

Date= July 25, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 9:37 AM

There are people that die for their friends.
This is a Life Lived Really, Authentically, to

die for your friends.
Successful people have Ideals, give their Life
for Ideals, Dreams.
Let it be the ones that teach laziness, loser
Losers do every day what is easier, from
'motives' that aren't real, but excuses.
Winners give their Life for a Dream, for an
Do not follow losers, the ones that makes you
feel bad, the ones that lives small ideals, small
thinking, small habits, that upset you, that
makes you feel bad, because they do not have
Complete Integrity.
Live Winner Habits, to Dare, have Courage,
to do what seems danger, but for an Ideal, for
your Dreams you know it worth.
Let's not be losers any more, let's be Winners.
Let's stay near Leaders, and not bosses.
Let's choose Leaders with Heart, Daring,
Courage, and not bosses that stay in safe
situations, that make so called 'safe strategies',
choose Danger in Life, to give your Life for
an Ideal, choose Courage to Dare for your
Dreams. Choose to stay near a Leader and not
a boss. Fire bosses and hire Leaders, with
Love, with Fire in their Hearts, that Love,
Courage, Dare.
Do not stay with bosses any more, Choose
Leaders that Die for an Ideal, for a Dream.
Bosses keep people near themselves by need
because we have to forced by a need, Leaders
Empower people, sets people Free, to Be in
their Best Interes, people to Be Happy in their
own terms, choose Leaders.
A life in safety as bosses promises us is a pity,
a shame, and you will have safety, you will be
protected, you will have money, and richness,
but is a sin and a pity because you did not
Dare, you never followed your Full Dream,
your Heart, and is a pity, is a sin and a life lie
that does not worth all safety, all richness in
the world. You should Dare, have courage
"Life is a Daring adventure or noting"-Hellen
Keller, "Climb from peak to peak"-Brian
Tracy, in Life you should Dare, have Courage,
Risk to die for an Ideal, Laugh with Passion,
Love, follow what your Heart tells you, do a
Craziness, follow your Dream no matter what.
A heigh jump sportive asked how he did so
many records said "I just follow your heart
and the rest will follow", we know that the
key is following our heart, in Dangerous
situations, to Dare, have Courage, to do the
craziness and achieve our dream, doing what

seems impossible and achieving our dreams.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 482

Date= July 25, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 9:06 AM


Garcea: stii ce-ai facut?! ai trecut pe rosu si

era interzis ca amenda si regulile nu le-ai
respectat si e de rau
Omul: da stiu
Garcea: pai de ce? stiti ca e gresit?...
Omul: m-am grabit, stiu ca e gresit puteti sa
imi dati amenda
Garcea: ei bine atunci! mergeti

Concluzia: gacea cu insolenta, daca vede ca

esti slab, cu insolenta te face praf, dar daca
vede ca esti puternic, stapan pe tine, n-are ce
sa iti faca zice 'ei bine atunci! mergeti'

Acum garcea: sunt rau, sunt un leu, rup tresele

de pe mine, dau cu stresele de pamant, rup
tunica de pe mine, sunt rau, sunt,,, i-auite-i si
p-astia se uita in gura lui garcea, bateti-ma
mai oamenilor ca sunt garcea, va uitati in gura
mea,,, ca insolenta fara baza, forma fara fond,
Slujiti cu tupeu cu incredere in Dumnezeu si
ma bateti sunt doar un garcea si voi Slujiti cu

Sa Slujim cu Dumnezeu!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 483

Date= July 24, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 8:42 AM


Premisa1: Muncesti la garcea sa plateste taxe

si impozite lui garcea.
Premisa2: Daca superi pe garcea te ataca si nu
mai poti sa muncesti si te uiti pe pereti poate
ca ramai si singur in casa si nu ai bani sa
platesti taxe si impozite la garcea.
Premisa3: Vrei sa-ti dea garcea libertate?
trebuie sa lupti pt ea....
Premisa4: Si daca lupti superi pe garcea asa
ca te ataca ala si Cazul2: Daca superi pe
garcea te ataca si nu mai poti sa muncesti si te
uiti pe pereti si nu ai bani sa platesti taxe si
impozite la garcea.
Concluzia: traieste viata ba! vrei sa mori?!
traieste ba! Cu alte cuvinte Premisa1:
Muncesti la garcea sa plateste taxe si impozite
lui garcea.

O fi buna Concluzia asta sa ?! Muncesti la

garcea sa plateste taxe si impozite lui garcea?!

Daca stam asa ne invartim in bucla Premisa1,

2, 3, 4 si nu mai iesim intregi, ne macina, ne
imbolnavim. Si lumea zice: io nu pot sa
urmez asa ceva, omul ala in satucul Tariceni
singur si noi restul suntem in Bucuresti, asa
ceva nu pot sa urmez, e ceva ce nu pot, un
blocaj, nu stiu de ce,,, ce simte lumea e ca
Premisa1, 2, 3, 4 e o bucla si ne macina si
imbolnaveste si eu singur in Tariceni si ca nu
suntem uniti ci ne macina bucla Premisa1, 2,
3, 4

Eu zic sa facem si un sacrificiu sa riscam si sa

il batem pe garcea.
Pai cum?! ca zicem Premisa2: Daca superi pe
garcea te ataca si nu mai poti sa muncesti si te
uiti pe pereti si nu ai bani sa platesti taxe si
impozite la garcea.
Nu e adevarat
Putem sa il batem pe garcea
Sa fim uniti, in orice suferinta impreuna
Slujim si il batem pe garcea pt ca suntem cu

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 484

Date= July 24, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 8:35 AM

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they fight you, then you win."-Gandhi

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 485

Date= July 24, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 8:23 AM

Pai de ce garcea melita spurcata asa?!
Adica eu slujesc asa si vezi Postarile
anterioare cu asa o Iubire pentru oameni. Asa
citate si asa o Iubire si Sfintenie. Vezi
postarile de astazi 2018.07.22.
Si pentru ce armata asemenea amenintari si
asa melita spurcata?!
Noi Slujim....
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 486

Date= July 24, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 7:56 AM

Garcea de armata la capitolul incognito esti de
domeniul trecutului pt ca spunem tot dupa
cum se vede pe Internet.
Si Slujim.
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 487

Date= July 24, 2018 Date= 7/27/18, 7:35 AM

Continue Reading Follows Dear,

Garcea insolent zice ca imi face o boala: ulcer
Garcea 'stinky mouth' melita spurcata
Adica garcea se da istet, daca acept ulcer,
fatalau de armata ar zice: Ulcer pentru toata

Baga mare
Daca esti slab si accepti ulcer, te servesc,
ulcer imediat
Restul bolilor: felul 1, felul 2, felul 3
De la garcea
Dar garcea e prost si insolent ca eu imi dau
seama si acum stim si noi
Asa gandeste ratatul garcea
Ca sa stim cu cine avem de-a face
Adica daca acept ulcer imediat se face, si nu
se opreste la ulcer prostalau de armata ar face
inca alte cateva boli, felul1, 2, 3. Prostalau de
armata face pe insolentul ca nu acceptam
ulcer si stim ca prostalau garcea ar face cate
boli ar putea incapea, adica fara numar
Garcea prost gandeste boli fara numar, dar nu
tine ca imi dau seama ca psihopatu
homosexual de armata minte ca prostalau
garcea si nu se accepta imbecilitatea lui
Prost prost garcea dar si nu gandeste pt ca
acum este pe Internet
Cine poate sa stie?! Doar tot Internetul!!!
Ce e aia libertatea omului?! Garcea e prost
face pe homosexualu cu noi
Daca esti prost garcea n-ai invatat garcea!!!
Acum esti pe Internet!!!
Noi Slujim sa ii dam pastilute lui garcea din

Cum e armata garcea: Pe data de 1 ianuarie
2018 pleaca garcea ca atat mi se da voie
Adica nu va mai atac ca nu mai am dreptul, ca
pana pe 1 ianuarie am termen limita de la
seful garcea din armata si atat imi da voie
Pe data de 2018.07.22 eu sunt atacat inca de
armata cu bioenergie: adica telepatie si alte
Adica garcea se da istet, da iluzii si apoi
Ca sa stim si noi cu cine ne razboim
Adica niste psihopati din armata cu
homosexuali garcea ne ataca sa ne omoare in
casa cu tehnica mili-vanili, militara
Dar sa nu avem incredere, pana nu il dam
afara pe garcea cu totul ratatul ne ataca in case
sa ne omoare
Dar Slujim si va scriu tot pe Internet, avem
destui Tera pe Internet asa ca va scriu

Sa vedem cine e garcea de armata
Ca sa tragem o concluzie cu cine ne razboim:
noi Crestini si armata cu homosexuali
psihopati care ne ataca cu bioenergie in casa
Tomita copilul meu motanel de 14 ani
La cabinet veterinar cu motanelul
Medicul veterinar din Ploiesti: Baga mare,
perfuzie si lasa asa!!!
Asistentul: Pai cum sa facem asa ceva?!
Medicul veterinar din Ploiesti: lasa asa, asa
vreau io! baga mare! Baga mare si ia o dusca
din sticla cu vin de sub birou

Iar motanelul meu avea labuta cat o leguma

rosie enorma plina cu lichidul din perfuzie
Adica veterinarul mi l-a chinuit pe motanel si
stia de garcea telepat si era pus de armata
La scurt timp mi l-a omorat pe motanel la un
alt veterinar
Motanelul meu Tomita a murit la 14 ani,
Dar Slujim si o sa vorbim si cu veterinarul
acela, il bagam in seama si pe el

Cam asta e nivelul

Adica niste psihopati din armata ne ataca cu
bioenergie si ne omoara in case. Asa zic ei,
dar slujim.
Prostu garcea: ca eu cu sotia sigur ne vedem
si peste 10 ani vine homosexualul sef din
armata si iese din inchisoare si ma omoara cu
bata in cap
Garcea 'stinky mouth' melita spurcata
Asa ameninta armata telepatic ca iese din
inchisoare si cu alti garcea ma duc in satul
Tariceni din nou si ma bat in cap cu bata incet
timp de 2 saptamani zi si noapte, dar incet, si
o sa mor intr-o balta de sange
Asta e armata care ataca cu bioenrgie, niste
retardati insolenti care ameninta de prosti dar
nu tine, ca Slujim, si acum stiti si voi totul pt
ca va scriu totul pe facebook
Sa nu le dai pastilute la Spitalul de
Ca ratatii astia din armata ataca cu bioenergie
si ameninta ca in vestul salbatic ca ei cred ca
o sa ramana in umbra vesnic si or sa atace din
ascunzatoare vesnic

Dar facem tot public si nu o sa mai fie ca in
vestul salbatic fara nici o lege, ce papucii lui
de gunoi general din armata ataca cu
homosexuali si altii ratati din armata vulgar,
misogin, ameninta melita spurcata din armata,
ce realitate, noi suntem 'de atacat', de omorat
telepatic, asa zice el, dar nu-i asa, ca slujim
Deci ziceam: prostu din armata zice ca sigur o
sa fiu 10 ani cu sotia si ca o sa-l bagam la
inchisoare si dupa 10 ani il scoate alt garcea si
apoi o sa vina, homosexualul sef, o sa ma
aduca ei pe mine in satul Tariceni, dupa care
cu alti garcea de armata ma bat in cap cu bata
zi si noapte dar incet, si o sa mor in 2
saptamani de bataie continua zi si noapte dar
incet de tot(saracii ne e mila de ei, nu stiu ce e
un Crestin cu Dumnezeu), chinuit intr-o balta
de sange
Garcea prost prost dar si rusinos
Asa zice armata astazi 2018.07.22
Dar nu e ca in vestul salbatic fara legi ci noi
Slujim si scriu acum pe facebook ce face
armata cu homosexuali care ataca de prosti
garcea cu bioenergie si telepatic

Dar sa stim ca garcea nu vrea sa fiu casatorit

si fericit nici macar 1 zi nu 10 ani
Armata se da isteata ca 10 ani o sa fiu
casatorit, creaza o profetie semi-pozitiva, dar
daca e dupa ei ne dam seama ca nu ar vrea
nici macar 1 zi sa fiu casatorit si fericit
Garcea e prost si limbut, adica minte si crede
ca nu ne dam seama, dar stim ca minte, daca
ar fi dupa armata nu m-as vedea nicioda cu
sotia si as muri in satul Tariceni de pe acum
Daca era dupa ei muream de mult, dar noi
Slujim, suntem Noi mai multi si Slujim
Ei sunt niste ratati de armata psihopati, care
de prosti se dau insolenti ca ataca cu telepatie
dar Slujim

Garcea de armata la capitolul incognito esti de

domeniul trecutului pt ca spunem tot dupa
cum se vede pe Internet.
Si Slujim.

Asa ii spargem botul lui garcea de armata.

Eu scriu totul pe Internet si Slujim.
Nu are dreptul armata sa ne atace cu telepatie
si biornergie si Slujim, spunem totul public si
Ca astia homosexualii din armata ne-ar si

viola fizic, adica ne-ar viola armata sotiile si
fiicele si copii si sora si pe noi, niste
homosexuali ratati, dar spunem tot si le
spargem botul
Slujim sa ii dam pastilute la Spitalul de
Psihiatrie psihopatului garcea

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 488
Date= July 24, 2018 Date= 7/26/18, 5:36 PM

Love is what makes you Cry with Happiness,
Love is doing something Crazy, Love is what
makes you Live with Passion, Love make you
go Beyond what everybody thinks, Love
makes you Dare, Achieve your Dreams doing
something Crazy, Love is Living, Love is
Flourishing, Love is Achieve your Dreams
doing something Crazy like dancing in the
rain or walking through storm to come home,
Love is running when everybody is walking,
Love is Living with Passion and making
Crazy things a...nd Laughing in Life Storms
and Doing the Impossible.


ME (Lyrics)

The Lyrics
When You Tell Me That You Love Me

I wanna feel this way

Longer than time
I wanna know your dreams
And make them mine
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do
I wanna hold you close under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel your pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you

Here in a world of lies
You are the true
And baby
Every time you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe no matter where you are
And bring you
Anything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me
I wanna make you see
Just what I was
Show you the loneliness
And what it does
You walked into my life
To stop my tears
Everything's easy now
I have you here
And baby
Every time you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe no matter where you are
And bring you
Anything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me
In a world without you (without you)
I would always hunger
All I need is your love to make me stronger
And baby
Every time you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe no matter where you are
And bring you
Anything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me
When you tell me that you love me
When you tell me that you love me
When you tell me that you love me"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 489

Date= July 24, 2018 Date= 7/26/18, 5:12 PM

I feel we must Serve with God to not to be
attacked with bioenergy by the army.
I feel we have our Deeper Love that will
assure our Success and defend and keep our
Right to be Happy, our Right to Happiness,
our Right from God to Freedom, our Right
from God to Love.

A Deeper Love that keeps us fighters, to fight

for what is Right, True, God, our Rights....
A Deeper Love that keup us making jokes
about situations of Life, keeps us Optimistic
and Positive.
A Deeper Love to know we Dare, have
Courage to suffer all for what is RIght
A Deeper Love unshakable that keeps us with
Love, God and Truth no matter what.
A Deeper Love that make us resist and bear
the unbearable and walk on and walk further
A Deeper Love that even if everybody think it
can't be done I resist, hang in there and do it
anyway because I Feel Love
A Deeper Love to continue even in pain, to
Dare, have Courage and Live my Life with
God with Truth with Integrity.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 490

Date= July 23, 2018 Date= 7/26/18, 9:12 AM


If, read by Roger Federer & Rafael Nadal



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 491

Date= July 23, 2018 Date= 7/25/18, 7:21 PM

"Rudyard Kipling-If

If you can keep your head when all about

you ...
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too

If you can dream—and not make dreams your

If you can think—and not make thoughts your
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out

If you can make one heap of all your

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold

If you can talk with crowds and keep your

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my

We are Son and Daughters of God, Royal


If by Rudyard Kipling - Inspirational Poetry


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 492

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/25/18, 7:20 PM

A Deeper Love that keeps us fighters, to fight
for what is Right, True, God, our Rights.
A Deeper Love that keup us making jokes
about situations of Life, keeps us Optimistic
and Positive.
A Deeper Love to know we Dare, have
Courage to suffer all for what is RIght
A Deeper Love unshakable that keeps us with
Love, God and Truth no matter what....
A Deeper Love that make us resist and bear
the unbearable and walk on and walk further
A Deeper Love that even if everybody think it
can't be done I resist, hang in there and do it
anyway because I Feel Love
A Deeper Love to continue even in pain, to
Dare, have Courage and Live my Life with
God with Truth with Integrity.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 493

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/25/18, 11:23


Aretha Franklin A Deeper Love


The Lyrics are:

Aretha Franklin A Deeper Love

People let me tell you I work hard every day

I get up out of bed, I put on my clothes
'Cause I've got bills to pay
Now it ain't easy but I don't need no help
I've got a strong will to survive
I've got a deeper love, deeper love
Deeper love inside and I call it

Pride (a deeper love)

Pride - a deeper love
(Pride) a deeper love
Woah woah woah woah
It's the (pride) power that gives you
The (pride) strength to survive
(Pride - a deeper love)
(Woah woah woah woah)

eah ooh yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Now I've got love in my heart, it gives me the

To make it through the day
Pride and love (pride is) oh respect for
And that's why I'm not looking for
Handouts, charity, welfare, I don't need
Stealin', killin', not my feelin'
No backstabbin', greedy grabbin'
Lyin', cheatin' 'cause I've got a
Deeper love, a deeper love
A deeper love inside, I I yeah yeah
I've got a deeper love (deeper), a deeper love
Deeper love inside, whoa

(Pride) a deeper love

(Pride) a deeper love
(Pride - a deeper) love
Woah woah (woah woah)

It's the (pride) power that gives you
The (pride) strength to survive
(Pride - a deeper love)
(Woah woah woah woah)

And I wanna thank you for helping me see

There's a power that lives deep inside of me
Give me the strength (give me the strength)
To carry on (to carry on), always be strong
Whoa oh oh oh whoa

(Pride) a deeper love

(Pride) a deeper love
(Pride) a deeper love
(Woah woah woah woah)

People let me tell ya I work hard every day

I get up outta bed, put on my clothes
'Cause I-I-I-I-I got bills to pay
And it ain't easy, it ain't easy
It ain't easy, it ain't easy
It ain't easy yeah, oh oh

I've got a deeper love, a deeper love

A deeper love inside
I've got a deeper love (deeper), a deeper love
A deeper love inside

(Pride) a deeper love

(Pride) a deeper love
(Pride) a deeper love
Woah woah woah woah
It's the (pride) power that gives you
The (pride) strength to survive
(Pride - a deeper love) woah yeah
(Woah woah woah woah)

(Pride) a deeper love

(Pride) a deeper love
(Pride) a deeper love
(Woah woah woah woah) hey hay yeah
(It's the (pride) power that gives you)
The (pride) strength to survive
(Pride) ow ow ow ow (a deeper love)
(Woah woah woah woah) woah

(Pride) a deeper love

(Pride) a deeper love
(Pride) a deeper love
(Woah woah woah woah)

(It's the (pride) power that gives) you
The (pride) strength to survive
(Pride) ow ow ow ow ow ow (a deeper love)
(Woah woah woah woah) oh"

Whitney Houston - One Moment In Time

(Official Live Video)

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 494

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/25/18, 11:11

Anthony Robbins said that the Ultimate
Human Story is to be in a Quest as Lancelot
and fight with Love to Achieve. A Victory of
God, Love and Truth. A Story about Prince
and Princesses that are Victorious and their
Love Conquers all and Live in Love, Truth till
the end of Life. That's what the people Life
for, for a deeper Meaning in Life, that's why
they keeps on going every day, pushing
themselves over limits. A Quest to Achieve
Love. So we fight with Values, with Tru...e,
with Virtues, to be Happy, to be Free. The will
to fight with Love to conquer all and Live
with Truth for our Happiness and Success. To
go over our weaknesses, fears, negative
emotions, circle of concern and obstacles
often inside us and Dare and fight for our
Dream to Achieve the Love in our Life that
Conquers all and that brings our Success and
the Victory. The Quest that Change us, that
made us Champions, that bring our Victory,
the Victory of Love in our Life.
Some dream greater than ourselves as some
wise words say, the will to fight in incredible
circumstances to be Victorious. To do the
Unbelievable and suffer but fight to achieve
our Victory, to smash all obstacles all negative
all evil and the Love to Rule and the Love to
Be Victorious. The Victory of True, of Values,
of Virtues of Good. A Quest to Become to
walk over fears to overcome and conquer

obstacles and our Love to fulfil to flourish in
our life, the Victory of Love.
Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 495

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/25/18, 10:43


LOVE: Isn't that worth Fighting for, isn't that

worth dying for

The Matrix Reloaded Isn't That Worth Dying


Some Lyrics say:

"Look into my eyes
You will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart
Search your soul
And when you find me there, you'll search no

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for

You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you

Look into your heart

You will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am
Take my life
I would give it all, I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for

I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you

There's no love
Like your love
And no other
Could give more love
There's nowhere
Unless you're there
All the time
All the way, yeah

Look into your heart, baby

Oh your can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for

I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
Yeah, I would fight for you
I lie for you
Walk the wire for you, yeah, I'd die for you

You know it's true

Everything I do
I do it for you

Everything I do, darling

And we'll see it through
Oh we'll see it through
Oh yeah

Look into your heart
You can't tell me it ain't worth dying for
Oh yeah

I'll be there, yeah

I'll walk the wire for you
I will die for you
Oh yeah

I would die for you

I'm going all the way, all they way, yeah"


Brian Adams - Everything I do


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 496

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/25/18, 10:41

Niste idioti ca armata cu prosti homosexuali
de armata care ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie
ca niste fatalai fara nici un Dumnezeu. Ataca
copii, adolescenti, oameni majori, bunicii
nostrii. Oribilitatea de a trimite emotii de la
niste homosexuali la copii, ca sunt ratati
corupti, niste ratati garcea.
Slujim si le dam pastilute la armata pt ca sunt
prosti si ataca cu bioenergie de ratati.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 497

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/24/18, 8:06 PM

Prostii de armata trimit emotii cu homosexuali
sotilor de 70 de ani, bunicilor nostrii care sunt
ca in poza sfinti pentru noi si ii pun sa se uite
dupa altii ca si copii lor de tineri. Niste idioti
ca armata cu prosti homosexuali de armata
care ataca cu bioenergie si telepatie ca niste
fatalai fara nici un Dumnezeu.
Tu gandeste-te la poza bunicilor nostrii, bunii
Insolenta de garcea prosti, niste ratati care
ataca cu telepatie si bioenergie.
Slujim si le dam p...astilute la armata pt ca
sunt prosti si ataca cu bioenergie de ratati.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 498

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/24/18, 6:45 PM


We Serve with God Jesus.

