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Document Review and Approval Application Design

The first step to building a new application is to lay out the application design. Begin with the workflow, or workflows. This identifies
the user steps and system steps necessary to achieve the workflow goal. From here, you can determine what forms you need. Does the
user need to edit form content? Are the forms read-only? Once you have a good understanding of the workflow and forms, you can
determine the data sources. Where is data stored? SharePoint? SQL Server? Do you need to retrieve data? If so, where is the data
coming from? Finally, you can decide if you need to report on the workflow and what kind of reports you need.

This application has two workflows: Document Review Workflow and Document Approval Workflow. You will configure both
workflows to start on-demand. After you upload a document to the SharePoint library, you will decide which workflow to start. If you
need input on a document, select the Document Review Workflow. If the document is ready for final approval, select the Document
Approval Workflow.
Both workflow layouts are in a swim-lane format. Notice how each lane represents a user or a system responsible for the task(s). The
workflow moves from one lane to another, before coming to an end.
Document Review Workflow

Document Review Workflow

Key points in the Document Review Workflow steps:

 You can select one or more reviewers to provide input

 A system step updates the status property in the SharePoint library to pending
 The workflow moves to a review document user step
 All reviewers must accept the document to follow the accepted outcome
 If one or more reviewers selects rework, the workflow follows the rework outcome
 The rework outcome routes the workflow back to you (the originator)
 You have the option to resubmit the document or cancel the review request
 The rework outcome creates a looping effect and can loop as many times as needed
 After each user step, a system step updates the document's status property
Document Approval Workflow

Document Approval Workflow

Key points in the Document Approval Workflow steps:

 You can select one or more approvers

 A system step updates the status property in the SharePoint list to pending
 All approvers must approve the document to follow the approved outcome
 If one or more approvers rejects the document, the workflow follows the rejected outcome
 If approved, a system task sends an email to you with the approvers decision with a link to the document
 If rejected, a system task updates the document's status property

This application uses K2-generated SmartForms for user interaction. SmartForms are not used to start the workflow. You start each
workflow on-demand from the library itself. SmartForms are more flexible than standard SharePoint forms. In the last step in this
tutorial, you will edit a SmartForm and remove unnecessary controls. This is not easily accomplished with SharePoint forms.

You will create the reports element as part of generating application elements from the library. The reports component is not covered
in depth however.

This application uses one SharePoint library for the data component. The table below outlines the properties (columns) the application

Column Type of
Library Name Name Data Notes

Documents to Title Single line This is the existing Title column for the document library. The column displays
Review and Approve (existing) of text Name when viewing the library.
This is a group of users who review the document. When you start the
Person or workflow, you add user names to this list. The workflow creates a task for each
Reviewers Group user on the list.

Review Single line

Status of text The review workflow updates this property as it progresses.

This is a group of users who approve or reject the document. When you start
Person or the workflow, you add user names to this list. The workflow creates a task for
Approvers Group each user on the list.

Approve Single line

Status of text The approve workflow updates this property as it progresses.
Next: 1. Confirm the SharePoint App is Active; Add the K2 Worklist Web Part

How to create a SharePoint approval workflow with 3

dynamically-determined approvers

Create a workflow which is described on following image.

Note: After any two of three approvers finish their approval tasks document will be either approved or rejected.
<img src="


Access SharePoint site and create custom SharePoint list.

List name: Regulation Approvers


 Editor (PeoplePicker)
 Approver1 (PeoplePicker)
 Approver2 (PeoplePicker)
 Approver3 (PeoplePicker)

<img src="

Note: Using this method approvers can be different for different users/employees.

Also, create libraries:

 Regulations – draft
 Regulations

Regulations is public library, everyone has “Read” access.

Open SP Designer – Workflows – List WorkFlow – “Regulations – Draft”

Name: Parallel Approval WF 2013 – 3 approvers.

VIDEO: How to Create a More Complex Workflow using SharePoint Designer

<img src="

Action – Set WF Status – this message – “In progress”.

<img src="

Action – Set WF Variable.

Workflow variable – create a new variable… –

<img src="

Name: Approver1
Type: String – OK
<img src="

Value – fx.
Click on fx and enter following parameters:

<img src="
<img src="

<img src="
Click on OK button.

<img src="

Click on Yes button.

<img src="
You should be able to see workflow presented on the following image:

<img src="

Now repeat the same steps to create variables:

 Approver2
 Approver3

<img src="

 Now click on Action – Set a task process.

 Click on “these users” link.
 Window presented on following image will be shown.
 Select “Parallel (all at once)”.
<img src="

Now click on “…” button to define paticipants (approvers) – Workflow Lookup for a User… – Add – (insert parameters as shown on the image

<img src="
 Repeat process for Approver2 and Approver3.
 Click on OK button.

