Assignment 9 - Jordan Bennett

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Graphic Organizer – Jordan Bennett
The reasoning behind choosing this organizer was because in the class lesson I made, it said I
would have them present a PowerPoint with these effects. I figured a stage background with the
classic red drape and yellow as the lighting, would be a perfect presentation for showing the class
what they have done as if they were performing a show for an audience. I decided to use the star
because inside the PowerPoint animation menu the symbols are all stars. The transition shape isn't
as obvious, but I thought it looked somewhat like a main drape with the bottom edges because the
first transition used in the video was curtains. The other three questions were all the same design
because I thought they needed more space to fill in the more elaborate questions. I had a difficult
time with the questions but ultimately decided on ones where I could tell they paid close attention
to the video and would have to pause and find the answers.

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