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Table of Contents

 Introduction
 The secrets of antigravity
 How do electrons fly?
 How time flies!
 Everything is reversed
 Secrets of gravity
 The theory of the origin of gravity
 Time
 Direct and indirect influence of gravity and antigravity, their influence on time
 Cosmological law of gravity and antigravity
 The mysteries of astronomy
 Solving the mysteries of astronomy
 Summary and proof of the results of the reseach conducted by the author
 The Laws of Antigravitational Fields
 Establishing an Antigravitational Field
 The New Universe Concept
 The Theory of Relativity of the Speed of Light Physical Quantities and
Physical Laws
 The Effect of Gravity and Antigravity from the Aspect of Changes in
the Speed of Time
 The Theory of the Formation of Gravitational and Antigravitational
 What is time?
 Solutions for the Recent Problems of Astrophysics

The author-researcher has endeavored to solve the fate of the antimatter created at the
time of the Big Bang in the same quantity as matter and also sought explanation for some
yet inexplicable phenomenon.

The condition he set for himself meant that he had to solve the laws of antigravitational
field, which are yet unknown and thus not described in any books on physics.
Mathematically, this led to the reciprocal value of the relativistic (square root) member of
the formula describing Einstein's theory of relativity. This means that in an
antigravitational field, time passes faster, mass decreases, etc.

The author concluded that bodies of matter may travel faster not only when their speed is
increased, but also if time passes faster in their neighborhood, as on the bases of the well-
known s= v.t equity, it also results in an increased distance. This immediately refutes the
hypothesis of some scientists, who claim that intelligent beings may not visit us even
from the nearest planets, because the journey would require millions of years and so
much energy that cannot be found in the whole solar system. According to another theory
of the author, antigravitational field can be created artificially, with the help of a
superconductor coil and this consumes little energy. Therefore, it is not a huge gear that
we need, but a faster passing of time.

With the help of his theory on antigravity, the author believes to have found the
antimatter which formed during the Big Bang, but disappeared. He thinks that it
surrounds the material universe about 8000 billion light years away in the form of an
expanding shell, and this is the origin of the microwave background radiation measured
by astronomers on the Earth. His research led him to the theory that the relativity of time
speed and physical laws are conditional on the speed of passing of time at the place of
measurement and at the place where the physical quantities are formed. This theory gives
an outright explanation to the question (perplexing astronomers): how can the
measurements in the case of certain starts exceed light speed several times.

The secrets of antigravity

Antigravity is presumed to be a similar characteristic of the antimatter as gravity in the
case of matter. This mysterious field, which is barely known to science as yet, is probably
alien to the Reader as well, so I shall try to summarize the attainments and theories in a
way that makes it easy to understand by everybody.

Ever since Newton, we know gravity is - thanks to the apple which allegedly fell upon
the head of the scientist. Science has revealed most of the rules of gravity, they were
molded into equations - the only thing we still do not know what gravity is, how it comes
into existence in matter and how it works. After this, it may seem audacity to start with
the problems of antigravity, instead of seeking the answers for the above questions. The
reader may be rest assured: in the next chapters I shall attend to those issues, too. For me,
however, the essence of gravity was easier to understand when I left the blank spots of
gravity blank and started to deal with the rules of antigravity. What prompted me to do
this was that I was looking for physical explanation of the occurrences that I had

What is antigravity, then? As I have already mentioned, antigravity is presumed to be the

gravity of antimatter. But where can we find antimatter? Not on the Earth - fortunately,
since if we could find it here, it would create big troubles. The touch of our hands - as
matter - could turn us immediately into energy, for this is what happens when antimatter
meets matter. Thus we would radiate away into the universe, thus adding to the list of
disappeared persons.

According to the accepted definition of science, antigravity is a similar force to gravity,

but takes its effect into the opposite direction. What conclusion can be drawn from this
definition? If an antigravitational field nears matter with gravity, the force field of
gravitational field will decrease. Following this train of ideas: if we keep increasing the
force of the antigravitational field, then, in the vicinity of the matter which normally has
gravity we can only measure antigravitational force field. If this matter, for example, a
bus, this bus would rise into space and float there. The explanation for this phenomenon
is that the gravitational force field of the bus ceased to exist, thus it is not attracted by
Earth, on the contrary: it would repel the bus upwards, since there is an adverse,
antigravitational force field near the bus.

How do electrons fly?

At this point, the Reader may well raise the question: if we on Earth do not have this
antimatter which is so dangerous for human beings, how can we generate an
antigravitational field? The author had been thinking on this problem, but finally found
the solution, which is based on a rule of atomic physics explained in books on physics as
well: the difference of antimatter from matter is that the particle with large mass
constituting its atoms is of negative charge and the particle with small mass has a
negative charge - that is, both the charge and the mass proportions are the opposite of
those of matter atom. Taking this as a starting point and with the help of the theory
having been set up by the author and discussed later, if we use an appropriate technology,
we can create "quasi antimatter", that is, an illusory antimatter from materials abundantly
available around us. It can be presumed that quasi antimatter has the same
antigravitational field as the antimatter.

What is this quasi antimatter? We have already discussed the difference between the
atoms of matter and antimatter. According to the author's theory, nothing else should be
done but to bring about this difference artificially in the atoms of matter and the result
will be a quasi antimatter having antigravitational force field. How can we change the
proportion of masses and the charge of the particles? We can ignore the problem of
changing the charge of the particles - it would be an extremely difficult task anyway,
since the charge of the atomic particles are their inherent characteristic. Their mass,
however, can be changed. The solution can be derived from Einstein's theory of relativity.
What shall we do then? We have a nucleus with large mass and positive charge and we
have the electrons revolving around it with small mass and negative charge. As we know
from theories on physics as well as from experiments, the mass of electrons will increase
if the speed of their move is increased. The extent of such an increase in the mass of
electrons is even shown in the tables of functions used by high school students. This book
shows the mass increase in proportion with the acceleration voltage, this, however, is
proportionate to the speed of the electron.

Thus, if we can accelerate the electrons to an appropriate speed, their mass can increase
to such an extent that it can reach or exceed the mass of proton. How does this change the
proportion of masses within the nucleus? As we can see, it will be similar to that of the
antimatter, as the particle with the negative charge will have the larger mass and the
particle with positive charge will have the smaller mass.

Although no measurements of experiments support the above, the theory and the
deduction is so logical and clear that such measurements would show the same results as
I have explained above. What device do we need to create quasi antimatter? The above
mentioned experiments for electron acceleration were usually carried out in vacuum, but
for us, this way seems to be unsuitable for creating a strong antigravitational field. The
solution would be the temperature resistant superconductor which I have already
mentioned in my previous books. No loss of electricity - that is, electrons - occurs when
they flow in a superconductor and their speed can easily be accelerated when increasing
the voltage connected to it. Thus, the goal is to produce temperature resistant
superconductors, since the expensive and large freezing devices, which are presently
indispensable for creating the phenomenon of superconductivity hamper the free
application of antigravitational field.

Presumably, if we use a conductor made of elementary particles, no losses occur during

the flow of electrons, because the electrons passing a single proton line have nothing to
collide with. Thus, if we apply a single row of protons on an insulating sheet and insulate
them from the other yarns of the coil, we can create a temperature-resistant
superconductor. This method is simply the development of the Litz wire widely used in
radio techniques: in order to prevent losses, they have been using wire strands containing
several isolated thin wires. This superconductor coil cannot be covered with material, as
it would shield the antigravitational field of the coil and would be exposed to immense
stress due to its own gravitational field, and would thus drop.