The Human Heart is made to Live the Truth.
God made it that way.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 499

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/24/18, 6:15 PM

De un barbat mai zici, dar sa zici asa ceva de
o Fiica de Dumnezeu inseamna ca esti prost si
De mine zice de prost, dar sa te iei de sotie e
altceva prostalau din armata vulgar si
Armata cu homosexuali ratati e prea proasta
pentru specia umana.
Un barbat il face praf pe prostu din armata
care jigneste sotia sau sora sau fiica....
De un barbat prostii din armata cu
homosexuali inseolenti mai zic dar sa jignesti
ca prostu garcea cum face armata telepatic cu
homosexuali inseamna ca e garcea prea prost
pentru specia umana. Noi ca barbati ii facem
praf, isi inghit dintii si mandibula prostii din
armata insolenti pt ca Slujim.
Armata cu homosexuali ataca de prosti cu
telepatie si bioenergie, nu stiu ce fac, dar noi
Slujim si le dam bataie nu ii lasam.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 500

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/24/18, 1:34 PM

My opinion is that you must have a close
relationships with the Reiki Master.
So after Reiki initiation and after you have

your Reiki Degree which are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in
order, you must do the training.
The training is essential.
You must have the will and motivation to
practice Daily by yourself, to do it yourself, at
home, and you go to cabinet to practice there
with your Reiki Master....
If alone you do not have the will, the
motivation to practice and do the auto-
treatment, go to the cabinet, visit your Reiki
Master to talk, to practice together, to
Motivate you, to help you.
Daily auto-treatment is the success key.
It takes 30 minutes at a time.
You have to do it Daily, this auto-treatment.
And the will to train, the will to practice the
auto-treatment is essential.
It is not the will to heal yourself but the will
to train, the will to practice Daily that counts.
After auto-treatment your energy will be
cleaner, you will be clean, energized and you
may see in time the aura, you will develop the
skill to detect your aura and to heal it.
The skills come after daily practice.
You Reiki Master will motivate you, so you
should go visit your Master often, sometime
at her/his cabinet where your Reiki Master do
the healing treatments.
You should be motivated to practice and
speaking with your Reiki Master will help a
lot, so you must have a close relationship and
you must resonate with your Reiki Master.
You ask questions that you address to yourself
in your daily practice alone.
So it is the practice that help you develop
skills in Reiki.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 501

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/24/18, 12:39

Reiki is like breathing, if you are Christian
then to breath is Christian, so if you are a
Christian so Reiki is Christian.
That if you ask if Reiki is Christian or not.
Reiki is working with Love of God, so as it is
said 'you are the Light of the world', Light is

the Love of God we work with in Reiki.
I think you may learn Reiki from someone
with Love, that Teach Reiki with Love to
show you the Beauty of Love in Reiki, to
show you the Light from God we work with
in Rei...ki.
Go to someone that show you that Reiki is
Love, to which you resonate.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 502

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/24/18, 9:58 AM

The Self Defence is Christian.
Reiki it is Christian.
A sword of light in the aggressor head it is
Christian in this case.
Are situations in which it is Christian.


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 503

Date= July 22, 2018 Date= 7/24/18, 9:16 AM

Here is not about two army that beat
This is not a war between two armies that are
stupid always.
The fight is stupid, to beat is stupid.
We Serve with God....
It is not of army in this case.
It is not about two that box each other, one in
left corner, one in right corner, is not about
boxer fight in this case, we Serve with Jesus.
The army is guilty in this situation because it
attack people with bioenergy.
The army is wrong and guilty in this situation.
We Serve with God, so this is not the case of
two stupid armies that fight eachother,
because army is always stupid.

We are not their category.
We do not beat, we do not fight, we are not
their category, we Serve with God.
We Serve with God Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 504

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/23/18, 7:20 PM


E o democratie inselatoare, ca raceala de


Sunt produse care par USA dar putin

Ambalaje de produse USA in origine dar au
ceva putin schimbat, ceva cu o tenta de russia

E o democratie inselatoare, ca raceala de

E ceva parsiv, ceva inselator in aer
Un comunism cu fata noua, pare democratie,
dar nu e, se simte ceva in aer, un aer de russia,
de la Campionatul Mondial de Fotbal incolo

E cald afara, pare democratie, dar te prinde o

raceala si apoi e rau, adica este rece, adica
russia, vechiul comunism sau mai rau, un
comunism nou
Un comunism cu fata de democratie, dar nu e
democratie e primavara inselatoare

Este ca un coleg nou, Cutarescu
Si acesta iti da taskurile
Cineva iti dadea munca de facut, acum
colegul acesta nou iti da taskurile, bun, e
simpatic, de treaba, iti da taskurile, e bine
Apoi acest coleg face un Chart si un Plan, e
bine, interesant, colegul acesta, idee buna,
interesant, bun
Apoi dupa un timp vi se spune: colegul
Cutarescu este noul Sef.Noi zicem Pai de ce?!
Pentru ca acele atributii pe care le-ai acceptat
saptamanal sa iti dea taskurile, sa faca

Management ProjectPanner, sa Motiveze
echipa, Leadership, erau atributii de sef si ati
zis ca e bine,,, ei bine atunci e bun, el e noul

Asa e russia acum, ati cumparat produse care

pareau originale USA democratie, putin
rusificate, acelea sunt russia
Dar nu este cazul, poti refuza din timp, de pe
acum, nu mai primi de la acela ce se vrea
viitorul 'sef'. Fa numai ce e bine, cu Dumneeu,
cu Integritate, nu mai primi acest ce se vrea
viitorul sef

Gluma: LG, Life's Good in Russia. Nu

multumesc! Nu e cazul!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 505

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/23/18, 6:24 PM


Dilema psihologului
Psihologul versus vrajitorie
Eu psiholog bun, cu experienta, educat
autentic si vad ca e ceva ciudat, emotia aia e
in capul meu reala, si nu e normala, e ciudat,
acea emotie nu e normala, nu e cauzalitatea
Si simti asa pt ca e trimisa prin vrajitorie
E ceva mistic
E ceva ciudat, mistic
Emotia aia ca ceva negru, depresie, ti-o
trimite in cap prin bioenergie
E ceva mistic
Cum se face?!
Ce pot sa fac eu in aceste conditii?!
Nu-ti cere asa ceva, ca nu e de la tine
Esti psiholog excelent, nu sunt stari normale,
cauzale in Univers, ti le trimite in cap prin
vrajitoria aia poti sa ii zici sau bioenergie de
ateu garcea
Solutia: nu trebuie sa ii dai voie sa vina in
capul tau
Flori sau buruieni

Daca nu smulti buruienile, iti napadesc
Trebuie sa smulgi buruienile, adica sa ii bati
sa nu mai fie in capul tau, sa nu mai fie
buruieni in gradina adica ei sa nu mai vina
telepatic in capul tau
Daca nu smulgi buruienile sa nu mai fie in
gradina, adica daca nu ii bati sa nu mai fie in
capul tau, nu mai scapi de ei, asa e in Univers,
buruienile alea iti inabusa si omoara florile,
adica daca ii lasi telepatic sa te balacareasca la
cap se tin scai de tine ca raia, te afecteaza si
nu scapi de ei iti fac rau, pana la urma te
imbolnavesti si mori
Dar pana atunci fa tot ce poti, Disputa, fii
pozitiv, fa un bun management al starilor
mentale, fii optimist, ramai mereu orice ar fi
cu Dumnezeu
Solutia: este Cartea Sfanta, Reiki
Solutia: nu trebuie sa ii dai voie sa vina in
capul tau, sa ii bati sa nu mai vina sa te
balacareasca la cap telepatic

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 506

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 8:57 PM

Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 507

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 7:05 PM

Continue Reading Follows Beloved,

Adevarul e ca daca ii lasi sa vina in capul tau

cu telepatie si bioenergie te fac praf si daca
esti maestru Reiki gradul 5 si pe mai multe
Telepatia e de partea lor
Nu trebuie sa ii lasi sa te balacareasca la cap
telepatic agresorii PSI, agresorii bioenergetic

E ca si cum l-ai lasa sa te bata fizic pe strada,
rata ta de vindecare e mai mica ca rata lor de
damage, rata lor de a face rau, adica o sa te
imbolnavesti in scurt timp
Adica daca il lasi sa te bata esti dus, nu
trebuie sa il lasi sa te bata fizic pe strada.
Daca il lasi sa te bata fizic pe strada esti dus,
te imbolnavesti
Asa e si cu bioenergia si telepatia, daca il lasi
sa vina in capul tau sa te balacareasca la cap
telepatic esti pierdut, oricat de bine ai
Disputa, oricat de bine ai face manage starilor
mentale te face praf si maestru Reiki gradul 5,
si pe mai multe sisteme daca ai fi
Nu incerca sa inventezi fineturi bioenergetice,
sa gasesti solutii si strategii complicate,
delicatese de bioenergie, nu trebuie sa vina in
capul tau telepatic, da-le la cap, bate-i intr-un
fel sau altul sa nu mai vina in capul tau
Astia se tin ca raia de tine, da-le la cap sa nu
mai vina in capul tau telepatic ca nu mai scapi
de ei
Solutia este cea evidenta.
Solutia e sa nu mai telepatic la tine, da-i la
cap, adica fizic ca ciobanu ii dai la cap ca te
agreseaza telepatic, ori sabii de lumina Reiki
in cap.

Nu este solutia sa Disputi, sa nu te angajezi in

negativ, sa nu conversezi. Aceasta este pe
termen scurt, cat vin telepatic in capul tau, dar
Solutia Autentica este sa nu le dai voie sa vina
telepatic in capul tau. Ca daca vin telepatic in
capul tau nu mai scapi de ei Nu cauta solutii
psihologice sofisticate la ce zic telepatic, la
tehnicile lor de agresori, nu mai cauta in
desert, nu mai cauta in van, nu e vina ta, nu e
solutia acolo, nu ai cum sa gasesti o solutie
reala, autentica asa, solutia e sa nu vina
telepatic, sa nu le dai voie. Altfel e ca in
nisipuri miscatoare, orice ai face te afunzi si
nu e bine daca stai in nisipuri miscatoare. Sa
nu ne punem energia sa gasim solutii
psihologice sofisticate, delicatese de
bioenergie, solutii bioenergetice soficticate,
solutia e cea evidenta, ca ghiolbanu, sa ii bati
intr-un fel sau altul, sa nu mai vina telepatic in
mintea ta telepatic. Ca sa nu ne cerem
imposibilul, sa cautam solutia unde nu o
putem gasi, solutia e sa ii batem sa nu mai
vina telepatic in mintea noastra, sa ne punem
energia in aceasta solutie.

Era cineva zice
Fratelui meu i s-a intamplat
Era unul si crede-ma mi-a dat cateva nu le
vedeam, si eu credeam ca stiu, centrua neagra,
dar ala mi-a dat cateva nici nu le-am vazut,
zburau, si tehnica si tot, mi-am luat cateva
prin aer extraterestre, nu mi-a venit sa cred,
nici nu le-am vazut si eu credeam ca stiu, nici
nu stiam ce sunt alea, nu mi-a venit a crede,,,
Viteza nici nu le vedeam, tehnica nici nu
stiam ce sunt alea si eu ziceam ca am centura
Dupa care am vazut ca nu mai scap de el, si
tot mi-o furam
L-am luat, m-am infipt in el, l-am pus jos si
am ineput sa-i car ca ciobanu la pumni si l-am
facut praf
Asta a fost solutia
Solutia e sa nu mai telepatic la tine, da-i la
cap, adica fizic ca ciobanu ii dai la cap ca te
agreseaza telepatic, ori sabii de lumina Reiki
in cap.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 508
Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 6:42 PM

Nu lasi tu pe tactu garcea sa te violeze
(apropo garcea e ratat nu tata, dar
homosexualii din armata nu gandesc de asta
au ganduri asa)
Sa vorbeasca urat cu nevasta-ma, o violeaza
tactu garce mental, telepatic
Am si io pofta, daca mie imi place de tine, te
violez si io un pic, tu taci si nu spui la nimeni
si pana imi trece,,,...
Cand ma apuca si pe mine, vin la tine cu
homosexualii din armata ca esti crestin om
bun si iti violez si io un pic familia,,, si tu taci
si ma lasi,,, un pic, ca nu dureaza mult, pana ii
trece lui garcea,,,(dar armata nu gandeste ca
nu e asa, ca Slujim, vezi acest facebook)
Daca mie imi place de tine, ce sa fac! Te
violez si io nintel,,, ca sunt armata, ca sunt
Nu des, cand ma apuca
De cateva ori pe saptamana mai bine si in rest
cand simt homosexualii din armata pofta,,, si

noi nu zicem nimic ca e subiect Tabu si io nu
zic nimic,,, ce parere ai de prostu garcea din
armata,,, el crede ca noi Ditamai Crestii stam
sa ne violeze telepatic sotia, sa vorbeasca
orice gainat de armata cu sotia noastra
telepatic vulgaritati si misoginisme,,, armata e
proasta rau ca Slujim,,, vaide capu vostru de
ratati din armata,,, ca Slujim,,,
Iti violez sotia, fiica, fiul, ce are ceva?!
Asa simt io pofta
Omori tu om?!... Il omori tu pe garcea?!
omori tu om?!,,, omori tu pe agresoru din
Garcea e armata, daca are armata pofta cu
homosexuali sa violeze, ce?! care-i
problema?! nu taci tu din gura?! nu-l lasi tu pe
violatoru sa te violee un pic?! pana ii trece si
atat, poti tu crestin sa omori om?! ca nu
dureaza mult?! iti violez putin sotia telepatic,
vorbesc murdar cu ea, misogin?! ca armata nu
se lasa, poti sa ma omori dar homosexualii din
armata nu se lasa de violat telepatic,,, adica
numai daca ma omori violatoru homosexual
din armata te lasa,,, ca io de violat nu ma las,,,
poti tu crestin sa omori om?!
Poti tu sa omori om?! te violez si io un pic si
NU! Public spunem tot si Slujim! Ca m-oi
uita la garcea in timp ce imi violeaza sotia,,, ii
dai la bot sa isi ingita garcea dintii! Bati la
garcea ca la fasole si nu ii lasi sa vorbeasca
vulgaritati cu sotia telepatic si sa trimita
emotii sotiei acolo jos si sa fie misogin sa
hartuiasca sotia telepatic,,,
Poti tu sa omori pe agresoru garcea?! faci tu
asa fapta?!
Garcea e prost rau, el crede ca il lasam sa fie
Nu ma lasi tu pe mine sa te violez un pic asa,,,
ca imi trece si scapi,,,
Dar armata nu gandeste pt ca slujim si nu ne
lasam Famiile violate de armata,,, spunem tot
public si nu ajunge la sotii si copii pt ca nu
stam sa ne violeze garcea ca nu gandeste,,,
Slujim cu Domnul Iisus public

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 509

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 6:37 PM

Example of: Divide et impera.
Is about a sister and her brother.
The Aggressor is slick and fool both brothers,
tempts the sister to do an error and tempts the
brother to act angrily and do an error himself
and both are upset, angry and negative and the
Aggressor wins, Divide and Impera.
The sister downloads filles on HardDisk,
music, movies, kits, etc. This person is tented
by the Aggressor to do that and do that thing
and is not really aware.
The brother is upset because th...e HardDisk
is filled and is no space left, the Aggressor
tempt the brother to act angry and rude on his
sister because the HardDisk is full and is no
space left.
Both are upset and one angry on each other.
Aggressor wins, egress both brothers.

This example is about personal issues

between each other that keep a Team blocked,
and personal emotions that keeps us apart to
function as a Team, personal negative
emotions powerful that keeps us blocked on
low positions, on not functioning as a Family
or as a Team. We are Human Beings and have
a clew of negative emotions against each-
other, we must solve them with Love. Often
we are blocked with personal problems,
personal issues, negative emotions of personal
nature that keeps us blocked as a Team, we
cannot function as a Team any more and do
not want to work, and cannot work.
Love, Jesus, Reiki Love from God will help
Living Psychological Success Habits,
Psychology of Success, Holy Bible Values
and Christian Virtues is the Solution.

Letter Number= 510

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 10:19

The Victim is between Aggressor and
Victimisation. The Victim is egressed by the
Aggressor and blames the world for not
helping him/her so Victimize him/herself. The
Victim wants help from the people when is
agressed by the Aggressor and a Victim is
unpleasant, complaining, blaming, criticising,
and not helped usually because it is negative

and unpleasant, so it remains Victim.
The Solution is you to be a Winner and seek
Solutions for yourself, help yourself so
peopl...e will help you, Do ProActive what is
in your Circle of Influence so to Help
Thin on paper, Do what you can for yourself,
Think Creative Solutions, Try anything and
Try 1001 till one Solutions works, beat to
many doors till one is opened, will be
disappointments, people not helping also you
talk to them, people not able to involve in
reality to Solve your problem also you
explained and they understood, so you try
1001 doors till one will opened, you try many
solutions till one Solution really will work.
Love yourself, live Values, Christian Values.
99% transpiration and 1% inspiration. The
people often heard you, understood your
words but not yet prepared to act, to
comprehend, internalize, repeat your message
often, try 1001 ways till one will work, do not
give up. Try and re-try till you will eventually
succeed, will be milestones till one solutions,
will be setbacks, will be unpleasant
circumstances, failures, but you are not a
failure, you are a winner, one battle but not
the war. You live to win the war. Edisson said
"I never failed, I just found 1001 ways it does
not worked". Think on paper, find to Creative
Solutions, based on your Circle of Influence,
you Area of Influence, Trust God because
Jesus Loves you. Maybe you are all alone and
have a hard life and pains and no one helps
you also you told them and they understood,
do not give up, you think positive,
possibilities, write on paper what will
improve your life no matter how small thing
and next day do that thing, mobilize yourself
for the next day to do that thing anyway, no
matter how small it is. Do not be a Victim
waiting for other persons do something for
you, and complaining, blaming, negative, but
make things happen, no matter how small a
thing you do for yourself, do that thing
anyway, do what you can for yourself, help

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 511
Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 10:07

The aggressor is like the spider and the victim
is like the fly.
The spider does not kill the victim but keeps it
in dizziness to vampirze little by little to eat
slowly daily.
Army attack us with bioenergy but does not
kill me but takes pleasure in vampirizing
slowly. They are psychopaths that attack with
bioenergy, homosexuals and takes special
pleasure in seying a person in pains, scared,
going slowly, moving with fear, fearing a
consume, they eat this emotions being... sick,
vampires. Do not made a consume as we say
when they attack with bioenergy is a source of
daily pleasure for them because when they see
the person sick, in pain, fearful, 'wise' to not
do a 'consume' as we say, they eat the emotion
as a food, they are sick homosexuals and
psychopaths in the army.
They are sociopaths that attack with
The person lives, but the person become a
thread of anger, a fearful person, not daring,
scared, tensed, and the aggressor eat this
negative emotions as a rich meal, the
aggressor vampirize the victim slowly and
does not kill the victim because it has no one
to vampirize daily, so it keeps the victim alive
but eat the negative emotions daily.
The spider keeps the fly alive stick in the net
to eat daily negative emotions not just 'the
food' the fly is.
Do not stay near and listening to an aggressor,
but refuse to hear or to talk with this
manipulator, always an aggressor is an good
manipulator, do not talk with this one.
The aggressor interdicts us some coordinates,
the exact ones that will keep sets the victim
free, and allows others that seems hard but the
victim will live, the truth is that the victim is
kept alive by the aggressor to have its food
daily, it keeps the victim alive so to have who
vampirize and the only solution is Classic
Solution that the aggressor interdicts, often by
saying 'take care or I will be angry', 'take care
ir I will upset'. Do not remain in the agressor
web, but do the only Solution, that always the
agressor interdicts, cut yourself from the
thread Victim-Aggressor, free yourself with

Courage, Dare, You can Do It no matter what.

