EDSC 304 Choice Game

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Find 2 articles relating to

the social constructions:

one support and one Create a poem or songs
against the social reflecting your Make a crosswords game
construction and write a ideas/though (could be that content at least 20
discussion post that state positive or negative) words relating to the
which article you agree about today P.O.P Social Culture Media
with and explain your Culture Studies
(See instruction below)

Find 5 friends/classmates
that can name at least 2 Make a short interview Conduct an analysis
Asian/Pacific Islander video or survey video. paper on the gender
Americans actresses in (See instruction below) constructions on any of
the Hollywood (must be your favorite movie
from the current period or (See additional
no older than 2010) and requirement below)
ask them to sign their
name on the back of your *Extra credit task (worth *Extra credit opportunity
paper. 5 points extra) (worth 4 points extra)

Create a Pictionary using

Create a blog with your topics or vocabulary Draw an art piece (must
chosen topic relate to our relating to our lessons. be at least A4 paper size)
class (See instruction (See additional or create a comic strip
below) requirements below) (minimum 5 strips) that
reflecting your ideas on
Asian Americans Myths
*Extra credit opportunity
(worth 3 points extra)

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