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Assignment to Comply
Cross Cultural Understanding Subject



Jl. Nangka No. 58 Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa – Jakarta Selatan 12530
A. Introduction
Cross cultural understanding is a study that learn about cultural
differences each country in order to avoid a problem or
misunderstanding of culture. The fundamental intention of cross
cultural understanding is to get comprehension in each culture of
countries. We realize that every culture of countries has its
uniqueness but it is often mutually contradictory. In one particular
cultural attitude is acceptable, but it’s not in other cultures. For
example, American culture, it’s very different with Indonesian culture.
Americans have a common heritage, but it is based on cultural
diversity or multiculturalism. The production film of USA usually
enters their culture values, one of the examples such as, We’re The
Millers. It is American comedy film directed by Rawson Marshall
Thurber. We analyzed the film based on the Cross Cultural
Understanding subject that we have learned in the class, and it has
many American culture which we have discussed in this paper among
them: stereotype, non verbal behavior, culture conflict, general
American values and etc.

B. Discussion 1.
Description of Film
1. We're the Millers
is a 2013 American comedy film directed by Rawson Marshall
Thurber. It was released in the U.S. on August 7, 2013 by Warner Bros.
Pictures and New Line Cinema and on August 3, 2013 by Traverse City
Film Festival. Major Characters :
 Jason Sudeikis as David Clark, a drug dealer who forms the
 Jennifer Aniston as Rose O’Reilly, a stripper hired by David
to pose as his wife.
 Emma Roberts as Casey Matthis, a 21-year old runaway
and thief hired by David to pose as his teenage daughter
after David saved her from some men that ended up
robbing David of his drugs.
 Will Poulter as Kenny Rossmore, David’s 18-year-old
neighbor hired to pose as his son.
2. Summary of Film “We Are The Millers”
David Clark is a marijuana seller that popular in Denver, America.
Someday, David’s marijuana and also his money are robbed by felon
which causes he can’t pay his debts to Mr. Gurdlinger alias fake Pablo
Cachone. Pablo Chone give anopportunity for David to pay off his
debts with the way to smuggle marijuana fromMexico to America.
Directly, David accepts Pablo offer and he rents his neighborRose and
Kenny, and also Casey, a vagrant child to go to Mexico. They do
disguisesas a family to avoid suspicion by Mexico police, and thrilling
travel to smugglemarijuana to America. A few days later, David knows
that Mr. Gurdlinger deceiveshim. Finally, he is arrested by police and
David lives happily with Rose, Kenny, andCasey, like real family.

3. Analysis of Film
a. Stereotype
Part of the Conversation based on time of film
Minute : Second
09:59 = (David) Hey!
10:01 = (David) Whoa, what the...! Uhh!
10:03 = (Guy) When Mr. Brad calls, you answer!Get in there!
10:14 = (David) Please don't tell me where we're going.I love
10:18 = (Woman) All right. Okay.Can I help you?
10:20 = (David) Hi. You ordered two black guys.
10:22 = (David) Oh. Okay. This guy.
10:25 = (David) No. David Clark here to see Mr. Gurdlinger, please?
10:27 = (Woman) I'll tell him you're here.Can I get you something?
Based from dialogue above, we know that David
underestimates with theguys. He think that black guy is person who
just use his strength to cope another.He makes a joke with the woman
about the black guys. This film concludesracism stereotype to negro,
American or white race consider that they higher thannegro, so they
underestimate with them.

