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Specification REV. NO. 0
(Power Receiving and Distribution Facility
ISSUE DATE 2012.08
in CSP Steel Plant)
PAGE NO. 1 /7

(Power Receiving and Distribution Facility
in CSP Steel Plant)

2012. 08



Specification REV. NO. 0
(Power Receiving and Distribution Facility
ISSUE DATE 2012.08
in CSP Steel Plant)
PAGE NO. 2 /7

1. Scope of works

1.1 Erection (For the more information, See the detailed Estimates)
(a) Complete assembly, erection and installation of indoor and outdoor equipment (including,
among others, GIS, M.TR, PANEL). - by Subcontractor
(b) Complete assembly, erection and installation of equipment support structures
(GIS, TR, PANEL support structures and so on). - by Subcontractor
(c) Cable layout installation and cable wire termination of control cables and grounding
connections to each equipment and panels, including installation of compression terminal
lugs. – by Subcontractor
(d) All cable installation(GIS, TR, C-GIS) and wire terminations shall be supervised by the

1.2 Testing (For the more information, See the detailed Estimates)
(a) Test and commissioning of all electrical systems, mechanical systems, and its associated
equipment and accessories to complete the system operations of the whole substation
project, under the supervision of Contractor shall be done by Subcontractor.
(b) Test equipment for all the off-shore and on-shore equipment shall be provided by
(c) All cabling, wiring terminations shall be pre-tested prior to installation and re-tested again
after termination checking the insulation integrity of the cables and wires, its continuity, its
phasing in accordance to the approved schematic diagrams. – by Subcontractor

1.3 Support (For the more information, See the detailed Estimates)
(a) Panel Bus bar Connection & Inter wiring. - by Subcontractor
(b) Installation of 138kV GIS Room Hoist Crane - Suspention type (Wire type) 5ton Crane .
- by Subcontractor
(c) 33kV C-GIS Cable Joints connection support - by Subcontractor
(d) All installation(Crane, Bus bar) and wire terminations shall be supervised by the Contractor.

1.4 EXPENSES (For the more information, See the detailed Estimates)
(a) Supply Hyosung Site Office (Container) - by Subcontractor

1.5 Unloading the material and equipment in the agreed scope of work
(a) The Subcontractor shall do the unloading and transport of materials to the lay down area or
Site stockyard.(If necessary)
(b) Removal, transport and handling of equipment from storage place to installation point,
unloading and unpacking of all equipment and materials at warehouse and/or Site. – by

2. Parties’ general obligations

2.1 Subcontractor’s General Obligations
(a) The Subcontractor shall be deemed to have examined the Site, for erection, installation, test
and commissioning conditions and legal requirement, necessary schedules, drawings and
plans, and to have obtained on his own responsibility for all additional information and details
which are required for the completion of Works under this specification and Subcontract

Specification REV. NO. 0
(Power Receiving and Distribution Facility
ISSUE DATE 2012.08
in CSP Steel Plant)
PAGE NO. 3 /7

Agreement. HYOSUNG Corporation has no responsibility for any costs, errors, losses from
consequential to the failure of the Subcontractor to obtain such information. The Contractor
shall be responsible for the delivery of the off-shore equipment and materials (GIS, M.TR,
PNL and so on) to the Project Site. The Subcontractor shall be responsible for the handling
and unloading of equipment and materials at the Project Site.

(b) The Subcontractor shall not subcontract the whole or any part of the Works without prior
written consent of HYOSUNG Corporation. Any such consent shall not relieve the
Subcontractor’s obligations under this specification and Subcontract Agreement.

(c) The Subcontractor shall, with due care and diligence, execute and complete the Works and
remedy any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Subcontract. The
Subcontractor shall provide all supervision, labor, materials, plant, equipment and all other
things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for such execution and
completion of the Works and remedying of any defects, so far as it is necessary to provide
the same specified in or is reasonably to be inferred from this specification and Subcontract

(d) The Subcontractor shall pay and indemnify the Contractor against any loss, damage or costs
arising from any breach by the Subcontractor of the conditions of the Subcontract Agreement
or negligence or breach of duty by the Subcontractor or its representatives hereunder or on
the execution of the Works as covered by separate Insurance.

(e) If the Contractor shall find any discrepancy or divergence in any of the contract documents or
drawings, it shall immediately inform the client and Subcontractor by a written notice
specifying the discrepancy or divergence, and the Contractor shall issue instructions in
regard thereto.

(f) HYOSUNG’s representative has full authority for the overall scheduling and planning of the
activities. The Subcontractor shall assist and cooperate with the Contractor in preparation of
schedules, planning of activities as agreed by the both parties during the course of the
construction project.

(g) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, any particular details, accessories,
fittings, sundries, etc. other than those listed under the works scope installation as required
for the complete installation and satisfactory operation of the plant/equipment are to be
considered as being included in the Contract Price. All the items to be supplied by
HYOSUNG are listed under the works scope.