The superconductor coil may be "tuned" to the resonance frequency and thus enormous
flows can be reached in each parallel oscillating circuit.

Thus, we have the means for producing antigravitational field. My only task now is to
introduce my theories concerning the physical rules of this newly discovered force field.

How time flies!

The Readers, just like myself must often have sunk in their thoughts or been musing
when travelling on a train or in a car and did not even notice how fast time had passed
and the vehicle already reached its destination. This phenomenon has been known for a
long time, but I did not mention it as par of my theory. I only referred to it to show: this
phenomenon is somewhat familiar to us.

In the introduction, I already referred to the simplest equation for calculating movement:
s = v.t - it is even taught in elementary schools. What can be deducted from this equation?
Quite simple: we can cover a long distance (s), if the speed (v) is high. This is what
human science has tried to achieve: it produces energy consuming, huge gears and motors
which consume immense energy and destroy the environment - just to reach this
objective. However, there is the letter "t" in the equation, humbly and, until the theory of
the author, "unnoticed", as if we had nothing to do with it, since we all know: if we travel
for a long time, the distance covered will also be long.

On the basis of Einstein's discovery, physicists, however, established that time passes
faster in a weaker gravitational field, while in a stronger gravitational field, it accelerates.

Einstein was attacked by many scientists because of this "impossible" allegation: they
thought that the theory that clocks do not show the same time at all points of the universe
was ludicrous. When the so-called nuclear watches appeared in 1962, Einstein's
hypothesis was checked with cesium watches - and proved to be true. One of these
watches was placed at the bottom and another one at the top of a water tower and the
upper one went faster. In his theory, Einstein also discussed the twin-paradox
phenomenon, according to which the twin living on a mountain will get older faster than
his brother living in the valley, since the gravitational force field is smaller on the hill,
being farther from the massive center of Earth, thus time passes faster.

As in the gravitational field of Earth, such differences in heights involve a very low
degree of variation in gravitational force field, time difference is very little and can only
be shown by the extremely accurate devices mentioned above. But what happens if the
differences of the gravitational force fields and the time shifts inherent to them are large?
The move of the twin on the mountain would be significantly different: we would see him
almost running, while the other twin in the valley would seem to be sluggish.

Let us return to the theoretical introduction mentioned earlier, according to which the
force of gravitational field may be reduced by nearing it to an antigravitational field. We
can see that by gradually and continuously increasing the antigravitational force field, we
can annul the gravitational force field and thus we can continuously pass through from
one field into the other. It can be presumed that the change in the pass of time will be just
as continuous, therefore no sudden shuffle will occur when the zero point is passed.

Let us see how time flows and start our journey from a strong gravitational field. In
strong gravitational field, time flows slowly. As the strength of this field decreases, time
will flow faster. At zero gravity, we shall still have some value - the Readers can imagine
the extent of it, since in cosmic measurements, the Earth is a planet of very tiny mass,
which have a small gravitational field, in such proportions, almost zero; in reality, as we
know, 9.81 m/s2.
Thus we can see that an antigravitational force field will accelerate time and the more this
force field is enlarged, the faster time will flow. If the antigravitational force field is
extremely strong, time flies very fast and we, from Earth and from the gravitational force
field generated by Earth can witness wonderful phenomena.

Antimatter and antigravity has so far been neglected by modern science and it was
satisfied by saying: at the time of the Big Bang, antimatter was also created in the same
quantity as matter. No one dealt with it any more; it was claimed to be a subject that
cannot be examined, that disappeared, that was disturbing and unscientific, and was
finally, forgotten.

The author, however, intended to get to the bottom of this problem and this lead him to
his theories in physics. I did not want to make the same mistake as the medieval scientists
who simply ignored the observations of Columbus and the facts (dead bodies of an alien
race, trunks of unknown trees, etc. in the ocean).

Let us get back to our theory. Those travelling in strong antigravitational field will not be
torn apart or pressed to death during the immense acceleration, because they do not live
through an acceleration in our sense. In other words, instead of abruptly changing their v
speed - for example, by giving full throttle and roaring our motors -, they increase the
antigravitational force field of their spaceship by switching a tiny potentiometer and thus
accelerate time. This way, the spaceship will keep on moving at the same speed, but the
force of the antigravitational field surrounding the spaceship will suddenly grow and in
our eyes - due to the increased (t) -, they will suddenly be able to cover enormous
distances on the basis of the simple equation we mentioned earlier. This phenomenon was
already described by Einstein for gravitational fields.

Time corridor. Observation of an object moving in strong antigravitational field from


Hence, at the Big Bang, antimatter having antigravitational field also came into existence
and perhaps here there was also an evolution.

In the world of antimatter, time only passes fast according to our sense of time, and if
there are intelligent beings, they experienced billions of years. If their astronomers looked
into the spherical material shell, they could measure the material world in the beginning
of the explosion right after the Big Bang as a whole sphere, as a glowing "Sun" in the
center of the universe.

For a moment, let us think of the day fly, for which the whole world is one single day,
lasting from daybreak till sunset...
Everything is reversed

We have already introduced the theory concerning time, that is, in antigravitational field -
even on the basis of the scientific definition of antigravity - time must pass faster than in
a gravitational field. Examining the Lorentz transformation, which was also used by
Einstein, I came to a conclusion which was also suggested by common sense, that it is not
only the equation of time when we should reverse the relativistic (square root) formula in
the equations describing Einstein's general theory of relativity, but also in the case of the
other quantities. What can be derived from this? Nothing else, but that in antigravitational
field, as speed increases, mass decreases and the size of bodies will also increase, etc. The
same conclusion can be drawn on the basis of E = m c2 equation, describing the
equivalent of energy. As the value of light speed also increases relatively, in order to
maintain the equation, mass must decrease.

In an earlier book, I already discussed the physical consequences of the above even at the
moments following the Big Bang. Due to the time accelerating effect of antigravitational
field, antimatter moved relatively faster than matter even in the beginning, and since this
was the time when the rest mass of antimatter was the largest, the time accelerating effect
must have been the largest as well. If we want to visualize the events following the Big
Bang, we can draw the following picture: matter is a huge, cracked, glowing, flashing
sphere surrounded by antimatter as a rapidly expanding shell. In a simpler way, and as a
cross-section, we can imagine it as if antimatter were symbolized by the rapidly
expanding rings surrounding Saturn. The flashes are due to the annihilation at the time of
the meeting of matter and antimatter and the creation of energy as a consequence of it.

At the moments following the Big Bang, the significant physical difference between
matter and antimatter showed right away: near matter - especially a large amount of
matter - time passes more slowly, while in the neighborhood of the energy emerging near
antimatter, time passes faster. As a consequence of my reciprocity theory described
above, antimatter must release an immense amount of energy, as its mass must decrease
to the extent determined by the relativistic member. Based on the law of the conservation
of energy and matter, the mass of the antimatter must irradiate in the form of energy
(photons, electromagnetic vibration, atomic particles).

The above theory of the author can be the basis of a new law in physics:

where big energy is released, time passes faster, and the opposite of it is also true: as it
was proved by Einstein, near a substantial amount of matter, time passes slower. As in
nature all efforts are directed towards harmony and stability, the relation between energy
and the speed of time as described in my theory seems to be true, since the target of
nature is to attain this harmony and restful state as soon as possible.

