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Depot Repair – Test Scripts

Author : Vijay Kumar K K

Creation Date : 05-Aug-2008
Last Updated : 05-Aug-2008
Version : 1.0
Document Control
Change Record

Date Author Versi Change Reference


5-Aug-2008 Vijay Kumar K K 1.0 No previous document


Name Position

Mansoor Sayed Workshop Manager

Umar malik


Name Position

Feroz Ahmad Khan Budget IT Manager

Kiran Gholap Satyam Project Manager


Copy Name Location


1 Satyam Project Repository Hyderabad, India

2 Budget Rent a Car Jeddah , Saudi Arabia

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 2

Document Control..............................................................................................2


Depot Repair Test Sequences...........................................................................5

10 Test Specification – Service Request..........................................................7

20 Test Specification – Repair Orders...........................................................14

30 Test Specification – Repair Tasks.............................................................15

40 Test Specification – Repair Estimates.......................................................16

50 Test Specification – Repair Actuals..........................................................18

60 Test Specification – Charges Submission.................................................19

70 Test Specification – Search Forms............................................................20

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 3
80 Test Specification – Notifications.............................................................21

90 Test Specification – Import Employees...................................................22

100 Test Specification – Define Calendar....................................................23

110 Test Specification – Reports..................................................................24

120 Test Specification – Knowledge Management......................................25

130 Test Specification – DBI Customer Support.........................................26

140 Test Specification – DBI Depot Repair.................................................27

150 Test Specification – Custom Forms.......................................................28

Open and Closed Issues for This Deliverable..................................................31

Open Issues................................................................................................31

Closed Issues..............................................................................................31

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 4
Depot Repair Test Sequences
Sequence # Date Depot Repair Test Name Description Tester

10 Service Request Create new Service Request Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

20 Repair Orders Create a new Depot Repair Orders for a particular Service Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

30 Repair Tasks Create new Tasks for Depot Repair Orders Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

40 Repair Estimates Prepare Estimates for a Jobcard Sayed Mansoor

50 Repair Actuals Prepare Repair actuals for Jobcard Sayed Mansoor

60 Charges Submission Submission of eligible charges Sayed Mansoor

70 Search Forms Metadata Search Forms Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

80 Notifications Notifications Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

90 Importing Employees Importing Employees in to CRM Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

100 Define Calender Define Calender and Shifts Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 5
Sequence # Date Depot Repair Test Name Description Tester

110 Reports Run Estimate report (For Customer) Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik
Run Estimate report (For Insurence)
Run Jobcard Report
Parts Issued Against Vehicle

120 Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Functionality Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

130 Daily Business intelligence Service Request Business Intellegence Reports Sayed Mansoor
(Customer Support)

140 Daily Business intelligence (Dpeot Repair) Depot Repair Business Intellegence Reports Sayed Mansoor

150 Custom Forms Sayed Mansoor , Umar Malik

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 6
10 Test Specification – Service Request
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

10.1 Service Request Information Front Desk Reception > Create Create Service Request screen will
Service Request open

1. Alert to enter Service Request Type Pop Up Message – To enter Service

2 Request Type

NOTE Most of the fields while creating the SR will be defaulted – the user may change the defaulted values if necessary

2. Select TYPE an LOV and choose TYPE of service Ttpe Field Type TYPE displays different TYPE of
3 request to open Service Requests

3. Click on OK button Click OK Desired SR TYPE will appear in the

4 TYPE field

4. Select STATUS an LOV and choose STATUS of Status Field STATUS LOV displays different
5 service request to open STATUS of Service Requests

5. Click on OK button Click OK Desired STATUS will appear in the

6 STATUS field

6. Select SEVERITY an LOV and choose SEVERITY of Severity Field SEVERITY LOV displays different
7 service request to open SEVERITY of Service Requests

7. Click on OK button Click OK Desired SR SEVERITY will appear in

8 the SEVERITY field

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 7
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results
8. Select GROUP an LOV and choose GROUP of service Group Field GROUP LOV displays different types
9 request to open of Service Request GROUPS

9. Click on OK button Click OK Desired SR GROUP will appear in the

1 GROUP field

10. Select OWNER an LOV and choose OWNER of Owner Field Type LOV displays Employee
1 Service Request Resourecs

11. Click OK Click OK Desired Resource will appear in the


10.2 Vehicle Information


1 different Plate numbers of Service
Request GROUPS

2. Click on OK button Click OK Desired PLATE NO will appear in the


NOTE : The Vehicle Information will be defaulted

3. Customer Type Field Defaulted automatically when

5 Registration Number is selected

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 8
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results
4. Name Field Defaulted automatically when
6 Registration Number is selected