We must Serve to free us and our children

from this army sick individuals.
I wait you to hear your opinions.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 512

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 9:58 AM

The Daughters of God are incredibly talented
and educated many times and much better
prepared than most men think.
It am a feminist.

See the Book "Desire of ages" by the author

Ellen White because many people think that
after the Holy Book the best book to read and
help you best understand the Holy Book.


Also read or listen the Audio Book: Superior

Human Relations - SHR by Brian Tracy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 513

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 9:55 AM

All the people that survived knew Reiki, I
mean a efficient way to protect themselves
with bioenergy,
This is the Solution, to learn Reiki and to
protect, to give a sword of light if they attack
you, in self-defense not just Dispute in words
and positive emotions.

Solution of Experts is always the best

In this case learn Reiki is the Solution of

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 514

Date= July 21, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 9:51 AM


Enough Movie Trailer 2002 (Jennifer Lopez)



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 515

Date= July 20, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 9:11 AM

Sfatul meu este sa invatam Reiki si sa ne
aparam si nu sa lasam ca un ateu sa ne atace
cu bioenergie si sa faca pe vorbaretu telepatic
cu noi si noi doar sa disputam cu cuvinte si
emotii pozitive simple Adica ala ma ataca
telepatic si face pe vorbaretul cu mine si eu sa
nu stiu bioenergie deloc si doar sa disput in
casa cuvinte?! Sfatul meu este sa invatam
Reiki sa ne aparam sa ii dam o sabie dupa
ceafa ateului care ne ataca cu bioenergie si
care face pe vorbaretul tele...pat cu noi.
Planul meu este sa invat Reiki.
Putem sa cautam pe Google Cabinete Reiki si
sa mergem la un cabinet sa facem initiere
Reiki si seminariile, puteti gasi cabinete Reiki
pe Google si initierea este cam 120 RON pe

Daca Reiki este crestin? Reiki este ca a

respira, daca atunci cand respiri esti Crestin si
faci fapte Crestine atunci Reiki este Crestin

Mergeti la un cabinet la cineva cu care
rezonati cu care sunteti pe aceeasi lungime de
unda, cu care va face placere sa vorbiti

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 516

Date= July 20, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 9:00 AM


O Poezie zice bine

"Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină,
Decât să fim sclavi iarăşi în vechiul nost'


Decat viata de caine in fiecare zi mai bine mor

in lupta dar Crestin Puternic, Fiu si Fiica de

"Acum ori niciodată croieşte-ţi altă soarte,

La care să se-nchine şi cruzii tăi duşmani."

"Înalţă-ţi lata frunte şi cată-n giur de tine,

Cum stau ca brazi în munte voinicii sute de
Un glas ei mai aşteaptă şi sar ca lupi în stâne,
Bătrâni, bărbaţi, juni, tineri, din munţi şi din

"Cu braţele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine,

Viaţă-n libertate ori moarte" strigă toţi."

"Dar noi, pătrunşi la suflet de sfânta libertate,

Jurăm că vom da mâna, să fim pururea fraţi."

"Preoţi, cu crucea-n frunte căci oastea e

Deviza-i libertate şi scopul ei preasfânt.
Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină,
Decât să fim sclavi iarăşi în vechiul nost'

Poezia zice bine, mai bine mor ca un leu in
lupta decat viata de caine, chinuit si in viata
de batjocura chinuit in fiecare zi "de cruzii
mei dusmani", mor in lupta decat sa mor in
rusine in fiecare zi cate putin.
"Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină,
Decât să fim sclavi iarăşi în vechiul nost'

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 517

Date= July 20, 2018 Date= 7/22/18, 8:40 AM


I want to learn Reiki to heal myself with

bioenergy and to be able to protect myself. A
Reiki cabinet in Ploiesti it will be for me a
good idea.

Learning Reiki is an important Practical step

in Claiming our Rights, to learn to heal,
defend, protect ourselves and together with
our friends and all for one and one for all.


I call you to Serve with God together and to

Keep our Human Rights, our Right to Think,
to Claim our Human Rights and to Claim our
Right to Happiness.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 518

Date= July 20, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 8:15 PM

So to know, the army attacks me with
They treated me today also that they will kill
me, that they will come with homosexuals

from the army and attack me and that they
will beat me physically with the bat on my
head till I will die, slowly time of 2 weeks,
that they will kill me slowly in 2 weeks of
pain day and night attacked by many atheists
in army. They threaten me that they will rape
my future wife daily after they will kill me
and that they will be free ...to rape physically
people after 10 years.
This is said by the army homosexuals that
attacks with bioenergy and telepathically said
this things.
I said it all publicly to know what the army
occupation is, this shame is said so to take
action and to do something about and not sit
in silence, to address the problem in
knowledge of its structure.

We do not want to be tortured by the army

with telepathy.
We Serve God and we Claim our Right to be

It is no right of the army to threat they will

kill me in pains during 2 weeks, that they will
beat in my head till I bleed continue day and
night time of 2 weeks, it is no right of the
army to say with homosexuals it will rape my
future wife after my death. The army has no
right to do this telepathic torture on us, the
army has no right to attack and torture us with
bioenergetic projections. It is time to Claim
our Rights! it is time to stand together and
Claim our Rights!!!

They attack me daily with bioenergy and they

threat me as above with telepathy and
bioenergy projections.
What they do is psychological torture and
crime against the humanity and illegalities
against our Human Rights.
Daily attacks with telepathy from the army is
psychological torture and they must be called
in face of the Law to stop this illegality
because we have Human Rights.

I say it with no fear but Courage with Lord

I say daily telepathic attacks are psychological
torture, they do in this daily attacks threats,
they threat to kill me in pains unbearable, they
curse me, and army do this using telepathy, ,

they threat it will rape my future wife with
homosexuals after they will kill me slowly,
and this is a crime and illegal.
I say this is a crime against Humanity and
illegal, so I come to Claim Official our
Human Rights.
I say this should stop, you are called to Serve
with God and we to put stop to this crime and
illegality, as I am sure many of us are in my

We Serve with God for a Free World and the

Right of Freedom of our Family, Children,
Wife, Friends, CoWorkers, and Fellow-Beings

I call you to Serve with God together and to

Keep our Human Rights, our Right to Think,
to Claim our Human Rights and to Claim our
Right to Happiness.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 519

Date= July 20, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 7:54 PM

You can Help our Service by giving Forward
to this Posts on this facebook, saying there are
from this facebook, eMail them to your
family, friends, co-workers, etc.
You can Quote them to anyone and Help our

You can contact me to speak on eMail,

If you can think at other ways to Help our
Service please write me, contact me.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 520

Date= July 19, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 1:43 PM


I personally think at my wife and my children
and I think we must Stand Tall, not keep the
silence any more.

I Call You to Serve with God and Be United,

"All for One and One for All".


I Call You to Serve with God and not to keep

silence any more.
I Call You to Serve together to Respect
Human Rights.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 521

Date= July 18, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 12:41

The army attacked me, Tudose Mihai Catalin,
with bioenergy in my home today 2018.07.15
also with unfair scope, but I do not keep the
silence and I Serve Jesus and Human Rights.

I call you to Serve together to this Noble

Cause, to Live Free, Happy.


The army strategy is to attack us one in a time

and alone, and now I am physically alone, I
am alone in my home, with very little
physical resources.

Let's not stand to be attacked one in a time,

but to Stand All United, to Gather as Many as
We Can, to be "All for One and One for All:,
because all alone we are easy targets and easy
to get sick.

I hope we will gather many to stop the

bioenergetic attacks of the army against

I Call You to Be Together and stop this shame
they do.

Together we will succeed.

"In God We Trust, United We Stand."

I call you to Serve together with Jesus so will

stop the army attacks with bioenergy and
respect Human Rights. It is our Right to
Happiness, to Freedom, and it is our Power
with God.
I Call You to Serve with God and not to keep
silence any more.
I Call You to Serve together to Respect
Human Rights.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 522

Date= July 17, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 11:19

The army behaves as a bully uneducated and
vulgar cursing and beating because he has big
fists, the power he say it is at him.
Wrong, unfair, but it has muscles and fists -
that's stupid garcea army, we Serve and
United with God Jesus.
We will come all school on him and we will
put him to his place, we will beat this bully of
the school as he sees him.
Poor you, we are pity on the army....
And it has the weapons, fists and it is mean,
unfair, vulgar, misogynist. But this is stupidity
because we are many.
And army see us Christians on Planet as good
colleagues but
not able to fight the bully.
The army behaves as a stupid bully in the
school that beats with fists and muscles, has
all the weapons, he say.
The army with bioenergy say: stupid stupid
but with muscles, unfair and vulgar but with
fists, so he say.
They act as stupid and unfair but they say
with muscles. It is not so.
But we stay together and all fight the bully
and we will won.

All the school will gather to fight the unfair,
insolent, vulgar bully and we will Succeed
with Truth and God.

Dexter's Lab Bully


See the above Cartoon Full Episode.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 523

Date= July 17, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 10:02


"L'amore è... il Respiro del Mondo,

più Puro e Profondo
E se tu come noi non ti arrenderai, ce la farai."
say one Great Song.


Toto Cutugno - L'amore è...


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 524

Date= July 17, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 9:32 AM

Continue Reading Follows

Letter Number= 525
Date= July 16, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 9:25 AM



Tudose Mihai Catalin...
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 526

Date= July 15, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 8:09 AM

The army is that stupid that believes that if we
have a situation they permit anything.
The army is wrong and they are weak stupid,
losers, and we Serve with God.
The parable below is an example to show
what Attitude we must have with the army
gigi garcea.
For example someone is with the car, and the
stupid police officer see that it is a problem
with the car and stops our car. The police and
army is that stupid that comes with insolence
and threat the car owner and say... dirty things
about the person, speaks dirty, curse, but the
car owner do not allow the stupid army to
treat him like that just because the car has a
problem but have a Strong Position, Attitude,
and takes Action, is Pro-Active and fires the
stupid army officer, because the army is more
stupid as the night, just losers with big mouth,
and will have only problems because they are
stupid insolent not based on reality, not real,
because we do not speak in any way to each
other, we do not allow the army to do that
kind of insolence with their pipewhole stupid
mouth, and we Serve and fire the army that
attacks with bioenergy, and we shut their
pipewhole, because they are wrong, guilty,
stupid ignorant that attacks with bioenergy
and we Serve with Truth and God and we give
them pills to the Psychiatry Hospital.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 527

Date= July 15, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 7:52 AM


Happy Sabbath!

The Sabbath is from God so to be Happy in
Life. This is a day put apart for our Lord
Jesus. In the Holy Book God gave this Day as
a special Day, a Unique Day of the week so to
be put apart especially for God. As a present
is put apart for the occasion we wait for to
give to that Special Person in our Life. A day
to remember especially of God, to Live the
Joy of Living with Jesus. So we must
Dedicate this Day to God by Living His
Virtues and Values, a C...lean, Pure Day with
our Lord Jesus. Living with Jesus is made by
reading few pages from Holy Book, by
reading our Sabbath School Chapter, by
Singing Christian Hymns, by going to
Church, by Living Especially Christian Values
and Christian Virtues as Mercy, Goodness,
Love, Unconditional Love, Wisdom,
Humbleness and after that we will see that
unseen Powers are in our Lives in the rest of
the week that lays in front of us.

For Example I read today Solomon, the Book

of Proverbs.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 528

Date= July 15, 2018 Date= 7/21/18, 7:51 AM

Gandhi said "First they ignore you, then they
laugh at you, then they fight you, then you

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 529

Date= July 15, 2018 Date= 7/20/18, 7:19 PM

The army behaves as a bully uneducated and
vulgar cursing and beating because he has big
fists, the power he say it is at him.
Wrong, unfair, but it has muscles and fists -

that's stupid garcea army, we Serve and
United with God Jesus.
We will come all school on him and we will
put him to his place, we will beat this bully of
the school as he sees him.
Poor you, we are pity on the army....
And it has the weapons, fists and it is mean,
unfair, vulgar, misogynist. But this is stupidity
because we are many.
And army see us Christians on Planet as good
colleagues but
not able to fight the bully.
The army behaves as a stupid bully in the
school that beats with fists and muscles, has
all the weapons, he say.
The army with bioenergy say: stupid stupid
but with muscles, unfair and vulgar but with
fists, so he say.
Stupid stupid and unfair but with muscles. It
is not so.
But we stay together and all fight the bully
and we will won.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 530

Date= July 15, 2018 Date= 7/20/18, 12:32

1_We first beat the army that attack us with
2_we create again Democracy
3_we give laws.


Do not expect to give the laws and after beat

the army and put them in jail because they
attack with telepathy and bioenergy.

If we wait to give the laws, the army beat us

in our homes with bioenergy till then,
procrastinate, postpone, and kills us and
makes un sick, we wait in vain, sick, tired, as
in Siberia attacked till laws are given.

The laws are given when you do not need


As in a Revolution, 1_beat Ceausescu and the

army, 2_it is again Democracy and 3_we give
the Laws.

So 1_First we beat the army with bioenergy,

2_we create Democracy not to be attacked in
homes by the army with telepathy and
bioenergy, 3_we give the Laws.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 531

Date= July 15, 2018 Date= 7/20/18, 11:45


Aurelian Andreescu - Oameni



Lyrics are below


Oameni, oameni, semanati

Cu iubire, câmpia din voi
Oameni, oameni, minunati
Treziti muntii, batrâni de ploi
Oameni, oameni, învatati
De la pasari, curajul în zbor
Oameni, oameni, oameni, cautati
Foc de soare, stralucitor.
Fir de aur, se înalta, catre soare mereu,
Fir de aur, vis de aur,
Cântul vostru si al meu
Oameni, oameni, semanati
Cu iubire, cararile
Oameni, voi oameni
Semanati cu iubire, câmpia din voi.
Ooo, oameniOameni. oameni
Cautati Foc de soare, stralucitor

Fir de aur se înalta, catre Soare mereu,
Fir de aur, vis de aur,
Cântul vostru si al meu
Oameni, oameni, oameni,
Semanati, cu iubire Cararile
Ooo, oameni, oameni, oameni,
Cautati, foc de soare, stralucitoor
Ooo, oameni, oameni, oameni,
Semanati, cu iubire Cararile
Ooo, voi oameni, vooi oameni

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 532

Date= July 15, 2018 Date= 7/20/18, 11:41


Aurelian Andreescu - Copacul- lyrics-versuri



Lyrics are below


In gradina casei mele e copacul

Care canta si pe frunze si pe vant
Care stie tot ce-mi place si ce simt
Care stie cantecul ce-n gand il cant
In gradina casei mele e copacul
Care-mi spune sa fiu mandru cum e el
Care-mi spune sa-mi tin fruntea dreapta tot
Fie ploaie, fie soare, fie nori,
Tot ca el.

Copacul demn se-nalta in gradina mea

Incarcat de roade si de noapte grea
Au incercat dusmani sa-l culce la pamant si
sa-l stie-ngenunchiat.

Copacul demn se-nalta in gradina mea
Ametit de soare, de lumina grea.
Acest copac e trup din trupul tarii sfant
Si-o fi vesnic pe pamant

In gradina casei mele e copacul

Sta de paza si la bine, si la greu,
Simt in brate lemnul tare si-l sarut mereu
Si copacul se transforma dintrodat'
Sunt chiar eu!

Copacul demn se-nalta in gradina mea

Incarcat de roade si de noaptea grea
Au incercat dusmani sa-l culce la pamant si
sa-l stie-ngenunchiat
Copacul demn se-nalta in gradina mea
Ametit de soare, de lumina grea.
Acest copac e trup din trupul sfant
Si-o fi vesnic pe pamant."

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 533

Date= July 15, 2018 Date= 7/20/18, 10:41


We have the Truth.

The army attacks with bioenergy and it is
hiding, they were hidden because they are
wrong and cannot stand the truth.
We say the Truth from God, we are on open,
we tell to everyone without hiding because we
are Right, Live the Truth...
They are stacking from hide, they are wrong,
they hide and cannot stand the Truth, they lie,
they hide, they are shameful and ashamed,
they hide, do not tell the truth, they cannot
stand the truth.
They find power in hiding, because they are
wrong, guilty and weak. Their power is to
hide and cannot stand the truth.
We are Right, we Live the Truth, we must say
all opened, to everyone, all the truth, we are
'the light of the world' a light must be seen as
Holy Bible say, we are a light and must be

seen and shine in the darkness.
The Power of the Truth is to be said all
publicly to everyone, as a light shines in the
night and a light cannot be put under a bowl
but a light must light fully freely, so we must
tell the Truth freely, to everyone, publicly.
We say the Truth, we have the Truth, we are
Right and we must say all the truth to
everybody, we must say all the truth opened,
publicly and so all can hear.
Our power is to say the Truth, to say it all

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 534

Date= July 14, 2018 Date= 7/19/18, 7:47 AM

I think we must not let the aggressor.
The aggressor interdict us to do an action, and
we avoid it from pain, danger, etc, and we do
otherwise, a indirect route, a indirect
approach, easy and easy, little by little.
By doing little by little there are pains but we
have victories sometime and it seems easy,
comparing with the direct action that is
interdict and surely painful, dangerous, even
And by doing little by little we fight
aggressor, enter in his game and... losing,
because in the meanders of indirect approach,
we are lost as in Siberia, we are fighting and
tired, no solution stays, no solution stable, no
solution works, no matter what is without
solution. In this paradigm doing what the
aggressor let us we will never end the
situation with success, always will appear
frustrating problems, never solve all, always
having more and more problems, controlled
by the aggressors, see war in Siberia pattern
more and more tired and frustrated, or see the
pattern of quicksands, and like so also appear
more easy to live, we will die, we will be
tired, frustrated, without real solution to fully
solve the problems, we will die.
It is like taking a thread, the aggressor pull the
thread, again I go to take it, the aggressor
pulls the thread, and so on, it is on the
aggressor terrain and they play with us, we do

what the aggressor allow us to do, and we
fight with army with army techniques(we
must fight with Jesus, with God on our
terrain, with Justice, True, Values, Christian
We cannot play on the terrain of the opponent,
of this aggressors, but fight with our
Strengths, on our Terrain, now on their terrain
with they allows us to do, but with our
Powers, Strengths.
The aggressor likes the pain, and is a vampire,
we become ill more and more.
The unique solution really is to do what is
interdicted by the aggressor, with sacrifice, a
Revolution, 'Just Do It!'

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 535

Date= July 14, 2018 Date= 7/18/18, 8:06 PM

I think we must live 'Just Do It!'
As a Revolution with Courage in front of
Sacrifice, Daring, Acting in spite of Fear as
'Just Do It!'

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 536

Date= July 14, 2018 Date= 7/17/18, 3:13 PM

Please consider at work relations of
collegiality, work and friends are in our time.
Family and friends in our time at home but at
work is Service and collegiality. At work I
stay with co-workers for work tasks and at
home with my family and friends.

Do not mix family, friends with work and

Service. Do not take work to the Home and
personal home problems to work.


Someone said the attackers want to put our

brain on curlers, or bow-knot on our brain,
mixing everything in conflicting human
relations-Do not let them, but Classic
Psychology Habits, Successful Habits.

