Tenses Exam

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1. Present simple, present continuous, present perfect. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a) At this moment, the Smiths ……………………………… (paint) their bedroom. They started three days ago but
they ……………………………………… (finish) yet. They usually ……………………………… (paint) it every five years.

b) - They ……………… just ………………………… (tell) me that Carla ……………………………… (spend) her holidays at the
beach with her parents these days. // - Yes, she always ………………………………. (go) to Benidorm in summer and
………………………………. (stay) there for a month.

c) - ………………… you ever …………………….. (be) to the USA? // - No, never. I ……………………………………. (not travel)
abroad since 2010, but next year my parents and I ……………………………… (visit) Germany. We …………………
already …..…………….. (make) a reservation.

d) – ………………… you ………..…………… if Claire is home? (know) // - I ……………………………….. (not know) it. She
usually ………………………………… (arrive) at 7:00pm, but today she ………………………………… (finish) an important
project and maybe she ………………………..……. (arrive) at this time.

e) - What ………………… Mark …………………. (do) right now? // - He …………………………………… (study) for his English
exam. // - Really? I …………………… never …..…………… (see) him studying! // - Yeah, he ……….…….… usually
……………….. (not study) very hard, but this time he ……………………….. (want) to pass the exam. So today he
……………………………………. (study) for hours.

2. Past simple, past continuous, past perfect. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

a) When the police …………………………….. (stop) Smith’s car for a routine check, they ……………….………….. (notice)
that he was the man who ……………………..……… (rob) the bank.

b) - …………….……………………… (you / see) the accident yesterday? // - Yes, I …………………………. (see) it while I
………………………..………… (drive) to work. Because of the accident, by the time I ……………………………. (get) to the
office, the meeting ………………………………………. (already / start).

c) - What ……………………………..…… (you / do) yesterday evening? I ………………………………… (call) you but you
………………………………… (not answer) the phone. // - I’m sorry, but I …….………….…………….. (visit) my brother at
the hospital because he ……………………….. (fall) from a tree and …………….………….. (break) his leg while he
………………………………….. (play) with his friends.

d) - You …………………………………... (not work) yesterday afternoon! I ………………………… (see) you with Maria in a
Café while I ………………………….……… (wait) for the bus. // - Ok, I …………………………….. (not tell) you the truth, I
………………………………. (meet) Maria because we …………………………………….. (not see) each other for a long time.

e) While my mother …………………………………… (cook) dinner, my father and I …………………………… (fix) the car,
which …………………………………. (break) down the previous day.
3. “Would”, “used to”, “get used to” or “be used to”?

a) They ………………………..………….. be very good friends but now they hate each other.

b) When she was a child she ………………………………………. play with dolls.

c) Bob is a taxi driver, he …………………………………………. (drive) for long hours.

d) ……………………………………………… (your mum / read) you stories when you where a child?

e) After living in London for 10 years, he finally ……………………………………….. the foggy weather.

f) My parents ……………………………………….. let me go to parties when I was a teenager.

g) Sam lives in the mountain, she …………………………………….. (drive) in the city.

h) When I had free time I ………………………………………….. sit on the sofa and read for hours.

4. Modal verbs. Fill in the gaps with a modal verb:

a) She ………………………….. speak French and Italian.

b) I really think you …………………………. cut your hair, you look better.

c) People ……………………………….. smoke in non-smoking areas.

d) Susan …………………… be ill, she hasn’t come to school.

e) ................................ you please help me with the bags?

f) I am very busy, I think I ………..………………………. to finish the work for tomorrow.

g) Mark likes Saturdays because he …………………………………… get up early.

h) He ………………….. be French, he speaks Italian!

i) There are a lot of clouds, it …………………………. rain.

5. Modal verbs. Rewrite the following sentences using a modal verb:

a) Perhaps we’ll go swimming tomorrow.


b) It’s absolutely necessary that we finish the article today.


c) You cannot smoke in public places. It’s forbidden.

d) If I were you, I would do more exercise.


e) It is impossible that he is at work; I’ve seen him at the Café.


f) It isn’t necessary for her to call me back.


6. Perfect modals. Rewrite the following sentences:

a) She hasn’t arrived yet. She has probably missed the train.


b) It was wrong of you not to invite her.


c) It wasn’t necessary for her to clean the floor.


d) I’m sure that you lost the wallet in the bus.


