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I. Multiple Choice
1. Is an artistic literary that can be formal or informal.
a. Short story b. Essay
2. Has characters, plot, setting, and theme.
a. Short story b. Epic
3. Is a short story where animals are mostly the characters.
a. Biography b. Fable
4. Is an account of a person’s life, told and written by another person.
a. Biography b. Autobiography
5. Is a formal kind of text that usually focuses on serious matters, elaborates, and explains.
a. Expository b. Legend
6. Is a narrative kind of text that explains the origin of a person, place, or thing.
a. Memoir b. Legend
7. Is a serious, long narrative in a dignified style telling the deeds of a legendary
a. Comics b. Epic
8. Is an unfair preference for or against something or someone.
a. Propaganda b. Bias
9. Is telling information or thoughts with the purpose of persuading people about their
feelings or actions.
a. Propaganda b. Emotional Appeal
10. Attacks on a person instead of issue
a. Name-calling b. Bandwagon

11. Tries to persuade reader to do, think, or buy something because it is popular or because
“everyone is doing it”
a. Bandwagon b. Emotional Appeal
12. Tries to persuade the reader by using words that appeal to the reader’s emotions
instead of to logic or reason.
a. Bandwagon b. Emotional Appeal
13. Is an article that is usually found in newspapers and magazines.
a. Editorial b. Body
14. States the problems that the writer will talk about.
a. Climax b. Introduction
15. Expresses the opinion of the writer.
a. Conclusion b. Body
16. Offered by the writer to answer the problem.
a. Conclusion b. Solution
17. Emphasizes the main issue being talked about.
a. Conclusion b. Essay
18. Is a type of writing that focuses on educating the reader about a certain topic.
a. Informative Essay b. Narrative Essay
19. Includes the topic of the essay.
a. Introductory Paragraph b. Body Paragraph
20. Serves as the main bulk of the essay.
a. Summarization b. Body Paragraph
21. Serves as the conclusion of the essay.
a. Bloopers b. Concluding Paragraph

II. Compare and Contrast

As well as however while

In the same way similarly

1. Gino likes to go to the beach while Jenny likes to go mountain hiking.

2. Mother and Father have different personalities. However, their ways of raising and
disciplining us are the same.
3. Madeline likes to do gardening as well as baking pastries
4. Alvin is interested in astronomy in the same way that he is interested in basketball.
5. Smart phones and tablets are similarly used by younger generation today.

III. Different Point of View

_____ 1. Daedalus was a brilliant architect and inventor. In fact, he was so brilliant that King Minos of
Crete did not want to let him go back to his home in Athens.

_____2. “Now, Son, we are ready to leave this island for good. We shall fly home to Athens.”

_____3. “Icarus, remember what I told you”

_____4. Over the seas they sailed, and at first Icarus felt frightened for he had never ventured very far in
his practice flights.

_____5. He had lost the power of flight and down he plunged into the sea.

IV. Compound and Complex Sentence

A. Write and, or, but or, so to complete each of the following compound sentence.

1. Miss Santos asked the kids to keep quiet, so they all stopped doing the activity
2. The students saw him, and they felt very sad.
3. The children talked excitedly about Christmas, and they planned to make small stars.

B. Fill in the blank with the appropriate subordinating conjunction to form one complex
1. If they put the team first, commitment will be achieved.
2. Even though the team is very busy; they should find time to plan together.
3. Flexibility is an important trait in strong teams because it comes to sharing responsibilities and

V. Cause and Effect

A. Distinguish the cause and effect of the following statements
1. The boy is lazy to attend his afternoon class, so he failed in three subjects.
Cause: The boy is lazy to attend his afternoon class
Effect: He failed in three subjects

2. She saved a portion of her allowance every day, as a result, she was able to buy a new cell
Cause: She saved a portion of her allowance every day
Effect: She was able to buy a new cell phone

VI. Responding to Questions

1. (own questions)

VII. Graphic Organizer

1. Cat and Dog
*Other examples





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