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Aisyel Janine S.


Dear Self,
Drugs are medicines or other substances which has effects on our body, it may be good
or bad. Currently, at our society, a lot of people especially the youth are taking drugs that
doesn't gave them benefit at all. Drugs have short-term and long-term effects to oneself,
family, school, community, and the nation as whole. First, ourself. Ourself will take the most
effect if we are using drugs. Why? It starts on our own body. Using drugs, will slowly weaken
our body day by day. If our body is affected by drugs, might as well our family. It can loosen or
broken unhappy family relationships. We might ignore our responsibilities as a member of our
family. And because you’re using drugs, you’re buying drugs that may lead to financial problems
especially when you will be in rehabilitation at last. In worst case, it may lead to family
separation. Drugs have effects on our schooling. If we are continuously using drugs, it may
affect our academic performance. Drugs will change ourself, our attitude that we didn't realize
what we are doing sometimes. We might do something bad like doing a crime that includes
robbery. It may also lead to an accident. It is the effect on our community. And if it affects our
community, it affects the whole nation! It is a real problem on our country that needs a
solution. Well, the current government, on President Duterte, we can see some changes
especially on drugs. As a student, I know that taking drugs is bad because we are studying that. I
just want to say that our life is important. Cherish our life, if we have a problem, drugs won't
ever help us. Let's be thankful what we have and let's just enjoy our life. I, you and we are
worth living.

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