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Running Head: Impact of New Generation Currency Coins


In releasing of new coin series of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Arayat Residents are much

affected. Earlier in 2018, the New Generation Currency coin series was released in circulation,

leading the confusion among the Filipino Citizen. Filipino uses coins in their everyday living, such

as paying goods. Therefore, it is crucial for every individual to change the design of these coins.

Furthermore, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas coin series are circulating in how many years and

therefore, citizens are used to it, changing this coin will greatly affects the Arayat Residents. In

result of these, these paved the way for the researchers to conduct this study.

In conducting this study, it is not practical to use the whole population as the respondents

in answering the survey forms, therefore, the researchers did the simple random sampling; a

sampling is just taking a part in a population. 510 random residents from the different barangays

of Arayat were randomly chosen to participate in this study. The respondents can be children,

adolescents, young adult, middle aged adult, and old adult; age ranging from 7-12, 13-19, 20-35

36-64, and 65 above. By having equal probability of being chosen, respondents are chosen

randomly in simple random sampling method. Data were obtained through having questions, the

researchers conduct this survey within the capacity of Arayat.

As a result of this research study, most of the Arayat Residents still chose the old coins

rather than the new coins. The Arayat Residents are aware why the Bangko Sentral ng Plipinas

released the New Generation Currency coins, nonetheless, the Arayat residents still in neutral level

about the coins in circulation. In addition to this, respondents think that the Philippines still need

these coins.

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