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You also there are mainly three types of blog posts – Informational, Promotional and Dependent

Find the details about each of these types below and their examples –
Informational posts 
Type Explanation Example (Links)

Lists These are posts that list various items, methods, 10 Online Marketing
tips, or trends on any topic. The topics for your list Tools You Need When
posts depend on the industry that you operate in Starting a Business
and the latest trends in it.

How-to posts How-to posts are those that provide a step-by-step Everything You Need to
guide to performing a particular task. These are Know About “No
extremely popular, and hence, you can create a Makeup Makeup”
how-to post for any task that is related to the
product or service that you sell or any process you
want to explain.

Frequently asked These types of posts are very helpful to any FITNESS
questions potential buyer who has questions about your QUESTIONS,
products or services. It is the quickest way to ANSWERED
answer questions that come to you very frequently
and, hence, should be posted and updated at
regular intervals.

Statistics posts These are posts where you provide statistical Google AdWords
information to your viewers, such as figures about Industry Benchmarks
the trends and performance of the industry, or stats for 2018
about your own brand.

Checklists/Cheatsheet These are posts that provide an exhaustive list or What to Pack: The
an essentials list for the reader to complete a Ultimate Travel Packing
particular task or action. These types of posts Checklist
prove to be very helpful to the readers.

Promotional posts 
Type Explanation Example (Links)

Comparison posts These are posts that compare the features, usability, or Mahindra Alturas Vs
applicability of various products or services. You can Toyota Fortuner- What’s
create these to show the reader a comparison of your the difference between
product with the others that are available in the market. the two?
By doing this, you establish your product as superior in
the minds of the readers, hence the promotional nature
of the posts.

Project Showcase As the name suggests, this type of blog post is written to Tata Steel launches 'The
showcase the various features and uses of a product to Green School Project –
the audience at large. It serves as a great way to Phase II' at Noamundi
introduce a new product.

Product update Nowadays, most product features or functions are New iOS 11 Features
updated from time to time to keep up with the latest You Need to Know
trends and technology. So, this type of blog post can be
used to update your customers about new changes and
also to inform your potential customers that your product
is relevant and updated.

Product tips Product tips posts are created to provide the users with 15 Apple Watch tricks
tips and tricks to save time and use your product to the you’ll want to use
best of its capability. This type of blog post helps you
increase customer satisfaction with your product and is
widely used by brands for the same purpose.

Best of posts These posts are meant to highlight your achievements The 12 Best Things at
over a defined period of time. For example, if you say UpGrad in 2017 – You
‘Best of 2018’, you will talk about the various Don’t Want to Miss this!
achievements of your brand during the year 2018. These
are a great source of knowledge for potential consumers
about the performance of the company or the product.

Dependent posts  
Type Explanation Example (Links)

Review posts Review posts are blog posts that review the work done Book Review: “Tuesdays
by others or the products and services of others. These with Morrie” by Mitch
are not difficult to create and should be aimed at Albom
establishing yourself as the go-to brand for reviews of
the latest updates and products in the industry.

Interview posts These posts are simply a transcription of an interview CNBC's full interview
that you conduct with a celebrity or an influencer. These with Microsoft CEO
are versatile as one interview can give you several Satya Nadella
pieces of content, such as the video recording of the
interview, the audio as a podcast, and the transcription
as a blog post.

Quote posts These posts are easy to create and do not require much 30 Inspirational
effort. You will simply compile a list of quotes from what Entrepreneurs Quotes to
famous people have said on a particular topic relevant to Motivate Them for
your product or industry and post it as a blog post on Greatness
your channel.

Contest posts These posts do not require much effort as the actual Game of Thrones
content comes from the readers. In these types of posts, workout game
you simply have to create a contest and tell the readers
what they have to do to participate in it. You can provide
incentives as well to the readers to encourage increased
participation. These incentives can be discounts,
giveaways, or any other such rewards.

Pick of the week These posts basically showcase the best of something Outfit of the week -
over a week or any other defined period of time. For Editor’s Pick
example, if you are in the fashion industry, you can
probably have a celebrity outfit that is trendy as the pick
of the week. Or, if you are in the technology industry, you
can probably do a pick-of-the-month post where you talk
about the best new gadget of the month. Hence, this
post can vary depending on the industry that you operate

Facebook and Instagram ad targeting

An audience created using such combinations of targeting parameters on Facebook or Instagram is

generally called the Core Audience. It is ideally targeted when you are running a campaign for the very first
time and your objective is to reach a wide audience and create awareness about your brand and/or its
products and services.
Facebook also allows marketers to reach specific audiences through a unique feature known as Custom
Audiences. The custom audience feature is usually used to reach people who have already interacted with
your brand and are at the consideration and purchase stages.
1. They could be your customers or prospects, whose contact details (email IDs, phone numbers, or
Facebook IDs) are available with you. Such a contact list can be uploaded to the Ads Manager, and
ads can be directly targeted at them. Even otherwise, if you have procured a contact list from
somewhere, you can directly reach them by creating a custom audience on Facebook.
2. People who visited your website or mobile app and took some action (e.g., leave without making a
purchase, view a particular page for more than 20 seconds, etc.) can also be targeted with ads, even
though you do not have their personal information. The tracking code called ‘Pixel’ enables you to
track their actions and generate custom audiences accordingly.
Another innovative targeting feature on Facebook is a Lookalike Audience. This feature lets you upload a
(custom audience) list of users and target other users who have similar characteristics (demographics,
interests, behaviour, etc.) as those users. 
For example, using a lookalike audience using your customer data helps you reach people who are most
likely to be interested in your product or service. This is the most effective in creating awareness for your
products among a new audience.