Do not mix family, friends with work and

Service. Do not take work to the Home and
personal home problems to work.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 537

Date= July 14, 2018 Date= 7/17/18, 1:57 PM

Maybe we will consider helping our
neighbour. Helping a Leader in need that need
our help.
Maybe we will consider not letting a person
that cry without help, but hear the cry and
helping the person even if danger.
Maybe we consider helping the person even if
we do not understand the person, even if the
person have other personality, different
Vision, maybe without understanding the
cause of the cry.
Maybe we consider hearing the cry for help
and responding to that cry a...nd pain and
helping the person and not suffering to let the
person crying and in pain.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 538

Date= July 13, 2018 Date= 7/17/18, 11:55

It is not normal as army to attack my wife
with bioenergy.
Some of us knew about bioenewrgy and are

used to Dispute and go with the flow, or to
live with this attacks as good as we can, to not
engage in negativity, to heal after attacks with
Well, it is time to do something about.
The truth is, that act it is the same as someone
will curse and give a slap to my lovely wife
on the street, physically....
What do you think I would do?
I will sit and Dispute and not engage in
I think I will beat the hack of the one that
does that.
And I will learn to defend myself with martial
The same is our situation with bioenergy. The
army attacks with bioenergy projections, it
slaps with pain projections and it curse, it say
perversities through telepathy, send image of
homosexuals into our head, send emotions as
'there below' to us.
It is the same as they will cry after my wife on
the street physically, the same illegality.
Sending 'down there' emotions from
homosexuals it is the same as putting the
hands of my wife physically and must be
treated accordingly, as illegal and go to jail.
Speaking stinky mouth words telepathically
with my wife it is the same as crying after her
as abusing with words on the street, and must
be treated the same, as illegal, and it must be
treated with judges, jail, pills on Psychiatric
I think this is the same aggression as
physically on the street.
As I will not permit as my wife to be egressed
by slapping and by curses, and by insolent
and shameful words and perversities, so I
would not permit with bioenergy attacks and
bioenergy aggressions.
I think it is the time to tell the truth about this
and not keep the silence any more and to treat
as illegal this illegality. I think it it the time to
say all publicly.
We cannot say any more attitudes as: I can
Dispute, or I stay as positive as I can, I do not
engage in negativity, because I think it is the
time to treat this one as aggression and illegal
and take them to jail for this illegalities.
I think it is the time to give laws for this
I would never let my daughter to be touched
there on the street by some perverse army
person, so with bioenergy. I would not let my
daughter feel emotions down there below

because a homosexual from army send
projections. I would fight, and beat the heck
of the army abuse and insolence, it is the same
protection I would do on the street.
It is not good to Dispute as till now and
remain positive as we can and not engage in
negativity, I think it is the time to treat this
illegality as illegal and go to prison the person
that does that and give to this aggressor pills
at Psychiatry, as in the case of slapping my
wife on the street, as in the case of cursing my
wife and abusing her on the street, it is the
same think with bioenergy attacks.
I think it is the time to take serious this
illegality and Serve to give them pills.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 539

Date= July 13, 2018 Date= 7/16/18, 7:28 AM


Some Quote say:

"There's a killer on the road...
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If you give this man a ride
Sweet family will die
Killer on the road

The Doors - Riders On The Storm (HQ)


The Lyrics are below

"[Chorus 1]
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm

[Chorus 2]
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm

[Verse 1]
There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If you give this man a ride
Sweet family will die
Killer on the road

[Verse 2]
Girl you gotta love your man
Girl you gotta love your man
Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends
Our life will never end
Gotta love your man

[Chorus 1]
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm

[Chorus 2]
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan

[Chorus 1]
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm"

Manowar - Defender

The Lyrics are below:

"When you are old enough to read this words
Their meaning will unfold

These words all that's left
And though we've never meet, my only son
I hope you know
That I would have been there to watch you
But my call was heard and I did go
Now your mission lies ahead of you
As it did mine so long ago
To help the helpless ones who all look up to
And to defend them to the end
Ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son
You're the defender
God has sent
Father, father, father
I look up to you and heed thy call
This letter ends my search
I'll live your dream now passed on to me
And I now wait to shake the hand of fate
Like the dusk awaiting dawn
So wizards cast your spell
With no heart to do me well
So it's written, it shall be
Ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son

You're the defender

God has sent"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 540

Date= July 12, 2018 Date= 7/15/18, 8:39 PM

Am ajuns sa ne spuna un gainatz de
homosexual din armata in mintea noastra
fapte din trecut, asa zise, mincinoase si sa ne
traga la raspundere un gainat de gunoi cu
mustata din armata pentru fapte din trecut. Si
cine nu suntem noi, neprihaniti.
Nu acceptam homosexuali gainatz in mintea
Am ajuns sa vina in mintea noastra un gainatz
de homosexual din armata?! sa ne spuna

bolnaviorul gainat ce fapte am facut si sa ne
aparam intre noi de asa zise fapte
mincinoase ...spuse de un gainat de
homosexual din armata?!
Nu trebuie sa vina armata in gandurile noastre
si nu trebuie sa acceptam ca un gainat de
homosexual din armata sa ne trimita emotii de
la unul la celalalt.
N-am ajuns sa acceptam prosti in ganduri.
Cum e sa vina toate gunoaiele de homosexuali
in mintea noastra si sa spuna minciuni si asa
zise fapte din trecut si n oi sa ne aparam
doar?! Pai nu, si pe scaunul electric tot stai bai
gainat homosexual armata,,,
Bai fraier cu mustata gunoi garcea iti dam
Bai gainat iei pastile ca Slujim prostalau
gunoi cu mustata homosexual gainat garcea
imbecil si insolent prosteste.
Fatalau armata Slujim si iti dam pastilute.
Ca sa stii ca n-am ajuns sa ne aparam de
gainatzuri de armata si sa ne spuna in mintea
noastra gainaturile de armata asa zise fapte.
Bai pastila gainat garcea iti dam pastilute.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 541

Date= July 12, 2018 Date= 7/15/18, 6:35 PM

If you think it is dangerous to do the right
thing you are wrong.
If you are thinking it is a too great danger to
die for your wife, daughter, or son, I think you
are wrong.
If you are thinking to follow your heart it is
too risky, too dangerous, I think you are
If you are thinking it is too dangerous, and I
do a safer strategy I think no one will follow
this leader...
People would follow a full heart Leader, who
die for the right thing, who would die for His
Wife and Daughter and Son.
People follow a lion heart Leader that will do
the Right thing no matter what and who does
not preserve his strength when the shame, the
heart it is on the payroll.
I think people will follow a Leader that

follows His heart no matter what and do the
right thing, and have a lion heart no matter

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 542

Date= July 12, 2018 Date= 7/15/18, 5:51 PM

Nu are nimic ca zice de fiica mea sau fiul meu
asa ceva, ai gura Disputa si noi facem strategii
pe termen lung, for the grater good.
Adica sacrificam obrazul si rusinea for the
grater good.
Adica ai gura Disputa si lasa asa ca te
sacrificam pentru binele pe termen lung.
Eu zic sa nu facem...
Eu zic sa aplicam 'Just do it!'
Adica da-i in bot lui melita spurcata armata,
umple-i gura de sange frate si sora ca nu are
dreptul sa zica asa ceva.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 543

Date= July 12, 2018 Date= 7/15/18, 5:14 PM

A Great Quote say: "Act boldly and unseen
forces will come to your aid."-Dorothea

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 544

Date= July 11, 2018 Date= 7/15/18, 4:46 PM

La Revolutie in 1989 tunurile armatei au tras
in piept de om.

Nu am zis "sotul meu nu sa moara ca e sot
important" pt ca toti sotii sunt importanti
pentru sotii.
Ci tunurile au tras si au tras in piepturi, au tras
in pept de om.
Ciocoflenderii garcea au tras si au tras in pept
de om....
Dar armata cand s-a vazut batuta, ca i-am dat
la nas lui garcea pumni de i-a sarit casca din
cap, atunci 'gata, gata, nu mai da! Armata e cu
voi!, gata! nu mai da! Armata e cu voi Armata
e cu voi!", cand s-a vazut batuta,,,
Asa acum, murim dar nu asa ca un caine in
casa omorat incet cu proiectii si sa tacem.
Murim ca eroi in lupta.
Luptam cu armata care ataca cu bioenergie!
Nu murim ca si cainii in casa.
Ci murim ca si eroi Crestini in lupta! si ne
salvam sotiile si copii din viitor care vor trai
intr-o lume mai buna.
Murim dar nu asa,,, murim ca eroi in lupta!!!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 545

Date= July 11, 2018 Date= 7/15/18, 4:24 PM


All for one and one for all.

In God We Trust, United We Stand


Our Hope is in our Service with Jesus. To

Serve together all for one, and one for all.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 546

Date= July 11, 2018 Date= 7/15/18, 3:54 PM




AC/DC - Hard As A Rock (Official Video)


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 547

Date= July 11, 2018 Date= 7/15/18, 1:01 PM

Garcea are atitudinea 'la bal sau la spital'.
Adica 'hai bre, ma omori tu pe mine, garcea?!
sunt si io garcea de armata?! hai bre, ma
omori tu pe mine'
Adica 'Io garcea nu ma las, numai daca ma
omori te las si nu te atac cu bioenergie,
telepatie, psihoseductie, etc'-armata looseri,
colonulitati, gunoaie care ataca cu
homosexuali copii si le trimit emotii perverse
acolo jos de idioti de armata.
'hai bre, omori tu ofiter?! ca io am facut
academia, looseri. colonulitati..., gunoaie,
ataca oamenii cu homosexuali din armata care
trimit emotii rusinos si pervers, fara nici un
'hai bre, omori tu toti garcea?!, ca numai daca
ma omori nu te atac cu bioenergie'
'ori ma omori ori te atac si ce faci, omori tu
toti garcea, toata armata'
Ce Dumnezeu, ce Iisus, ce Slujire, ce
Realitate,,, garcea are impresia ca oricat de
prost, daca esti insolent iti merge,,, dar nu-i
Adica la bal sau la spital, ori ma omori(la
spital), ori la bal adica ori ma lasi sa fur cu
ionica director de multinationala euro cu sacul
lunar si sa atac pe cine vreau.
Dar nu-i asa, noi Slujim.
In Romania garcea da impresia ca sta sub
tejghea(armata lu Ceausescu) si are toate
armele si noi avem prastii si bate, iar el are
pusti si arme, dar nu-i asa, ca Slujim, avem si

noi arme si Slujim cu Iisus.
Cine e nedrept este si slab, cine e rusinos,
vinovat este si slab. Puterea este tot la
Dumnezeu, la noi cu Valori si Virtuti Crestine
care spunem si traim Adevarul.
Slujim cu Dumnezeu Iisus, sa ii dam pastilute
la Psihiatrie armatei care ataca cu bioenergie

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 548

Date= July 10, 2018 Date= 7/14/18, 6:13 PM

The problem of the army garcea is that they
are a few, they say many and attack us with
bioenergy in hidden, the army attacks with
bioenergy and they sit hidden, telepathy, etc.
They say 'to the dance floor or to hospital' ('la
bal sau la spital'), meaning 'Come on?! You
will kill all garcea army?! Be real now, would
you kill all army that attack with bioenergy,
because we attack you till you kill me, the
army talibans will attack till they are killed,
no matter God,... no matter how unfair, they
are army stupid insolent'. This is the attitude
'la bal sau la spital' meaning again 'to the
dance discotheque or to hospital'. The army
attitude is we attack with bioenergy till you
will kill me, so you let me be and attack
people as talliban terrorist no matter how
unfair(so to the dance discotheque) or you
will kill me(to the hospital).
But God does exist and we Serve and we will
not let the army to be unfair, guilty and attack
people with telepathy, projections,
psihoseduction with homosexuals, and other
bioenergy with money from multinationals.
In Romania garcea army seem to be very
insolent, we seems to have slingshot, bat from
wood and they have all the guns and they
believe we are afraid of the army under the
tables in hidden places, but I am not and many
we are not, and we Serve to give pills to army
Who is shameful, who is guilty is weak also,
We live Values and Christian Virtues and we
Serve with God.
We protect our children so to be safe from the

army that gives in their hear emotions from
homosexuals and feel emotions 'down there',
and hear shameful words and perverse things,
images from homosexuals. We do not shut our
eyes to army and their attacks with bioenergy.
We Serve with God to give them pills.
We Serve with our Lord Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 549

Date= July 8, 2018 Date= 7/14/18, 6:05 PM





AC/DC - Hard As A Rock (Official Video)


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 550

Date= July 8, 2018 Date= 7/14/18, 5:33 PM
Continue Reading Follows
Letter Number= 551
Date= July 8, 2018 Date= 7/14/18, 12:35 PM

Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 552

Date= July 8, 2018 Date= 7/13/18, 12:58 PM

As merge la vot, ca sa alegem conducatorii

De cand n-am mai mers la vot
Sa alegem cine sa ne conduca
Daca Leaderi nu suntem macar sa alegem
sefii, sa mancam un salam pe ziar pe langa un
sef, ca Leaderi nu ne tine sa fim, daca nu
ducem mancar sa muncim la sef sa stim o
Viata e grea, nu merge Leadership ca nu ne
tine pe noi, asa ca hai sa facem o treaba
cinstita sa mergem la vot cuminti in linie pe
langa semafoare in ordine sa ne alegem


Ca$$a Loco - Partydele


Leadershipul e greu tata, munceste la sef

Subexist in Romania in Bucuresti, ca viata e
grea, noi subexistam in Bucuresti

Ca$$a Loco - Eterna si fascinanta Romanie


O fi bine asa?!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 553

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/13/18, 7:12 AM

I don't know much about Bioenergy
Certification on many systems: Reiki,
Caballa, Shambhalla, Radiesthesia.
Don't know what kind of life you lived since
now with your children,,, what kind of
protection you provide to your children, but I
know a life like that it does not worth,,,

Wonderful World SAM COOKE (with
lyrics) ...

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 554

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/12/18, 2:17 PM

Asa facem doua activitati ne ataca armata cu
bioenergie, iar stam ca sa nu facem consum,
iar ne ridicam si incercam sa facem ceva, ne
oprim in mijlocul actiunii, iar atacati, iar
zicem sa nu facem consum - as zis consum,,,
asa viata noastra nu mai are nici un sens,,,
loseri,,, sa nu facem consum, sa stam cu frica
cu grija, asa viata noastra nu mai are nici un

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 555

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/12/18, 1:50 PM


Era un banc: sotia la cimitir "Marine Marine

ia-ma si pe mine" si tot plangea, "Marine de
ce te-ai dus, Marine Marine ia-ma si pe mine",
si cand a plecat rochia s-a agatat intr-un cui si
zice "Lasa-ma Marine c-am glumit cu tine".
Asa suntem noi, "am zis si noi sa le dam
Pastilute la Psihiatrie" si sa facem
"criminalistica PSI" dar tu o iei in serios,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 556

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/12/18, 1:30 PM

Pentru armata: nu e chiar asa gushtere, iti dam
pastile in Spitalul de Psihiatire si o sa fii
inchis in inchisoare, ca sa ne protejam de tine.
Baiete guster de armata esti prost noi nu
suntem directior ionica de multinationala, noi
suntem Crestini Autentici si noi suntem
Ditamai Crestinii Adventisti.
Pentru gushterii de armata: baiete guster
loser(locotenent), colonulitate(colonel),
gunoi(general), baiete guster de armata esti
prost, noi suntem Biserica, Crestini
Autent...ici si Slujim.

Dar si un sarpe daca te musca si nu mergi la

medic mori,,, si e un amarat de se taraste pe
pamant,,, dar daca nu te tratezi si nu faci nimi
veninul ala te omoara,,,
Asa ca nu doar radem ca armata e gushter, ca
te omoara armata in casa. Sunt gushteri, dar
noi trebuie sa fim bine real, sa facem ceva real
impreuna toti Crestinii ca sa reusim. Ca ei
prosti da multi si uniti, trebuie si noi sa fim
toti Crestinii impreuna, toti pentru unul si
unul pentru toti.

Da, sunt gushteri pe langa noi, dar noi trebuie

sa fim uniti, trebuie sa Slujim, sa fim toti
pentru unul, sa nu lasam oameni in urma, sa
nu abandonam oameni in conditii grele.
Asa da, asa va functiona perfect.

Aceasta este Viziunea Reala, Castigatoare.

Ca noi suntem Ditamai Crestinii
Dar trebuie sa fim impreuna, sa Slujim
Adica sa ne ajutam intre noi cand unul este
Sa ajutam pe fata cu Credinta si Tarie, cu
Putere si Forta in Realitate
Sa nu ne lasam unul pe altul in conditii grele
CI noi Crestinii sa fim Uniti, sa facem Real
fapte care ajuta alt crestin daca este atacat, pe
fata, cu putere si curaj
Toti pentru unul si unul pentru toti
Nu sa abandoman Leaderi si Crestini in
conditii grele
Sa indraznim, sa avem Curaj sa ajutam pe un
Crestin sa nu lasam in urma Leaderi.
Act in spite of fear.
Sa lucram real in Echipa, pe fata, fara frica, in

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 557

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/12/18, 1:29 PM

We must protect from army attacks with
bioenergy. The army has soled weaponds for
money to people like the ionica directors of
multinational that that gives to the army sack
of money to attack people with bioenergy.
And army attack people with bioenergy with
homosexuals and lesbians.
We must protect the angels in our family: our
wives, our children.

Sting - Russians ...


The army is stupid with homosexuals and not

Christian and with no God, because has no
God, and is no Christian, but maybe the
perspective of being in hospital and taking
pills at Psychiatry will ring a bell in the army
I know the army is stupid and ignorant and
they think 'we go to hell anyway', and they
think "we kill people, we have weapons to
kill, so we go to hell anyway, so what?!", but
the stupid losers without God may think at
another side of reality, they will be locked and
take pills and maybe you do not like that, and
we will stop the telepathy in their minds with
pills and medical resources in a hospital, to
protect our Wives and Children.
Maybe the perspective of being in hospital
and taking pills and locked in a prison will
say something to the army.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 558

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/11/18, 12:32 PM

Fericesti tu omul cu Cartea Sfanta?!
Sa faca ce zice Dumnezeu,,, orice ar fii si
dupa suferinta sa Reuseasca cu Dumnezeu,,,
E suferinta,,, e riscant,,, ce zice Dumnezeu e
periculos, e riscant,,, risti sa iti pierzi viata,,,
Ce vrea sa fie,,, de ce,,, nu se poate,,, nu e
posibil,,, nu riscant asa nu,,, daca e asa riscant
nu,,, play safe,,, nu ne lasa garcea,,, aia ete,,,
stau in banca mea,,, fac strategii pe termen
lung,,, si play safe,,, e prea riscant,,, ce zice
Dumnez...eu cu inima e riscant,,, e periculos,,,
daca e pericol io nu,,, acum nu pot,,, io as vrea
dar,,, c-o fii c-o patii, c-o face, c-o drege,,, io
fac o strategie chipurile cu Dumnezeu, o
strategie safe, care zic io e tot cu Dumnezeu,,,
asa zic io,,, ca e tot cu Dumnezeu,,, ca sa
dorm linistit,,, dar ce zice real Dumnezeu si se
SIMTE CU INIMA e periculos, imi pare rau,
refuz, e prea periculos pt mine, e riscant,,, io
nu pot sa fac asa ceva,,, io am viata mea, stilul
meu de viata,,, imi pastrez obiceiurile,,,
Fericesti tu omul cu Cartea Sfanta?!,,, sa riste
asa 'aiurea' sa riste moarte, e risc, e pericol,,,
daca omul vrea sa isi pastreze viata,,,
Zice "cine vrea sa isi pastreze viata si-o va
Dar acum,,, Fericesti tu omul cu Cartea
Il pui sa faca ce e periculos si riscant,,, ca
dupa suferinta Crestina, dupa sacrificiu, sa fie
Poti sa dovedesti,,, strategii fac si io,,,
Quesque se?Quesque se?!,,, alea alea,,, ce-i in
inima, ce-i in inima,,, tot tragi la inima,,, ca se
vede cu inima, ca se simte cu inima,,, ce tot
zici de inima, de inima,,, strategii fac si io si
imi pastrez viata,,, alea alea,,,
Ce tot tragi la inima,,, ce tot apelezi la ce se
simte cu inima ca Iisus,,, strategii fac si io
nu,,, slujesc si io nu?!,,, dar nu-i asa, se simte
cu inima,,,
Dar acum,,, Fericesti tu omul cu Cartea
Sfanta,,, sa il pui sa faca ce zice Dumnezeu,
ca apoi dupa durere, dupa suferinta, sa

