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West Visayas State University

Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

Chapter 1

Introduction of the Study

Chapter one has seven parts: (1) Background of the Study,

(2) Organizational Background, (3) Statement of the Problem,

(4) Objectives of the Study, (5) Significance of the Study, (6)

Definition of Terms, (7) Delimitation of the Study

Part one, background of the study, supplies general

information and reason for the choice of the system.

Part two, organizational background, supplies information

on the background of the system.

Part three, statement of the problem, states information

on the problem of the current system.

Part four, objectives of the study, states what is the

main of the system is.

Part five, significance of the study, states what the

importance of the study.

Part six, definition of terms, states the different

unfamiliar terms with their significant meanings.

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

Part seven, delimitation of the study, states the

limitation of the study.

Background of the Study

Today, modern way governs machines; modern technologies

make the work easy to explain. Computer is a machine that

possesses the ability to produce marvelous result. It can

perform task in just a single period. Due to the demand of

speeding up work, computers are applied and become a part of

everyone’s life having the great desire in advance efficient

way of living; computers are widely used in business


The Janiuay Police Station especially the Janiuay Police

Office keeps the entire police files. They use manual process

in storing and retrieving, filing and recording of the entire

police transactions of civilian’s data.

Using manual process is a slow process and a waste of

time. The Janiuay Police Office presently suffers from bulk of

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

data being kept in a folder and filed cabinet. Retrieving all

the files of police transactions, consumes a lot of time.

The proposed system will be a big help specifically to the

police staff. In this proposed system, we are using a

computerized process of retrieving, filing and recording all

police and civilian transaction records. First, the authorized

police staff will only enter his/her username and password,

then, automatically the system display the main form were

authorized police staff, will retrieve records of the police

and civilian transactions by sorting. Secondly, the authorized

police staff will only add and edit the police and civilian’s

record individually and lastly the monthly and yearly report

can be printed.

Organizational Background

Janiuay Police Station located at Janiuay Iloilo. It was

constructed during the incumbency of police director General

Arturo C. Lomibao (Chief, Philippine National Police). Thru the

cumulative efforts of Police Chief Supt. Doroteo A. Reyes

II(Regional Director, PRO6). Police Chief Supt. Noe A. Wong

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

(Director for Logistics, NHQ PNP). Hon. Bienvenido P. Margarico

(Mayor, Municipality of Janiuay) and benovent friends of

Janiuay would like to remain anonymous, but those contributions

have made this endeavor possible.

This building stands as a proud symbol of the vision and

aspirations of the PNP to build a Stronger Police Stations for

a Stronger Republic.

Statement of the Problem

1. Difficulty in locating files.

2. Large storage space.

3. Human errors.

4. Time consuming to locate files.

5. More paper works.

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

Objectives of the Study

1. To solve the difficulty in locating files of complainant

with the use of personal information.

2. To provide a much more efficient and safe storage of data.

3. To eliminate human computational errors.

4. To offer a faster way in locating files.

5. To provide a clear and accurate data analysis in

complaints and files.

Significance of the Study

In keeping with the people power-thrust of the nation in Police

and Technology, which aimed to attain globally-competitive

nation, the findings of this study may be useful to the


To the Janiuay Police Station staff, for this study will

help them have an accurate and reliable storage, and will also

help them have more efficient and effective service

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

To the Janiuay Police Station staff, for the automation of

record keeping may mean faster and more efficient service:

hence, they will be served better.

Definition of Terms

Conceptual meanings of significant terms used in this

study are given for the purpose that the readers may have a

better understanding.

Information system is knowledge obtained for

investigation; study or instruction; a system which deals with

processing and management of data of organization.

In this study “Information System” referring to the

automated system, as referred herein, this refers to a system

created to manage data of Janiuay Police Station.

Recording – an official document that records the acts of a

public or officer; an authentic official copy document

deposited with a legally designated officer; a body known or

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

recorded facts about something or someone especially with the

reference to a particular sphere of activity that often forms a

discernible pattern.