Irradiation of antimatter has not finished yet, this may be the cause of the 2.73 Kelvin
background radiation measured by astronomers. The measurements of the COBE satellite
served as a proof: they showed that background radiation is of a dipolar character, which
means that in one direction of the sky they measure a maximum value, that is some
thousandth Kelvin grades more, while in the opposite direction, these values are less. The
reason for this is still a mystery for astronomers - probably with the exception of those
who have read my book titled "The New Universe Model" (Robottechnika Kft. Press,
1996), and learnt about my theory, the essence of which is: the closer we are sitting to the
stove, the warmer we are!

Based on this, the distance of the antimatter shell can be calculated even with the help of
the formula taught to twelve-year old schoolchildren.

Hence, we do not always need inexpensive equipment, common sense and logic serve the
purpose! Those readers who are interested in this topic, may learn more about antimatter
in the later chapters of this book or the other books of the author.

m - mass of matter
mA - mass of antimatter
Vt - passing time speed
mo - rest mass of matter
gA - antigravity
mAO - rest mass of antimatter

The above diagram shows the speed of passing of time within the equation of v/c, with a
relativistic member, on the basis of Einstein's theory for matter (on the right) and on the
basis of the theory of the author, for antimatter (on the left).

The speed of passing of time is not the same in the presence of rest mass of matter and
that of antimatter. In the case of matter, the relativistic growth of mass inherent to the
increase of speed will increase the gravitational force field, which slows down the speed
of passing of time.

We already know that time passes more slowly in a weaker gravitational field; this was
also proved by measurements. According to the author's definition concerning
antigravitational field, it is of the opposite tendency as of the gravitational field and thus
may decrease its force. Based on the above, we can draw the following important
conclusion: since antigravi-tational field decreases the force of the gravitational field,
in which time passes more slowly, it can be concluded that antigravitational field
makes time pass faster.
Secrets of gravity
In this chapter we do not intend to discuss the laws of gravity already known to science,
we only refer to such laws when it is necessary for the elucidation of the theory of the

At the same time, together with the Reader, we also endeavor to get to the bottom of a so
far unsolved mystery: what causes the phenomenon of gravity, in other words, why do the
atoms of matter have a pulling effect enabling large masses of material, such as planets to
come into being? Without gravity, life and intelligence which is contained in beings made
of matter - such as human beings -, would not have evolved in their present form. We
wish to mention now that later we shall deal with the possibility that intelligent beings
might have evolved in highly organized energy as well, but until then, the patience of the
reader is requested.

The nature of gravity was attempted to be revealed though several experimental and
theoretical methods. One of them was Weber's experiments with aluminum cylinders with
which he wish to detect the supposed gravitational waves.

He presumed that at the time of the collapse of planets of large mass, for example
supernovas, the immense change of mass causes gravitational waves. The results of his
experiments, however, were not quite plausible.

The author's objective was to solve the mystery of the creation of gravity by entering the
atom and he promises to do this in a way that can easily be understood by the Readers of
this book as well. Huddle yourself up, gentle reader so that you can find room within the
atom beside the author. We can see that the scenery is variable: from a hill with positive
charge, that is, from the top of a proton, we can walk down to a valley, from where we
can climb up to a neutral neuron. Walking farther, we reach a valley again, which is
followed by a positively charged proton. Thus, during our walk, particles with positive
and neutral charge alternate. The "ground" beneath our feet shakes a little, due to the
constant combination-recombination process of the protons and the protons, electrons and
antineutrino making up the neutron. If we look up to the "sky", we can see small planets
flittering - as you already probably guessed, these are the electrons. Earlier models
pictured the atom the same way, but these supposed that it was the electrons that revolve
in a circle or on an elliptical similar to those of the planets. Today, we already know that
electrons do not orbit like that, but move very fast and vibrating around the nucleus there
are present everywhere, forming some sort of a cloud. We can only be amazed of the
organization of the electrons: that they do not collide in this fast and seemingly chaotic
flittering; but in fact there is order in physics! If you do not feel dizzy after seeing this
extremely orderly flittering and can pay some attention to your own feelings, you will
sense another strange, vibrating feeling, provided you can detect vibrations of several
billions of Herzes. Since in fantasy the author has already wandered about within the
atoms, he can explain you this sensation: for a flash of time, a static force field was
created between the positively charged protons of the nucleus and the electron passing
above them. When the electron approaches, this static force keeps increasing until it
reaches its climax; when the electron passes, the static force decreases. Then the charge
of the proton inside the nucleus can take its effect outward, without being shielded. Then
comes the next electron, which creates between itself and the proton (on which the kind
reader is just standing) a static field which first increases then decreases.

We must also consider that electrons pass not only above us, but also sideways and
farther away, and they create a static field which is smaller due to the distance, but still
can be felt. The static force between the proton "we are standing on" and the electrons
never cease, but its size has a very high frequency modulation due to the movement of
the electrons. When there is no electron nearby, the effect of the positive charge of the
protons reaches farther and has a pulling effect on the particles with opposite charge.

This outward electrostatic pulling force is also a field force which is modulated by
interaction between the own electrons of the atom and the electrons of the neighboring

In essence and in theory, we have already solved the mystery of gravity, or, to put it in a
more exact way: we have set up an applicable theory and thus we created the basis of
further investigations. The reader and the author now may emerge from the atom, stretch
and make a step further on our way.

The theory of the origin of gravity

Gravity is created by the static field resulting from the interaction between the protons
and electrons of the nucleus and the static field modulated to a high frequency and taking
its effect outwards from the atom. The greater the modulating frequency and the more
electrostatic fields of atoms are summed up, the higher the gravitational force field will

The reader and the experts now justly expect further explanations from the author in
support of this new theory.

According to the basic idea of my theory, the mass of the protons forming a part of the
nucleus must be significantly larger than the mass of the electrons, as this is the only time
when, due to the difference in masses, the particle of the smaller mass, that is the electron
can be forced to orbit around the proton fast. And this creates gravitational field, which,
according to the above, is nothing else but the modulated electrostatic field between them
which has an outward effect from the atom to a definite direction. However, in spite of its
large mass, both the proton and the nucleus vibrate, and this, based on my theory, must
create an antigravitational field, as the movement of the proton also modulates the
electrostatic field between the electron and the proton, that is the field of the electron
which has its effect to the opposite direction.
Physicists already established that there is a weak antigravitational effect within the atom,
which also supports my theory. Based on my theory, the extent of this antigravitational
effect must be significantly smaller, since the proportion of masses is 1840.

As a further verification, experiments proved that the gravity may be decreased with the
help of an outside electrostatic field.

