MarketingYourBusinessProject BasedLessonPlan

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Project-Based Lesson Plan

Project Title: Marketing Your Business

Course: Business Marketing


Marketing is the activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service.
It includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to people. In order to successfully market
and sell your products and /or services to customers, it is necessary to have a marketing plan. A
Marketing Plan should address the 4 P’s of Marketing: Product, Place, Price, and Promotion.
Students will produce a marketing plan using the marketing mix (4 P’s) for a fictitious business
they have created. This is a Commerce and Information Technology project-based lesson plan.

Essential Question: (from POI)

What is a feasible marketing plan for a business?

Procedures/Activities: (for the student)

To complete this project, students should have knowledge of the units on economics, career
opportunities, and accounting procedures. The following websites will also help with research a
business plan and help with the technical writing and creativity.

1. Students must determine what type of business and product/service they will be

2. Students will understand the 4 P’s of marketing: product, place, price, and promotion.

3. Students will answer this question: What product will I sell? In order for students to
answer this question, they must research the competition. For them to be competitive,
their business needs to offer products that customers have demonstrated a need for. They
need to evaluate what the business is capable of offering.
4. Students will answer this question: Where will the products/services I sell be sold? In
order to answer this question, students will have to evaluate their community and
customer locations.

5. Students will answer this question: What price will I charge for the products/services I
offer? To answer this question, students will have to conduct a cost analysis to determine
the selling price of their products/services. If you are selling a product, a study of the
competitor’s prices will help you with setting fair and competitive prices. You don’t want
to charge too much or customers will look elsewhere. On the other hand, don’t price your
products too low or customers will perceive you as being “cheap” or low quality. If you
are providing a service, you need to ask yourself how much money you would like to
make per hour.

6. Students must answer this question: How will I promote and advertise the
products/services I offer? To answer this question, students will again look at the
competition and what they are doing to advertise their product/service. There are
hundreds of methods to use, such as flyers, print advertisement, brochures, business
cards, websites, billboards, etc. Students will research how much advertising cost. They
will have to determine an amount budgeted to spend on advertising and set goals.

7. Students will complete a “Marketing Plan” section of the business plan using the
attached worksheets. They must follow the 4 P’s of the marketing mix (product, place,
price, and promotion).

8. Open the Marketing Plan Worksheet, type your name and date in the header section on
page 1 of the document. Follow the instructions provided in the document to complete
the worksheet.

9. Upon completion, print the worksheet.

10. Open the Marketing Plan Template, type your name and date in the header section on
page 1 of the document. Using the Marketing Plan worksheet, create your marketing
plan. You may copy and paste answers that are relevant from the worksheet.

11. Upon completion, print the “Marketing Plan.”

Assessment Strategies:

Completed Marketing Plan Worksheet

Completed Marketing Section of a Business Plan

CTSO Activity:

Participation in FBLA Finance Competitive Events

Activities to market FBLA in their local school and community: socials, field trips, submit
articles to newspaper.

Instructions: Apply the 4 P’s (product, place, price, and promotion) of marketing presented
below to your business to create your marketing plan. Answer each question given below.


1. Research the competitors in your local area (that specialize in the same type of business as
yours) to generate a list of products and/or services they offer. Type the list of products and/or
services in the space provided below.

2. Based on the research you conducted above, what products and/or services will you offer
through your business? Type the list in the space provided below.

The products and/or services my business will offer are:


1. Where will the day-to-day operations of your business be conducted? Type your answer in the
space provided below.

1. What is the estimated cost of producing each product and/or service offered in your product line?
Type your answers in the table provided below. If necessary, add more rows to the table.

Product/Service Estimated Cost

2. In the space provided below, describe how you arrived at the estimated cost of each item listed
3. In the table provided below, list the products that you offer and what three of your competitors
charge for each item. In the column labeled “My Price,” fill in the price that you will charge for each
item. If necessary, add more rows to the table.

Price for Price for Price for My

Competitor #1 Competitor #2 Competitor #3 Price


1. In the table provided below, list several different methods you can use to advertise your
business and the cost associated with each method. If necessary, add more rows to the table.

Advertising Method Cost







2. Based on the startup funds you have available, what advertising methods will you use? List
them in the space provided below.
Marketing Plan

I. Product

II. Place

III. Price

IV. Promotion

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