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PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

Rev D
PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

Table of Contents
1 Ericsson PS Core Network Performance Audit ....................................3
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Nodes Included in the Audit ...................................................................... 3
1.3 Methodology .............................................................................................. 3
1.4 Summary of Main Findings and Observations ......................................... 4
2 SGSN1A Performance Audit ...................................................................7
2.1 General Info – SGSN1A............................................................................ 7
2.2 Capacity and Dimensioning ...................................................................... 8
2.2.1 SAU and PDP Utilization (Network Level) ................................................ 8
2.2.2 Compact Traffic Profile (BH) for SGSN1A ................................................ 9 SGSN1A Compact Traffic Profile @ Signaling BH................................... 9 SGSN1A Compact Traffic Profile @ Payload BH..................................... 9
2.2.3 SAU (SGSN1A) ....................................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Active PDP Context (SGSN1A) .............................................................. 10
2.2.5 Throughput (SGSN1A) ............................................................................ 11
2.2.6 CPU / Memory Load (SGSN1A) ............................................................. 11
2.3 KPIs Performance Analysis and Benchmarking ..................................... 14
2.3.1 KPIs Overview and Benchmarking with NetQB...................................... 14
2.3.2 Attach Success Ratio .............................................................................. 14 Attach Success Ratio (2G) – SGSN1A................................................... 14 2G Attach Failure Cause Codes – SGSN1A .......................................... 15 Attach Success Ratio (3G) – SGSN1A................................................... 16 Mobility Management Log Analysis ........................................................ 16
2.3.3 Service Request Success Ratio 3G – SGSN1A..................................... 18
2.3.4 PDP Context Activation Success Ratio .................................................. 19 PDP Context Activation Success Ratio 2G –SGSN1A .......................... 19 PDP Context Activation Success Ratio 3G –SGSN1A .......................... 19 Session Management Log Analysis........................................................ 20
2.3.5 PDP Context Cutoff Ratio ....................................................................... 22 PDP Context Cutoff Ratio 2G –SGSN1A ............................................... 22 PDP Context Cutoff Ratio 3G –SGSN1A ............................................... 22 PDP Context Cutoff Ratio Cause Code Analysis ................................... 23
2.3.6 RAB Establishment Success Ratio 3G – SGSN1A ................................ 23
2.3.7 Intra SGSN RAU ..................................................................................... 24 Intra SGSN RAU (2G) – SGSN1A .......................................................... 24 Intra SGSN RAU (3G) – SGSN1A .......................................................... 26
2.3.8 Inter SGSN RAU ..................................................................................... 27 Inter SGSN RAU (2G) – SGSN1A .......................................................... 27 Inter SGSN RAU (3G) – SGSN1A .......................................................... 27
2.3.9 Paging Success Rate.............................................................................. 28 Paging Success Rate (2G) –SGSN1A.................................................... 28 Paging Success Rate (3G) –SGSN1A.................................................... 29
2.4 Parameter/Configuration/Hardware Audit............................................... 30
2.4.1 Node Parameters/Properties .................................................................. 30
2.4.2 Configuration Audit.................................................................................. 30
2.4.3 Hardware Audit........................................................................................ 30

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PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

1 Ericsson PS Core Network Performance

1.1 Introduction
The main aim of Packet Switched (PS) Core Network Performance Audit is to
understand the network performance and in turn highlight opportunities for
improvement and enhancement.

The PS Core Network Performance Audit provides different possibilities to

analyze, evaluate and give recommendations for improvement of the PS core
network in order to meet the business goals of the operator.

The delivery of the PS Core Network Performance Audit follows the sequence

o Data Collection / Capturing Phase: Information and Data Gathering

across various sources of data for a determined period of time. This
may include counters, statistics, logs and traces.

o Post Processing Phase: Detailed analysis of collected data, plus

KPIs’ calculation and benchmarking.

o Reporting Phase: Creating and delivering a final report summarizing

the status of the existing PS Core Network performance and including
recommendations and actions to reach target performance levels.

1.2 Nodes Included in the Audit

This audit includes 1 SGSN from Vodafone Egypt Network (SGSN1A).