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 559

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/11/18, 12:15 PM

Mai spurcat de atat,,,
Armata POPOULUI, homosexuali de armata
popoRului fara R, Armata Popoului,
homosexuali retardati,,, ataca ca retardatii cu
Cea mai mare prostie e sa apelam la
politicieni ca sa facem presiuni politice, ca
politicienii sa apeleze la garcea sa il scoata pe
Adica "cand turcul te bate, mergi la turc sa-ti
faci dreptate",,, adica mergem la garcea sa-l
omoare pe garcea ala rau practic, pt ca
politicianu face presiuni tot la garcea s...i noi
stam cu mainile in san Safe practic, adica de
frica sa nu ne omoare garcea daca facem noi
cu tupeu Crestin cu Dumnezeu si atunci
apelam la politicieni, adica indirect tot la
garcea, pt ca politicienii apeleaza la garcea, la
unul care de jmecher se da bun, dar tot garcea
Adica politica e pt prosti garcea, ca sa stii, toti
politcienii sunt garcea prosti, ori sunt corupti,
ori atat de prosti incat sunt folositi si nu-si dau
Adica politcianu apeleaza la un garcea, unul
care pare bun sa il bata pe garcea, si garcea il
scoate total pe garcea cand imi vad eu ceafa,
adica niciodata, adica scoate de fatada si da
legi dar de fatada si lasa homosexuali de
prasila, adica garcea nu il scoate pe garcea in
Si nu trebuie asa
Trebuie sa ii dam in bot lui Crestineste lui
Adica sa facem Revolutie noi, cu sacrificiu nu
ce e comod sa il dea garcea afara pe garcea,
adica nu sa apelam la politicieni care indirect
apeleaza tot la garcea.
Ca garcea zice, tata, asa tata, apeleaza la
garcea sa il dea afara pe garcea, ca politicienii
tot ai lui garcea sunt, si lor le-ar convenii, asa
tata, apeleaza tot la garcea sa il dea afara pe
garcea, macar ne faci reclama ca apelezi la
politicieni, adica imi faci imagine,,, e bine
asa?! rusinea asta?! NU e!
Si tu stii ca politcienii sunt prosti, si tu stii ca
politicienii sunt garcea,,, Nu e bine, ca nu
suntem tolomaci "cand turcul te bate mergi la
turc sa-ti faci dreptate",,, adica garcea ne bate,
mergem la garcea sa iti faci dreptate,,, ca e
mai comod, sa stam cu Cartea Sfanta in frunte

sa stam asa si sa apelam la garcea, sa moara
garcea impotrica lui garcea, nu sa risc io sa
mor, adica io stau asa cu mainile in aer, cu
Cartea Sfanta si safe si apelez la garcea sa
faca razboi impotriva lui garcea, sa moara
garcea omoara garcea,,, ca pt mine e riscant,
ca io nu risc sa mor, ca daca fac razboi
impotriva lui garcea ma omoara garcea in
casa,,, si io nu risc,,, sa moara copii tai nu ai
mei,,, io nu risc sa mort, io apelez la
politicieni, sa apeleze la garcea sa moara
garcea omorand garcea,,, NU! fa ce e cu
Cartea Sfanta,,, fa sacrificiul care trebuie si
noi sa-l dam afara pe garcea,,,
Trebuie sa ii dam in bot lui Crestineste lui
Adica sa facem Revolutie noi, cu sacrificiu nu
ce e comod sa il dea garcea afara pe garcea,
adica nu sa apelam la politicieni care indirect
apeleaza tot la garcea.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 560

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/11/18, 11:55 AM

I see a GANTT Chart.
With all Tasks, all Estimated with 20% time in
plus for Bkp. And with milestones all also
with 20%. And to reach each Milestone and
then Update the GANTT Chart and Update,
Track Progress. And to reach the Milestones,
to Succeed with each part of the Project and
so to Succeed with all Project.
So to Do Something in Reality, to See the
Effect in Reality.
Continuing like so, as we did till now I think
is overoptimistic, an 'Optimistic' Estimation,
that... will not do in reality, because the
Responsibilities are Great, Challenges Many
in Reality and we must Confront Real
Problems, Dare, Confront the Hard Reality to
Deal with Problems Now when we are yet
Powerful, now when we have still Strength to
resist, because 3 months from now the winter
will come and the situation will be much
difficult and we must benefit our Power now
when it's still green, because now we have yet
Resources to Fail, resources to fall down and

to rise, because now we can take yet punches,
now we can still support pain of falling in
battail, but in the winter we can rise 2-3 times
and then die, now we're still green and
support blows, to fall and still rise with decent
velocity, but in the winter we are already tired
and we cannot rise from the floor but 2-3
times I think. Now we can test our Powers in
Real fight, we can take falls, we can take
errors, but later we cannot take the stress, the
wounds of a tough fight. I think we must not
be Optimistic in Estimations, but Pessimistic
in Estimations.
To Be Pessimistic in Estimations(not
optimistic in this case).
Phrases as: 'We will do in the future', 'we can
do later', 'we'll see till end', 'I will show you'
will not work, we must Act. Act on it. Do
Something about in Reality.
And to See the Effects in Reality.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 561

Date= July 7, 2018 Date= 7/11/18, 11:42 AM

I propose a Pessimistic Estimation.
Overoptimistic estimations are an error I
I think it is right to Estimate with Critic Spirit
and to Estimate with a +20% Backup so to
have a Backup no matter what.
I think we should not let the learning for the
night before exam to say we learn all night
and take the exam, because we will fail if we
do so....
I think we should made in the summer sleigh
and in the winter wagon.
I think we're in trouble here.
We must Estimate with Responsibility as
Leaders and Managers too.
To have a Backup of 20% left for us.
And I think the Estimation should be
To implement a Solution for our Service in
our Project with bioenergy.
I think we're in trouble here.
I think we must implement something Real, in
Reality ASP = As Soon as Possible.

Tudose Mihai Catalin
Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 562

Date= July 3, 2018 Date= 7/10/18, 2:14 PM

Leadership needs a Team to work in, a Team
to Serve with.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 563

Date= July 3, 2018 Date= 7/8/18, 4:37 PM

Trebuie sa fie ilegal sa ataci PSI, adica cu
bioenergie, sa fie infractiune si luate masuri sa
nu mai poata face rau PSI, sa nu mai faca rau
cu bioenergie. Cum este sa ataci cu palma si
pumnul oamenii pe strada sa fie sa ataci PSI
oamenii pe strada si cum este ilegal sa vii acas
si sa ataci oamenii in casele lor cu palma si
pumnul sa fie ilegal sa ataci oamenii cu
bioenergie in casa.

Step_1: Trebuie sa fim Sensibili la PSI,

bioenergie, adica sa avem data o lege care
pre...cizeaza ca ilegal sa ataci cu bioenergie,
Step_2: Trebuie ca Legea sa permita
anchetarea, adica ridicarea celui care este
suspect de atac cu bioenergie sa fie anchetat.
Step_3: Trebuie ca daca este vinovat ca atacat
PSI, cu bioenergie sa i se se ia masuri, sa i se
dea o sentinta, sa nu mai aiba posibilitatea sa
faca infractiunea, sa nu mai atace cu
bioenergie, sa i se ia armele sau sa fie data
afara din armata(armata, SRI, politie) unde se
foloseste de arme si sa i se dea o pedeapsa
Step_4: Trebuie sa i se dea o pedeapsa
Step_5: Trebuie ca daca mai continua sa ii
dam pastile la Spitalul de Psihiatrie ca sa nu
mai atace PSI.

Astept sa va implicati si voi si sa Slujim

impreuna. Sa scrieti pe facebook-ul vostru, sa

scrieti pe blogul vostru, etc, sa dati eMailuri si
sa Slujim impreuna.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 564

Date= July 3, 2018 Date= 7/8/18, 1:01 PM


The Musketeers Tribute - All For Love

"Let's make it all for one and all for love.
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
The one you need,
'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
When there's someone that should know
Then just let your feelings show
And make it all for one and all for love."

Bryan Adams - Everything I Do (I Do It For

You) [Official Video]
"Look into my eyes
You will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart
Search your soul
And when you find me there, you'll search no

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for

You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for

You know it's true

Everything I do
I do it for you"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 565

Date= July 3, 2018 Date= 7/8/18, 12:22 PM


I write a Post about the Revolution from 1989

in Romania.
We are in this situation again now, but on All
Planet Earth.
The Radio "Radio Europa Libera" to make the
Revolution that set us free!


Aici e Radio Europa Libera !


Europa Libera Bucuresti 21dec1989


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 566

Date= July 3, 2018 Date= 7/8/18, 11:43 AM

I do not say, at two stupids garcea army stupid
solders, at two military, this is a technique.

I do not say at army vulgarity is a technique,

because army is stupid, they lie, vulgar,
losers, threat with evilness, misogynist.
Military are losers.


The stupidity they do now, is a technique,

because army is stupid, garcea is stupid.
But this is no war, we are the Church,
Christians with God, and we do not fight as

two army stupids solders army military,
because we Serve with God, the Creator of
the Universe and army is guilty, stupid
military at stupid army.
Two armies fight eachother, the army is
stupid, SRI, Security of Roumania, CIA, FBI,
army, garcea are all stupids.

Garcea means stupid army as SRI, FBI, CIA,

security, army, police, stupid garcea army.

I know garcea army is stupid, at them lies,

insolence, vulgarity, misogynist, homosexuals
are techniques, they are stupid. we Serve with

We do not fight part to part as two garcea

military army, we Serve with God, Creator of
Universe, Jesus/

I know that at army this is a technique,

because army is stupid, they fight two
countries with stupid army, but with us will
now work, because we Serve with God, we
Fight with God, Jesus, as Archangels.
With us does not work with army techniques,
because their techniques are at wars between
military countries, army is stupid.
With us will not do, we Serve with Jesus!!!
Army Stupid insolent is stupid once again and
we Serve to give them pills.

Army is stupid, because we are with God.

This is no war as between two armies.
This is not for garcea army, we Serve with

The Algorithm Analysis.

We know now why we, Christians, will
To know why is inevitable for us Christians to

We Serve with God and we give them pills for

attacking with bioenergy.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 567
Date= July 3, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 9:29 PM

Happy Sabbath!
Today is a Great Day to Live it with God, our
Lord Jesus.

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 568

Date= July 2, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 6:40 PM

Reading the Posts of this facebook, our
Service, you can see the Vision of our Service
can be seen, it takes shape and we see clearly
our Vision of our Service.

Jimmy Cliff - I can see clearly now



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 569

Date= July 2, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 6:10 PM
Continue Reading Follows Dear,

When you see Psychiatry Patients in

Psychiatry Section of Hospitals and you see
their painful eyes and deaf tone, the pain in
their voice, the sadness, because they are
attacked with bioenergy.
And how they sit at the door of the
Psychiatrist and wait for Hours for their
monthly recipe to get their monthly pills you
feel the tragic schizophrenia picture.
And they think the pills can make 'the voices'
disappear, but there is not because of brain
sickness, but bioenergy attacks with telepathy,

and everybody tell them they are wrong, they
are sick and is because of them, because no
one make anything to them but they are sick,
insane, schizophrenic.
How they are stigmatized as mentally sick
and the neighbors lough, and talk, and all
beneath their back and they are ashamed by
their diagnostic, being called crazy, mentally
And in reality they are attacked with
I told that to do what we can about.
To Serve and Help our fellowbeings.

They barely collapse mentally waiting in line

at doctors door to take their pills for all
morning hours, many coming for 20-30
kilometers to city to get their monthly pills.
They cannot stand it, 'the voices' agrees them.
They are hurt, feel pain and the pain can be
seen in their eyes.
For they we Serve.
They are not schizophrenic but attacked with
And many take pills from childhood to their
old years, till 50-60-70 years old, all their life
and have so small pension they can barely are
able to survive: pay their food, clothes, etc
(first levels of Maslow Pyramid), they barely
survive a poor existance without many but so
small pension because in many times they
have no experience on Workbook. How can
they?! Since they are attacked with bioenergy
since young age many times childhood and
cannot work because the mental pain of so
called schizophrenia and if cannot work they
have no experience in the workplaces.
They cannot eat, the hurt is so bad they cannot
eat daily, they cannot sleep, there are weekly
days they do not sleep no hour per night,
white nights, they suffer pains and their hear
burns as in fire, they talk with voices for so
many times per minute their head is in pain
and hurts, and it is worse.

For they we Serve.

At the Psychiatrist door it happened to ask me

if I want to let the person take before me the
recipe, because it cannot stay at the door, it
cannot suffer the pain any more and it cannot
stay any more to wait till their turn is to take
the recipe. And I asked the persons at the line

to allow me to give the person my place so it
can take the pills before me, and they
fortunately agreed.
It is painful.

To take a pension from childhood to old

age(60-70-80 years old, etc) and all the life
many times, and to be labeled as
schizophrenic, and to be known as insane,
sick mentally, crazy is a stigmat many times.
The sick in the family is a Tabu, we know
about and from shame we do not talk about.

For they we Serve.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 570
Date= June 30, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 5:03 PM


Song of Michael - St. Michael the Archangel -

Freddy Hayler


Freddy Hayler - All angels adore Him


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 571

Date= June 30, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 4:49 PM

The Three Musketeers


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 572
Date= June 30, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 4:43 PM


I am completely upset.
I did not expected that.
I always expected I will work in a Team to Do
Something Real about this bioenergetic


And there are also from 2004 till now,

meaning 14 Years since I am diagnosed as
schizophrenic, and I cannot work because the
army attacking me with bioenergy. So since
14 Years I am in a small village in Romania
and not in Bucharest since 2004.

With daily attacks, me living in poverty and

with such small resources in a small village in
SE Europe my health is worse and worse.

I told the Truth about schizophrenic and

bioenergy of army to Do Something about.
Meaning involving in Reality and this is not
the case I see.

The terror they do to children, the

psychological trauma the bioenergetic attacks
do is great and unforgeable for me. Now it is
your business if you forget and who do you
forget about and where you forget the person
that is deported.

If you do not want to do something about and

close the eyes it is your choice.

I wanted a Team to Work till now, since 2004

till 2018, and I am all alone in a small village
in Romania without resources but an old PC
connected to Internet and this facebook, that's
all and much poverty and cheap existence in
this village in Romania and in poverty.

If you want to close eyes it is your life. I think

it is wrong and as people died I go to our Lord

Jesus too and all alone Daily Attacks are
making harm to my health.
As other people died, I go to Jesus also.
It is your life and you involve in what you
I think it is wrong but it is your business with
Jesus as for me, I go to Jesus as others did

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 573

Date= June 30, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 3:16 PM

La munca ca nu mai tine. Nu mai ascultati la

radiouri si televizoare d-alea si fiti ascultatori
de sefi si fiti muncitori, dati livrarile la termen
sefului si faceti ce va zice seful. Deci ascultati
de sef si ce se zice de sus. La munca si faceti
ce vi se zice ca ordinele cad de sus in jos ca
gravitatia, adica de neschimbat. Fiti muncitori
si ascultatori si asa faceti un ban acolo de o
apa plata, de o apa la robinet de un gaz la
aragaz, ca teava cu democratia nu mai curge,
vi...ne mama russia cu ordine de sus de la sefi.
Gata cu Valori si Virtuti Crestine si vise,
realist, fiti realisti si la munca cu voi. Dati
copii cu valiza afara din casa ca a venit russia:
la munca ca nu mai tine,,, sa-ti bati copii cu
cureaua de la ceas,,, La munca ca vine un ger
din siberia, faceti bani de o paine acolo, o
chifla cu un lapte,,, Ascultati de ce va zice
seful si faci un ban acolo, fiti realisti,,, trage
plapuma pe tine,,, s-a inchis Supermarchetul
asta, vezi Alimentara Centrala din Cartier- iti
masoara o marmelada pe tejghea mananci
ceva dulce cu copii,,, mananci muncitoreste
un salam cu mustar pe-un ziar,,, Ce ziceti?! o
fi mai bine asa?!,,,

Scorpions - White Dove


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 574
Date= June 30, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 3:13 PM

D'ale lu' Mitică: Dinte pentru dinte


D'ale lu Mitică


D'ale lu' Mitica 06 mai 2018


D'ale lu' Mitica 03 iunie 2018


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 575

Date= June 30, 2018 Date= 7/7/18, 11:19

D'ale lu' Mitică: Prostia zace în întuneric


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 576

Date= June 30, 2018 Date= 7/3/18, 9:55 PM

D'ale lu' Mitică: Cum să scapi de depresie


Ce sa mai Slujim, hai sa ne petrecem bogatiile

in vara aceasta.
Sa ne mai uitam de oameni si sa mai ne
imbogatim egoismul cu cate o placere
vinovata,,,, si sa uitam in continuare de


D'ale lui Mitica editia 27.1.2015


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 577

Date= June 30, 2018 Date= 7/3/18, 5:04 PM
Continue Reading Follows
Letter Number= 578
Date= June 29, 2018 Date= 7/3/18, 4:53 PM


Florin Chilian - Porunca a IX-a - Să nu minți!

- Cântecul avocatului - Termopane


Sarmalele Reci - Tara te vrea prost


Timpuri noi - 1992 - Perfect


Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (feat. L.V.)

[Music Video]

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 579
Date= June 29, 2018 Date= 7/3/18, 4:50 PM


Happy Sabbath!

Tudose Mihai Catalin...

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 580

Date= June 28, 2018 Date= 7/3/18, 3:41 PM

A Great Quote say “If we wait until we're
ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,...
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 581

Date= June 28, 2018 Date= 7/3/18, 3:38 PM


Scorpions - White Dove



We are the Solders in the army of our Lord

Jesus, like Angels, Archangels.
Scorpions - Wind Of Change

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 582
Date= June 27, 2018 Date= 7/2/18, 9:00 PM


Aici e Radio Europa Libera !



Europa Libera Bucuresti 21dec1989


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 583

Date= June 27, 2018 Date= 7/2/18, 8:22 PM

Este exact ca la Revolutia din 1989, cand
Ceusescu era cu garcea si armata era in
romania foarte temuta si sri si securitatea
romaniei, un fel de mosad temut si statea
armata cu Ceausescu dupa tejghele si ne era
frica de dictator cu armata lui. Asa este acum
cu bioenergia. Dar am indraznit, am avut
Curaj si am facut Revolutia si garcea a tras in
oameni dar l-am batut pe garcea si apoi
'armata e cu noi'. Armata a omorat cat a putut
oameni la Revolutie. De fapt armata a t...ras
in oameni dar vazand ca nu ne e frica si ca
luptam pana la capat, si ca ia amploare s-a dat
cu oamenii, si textul 'armata e cu noi', dar
armata nu e cu noi si n-a fost niciodata,
armata la Revolutie s-a vazut batuta ca am
avut Curaj si ca nu dam inapoi cu toate
tunurile care au tras in oameni si n-a avut ce
face. Cand a vazut ca face o baie de sange si
ca nu dam inapoi, armata nu a mai avut ce
face, pt ca noi luptam pana la capat: "Pe aici
nu se trece!". Acum armata trage in noi cu
bioenergie si noi trebuie sa avem Curaj sa
indraznim pana la capat, sa nu dam inapoi si
sa facem ceea ce este necesar cu Curaj. Acum
noi suntem ca 'Europa Libera' aici pe
facebook. Cum ascultam 'Europa Libera' in

fiecare dimineata si se spuneau lucruri despre
armata si Ceausescu dictator si luptam sa ne
eliberam. Ca armata nu e cu noi, trebuie sa o
batem orice ar fi, ca la Revolutie, iar ce zice
armata dupa nu ne mai intereseaza,
handicapati ca si atunci cu Ceausescu. Si, la
Revolutie l-am batut pe Ceusescu cu armata
lui cu tot. Acum la fel, armata trage in oameni
si sa facem o Revolutie, fara frica, sa
indraznim Curajosi pana la capat, fara sa dam
inapoi si sa batem armata si sa fim Crestini
pana la capat.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 584

Date= June 27, 2018 Date= 6/30/18, 10:36
Continue Reading Follows Dear,
Cum pune armata problema: "Sa nu te mai
prind in curtea scolii".
Adica eu Ditamai Crestinul daca mai Slujesc
ma ataca armata cu bioenergie de la distanta si
eu nu am ce sa-i fac ca sunt 'invizibili' si nu
sunt fizic adica nu ajung la ei, adica pititi si
nu am puterea fizic sa ajung la ei si nu stiu
inca bioenergie sa ma apar.
Pt ca eu nu stiu bioenergie si nu vad aura si nu
stiu sa ma apar
Adica peshte mare peshte mic, adica garcea e
mare si isi permite sa ma atace zilnic, sa atace
Crestinii in casele lor, ca tac si tac in 'quiet
desperation' si ca eu nu pot sa ma apar ca nu
stiu bioenergie si nimeni nu ma ajuta real sa
Adica sunt la mana lui garcea si sa tac din
gura, ca ma face armata sa sufar.
Ca face armata pe insolenta ca ma ataca in
casa cu bioenergie, face rau de la distanta,,, un
retardat de locotent, colonel si general, niste
gunoaie de armata
Pai asa la insolenta se pune problema?! Ca
face garcea ce vrea,,, ca ma prinde Crestinii
garcea?! adica ca in romania ne e frica de
armata,,, ca de Ceausescu,,,, si ca nu spune
nimeni adevarul si ca tacem in disperare si
atacati,,, si ca nu ne implicam ca e fiecare pt
el, si ca a ajuns sa ne atace armata in case,,,
Pana acum nimeni nu m-a ajutat sa invat
Reiki sau Radiestezie sa ma apar.

