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A Research Study

Presented to the Administrators of

Senior High

Northeast Luzon Adventist College

In Essential to the Requirements in

Research on Daily Life

(Grade 11 Senior High)



Gandia, Linda Lou Fay P.


Caser, Winston P.

Felix, Wilson U.

Padolina, Vincent Joshua

Romua, Yves Angelo

Chapter 1


Mobile Technology reigns like a mighty sovereign monarch among the empire

of the new generation. The era of mobile telecommunication began way back in 4 B.C. Early

natives use smoke signals, drums and rocks as there form of telephony. As the years pass

by, telecommunication upgrades, this ultimately led to modern technology. The mobile

telephony portrays a magnificent ruler, it manifests great influence to society, that outcomes

highly contagious phenomenon, leading alteration to the mental, physical and social

behavior of the youth.

In Germany, there conducted the population of the globally worldwide users of

mobile technology. It is stated that the statistics shows the total of in mobile technology

users worldwide from 2016-2019. In the end of the year 2016, formulated upcoming 2017,

the number of mobile technology users forecasted is 4.77 billion. In 2016, 56.5% of the

worldwide population uses or owns mobile technology. As the years pass by , more and

more people can accustom themselves in owning and using mobility. This includes groups

with detain and no specific religions. Nationality and genders are included, as the production

of mobile technology, the impacts arises also. (Potchler, 2016)

In terms of mobile technology, among the most use devices in mobility are gadgets,

especially mobile, cellular and smartphones. In a 2015 survey , 49%of mobile technology

are composed of mobile phones, in the population of the people, 89% of the users are
teenagers, and the audience are growth rate getting larger and larger as the years pass

by.(Chaffrey, 2015)

As per data, Philippines is at par with the global penetration of 46%. We have not reach

50% internet penetration by the end of the year 2015 as predicted on some articles but

internet penetration in the Philippines is definitely increasing We could say that South

Korea are the social networking capital of the world. If only they clocked in hours daily.

But that’s not the case. South Korea has a whooping 78% social media penetration versus

just 47% in the Philippines, but only at 2 hours average in daily use. Average daily use of

the internet via a mobile device and average television viewing time remains the same. Via

a mobile device is at 3 hours and television viewing is at 2 hours daily. This may perhaps

be attributed to the surge of sales of affordable smartphones and affordable mobile data

bundles by the telcos in the PH which makes the internet accessible to Filipinos on devices.

(Castro, 2016).

While Facebook maintained its position as the top social media platform in the

Philippines, the other platforms are vying for spots in the top. The top 5 platforms now include

3 chat apps: Facebook messenger, Skype, and Viber. The numbers on the report also clearly

shows that the top activity of mobile users is using mobile messengers which is at 33%

followed by watching videos at 26% and using mobile map services at 25%.

The 20-29 year olds now top the demographics on Facebook usage. This is followed by

the 13-19 and the 30-39 age groups. These millenials are gaining ground in these platforms.

Knowing that they have the purchasing power and the voting power, this is one key stat that

change markers, politicians, and company executives have to note. These age groups are now

empowered to make a major change in the Philippines (Fleire, 2016).

In Region II Isabela, Luzon, Philippines is a provincial state that is most likely to have

lesser usage in technology, however among the types of technology, mobile technology is

very well-known. Among the 3.45 million people, 75% of the estimated population owns a

mobile technology device. In Alicia, Isabela, the total population as of the 2016 survey,

71,504 people are living in Alicia. The 0.86 % of the population are people who did not own

any mobile devices, while 99. 14% of the population are mobile users. In Northeast Luzon

Adventist College in Mabini, Alicia, Isabela, 98% of the NELAC Community are mobile

technology users. In the Senior High Level, 99.06 % of the students own a mobile device and

are capable of using it. In the survey, students mostly likely uses their devices at 4-8 hours a

day, the active time is 8pm up to 12 am. Mobile technology is one the most popular kind of

technology among ages 14-19.

