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The objectives of this course are to impart knowledge and abilities to the students to:

I. Understand the expansive soil properties and apply the same for the design of structures on
expansive soils.
II. Design dewatering system, and using dewatering methods for ground improvement
III. Apply knowledge on expansive soils, ground improvement techniques, Earth retaining structures,
drainage, dewatering and grouting techniques
IV. Apply mechanical modification, using deep compaction Techniques, Blasting, Vibro compaction,
Dynamic and Compaction Piles
V. Learn about different methods of ground improvement in cohesive and granular soil.
VI. Understand Preloading including sand drains Learn grouting methods in Civil Engineering

S No QUESTION Blooms Course

taxonomy Outcomes
Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Define challenging soil. Remember 1
2 What are the major problematic soils? Understand 1
3 What is expansive soil? Give one example. Remember 1
4 What are the difficulties faced with soft clay? Analyze 1
5 How is loose sand a challenging soil? Understand 1
6 What is a collapsible soil? Understand 1
7 Name the various soil deposits found in India. Remember 1
8 What is the need for improving the ground? Analyze 1
9 Name any four ground improvement techniques. Remember 1
10 Define ground improvement. Understand 1
11 What are the improved soils Understand 2
12 Define Raft foundations Understand 1
13 Define Reinforced Concrete Understand 1
14 Define Tensile strength Understand 2
15 What is Ductility Remember 2
16 What is Sear strength Remember 2
17 Define Sedimentary soils Understand 2
18 What is fill material Remember 2
19 What is ground Alteration Remember 2
20 Disscuss oven Drying method Understand 2

Part - B (Long Answer Questions)

(i) Explain in detail the role of ground improvement in
1 Remember 1
foundation engineering
2 What are the objectives of ground improvement Technique. Remember 1
(a) Disscuss in detail the need for Engineered ground
3 Understand 2
4 (a) Explain in brief what is a stone column and how is it installed? Understand 2

5 Write down the application of rollers Remember 1

6 Write the classifications of ground improvement Technique. Remember 1

7 What are the types of reclamation materials. Understand 2
8 What are the thermal methods of modification? Remember 1
9 What are the favourable ground conditions for construction Understand 2
10 Define challenging soil. What are the major problematic soils? Analyze 3
11 What are the methods used to determine the water content in the soil. Remember 1
12 Disscuss what is plastic limit of the Soil? Understand 1
13 Disscuss the liquid limit of the soil. Remember 1
What are the various geotechnical problems faced with black cotton
14 soil, Analyze 1

15 What are the factors influencing the selection of ground improvement 1

techniques? Analyze
Write in brief about (a) Compaction b) vibrocompaction
16 c) Preloading Remember 1
What is Hydraulic modification? What are the various methods of
17 dewatering? Remember 1
What are the various geotechnical problems faced with laterite soil
18 and alluvial soil deposits? Remember 1
19 What are the requirements for ground Alterations after formation. Understand 1
20 What is the effect of temperature variation on the soil. Remember 2
Part - C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Questions)
1 Write in detail the principle, operation and applications of vibro- Analyze & 1
compaction method of ground improvement evaluate
What are the various geotechnical problems faced with black cotton Analyze &
2 1,2
soil, laterite soil and alluvial soil deposits? evaluate

How does a sand compaction pile improve the soil? Write a detailed Analyze &
3 1,2
note on its installation and functioning. evaluate
Analyze &
4 1,2
What do you understand from the term in-situ densification? evaluate
What are the various geotechnical problems faced with black cotton Analyze &
5 1,2
soil, laterite soil and alluvial soil deposits? evaluate
6 What are the various methods of in-situ densification? Understand 1
7 How is loose sand a challenging soil? Remember 1
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 What are the various methods of in-situ densification? Understand 3
2 What is vibro compaction. Remember 3
3 What is blasting modification? Analyze 3
4 What is vibro-displacement? Analyze 3
5 Define Dynamic Tamping. Understand 3
6 What mechanical modification. Analyze 3
7 What is compaction? Remember 3
8 What is compaction pile? Analyze 3
9 What is stone column? Analyze 3
10 How is blasting a ground improvement technique? Remember 3
11 Write the advantages of compaction piles. Understand 3
12 What is cohesionless soils Understand 3
13 What are the methods of installing a stone column? Remember 3
14 Write the disadvantages of compaction piles. Remember 3
15 What is impact rollers Remember 3
16 Define plate vibraters Understand 3
17 Define vibro-replacement stone columns. Understand 3
18 When compaction is it adopted? Remember 3
19 Discss the method of compaction piles. Remember 3
20 Write the effects of compaction. Remember 3

