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Tình huống đặt phòng qua điện thoại:

Receptionist: Good morning. Welcome to Alagon Hotel. May I help you?
Peter: Hello, good morning. I’d like to make a reservation for the first week in September. Do you have any
R: Yes sir, we have several rooms available for that particular week. And what is the exact date of your arrival?
P: The 6th.
R: How long will you be staying?
P: I’ll be staying for two nights.
R: How many people is the reservation for?
P: There will be two adults and one child of us.
R: And would you like a room with twin beds or a double bed?
P: A double bed, please.
R: Great. And would you prefer to have a room with a view of the ocean?
P: If that type of room is available, I would love to have an ocean view. What’s the rate for the room?
R: Your room is 60 dollars per night. Now what name will the reservation be listed under?
D: My name is David Stowe.
R: Is there a phone number where you can be contacted?
D: Yes, my cell phone number is 0904902422.
R: Great. Now, do you will deposit 1 night for my hotel?
D: Yes, alright.
R: And I’ll send for you Bank Account No of my hotel and you can transfer money for us.
D: Ok, thank you!
R: Alright, Mr. Stowe, your reservation has been made for the seven of September for a room with a double
bed and view of the ocean. Check-in is at 2pm. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us.
D: Great, thank you so much.
R: My pleasure. We’ll see you in August, Mr. Stowe. Have a nice day!
P: Thank you.

2. Tình huống gọi dịch vụ phòng

A: Room service. May I help you?
B: Hello. I would like to call a laundry service at the hotel. I have some clothes that I need tomorrow. Can you
help me, please?
A : Yes. Of course, madam. Now, I will send the laundry staff go to your room.
B: Thank you. And now, I want to a milk coffee (a little milk) and a plate of salad (beef and a lot of
vegetables). I am feel hungry because I had just finished exercising. Can you help me bring that food to the
room 203, please?
A: Your order include: a milk coffee (a little milk) and a plate of salad ( beef and a lot of vegetables), that
right? The restaurant staff will bring for me in the room 203. Have you the different request?
B: Temporarily, I haven’t other requirements. If I have any change, I will call you. Thank you so much.
A: Thank for using room service, have a nice trip! Good bye!
B: Good bye!

3. Tình huống thay đổi lịch hoặc hủy đặt phòng khách sạn qua điện thoại
R: Hello, thank you for calling the Alagon Hotel. My name is Trang. May I help you?
P: Hello. I made a reservation at your hotel last week and I want to change it to a different date. How do
I change it?
R: Certainly. I will check on the system now. Do you have a reservation number?
P: I am sorry. I think I did forget.
R: Oh, no problem. I can look you up on the system. What is last name on the reservation?
P: The last name is Stowe.
R: And What is your arrival date?
P: July 20th.
R: Ok, let me check here. Here you are. And would you like to cancel this reservation? (
P: Oh, no. I just need to change the date. (
R: Yes, we can do that. How do you want to change it?
P: Do you have anything for July 28th?
R: July 28th? Ok, let me check here. Oh, I am sorry, it seems that all of our rooms are booked for that times.
P: You don’t have anything available at all? (
R: Yes, sir. That is a very busy time for us because we have organized many promotional activities.
P: If I can’t get a room at that time then I will have to cancel after all?
R: No problem, sir. I just need the credit card number that you used to make the reservation.
P: It’s 1234 5678 9012
R: Ok, I have cancelled your reservation now. We are sorry because we couldn’t accommodate the change for
you this time.
P: No, that’s ok. Thank you.
R: Thank you for choosing our hotel. Please call again the next time you visit. Have a nice day and Good bye!
P: Yes, I will. Bye.

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