Adica garcea ma prinde pe mine 'in curtea
scolii', prosti prosti dar e ca fac rau corpului,,,,
adica ne-educat si prost garcea dar e ca are
muschi si lumea nu se baga,,, adica am arme
in dotare nedrept atac Crestinii dar daca ii
sperii si nimeni nu se baga,,, daca am armele
pe mana si nimeni nu se baga, poti sa fii tu
Ditamai Crestinul Zig Ziglar
SewvnethDayAdventistChurch, dar daca
lumea nu se baga, oricat de nedrept, garcea
ataca pana se implica lumea si pana atunci esti
singur in casa si iti face rau,,, te atac pana la
sfarsit, garcea 'eu o tin pe a mea', ii sperii sa
nu se bage, si te atac mereu, pana la sfarsit,
oricat de nedrept prostu garcea are arme, ca
Ceausescu, lumea nu se baga, asa ca face ce
vrea, si zice la insolenta 'sa nu te mai prind
curtea scoli'i, adica el e garcea armata mare si
puternic de care sa imi fie mie frica.
Adica prost garcea, dar e ca are arme si lumea
tace in frica,,, si nu face nimic real,,, adica e
ca pot sa te bat, te bat zilnic, mereu, tu suferi,
lumea tace si se face ca nu stie,,,
Oricat de prost e armata, e ca are puterea sa
faca rau, nedrept, ataca si copii cu vorbe
perverse si emotii perverse trimite unor copii,
e ca lumea tace,,, e ca nu face nimic real,,, e
ca pot, asa ca, atac si fac rau cand vreau, e ca
le e frica, e ca esti singur in casa si nu ai pe
nimeni, nu ai bani ca te ataca armata corupta,,,
asta e atitudinea armatei,,,,
Stiu ca Slujesti cu Valori si Virtuti Crestine,
esti Ditamai Psihologul Crestin, ceea ce sunt,
dar daca pot sa iti fac rau,,, oricat de ne-
educat e garcea si sri, vulgar, misogin,
pervers, niste ratati, e ca am puterea sa fac
rau,,, e ca am arme si lor le e frica de mine, e
ca te lasa singur,,, iti fac rau ca vreau si pot,,,
nu o sa ma las niciodata pana te omor, zilnic,
in fiecare ora, si iti fac rau,,, prosti garcea dar
uniti si multi, prosti dar multi, uniti la prostii,
uniti la facut rau,,, pai si atunci,,, ma omoara
garcea in casa si nimeni nu se baga,,,
Adica nimeni nu se baga, ca ne e frica sa
Slujim real, sa facem real ceva in practica si
garcea ne ataca ca e mare, are ame in dotare si
face ce pofteste, ca noua ne e frica de el.
Adica ameninta un ratat ca armata ca noua
DItamai Crestinii multi ne e frica sa facem
ceva real, si ca imi face rau daca mai Slujesc.
Adica face pe insolentul un garcea de colonel
si un gunoi de general ca ma prinde el pe
mine daca mai Slujesc.
Atat de nedrept cat e garcea face ce vrea, face
cineva real ceva pt mine?! Nu, eu nu stiu

bioenergie si nimeni nu ma ajuta sa invat,,,
Adica armata e mare si eu Crestinul mic,
adica ma ameninta garcea ca ma ataca zilnic
si imi face rau si nimeni nu face nimic real,,,
Asa se pune problema la armata, ca un
colonulitate si un gunoi de general cu
bioenergie ma ataca pe mine Zig Ziglar
Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Si nimeni nu are tupeu sa ma ajute sa invat sa
ma apar si sa ma vindec ca il atac si pe el,,,
asa zice garcea pana astazi,,,
Acum real garcea care ma ataca pe mine
zilnic, in fiecare ora si care ataca si copii a
scapat, pt ca noi nu facem ceva real,,,

Daca garcea are arne, adica prost colonelul si

generalul adica colonulitati si gunoiaie de
armata, dar prosti, dar multi,,, am arme, nu te
apara nimeni real,,, Slujesti dar te atac si te
fac sa suferi ca nu te ajuta nimeni,,, si pana
acum armata plina de saci de Euro a atacat si
nimeni real nu m-a ajutat real,,,,
Adica imecili armata, ne-educati, dar daca
nimeni nu se baga, daca ne e frica de el,,, esti
singur, prost nu zic garcea, prost si ne-educat,
vulgar, pervers, ataca pe ascuns ca ne-barbatii,
dar e ca nu stii bioenergie si nu ai 1000 RON
sa faci initiere si sa inveti bioenrgie si nimeni
nu te ajuta real,,, garcea prosti dar multi si
uniti,,, si acum, ar zice imbecilu armata 'sa
nute mai prind in curtea scolii',,, adica astia ne
omoara in casa,,,, adica armata e
inspaimantatoare si ne e frica de ea si nu ne
bagam, nu Slujim real, de frica lor, ca ataca si
pe cei care se implica,,, asta in 2018,,, Prosti
prost garcea dar multi,,, multi si uniti,,, atei,
vulgari, misogini, nedrepti, ascunsi, dar e ca
nu face nimeni ceva real, si e ca suferi,,, ca
daca mai Slujesc ma ataca ca de obicei, in
fiecare ora, in fiecare zi si suferi 'sa nu te mai
prind in curtea scolii', adica eu Ditamai
Crestinul sunt atacat de un amarat de colonel
si un amarat de general - un gunoi garcea,,, si
nimeni nu se implica, toti tacem in Tabu si ne
facem ca ploua,,,
Daca il lasam pe prostii asta garcea asa o sa
ne omoare si fizic in casa,,, Si-asa cu
homosexuali cu imbecili vulgari spun
telepatic perversitati de ratati ne-educati,,, o
sa ne omoare nedrept copii,,,

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 585
Date= June 27, 2018 Date= 6/30/18, 10:19
Continue Reading Follows Beloved,

Unii dintre noi stiam de atacuri cu bioenergie,

ca exista.
Deci suntem familiari oarecum cu atacurile si
ce rau pot sa faca si anumite solutii locale cel

Acum, de ce Serviciul nostru acum in aceasta

De ce Slujim noi diferit acum? Si de ce
trebuie sa Slujim noi?

Noi am primit la cabinete de bioenergie

oameni care erau atacati si i-am vindecat. Dar
de multe ori pana la urmatoarea vizita la
cabinet am vazut ca pacientul este la fel de rau
sau mai rau. Este ce construim ziua se darama
noaptea. Si atunci uneori am zis ca pacientul
sa faca Initiere si sa invete bioenergie sa se
vindece singur.
Situatia de mai sus este reala.

Acum, situatia este ca multi oameni nu vin la

cabient si raman bolnavi, atacati, singuri, unii
tratati ca schizofreni si sufera multi ani, pana
mor. Asadar multi oameni nu vin la cabinet si
sufera singuri.

In cazul meu, un Director de multinationala

ma ataca cu armata. Adica armata cu 'armele
din dotare' este platita cu saci de Euro de la
multinationala ca sa ma atace pe mine si pe
Adica aici nu este impricata armata, sri.

Acum asemenea caz este mai grav.

Nu numai ca plateste bioenergeti sa atace,
acest Director ma ataca direct cu armata si sri.
Si eu am primit ajutor telepatic dar acestia
sunt mai multi deocamdata.
Adica practic trebuie sa ne batem cu armata si
sri, nu numai cu un bioenerget sau un grup de
Nu ca am fi impresionati de gigi garcea,
armata idioata, dar trebuie sa intelegem ca
trebuie facut ceva special. Adica de aceasta

Slujirea noastra este acum speciala.
Acum trebuie sa il dam afara pe garcea si sa ii
dam pastilute la Psihiatrie.
Sa facem ce cineva numea 'criminalistica PSI'
pana la capat.
Acum trebuie sa luam in serios situatia si sa
terminam odata Right, calumea acest capitol.
Multi dintre noi am dorit mereu sa facem
aceasta pentru oameni, copii, rude.
Acum este momentul sa implementam right,
Acum am spus public fara ocolisuri, fara
subintelesuri, fara sa fim 'politically correct',
adica Public eu spun TOT ADEVARUL!!! si
cat de grav e ce face armata si sri!!!
Nu mai stam sa spuneam ce se poate spunem,
sa ajutam 'din umbra' ca pana acum, pt ca
multi dintre noi am ajutat mereu oamenii, dar
nu pe fata.
A venit vremea sa facem PE FATA!!!
Sa spunem TOT ADEVARUL PE FATA si sa
facem PE FATA!
Chiar daca este greu, sa implementam ceea ce
multi mereu am dorit adica 'Criminalistica
PSI' si noi sa le dam pastilute lui gigi garcea
din armata!
Aceasta s-a schimbat, ca nu mai ajutam ca
inainte unde putem, 'din umbra' si facem ce
putem pt oameni, asa, adresand cu inima mare
dar ce ne sta in putere, mie si prietenilor, ci
acum trebuie sa spunem tot pe fata, tot
adevarul, toata realitatea, asa cum este! ca sa
adresam in sfarsit calumea aceata realitate si
pt toti oamenii care sufera atacati cu
Acum eu si prietenii mei bioenergeti nu mai
este suficient, pt ca armata ne ataca si pe noi,
si oricati suntem noi, adica eu personal cu
prietenii mei, garcea armata si sri aduce mai
multi mereu.
Acum trebuie sa fim uniti, sa facem 'front
comun' sa invatam oamenii atacati bioenergie
si sa se vindece singuri si sa se apere pt ca
sunt in 'legitima aparare'.
Trebuie sa facem ceva MACRO, cema Mare,
Think BIG!!!

Ca sa facem ceea ce cineva numea

'riminalistica PSI' si sa le dam pastile la
Psihiatrie armatei care ne ataca cu bioenergie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,

Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 586
Date= June 27, 2018 Date= 6/30/18, 10:08


Some of us knew that bioenergetic attacks

So we are familiar with bioenergetic attack.


Why my Service is different now?

We received at bioenergy cabinet people that

are attacked to heal them. But till next visit at
cabinet are again attacked and between
sessions it seems we do not help the patient in
reality, so a solution is to invite the patient to
learn from us bioenergy to heal himself.
The above mentioned scenario is a real one.

Now, the situation is that many people do not

get to come to the cabinet and are sick, lonely,
some treated as schizophrenia and they suffer
many years or till they die. Many people
suffer because they do not appeal at a
bioenerget and they do not have knowledge
about a solution.

Now a situation that needs a different

approach is below:
In my case it is the army that take much
money from multinational Directors to use
weapons to attack people.
The army sits hidden and simulates
schizophrenia to attack people because it gets
much money from multinationals and they
have 'weapons'.
In my case the army attacks now me too with
bioenergetic projections because they want
me not to Serve God and not to tell the truth,
but I Serve our Lord Jesus.

So we need to have a different approach but

inviting people to our bioenergy cabinet and
in some cases to teach them bioenergy to heal
We need to have a different approach because

the attackers are now many and me in my
bioenergetic cabinet with my friends that
know bioenergy too is not sufficient, because
they will attack me and all my friends too, and
we cannot handle well this new situation.
We told the truth about army attacking with
bioenergy and now the army attack us too. So
we need a different strategy now.

So we need to do something MACRO,

something BIG, Think BIG.

We need to teach people to heal and to

defend, they are in self-defense.
To do something like 'PSI criminality' to give
pills at Psychiatry to army that attacks with

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 587

Date= June 27, 2018 Date= 6/30/18, 9:40


Este ca si cum pe copilul tau l-ar ataca cineva

si l-ar injura(asa se aude garcea telepatic),
care i-ar spune cuvinte perverse si tot felul de
imagini din reviste perverse(asa apar
imaginile pe care le trimite armata, politia si
sri in mintea omului prin bioenergie) si este ca
si cum ar pune mana pe copil acolo jos(asa
sunt emotiile de la homosexualii din armata-
armata cu homosexuali trimite emotiile
simtite de homosexual care se atinge singur,
ca proiectii cu bioenerg...ie) si i-ar da si cate o
palma(asa se simte proiectia cu bioenergie de
la armata -niste idioti garcea, acum Slujim

Cum sa-mi injure altul copilul meu la scoala,

sa il injure in fiecare ora zilnic, in fiecare ora,
in fiecare zi, sa mi-l terorizeze, sa mi-l
terorizeze psihologic, sa mi-l injure, sa ii
spuna cuvinte perverse, sa ii arate imagini
perverse din reviste, sa ii dea si cate o palma,
sa puna mana pe el acolo jos!!! Aceasta duce

la trauma psihologica, psihotrauma,,, Cum sa
mi-l terorizeze asa?!,,, Cum sa faca asa ceva
in fiecare ora din fiecare zi, in fiecare minut,,,
Ei garcea tu esti prea idiot!!!

Un parinte daca i-ar face copilului asa ceva ar

face ca toate alea si ar face praf
Diriginta/Dirigintele la scoala, ar face urat si
un scandal la scoala de nu se poate!!!

Asa suntem noi acum cu armata. Armata asta

idioata ne face asa ceva noua, care este
echivalent ca mai sus. Am spus ca sa stiti cu
ce se ocupa armata si de ce Slujim noi. Ca sa
stiti in detalliu cum se simte, am spus copil la
scoala ca sa intelegeti ca un om este ca un
copil la scoala adica fara bioenergie este ca un
copil - nu se poate apara singur. Trebuie sa
ajutam oamenii sa se vindece cu bioenergie
singuri si sa se apere pt ca sunt in legitima

Obs: armata de idioata trimite cu bioenergie

emotii acolo jos, senzatii de durere ca o
palma, furnicaturi, senzatii de somn -
lentoare. SI armata aceasta insolenta de
idioata trebuie data afara si sa ii dam pastilute
la Psihiatrie.

Am scris ca sa stiti pentru ce Slujim noi. Ca

sa discutam practic, sa stiti cat de grav este ce
face armata, politia, sri.

Noi Slujim sa facem ce cineva a spus

'criminalistica PSI'. Noi Crestinii trebuie sa
facem ceea ce cineva numea 'criminalistaica
PSI' si suntem ca si Ingerii, ca si Arhanghelii -
slujim pe Dumnezeu Creatorul cu bioenergie,
si Viziunea este sa vedem care garcea ataca cu
bioenergie, sa mergem la garcea din armata si
sa ii batem la usa acasa, il luam sa il 'intrebam
de sanatate' si sa ii dam pastilute la Psihiatrie.
Paaaa garcea.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 588

Date= June 24, 2018 Date= 6/30/18, 5:15

Continue Reading Follows Dear,
Garcea armata ne ataca in casa ca in razboi.
Eu la 39 de ani(in anul 2018) nu am prins nici
un razboi.
Nu am experienta unui razboi.
Dar, stiu cum este ca garcea sa ma atace in
Ca sechestrat la domiciliu si atacat in propria
Cum garcea violeaza sotia, fiica sau sora si te
pune sa te uiti si acestea cu proiectii in
lentoare, adica proiectie de lentoare si iti
trimite emotii cum violeaza sotia sau fiica.
Asa face armata acum cu proiectii. Creaza un
scenariu mental si trimite emotii si il traiesti
ca real prin telepatie, bioenergie si proiectii.
Armata nu numai ca impusca tortureaza.
Handicapatii de armata.
Cuvinte perverse, scene perverse in mintea
oamenilor, cu asta se ocupa armata. Cu
homosexuali si perversi ratati, proiecteaza
emotii acolo jos de la homosexuali si
proiecteaza telepatic cuvinte perverse si
perversiuni in mintea omului, cu asta se ocupa
armata. Niste ratati imbecili si idioti. Acum
sunteti pe facebook si Slujim si mai bine.
Armata cu homosexuali niste bolnavi si toate
scursurile universului, niste prosti, vulgari,
misogini si niste ratati.
Handicapatii de armata face asta in razboi,
adica in razboi nu numai ca te impusca, te
prinde, te tortureaza si iti violeaza sotia, fiica,
sora si te pune sa te uiti cand tot timpul tu esti
legat.(o sa vorbim de garcea ala fara dinti din
Spitalul Judetean, un garcea pervers si bolnav
Handicapatii de garcea in razboi nu ca te
impusca, te prinde, te leaga si te tortureaza. Te
tortureaza mental de asemenea.
Aceasta este PSI acum, adica in proiectii
bioenergie cu lentoare te tin legat si mental iti
proiecteaza scenarii si emotii trimise prin
bioenergie si le traiesti ca reale.
Prostii din armata vor sa violeze cu
homosexuali si real daca se poate si sa ne
puna sa ne uitam, sa fim legati si sa ne uitam.
Cu asta se ocupa armata.
Armata niste imbecili, handicapati.
Aceasta este tortura PSI.

Obs: Aceasta s-a intamplat pt ca eu nu

dormeam cu zilele, practic in luni foarte putin
somn, nu dormeam mai deloc si ma afectau

proiectiile cu lentoare. Acum iau pastiluta
Leponex si dorm si nu mai se poate asa ceva.
Solutia a fost sa iau zilnic pastilute: Leponex,
Seroquel(si ANxiar la nevoie). Acum sunt
bine si nu mai functioneaza acest gen de atac
al armatei, politie, SRI stupizi, retardati si

Eu am spus acestea reale ca sa stim cu ce se

ocupa armata si ca duce un razboi impotriva
noastra a Crestinilor astazi in 2018.06.18.
Armata ne-a declarat razboi si este in razboi
cu noi, Civilii asa zisi pt ca nu exista Civili,
armata sunt Civili pe langa noi Crestinii.
Astazi armata ne ataca cu proiectii cu
bioenergie pe banii furati de la multinationale
cu 'armele din dotare'. Acum stim cu ce se
ocupa armata, politia si SRI Realist. Are im
scop ce am spius ca sa ne pregatim realist. Ca
sa stim REALIST cam cum e situatia, sa ne
asteptam la ce inseamna un razboi cu armata,
SRI ca sa le dam peste bot, sa il batem mar pe
garcea, realist sa stim ca sa il facem praf in
bataie pe garcea, vanat.

Ce-ar face handicapatii armata daca ii lasam

liberi acum?! Cu homosexuali ar viola si fizic.
Nu putem sa ii lasam din mana acum. Ce-ar
face astia daca ii lasam liberi acum?! Slujim.
Ar face si fizic, daca armata trimite emotii de
la homosexuali si ne ataca acum in casele
noastre, ne creaza scenarii mentale si ne
trotureaza psihologic in case acum, ce-ar face
perversii astia ratati garcea daca i-am lasa
acum din mana?!,,, NU! Slujim!!!
Iti dai seama ce ar face daca ar fi dupa ei, ca
si-asa homosexualii din armata pun mana
unde nu trebuie si ne trimit noua emotii -
spurcat, armata niste cretini.

Armata niste imbecili, handicapati.

Ce face armata este tortura PSI.

Si nu putem permite acestea copiilor nostrii,

ficelor si fiilor nostrii.
Trebuie sa Slujim.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Servic
Letter Number= 589
Date= June 23, 2018 Date= 6/30/18, 2:45



Garcea army and police think 'they do not see

me, he/she cannot see his/her own aura, bio-
infoenergetic field, and I stay hidden being
telepathy and I attack from afar hidden and
unknown, he/she does not know my name and
my address, it can't see even his/her own aura,
so I can attack being hidden and unknown(in
shameful hidden stupidity), because if he/she
will knew he/she will TAKE MY HEAD
being Parents and Spouse = husband/wife, so
I stay hidden no-one knowing who my ...name
is and my adress, to come to search for me,
because if they would knew they would
SCALP ME'. But it is not so because, we
learn to see aura, the bio-infoenergetic field
and to protect ourself from army and police
and we Serve with God.

We Serve with God, our Lord Jesus.

We learn to heal and protect with bioenergy
being in self defence.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 590

Date= June 22, 2018 Date= 6/30/18, 2:09


We must learn people to heal with bioenergy

and to defend, to protect their Family:
children, wife, husband. They are in self

And we learn one person, that persons learn

other two persons and so on....
IT is like a tree, like a binary tree for example,
and we grow more and more, we became
many and many.

And we learn them without money, Volunteer,

and that person to other two persons
Volunteer, and without money, we are on all
And we are the Planet, who learn to heal and
protect with bioenergy, being in self defense.