In order to make the above theory clearer, let us return for a while to my quasi antimatter
theory, in which I presume that if we increase the mass of electron more than the mass of
the proton by fast circulation in a superconductor, we can create antigravitational field.
Let us see step by step the process of producing quasi antimatter! before switching on the
electricity, the mass of electrons within the nucleus is 1840-times smaller than that of the
protons. When we switch on the electricity, as we increase the voltage, electrons will
move at a higher and higher speed and their mass will increase, therefore the difference
between the mass of the protons and electrons will shrink and, according to my theory,
the gravitational force created by these atoms will keep decreasing. Gravity will be zero
when, owing to the relative mass increase, the mass of the electron reaches that of the
proton. If we further accelerate the move of the electron and its relative mass exceeds the
mass of the proton, we produce antigravitational field, since now the proton starts to orbit
around the electron - in other words, we create antimatter as defined by the official
science. If we further increase the mass of the electron and its mass exceeds that of the
proton several hundreds of thousands times, an immense antigravitational force field
develops, since the large mass of electron forces the proton to vibrate rapidly, therefore
the modulating frequency of the electrostatic field will be extremely high and this high
modulating frequency results in a large antigravitational force field. Whether we produce
a gravitational or antigravitational force field depends on the direction of the static force
field created by the particle of the larger mass.

If the electrostatic force field is directed outwards from the nucleus (the central particle of
large mass, around which the particles of smaller mass orbit has then a positive charge),
then the force field produced is called a gravitational field.

On the other had, if the electrostatic force field is directed inwards, toward the nucleus
(the central particle of large mass, around which the particles of smaller mass orbit has
then a negative charge), then the force field produced is called an antigravitational field.

Based on the analogy of the above, artificial gravity - in which for example, time passes
more slowly - can be produced by increasing the mass of the proton or by forcing the
electrons to vibrate faster. Here, however, the example of the quasi antimatter produced
from antimatter cannot be applied, first of all, because we do not have antimatter - but
there are other hypothetical problems as well.

I must note that in the case of matter-atoms, the 1840 mass proportion between the proton
and the electron is a determined physical fact valid in "normal" circumstances and we can
see that this huge proportional difference between the particles with opposite charge
within the atom is needed for the creation of gravitational and antigravitational force
filed, that is, for the creation of matter and antimatter (quasi antimatter).

One may ask: what is the physical explanation for the increased gravity near bodies of
large mass, that is, if there are several atoms and therefore several protons and electrons
together, gravity increases and therefore time passes more slowly. An explanation may be
that atoms get into interaction, in other words, the proton of an atom "sees" not only the
electrons of its own atomic structure, but also those of the neighboring atoms, therefore
the modulation of the electrostatic field will have an even higher frequency, which,
according to my theory, increases the strength of the gravitational field. (I must
emphasize, that I have only been talking and will only talk about a theory, which,
however, is based on accepted physical laws!)

It is a scientific fact, that under pressure, gravity increases - and atoms deposited on one
another are subject to greater and greater pressure.

The situation, however, is not as simple, since if all atoms saw only positively charged
atoms, they would repulse each other and matter would disintegrate into its atoms. We
must presume therefore, that if the outward electrostatic field of the atom is modulated by
the electrons revolving around the nucleuses in such a way that whenever an atom shows
a positive charge outwards one direction - because the negative electrons just then do not
shield that direction -, at that time the positively charged nucleus of the other atom in that
direction is just shielded by its negatively charged electrons, thus it shows a negatively
electrostatic field, so the two atoms can pull each other.

Due to the fast movement of the electrons, the situation changes in every moment, the
static potentials may become reversed between the atoms, but there is a synchronization
inherent to the matter which ensures that even if the strength of the pulling force changes,
it never ceases. When there are several atoms near one another, their outward pulling
force adds up.

This wonderful synchrony of the atoms of the matter started in the moments after the Big
Bang and all atoms of the matter participated in this process, they may have even turned
into antimatter temporarily. Since this synchronization has not ceased ever since matter
spread, it may be presumed that the atoms of the matter can "see" or "sense" one another
even if they are several light years away from one another. In the case of one material
body, this can positively be established.

Summing up, bodies of matter issue electrostatic waves of changing strength and charge
everywhere and these meet the similar, reversely charged waves of other bodies of matter,
and that is how a high frequency pulling force, gravity is created.

This may be the reason that the equations describing gravitational force and electrostatic
force are identical in form (and, as we can see, in other ways as well):
FE - electrostatic force
Q1.Q2 - electrostatic charges
r - distance between the charges
K1 - constant

FG - gravity
m1 . m2 - masses
r - distance between the masses
K2 - which depends on the proportion of the mass of the positively and negatively
charged particles of the atom (proton-electron, antiproton-positron) and therefore the
modulating frequency of the electrostatic field. The frequency of the gravity is
presumably proportionate to the number of the electrons in the Universe.

I wish to mention again the well-known and proved physical fact that under great
pressure the gravitational force field increases - this may also be shown by a Mössbauer-
oscillator suitable for measuring even small gravitational changes. How can this
phenomenon be explained in the light of my theory?

Under great pressure, matter accumulates, thus the nucleuses get closer to one another,
therefore the interaction among the protons and the electrons of the neighboring atoms
described above may become stronger. However, as masses decrease, the radius of the
orbit of the electrons also decreases, which forces the electrons near the nucleus move
faster, since this revolving, vibrating movement prevents them from falling on the
protons in the nucleus due to the static pull. Since the speed and frequency of their
vibration increase, gravity also increases.

We have two more important questions to answer. One of the issues we have not dealt
with is: why does the strength of the gravitational force field increase if we increase the
mass of the body by adding kinetic energy; the other one is: how do gravitational and
antigravitational fields affect the speed of pass of time?

We can already see - at least on the basis of my theory - that it is not the presence of
matter or antimatter that is important, but their gravitational/antigravitational field.
Therefore, if we can create such fields artificially without needing large masses of matter
or antimatter, we can easily solve the problem of accelerating or slowing down time. We
can see, that based on the quasi antimatter theory of the author, we do not even need
antimatter for accelerating time, because we have an easy way to transform the atomic
structure of matter abundantly available to us.
Conclusion: In cosmic dimensions, gravity is presumably nothing else but high
frequency electrostatics of a global scale, the strength of which is proportionate to
the force field and the vibration frequency.


Here I wish to discuss the physical theory explaining the effect of gravity and antigravity
to the sped of pass of time. As we can see from the above, the speed of time also depends
on the modulating frequency of the static field modulated by high frequency and the
direction of the static field as well.

In the research of time, my theoretical discoveries may open new ways. We can see that
even at zero gravity/antigravity, that is, even when the high frequency modulated
electrostatic field ceases, time still passes. the reason for this may be that both fields - that
is, besides the gravitational field, the proportionately smaller antigravitational field - are
present within the atom, thus the atom can create time for itself even if there was no
outside gravity/antigravity in the space. Therefore, there is no time without matter, but
where there is matter/antimatter present, there is also time. The direction of the pass of
time does not change when the polarity of the field is changed. However, we must not
give up the hope that once we can travel back in time.

The fact that a muon, in spite of its short life span can reach the surface of the Earth can
be explained with Einstein's general theory of relativity: it goes through time dilation, or
length contraction. Another explanation is that the muon particle forms an elementary
particle-type atom with the molecules of the air, in other words, the muon borrows
electrons and thus creates a strong gravitation field for itself in which time slows down.
Negative muons borrow protons.

When adding kinetic energy, the mass of body and its gravitational force field increases,
because, besides the positive protons, there are also neutral neurons - which, however,
consist of protons, electrons and antineutrinos, which are present in the same number.
During acceleration, their mass also increases, therefore the mass proportion between the
electrons and the nucleus will shift towards the nucleus, thus the electrons are forced to
revolve faster in order to prevent their fall on the surface of the nucleus. As they revolve
faster, the electrostatic field is modulated to a higher frequency.