In 2010, a survey was formulated, Girls ages 12-17 are more likely than boys to use

any kind of devices of mobile technology. More than a third (36%) of girls say that they

use mobile devices, compared with 27% of boys. Similarly, 55% of girls with cell phones

talk daily on their cell phones, while 47% of cell phone-owning boys report the same. The

older the teen, the more likely she uses her phone frequently. Older teens use them to talk

to friends on a daily basis; younger teens tend to use mobile phones to call pals a few times

or less per week. More than seven in ten 17-year-olds with phones talk to friends on their

cell phones daily, while just 28% of 12-year-olds with phones say the same. A large

percentage of phone-owning younger teens ages 12-14 say that they talk to friends at least

once a week – 18% of those ages 12-14 report weekly cell phone use, while 10% of those

ages 15-17 do. ( Lochart, 2010)

Social media sites such as Facebook and MySpace offer multiple daily opportunities

for connecting with friends, classmates, and people with shared interests. During the last 5
years, the number of preadolescents and adolescents using such sites has increased

dramatically. According to a recent poll, 22% of teenagers log on to their favorite social

media site more than 10 times a day, and more than half of adolescents log on to a social

media site more than once a day. Seventy-five percent of teenagers now own cell phones,

and 25% use them for social media, 54% use them for texting, and 24% use them for instant

messaging. Thus, a large part of this generation's mental, physical, social and emotional

development is occurring while on the Internet and on cell phones. (O’ Keeffe, Gwen,

2011). The adoption of the mobile phone by young people has been a global phenomenon

in recent years. It is now an integral part of adolescents’ daily lives and is for the majority,

the most popular form of electronic communication. In fact, the mobile phone has turned

from a technological tool to a social tool. This paper explores the impact of the mobile phone

on youth peer relationships, on family relationships and on the institution of the school.

Young people use the mobile phone in positive ways to organize and maintain their social

networks. However, there are also negative impacts on young peoples’ peer relationships.

These can include ostracism and cyber bullying. Similarly, the mobile phone has lead in the

changes on dynamics in the family, with issues of safety and surveillance from a parental

perspective leading to negotiated changing freedoms for young people (George, et.


While functional coordination can be beneficial for the family, other problems can

arise such as financial difficulties, non-custodial parent access, as well as over reliance on

the mobile phone for safety issues and intrusion into young peoples’ lives. The impact of

the mobile phone on the school as an institution has not however, received as much research.

Disruptions to lessons, incidences of cheating and bullying are some of the negative impacts,

while texting parents of truants seems to be the only positive for the school and the

consequences of mobile phone use in schools (Campbell, 2010).

Another study, this time from Florida State University (FSU), says that mobile

technology notifications can impair our concentration, even being short in duration they

cause enough of a distraction to affect your ability to focus on a given task, decreasing your

performance by prompting task-irrelevant thoughts and mind-wandering. This can be very

dangerous in some specific situations, like driving for an instance, a simple notification can

cause really serious accidents and even take lives. The human behavior is very sensitive, it

is the most vulnerable in accommodating impacts (Jines, 2015).

Besides the problems , it also has a huge impact in people’s social lives, people are

getting more disconnected to the real world, they put their phones ahead of human

interaction, it’s getting harder to see people talking to each other in public places, they’re

always too busy with their mobile devices, checking notifications, sending messages or just

sharing a new video. It’s like an addiction, and it is kind of turning people into zombies.

Being easily manipulated by the temptations of technology (Leonardo, 2015).

However, there is presently no consensus about the diagnostic criteria that should be

used for pathological gaming and, more broadly, addiction to using the internet and mobile

devices. It should be borne in mind that there are many other types of excessive behavior

(such as eating too much chocolate, shopping and working too hard) that can have very

unhealthy consequences, but are not considered psychiatric disorders in themselves. There

is, therefore, cause to question whether difficulty in controlling use of video games and/or

the internet should be considered as ‘true’ addictions. The time course of such putative

pathologies might help indicate their seriousness, but here there is also a lack of consensus.

The Gentile study suggested pathological gaming usually continues for more than two years

and so cannot be considered just a ‘phase’, while other work showed half of those diagnosed
using similar criteria were no longer ‘addicted’ a year later. The impacts occurs to how the

brain will react in its behavior ( Nominet, 2015)


This main purpose of this research study is to determine the effects of the

behavioral impacts of mobile telephony to the mental, physical and social behavior among

the individuals of the 11th Grade Senior High students of NELAC. This research study will

seek evidence that will approve and disapprove in the null hypotheses.