Youtube ad targeting 
YouTube is also a platform that has become quite popular among marketers who wish to
communicate with users using video formats. There are several targeting options that
YouTube provides, such as user demographics, interests and topics, keyword targeting,
and so on
When an e-commerce company tries to push sales
via social media channels, it uses a feature known
as pixel. 
A pixel is a piece of code that can be installed on a
web page to track the actions of users who visit the
page. For example, if a user visits Tata Cliq’s
website and browses through men’s shoes, the
pixel installed on the website tracks this user ID
and the pages they visit.

This data can be connected with a social media

channel, and the user can be shown a remarketed
ad on the platform, with details of the products they
are interested in. The pixel, in this example, gets
triggered when the user visits some product pages
but leaves the website without buying anything.
Using a pixel, a company can segment the large
set of users who visit its website every day into
different categories.

Each social media platform has a different pixel,

known by different names across platforms. But
they all serve the same purpose (e.g., Facebook
pixel, LinkedIn Insight tag, Quora pixel, etc.). If you
intend to track user activities and retarget these
users through multiple social media platforms, you
will need to install the pixel codes from each of
these platforms on your website.

Facebook and Instagram Ad Formats

The Facebook Ads Manager provides several ad formats classified as carousel, single image, video,
slideshow, and collection formats.
• A carousel can have up to 10 images, videos, or GIFs lined up, one after the other, which a user can
swipe horizontally to view.
• A slideshow gives you an easy option to create your own custom video from a set of images on the
• A collection allows you to create a multi-image/video ad, ideal for selling products out of a catalogue.
• A canvas ad opens into a full-screen experience on a mobile device when a user clicks on it.
• Lead generation ads help you collect information from people interested in your business. They can
use an image or a video, followed by a lead form that pops up on clicking on the CTA button.
• Offer ads can also be set up similarly to distribute discount coupons and specific offers to users.
• 360-degree videos and images, stories, etc. are some new and innovative formats on the platforms.
• Facebook recently launched in-video ads, which are short video ads that pop up while a user is
watching some other video on the platform.

LinkedIn Ad Formats
A LinkedIn marketer can choose between the following ad formats:
• Sponsored content allows you to promote any content you post on your LinkedIn company
page, such as text, images, videos, links, blogs, and so on.
• The Sponsored InMail feature allows you to send personalised messages to targeted
recipients directly to their mailboxes.
• Display ads – text-only or image ads – are provided by LinkedIn’s pay-per-click platform.
These ads can appear in-line or on the left-side panel.
Twitter Ad Formats
The popular Twitter ad formats are as follows:
• Plain text tweet
• Single-image and GIF tweets
• Multi-image tweets
• Twitter-promoted video
• Website cards using text/image/video that opens a website on click-through
• Twitter app cards using text/image/video, which open an app’s page on Google Play or App
Store upon clicking
• Direct message cards, which drive target users to interact with the brand through private
• Conversation ads, which enable brands to engage with Twitter users better by encouraging
them to click on any of the option buttons to retweet a pre-filled and customisable message
from their accounts.
Best practices for post-crisis management
1. Prepare a crisis management program to be used for reference
in future situations; the program should include an evaluation of
what worked and what did not work in the current situation
2. Assess your current reputation to understand the damage
caused; accordingly, take further action to rebuild it
3. Acknowledge and appreciate all those who help you survive a
crisis, including your clients/employees/stakeholders or other
relevant third parties
4. Deliver all the relevant information that was promised to the
customers during the crisis stage; this will help you answer the
queries and clarify the doubts of your current/potential customers
5. Inform the stakeholders of the progress of the recovery efforts
taken by the organisation

It is the job of the community manager to ensure that the

community is not just large in number, but also engages
continuously in the activities meant for them. Some KPIs for
community management are:
1.  Clicks: Clicks on a post show how well it was able to attract
the customer’s attention
2. Likes: Likes show that the post was not only able to attract the
customer’s attention, but was also of interest to him/her
3. Shares: The number of shares shows whether the post was
useful to the customer and implies its recommendation to
known people
4. Comment: Comments on a post can be positive or negative,
but both are necessary for the growth of an organisation. A
community manager must work on the feedback of the
customers with the aim to reduce their number in the future
5. Brand mentions: Brand mentions, be it during conversations
or Facebook check-ins, show the popularity of a brand among
the customers

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