Part - B (Long Answer Questions)

1 What are the equipments used in vibro compaction method? Analyze 3
Discuss with a neat diagram installation of explosives for ground 3
2 Understand
improvement techniques
Explain in detail the method of dynamic compaction of cohesion less 3
3 and dynamic consolidation of cohesive soil. Understand
4 How is a rammed stone column installed? Analyze 3
5 What is vibro-compaction? In which soils is it adopted? Analyze 3
What are compaction piles? Discuss the installation procedure of 3
6 Analyze
compaction piles
What is stone column? What are the methods of installing a stone 3
7 column? Analyze
Explain in detail the method of dynamic compaction of cohesion less 3
8 Remember
Explain with a neat diagram the installation procedure of compaction 3
9 piles Analyze
Explain in detail the method of dynamic compaction and dynamic 3
10 consolidation of cohesive soil. Understand
11 What are the equipment used in the vibrocompaction. Understand 3
12 Discuss in detail the installation procedure of the vibrocompaction Remember 3
13 What is densification of soil? Explain in detail. Remember 3
14 How dynamic tamping is helpful in compaction of the soil. Understand 3
Write short notes on: a) Heavy Tamping 3
b) Impact rollers
15 c) Plate vibrators Understand

16 Write the advantages and Disadvantages of sand blasting Techniques Understand 3

Discuss the installation procedure of vibro compaction with a neat
17 diagram.
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
Discuss in detail the In-situ laboratory test for problematic soils Analyze & 3
What are the laboratory tests to identify expansive soils? Write Analyze & 3
about swell pressure test. evaluate
What are the merits and demerits of dynamic compaction Analyze & 3
Write in detail the principle, operation and applications of vibro- 3
4 Analyze
compaction method of ground improvement.
How does a sand compaction pile improve the soil? Write a detailed
5 Analyze 3
note on its installation and functioning.
Explain in brief about the installation and working of a vibro-
6 Analyze 3
replacement stone column.
What are the various stages of operation in installation and action of a
7 Analyze 3
lime pile?
Compare and contrast the various methods of in-situ densification 3
8 Analyze
Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
1 When are deep wells used for dewatering? Understand 4
2 What is dewatering? Analyze 4
3 Write a shot notes on Deep Well Drainage. Remember 4
4 What are the objectives used in dewatering? Analyze 4
5 What are the techniques used in dewatering? Remember 4
6 Explain about well point system. Analyze 4
7 What is hydraulic modification? Understand 4
8 What is electro kinetic dewatering? Understand 4
9 When are deep wells used for dewatering? Understand 4
10 What are the various methods of dewatering? Remember 4
11 What are the different types of drains? Understand 5
12 Define Geosynthetics? Analyze 5
13 Define geotextile. Analyze 5
14 Write about Filter Equipments. Analyze 5
15 Define vacuum dewatering system. Understand 5
16 What is electro-osmotic dewatering? Remember 5
17 Define permeability and seepage. Remember 5
18 Define coarse grain soils Understand 5
19 Define fine grain soils. Understand 5
20 What are the filter requirements of a filler material? Remember 5

Part – B (Long Answer Questions)

1 Explain about fiber and materials in geosythetics. Remember 4
2 What are various applications of geosynthetic Analyze 4
3 What is filtration in ground improvement technique? Disscuss in detail. Remember 4
4 What are the essential feature of the open sumps and ditches? Analyze 4
How are the mechanisms of dewatering by electro osmosis with neat
5 sketches? Remember 4

6 What is the principle behind electro-kinetic method? Analyze 4

What is the need for drainage and dewatering?
7 Understand 4
Explain single stage well point and multi stage well points with neat
8 sketch. Understand 4

Write the various methods of preloading.