Even according to Einstein's general theory of relativity, the mass of a body moving at a
high speed will shrink, it will be "squeezed" and this also explains the increase of gravity
as we have discussed it earlier.

Time is presumably the vertical component of gravitational/ antigravitational vibration.

The speed of pass of time, gravity/antigravity is proportionate to the speed of movements
(vibration frequency and amplitude) of the positively charged particles of the
matter/antimatter atoms and reversely proportionate to the speed of the movement of the
negative particles and it might also be the magnetic effect of the particles.

Since the gravitational/antigravitational field of the matter and antimatter influences the
speed of time, we can presume that time cannot exist without matter and antimatter, but it
is the resultant originating from their vibrations at all points of space.

The philosophical lesson of this thesis: eternal life may only exist in the form of energy,
where time does not pass!

Time is presumably one of the physical features of matter, similar to gravity and

The positive electrostatic field of gravity takes its outward effect in the form of high
frequency "lightnings" and thus pulls the electron shell of other atoms and bodies of
matter and presumably it is all synchronized on a global scale.

Direct and indirect influence of gravity and antigravity

and their influence on time
The title might refer to widely known physical laws, however, we shall discuss new
discoveries. According to the theory of the author, gravity and antigravity directly have
only a pull / repulse effect and influences only the speed of pass of time and all other
effects attributed to them is only the result of the change in the speed of time.

According to the theory of the author described earlier - stating the relativity of the speed
of time and the physical laws -, when measuring any physical or other quantity depending
on time or determining such quantities on the basis of correspondence, the speed of pass
of time at the gravitational/antigravitational field of the origin of the quantity to be
measured or determined as well as the speed of pass of time at the
gravitational/antigravitational field of the place of the measuring device and the place of
reference must be taken into consideration.

Applied to light speed:

constans: constant
c1, c2 = the speed of light in the individual gravitational and antigravitational fields
the speed of the passing of time in the individual gravitational and antigravitational
vt1, vt2 =
co = gravity / antigravity of the speed of light in a field free of potentials
vto = gravity / antigravity of the speed of passing of time in a field free of potentials

Based on the above, in a field free from gravitational/ antigravitational potential vt0 = 1,
while in a gravitational/ antigravitational field, vt1 = vt2.

According to the author, analogically, the above law can also be applied to the energy,
matter and all their physical quantities an features depending on time floating between
gravitational/ antigravitational fields.

For example, physicists attribute the red-shift of the light coming from bodies of matter
with a strong gravitational field, the decrease of their frequency and the bend of light
towards these bodies to a direct effect of gravity.

The above theory seems indisputable truth even today, however, the author, based on the
latest results of astronomy, rebuts it with his new theory discussed above, which
originates from the theory describing the relativity of light speed and physical laws
conditionally on their speed of pass of time.

This earlier theory of the author was based on measurements which cannot be explained
with our present knowledge, such as the detection of sources exceeding light speed and
discovery of planets which are older than the Big Bang.

The cosmological law of gravity and antigravity

In the course of my theoretical research I came to a conclusion - and this is also

supported by the theories described above -, that it is not the gravity that directly effects
light speed (which is a cosmological constant) and frequency; gravity effects time, time
passes at a different speed and all physical effects with the exception of gravitational
attraction form its direct consequence, which had earlier been attributed to gravity.

According to my theory on gravity, gravity/antigravity can be increased not only by

increasing the mass of material or antimatter, but also by the change of the proportion of
the mass of the particles constituting the atom. Thus, for slowing down time, it is not
matter/antimatter that is essentially required, but gravitational/antigravitational field.

This theory will have a far-reaching effect. For example, at the explanation of the light
bend which can be measured in the neighborhood of large bodies on the bases on
Einstein's theory, but I shall discuss this issue in detail in the chapter dealing with the
problems of astronomy.

The author was led to this theory by the assumption concerning the absoluteness of light
speed, which will also serve as a basis for the explanation of the above theory.

Based on the theory of the author referred to earlier, the values of physical quantities
depending on time measured during "looking and measuring into" one given gravitational
field into another gravitational field of different strength will also depend on the speed of
pass of time at the places of reference and the location of the measurement.

Our instruments located on Earth will measure the speed and frequency of light waves
coming from the extremely strong gravitational field of an immense body of matter a
value lower than c and no light coming from black holes can be detected. There are
certain planets where we can measure a light speed higher than the actual light speed.

The above measurements cannot be explained with the help of our present, academic

Hypothetically, it is impossible to measure a value higher than light speed and so far, a
lower value has only been measured when light moved within matter.

Based on Einstein's theory, light speed also depends on U gravitational potential v= c (1 +


Thus, Einstein claims that light speed depends on the potential.

At the same time, Einstein also alleges that time speed also depends on the gravitational
force field (twin paradox).

Remaining at the examples set up by Einstein, from a spaceship approaching Earth at a

speed nearing infinity, events taking place on Earth would seem extremely fast. What
value would we get for the light speed of Earth if we measured it from a spaceship where
time passed for example one thousand times slower? The author believes that the value
would be one thousand times higher - still, on the basis of the theory referred to in the
beginning of this chapter and described in his earlier book, the measurements would
show c.

If, on the basis of Einstein's theory, light speed would decrease in an absolute way on a
spaceship with a nearly infinite mass, there the astronauts could even follow how light
emitted from a torch proceeds millimeter from millimeter - if they could see it, but they
could not, since the frequency of light would also decrease. The assumption on light
speed would prove to be false - but it is not false, since, according to Einstein, due to the
strong gravity, the speed of pass of time would also slow down in the spaceship;
naturally, only when we measure it from the Earth.
Thus, based on Einstein's above thesis, although strong gravity decreases light speed, the
speed of pass of time also decreases according to the relativistic connection:

where the square root member is a number lower than 1.

Light speed will only remain c if the two effects counterbalance each other on the
spaceship, and this is what in fact happens.

From Earth, however, light really would seem to progress at such a slow speed, but it
would only be the result of the speed of pass of time there, since this, according to
Einstein, slows down in a rapidly moving spaceship.

In summary, we can establish that it is not the effect of gravity on the physical quantity -
in our case, on speed - that is important, but its effect on time. Based on the above, we
may skim the question by saying that from a spaceship light speed is larger than c in a
weak gravitational field, that is, on Earth, while measuring it from the Earth, light speed
is lower than c on the spaceship (this is the mistake astronomers make when measuring
certain planets).

According to Einstein, however, at strong gravity, the speed of pass of time also slows
down, and if gravity itself decreased light speed, there would be a double effect.

It would be pitch-dark within the light beam in a gravitational field (of any strength)
when we progress together with it, so Einstein could not have seen the "frozen" light
beams, because they could not have reached his eyes.

It is not the difference in gravity that requires plenty of energy and matter in the
antigravitational "nursery" I described n my previous book, but the difference in the
speed of pass of time! Thus, the major factor in the case of the detected physical effects is
the speed of pass of time.

Time may also be described as a vertical electromagnetic component making horizontal,

high frequency gravitational waves transversal.

In plain English it means that a horizontal wave - time - "sits" on to the electrostatic
waves moving vertically.

Time may also be an attribute of gravity/antigravity, I presume, however, that it is

generated by the atoms, the atomic particles of matter and antimatter.
The mysteries of astronomy

The readers of astronomical magazines met several mysteries which seem to be

inexplicable as yet, even for research institutes and thousands of scientists equipped with
the most advanced astronomical devices and instruments - giant telescopes, satellites, etc.
In the following part, the author shall list these mysteries and try to answer them. Let us
set out for an expedition in the realm of the stars!