1. What are the causes of mobile technology that makes an impact in affecting the human


a. Mental

b. Physical

c. Social

2. What are the effects of mobile technology to the students?

a. Mental

b. Physical

c. Social

3.What are the constructive impacts of mobile technology?

a. Mental

b. Physical
c. Social

4. What are the destructive impacts of mobile technology?

a. Mental

b. Physical

c. Social

5. Is there a significant difference between mental, physical and social behavior affecting

an individual?

a. Mental

b. Physical

c. Social


1. There is no significant difference in the causes and from the effects of mobile technology

that make impacts in affecting human behavior of the students in terms of:

a. Mental

b. Physical

c. Social

2. There is no significant in the constructive and destructive impacts of mobile technology

in terms of:

a. Mental

b. Physical
c. Social

3. There is no significant difference on mental, physical and social behavior affecting an

individual in terms of:

a. Mental

b. Physical

c. Social


This research study is about the impact to the Senior High students of Northeast

Luzon Adventist College in Mabini, Alicia, Isabela, Region II, Luzon, Philippines in the

behavioral of the mentality, physicality, and sociality of the youth. The primary location

varies to a private college in the town of Mabini in the province of Isabela. Mental

capabilities are indeed challenged in the process- making. The duration of the intervention

is very sufficient in accomplishing our tasks, though exceeding period of time can dishearten

the instructor and other participating individuals. Potentiality in communicating with the

students attributes their confidence in participating in the study and encouraging also others.

Other activities are over prolonged period of time for it depends on the harnessing of

acquired results.

Senior High (Grade 11) Students are the generalized participants and representatives

of the main study, they are the total representative of the senior high students.

All the participants participated and accommodated in the study, there was no

provision of iniquitous acts in conducting the survey. Members gain accretion, giving them

new challenges that confides them to trust others. Hesitance, disinclination and time
management oppugns probably to some of the members, yet it did not become a burden in

fulfillment. Finally, the study takes in account of comparison to the acquired results and

further knowledge. Goal in accomplishment limits to how progressive each participating

members are.


To the Participants.

Should the outcomes and results of this study will be significant, this will support

relevant purposes to gain forth cognizance and knowlegdeability in the previous studies that

shows interconnection and self-actualization in using mobile telephony and the

concussion of behavioral impacts.

To the Students.

This research study, if proven significant, students in the institution can benefit

great outcomes that will give sensibility to the community, and sentient awareness to

personal outlook to life and environment. It can assist interpersonal matters that gives

complex in individual health. The provided data would facilitate development and

improvement in the behavior, giving them self-control and awareness in mobile technology

To the Health Educators/ Promoters.

If proven significant, this study can encourage and promote health awareness and

development to the health institution. This will be beneficial to the health care professionals,

contributing health factors in helping the individual behavior.

To Public Health Practice.

This research study, if proven significant, this would encourage health contributing

factors to young individuals. It can aid outlooks on life and environment. Awareness and

control on the mental, physical, and social behavioral impacts. This study can benefit and

contribute to the prevention and obviating of related effects, that can harm the health.

To the Administrators, Instructors, and Faculties of NELAC

If proven significant, the study can promote in contribution to the administrators,

instructors, and faculties of the school. It will help them in improvement and development

of understanding the impacts to the students.

To the NELAC Community

This study can inform the student on the acquired research in relating to the

personal interest. Citizens of the NELAC community can aid information in the

contributing impacts to the society of the new generation. Further understanding and

settlement in comprehending the behavior affecting impacts.

To the Future Research

This study would contribute information on how to lessen the bad effect of using

modern technology on mental, physical and social of a human being. This will give forth

more cognizance and knowledge.



This chapter depicts the review in related literature in relation to the variables

considered and tackled in this study, such as the impacts of modern technology, on the

mental, physical, social behavior, as well as the other relationships of the variables.

Mobile Technology

As discussed in Chapter 1, the reign of mobile technology is highly implementing

impacts that are not accommodating to the human behavior. The connection between the

usage of mobile and technology and affecting the human behavior has become of interests

among the society.

Mobile technology refers to devices that are both transportable and offer

instantaneous access to information (Coates, 2009). The technology includes, “iPods, MP3

player, Personal Digital Assistants, USB Drive, E-Book Reader, Smart Phone, Ultra-Mobile

PC and Laptop / Tablet PC” (Adeeb and Hussain, 2009). Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)

and smartphones are mobile devices that are agents of real-time communication (Chang et

al., 2012). The hallmarks of mobile technology are its portability, flexibility, simplicity of

use and its unique ability for integration with other technology systems (Alder and

Fotheringham, 2012). Mobile devices are often referred to as ubiquitous and are utilized by

people for many different activities (Kuzu, 2011).