In this study “Recording” refers to the process of

registering data by mechanical means, and serving a data

processing system.

Retrieve – to discover and bring in: to get back again; to

recover (as information) from storage; to get and bring back.

In this study “Retrieving” refers to a technique or

recovering and often disseminating record data through the use

of a computerized system.

Data – the actual information used as basis for reasoning,

discussion, or calculation.

In this study “Data” serves as a source based on actual

information of the police presented as having objectives

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

File – to arrange in order for preservation and reference:

a device (as a folder, case, or cabinet) by means of which

papers are kept in order; a collection of related records; in

or as if in a file for ready reference.

In this study files refers to a collection of data of officers

that has been kept in Janiuay Police Station and also a


System – an organization set of doctrines, ideas, or

principles usually intended to explain the arrangement or

working of a systematic of social, economic organization or

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

Delimitation of the Study

Police Information System focuses its study on developing

process of accessing police’s data at Janiuay Police Station.

These are recording, storing, and retrieving police’s personal

information method, service records, educational backgrounds,

and other necessary forms. The process of generating various

data will be improved. Great scale of storage covering a large

amount of new and old data is adopted. This storage that is

highly accessible for a long period of time.

This study gives a solution based only to the case that

needs improvement. To show the actual process of certain

transaction, the current and proposed data flow was presented.

However, the study is limited only to the transactions made by

the police officer of Janiuay Police Station.

The proposed system is exclusive to the use of the

authorized police officers only.

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Police information system focuses its study in developing

process of accessing police’s data of Janiuay police station.

These are recording, storing and retrieving police’s personal

information, service record, case records and backgrounds and

other necessary forms. The process of generating various data

is improved. Great scale of storage covering a large amount of

new and old data is adopted. This storage is highly accessible

for a long period of time.

This study gives a solution based only to the case that

needs improvement. To show the actual process of certain

transaction and filing, the study is limited only to the

transactions made by the police of Janiuay Police Station the

proposed system is exclusive to the use of authorized police

officers only.
West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


Chapter 2

Overview of the Current System

Chapter II consists of an overview of the Current and

related System. Part one; Current System, discusses the

narrative flow of the current system. It also includes the

material used, personnel and procedures. Part two; includes the

situational research of the related system including all the

data and result of the different researches conducted that have

relevance to the study.

Current System

The Janiuay Police Station, specifically the office of the

administration, stores all the records and information of

teachers and staff. The researchers made a thorough

investigation and interviews about the current system process

of recording and storing data. We found out that it was all

done in manual operation. Thus, the assigned staff himself

admitted the difficulty in recording and retrieving data. It

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


was also found out that there is a short process of retrieving

or shoring Police information system. The dataflow of the

current to submit all forms including IRF or Incident Record

Form with the following items, item A reporting person, item B

suspect data, item C victim data, item D the narrative of

incident. And also reports of various cases, charge sheet

report, Most Wanted Criminals record, payroll, attendance

reports and also criminal photos and scanned documents.

On the other hand, all files are submitted to the Iloilo

Provincial Police Office (IPPO).The duty officer will return

the result to the Janiuay Police Station and the officer-in-

charge will prepare a monthly and yearly report that will be

submitted to the Iloilo Provincial Police Office (IPPO).

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


Related System

National Crime Information Center (NCIC)

National Crime Information Services (CJIS) Division 1000

Custer Hollow Road Clarksburg, West Virgina 26306 Hours of

Service: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Telephone: (304 625-2000).

NCIC is a computerized index of criminal justice information

(i.e.- criminal record history information, fugitives, stolen

properties, missing persons). It is available to Federal,

state, and local law enforcement and other criminal justice

agencies and is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

PURPOSE: The purpose for maintaining the NCIC system is to

provide a computerized database for ready access by a criminal

justice agency making an inquiry and for prompt disclosure of

information in the system from other criminal justice agencies

about crimes and criminals. This information assists authorized

agencies in criminal justice and related law enforcement

objectives, such as apprehending fugitives, locating missing

persons, locating and returning stolen property, as well as in

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


the protection of the law enforcement officers encountering the

individuals described in the system.