(h) All documentation, materials, equipment and consumable materials or local materials to be
supplied by the Subcontractor are subject to Approval by HYOSUNG Corporation and the

(i) Any additional cost or changes of the Contract Price shall be confirmed in writing by
HYOSUNG Corporation before commencement of the Works. The Subcontractor shall
submit itemized proposal for the additional works for HYOSUNG’s Approval.

(j) The Contractor shall inspect the state of materials compared with packing list from the

Specification REV. NO. 0
(Power Receiving and Distribution Facility
ISSUE DATE 2012.08
in CSP Steel Plant)
PAGE NO. 4 /7

equipment suppliers and construction drawings and then confirm the actual quantities or
items delivered to the Site by forwarder/shipper and equipment supplier

(k) The material to be supplied by the Subcontractor shall satisfy the conditions of the
specifications and Contract requirements with accompanied Approved material document as
set forth in the documents section of the Principal Contract. The said materials shall meet the
requirements of the Specification, and Subcontractor shall get Approval from the Contractor
and the Client prior to its use or installation.

2.2 Contractor’s General Obligations

(a) HYOSUNG Corporation shall hand over the worksite to the Subcontractor to secure the
work Site. The Subcontractor shall coordinate with the Contractor and the Client to secure
the work area for the start of the Works.
(b) The Contractor shall endeavor to organize to inspect the works within three (3) days upon
request by Subcontractor QC; check, feedback. The Contractor shall arrange with the Client
person for inspection of each work done at the project site.
(c) The Contractor shall support the Subcontractor during the execution period in relation to
technical and commercial issues arising from the project.

3. Store-keeping, Security and Protection

3.1 The Subcontractor shall provide the required temporary store and fence at Site area at
his own cost. The temporary security fence shall be utilized to secure the work Site and
to secure all the equipment and materials installed (on-shore and off-shore materials)
during the works period.

3.2 The Subcontractor is required to employ a minimum of two security guards per shift at
all Sites during day and night time for all equipment including main gate control. The
Subcontractor must submit security report on a daily basis and get Approval from
HYOSUNG’s representative. The Subcontractor is solely and entirely responsible for
guarding and maintaining security of the project Site until confirmation by Contractor for
the fulfillment of his scope of work and contract schedule. However, the Subcontractor
must maintain the guarding and security until the completed Site is handed over to the

3.3 The Subcontractor shall properly cover up and protect, until the takeover, any section or
portion of the Works which is exposed to loss or injury due to the Subcontractor’s faults
and shall take every precaution to protect any section or portion of the Works not taken
over against loss or damage from any cause.

3.4 The Subcontractor shall observe and adhere to the Contractor’s storage and handling
procedures to ensure all stores, goods, consumables and equipment received at Site
are properly stored and recorded and not exposed to outdoor weather. HYOSUNG
representative will inform the procedure to Subcontractor in written or verbal manner.

4. Subcontractor’s Equipment
Specification REV. NO. 0
(Power Receiving and Distribution Facility
ISSUE DATE 2012.08
in CSP Steel Plant)
PAGE NO. 5 /7

4.1 The Subcontractor will be responsible for ensuring that his personnel is available for all
necessary tools, lifting devices, lorries, cranes, safety equipment, consumable and all
other things necessary to enable him to carry out his Work efficiently.

5. Subcontractor’s Representative and Workmen

5.1 The Subcontractor shall employ a Resident Engineer in-charge with one or more
competent representatives such as licensed electrical and mechanical engineers, skilled
workers as per project Site, whose name or names, training and experience shall have
been communicated previously in writing to the Contractor by the Subcontractor, to
supervise the carrying out of the Works on the Site. The Subcontractor shall provide a
licensed Resident Engineer in-charge of all substation works and an experienced
licensed electrical engineer for the substation equipment, cabling, wiring, test and
commissioning works during the duration of the project until the project’s turnover to
Client. More than one such representative shall be employed and at least one of such
representatives shall always be present on the Site during working hours, and any order
or instructions which the Contractor may give to the said representative of the
Subcontractor shall be deemed to have been given to the Subcontractor

5.2 The Contractor shall be at liberty by notice in writing to the Subcontractor to object to
any representative or person employed by the Subcontractor in the execution of or
otherwise about the Works, who shall, in the opinion of the Contractor, misconduct
himself or be incompetent or negligent, and the Subcontractor shall remove and replace
such person from the Works.

6. Site Communication
6.1 Regularly scheduled meetings, as well as meetings requested by HYOSUNG
Corporation, will be held between HYOSUNG Corporation and Resident Engineer
representative of the Subcontractor to discuss in detail any matters arising out of the
pursuance of the Subcontract Agreement. The Subcontractor is responsible for ensuring
that his Resident Engineer representative attending such meetings are fully competent
and authorized to receive such instruction and are in possession of all information and
details which may be required at such times to execute the project works.

