A. Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing A, B, C, D! Text 1 (For Question Number 1-7)

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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d!

Text 1 (for question number 1-7)

Once there was a husband and his wife who had a baby. They had a dog named Bony. It was a very smart dog and
faithful to them. The dog used to take care of the baby while were working in the rice field.
One afternoon, while working in the field, they heard Bony barking. It was running toward them. It’s mouth
smeared with blood. The husband shocked and thought that it had killed their baby. Suddenly he took his sickle and
threw it to the dog. It hit the dog’s had and the dog head and the dog fell down and died.
Hurriedly they got home and saw the baby sleeping. When the husband looked around in the baby’s room, he
found a big snake lying on the floor. It was dead and blood spilled everywhere. It seemed the dog had killed the
snake and the killed his faithful dog.

1. Who was Bony? Bonny was……….

a. the husband’s name
b. the wife’s name
c. the bay’s name
d. the dog’s name
2. Why was the dog running toward the couple?
a. because it afraid of snake
b. because it was hurt
c. because the dog wanted some foods.
d. because the dog wanted to tell that something dangerous almost happened i their home.
3. ……finally killed by the husband.
a. the baby
b. the snake
c. the wife
d. the dog

4. The snake was killed by…………………

a. the dog
b. the husband
c. the wife
d. the child

5. Was the baby hurt by the dog?

1. yes, it is
2. yes, it was
3. no, it did
4. no was not

6 . “Suddenly, he took his sickle …..”(paragraph 2, sentence 5). The word suddenly has the same
meaning with the word………………
a. usually d. angrily
b. quietly
c. Quickly

7. Why was the husband shocked? Because………………

a. He thought that the dog hurt killed his baby
b. he was sick
c. he saw a snake
d. he saw a dog died

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8. A : “What kind of the narrative is it?”
B : “It is……….”

a. romance
b. adventure
c. science fiction
d. mystery

9. I …………..to the mall last week

a. went
b. go
c. Gone
e. Goes

10. Lisa : Do you mind turning on the fan for me ?

Mita : …………………..
a. no, thank you
b. yes, I do
c. l’d love to
d. not at all

11. Dicky : may I can to your house at 7 tonight ?

Anne : ….. I will be going somewhere with my friend at that time.
a. yes, that’s all right
b. yes, indeed
c. l’m afraid not
d. not at all

question for number 12 to 15

Tuesday evening
March 8, 2008

Dear Olga,
It is a (12) ….. to read your letter and to know about the music program at your university. I’ll be (13) ….. to go
with you. My bus (14) ….. be at your school at 4 o’clock on Saturday. If you don’t mind, I’d like you (15) ….. me at
the bus station. See you on Saturday.


12. a. happy
b. regret
c. nice
d. pleasure

13. a. sad
b. sorry
c. happy
d. happily

14. a. can
b. will
c. should
d. must

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15. a. met
b. meet
c. meets
d. meeting
A : Have you heard that uncle Joe will come next week?
B : Oh. really? When did he tell you?
A : Last week.
The underlined sentence is used to express ……..
a. happiness
b. surprise
c. pleasure
d. enjoyment

17. I ………………… a fantastic film at the cinema last week.

a. saw
b. seeing
c. seed
d. See


“Watch the TV tonight. My daughter is on TV channel 5 at eight. She always makes me happy.” “Sure, I will.”
From the underlined words we know that the first speaker feels …….. her daughter.

a. angry with
b. proud of
c. worried about
d. disappointed at

19. The batik dress mother gave me is old, its colour has faded. Its refers to …
a. mother
b. old
c. batik
d. Colour

20. “I am sorry I don’t know the answer, but I really wish I …”

a. know
b. have known
c. knew
d. will know

21. ….you met your friend last Sunday?

a. Did
b. Do
c. Does
d. Are

22. I listen to everything . . . he saids

a. Which
b. who
c. whom
d. whos
d. why

23. this semester I had to buy fifteen books, most of . . . . english

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a. which is
b. which are
c. whom were
d. whom is

24. the company hired ten new employees, some of.... men
a. which is
b. which are
c. whom were
d. whom is

25My sister, Siska has all her dresses made because…

a. she likes sewing
b. she is a dress maker
c. she cannot sew at all
d. she doesn’t have a good dressmaker

26. This area is not suitable for farming because the soil is not……
a. fertile
b. fertilize
c. Fertility
d. Fertilizer

27. ‘May I go shopping with my friends, mom ?’