Mobile technology instruments have become a significant force in learning and are

transitioning to more affordable and compact devices with greater dependability and
connectivity (Franklin et al., 2007). In addition to its advantageous size and convenience,

the technology permits multiple tasks such as note taking, telephone, email, music, video /

audio recording, picture taking and GPS navigation (Akkerman and Filius, 2011). When

compared with traditional computers, mobile technology demands less structure, which

translates into easier implementation. (Carillo , 2011).

As of 2005, the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) reports that there

were 6.5 million installed fixed telephone lines of which 3.4 million are subscribed. This

translates to a fixed telephone density of 7.8 per 100 population and a fixed subscribed

telephone density of 4.0 per 100 population. The Philippines has the fourth lowest fixed

telephone lines per 100 population among ASEAN countries, only higher than Cambodia,

Lao PDR and Myanmar. Compared to 2004, installed fixed lines increased by 1.0% while

subscribed lines decreased by 2.0% due to disconnections. (NTC, 2005)

In the same year, a total of 34.8 million cellular mobile telephone subscribers (CMTS)

was registered, translating to a CMTS density of 41.3 per 100 population, higher by 5.6%

and 1.5 percentage points, respectively compared to 2004 figures. In the ASEAN region,

the Philippines has the third highest CMTS density per 100 population after Singapore and

Malaysia in 2005. Obviously, Pinoys have shifted from land to cell. (Carillo, 2015)

The NTC estimates that an average of 250 million SMS (text, as Filipinos say)

messages was sent per day in 2005.According to a 2002 Philippine Case Study done by the

International Telecommunications Unit (ITU) using 2000 data, Filipinos were “the world

leader in per capita SMS usage, accounting for some ten percent of all SMS messages sent

around the world.” No word yet as of 2005, but with the 5.6% increase in the number of

CMTS and with the ubiquitous SMS hotline numbers of almost every TV contest, product

promos, restaurants, and even government public services, rest assured we will remain as

the King and Queen of thumb-typing ( Astrologo, 2006).

According to Amit Garg’s article, " Mobile is the future of workplace learning. "

Mobile technology, can bring forth benefit to society, especially to the youth, it’s either we

learn good or bad ways. Mobile phone technology are also beginning to offer the potential

for rich multimedia experiences (Garg 2013).

Ultimately, mobile technology can be the key of the development of the new

generation, the main objective is see if the impacts on mental, physical and social behavior

will benefit constructive or destructive outcomes.


The infrastructure to the communication of mobile technology. As of our generation

today, almost everybody both young and old owns this contaptions.A lot can happen in 40

years. But when it comes to technology, 40-years is like going back to the days of Moses or

the Roman Empire, the mobile phone and, more recently, the rise of mobile internet

communications, social networks and super-fast internet. (Goodwin, 2016). Devices must

nbe controlled by humans yet its vice versa.

Teenagers have previously lagged behind adults in their ownership of cell phones, but

several years of survey data collected by the Pew Internet & American Life Project show

that those ages 12-17 are closing the gap in cell phone ownership. The Project first began

surveying teenagers about their mobile phones in its 2004 Teens and Parents project when

a survey showed that 45% of teens had a cell phone. Since that time, mobile phone use has

climbed steadily among teens ages 12 to 17 – to 63% in fall of 2006 and then to 71% in

early 2008. (Coastes,2009)

In comparison, 77% of all adults (and 88% of parents) had a cell phone or other

mobile device at a similar point in 2008. Cell phone ownership among adults has since risen
to 85%, based on the results of our most recent tracking survey of adults conducted in April

2009. The Project is currently conducting a survey of teens and their parents and will be

releasing the new figures in early 2010 (Coates, 2009).

Mental Behavior

Mental behavior is the conduct from the brain and mind. “Behavior flows from

up to the mental down to physical. Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire,

emotion and knowledge..” quoted from one of the studies of Plato. ( Plato, 487 B.C)

Technology is changing every facet of our lives, so rapidly that it can be difficult to adjust

to it. The rise of modern technology is affecting our mental state and actions, particularly

on the development of the youth.

The effects of technology can start as early as infancy. Some infants spend

hours each day in their car seats, strollers, or swings, often positioned in from of a TV on

which a TV show or perhaps a children's DVD is playing. Many children have their own

little TV in the car, even for short trips around town. During the 6 1/2 hours each day they

are watching TV and playing video games, these children continue to experience limited

contact with others. Addictions to TV and video games are increasing, even among children.