5. Account Field Defaulted automatically when

7 Registration Number is selected

6. Email Field Defaulted automatically when

8 Registration Number is selected

7. Phone field Defaulted automatically when

9 Registration Number is selected

8. Vehicle Field Click On Vehicle Field Defaulted automatically when

1 Registration Number is selected

9. Make Field Defaulted automatically when

1 Registration Number is selected

10. Instance Field Defaulted automatically when

1 Registration Number is selected

11. Serial Field Defaulted automatically when

1 Registration Number is selected

10.3 Contact Information

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 9
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results
1. Select SEVERITY an LOV and choose SEVERITY of SEVERITY LOV displays different
2 service request to open Service Requests Sevearities

2. Select Name Service Request Header > Name ield

3. Last Name Last Name Field Defaulted automatically when Name is

4 selected

4. Email Email Field Defaulted automatically when Name is

5 selected

5. Relationship Relationship Field Defaulted automatically when Name is

5 selected

6. Phone Phone Field Defaulted automatically when Name is

6 selected

7. Address Address Defaulted automatically when Name is

7 selected

10.4 C reate a NEW Contact Information

1. Create a new contact Service Request Header > Create Click Create Contact Icon
2 Contact Icon

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 10
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results
2. Create Contact Window Opens Create Contact Window Create Contact Window Opens

3. Fill the necessary contact details Fill the necessary contact details

4. Save the record Control+S to save A contact number will be generated


5. Click Ok Ok Button The newely created contact will be

9 displayed in the service request form

6. Availability of Contacts The Newely Created will be available

for the next time as a relationship to the
customer selected in the service request

10.5 Additional Information Service Request > Workbench Tab >

Additional Information DFF

1. Age (Months) Defaulted automatically


2. Vehicle Mileage Defaulted automatically


3. Workshop Location Defaulted automatically


Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 11
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results
4. Owner Defaulted automatically

5. Prepare For Defaulted automatically


6. Received From Defaulted automatically


7. Rental Agreement Defaulted automatically


8. NRC ID Defaulted automatically


9. Insurence Defaulted automatically


10. CDW Defaulted automatically

Note : The Values will be defaulted only if the datails exists in the master records of the vehicle , else the fields will be blank

10.6 Generate Service Request Number

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 12
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results
1. Save the new record value CTRL +S The record will be saved with the
9 following message – “Transactions
completed :1 Record applied and

A Service Request Number is


2. To enter a new record Click on the Value field and New Record will open To enter a new
selecting the “New” button from tool bar. record Click on the
Value field and
selecting the “New”
button from tool bar.

10.7 Notes

1. Creation of Notes – In SR form New Button A new Notes will be created


2. Able to enter Details Note Details Button Extra Details can be captured

3. Creation of Notes in -- LOG And NOTES Log and Notes Button Creation of Front Desk Notes

4. View By Service Request Number “View By” List of Values View Notes of a particular service

5. Print Friendly Print Friendly Button Printing Of Notes

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 13
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results
6. Viwe the Audit Report View LOG View LOG for
 Notes
 Knowledge
 Activity
 Task

10.8 Check In – Check Out Form Tools > Gate Pass In form Filling the Check In - Check Out form

1. Default Values Defaults the

 Customer Details
 Vehicle Details
 Service Request Details

2. Capturing Information Capturing Information in Vehicle

Check In form

3. Save the Check In Form Save the changes

4. Query Check In Form Able to query the Check In Form for a

particular Service Request

10.9 Qality Inspection Sheet Tools > Quality Inspection Sheet Filling Of Quality Inspection Sheet

1. Default Values Defaults the

 Vehicle Details
 Service Request Details

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 14
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results
2. Capturing Information Capturing Information in Quality
Inspection Sheet

3. Save the Check In Form Save the changes

4. Query Check In Form Able to query the Check In Form for a

particular Service Request

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 15
20 Test Specification – Repair Orders
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

20.1 Create a Repair Order Workshop Front Desk > Find Service Depot Repair workbench will be
Request opened
Go to TOOLS menu > Quick Menu
And select “ Depot Repair” --
Details Tab

1. Select Repair Type Available Values – Pop Up of required values

1. Repair and Return Tasks
2. Friendly Workshop
3. Warranty

2. Select The Repair Nature Pop Up of required values

3. Select the Primary Section Primary Section Descreptive Flex Pop Up of required values

4. Save the changes Ctrl + S The record will be saved with the
following message – “Transactions
completed: 1 Record applied and
A Repair Order number will be

5. Update RO status Click – “ Update RO status “ Button Allows you to update repair order

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 16
30 Test Specification – Repair Tasks
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