The problems for which astronomers today cannot find an answer are as follows:
 the dipolar character of background microwave radiation;
 the reason for the decrease of the intensity of the microwave background
radiation during the time lapsed since the Big Bang;
 what happened to the antimatter following the Big Bang;
 "swelling" making the formation of material universe possible, spontaneous
formation of quasi antimatter and antigravity and the possibilities of their artificial
 the contradiction between the Big Bang which happened 7-8 billion years ago
and the age of certain 15-35 billion year old planets;
 according to our measurements on Earth, the speed of light originating from
certain planets is faster than light speed;
 how can supernovas have such a high performance;
 gravitational red-shift;
 the effect of black holes on light.
The detailed discussion of the above listed astronomical problems would require more
space, therefore we only deal with them as much as they are connected with the original
topic of our book. Even so, the next chapter will probably be interesting for readers well-
informed about the issues of astrophysics.

Solving the mysteries of astronomy

Let us discoss the mysteries of astronomy one after the other and the mathematica L
logically deducted answers I gave to them:
1. I have already dealt with the dipolar character of the microwave background
radiation. I wish to add that this dipolar character was established by the
measurements performed by the satellite COBE and it upset the earlier hypotheses
of astronomers. Before the tests it had been presumed that the 2.73 Kelvin
microwave background radiation is the electromagnetic noise formed at the Big
Bang that can still be detected. Several Nobel-prizes were awarded for the
discovery of the phenomenon and until the test of the satellite, everybody thought
that this issue had been solved. However, no one could give a reason for the
dipolar character, though we can imagine how many embarrassed scientists have
tried it. My theory of antigravity gives an explanation and an accurate
mathematical description of it. In essence, my theory says that the antimatter
formed at the time of the Big Bang surrounds the material universe in the form of
a constantly expanding shell which radiates it material away. Since Earth is not
located in the middle, but closer to a certain point of this antimatter shell,
measurements taken from this direction will show a higher value, that is,
background radiation coming from that direction will be stronger, than from the
opposite direction.

Modern science - since it as not devoted enough time to either Hungarian

proverbs or the antimatter - , did not even suppose that an antimatter shell may
exist. On the other hand, it did suppose - absolutely incorrectly - that signals
moving away with light speed in all directions at the time of the Big Bang and
having left Earth a long, long time ago can be measured today. If a radio wave or
light could be measured after it had left and we could detect it with our
instruments, based on this principle we could listed to programs of the BBC
broadcast yesterday or 10 years ago and could watch the TV-films transmitted 30
years ago without having to put these on the air again. According to these
scientists, the only thing we would have to do is to "measure" these signals
already broadcast.

Noise originating from the location of the Big Bang had already passed the Earth
at light speed even before Earth came into existence. What sort of reflected
signals could be measured by the scientists? And what reflected this signal?
2. The reason for the decrease of the intensity of microwave background
radiation was established by measurements, as this had left traces behind in the
interplanetary fog. So far, astronomers have believed that the reason for this
decrease is that vibration is moving away and the amount of time lapsed.
According to my theory, it is the antimatter shell that is moving away. The
antimatter shell was moving away at the fastest speed in the moments following
the Big Bang, because this was the time when the mass of antimatter and thus its
the force of its antigravitational field and time accelerating effect was the biggest.
My theory suggests that due to the relative reduction of its mass, antimatter will
radiate away within a very short time, therefore its time accelerating effect also
decreases, just like the speed at which the antimatter shell moves away, but it is
still near light speed.
3. The Readers are already familiar with the fate of the antimatter following the
Big Bang. A part of it was transformed into energy in the moment it met matter
during the Big Bang, the rest is moving away in the form of a shell and - as two
different calculations described in my previous book show - is presently
approximately 8000 billion light years away. The simpler calculation method,
which can be applied by pupils of the elementary school with the new data is as

(taking into consideration the quadratic reduction)

In addition to the measurements having revealed the dipolar character, this theory
can be proved by new tests: the wave band of the microwave signal measured
anywhere from the maximum point and the direction of the movement of Earth
must shift towards the lower frequencies.

The so-called bursts may provide further proofs.

As background radiation may come at a frequency lower than microwave and as

the occurrences in the moments following the Big Bang would be difficult to take
into account, we can only establish an approximate value for the distance and
thickness of the antimatter shell. At the same time, there must be a zone where
both matter-bodies and antimatter bodies exist, its assumed distance is somewhere
between 8 2000 bn light years.
4. Even according to some astronomical theories, the reason for the "swelling"
making the formation of our material universe possible is that matter could
transform itself into antimatter (quasi antimatter) for a short time, and the
antigravitational effect gained this way ensured that it could spread fast and the
occurrence of the Big Bang itself. Let us see the whole process. The matter and
antimatter formed due to the immense stretching force of the Big Bang had a
tremendous starting speed. There is no problem with antimatter, since, as we
described above, it moves fast anyway. Let us remember the physical law
revealed by the author: in an antigravitational field, time passes faster. Thus,
based on the s = vt equation, antimatter moved far away. For matter, however, this
great starting speed created problems, as, in accordance with Einstein's general
theory on relativity, due to the high speed it overwent an immense relative
increase of mass, which multiplied its gravitational effect, therefore the particles
"longed" to return to the starting point. It might have happened that the Big Bang,
following an initial trial, would have ended with a huge plunge back and now
there would be no one to examine this phenomenon and this book would have no
readers built up from atoms of matter. But, as we can see, this is not what
happened and brave astronomers and the author sees the reason in what we
described above, that is, that matter was able to transform into quasi antimatter for
a while. And whatever comes into existence spontaneously in nature, mostly can
be produced artificially, too - a the Readers already know, by means of increasing
the mass of the electron circulated in a superconductor.
5. A few years ago, the startling discovery of the Hubble-telescope revealed that
the Big Bang is 7-8 billion years old, also shocked the astronomers. They had
probably been devoting most of their time to establish the age of the Universe,
since this could lead to several other discoveries in astronomy. It gives them
plenty of headaches to explain that if the Universe is so young, how can it have
stars of 15-35 billion years of age? Some even consider that these are inherited
from another Big Bang, but this explanation is not satisfactory enough. According
to my theory, there may be stars of even 8.000 billion years of age which still
came into existence at the time of the very same Big Bang and it may be
presumed that there are not two starts in the Universe having the same age. How
can that happen? Although all material and antimatter was created by the Big
Bang at the same time, the gravitational and antigravitational force of the stars
and planets formed vary, so their age, according to Einstein's general relativity
theory and the author's theory on antigravity, cannot be the same. Only stars and
planets of identical mass and fate could be of the same age (the latter means the
time when they transformed back from antimatter into matter following the Big
Bang). The explanation for getting another value for the age of the Big Bang than
the usually measured 12-20 billion years may be that the scientists may earlier
have ignored the fact that this quantity of matter moves at a sped of approximately
250 thousand km/sec., therefore time passes at half speed in its vicinity.
6. When measuring the speed of light coming from certain remote planets, the
value may exceed that of light speed - how can that happen? These astronomical
measurements caused an even bigger chaos among the pretty puzzle of physical
laws and measurements and in the head of astronomers really fond of their
profession. Is light speed not a cosmological constant? Will all the old axioms and
physical law collapse? Calm down, gentlemen! The panic among the astronomers
will probably cease when they read the previous book of the author, which is
summarized below. According to my theory, light speed is a cosmological
constant indeed and it will remain so. The c value cannot be exceeded! Such
measurements could only be taken by those unfamiliar with the new physical law
of relativity discovered by the author, which states that time-related physical
quantities depend on the speed of pass of time! In short, the measured physical
quantities depend on the speed of time at the point of the formation of the
measured physical quantity (gravity/antigravity of the reference point) and also on
the speed of time at the point of measurement. The equation for light speed is as

