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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Division of Cagayan
Claveria, Cagayan
1 Quarterly Examination
---o0o--- Score

Name: ______________________________ Strand/ Grade/ Section: ___________________ Date: __________


I. Multiple Choice. Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
Please use CAPITAL LETTERS for your answers.

_____ 1. UCSP is a multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines the contents, methods and theories of the
following EXCEPT:

A. Mathematics B. Anthropology C. Sociology D. Political Science

_____ 2. Anthropology: Genetics and Evolution, etc.

Sociology: Groups and Organizations, etc.
Political Science: _________________

A. Cultural Change B. Social Inequality C. Elections D. Religion

_____ 3. It encompasses all social aspects including our language, customs, values, norms, mores, education, etc……
A. Society B. politics C. culture D. political science

_____ 4. It is the system by which a state or community is controlled as to put order.

A. Political B. Constituents C. Government D. System

_____ 5. ________________ is the holistic “science of man”, a science of the totality of human existence.

A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Archaeology D. Etymology

_____ 6. _______________ is the study of relationships among people.

A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Archaeology D. Etymology

_____ 7. _____________ are conceptions or ideas people have about what is true in the environment around them like
what is life, how to value it, and how one’s belief on the value of life relate with his or her interaction with others
and the world.

A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms

_____ 8. _____________ describe what is appropriate or inappropriate in a given society or what ought to be.

A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms

_____ 9. It is a shared set of spoken and written symbols.

A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms

_____ 10. _________ are specific rules/standards to guide appropriate behavior.

A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms

_____ 11. Also known as customs, these are norms for everyday behavior that people follow for the sake of tradition or

A. Mores B. Folkways C. Taboos D. Law

_____ 12. A person or practitioner who studies Anthropology.

A. Sociologist B. Psychologist C. Anthropologist D. Archaeologist

_____ 13. Karen used to tease her newly transferred Mangyan classmate because of his kinky hair and tanned skin. What
kind of cultural view Karen has?

A. cultural relativism B. ethnocentrism C. culture D. society

_____ 14. Mommy and Daddy taught their one-year old daughter Cloud how to play ABC song with the use of their
Lenovo cell phone. Now, Cloud can able to open the phone and sing the ABC song. What characteristic of
culture is shown in the situation?

A. culture is learned C. culture is shared

B. culture is integrated D. culture is symbolic

_____ 15. “Sabong” is a vice which Lolo Tasyo has been indulged with until this year. This kind of gambling was brought
in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization. This only proves that culture is?

A. learned C. shared
B. integrated D. symbolic

_____16. Sandra, a 16-year-old Filipina girl had been nominated to be an exchange-student in Australia during winter
season. In her preparation of things, she excluded her shorts and sleeveless and start pulling out her jackets and
boots on her cabinet, while her Australian exchange student began to take in her shirts and shorts on her personal
baggage bag. What does this show?

A. culture is adaptive C. culture is dynamic

B. culture is abstract D. culture is symbolic


II. TRUE OR FALSE: Read each question carefully and identify whether it is TRUE or FALSE. Write T or F for your
answers, use the space provided before each number. (20 points)

_________ 1. Society is a group of people sharing a common culture.

_________ 2. Culture is a “complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms,
artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society.”
_________ 3. Culture is a society’s (or group’s) system of shared, learned values and norms; as a whole, these values and
norms are the society’s (or group’s) design for living
_________ 4. Culture is expressed in language and symbols.
_________ 5. Culture survives if it can accommodate to changing conditions.
_________ 6. Cultures evolve from the interaction of person with others, and a person’s belief or behavior becomes part
of the culture when it is externalized and objectified.
_________ 7. Cultures change through the action of persons whose ideas and behavior “fit” the culture.
_________ 8. Culture determines how we view the world around us
_________ 9. Culture refers to the beliefs, values, behavior and objects that, together, form a people's way of life.
_________ 10. Culture includes the traditions we inherit and pass on to the next generation
_________ 11. Culture: totality of our shared language, knowledge, material objects, and behavior
_________ 12. Cultural preferences vary across societies
_________ 13. Culture is very recent and was a long time in the making.
_________ 14. Culture is what makes us human.
_________ 15. Culture refers to the universal human capacity to classify, & communicate their experiences symbolically.
_________ 16. Culture shapes and guides people’s perception of reality
_________ 17. The word culture, came from the Latin colo, -ere, with its root meaning "to cultivate“.
_________ 18. Culture is a universal feature of human social life
_________ 19. Culture are those qualities and attributes that seem to be characteristic of all humankind.
_________ 20. Culture is viewed as a macrosystem.

II. IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being ask in the following questions below. Choose your answers on the box
and write your answers on the space provided. Write the terms, not the letter. (2 points each)
____________________ 1. Rules defining acceptable and unacceptable behavior for a given culture
____________________ 2. Broad ideas about what is good or desirable shared by people in a group
____________________ 3. Things that stand for or represent something else
____________________ 4. Physical objects you can touch
____________________ 5. Intangible; can’t touch it
____________________ 6. A group of people who have learned to live and work together.
____________________ 7. Norms of little moral significance
____________________ 8. Norms central to functioning of social life
____________________ 9. This can be spoken and written messages.
____________________ 10. Plurality of historically conditioned cultures
____________________ 11. Relates to an abrupt transition from a familiar to an alien environment and often requires
____________________ 12. Is the belief that one’s own cultural practices and values are inherently correct or superior to
those of others.
____________________ 13. The practice of interpreting and judging other cultures in terms of their own internal
meaning and value systems.
____________________ 14. A group that deviates in certain areas or features with respect to values, beliefs, and
behavior from that of a dominant or parent culture
____________________ 15. It is said to be the way of life.

a. Culture f. Material Culture l. Cultural pluralism q. Religion

b. Norms g. Ethnocentrism m. Folkways r. Cultural variations
c. Sub- culture i. Non- Material Culture n. Mores s. Family
d. Values j. Culture Shock o. Language t. Community
e. Cultural Relativism k. Society p. Communication u. Lifestyle


“Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him;

and He shall bring it to pass.”
Psalm 37:5

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Head Teacher VI- SHS Coordinator



Secondary School Principal III

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