30.1 Create Repair Tasks “ Depot Repair” Workbench >>

Repair Tasks

1. Type Type Field Defaulted automatically

2. Name Name Field Enter The Name Of the Task

3. Status Status Field Defaulted automatically

4. Priority Priority Field Defaulted automatically

5. Owner Type Owner Type Field Defaulted automatically

6. Owner Owner Field Defaulted automatically

7. Assignee Type Assignee Type Field Defaulted automatically

8. Asignee Assignee Field To be selected and assigned to the task

9. Save Control+S Up on saving a unique Task Number is


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40 Test Specification – Repair Estimates
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

40.1 Create Repair Estimates “ Depot Repair” Workbench >

Repair Estimates

1. Creation Of Estimate Lines (Material) Save Estimates to generate Estimates


2. Creation Of Estimate Lines (Expenses) Save Estimates to generate Estimates


3. Creation Of Estimate Lines (Labor) Save Estimates to generate Estimates


4. Automatic Prices calculation Prices Defaulting from Price List

5. Charges Overriding Over Ride – Check Box Able to Change Charges

6. Making No Charges No Charges – Check Box Selecting No Charges option makes the
price to zero

7. Estimates Notes Notes Button Capture Estimate Notes

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 18
Scenario Test Action Path
Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

8. Change Estimate Status Status Field Change Status of estimates

9. Approve Estimates Approve Estimates for a particular

Repair Order

10. Print Estimates (Customer) Estimates print for Customer

11. Print Estimates (Insurence) Estimates print for Insurance

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 19
50 Test Specification – Repair Actuals
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Actual Results
Step Step Expected Results

50.1 Repair Actuals “ Depot Repair” Workbench >

Repair Actuals

1. Import of Charge Lines from Estimates Source Field Successful import of charge lines from

2. Import of Charge Lines from Tasks Source field Successful import of charge lines from

3. Manual Creation of Charge Lines Manual Creation of charge lines

4. Verification of Charge Details Line Details Button Verification of Charge Line Details

5. Charges Overriding Over Ride – Check Box Able to Change Charges

6. Making No Charges No Charges – Check Box Selecting No Charges option makes the
price to zero

7. Selection of Desired Charge Lines Select – check Box Selection of charge lines for Invoicing

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 20
60 Test Specification – Charges Submission
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

60.1 Charges Submission “ Depot Repair” Workbench >

Repair Actuals

1. Selection Of Charge Lines Select – check Box Selection of desired charge lines

2. Submission Of Charge Lines Submission Of Charges

3. Booking of Charge Lines Book Selected Button Generation Of Order Number

4. Checking Line Details Line Details Button Line Details Button

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 21
70 Test Specification – Search Forms
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

70.1 Search forms Workshop Manager Responsibility >


1. Service Request search Searching for Service Request with

2 Different Search Parameters

2. Repair Order Search Searching for Repair Orders with

3 Different Search Parameters

3. Job Card Search Searching for Job Cards with Different

4 Search Parameters

4. Repair Task search Searching for Repair Tasks with

5 Different Search Parameters

5. Pending Repairs Searching for Pending Repairs with

6 Different Search Parameters

6. Repair Actual Costs Summary Searching for Actual Charges with

1 Different Search Parameters

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 22
80 Test Specification – Notifications
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

80.1 Notification Navigate to a particular Service

Request > Tools > Send Message

1. Send Notification Send Notification to respective


2. View Notifications Home Page > Work List View Notifications

3. Select source Object Navigate to that particular record by

clicking the source object

4. Custom Notification Workshop Manager > Send Message Send Custome Notifications

5. View Custom Notification Home Page > Work List View all custom Notifications

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 23
90 Test Specification – Import Employees
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

Prerequisite – Creation Of Employees in HRMS (Human Resource Management System)

90.1 Import Employees CRM Administrator > Resource

Manager > Import Resources

1. Selection Of Employee Appropriate Search Parameters > Desired Employee record will be
Click Find displayed

2. Assigning Roles Assign Roles and Import

3. Assigning Workshop Details Additional Information DFF Assign Workshop details to which the
employee belongs

4. Assigning User Name User Name Field Successful Assignment Of USER name
if applicable

5. Assigning Groups and Teams Assignement of Groups and Teams

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 24
100 Test Specification – Define Calendar
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

100.1 Defining Calendar for Employees

1. Define Calender CRM Administrator > Calendar > A new Calendar is successfully defined
Define Calendar

2. Define Shifts  Define Shifts Shifts are defined

3. Define Exceptions  Define Exceptions Exceptions are defined

4. Assign Shifts to Calendar  Assign Shifts Assign Shifts and Exceptions to


5. Assign Exceptions  Assign Exceptions Assign Exceptions to Resourecs

6. Assign Resources  Assign Resources to Assign Resources to calendar


Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 25
110 Test Specification – Reports
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