At the same time as children are spending more and more time with technology, in the last

five years the use of psychotropic medications has tripled for 2-4 year olds and quadrupled

for elementary school aged children. Very young children are being diagnosed with bipolar

disorder, depression, anxiety, autism and other types of mental illness. (Becker, 2011)

Mental behavior is the product of what the brain and mind formulates and

takes in. Usage of modern technology can greatly give impacts in the mentality

comportment. Mental behavior is bias production of impacts from popular trends of modern
technology. Participating members became aware that mental behavior gets easily very

easily and can lead to other results and may affect also the social, physical and psychological

aspects of behavior.


Emotions are the conscious mental reaction of an individual. Subjectively, it is a

strong feeling usually directed towards a specific object and typically accompanied by

physiological and behavioral changes. The emotions are sensitive to the environment. T.S.

Elliot stated in his article, ”Distracted from distraction by distraction” , if mental health is

very sensitive, behavior is delicate, then emotions are very fragile. An emotion can easily

be affected, but very hard to change (Elliot, 2009). Emotions are the outcomes from mental

behavior. Students from NELAC claimed that the state of emotions gets easily inflected

when using a mobile technology. Mobile Technology can be the product of emotions.

Mental Health

The dramatic influence of rapidly growing social media, computers,

telephony, television, movies and the Internet continue to surprise us all. Among the most

fascinating developments is what are learning from brain research using Magnetic

Resonance Imaging (MRI). Results are revealing specific outcomes affecting the brain and

behavior. ( Burkin, 2015).

All gadgets emit radiation. Radiation can damage brain tissues, scientist have found that

radiation can make our blood vessels shrink and can cause blood leak in our brain. Excessive

use of mobile phones can increase the brain damage.

Research has shown that maternal mental health problems have lasting effects

on life outcomes for the child, such as emotional and behavioral development. Mental health

is the one of the essential aspects that can greatly affect one’s life, it is connected to the

physical, social, psychological and emotional attributes. Too much usage of mobile

technology affect health stability of thinking, reasoning, etc. (Akashe, 2014)

In a study , “Mental Health is often critical to the well-being.” (Aberott,2016).

Mental health is connected to the wellness of a being, students in NELAC have been

interviewed, and it I stated, majority of them, have mental health problems, though not

proven if which aspect falls into. However, some can be beneficial. Health is valuable,

mobile technology is affecting the process of mentality behavement.

Physical Behavior

Physical behavior is the observable actions from physical activities and

responses. Children and teens, ages 8-18, are spending nearly 11 hours in a typical day using

media, including 4 1/2 hours watching TV, 2 1/2 hours listening to music, and 1 1/2 hours

on the computer. In addition, cell phones are taking up 2 1/2 hours of their day, nearly 2

hours texting and over 1/2 hour talking. Although during some of this time these individuals

are multitasking (using more than one device at a time), by comparison, less than one hour

each day is being spent socializing in person by people 15 years old and older.

(Marcano,2016). Even children are spending so much time on gadgets in our generation

now. So if this habit continues, the child’s physical behavior might get affected. Teen who

spend more time on gadgets leads to obesity.

Physical behavior is the outcome of mental health, though it is also primary.

Physical is compose of health, actions, and responses. Movements have become limited due
to technology. The quality of a person to act is valid. Mobile technology in this study, has

great impacts to oneself.


Actions are a manners or methods of exploiting reactions in the physical state.

Reactions are responses while, actions are initiating something that needs to be done. It is

a expressing what we are feeling and thinking. With actions in can affect physical behavior,

for actions are the results of physical behavior. According to the study of Yehuda Berg, “If

we take responsibility in shifting behavior, we can trigger the type of change that is

necessary to achieve sustainability for our race or this planet. We can change our planet, our

humanity, every day, every year, every decade, every millennia.”. (Berg,2009) .Actions are

behavioral responses.