1.3 Methodology
The KPI evaluation and performance audit for Vodafone Egypt PS Core
Network (GSM/WCDMA) was done according to the following:

• PDC logs for the period from 9th till 23rd of May 2013, in which the
reported Busy Hours (BH) were:

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• Performance Analysis (KPIs) and Capacity Analysis were done based

on counter stats with focus on the period from 10th till 18th of May 2013.

• Samples from Mobility Management (MM) and Session Management

(SM) logs.

• Node Level Parameter and Feature Audit were done for consistency

• Node Level Hardware and Configuration Audit.

1.4 Summary of Main Findings and Observations

In general, SGSN1A is performing well from both Capacity and Performance
perspectives. However, some observations should be taken into consideration
as this can lead to improved efficiency as summarized below.

1- Most of the standard SGSN KPIs have healthy trends with respect to
Ericsson Network Quality Benchmarking (NetQB) regional/global reference
figures of Q1-2013. However, some KPIs are below average and need
deeper investigations to find out appropriate corrective actions for
improving their trends. More details are included in the different sections
within this report.

a. Major Degradation:

i. Intra SGSN Routing Area Update (2G)

The average Intra SGSN RAU SR for 2G is around 89.8%,

which is relatively low.

Periodic/Resume RAU is performing well and averaging

around 98.92%. This indicates that Normal RAU is the main
contributor behind the overall low performance.

Furthermore, Detach of Inactive Subscriber feature is active

on 2G side. The Timer associated with this feature is not set
at its default value (300 Minutes) which can negatively
affect the Intra RAU Success Rate KPI. It is recommended
to set the Timer to its default value accompanied with close
evaluation of its impact on Intra RAU Success Rate as well
as SAU Capacity.

Changes from default value can then be implemented and

evaluated in steps to reach the best compromised outcome
between Intra RAU Success Rate and SAU Capacity.

ii. Paging Success Rate (2G/3G)

The average Paging Success Rate for 2G and 3G are

91.34% and 84.13% respectively, which indicates a room
for improvement.

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Paging Parameters from SGSN side have been checked

and they are following their default values. So it is highly
recommended to check this KPI from Radio and Transport

It is also recommended to reduce MobileReachableTimer

back to its default value (3480 Seconds), as this can help in
improving 2G PS paging performance.

Further investigation for this KPI degradation needs detailed

trace analysis.

b. Minor Degradation:

i. PDP Context Cutoff Ratio 2G/3G

Average 2G and 3G Cutoff Ratios are 4.57% and 3.76%

respectively. These values are acceptable with respect to
values observed in other markets.

Measurement indicates that Cause Code #39 is the main

contributor. This mainly counts the number of PDP context
that are disconnected by the SGSN with reactivation

ii. Attach Success Ratio (2G)

Average 2G Attach Success Rate for SGSN1A is around

96.68% which is slightly below Q1_2013 NetQB regional
and global averages.

Analysis shows that main contributors are Cause Code #17

(Network Failure) and discarded GPRS Attach.

Available sample logs for Cause Code #17 show that 99%
of records are due to Roamers.

discardedGprsAttach provides the number of discarded

attach requests on DP level, due to overload protection or
incorrect information elements. ISP, Alarm and Event Logs
were checked; overload protection was not noticed to kick-
in on DPs which suggests that most of the discards are
related to incorrect information elements. However, some
DP takeovers were noticed in the ISP log.

The boards indicated in the ISP log should be checked by

Vodafone Operations team. Please refer to Section 2.4.3
for more details.

2- Analysis showed that both CPU and memory loads are within satisfactory
levels and that proper balancing exists among Application Processors and
Device Processors which indicates healthy dimensioning.

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3- The SAU Licensed Capacity on Network level is 2.6M Subs. The SAU
License Utilization on Network level is currently 82.3%, which is still within
the agreed watermark between Vodafone Egypt and Ericsson.

4- Event Based Monitoring (EBM) will be part of Vodafone Egypt extended

basic package after the SGSN-MME 12A SW upgrade. EBM should be
directly activated once the SW upgrade is done, as EBM log analysis will
provide detailed useful information for KPI analysis and troubleshooting.