7. The future. Fill in the gaps with the correct future tense (will – going to – present – present continuous –
future continuous – future perfect):

a) In the future, robots …………………….… (replace) humans.

b) - What ………………………………. (you /do) tomorrow night? // I ………………………… (meet) some friends.

c) – I’m going to the market. // - Wait for me! I …………………… (go) with you.

d) I promise I …………………………… (not do) that again.

e) The bus …………………………. (leave) at 6.15.

f) My parents ………………………………. (buy) a new car, they have decided it long ago.

g) This time next week Sarah ………………..………………. (fly) to New York.

h) By this time next month, we ……………………………………. (finish) our exams.

i) Slow down! We …………………………………….. (have) an accident!

j) I’m sorry but I ……….………………………….. (not finish) the work by Friday.

k) Tomorrow at this time, Martha …………………………………….. (not go) to work because tomorrow is Saturday.

8. Conditional clauses. Write the following verbs in the correct tense:

arrive – speak – study – buy – eat – tell

a) If John gets a good mark, he ………………………………. medicine.

b) If you ………………………………. me about the concert, I would have gone.

c) If I had more money, I …………………………….. a big house.

d) If Claire …………………………….. late again, her boss will be furious.

e) I wouldn’t have been angry if you ……………………………….. my chocolate cake.

f) If she …………………..……. perfect English, she would find a job.

9. Conditional clauses. Rewrite the following sentences:

a) We forgot to take a map, so we got lost in the mountains.

If we ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) I can’t take you to the airport because I haven’t got a car.

If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

c) We didn’t visit the museum because we didn’t have time.

If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

d) If your friend doesn’t come before 10.00 , he will miss the train.

Unless ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

e) You won’t understand the problem if you don’t listen carefully.

Unless ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Passive voice. Rewrite the following sentences and omit the agent when it’s not necessary:

a) The Smiths have bought a new house in the city center.


b) Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone?


c) They are building a new supermarket next to the station.


d) We mustn’t sell alcohol to teenagers.


e) A famous architect will design our new house.


f) Our grandmother was telling us a story.


11. The causative form (Have / Get something done). Rewrite the following sentences:

a) The hairdresser cuts my hair every month.


b) They didn’t ask a professional to paint their house.


c) The mechanic will repair my car tomorrow.


d) My friend is doing my homework for me.

12. Relative Clauses: write the correct relative pronoun. Then, write D or ND next to the Defining and Non-
Defining sentences, respectively. Put commas in the ND sentences.

a) The man ……………………………. is reading the newspaper is my husband.  …………

b) This company ……………………… was created in 1967 is facing serious difficulties now.  …….

c) The town …………………………… my grandparents live is very small.  ………

d) I will never forget the day …………………….. we met.  ……….

e) Mozart ………………………. music I love listening to is a famous composer.  ………..

13. Relative Clauses. Join the two sentences to form a single one and write D or ND next to the Defining and
Non-Defining sentences, respectively.

a) Samantha is a wealthy woman. She rarely worries about the cost of things.


b) The film was really interesting. We saw it last Saturday.


c) London is a very beautiful city. We have lived there for 3 years.


d) Mary Stuart is in my class. Mary Stuart’s father is a famous football player.


e) My parents still live in the village. I was born there.


14. Reported speech. Rewrite the following sentences:

a) “We have been to Paris three times” they said.

They said ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) “My parents are getting married next Saturday” Chris told us.

Chris …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

c) “My sister speaks three languages” Marie explained.

Marie explained ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

d) “I’ll come with you as soon as I am ready” said John.

John said ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

e) “You must win the match” she told us.

She told us ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

f) “Please, can you switch of the TV?” she asked me.

She asked me ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

g) “Please, don’t tell this to my father!” she begged me.

She begged me ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

h) “Don’t go near the water” she ordered the children.

She ordered her children ………………………………………………………………………………………………

15. Gerund or infinitive. Write the following verbs using gerund or infinitive.

Sleep – look – travel – help – learn - watch

a) Many people enjoy ………………………………. to different parts of the world.

b) May I change the TV channel or do you want …………………………. this program?

c) ……………………………………. is my favorite activity, but I can only do it on Sundays.

d) My mum asked me ……………………….. her with the housework.

e) Mark is interested in …………………………….. Japanese.

f) Whenever we met, he avoided ………………………… at me.