‘No, you…….stay in bed until you recover.
a. Can
b. May
c. Might
d. Could

28. ‘When do you want to have the parcels………to you hosue ?’

‘It’s better tomorrow morning’
a. Deliver
b. To Deliver
c. Delivered
d. Delivering

questions for number 29 – 34

One evening last week my and I were sitting quietly at home. Suddenly we heard a loud bang. I supposed that the
old lady in the flat above ours was moving the furniture about. My wife was afraid that the noise would wake the
baby. She turned down the TV and moment latter we heard someone calling for help.
I run upstairs. The old lady’s door was shut but I could see smoke coming through the letter box and under the door
and smell something burning.” Ring the fire brigade .” I should down to my wife.
I banged on the door but the old lady took a long time answer. I was turning over in my mind the idea of breaking
the door down when she finally appeared.
“I was having a bath,” she said,” when the water heater in the kitchen blew up. And I was getting dressed when you
I took her down stairs to our flat. Smoke was pouring out of the kitchen and the heater was in flames. Just then I
heard a fire engine arriving outside and the heavy footsteps of the firemen on the stairs.” It’s in here,” I shouted,”
You turned up promptly, I must say.”
When I got back to our flat, my wife was making the old lady a cup of tea, Soon afterwards, the fire chief came in to
ask a few questions. It turned out that the fire was not very serious and the firemen were already putting it out. When
they left, my wife went up with the old lady to help her clean up the mess.
When she returned, my wife remarked : “It’s all right now. Nothing was damaged except the water heater. But
wasn’t it lucky that baby slept through the noise ?’

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She took the teacups into the kitchen and I heard her scream and the cups crash to the floor. When I got there, water
dripping from the ceiling and forming a pool on the floor. The baby woke up at least and began to cry.

Choose the right statement

29. What is the story about ?

a. A disastrous accident
b. A confused old lady
c. A fire brigade in action
d. A surprising evening

30. The writer suspected that something was wrong when…

a. there was a loud noise
b. there was a cry for help
c. his wife was afraid of the noise
d. furniture was being moved about

31. Which of the following statement is true ?

a. the old lady hurried to the door when yhe writer knocked
b. the noise in the old lady’s flat didn’t disturb the baby
c. the writer kicked the door open to save the old lady’s life
d. there was great damage in the flat ofter the fire

32. ‘Turning over in my mind in paragraph 3 means…

a. Chancing
b. Repeating
c. Reminding
d. Considering

33. After reading the whole story, we know that…

a. the old lady was good at house cleaning

b. the baby was startled by the some of the fire engine
c. the fire occurred because the old lady had been careless
d. the old lady always enjoyed having tea with the writer’s wife

34. Which of the following statement is not true ?

a. the baby woke up a long while after the fire

b. the writer and his wife were at home watching TV that night
c. the fire engine didn’t arrive as quickly as the writer had thought
d. the writer’s wife was so startled that the cups fell from her hends

35. Nowadays people prefer using small cars than big ones because they are more…
a. Economic
b. Economy
c. Economical
d. Economize

36. The place …..the Dutch imprisoned Pangeran Diponegoro was hilly
a. Which
b. That
c. In Which

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d. On Which

37. The woman begged the robber…

a. don’t take my money
b. not to take her money
c. not taking her money
d. he didn’t take her money

38. Every night the street vendors walk along the road and…food and drink.
b. to sell
c. sell
d. selling

39. Someone had stolen his car last night

He…..forgotten to lock the garage

a. would have
b. should have
c. might have
d. could have

40. “I got to the library at one o’clock, and it started raining immediately !
We can also say…
a. when I got to the library, it was already raining
b. the rain started some time before I went to the library
c. It started raining when I was walking to the library
d. it had started raining before I got to the library
e. it started raining as soon as I got to the library

B. Rearrange the words to make sentences or questions.

41. Ever/arm/have/your/broken/you/? :
42. Cow/I/milked/a/have/never/ :
43. You/seen/”forest Gump’/have? :
44. Hippopotamus/you/seen/have/ever/a? :
45. Juice / about/ a/how/ glass/of? :

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