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HIV/Aids figures had to be Beer haute aC) POO eerie eater ume cuca ee inn world, particularly Africa. How it became an ‘epidemic’ it Affes isla myaery, but we shell conaidefrome of the causal factors here. First, we have the Aids definition itself. For Africa iewas too loose. In its infinite wisdom, the orthodoxy ‘came up with two definitions for Aids ~ one for Africa and one forthe rest of the world. The African definition was remarkable in tslow specificity: "Weight los of more than 10%, chronic di- eet hcegtiat detorackoat rolonged fever Gnucritet coma) dating mare than a ont No test was required. Just by eyesight, millions of Aicans were condemned oa life of ids No wonder scores of millions of Africans were said to be HIV-posi- tive, feeding into the ‘epidemic’ narrative Tn November 1991, a group of Western doctors led by K. M, de Cock attacked the African Aids definition in aletter to the British Medicad Journal, saying: “Many patients with TB, irrespective of HIV state, have weight loss, fever, and cough, and the WHO clinical «ase definition for Aids therefore has a low specificity inchs population, Unless the results of HIV tests ae Known many pancne with TB who have ng HIV infection might be reported as having Aids” i second factor was the inefficient and sta cestkitand che inadequacy ofthe testing proedurcs or the HIV tese. itll was flawed). As are millions of fle ponives were ported in Ara, sconce ime neal va eeugh to declare people a HIV-positive in chaccomsee fe reported epidemic vata hibe one “The third factor was the HIV theory itself, The orthodoxy stretched and disregarded facts to fic a comfoctable theory, and they did everything to avoid the discomfort of admitting error especialy when 29 old diseases were cobbled together and called Aids or Aids-related. The fourth scr was money. money mony At one int Aids was bringing Arsercan sare lone E whopping $.3bn spot, and lnndoeds octorgcate cof high ped jobe wexe inked decry or incisecdly tothe Audsinduery. So the orthodoxy had vo keep che false cheory going for as long as possible, otherwise the jobs would be lose Tn fact, in April 1995, the WHO Global Pro- ramme on AIDS (which later became UNAIDS) Sesmissed 750 of its 3,000 workers because none of he ‘pandemic’ predictions had come true, Inher book, Positively False ~ Exposing the myths around HIV and AIDS, the British awaree-winning journalist and broadcaster, Joan Shenton, tells how “on {he very same day in he sping of 1984, when Mae ret Heckler, the US Health Secretary, with Robert all by her ie, anncunced ata pres conference in ‘Washington DC that the probable cause of AIDS has been found’, Gallo filed a US patent for the HIV blood. test kit he had developed “His claim that he was the sole discoverer of the ‘virus was soon challenged by the French doctor, Luc Montagnier, who happened to be the frst to have ‘dis- eoeiels the virus. So, at che behest of President Ronald Ragan sehen each rine Miner aoe Chirac, Gallo and Montagnier met ina Frankfurt hotel room to work out a settkement. The end resule was thatthe Frenchand Americans seed the lawsuit In March 1987, they agreed to share the eredie for discov- «ring the vieus and spit the royalties from the blood By 1994, thos royalties had amounted vo $35m, Gallo held 13 US patents atthe time and had applied for 29 others. His inventions had brought his previous employers, che National Institutes of Health, halfof its income from royalties. The University of Maryland ‘wad uhoeloedito Kod ee petenes on new:ivend oe ‘merging from Gallo’ Insticute of Human Virology, bue would splic the profies 50-50 with che invencors Great hopes were pinned on Gallo ‘With such money and politics switling around HIV) ‘Aids, Africa stood no chance. Its HIV/Aids figures had tobe exaggerated al te ime to put more money noo the coffers of global Aids researchers. And with ican epidemic was ray born, Never tied thar had ewo. hnige clay feet! MARCH 2019 NEW AFRICAN. 25

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