1. Present simple, present continuous, present perfect:

a) are painting, haven’t finished, paint

b) have just told, is spending, goes, stays

c) Have you ever been, haven’t travelled, are visiting, have already made

d) Do you know, don’t know, arrives, is finishing, is not arriving

e) is Mark doing, is studying, have never seen, doesn’t usually study, wants, he has studied

2. Past simple, past continuous, past perfect:

a) stopped // noticed // had robbed

b) Did you see // saw // was driving // got // had already started

c) were you doing // called //didn’t answer // was visiting // fell // broke //was playing

d) weren’t working // saw // was waiting // didn’t tell // met // hadn’t seen

e) was cooking // were fixing // had broken

3. “Would”, “used to”, “get used to” or “be used to”?

a) used to be, b) used to / would play, c) is get used to driving, d) Did your mum use to read, e) got used to, f)
didn’t use to, g) is not used to driving, h) used to / would

4. Modal verbs. Fill in the gaps with a modal:

a) can, b) should, c) mustn’t, d) must / may / might, e) Could, f) won’t be able, g) doesn’t have to / needn’t, h)
can’t, i) may/might

5. Modal verbs. Rewrite the following sentences using a modal verb:

a) We may go swimming tomorrow.

b) We must finish the article today.

c) You mustn’t smoke in public places.

d) You should do more exercise.

e) He can’t be at work; I’ve seen him at the Café.

f) She doesn’t have to / needn’t call me back

6 . Perfect modals. Rewrite the following sentences:

a) She may /might / must have missed the train.

b) You should have invited her.

c) She needn’t / didn’t have to clean the floor.

d) You may / might / must have lost the wallet in the bus.

7. The future. Fill in the gaps with the correct future tense (will – going to – present – present continuous –
future continuous – future perfect):

a) will replace, b) are you doing // am meeting, c) ‘ll go (will go), d) won’t do, e) leaves, f) are going to buy, g)
will be flying, h) will have finished, i) are going to have, j) won’t have finished, k) won’t be going

8. Conditional clauses. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense:

a) will study, b) had told, c) would buy, d) arrives, e) hadn’t eaten, f) spoke

9. Conditional clauses. Rewrite the following sentences:

a) If we had taken a map, we wouldn’t have got lost.

b) If I had a car, I would take you to the airport.

c) If we had had time, we would have visited the museum.

d) Unless your friend comes before 10.00, he will miss the train.

e) Unless you listen carefully, you won’t understand the problem.

10. Passive voice. Rewrite the following sentences and omit the agent when it’s not necessary:

a) A new house in the city center has been bought by the Smiths.

b) Was the telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell?

c) A new supermarket is being built next to the station.

d) Alcohol mustn’t be sold to teenagers.

e) Our new house will be designed by a famous architect.

f) We were being told a story by our grandmother. // A story was being told to us by our grandmother.

11. The causative form (Have / Get something done). Rewrite the following sentences:

a) I have / get my hair cut every month.

b) They didn’t have / get their house painted by a professional.

c) I will have /get my car repaired tomorrow.

d) I’m having/getting my homework done.

12. Relative Clauses: write the correct relative pronoun. Then, write D or ND next to the Defining and Non-
Defining sentences, respectively. Put commas in the ND sentences.

a) who  D, b) , which,  ND, c) where  D, d) when  D, e) , whose ,  ND

13. Relative Clauses. Join the two sentences to form a single one and write D or ND next to the Defining and
Non-Defining sentences, respectively.

a) Samantha, who is a wealthy woman, rarely worries about the cost of things.  ND

b) The film (which / that) we saw last Saturday was really interesting.  D

c) London, where we have lived for 3 years, is a very beautiful city.  ND

d) Mary Stuart, whose father is a famous football player, is in my class.  ND

e) My parents still live in the village where I was born.  D

14. Reported speech. Rewrite the following sentences:

a) They said that they had been to Paris three times.

b) Chris told us that her parents were getting married the following Saturday.

c) Marie explained that her sister speaks/spoke three languages.

d) John said that he would come with me/us as soon as he was ready.

e) She told us that we had to win the match.

f) She asked me to switch off the TV.

g) She begged me not to tell that to her father.

h) She ordered the children no to go near the water.

15. Gerund or infinitive. Write the following verbs using gerund or infinitive.

a) travelling , b) to watch, c) sleeping, d) to help, e) learning, f) looking

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