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CMSG 2nd paper

Suggestion, 2018
Short Question:

1. Super key vs Candidate key

2. Example and differences between linear and non-linear data structure
3. Array vs linked list
4. Definition and features of algorithm and time complexity
5. DFD vs flowchart
6. Pendant vertex, loop, degree of vertex
7. Integrity constraint
8. Why normalization is used. Updation anomaly
9. Multi valued, composite attributes
10.Strong and weak entity set
11. Mapping cardinalities
12. Disadvantages of waterfall model.
13. Candidate key and super key
15. Full and complete binary tree
16. Advantages of BST
17. What is SDLC
18.Data dictionary
19.Network data model vs hierarchical data model
20. Coupling vs cohesion

1. Algorithm of insertion and bubble sort and calculate the complexity.
2. How 2D array represented in memory
3. Algorithm of stack operations
4. Algorithm of linear search and binary search and time complexities
5. Path and circuit of graph
6. Infix to postfix
7. Postfix using stack
8. Construct of BST using inorder and preorder
9. Construct a BST of a sequence of character and perform inorder,
preorder and postorder.
10. Queue operations
11. C program and flow chart

1. Iterative Waterfall model
2. Feasibility study
3. Advantages of spiral model
4. Features of good SRS document
5. Logical vs physical dfd
6. Validation and verification
7. DFD design (Context Diagram)
8. Spiral model as meta model
9. Prototype
10. Data gathering technique
1. Role of DBA
2. Data independence/ ANSI – SPAARC Architecture
3. View,order by, group by and like command of SQL
4. SQL queries
5. ERD
6. Data redundancy and data inconsistency
7. Relational Algebra
8. File organization
9. 2NF and 3NF

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