110.1 Reports Workshop Manager >

View > Run Requests

1. Service Request Report Navigate to Service Request and Service Request Report will be
Charges Tab and click – Charges generated

2. Notes Navigate to Service Request and Notes of that particular Service Request
Workbench Tab and click – Print are printed

3. Job Card Report Workshop Manager > Job Crad Report will be generated
View > Run Requests

4. Repair Estimates (Customer) Workshop Manager > Estimates (Customer) Report will be
View > Run Requests generated

5. Repair Estimates (Insurance) Workshop Manager > Estimates (Insurence) Report will be
View > Run Requests generated

6. Repair Charges Navigate to Service Request and Repair Charges report is printed
Charges Tab and click – Charges

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 26
120 Test Specification – Knowledge Management
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

120.1 Knowledge Base

1. Access Knowledge Base Depot Repair Super User >

Knowledge Base Agent > Knowledge

2. Access Category Access different Category

3. Access Solutions Click Desired Catogery All solutions under the catogery will be

4. View Solutions Click Desired Solution Detailed Solutions will be displayed

5. Search Solutions Give Desired Search parameter and Solutions meeting the search crieteria
click Search button will be displayed

6. Create New Solutions New Solution is created

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 27
130 Test Specification – DBI Customer Support
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

130.1 Customer Support Daily Business Intellegence Daily Customer Support Intellegence

1. Customer Support Dashboard Dashboard Intellegent Reports and Graphs

2. Service Request Activity Reports Intellegent Reports and Graphs

3. Service Request Resolution and closure Reports Intellegent Reports and Graphs

4. Service Request Backlog Reports Intellegent Reports and Graphs

5. Search Parameters Valid Search parameters

6. Drill Down Detailed Drill Down of Searched recorde

7. Information Display on Graphs Detailed Information up on graphs by

placing mouse on them

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 28
140 Test Specification – DBI Depot Repair
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

140.1 Depot Repair Daily Business Intellegence Daily depot Repair Intellegence

1. Depot Repair Dashboard Dashboard Intellegent Reports and Graphs

2. Repair Order Backlog Intellegent Reports and Graphs

3. Repair Order Completion Intellegent Reports and Graphs

4. Mean Time to Repair Intellegent Reports and Graphs

5. Search Parameters Valid Search parameters

6. Drill Down Detailed Drill Down of Searched recorde

7. Information Display on Graphs Detailed Information up on graphs by

placing mouse on them

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 29
150 Test Specification – Custom Forms
Tester Name : Sign Off: Execution Date:

Scenario Test Action Path

Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

150.1 Depot Repair Custom Forms Depot Repair Super User (Resp)

1. Floor Overview
Budget Depor repair Main Menu  Overview of complete
Workshop Floor
 Floor Overview
 Gives count of JobCards
o Sevearity wise
o Jobcard Type

 Specifies the Ideal and Active


 Gives Consolidated Counts of

Job Cards

2. Technician Details
Query any Repair Order > Tools  Technician Details –
Classification Workshop
 Technician Details Section wise

 Display of Technician Names

 Display of Technicians Photos

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 30
Scenario Test Action Path
Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

3. Workshop Section
Query any Repair Order > Tools  Workshop section details – for
capturing vehicle Movement
 Workshop Section Statistics

 Captures Primary Section And

Secondary Sections

 Captures the Exact Times of


4. Technician Timesheet
Budget Depor repair Main Menu  Able to maintain Technician
 Technician Timesheet
 Capture Time In- Time Out of
Technicians Daily Basis

 Able to query the Log In times

of technicians on a particular

5. Movement Statistics
Budget Depor repair Main Menu  Displays Movement Statistics
of vehicle Workshop Section
 Movement Statistics wise

 Displays the Count of Jobcard

movements between Workshop

 Able to select the Date range

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 31
Scenario Test Action Path
Step Step Expected Results Actual Results

during which the user wants to

see the traffic of the workshop

6. Vehicle Image
Budget Depor repair Main Menu  Able to make markings on
 Vehicle Image
 Differentiation of Markings on
color basis

 Able to delete a particular

marking on the Vehicle Image

 Able to clear all markings on

the Vehicle Image

 Able to take print out of the

Vehicle Image

 Query the Image with markings

of a particular Jobcard

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 32
Open and Closed Issues for This Deliverable

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

Depot Repair Test Scripts Company Confidential – For Internal Use only 33

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