The prevalence of smart devices introduces a wide array of concurrent activities

into daily life, creating possibilities for personal efficiency and increased connection but

also potentially leading to a culture of distraction. Multitasking has been shown to impact

numerous cognitive abilities and tasks, including driving ability, memory and academic

performance. What’s more, the proliferation of technology has changed the way in which

many people socialize. Smart devices connect us to a wider network of friends and contacts,

but these expanded networks may include more superficial relationships. The limitation of

actions in reality has been vague and limited. Due to mobile technology, people tend to

procrastinate and limit their actions. The impacts on physical behavior sets contributing


Social Behavior
Young Individuals strive to intercommunicate with society, for mainly in

that age youngsters must get along , for the purpose of not only to fit in, but to look for the

guidance of identity. Social isolation can also be caused by overuse of technology. While it

may appear that texting, Facebook, and Twitter have the potential to reduce social isolation,

none of these forms of communication include face-to-face contact. Some research is

suggesting that people are having a harder time even understanding facial expressions. It is

important to cultivate a balance between face-to-face and online communication (Crawford,

2011). Thus, becomes a habit, and the habit becomes the identity and personality, affecting

the behavior and comportment. Bonds and peers are one of the most important part os

relationships, however mobile technology becomes a hindrance. Mobile technology is use

as temporary peer, contributing less confidence and low self-esteem, and the desire of

isolation increases. Social behavior can be enhance through mobile technology, though , the

effect may vary, for how the person will approach mobile technology in behavior. As such,

mobile technology may improve or setback the impacts to oneself.

Socialization & Adaptation

Socializing is one of the primary needs of a human in interacting with other

people in the society. Socializing and adapting to the environment is a great benefit to an

individual. However, due to the competences of modern technology, socializing has been
limited in communicating in reality. In a study it is quoted, “The more time we spend

interconnected via a myriad of devices, the less time we have left to develop true friendships

in the real world.”(Liethe,2013). Relationships are very important they ae the half of the

whole of an individual. Mobile technology is slowly validating communication with other


The communication via media is different between the realistic face-to-face

interaction. New media technologies are having a major impact on society as a whole.

(McGrath, 2008)Smart phones Smart phones and social media expand our universe. We can

connect with others or collect information easier and faster than ever, but we cannot collect

relationships, we create them (Goleman,2010). Alienation in society and not fitting in is a

major issue to an individual. It can develop sociological impacts that can affect the actions

and behavior. In the study of Abraham Maslow, it is quoted, “But behavior in the human

being is sometimes a defense, of concealing motives and thoughts, as language can be a way

of hiding thoughts and preventing communication” . Lack of social contribution can made

them isolated in reality. Because of gadgets, people don’t go out of their houses and there

is so much time spent on modern technology. Some people don’t want to interact on other

people because they can’t get their hands off of their gadgets. This study, recommends that

mobile technology can give impacts to the mental, physical and social behavior of an


Research Paradigm

Figure 2.1




Figure 1.1 presents the effects of mobile technology on the mental, physical, and

social behavior. Mobile technology highly influences the behaviors of the youth. Behavior

was examined as the variable that may produce changes of using mobile technology,

changes in the mental, physical and social aspects. It slowly brings forth contributing

intervention that may affect the demeanors of the mundane transitory. Mobile telephony

would produce differences in coping up, leading to either beneficial or contradictable


Definition of Key Terms

This section provides the list of definitions for the variables of the study.
Mobile Technology. This refers to the technology used for cellular communication. This

are devices that are both transportable and offer instantaneous access to information ,often

referred to as ubiquitous and are utilized by people for many different activities

Mobile Devices. This refers to the is a small computing device, typically, small enough

to hold and operate in the hand and having an operating system capable of running mobile

apps. . This refers to the sustained variable which measures and devises mobile technology.

Telephony. This refers to as the technology associated with the electronic transmission of

voice, fax, or other information between distant parties using systems historically associated

with the communication object. This is the parallel term of ‘mobile , and a variable that

sustains the mobile technology.

Mobile Telephony. This refers to the provision of telephone services to phones which may

move around freely rather than stay fixed in one location. This refers to the parallel term of

mobile technology, it is correspond and similar yet contrast in some parts.

Behavior. This refers to the components in the dependent variable, which formulates the

results of the impact that are taken in this study. A response of an individual or group to an

action, environment, person, and stimulus, that can measurable through observation that

ranges through their actions and manner of conducting personal response. It measures as the

perceived affected area.

Mental Behavior. This is one of the components of the variable. This measures an

individual’s ideology of relating to the mind. It is the emotional and intellectual response

that comes from the mind.

Physical Behavior. This refers to one of the components of the variable. This is the actions

or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli. An observable

response from the actions and activities of an individual.

Social Behavior. This is one of the components of the variable. It is the adaptive and

contingent interaction between other people. It is measured by the wellness and ability to

conduct communication, interconnection with other individuals.