<img src="

Click on “…” button next to the “Task Title” field.

<img src="
Type: “Request for approval – “.
Click on Add or Change Lookup button, insert parameters as shown on the image below.
Click on OK button.

<img src="

Following image presents workflow created so far.

<img src="

Click on Task Options.

Insert parameters as shown on the images below.
<img src="

<img src="

In this case approval process will be finished after any two of three approvers finish their approval tasks.
Note: if I put any number higher than 33 and lower than 67 outcome will be the same.
Now click on Email Options.
Click on Open email editor and edit email that will be sent to approvers.

<img src="

We do not want to set Approval Task Due Date, so in this case we will not check “Send Task Overdue Email” option.
<img src="

Click on Outcome Options and select parameters as shown on image below.

<img src="

Click on OK button.

Now we need to set what whoul happened if an item is approved and what if an item is rejected.
Click on Condition – If any value equals value.

<img src="
Click on left “value” link, click on “fx” button – (enter parameters as shown on image below).
Click on other “value” link, click on Approved.
Singl left click below following string: “(Start typing or use the Insert group on the Ribbon.)”.


Action – Set WF Variable – Set WF status to: “Document is Approved”.

Action – Copy Document – this library – Current item – OK – this library – Regulations.
Action – Send an Email – these users – (click on the icon next to the “To” field).

<img src="

Workflow Lookup for a User… – Add.

<img src="

Enter parameters as shown on the images below.

<img src="

<img src="
<img src="

Define Subject as shown on the image below.

Define mail body.
<img src="

Click on “Else Branch” button placed in the ribbon.

<img src="

Action – Set WF Variable – Set WF status to: “Document is NOT Approved”.


Action – Send an Email.

Now define mail that will be sent if document is not approved using the same method described abowe.
After you finished defining Else branch click below “(Insert go-to actions with conditions for transitioning to the stage)” string, click on Action –
Go to a stage – click on “a stage” link – select “End of Workflow”.

Now click on “Check for Errors” button placed on the ribbon.
“The workflow contains no errors” message will be shown, click on OK button.
Click on Save button placed on the ribbon.
Now click on the name of workflow we created.
Define Settings and Start Options.

<img src="

<img src="
Click on Save button.
Click on Publish button.

Originally Posted here: link.

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Views: 36.19K | Categories: SharePoint, Workflows

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Tomislav Tasic -


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SharePoint Workflows Automate Business Processes
December 4, 2014

In general, workflow refers to a series of tasks that produce a particular outcome. For Microsoft SharePoint products and technologies, workflow is the automated movement of documents or items through a
sequence of actions or tasks that are related to a business process. Workflows can be used to consistently manage an organization’s common business processes by enabling the organization to attach business logic to
documents or items in a SharePoint list or library. Business logic is a set of instructions that specifies and controls the actions that happen to a document or item.

Workflows can streamline the cost and time required to coordinate common business processes, such as project approval or document review, by managing and tracking the human tasks involved with these
processes. For example, adding a workflow to a document library in a SharePoint site could then route a document to a group of people for approval. When the document author starts this workflow, the workflow
creates document-approval tasks, assigns these tasks to the participants, and then sends email alerts to the participants with task instructions and a link to the document out for approved. While the workflow is in
progress, the workflow owner or participants can check the Workflow Status page to see what tasks are completed. When all tasks are completed, the workflow ends and the owner is automatically notified that it is

Out-of-the-Box SharePoint Workflows

SharePoint workflows 2013 offer several tools for common business scenarios:

Approval: Routes documents or items to a group for approval.

Feedback: Routes documents or items to a group for feedback, which is then compiled and sent back to the initiator of the feedback workflow.

Signature collector: Routes documents or items to a group to collect their digital signatures.

Disposition approval: Manages document expiration and retention by allowing participants to decide whether to retain or delete expired documents; supports records-management processes.

Group approval: Similar to the Approval workflow, but uses a designated document library and offers a personalized view of the approval processes in which the user is participating.
Three-state: Manage business processes that require organizations to track a high volume of issues or items, such as customer-support issues, sales leads or project tasks.

Custom Workflow Support

These predefined workflows can be somewhat customized to meet different needs, but it is also possible to design and develop workflows for unique business processes. Workflows can be as simple or complex as
the business processes require. Developers can create workflows that are started by people who use a site, or they can create workflows that start automatically based on an event, such as when a list item is created or
changed. For more information about customizing workflows visit this SharePoint tutorial.

MH (Marc-Henri) Lauzon

MH Lauzon is President of the cloud-hosting provider ITUtility.NET, a Canadian leader in the cloud-hosting industry. With unparalleled expertise in Microsoft® SharePoint®, he has been helping
private- and public-sector organizations automate their business processes using that platform since 2003.



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