ACCESS CONSTRAINTS: All records in NCIC are protected from

unauthorized access through appropriate administrative,

physical, and technical safeguards. These safeguards include

restricting access to those with a need to know to perform

their official duties, and using locks, alarm devices,

passwords, and/or encrypting data communications.

USE CONSTRAINTS: Users of the NCIC system will be

restricted to only those privileges necessary to perform an

authorized task(s).

AGENCY PROGRAM: The FBI is authorized to acquire, collect,

classify and preserve identification, criminal identification,

crime, and other records and to exchange such information with

authorized entities.

SOURCES OF DATA: Data contained in NCIC is provided by the

FBI, federal, state, local and foreign criminal justice

agencies, and authorized courts.

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


The most recent iteration of NCIC became operational on July

11, 1999 at the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services

Division in Clarksburg, West Virginia. A recent hardware

upgrade to the NCIC system is responsible for this significant

improvement in performance.

Sources and Resources

NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics for

2007, FBI/NCIC, May 2008

NCIC Sets New Record for NCIC Transactions, FBI press release,

January 17, 2006.

Campaign to Require Accuracy for NCIC @Electronic Privacy

Information Center

National Crime Information Center

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


ECRIS (European Criminal Records Information System)

The computerized system ECRIS was established in April

2012 to achieve an efficient exchange of information on

criminal convictions between EU countries.

Examples such as the Fournier case of 2004 and numerous

subsequent studies have demonstrated that national courts

frequently pass sentences on the sole basis of past convictions

featuring in their national register, without any knowledge of

convictions in other countries. Consequently, criminals were

often able to escape their past simply by moving between EU


In response to this obvious need, ECRIS was created to

improve the exchange of information on criminal records

throughout the EU.

It establishes an electronic interconnection of criminal

records databases to ensure that information on convictions is

exchanged between EU countries in a uniform, speedy and easily

computer-transferable way.
West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


The system gives judges and prosecutors easy access to

comprehensive information on the offending history of any EU

citizen, no matter in which EU countries that person has been

convicted in the past. Through removing the possibility for

offenders to escape their criminal past simply by moving from

one EU country to another, the system could also serve to

prevent crime.


ECRIS is based on a decentralized IT

architecture: criminal records data is stored solely in

national databases and exchanged electronically between the

central authorities of EU countries upon request.

The EU country of nationality of a person is the

central repository of all convictions handed down to that

person. The country's authorities must store and update all the

information received and retransmit them when requested.

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


As a result, each EU country upon request is in a position

to provide, from another EU country, exhaustive, up-to-date

information on its nationals' criminal records, regardless of

where those convictions were handed down.

An EU country convicting a non-national is obliged to

immediately send information, including updates, on this

conviction to the member state(s) of the offender's


The transmission of information on convictions is made

electronically, through a standardized European format, using

two reference tables listing categories of offences and


These tables facilitate automatic translation and enhance

mutual understanding of the information transmitted.

When transmitting information on a conviction, EU countries

have to indicate appropriate codes for the category of the

offence and the penalty or sanction, which is automatically

translated into the language of the recipients, enabling them

to react immediately upon receipt of the information.

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo



All EU countries have implemented the system in April

2012. A number of technical and financial measures were taken

in order to help them to prepare the technical infrastructure

to connect their criminal records systems.

Among others, the Commission has put special software

called 'reference implementation' at their disposal to

facilitate the interconnection. The countries did also benefit

of financial support in the form of grants to modernize their

national criminal records systems.

Colorado Integrated Criminal Justice Information System

The Colorado Integrated Criminal Justice Information

System (CICJIS) is a collaborative program designed to

facilitate information sharing at key decision points in the

criminal justice process. This process takes place across the

boundaries and jurisdictions of Colorado criminal justice

agencies to enhance public safety, improve decision making,

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


increase productivity and improve access to criminal justice


CICJIS is an independent program that relies on the equal

participation of the five CICJIS agencies - Colorado Bureau of

Investigations (CBI), Colorado District Attorneys Council

(CDAC), Colorado Judicial, Colorado Department of Corrections

(CDOC), and Colorado Department of Youth Corrections (DYC).