b. General American Values

 They are easy to have friends irrespective whether he is a drug
dealer or not. For example, when the millers order to deliver
drugs to a mother, the mother doesn’t hesitate to welcome well
even let her children with him. (01:37)
 Most Americans think that marriage is a tricky thing. Like a
conversation, “I envy you, friend. Really” and he said, “no wife,
children, responsibility” (03:06 to 03:08)
 Some Americans still distinguish about race or class. For
example, "No onecan help?, Hi, you ordered two nigger?
“(10:20), ” and protect all passengersof this plane, even the Jews
... Amin. “(24:11)
 They often say the words or quotes. Example, "well, happy wife
happy life."(22:55) They believe that we should not become
annoying when the celebration. Example, “This week of July 4th,
do not bitch, stop.”(26:07)
 American values tells that refusing is not a good thing. For
example, “yourefuse gifts my mother?” (32:27)
 They often celebrate a success or victory, although it is a minor
thing. For example, “how to win with slight music, huh.” (42:33)
 They also have a habit of greeting each other when they are
having a new neighbor. For example, “we've moved, we were
the Johnson family.” (01:51:00)
 Americans often tell the word “ What the fuck”, “Fuck you,
man!”(32:07) because it includes usual thing in their culture as
is the case free sex since 18years old (01:07:05), such as the
speech I usually do anal sex ... (22:02)
c. Non Verbal Behavior
Part of the conversation based on time of film
Minute : Second
01: 05 = ( David ) When watching video
01 : 41 = ( David ) When he gets the vomit from baby’s customer
 Shake of the head. This non verbal behavior means that the
people dislike with the condition.
02 : 40 = ( David ) When meet with his old friend
 Show his back finger. He tells to his old friend that he doesn’t
marry yet because there is no ring in his finger.
05 : 11 = ( Rose’s Boss ) When talking with Rose in dressing room
 Show the sign of double quotation mark using two hands. It
means that “ just enough to”
05 : 19 = ( Rose’s Boss ) When talking with Rose in dressing room
 Show his moving fist to the back and forth. It Emphasizes in the
word “annoying”
05 : 40 = ( David ) When meet Rose in the locker room
 The raising eyebrow includes kind of greetings.
08 : 20 = ( David ) When he tries to help Kenny
 Show his two thumbs go back. Its mean that go back and leave it
14 : 25 = ( David ) In the club
 Show his forth hand includes kind of greetings.
15 : 24 = ( Rose’s Boss ) When talking with Rose
 Show his point finger which it goes down. It is mean that he say
“ stay here, don’t go anywhere”.
38 : 20 = ( Fitzgerald family ) When meet Miller family in the border
check point.
 Blow the horn. It is kind of greetings.
01 : 10 : 20 = ( Casey )
 Show her shaking eyes while close her eyes. It is mean that crazy
03:17 = (David friend) When David meets his old friend in front of the
 The hand of David friend does the emphasizing
in the word “nothing” with thegesture : right hand is moved aside.
20:32 = (Casey)
 She always move his eyes on the top right corner. It means the
utterance toexpress annoyance.
29:35 = (David)
 David uses apostrophe two fingers on two hands, forefinger and
middle finger, toimply something special.
24:20 = (Rose)
 Rose tells“Fuck You!” With the middle finger in the left hand.
d. Cultural Relativism
Part of the Conversation based on time of film
Minute : Second
27:29 = (David) We’re just heading down to Mexico way to do a...
27:53 = (Casey) A meth lab? (Rose) It’s Mexico, Casey.(Casey)
That’s donkey, donkey,donkey....
28:01 = (Rose) This thing is ginormous, I mean, it’s ridiculous.
28:09 = (Rose) You’ve arrived at your destination
28:27 = (David) Hey, I think that guy was in La Bamba.
(David) Is that a little football over there? That’s fun, Soccer.
The conversation above tells about Miller ’s family comes to Mexico.
Caseyis suprised by the Mexico environment because she saw the
traditional marketlike a meth lab but Rose give understanding to her
and realizes that it’s Mexico city and has difference of their culture like
US. So this conversation includescultural relativism, someone
evaluates that all cultures is good eventhough he/she has own culture
or view that all cultures, values, beliefs are relative to individual with
in his own social context.
e. Cultural conflict
Part of the Conversation based on time of film
Minute : Second
33:45 = (Mexican Cop) I saw you leaving Pablo Chacon’s coumpound.
33:47 = (Mexican Cop) And we both know if I search your mobile
home, What I’d find.
33:52 = (Mexican Cop) But I don’t feel like arresting anybody.
33:57 = (Mexican Cop) So, I’ll just simply take my bribe and I’ll be on
my way.
34:02 = (David) Well, alright, Ha..ha. This is what I’m talking about.
Great! How much? 100? 200?
34:08 = (Officer) one thousand. (David) A thousand? ...
36:44 = (Officer) Hey what’s going on?, somebody sucking my dick, or
I getting 1000 pesos?
36:47 = (David) No, he is gonna s... haa..”Pesos”? ... Why you didn’t
say so?
36:52 = (David) Oh, well. That’s like, what, 80 bucks American?
36:55 = (David) Here, here. You go. A hundred, keep the change.
The conversation above tells about Miller’s family should be arrested
by officer because they leave Pablo Chacon’s coumpounds (it’s known
as Marijuana center). But, The officer doesn’t want to arrest at the
moment then he asks a bribe 1000 pesos. David supposes that the
officer ask his bribe a number of 1000 dollar but he is wrong and
worried about it. Actually the officer just ask him 1000 pesos. David
realizes that 1000 pesos is about 80 bucks American. So, he is really
glad because he and his family is released by the officer. In this case,
the conversation includes culture conflict because we can analyze that
America and Mexico currency is different, Mexico currency is Peso and
American is dollar. It happens because conflict between different
cultures or misinterpretation of each individual.
f. Culture Shock
Part of the Conversation based on time of film
Minute : Second
14:21 = (Man tourist) Hate to bug you, but I’m trying to get the fam to
the zoo and I’m lost as all heck. (David) Fuck off, real-life Flanders.
14:26 = (Woman tourist) It’s my fault. When it comes to reading maps,
I sure can be an old flibbertigibbet.
14:33 = (Officer) Hey, No parking here, Sir.
14:36 = (Man tourist) Oh jeez, I’m awful sorry, officer. I don’t know
which way is up around here.
14:41 = (Officer) No problem, our city can get confusing sometimes.
14:43 = (Officer) trying to find our way to the zoo
14:45 = (Officer) it’s two blocks up that way, take a left, two blocks.
It’s simply a common way to describe the confusing and nervous
feelings aperson may have after leaving a familiar culture to live in a
new and different culture. When we move to a different place, we’re
bound to changes a lot of changes. The conversation above tells about
Tourist family gets lost on the way. They don’t know that they break
the regulation and which way is up around. The officer realizes that
they are newcomer or as tourist and tell “No problem, our city can get
confusing sometimes”. This case includes culture shock because
tourist family get confusing in new city. The difficulty of transportation
or traffic system that tourist has adjusting culture to a new culture
from his own culture.

C. Conclusion
We’re the Millers is one ofAmerican comedy film that is contained
about cross cultural understanding subject. This film can be a starting
point for discussion of different cultures, values, beliefs of each
country, what is some potential causes or situations in which conflict
can happen, how the communication is used without word, and what
is stereotype can influnce their society. The most important thing that
interesting from film We’re the Millers is we can learn other cultures
especially America culture and get many moral values such as the
crime is certainly revealed.

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