This chapter will present the research design. The population and sample and technique,

the instrumentation and statistical treatment that will be employed in this study.

Research Design

The main aim of this research is to gain the accountable measure in terms of the effects

of mobile technology on the mental, physical and social behavior in a two-weeks program.

Through the process of the descriptive method research design, we have formulated good

outcomes from the questionnaire. This will be used to determine the outcome, this will serve as

the baseline of study. This is a two-weeks program. It is divided into two sections, firstly, an

observational method, after that a post test was conducted on both the experimental and control

group. The experimental group will expose the aftermath to the school to the effects of mobile

technology to the behavior in a two-weeks program, the process effects of modern technology

based program for two-weeks, while the control group will control the system and process. This

will be use as the baseline of the study. After that, a test will be conducted by the experimental

and control group to measure the effects of the mobile technology on mental, physical and social

behavior, among the senior high students, conducted by the researchers in a two-weeks program.

The type of research design selected for this study is descriptive research design.

Descriptive research design is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way.

Designs to help provide answers to the questions of who, what, where, when and why. More

simply put, descriptive research is all about describing people who will and who had taken part
in the study. The descriptive research aims to discover and described events. Finding out the

effects or outcomes through, observational and survey method (Borg, 1989).

Population and Sampling Techniques

The population of this study will come from the enrolled Senior High students of Northeast

Luzon Adventist College Senior High Department (NELAC).

The sampling technique of this study will be the purposive sampling, where the potential

participants are selected, according to the standards set by the researchers, such as the Senior

High Grade 11 students, ages 15 to 18, in total of 197 students. The adolescents from the Grade

11 Senior High students of NELAC composes the participants in this study that serves as the

descriptive samplings, respectively. The methods, technique and the flow of the process is

designated by the research team.


Revised questionnaire is used to evaluate the behavioral effects of mobile technology in

the mental, physical and social. The students will try to track down the

effects to their behavior, made and done by their mental, physical and social practices, and habits.

Their answers will validate the outcome of the data. Thus, will be use to evaluate the students on

the behavioral effect of mobile technology.

Data Gathering Procedures

Teenagers are the most easily influence group of people in the usage of modern technology.

We, the researchers personally formulated the procedures. The approval of the administrators is

needed, the valid and approved permission of the adviser and authorities must be conducted. The

active recruitment of the participants was anticipated, after a one-week preparation, the

researchers will now assess and motivate the potential participants. If there are lapses or faults,

necessary adjustments will occur, thus continuing the process. Proper interaction with

participants will occur making them boost self-esteem and trust. Significant valid data will be

collection when the assessment ended, when the program has reach its conclusion, thus

announcing the first stage closure.

After the conclusion of the gathering, the data is to be studied by the researchers. The data

is to be evaluated, making it as the baseline of the study, and will serve as the evidence or proof

of the data gathering. For two-weeks the experimental group, together with the control group are

to participate in gathering the data results. Results are given privacy and secrecy, with the

exemptions of the researchers. Only researchers can gain access. Research information was

guaranteed accessible only to the researchers.

In the study, strict confidentiality is needed to trust the participants, the names of the

individuals are not implemented, and only researchers can read the collected data.

Statistical treatment

The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) will be used in analyzing the data that

will be gathered by the experimental group, assisted at some point by the control group. The

statistical treatment that will be used to answer the research questions are the following. The

statistical treatment that will be used to answer the research questions are the following:
1. Descriptive analysis is to implemented in the forms of numerical frequency, converting

it into percentages. Personal profile of the participants of the research from the

experimental and control groups possibly to be separated, to differentiate the profile,

such as age, gender, year level, status, health status, residence, and strand. Then

combining and differentiating the contrast and similarities. Determining the baseline

and end line of the effects of mobile technology by the results among the evaluation of

senior high students that affects their mental, physical and social behaviors.

2. The score of the survey test from the questionnaire evaluation results to determining

the consultation among the research study. The experimental and control groups will

now compare and decipher the aftermath.

3. The revise test will be analyze, determining the outcome of the test. The scores 12 and

below results to lower chance of being affected , scores 13-18, implements moderate

or average outcomes, a 45-50 % chance of being affected. Scores 19-28 formulates a

medium or almost positive, while scores above 28 are positive results of being highly

affected, the results will be sorted, in accordance to the data scores, and answers. For

the individual results represents own personal view.

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