Each agency has its own business models and strategies, but

each has a vested interest in CICJIS and gains benefits from

their participation.

CICJIS is made up of electronic services or functions -

the entire program consists of electronic services that

maximize standardization of data and communication technology

among the five agencies. CICJIS acts as the hub that links

these systems together into one virtual computer system,

allowing the systems to share common data and to provide a

single view or source of information to criminal justice

agencies. CICJIS automated systems eliminate the need for

redundant data entry. The automated systems are designed to

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


provide one-time entry of data using secure, role-based,

authentication methods. CICJIS is continually striving to

provide efficient and effective services to its customers.

These services were designed with a broad consensus that

integrated justice information could potentially save lives,

while saving time and money. Achieving the benefits of

integrated justice can be a difficult and complex task,

requiring ongoing support and enhancement. The technical and

organizational challenges require sustained commitment from key

people and organizations, as well as an investment of resources

and an innovative approach. Constant communication, joint

planning and decision making, by partnership and a long-term

perspective ensure continued success

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Chapter three covers areas of: (1) purpose of the system

and the research design, (2) software design, and (3) the


Part One, purpose of the system and research design, presents

the plans, aims and goals of conducting the study.

Part Two, software design, explains the details and advantages

of the proposed software as well as its features, and


Part three, the method, which deals with procedure and the

source of all information being gather by the group

Purpose of the study and research design

Police information system was created to offer reliable

and efficient service to prospective police transactions and to

the administrative office of Janiuay Police Station. This

system will lessen the time of work consumed by the police

staff of the administrative office. This system is an effective

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


way of accessing information needed by the office. It generates

and retrieves police files easily. It assures more security of

the files from deletion or loss even for years. In this system,

the staff or police personnel can view display files through

entering their IRF number.

After the police information system was introduced and

approved Janiuay Police Station became the reference of the

implementation of the computerized system. The researchers

conducted thorough investigations and interview in order to

gather specific information; next, is observation method were

in the researchers focused on the processing and development

method of filing and organizing records, the proposed system

will be a reference of the janiuay police station.

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


Software Design

In designing the application and software of the new

information system, the researchers gathered all the

requirements needed. After which, the group focused determining

what should be able to built from the data. The group

established program flow. SQL server 2008 has been used to

develop the software and visual basic 2008 is the programming

language to formulate the system. This system has its features

first is the system has a security that cannot be easily opened

unless allowed by the user. Next, the police report can be

added, edited, and deleted, and can be printed and exported to

the Microsoft word. Another feature is the user will enter IRF

number to view the related files.


The conducted interviews and observation of the group were

all focused in the administrative office of janiuay police

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


The researchers gathered information and studied various

transactions to understand the process being used. After a

thorough study of the activity and analysis of the system, the

researchers plan for the development of our system.


System development life cycle serve as the basis for the

researcher in developing the proposed system.

First, in the planning phase, the researcher conducts an

interview and defines the statement of the problem. The

objectives of the study were set and the scope of the system

was determined, Second, the analysis phase: the researchers

gather source forms documents and other information. Third,

design phase: the researchers created the blue print of the

system. Then, design the program structure, database and the

inputs and outputs of the system. Fourthly, implementation

phase: the researchers prepare the technical specification,

improve the software report analysis, and complete

documentation of the study.

West Visayas State University
Janiuay Campus
School of ICT
Janiuay, Iloilo


Source of Information

The researchers visited the Janiuay Police Station to

interview the administrative office and police in-charge and

gather information about their system of retrieving and

gathering, keeping of data. PO3 Jeffrey S. Sirue serves as the

main interviewee. He is the chief of investigation officer who

gathered all the information. The researchers scan other

websites to have additional knowledge of existing and related


The following are the forms and documents gathered from

the police staff involved in the current system: clearance

form, blotter form, incident report form.

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