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GOVEANNENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railvay Beard) INDIAN RALDHAY STANDARDS SPECIFICATION fer RUBBER COMPONENTS USED IN TRE AIR BRAKE EQUIPMENT OF DIESEL AND ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES, ELECTRIC MULTI PIE WHIT (EMU) STOCK AND DIESEL RAIL CARS Serial Ke R-48-88 Cwilt? 3 Cow. Issued by AESEARCN UZSIGNS AND STANDARDS ORGANISATION LUCKNCW-226 O11 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) SEAL INDIAN RATIWAY STANDARDS SPECIFICATION for RUGBER COMPONENTS USED IN, THE AIR BRAKE EQUIPMENT OF DIESEL AND ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES, BIRCTRIC MULTIPLE UNIT (EMU) STOCK AND DIESE, RAIL CARD Serial No,R-42.a3 0. FOREWORD nis specification fs Lssucd under fixed Sertal the fimil number indicates year of afontion as or in case of revision, the year of last revi- sion, This specification was adopted in 1972. 262, This specification 1s intended to cover the vech- nical provisions relating to miterials, constrixtions ant tests, and does mt inelute all the necessary provisions of thé contracts. 0.8 This specification draws reference to some of the relevant IS Specifications, latest versions of these specifications shall be taken as references. o4 For the purpose of decidin- whether 2 particular redutrenent of this stanéaré is complied, with, the fina? value observed or calculated, expressing’ the result of 2 test or anciysis, shall te rounied off In accortance with the 18:2. The nunter of significant places retained 4 the rounied off value should te the sane as that af specified value in this stanjard. 0.5 In this revision, due consideration has “een given & to the developrent in the field of clastomerie sater: process technologies, serviceability requirements of the Inflan Rallways & thé practices followed in advanced countries in this fiel@, 2.6 In this revision, sical properties of the subber of varlous commanents have been unrated. Tension set for ‘ot rings & swelling test in lubric2ting ofl/grease usdd tn service have been Incorporated, Performance test for diarhragas has also been introduced. wef wb 2 ractice for Rts. & Gat lity °.7. This specification contéins a code of quality control & insveetion' of rubber cor: (appeedix tat) to ensure satisfactory procs control at the works of the manufacturers. ‘he provisions € shall be applicabic for el} the r compo Sinllarly prowisions on fonahey eh game use 0.8 Tests for compression set on '0' rings & deveionment of reinforced piston packing fer brake cyliniers with nesion values betweon the reinforced fabric % the rubber © currently under standardisation and shali be {rolled in the specification men finalised. 1, GENERAL TEQUIREMFNTS: Sampling and eriteria for conforsity 1.1 A minimum of six sampies or 9.5! of the lot offered for {nsrection whichever is higher, sha11 be arom for tests Ihdteated in the relevans specif teation event of no. of samples drawn for tests are to carry out all the tests, as per the provistons given in the methods of tests, the Insrectine/Purc authoritios at their discretion shall draw m as recuired. Should the samples fail to meet the require. nents, double the number of samples from the same lot shall’be drawn for re-testing. Should any of the re-test samples fail to comply with the requireent, the entire Lot shall be rejected. 1.1.2 In the event of rejection after the re-testing of he samples, the entire Lot offered for inspeetion shall be made unugable in the presence of Inspecting/Purchasing authorities, 1.1.3 The eanner of dictribution of samples for different tests shall be at tne discretion of the Inspectine/Furcha- sing authorities. 1. Inspection ani Testing facilities Le2el The Inspecting/Purchasing authorities shall have access, at all reasonable tine to the works where the materiais/components are being manufactured or where they are stored, The materials offered for inspectton shell not be withdrawn during the course of inspection. Any move to Withdraw the materials or to interfere with the Inspection in any way will render the entire lot being rejected, ‘The manufacturers shall supply all equipment & chemicals required for testing free of charge, ant shall be at their own cost, supply labour & apparatus for such

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