9 Understand 4
10 What are vertical drains? And when it is adopted, Remember 4
11 Discuss the dewatering by vacuum method Remember 5
12 When is pre-loading adopted as a ground improvement technique? Analyze 5
13 What is multistage well point installation? Discuss with a neat diagram Understand 5
What is single stage well point installation system? Discuss with a
14 neat diagram. Remember 5
15 Discuss the advantages and Disadvantages of dewatering system Analyze 5
16 Discuss the consideration taken to design a proper dewatering system Remember 5
17 What are the parameters considered in well installation technique Analyze 5
18 How dewatering system that is applicable to different soils? Understand 5
19 Differentiate open drains, closed drains and horizontal drains. Remember 5
20 What are the different types of well point systems? Understand 5

Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)

Analyze &
1 Explain the traditional dewatering system and their choice. evaluate
Analyze &
2 What are the advantages of sumps and ditches in dewatering? 4
Analyze &
Describe diagrammatic arrangement of well point system. 4
3 evaluate
4 Explain in detail with a neat sketch the method of dewatering using Analyze &
sumps and ditches stating its advantages and disadvantages. evaluate
5 Analyze &
Discuss deep well drainage system with a neat diagram. 5
6 Explain the design of dewatering system in hydraulic modification of
Understand 5
the ground
7 Explain drainage prevention after construction of structure on a ground Remember 5
8 Explain the interceptor’s drains with neat diagram. Understand 5
9 Explain vacuum dewatering wells with neat sketch. Remember 5
10 What are the various methods of dewatering? Understand 5
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Define grouting. Understand 4
2 Write the applications of grouting. Understand 4
3 What are the functions of admixtures. Analyze 4
4 What are the different types of grouts? Remember 4
5 Name the different methods of grout injection Understand 5
6 What are the two methods of mechanical stabilization? Remember 5
7 How is stabilization of soil achieved by cement? Understand 5
8 What are the methods adopted in construction of stabilized roads? Remember 5
Explain stabilization by heating in thermal methods of ground
9 improvement techniques. Understand 5
10 What are the various methods of grouting Understand 5
11 Explain about compaction Grouting. Understand 4
12 Discuss dry mix Vs wet mix. Understand 4
13 Define Concrete. Understand 4
14 What is crack grouting Analyze 4
15 What is low mobility Grouting. Remember 4
16 Define freezing of ground Analyze 4
17 Define heating of ground Understand 4
18 What is soil-cement or soil-lime coloumn Analyze 4
Explain stabilization by heating in thermal methods of ground
19 improvement techniques. Analyze 5
20 What are the various methods of grouting Analyze 5

Part – B (Long Answer Questions)

Describe in detail about the various methods of grouting with neat
1 sketches. Understand 4
Write short notes on:
(a) Pre-grout investigation
2 (b) Grout holes pattern Remember 4
(c) Selection of grout characteristics
3 How are heating and freezing used to improve ground? Remember 4
4 Disscuss about compaction grouting and jet grouting Remember 4
5 What are the various methods of jet grouting? Understand 4
6 Define Grouting. What are the material used in grouting? Remember 4
7 Disscuss in detail the grouting procedure. Understand 4
8 Define grouting. What are the characteristics of Grouting? Remember 4
9 How are heating and freezing used to improve ground? Understand 5
10 What do you understand from the term chemical stabilization? Understand 5
11 Explain about the jet grouting with neat sketch. Remember 5
What is the procedure for cement grouting of cracks in concrete
12 Analyze 5
13 What is chemical grouting. Analyze 5
14 Discuss Shotcreting and Guiting Technology Analyze 5
15 Discuss the application of Grouting? Analyze 4
16 What are the different types of Grouting. Analyze 4
17 What is suspension Grout. Understand 4
Discuss the procedure for cement grouting of cracks in concrete
18 Analyze 4
19 Discuss jetting method in Grouting Analyze 5
20 Discuss shortcrete Vs Gunite in detail. Analyze 5

Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)

Enumerate with a neat sketch the grouting plant and equipment Analyze &
1 4
necessary and the procedure for carrying out grouting operations. evaluate
2 Write a detailed note on (a) Portland cement stabilization (b) Analyze & 4
Bituminous stabilization evaluate
Describe in detail about the various methods of grouting with neat Analyze &
3 4
sketches. evaluate
Analyze &
4 4
Explain in detail how an expansive soil is stabilized. evaluate
Describe in detail how chemicals are used in stabilizing the soil with Analyze &
5 5
the help of an example. evaluate
6 Explain about the geosynthetic erosion control. Understand 5
7 What is Shotcreting and Guiting Technology Remember 5
8 How thermal methods are helpful in soil stabalization Understand 5
9 Discuss the various problems related to expansive soil. Remember 5
Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
1 What is soil reinforcement Analyze 6
2 Define grid reinforcement soil Understand 6
3 Define soil nailing. Understand 6
4 Disscuss about ground achors Understand 6
5 What is soil reinforcement? Analyze 6
6 What are the application of geosythetics? Remember 6
7 What is in- Situ reinforcement Remember 6
8 Define soil or fill material Remember 6
9 Define Reinforcement Remember 6
10 Define facing Remember 6
11 Define Geogrids Remember 6
12 What is stone coloumn Remember 6
13 Define Sand coloumn Remember 6
14 What is steep-faced embankments. Remember 6
15 What is reinforced soil walls. Analyze 6
16 Define Geomembrane Analyze 6
17 Define driven nails Analyze 6
18 Define Grouted nails Remember 6
19 What are jet Grouted nails Analyze 6
20 What are the advantages of soil nailing Analyze 6
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 What are the various types of geosynthetics? Analyze 6
2 What are four major applications of geosynthetics? Remember 6
3 Define geosynthetics. What are the various types of geosynthetics? Analyze 6
Name a few raw materials that are used in the manufacture of 6
4 Analyze
5 Describe in a few words about rock bolting. Remember 6
With neat sketches explain in detail the various applications of 6
6 Remember
reinforced earth for ground improvement.
7 Describe in detail about soil nailing and when is it adopted? Remember 6
What could be best possible method of improving foundation system of 6
8 Remember
archeologically important structure laid on silty sand soils?
9 why soil nails are called passive inclusion. Remember 6
1) Write short note on:

a) Soil nailing
10 b) Rock bolting Remember 6
c) Ground Anchors
d) Reinforced Soil

What are the three basic material composites required in the 6

11 construction of any reinforced soil structure? Understand
12 What are the applications areas for the use of earth reinforcement Analyze 6
13 Soil nailing technique is used for which purpose? Remember 6
14 What are the application s of soil nailing? Remember 6
15 What are the machineries used for soil nailing? Remember 6
16 What are the materiels used for soil nailing? Analyze 6
17 What are the application areas of ground anchors Analyze 6
18 Define ground anchors. What are the different types of ground anchors Remember 6
What are the three basic material composites required in the 6
19 Analyze
construction of any reinforced soil structure?
20 Write the applications of rock bolting Analyze 6
Part – C (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking)
What are the materials required for construction of a reinforced soil Apply & 6
structure? evaluate
Apply & 6
What are the different types of soil reinforcement materials? evaluate
Apply & 6
What are the principle requirements of a reinforcing material? evaluate
Name any four applications of soil reinforcement for ground Apply &
improvement. evaluate
Explain the different applications of soil reinforcement for ground Apply & 6
improvement. evaluate
Apply & 6
Explain the internal failure modes that occur on the reinforced earth evaluate
Apply & 6
What are the factors governing design of reinforced earth walls evaluate
Apply &
Explain briefly on principles of reinforced earth walls.
Explain the different failure modes govering the design of reinforced Apply & 6
earth evaluate

Prepared By: Ms.B.Navya, Assistant Professor, CE


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