See a movie:
Fist Of Legend full movie English

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 591

Date= June 22, 2018 Date= 6/30/18, 10:23


Trebuie sa slujim.
Ce face armata si politia este tortura psihica.
Sunt acele proiectii cu emotii ale lor prin
bioenergie in care copii de liceu simt emotii
acolo jos....
Pentru ca garcea este bolnav si pervers. Spune
acele cuvinte rusinoase si acele lucruri
perverse copiilor de liceu si le trimite prin
bionergie acele emotii perverse copiilor de
Si atacul armatei cu bioenergie este tortura,
tortura psihica.
Oamenii sunt pusi telepatic sa retraiasca cele
mai negre frici, sunt 'comenzi' spuse telepatic
de garcea prin care copii de liceu sunt pusi sa
traiasca cele mai mari frici ca reale, ca
gandurile copiilor de liceu sa fie catre cele
mai mari frici ale lor si sa si le imagineze si ei
trimit apoi emotiile de frica si teroare si
armata ii ataca cu emotii de frica ca sa
retraiasca ca real acele cele mai mari frici
Ce face armata si politia este tortura psihica.
Trebuie sa slujim.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 592
Date= June 22, 2018 Date= 6/29/18, 7:48


Trebuie sa invatam oamenii sa se vindece cu

bioenergie si sa se apere, sa isi apere Familia:
copii, sotia, sotul. Sunt in legitima aparare.
Si invatam pe cineva, acela pe alti doi oameni
si tot asa.
Este ca un arbore binar sa zicem pana crestem
din ce in ce mai multi....

Sa invatam fizic nu telepatic, sa vina la noi,

adica sa fie in camera cu noi si sa-l invatam/sa
o invatam.
Si invatam voluntar, fara bani si acela pe alti
doi tot voluntar, fara bani, suntem noi pe toata
Si suntem noi toata planeta care invatam sa ne
ne vindecam si aparam cu bioenergie, fiind in
legitima aparare.

See a movie:
Fist Of Legend

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 593

Date= June 22, 2018 Date= 6/29/18, 7:29


O zgarietura, o jumatate de litru de sange este

o zgarietura, o picatura de sange.

Un pumn e asa o amabilitate...

Sa schimbam amabilitati
Ce te astepti sa plang acum, pentru un pumn,
sa izbucnesc in plans?! ma faci sa plang,,,

Am vazut in facultate, internat la spital si asta
pentru o petrecere, dar noi pentru o Slujire?!

Acum, la ce te astepti?!

O palma, e dragut,,, se gandeste la mine, ma

are in vedere, o palma, un pumn asta este un
schimb de amabilitati,,, la ce te astepti,,, este
un razboi.
O cicatrice este beautymark
Realist, este un razboi

Si pana la urma: "It's a good day to die!"

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 594

Date= June 22, 2018 Date= 6/28/18, 1:24


As a Quote say "It's the WILL to prepare that

We have everything it takes!!!
The Quote "It is not the fight, but the WILL to
Prepare, Train that counts"...
To Train with Love!!! with Pleasure in a Great
environemnt, ATTITUDE!!! To Love to Train!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 595

Date= June 21, 2018 Date= 6/28/18, 12:14


See below Quote

She says, we've got to hold on to what we've

It doesn't make a difference if we make it or

We've got each other and that's a lot for love

We'll give it a shot

Woah, we're half way there

Woah, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear
Woah, livin' on a prayer

Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer


Ma pricep la campioni.
We Can Do IT GREAT!!!
Doar sa facem TOT CE PUTEM si este de

"We'll give it a shot"

"It doesn't make a difference if we make it or


"We've got each other and that's a lot for love

We'll give it a shot"

She says, we've got to hold on to what we've
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or
We've got each other and that's a lot for love
We'll give it a shot

It's just you and the Goal

It's just you and the Training
Don't think at anyting else
Nu te mai gandi
Doar sa facem TOT CE PUTEM si este de

We have what it takes!

Ma pricep la campioni.
We Can Do IT GREAT!!!

Doar sa facem TOT CE PUTEM si este de

UFC Highlights Livin' on a Prayer MMA


Nu te mai gandi
Doar fa tot ce poti si este de ajuns

Woah, we're half way there
Woah, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear
Woah, livin' on a prayer
Livin' on a prayer

Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 596

Date= June 20, 2018 Date= 6/27/18, 8:29

Buna dimineata,

Mai oameni buni e de munca punem osul la

Asa nu merge
Trebuie si trezit din somn noaptea din somn sa
visam materia, sa stim unde mergem,
Viziunea, si sa o spunem pe de rost...
Si trezit din somn
Trebuie numai 10, 10, 10 ca sa luam 9 si ceva
in realitate

Eu am zis "insidious is what you are"(Olive -

Outlaw) nu ca este usor si ca de-acum e bine
si totul va fi bine
Nu merge ca pana acum!


Este greu
It's a hard way to the top if you want to Rock
and Roll

Nu merge sa facem pe ultima suta de metri

Nu merge cu 'sa ingrasam porcul in ajun'
Nu merge cu dubii. NU! Asa nu luam
'examenul' cu bioenergia
Trebuie sa stim pe de rost, ca pe poezie toata
Slujirea, Viziunea Clar, si toata materia, si

Success means HARD HARD WORK

When it is HARD, Difficult!!!
Do what no-one did before!
The Unbelievable!
Do the impossible!
This is SUCCESS!!!

Asa nu luam 'examenul' cu aracurile lui

garcea cu bioenergie
Aici nu tine cu atitudinea de pana acum
Ia in serios

Este de munca
Este 99% transpiratie si 1% inspiratie
Geniul este 99% transpiratie si 1% inspiratie
Este de munca din greu
Nu este usor
Nothing WORTH ACHIEVING won't come

Cu cat stam mai mult ne ridicam si mai mult

de la podea, pt ca suntem asa adormiti si
obositi amortiti, toropiti si 'sa mai stam
putin',,, NU!!! Ridica-te! Stand up and Fight
for your Right!!!

It's in the Eye of the tiger!

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

Vine 'examenul' peste noi

Trebuia sa visezi deja materia, viziunea, si sa
stii raspunsurile pe de rost si trebuit noaptea
din somn
Nu este nimic mai putin decat EXCELLENT!
We won't accept nothing less than
You CAN do it!
Pune osul la treaba!
Ia in serios ca poti!!!

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 597

Date= June 19, 2018 Date= 6/27/18, 6:44


The situation:

insidious that's what you are, you go too

Olive – Outlaw

Andy Summers - Charming Snakes


AC DC Who made who


Depeche Mode – Policy of truth


Kim Wilde Kids in America


Timpuri Noi – Perfect


Sarmalele reci – Tara te vrea prost

Michael Jackson - Earth Song (Official Video)


The Cranberries - Linger


"How can I save my little boy from

Oppenheimer's deadly toy?"
Sting - Russians

Shania Twain - Ka-Ching! (Red Version)


Patricia Kaas - Regarde les riches


Iron Maiden - The Wicker Man


,but we Serve with our Lord Jesus:

Iron Maiden - The Wicker Man


AC DC Who made who


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 598

Date= June 18, 2018 Date= 6/27/18, 6:09


Happy Sabbath!

No matter how tough the difficulties of life,

the difficulties of moment....
I begun to notice that Children are stars that
shines in my heart.
I begun to notice that Children make me laugh
every time I see them, no matter how upset or
hurt or in pain.
No matter the darkness, the depths of
depression, the scars, children make me
For the love of Children I feel Love myself.

Wie tief ich fallen - nai - Vlad Spătaru -

Cornel Pană

Sabbath = comes from Hebrew word Shabbat

meaning "rest" or "cessation".
The Sabbath is a remember, re-
memories(Latin word), re-live memories, a
remember of Life with God before falling in
Eden Garden, the clean, pure, lighting Life,
lived as now on this Sabbath Day.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 599

Date= June 17, 2018 Date= 6/27/18, 5:49

I would like to begin a Revolution.
To send eMails with messages that you liked
from my Posts to your friends.
And your friends to their friends.


So to be like a tree.

A 'binary tree' for example that grows and

So to start a Revolution.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 600

Date= June 17, 2018 Date= 6/27/18, 5:15


As vrea sa pornim o Revolutie.

Sa trimitem eMailuri cu mesaje care v-au

placut din Post-urile mele de pe acest
facebook catre prietenii Dumneavoastra....
Si prietenii, prietenilor.
Astfel sa fie ca un arbore.

Ca un 'arbore binar' de exemplu care tot


Si sa pornim o Revolutie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 601

Date= June 17, 2018 Date= 6/27/18, 4:45


As vrea sa va rog sa nu va suparati pentru ca

nu am raspuns cererilor de AddFriend.
Aceasta este pentru ca am citit doar cateva din
profilurile facebook. Intrucat sunt foarte multe
apeluri de AddFriend pentru mine singur sa le
citesc si sa le raspund(sunt cateva sute pana


Puteti apela la a trimite si eMail la

mihaictudose@yahoo.com sau telefon la


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 602

Date= June 17, 2018 Date= 6/24/18, 5:51


Sa ajutam oamenii care Slujesc sic are vor sa


Dumneaei Didina avea un gard foarte frumos

ca la Muzeul Satului....
Si este o persoana Crestina care a si spus unei
vecine Geta ca nu o mai suporta sa ma atace
pe mine cu bioenergie si pe alte persoane, pe
lume, cu bioenergie,
Si aceasta persoana Geta a inceput imediat sa
injure sa ii zica nedrept ca nu este
Crestina(ceea ce este) si sa o atace.
Si au fost atacuri cu bioenergie si proiectii
Acum Dumneaei Didina are un gard ca la
inchisoare, un gard din fier cu zabrele ca la

Sa nu lasam oamenii care Slujesc si vor sa

Slujeasca singuri ci sa ii ajutam.
Eu doresc sa inlocuim gardul din fier ca la
inchisoare al Dumneaei Didina cu un gard
frumos din lemn din nou.

Va astept sa Slujim impreuna Autentic in


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 603
Date= June 17, 2018 Date= 6/23/18, 1:56

Dumnezeu ne vrea promti in aceasta situatie.
Este pacat sa mai asteptam, Dumnezeu vrea sa
facem Ceva Acum.
Stiu ca majoritatea spun ca este periculos, ca
am mai vazut asa ceva si s-a terminat rau, ca
ei spun ca stiu ce putem noi ca am masurat si
stim, ca am mai vazut, ca ei sunt experti.
Nu este asa....
Noi putem!
Aceasta Echipa cu aceasta Viziune poate.
Si putem pentru ca Dumnezeu ne va da solutii
pe care majoritatea chiar si a expertilor nu le
Pe noi, aceasta Echipa care Vrem sa facem
ceva Imediat, noua Dumnezeu ne da Solutii.
Solutii ca de obicei nebanuite si nebanuite
nici chiar de majoritatea expertilor in
Stiu ca majoritatea expertilor spun ca ne vor
omora, ca nu putem, ca am mai vazut asa
ceva, a fost rau, s-a terminat rau.
Lasa ca unii spun ca nu ai certificari pe mai
multe sistem de bioenergie, ca nu esti olimpic
in bioenergie, etc, noi sumtem cu Dumnezeu,
noi Iubim, noi Simtim diferit ca suntem
chemati Acum Prompt. Cine simte asa, cine
vrea asa, sa ma contacteze sa formam o
echipa. Important este Inima, Iubirea Curata,
Valori si Virtuti Crestine. Ai tot ce iti trebuie,
Inima, Iubirea, Curatenia Domnului Iisus, nu
ne trebuie sa fim certificati in bioenergie pe
nu stiu cate sisteme, esti bine, tocmai pt ca
simti asa, ca ai o Inima de carne cu Domnul
Nostru Iisus, ca Iubesti asa, ca simti asa.
Stiu ce spun majoritatea expertilor in
bioenergie, dar nu este asa! Noi simtim ca noi
si noi putem. Noi simtim ca cine suntem noi,
noi Implementam ca cine suntem noi nu ca
majoritatea expertilor, si Noi fiind aceasta
Echipa care are Viziunea sa Actionam Prompt
sa nu mai stam, noua Dumnezeu ne va da
Solutii ca cine suntem noi ca intotdeauna.
Pentru noi se poate, este posibil.
Noi simtim diferit ca Dumnezeu ne vrea
Prompti, ca sa facem ceva ca Acum este
timpul si indiferent vom reusi, pentru ca asa
suntem noi aceasta Echipa. O Echipa Tanara,
Motivata. Noi putem! Noi, aceasta Echipa

care se va forma avem putere speciala, unica
de la Dumnezeu ca cine suntem noi si noi

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 604

Date= June 17, 2018 Date= 6/22/18, 3:32

Draga Doamna/Domnule

Eu vreau sa lucram impreuna intr-o echipa

Crestina ca sa Slujim impreuna sa avem
succes cu proiectiile de bioenergie.

Viziunea mea este de a lucra intr-o echipa in

Bucuresti preferabil, sa ne organizam ca o
firma bazata pe Leadership si sa avem ca
centru Valori si Virtuti Crestine, cu
departament special de Human Resources
fiind echipa de Psihologie si avem echipa de
Bioenergie de asemenea si echipa de IT
inclusiv Administrare. Viziunea mea este sa
facem ...sedinte de Brainstorming si sa
predam fiecare echipa cel putin 1 data pe
saptamana ceea ce facem Best, adica eu de
exemplu Programare UML care ne-ar ajuta sa
gandim in Patterns si mai mult si sa predau de
asemena Psihologie. Iar echipa de Bioenergie
sa predea de exemplu Radiestezie, Reiki si
astfel sa invatam unul de la celalalt si sa
evoluam profesional si personal. De asemenea
asemenea firma se bazeaza pe Leadership si in
centru este Dumnezeu si Psihologia, Valori si
Virtuti. Departamentul de IT care include si
Administrare ne ajuta cu PC-uri Laptop care
vor fi in slujba acestui departament care de
asemenea va participa ca toata firma la
Brainstorming, Knowledge transfet si va
putea invata Bioenergie predata de echipa de
Bioenergie, vor invata sa se vindece cu
Bioenergie in cazul atacurilor si sa se apere cu
Aceasta firma are nevoie de un sediu de
firma. Eu estimez cam 30 de oameni maxim
aceasta sucursala in Bucuresti, si 4 echipe ca:
1_Psihologie - Human Resources si Cartea
Sfanta(a se vedea CV-ul meu), 2_IT

Administrare si Programare(a se vedea CV-ul
meu), 3_Bioenergie, 4_Economie si Financiar.

Cred ca asemenea Slujire ne-ar aduce

succesul cu proiectiile de bioenergie.
Cine doreste sa lucram impreuna poate sa imi
dea eMail la adresa
mihaictudose@yahoo.com, sau telefon la
numarul 0244485831.
Astept sa aud de la Dumneavoastra.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 605

Date= June 17, 2018 Date= 6/22/18, 1:59

A 'polite word':

Robbie Williams Hello Sir (Poem)



Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 606

Date= June 17, 2018 Date= 6/22/18, 1:29


I feel much better because now I take pills

from the Psychiatry.
+Leponex to sleep every night(daily)
+Anxiar at need for stress, anxiety...

The crytical Difference it is that I now sleep

every night with this pills, see especially
Leponex, it is a must.
I felt bad a time because I did not sleep the

night due to projections, but now I sleep again
because I take the pills.

Please take pills from Psychiatry to sleep

every night and to be healthy.

Obs: we know there are projections attacks

with bioenergy and not schizophrenia as the
diagnostic is. The pills have action toward
cerebral mediators and more and will help
you. Leponex is a must for sleep.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 607

Date= June 16, 2018 Date= 6/22/18, 1:20


Eu ma simt mult mai bine acum pentru ca iau

pastilute de la Psihiatrie:
+Leponex ca sa dorm noaptea zilnic
+Anxiar la nevoie in caz de stres...

Diferenta Critica este ca Dorm in fiecare zi

noaptea cu aceste pastilute, vezi in special
Eu m-am simtit mai rau o perioada pentru ca
nu dormeam noaptea din cauza unor proiectii,
dar acum dorm din nou respectand 'reteta' si
luan pastilutele mereu.
Va rog sa apelati la pastilutele de la Psihiatrie
pentru a Dormi noaptea si a fii sanatosi.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 608

Date= June 16, 2018 Date= 6/22/18, 9:38

PATRICIA KAAS - Mademoiselle chante le

blues - 1987

Patricia Kaas - Mademoiselle chante le blues.

Carnets de Scène. Moscow 1991


Flaviana Iosif - Sabatul


Letter Number= 609

Date= June 15, 2018 Date= 6/21/18, 3:57

Pasarea Colibri Ploaia care va veni


Pasarea Colibri - Vinovatii fara vina



Pasarea Colibri Vis de primavara


Ce de lupi se inconjoara...Florian Pittis


Florian Pitis-sunt tanar doamna


Florian Pittis - Mr. Tambourine Man


Florian Pittis - Nu-i nimic asta e


Pasarea Colibri - Toti suntem putin luati -

Oameni buni - Florian Pittis & Pasarea


Vanare de Vant - Florian Pittis *


Letter Number= 610

Date= June 15, 2018 Date= 6/20/18, 10:49


Why we, the Adventist Church have so Great

Christian Hymns and why Children sing so
Happily? Because of Ellen White.

Ellen White teach with so much Love about

Jesus and Church that is why the children sing
so happily.


See 'Ellen White - Thoughts from the Mount

of Blessing' > Chap. 4 - The True Motive in
"Fathers and mothers, let your children learn
from the flowers.
Take them with you into garden and field and
under the leafy trees, and teach them to read
in nature the message of God’s love.
Let the thoughts of Him be linked with bird
and flower and tree.
Lead the children to see in every pleasant and
beautiful thing an expression of God’s love
for them. Recommend your religion to them
by its pleasantness. Let the law of kindness be
in your lips.

Teach the children that because of God’s great

love their natures may be changed and

brought into harmony with His.
Teach them that He would have their lives
beautiful with the graces of the flowers.
Teach them, as they gather the sweet
blossoms, that He who made the flowers is
more beautiful than they. Thus the tendrils of
their hearts will be entwined about Him. He
who is “altogether lovely” will become to
them as a daily companion and familiar
friend, and their lives will be transformed into
the image of His purity."

See 'Ellen White - Thoughts from the Mount

of Blessing' > Chap. 4 - The True Motive in
"On the lily’s petals, God has written a
message for you, written in language
that your heart can read only as it unlearns the
lessons of distrust and selfishness and
corroding care. Why has He given you the
singing birds and the gentle blossoms, but
from the overflowing love of a Father’s heart,
that would brighten and gladden your path of
life? All that was needed for existence would
have been yours without the flowers and
birds, but God was not content to provide
what would suffice for mere existence. He has
filled earth and air and sky with glimpses of
beauty to tell you of His loving thought for
you. The beauty of all created things is but a
gleam from the shining of His glory."

Ellen White and the Poetry, Ellen White and


Let's hear the little angels in the Adventist


Sandra Lungu and Edy Satinger Mihaescu -

Jesus Loves Me

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 611
Date= June 15, 2018 Date= 6/19/18, 7:38


"You're the DEFENDER God has sent"

Manowar - Defender


Iron Maiden - Ghost Of The Navigator


Iron Maiden - Brave New World


Metallica - Seek and Destroy - Lyrics


"So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting WHO YOU ARE
And Nothing Else Matters
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters 2007 Live
Video Full HD

Iron Maiden - The Nomad


"A Brave New World"

Iron Maiden - Brave New World


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 612

Date= June 15, 2018 Date= 6/18/18, 8:32
Continue Reading Follows
Letter Number= 613
Date= June 14, 2018 Date= 6/17/18, 3:23


Poate ca am dat impresia ca "Noi" Slujim.

Eu spun mereu "Our True Motive in Service".
Se da impresia ca exista un Noi....
Adica ca eu fac parte dintr-o echipa si ca

Adevarul este ca nu exista un 'noi'.

Eu sunt Adventist si adevarul este ca exista
cineva cu care vorbesc dar nu ne-am vazut
niciodata, nu ne-am intalnit niciodata fata in

Si mereu am zis ca trebuie sa ne vedem, adica

sa fim o Echipa Real, sa fim un "Noi", dar
mereu au fost. motive ca sa nu ne vedem, care
mi-au fost spune telepatic.

Asa ca spun acum ca eu m-am gandit mereu

la un "Noi" cand am spus 'Our True Motive in
Dar vreau sa fim o echipa Real.
Sa ne vedem, sa vorbim, sa slujim "Noi" real.

Cine vrea sa Slujeasca intr-o echipa, poate sa

imi dea un eMail sau telefon.
Vedeti detaliile prin care puteti lua legatura cu
mine pe situl meu webs sau pe acest

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 614
Date= June 14, 2018 Date= 6/17/18, 3:15


Garcea face Crime Impotriva Umanitatii.