7. How can supernovas produce big quantities of light? The above equation
gives an explanation to this question as well, but now c (light speed) will be
substituted by E (energy). The matter of supernovas probably transformed into
quasi antimatter, and the processes take place in an antigravitational field
accelerating time. Thus light performance falling to a certain amount of time seem
to be much more intensive from the Earth, which has a field with a slower speed
of time. This is also the reason for measuring strong X-ray radiation: we measure
the frequency higher to the same extent as faster the speed of time is on the
8. According to my theory, the explanation of the gravitational red-shift is also
due to the varying speed of pass of time, since - due to the slow time speed there -
the detected frequency of light coming from planets and stars of huge mass will
be lower, causing a red-shift due to the weaker gravitational field of Earth.
9. The effect of black holes on the light is not what S. Hawking and current
astronomy claims. According to them, light beams coming from planets with a
strong gravitational field "get tired" and the immense gravitational force of the
black hole absorb or bend them back. On the other hand, my theory says that
these light beams leave according to physical laws, but due to the very slow speed
of time in the field with big gravitational force, it takes them very long time to get
anywhere and then they can only detected - if at all - as very low frequency radio
waves. Since the dispersal of such radio waves is rather high, the source cannot be
established accurately.
10. There is one more question left: what causes the bend of light? According to
Einstein and the modern physical theories, light beams are bent towards bodies of
matters of large mass by their gravity. According to my theory, the mass of the
body is not as important as the speed of pass of time, which is slower on that side
of the light beams consisting of photons which is nearer to the body and that is
reason why light bends towards the planet. (Let us just think of a caterpillar-type
tank with two steering columns.) As I have established in the course of my
observations in nature, in the case of antigravitational field light bends away from
the body with the antigravitational field, so it behaves the opposite way as it
would in the presence of a gravitational field. This phenomenon can satisfactorily
be explained with the various speed of time on the two sides of the light beam, but
it cannot be explained with the "repulsive" effect of antigravity, since the photon
is the only neutral particle which behaves the same way in the presence of matter
and antimatter.


1. The Laws of Antigravitational Fields
In an antigravitational field, the equations of Einstein's general relativity
theory should be applied by using the reciprocal value of the relativistic (square
root) member.
Thus, under antigravity, passing time speed grows proportionately to field
intensity, while mass decreases and the body size increases:

1. Logically: on the basis of the continuity of equations describing time
speed and mass changes.
2. Theoretically: matter and antimatter are always formed in equal
quantities, just like at the time of the Big Bang and antimatter has an
antigravitational field.
3. Empirically: during the tests on particle acceleration, antimatter
disappears fast.
4. As an indirect proof, the dipolar character of background radiation can
be mentioned, since it is caused by antimatter formed at the time of the
Big Bang and carried far away due to the fast speed of time.
5. Although the Big Bang occurred 8 billion years ago, certain planets are
35 billion years old.
6. My theory can be proved with a test using quasi-antimatter made with
the help of a superconductor coil.
7. "Swelling", that is, antigravitational effects making the formation of
material universe possible.
2. Establishing an Antigravitational Field
Quasi-antimatter, that is an "antimatter" made of real material, but having an
antigravitational field can be established by increasing the mass of the electrons of
the material - for example through circulating them fast in a superconductor -
more than the mass of proton.
Can be proved with a test using quasi-antimatter made with the help of a
superconductor coil.
3. The New Universe Concept
Material universe is surrounded by an antimatter spherical shell located about
8000 billion light years away. This is the source of the approximately 2.73 Kelvin
microwave background radiation.
Methods for the calculation of the distance of the spherical shell:
a/ With an equation:

b/ With the Doppler-principle The quotient of the frequency of the measured

microwave background radiation and the frequency of light is 5 . 10 -4

8. The dipolar character of background radiation (it has a maximum and
minimum direction) proves that the source of the radiation is a shell
surrounding our material universe, since Earth is not located in the centre
of the antimatter shell (the point of Big Bang), but about 8 billion light
years away from it, at a certain point of this shell.
9. The noise of the Big Bang cannot account for the microwave
background radiation, since it had already passed by. No electromagnetic
signals can be measured after they had passed, only when something
reflects them, that is, they advance towards us.
10. Microwave background radiation, as well as cosmic radiation, comes
to earth from all directions.
11. The theory on antimatter-shell explains what happened to the
antimatter formed at the time of the Big Bang.
12. Two, theoretically completely different ways of calculation for the
distance of antimatter spherical shell give very near results.
13. Proof through measurements:
a. If Earth was located in the centre of the antimatter shell, the band
width of the microwave signal would be the smallest. Since, however, the
Earth is not in the centre, the band width of the microwave signal received
from the direction of the maximum point and the direction of Earth's
movement shifts towards higher frequencies. The explanation is that in
these directions the decreased Doppel-effect causes an increase in the
frequency of antimatter radiation. Progressing to the opposite direction,
the band width, together with the amplitude of the higher frequency
components will decrease.

b. The Doppler-effect diminishes towards the orbit of Earth, therefore

we can measure a higher frequency level than in other directions.

c. A narrower band width will be measured with a microwave antenna

that is highly calibrated than with a less precialesy calibrated antenna. The
reason for this is that in the second case, due to the decreased Doppel-
effect, we are also able to measure the higher frequency components of the
antimatter radiation coming from several directions.

4. The Theory of Relativity of the Speed of Light Physical Quantities and

Physical Laws
The value of a measured physical quantity conditional on a time factor depends
on the ratio of the speed of time at the formation of the given physical quantity.
Applied to light speed:

 c1, c2 - the speed of light in the individual gravitational and
antigravitational fields
 vt1, vt2 - the speed of the passing of time in the individual
gravitational and antigravitational fields
 c0 - gravity/antigravity of the speed of light in a field free of potentials
 vt0 - gravity/antigravity of the speed of passing of time in a field free
of potentials
14. Astronomical measurements
a. The speed of light coming from certain planets exceeds light speed
several times, which, based on the known theories would be impossible. It
could, however be explained with a higher speed of time in the
antigravitational field of the planet, which results in a relatively higher
speed of light if measured from the gravitational field of Earth.

b. The phenomenon of gravitational red-shift, which is due to the slower

speed of passing of passing of time on a body having strong gravity field,
and therefore, from the weaker gravity field of Earth, measurements show
a relatively smaller frequency of light.

c. The high light emission of the supernovas, which is caused by the

discrepancy in the speed of passing of time. The measurements will show
a value of the light emitted within a certain time period that will be as
much higher as the value of passing of time on earth is lower.

d. The strong X radiation of certain stars, caused by the fact that

measurements made on Earth will show a higher frequency of light
originating from a body with an antigravitational field, owing to the
differences in the speed of passing of time.