6.2 The Subcontractor shall employ necessary competent representatives and supervise
the execution of the Works and the person who can operate computer at Site.

6.3 The competent representative and the person shall be present on Site during all working
hours and may not be substituted without the written consent of HYOSUNG Corporation.
All directions and/or instructions which HYOSUNG Corporation or their duly appointed
representative shall give to the Subcontractor’s representative on Site shall be deemed
to have been given to the Subcontractor.

6.4 The Subcontractor is to carry out only those instructions and directions received
directly from HYOSUNG Corporation or their duly appointed representatives.
Specification REV. NO. 0
(Power Receiving and Distribution Facility
ISSUE DATE 2012.08
in CSP Steel Plant)
PAGE NO. 6 /7

6.5 The Subcontractor shall submit a (three week look-ahead schedule) weekly schedule
for the Approval of HYOSUNG Corporation. The schedule will indicate on the area by
basis the details of the Work to be carried out in the forthcoming week. Where
applicable, each area shall be shown on a separate sheet. It is the intention of the
parties that the weekly work schedule shall amplify the detail of the master program to
aid the most effective use of available resources. The schedules shall be presented to
the representatives of HYOSUNG Corporation. Before start work, the Subcontractor
shall also submit to HYOSUNG Corporation illustrating histogram of the labor resource
required for the entire scope of the Works. Such histograms shall indicate on a weekly
basis the number of operatives employed both directly and indirectly, together with the
personnel employed in a supervisory and administrative role. The histograms shall be
updated weekly to reflect the current status of the Works under this Subcontract.

6.6 The Subcontractor must produce on a weekly basis and within one day of measuring
progress, the updated S-curve showing actual progress against planned progress.
Where the actual progress is less than the planned, the Subcontractor shall submit for
the Approval of HYOSUNG Corporation his detailed proposals indicating intended
corrective action to recover the program, which should include manpower and
equipment loading and local material deliveries among others.
The Subcontractor must also produce on a weekly basis a report of actual progress
against planned progress by percentage for each activity.
This report should also provide a forecast of percentage progress for each activity one
week advance from the date of measurement, an indication of criticality of the activity
through reference at earliest and latest completion dates, and where slippage is
reported, the cause of this slippage and details of intended corrective action to recover
the slippage against the activity.
The daily, weekly and monthly progress report should also provide the following:

(a) Daily labor force report abstracted from the Site payroll working labor and
(b) Daily report showing man-hours expended and their allocation to pre-
determined activity codes on permanent installation work.
(c) Weekly reports showing man-hours expended on indirect Work i.e. stores,
canteen, temporary installations, construction plant maintenance etc.
(d) Weekly reports indicating clocked/paid hours lost through inclement weather,
union meetings, absenteeism etc.
(e) Weekly reports on equipment usage during the week, such as heavy equipment,
diesel generator sets, construction equipment, welding machines, etc.
(f) Works done per day, per week and accumulated works done each month.
(g) Problems encountered during each period with solutions to resolve the

The report shall include two (2) copies of photograph with electronic CD in album and
Specification REV. NO. 0
(Power Receiving and Distribution Facility
ISSUE DATE 2012.08
in CSP Steel Plant)
PAGE NO. 7 /7

description of the activities shall be typed under the photograph. For rehabilitation works,
photographs shall be included the before start work, progress work and final status of

7. Qualification
The Subcontractor’s key staffs which are mentioned in the site organization chart must
be fluent in English speaking. It is understood that the Subcontractor’s staff will be able
to work according to normal working drawings provided by HYOSUNG Corporation in
order to avoid additional supervising staff from HYOSUNG Corporation.
The Subcontractor shall, upon request of the HYOSUNG representative, increase or
reduce the number of staffs (manpower) at the Site to cope with the actual site
requirements within fifteen (15) days depending on the position at site without
variation/additional in the cost for HYOSUNG.
If, for any reason, the Subcontractor fails, upon the request of HYOSUNG Corporation
to replace unqualified staff, increase or reduce the number of staffs in seven (7) days
depending on the position at site, HYOSUNG Corporation has the right (after the
Subcontractor has been reminded in written form) to terminate the Subcontract. All cost
which will arise from the failure of the Subcontractor, especially the (extra) costs for
replacement of the Subcontractor’s staffs, will be charged to the Subcontractor. The cost
will be deducted from the Contract Price.

8. Decision of HYOSUNG’S Representative

HYOSUNG’S representative has the right to decide whether the number of the
Subcontractor’s staff is appropriate or if Subcontractor’s staff is qualified or not. All the
decision shall be made in writing and will nominate the name to the Subcontractor’s
Project Manager. This decision shall be final. The Subcontractor’s staff shall follow the
instructions given by HYOSUNG’S representative strictly.

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