Armata a omorat 4 caini la mine acasa.
Si asta ca sa ameninte: asa va omor si pe voi,
Cum a omorat-o pe Dumneaei Niculina asta
Iarna grea, la o varsta, singura si armata a
atacat-o peste picioare, pana nu a mai putut sa
mearga, sa se ingrijeasca singura si au
De ce?!
Pentru ca era Crestina si Slujea.
Pai Nu!
Garcea face Crime Impotriva Umanitatii.

Aici nu ne jucam ca il ia pe garcea unde zice

ca il ia: la Curtea Martiala.
Aici nu e de Curtea Maimutoaielor.
Armata face Crime Impotriva Umanitatii.
Tu gandeste-te la AfroAmericani, care erau
tratati ca sclavi si acum sunt normal oameni
cu Drepturi Normale, AfroAmericani
Vezi: 'Deacons for defense'
Oamenii au drepturi, nu sa fie facuti
schizofreni, ca sunt atacati de garcea ca fura
bani cu ionica director la multinationala de le
da bani cu sacul pt 'armele din dotare', ca si-
asa nu e razboi, garcea ataca cu 'armele din
dotare' si face Crime Impotriva Umanitatii/
Pai Nu!

Sa reluam:
Armata garea a omorat cateii.
Sunt oameni carora la fel le-a omorat cateii,
La tara sunt oameni carora le-a omorat
animalele din curte si i-a amenintat ca ii
omoara pe toti puii, ce au ei, ca le omoara tot.
Animalele au drepturi.
Si nu sunt animale, sunt copii pentru mine.
De exemplu: Tomita copilul motanel de 14 ani
armata mi l-a omorat pe 21 de ziua lui.
Pai nu!

Deacons for Defense Full Movie Only 360p

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 615

Date= June 13, 2018 Date= 6/17/18, 3:07


Cum suntem noi: eu cu prietenii mei.

Pe el il ataca(adica pe mine Tudose Mihai
Pe mine nu arde camasa...
Cand o arde camasa pe mine atunci ma implic
eu cat pot, cu adevarat
Deocamdata nu
Camasa arde pe el nu pe mine
Cand o arde camasa pe mine atunci da, pana
atunci nu
E periculos
Garcea ma ataca si pe mine daca ma implic
calumea, cum trebuie, cu coloana vertebrala,
cu simtul raspunderii
Mi-e frica de armata si politie
Mi-e frica de garcea ca mi-a zis: Daca il ajuti
Fizic cum si trebuie, o sa ai probleme. te atac
si pe tine rau
Si mi-e frica
Stau in banca mea
Ma fac ca-l ajut de la distanta
"Leafa merge treaba merge, noi cu drag
Ca garcea si atunci: "tine-ma ca-l nenorocesc!
Tine-ma ca-l omor. Il nenorocesc pe crestin,,,
il ajuta de la distanta, doar telepatic',,,
Vrajeala, Garcea ii da voie sa ma ajute de la
distanta, de la distanta ii dau voie, ca e
ineficient, e cel mai greu de la distanta si in
cazul asta ca la razboi, cu cand garcea armata
ataca cu tot ce poate cand vrea, e ineficient,
oboseste si 'ala' care chipurile il ajuta de la
distanta, si e degeaba practic, ineficient
Vrajeala, de la distanta iti da armata voie. si e
Singur itnre 4 pereti, nimeni nu rezista asa,

pana la urma tot il imbolnaveste si il poate
omora oricand
Dar, 'timpul trece, leafa merge noi cu drag
muncim', eu ma fac ca il ajut, garcea se face
ca nu ataca, dar ataca si se imbolnaveste din
ce in ce mai mult.
De curand am facut operatie la ochi, nu era
ulcior, era facut cu bioenergie de la atacul lui
garcea, care nu s-a mai vindecat.
De curant am fost la medic si am luat
Dixiciclina si mai multe grele pt
dermatologie, tot din cauza atacului lui garcea
Corpul meu se resimte si ma imbolnavesc
Asta e adevarul.

Pe Dumneaei Niculina au omorat-o.

Asta iarna, au atacat-o cu bioenergie, si mi-a
zis asta toamna ca o dor rau picioarele, asa
zis-a palma a lui garcea, atac cu bioenergie si
nu mai putea merge deloc si asta iarna, in
iarna grea au omorat-o.
Dumneaei mereu zicea 'Ii multumim mereu'
referindu-se la Domnul Nostru Iisus.
S-a dus la Domnul Nostru Iisus Slujind si nu
s-a lasat pana in ultima clipa.
Eu merg si ma rog cand trec pe langa casa ei.

Daca noi continuam asa, oamenii de asta nu

ne urmeaza
Trebuie sa fim uniti, sa nu lasam oamenii
singuri intre 4 pereti
Sa ii ajutam sa se vindece si sa se apere, ca sa
stii, sunt in legitima aparare

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 616

Date= June 13, 2018 Date= 6/17/18, 2:01

Oamenii trebuie ajutati.
Nu putem sa ii lasam singuri in casa intre 4
pereti sa Dispute singuri, aceasta daca stiu
sigur cum se Disputa.
Oamenii trebuie sa vina la noi, sa vorbim cu
ei, sa ii ajutam, sa invete sa se vindece
singuri, sa se apere singuri daca doresc sa

Oamenii trebuie ajutati, sa comunicam cu ei
fata in fata. Sa nu ii lasam singuri si sa
reuseasca real, sa aiba succes....
Si atunci da, ne vor urma.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 617

Date= June 13, 2018 Date= 6/17/18, 12:28


Daca este un om care este atacat cu

bioenergie, singur cu familia
Eu l-au ajuta
sa invete sa se apere...
sa invete Bioenergie

Pune-te in situatia lui

e in legitima aparare
are sotie, are copii

Vezi David si Goliath

Sloganul: Daca mai ataci pe vreunul, vreun

om, il invat sa se apere.

Si daca nu poate singur vine la mine sa il ajut

si eu la prietenul meu si prietenul la prieten si
tot asa.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 618

Date= June 12, 2018 Date= 6/17/18, 11:01

The army garcea is like a mosquito and we
are like an elephant.
The army is small from place to place on this
Earth. We are Christians on all this Earth, we

are many and everywhere.
We Christians are everywhere on this Earth.
The elephant gives one tail to the
mosquito(just one tail) and that's that, it's over
with the army....
But the elephant must weaken first. We must
be together, united. That's the spirit!
We together, give the army out, fire the army,
and we give them pills to Psychiatry.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 619

Date= June 12, 2018 Date= 6/17/18, 10:59


Cum sa las eu Tudose Catalin Mihai, copii sa

fie atacati de garcea cu bolnaviori
homosexuali cu armele prihotronice din
Cum sa las copii care sunt copii, nu au asa
emotii si nu au de unde sa inteleaga asa ceva,
sa fie atacati de homosexuali garcea armata?!
Ca aia rad ca prostii si trimit emotii direct in
capul copilului si imagini?!...
Cum sa las eu copii sa aiba imagini de s-x in
cap trimise de un murdar homosexual
garcea?! sau lesbiana garcea?!
Copii nici nu au asa ceva, nu au acolo jos asa
Cum interpreteaza un copil asa ceva?!
Sa las copii sa-i macelareasca armata acum?!
Cum sa las sa macelareasca mintea de copii
un imbecil ca garcea?! niste imbecili armata?!
Cum sa las eu asa ceva?!
Ca garcea face pe insolentul cu homosexuali?!
Ca eu sunt Zig Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist
Daca eu tac acum, sa las toata planeta la mana
lui garcea?!
Orice ar fi nu-i las, Slujesc! sa-i dam afara pe
prostii astia din armata!
Garcea ii infruntam acum, si Slujim sa nu faca
asa ceva!
Nu tacem din gura! Eu Slujesc!
Eu nu las copii, adolescentii si oamenii la

mana lui garcea ca face pe insolentul cu tupeu
prostesc cu bioenergie si arme psihotronice si
ataca ca ratatu la tupeu bazat pe nimic de fapt,
pe prea putin. Pt ca putem sa il dam afara pe
garcea acum! Si eu nu il las sa scape cu asa
ceva, sa aiba oamenii pe mana. Ca eu sunt Zig
Ziglar Seventh Day Adventist Church. Daca
eu nu pot atunci cine?! Orice ar fi eu Slujesc
si nu il las pe garcea!
Insolenta de prost garcea o sa platesti si te
dam afara si iti dam pastilute la PSihiatrie pt
ca face pe insolentul tu armata cu
homosexuali care trimit emotii de ratati prin
bioenergie si cu armele prishotronice de
retardati garcea armata lu peste.
Homosexuali imbecili rusinosi ratati.
Cum sa las eu niste gretosi homosexuali cu
emotii de ratati fatalai garcea, niste ratati ca
armata sa faca asa ceva, niste ratati loseri
locotenenti, fatalai colonulitati si gunoaie
generali?! Public facem praf armata, talk
show public batem armata si ii dam afara,,,
Afara cu armata si le dam pastilute la
Sa cedam e crima pt copii! Nu cedam!
Nu ii las sa macelareasca copii niste ratati
insolenti bazati pe mai nimic.
Ca il putem da afara
Putem si ii dam afara pe armata garcea si le
dam pastilute.
Orice ar fi Slujesc si il dam afara pe garcea si
ii dam pastilute la Psihiatrie.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 620

Date= June 12, 2018 Date= 6/17/18, 9:55


Do and Dont's despre mine, noi si Slujire.

+'Do' ca sa pot Sluji:...

+Eu trebuie sa fiu in Bucuresti.
+Eu trebuie sa am o suma de bani lunar(nu
400 RON) si 1000 Euro, o suma
minima(chiria unei garsoniere in Bucuresti

este inclusa)
+Eu trebuie sa invat Bioenergie: sa ma vindec
si sa raspuind unui atac PSI cu succes(acum
nu am o initiere si nu stiu nici macar sa
detectez in aura mea atacul ca sa ma vindec-
real nu stiu sa masor aura mea)
+Eu trebuie sa lucrez intr-o echipa. Adica noi
trebuie sa formam o echipa sa ne vedem FIzic
evident si sa Slujim ca la munca.

+Nu trebuie sa stau la Tariceni(nu sunt
posibilitati, oportunitati, resurse)
+Nu trebuie sa stau cu 400 RON pe luna,
adica fara bani pentru Slujire Reala, ci iti
trebuie o suma minima pe luna Reala ca sa
poti Sluji la Capacitatea ta.
+Nu trebuie sa fii 'ajutat' cu bioenergie de la
distantasi sa stai singur in Tariceni ci sa vii ca
la Cabinet, sa fii in cabinet sa punem mainile
ca sa te vindeci(cineva ma ajuta de la distanta,
nu ne-am vazut niciodata fizic in realitate, nu
am vorbit niciodata, doar de la distanta simt
ca e cineva si nu este eficient de la distanta,
nu este un ajutor cu eficienta real ca intr-un
cabinet si sa formam o echipa ca sa slujim,
acum sunt ajutat asa ca de la mai mare la mai
mic dar nu formam o echipa, nu ne-am vazut
niciodata in toti acesti ani)

As dori sa stiu ce ganditi pe eMail.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 621

Date= June 8, 2018 Date= 6/16/18, 10:13


Ca sa intelegeti situatia mea

Mi s-a dat de inteles ca s-au strans niste bani
care niciodata nu au ajuns la mine.
Tudose Manea si Tudose Valeria i-au folosit
dupa cum au vrut ca sa faca asa zise 'investitii'
in casa de la Tariceni care nu ma

Asa ca banii nu au ajuns la mine.
Eu traiesc din 400 RON pe luna.
Aceasta este suma cu care sunt ajutat de
Tudose Manea, TudoseValeria de ani de zile.
Nimic mai mult.
Cu asa o suma eu nu pot sluji real, subexist in
aceste conditii.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 622

Date= June 8, 2018 Date= 6/16/18, 1:00 PM

Draga Doamna/Domnule,

Cum iti inchipui tu ca ii lasam pe gigi garcea

sa scape acum si sa facem un compromis cu ei
Cand noi tinem Sabatul sfant


Si vrem sa tinem Scoala de Sabat si ei ne

ataca ca nu mai avem timp sa citim toata
Scoala de Sabat ca ne ataca ei
Cand noi spunem 'nu vreau sa dau la altul
viata mea"

Anelisse si Beatrice Craciun - Cred in


Cum sa facem un compromis cu ei, un mic

compromis, cand asta e pacat si e exact ce ne
duce in Iad
Noi care DORIM sa tinem Sabatul Sfant, si
'nu vreau sa dau la altul viata mea'
Sa facem exact pacatul ca sa ne facem scapati,
si pacatul sa ne duca in Iad
'Ce folos sa-ti castigti viata daca ti-ai pierdut

Cum sa nu terminam Slujirea acum?

Cum sa-i lasam acum
Ca sa ce?!
Sa ma omoare pe mine
Si sa ramanem noi care sa facem un mic

compromis cu ei, ceea ce ne duce in Iad, adica
sa vrem sa ne facem scapati si exact gestul,
fapta sa fie pacatul care nu ne face scapati 'on
the long term' ci ne duce in Iad?!
Cum sa las in urma mea asa ceva?
Si ei ce or sa faca: or sa mearga inaite sa ii
chinuie ateii si sa ii omoare incet in casa ca
garcea ataca cu bioenergie, sau sa vrea sa se
faca scapati cu un mic compromis si asta e
pacat si sa mearga in Iad
Cine sa mearga in Iad?
Cineva care sa VREA sa tine Sabatul? cineva
care zice 'nu vreau sa dau la altul viata mea'?!
Cum iti imaginezi asa ceva?!

Acum trebuie sa terminam SLujirea si lui

garcea cu ateii sa il dam afara si sa ii dam
Cum sa mor eu si cum sa le las planeta pe
Acum trebuie sa terminam SLujirea si lui
garcea cu ateii sa il dam afara si sa ii dam
pastilute la Psihiatrie

Ce crezi?!
Sa ma omoare pe mine asa incet in casa ca
Si noi sa Slujim unii si sa ii omoare la fel cum
vor sa ma omoare pe mine gigi garcea, sa ma
atace incet in casa in fiecare zi
Sau sa faca acesti oameni curati un
compromis sa ii lase in pace ca sa se faca
scapati, ceea ce nu e Crestin si acest gest sa ii
duca direct in Iad?!

Acum trebuie sa terminam Slujirea si lui

garcea cu ateii sa il dam afara si sa ii dam
pastilute la Psihiatrie

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 623

Date= June 8, 2018 Date= 6/15/18, 9:00 PM

Banc de politete:
garcea: imi zici sa traiesti, iti raspund 'sa Ne
traiesti', te lasam sa vietuiesti, poate iti faci
casa-n Bucuresti (asa zice el dar nu-i asa)

Sunt multe moduri in care sa zici 'sa traiesti',
nu e nevoie sa spui in cuvinte doar taci din
gura si te faci ca muncesti, ne facem ca facem,
nu trebuie sa spui cuvinte doar stai acolo si
stii tu, asta e,,,

Asta la unii, dar nu-i asa....

Nu e 'te faci ca ajuti semenii la vrajeala, ma
fac ca nu te vad si ciupest, traiesti pe langa
Nu e 'tu, te faci ca slujesti, eu ma fac ca te
atac dar te las sa vietuiesti'

Nu-i asa.
Noi Slujim!
Il dam afara pe garcea(pt ca ataca cu
bioenergie) si ii dam pastilute.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 624

Date= June 8, 2018 Date= 6/15/18, 8:58 PM


It is Written> See Bible> Matthew 18:5,6

5 “Whoever receives one such child in my
name receives me, ...
6 but whoever causes one of these little ones
who believe in me to sin, it would be better
for him to have a great millstone fastened
around his neck and to be drowned in the
depth of the sea.

It is Written> See Bible> Mark 10:14-16

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not
forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of
God. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does
not receive the kingdom of God as a little
child will by no means enter it.” 16 And He
took them up in His arms, laid His hands on
them, and blessed them.

Sandra Lungu and Edy Satinger Mihaescu -
Jesus Loves Me

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 625

Date= June 7, 2018 Date= 6/15/18, 8:46 PM

Happy Sabbath!
This is the first Sabbath after Children's Day.
Some Great Lyrics say: "Prezenta mea Iisus,
mi-e cel mai scump odor, Cand langa mine
esti astamperi al meu dor"
Jesus, only You stop the fire in my heart...
Anelisse & Beatrice Craciun - Ruga tarzie
Some Great Lyrics say: "How beautiful is to
be child, to play and have fun under a
peaceful clear sky"
Anelisse Craciun - Ce frumos e sa fii copil
Some Great Lysics say "Near Jesus my
thought is full of light, I am Happy and
Courageous, When I am with Him I feel
everything is Beautiful and I feel Home"
Anelisse si Beatrice Craciun - Cantec de seara

Today the Children to Receive Praising,

Thanks, because the children bring light and
happiness in our lives. Enlighten our lives
with clean pure love and joy.
We Give Thanks to God because we have
This Sabbath has a apart Holiness, because we
think about Children: Clean Thoughts, Pure,
Honest, Sincere, Loving, Dependent,
Vulnerable but Powerful and True, always
telling the Truth, always Hoping, always
Dreaming at a Great Future, with a contagious
Optimism,,, joy of Playing, always having
Energy with Innocence and Fun, Love,,,

Let's Praise Jesus because He teach us to Love
the Children in the Holy Bible.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 626

Date= June 7, 2018 Date= 6/15/18, 8:24 PM


We are attacked with bioenergy with

projections and almost no-one tell the truth.
To speak with Family, Friends, on facebook,
publicly. This seems to be a Tabu, people
know about it but do not talk about it. Let's
tell the truth publicly, let's tell the truth toward
members of our Family, talk about telepathy,
attacks with bioenergy and let's tell the truth
on facebook, eMails, Radio, TV. LEt;s tell our
Story, how do I feel about attack with
bioenergy, how unfair, sha...meful it is, how
they attacked me and what do I feel, what I
did, let's tell this Tabu publically. Do not keep
the feeling in yourself, tell what you feel
about the attack, how shameful, how stupid
the attacker it is, how unfair and that we do
not let them but take actions, first let's talk
publicly about it, not Tabu, but speak in
eMail, eMail to our friends, to all our friends,
facebook tell all that you truly feel, and
Radio, TV.

I barely expect to hear from you, how do you

feel, your Story.

Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service

Letter Number= 627

Date= June 7, 2018 Date= 6/14/18, 12:19

Happy Children's Day!

Chocolate Cake



Children love presents, but most of all want

the Love of the parents.

We tell children that we love them by

Attention, Affection, Appreciation.
Attention: some gifts, the gift the children
always wanted
Affection: hug with love, embrace the
children and hug with infinite love of parents,
with full heart, I mean really hugging
Appreciation: say 'I Love You' and look with
honesty in the children eye

It is Written> See Bible> Mark 10:13-16

13 Then they brought little children to Him,
that He might touch them; but the disciples
rebuked those who brought them. 14 But
when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased
and said to them, “Let the little children come
to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is
the kingdom of God. 15 Assuredly, I say to
you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of
God as a little child will by no means enter
it.” 16 And He took them up in His arms, laid
His hands on them, and blessed them.

Children are partners that make us love life,

laugh, always love playing, always giving us
energy and fun, happyness.

For Parents some Books:

Stephen Covey - 7 Habits
Ross Campbell How to Really Love your
Zig Ziglar - Raising Positive Kids in a
Negative World

Children need hugs Daily, to tell them what

we feel, children need to communicate with
them, to stay there emphatic with love to
understand them, to make them learn in
loving ways, Education through Love, "Help
me to make this on my own, on my way"

With children we have a partnership in
playing together, having fun together,
communicating throu games, psychological
Children know Jesus better than most adults.

Children are honest, sincere, 'the innocence in

the eyes of a child"

Children are angels from God that sing with


Sandra Lungu and Edy Satinger Mihaescu -

Jesus Loves Me

Naersy Cris Macovei - Familia mea


Chris Naersi Macovei - Taticul meu


Anelisse Craciun - Ce frumos e sa fii copil


Tudose Mihai Catalin

Peace and Blessings,
Our True Motive in Service


Bible, Holly Scripture- Old and New

Gabriel Liiceanu – Apel catre lichele
Horia-Roman Patapievici – Politice

About the Author

Mihai Catalin Tudose is a Christian Author,

and committed to improving and Learning
Mihai's goal is to help people to reach their
full potential, Authentic Success and Wealth
and Happiness with God Help and as who the
person is, with the Unique Talents.
Because living a Life in Harmony with Values
and Christian Virtues brings Beauty and
Happiness in Life, Authentic Wealth and
He has experience in Psychology, Philosophy
also Software Developing, Management.
Mihai is a Christian Adventist and a Believer
in God our Lord Jesus, committed to Help,
Excel, Achieve.

You can find more books by Mihai Catalin

Visit https://mihaicatalintudose.blogspot.com/


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