15. The effect of black holes on light. Although light escapes from
them, it moves very slowly and on a frequency so low that we cannot
register it.

5. The Effect of Gravity and Antigravity from the Aspect of Changes in the
Speed of Time
Gravity and antigravity cause changes in the gravitational pull and repulsion and
the speed of time. All other physical effects having been attributed to gravity and
antigravity are the result of changes in the speed of passing of time.

16. An indirect proof is the dipolar character of background radiation,
since it is caused by antimatter formed at the time of the Big Bang and
carried far away due to the fast speed of time.
17. Light diffraction is caused by the difference in the speed of passing of
time on the two sides of the light beam, thus the distance to be covered
will vary and the photon is diverted.
6. The Theory of the Formation of Gravitational and Antigravitational Fields

Gravity and antigravity is basically an electrostatic field modulated in high

frequency, the direction of which is reversed in the case of antigravity.
In the case of matter, this field is produced in such a way that the outward positive
field of positively charged protons in the atomic nucleus is modulated by the
movement of the negatively charged electrons surrounding the atomic nucleus.
Towards the direction of the location of an electron, the force field of the proton
decreases and it cannot get out of the nucleus. The larger the difference of the
mass of the protons and electrons is, the higher the modulating frequency and
gravitation will be. High frequency electrostatic vibration spreads quickly and in
the case of materials, can be considered as a series of positive impulses. Due to
the large electron shells, when observed from the outside, the atoms seem to have
a negative charge. Time after time, "windows" open up on these shells, giving
way to the positive impulses of the proton which have a pulling effect on the
negative surfaces of farther atoms.
In the case of antimatter, the signs are not the same.
Materials can only reach the state of cohesion and form a structure if the vibration
of the particles of its atoms is synchronised. The electron orbits of neighbouring
atoms overlap, and part of them are used by the electrons jointly, therefore they
must have a high level of synchrony of several "participants".
It may be presumed that all atoms of all materials in the Universe are
synchronised, this synchronization among the atoms of the matter was established
in the moments following the Big Bang and did not cease even when the atoms
receded, thus all materials on Earth "sense" one another.

18. The deduction describing gravity fields is in form the same as the
formula of electrostatics.
19. Only high-frequency vibrations can spread far.
20. Materials with the same average charge should repulse each other,
however, taking long time intervals, their charge is neutral. Neutral
charged particles cannot pull one another, only those adversely charged
within certain time intervals.
21. According to experiments, when introduced into a material, both
positive and negative electrostatic fields decrease the gravity force of the
materials, since they cause a shift of the zero line of the electrostatic
waves of the matter.
22. Further research is necessary!
7. What is time?
The speed of passing of time is influenced by gravity and antigravity, therefore,
time must be a physical phenomenon similar to them. In a strong gravitational
field, where time passes by more slowly, the negative particles (electrons) of the
atoms of the material creating gravity vibrate faster, while the frequency and
amplitude of the vibration of large masses of positive particles (nucleus) decrease.
At the same time, in a strong antigravitational field, where time passes by faster,
the positive particles (positron, quasi-positron) of the antimatter or quasi-
antimatter creating antigravity vibrate faster, while the frequency and amplitude
of the vibration of large masses of negative particles (nucleus, quasi-nucleaus)
Therefore, it can be established that the speed of the passing of time slows down
if the frequency of vibration of the negative particles in the atom is high and the
frequency and amplitude of the vibration frequency of the positive particle is low.
Under reversed conditions, the speed of the passing of time will accelerate.
It may be presumed that time is the magnetic effect of these vibrations, a vertical
component of gravity/antigravity, therefore whenever there is matter, there is also
time - and no time exists without matter. Time is also present within the atoms.
23. The effect of gravity/antigravity on the speed of time has partially been
24. Observations of paraphysical phenomenon, precognition, dejavu,
clairvoyance, which may be explained with the interferences of time.
25. Proof by test: through the production of quasi-antimatter.
26. Further research is necessary!
8. Solutions for the Recent Problems of Astrophysics
8.1. The dipolar character of background radiation is caused by the antimatter
spherical shell surrounding the material universe about 8000 billion light years
away. Microwave background radiation is emitted from or reflected by this shell.
The explanation for its dipolar character is that it is not the Earth, but the Big
Bang point that is located in the centre of the antimatter shell.
8.2. The reason for the decrease of the microwave background radiation is that the
antimatter shell is expanding and its material is diminishing.
8.3. Following the Big Bang, antimatter got farther - today it is approximately
8000 billion light years away -, since the speed of the passing of time is faster in
its vicinity.
8.4. Formation of matter was made possible by its "swelling", that is, part of the
matter was transformed into a quasi-antimatter having antigravitational field and
in spite of the relatively fast increase in its mass resulting from the large starting
speed due to the Big Bang, it did not "shrink back", but was able to spread. The
proportion of masses must be reversed within the atom of the matter, that is, the
mass of particles with negative charge should be bigger. One of the ways to
achieve this is through the fast circulation of the electrons in a superconductor. If
the relative mass of the electrons equal that of the protons, gravity will decrease to
zero; and by increasing the mass of electrons, an antigravitational field can be
8.5. Following the Big Bang, each mass of matter might have undergone different
changes depending on the gravity and/or antigravity it had been exposed to,
therefore the age of materials vary accordingly. The discrepancies in the age of
materials are caused by the effect on acceleration or slowing down the speed of
8.6. Any sign created during the Big Bang may only be measured today if it is
reflected by something. In all other cases, the origin of the sign could not be the
noise of the Big Bang. The electromagnetic sign formed in the Big Bang point had
already passed us with light speed when the Earth did not even exist and a sign
that has faded away is impossible to measure now.
Therefore the microwave background radiation we can register may originate
from the antimatter shell either in such a way that the shell reflects the noise of
the Big Bang or it radiates these signs towards us itself.
8.7. When measuring the speed of light coming from certain remote planets, the
value may exceed that of light speed, since such physical values depend on the
speed of the passing of time at the point of measurement and also the speed of the
passing of time at the formation of the measured physical quantity.

 vt1 - the speed of the passing of time at the place of measurement
 vt2 - the speed of the passing of time at the place of origin of the light
8.8. The reason why supernovas produce big quantities of light may be that their
matter probably transformed into quasi-antimatter. Based on the theory described
in item 8.7, the speed of the passing of time must be fast at the place of origin of
the light, which we measure from the Earth where the speed of the passing of time
is slower.
8.9. Certain starts radiate X-ray signals, because they consist of antimatter or
quasi-antimatter, are surrounded by strong antigravitational field and, thus, our
measurements register a higher frequency for the light coming from there:
8.10. Based on the theory described in item 8.9, the physical explanation of the
gravitational red-shift is that if a physical quantity is formed on a planet with a
strong gravity, the measured frequency of light emitted will be lower due to the
weaker gravitational field of Earth.
8.11. The effect of black holes on the light is not that they absorb or bend light
back; they simply slow down the speed of the passing of time to such an extent
that the speed of light relatively decreases in their vicinity. Thus the light travels
slowly and its frequency changes into a low frequency radio wave which is
difficult to register.
8.12. Another explanation for light diffraction may be the difference in the speed
of the passing of time on the two sides of the light beam consisting of photons.
The results of scientific research which cannot be explained in any other ways
that the theories of the author.

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