EBM enables logging of both successful and unsuccessful signaling

events, formatted according to the logging criteria.

EBM logs contain detailed information about Mobility and Session

Management failures in terms of Cause Codes and Sub-Cause Codes
which is very effective in troubleshooting performance problems.

EBM will be of added value in identifying the root / potential causes behind
the observed degradation in 2G Intra SGSN Routing Area Update, PDP
Context Cutoff Ratio and 2G Attach Success Rate within Vodafone Egypt
PS Core Network.

5- It is recommended for Vodafone Egypt to be enrolled in Ericsson Global

Performance Benchmarking Service (NetQB) for PS Core Networks.
Key to the service is an Ericsson centralized database - made possible by
Ericsson's global presence - which gives customers the opportunity to
compare their performance against other markets across the globe. It is
worth mentioning that Vodafone Egypt is currently participating in Ericsson
Global NetQB service for WCDMA Radio Access Network only.

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2 SGSN1A Performance Audit

2.1 General Info – SGSN1A
The Hardware version of SGSN1A is MKVI with maximum SAU capacity of
General Node Information
Type Hw SAU TMO SS7 SWLevel
sgsnwg mkvi 1500 4 itu_nbbb CXS101289_4_R1K 21(10A -00-07)
Table: General Node Information- SGSN1A

Following are the roles of the different boards present in SGSN1A:

Equipment Roles
Roles Boards
SS7_FE_BB 1,2;1,4;
SS7_FE_NB 1,3;1,5;
DP 2,13;3,9;
DPwithFR 2,2;2,3;2,4;2,5;2,6;2,7;2,8;2,9;3,2;3,3;3,4;3,5;3,6;3,7;3,8;
TP 1,2;1,3;1,4;1,5;1,11;2,10;3,18;3,20;
SS7_BE 1,2;1,3;1,4;1,5;1,11;2,10;3,18;3,20;
PEB 1,1;1,21;2,1;2,21;3,1;3,21;
Router 1,6;1,7;2,11;2,12;2,14;2,15;3,11;3,12;
1,8;1,9;1,10;1,12;1,13;1,14;1,15;1,16;2,16; 2,17;2,18;2,19; 2,20;3,10;3,13; 3,14;3,15;3,16;
AP 3,17;3,19;
NCB 1,19;1,20;
Table: Equipment Roles –SGSN1A

Figure: Equipment Roles –SGSN1A

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2.2 Capacity and Dimensioning

3GDT feature is implemented; consequently 3G Payload and Throughput
figures are in relation to PDP Contexts related to Roaming and/or APNs that
are not included in 3GDT implementation, as the traffic for such PDP Contexts
will still be passing through the SGSN.

2.2.1 SAU and PDP Utilization (Network Level)

The SAU Licensed Capacity on Network level is 2.6M Subs. The SAU License
Utilization on Network level is currently 82.3%, which is still within the agreed
watermark between Vodafone Egypt and Ericsson.

On the other hand, the PDP Licensed Capacity on Network level is 1.56M,
which leads to PDP License Utilization on Network level of 37.3%.

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2.2.2 Compact Traffic Profile (BH) for SGSN1A SGSN1A Compact Traffic Profile @ Signaling BH

Traffic Profile @ Signaling BH (2013-05-14 21:00:00 - 2013-05-14 22:00:00)

Parameters 2G 3G Total
SAU 217 253 221 859 439 112
# Active PDPs 40 034 69 392 109 426
IPUserTraffic(kByte/s) 9 735 13 436 23 170
IPUserTraffic(kbits/s) 77 879 107 485 185 364
Data Rate kbits/s downlink 62 618 89 503 152 121
Data Rate kbits/s uplink 15 261 17 981 33 243
Data Rate KPPS downlink 14,38 15,64 30,02
Data Rate KPPS uplink 14,67 15,24 29,91
Average Packet Size DL (Bytes) 544,25 715,33 1 260
Average Packet Size UL (Bytes) 130,02 147,53 277,55 SGSN1A Compact Traffic Profile @ Payload BH

Traffic Profile @ Payload BH - (2013-05-16 23:00:00 - 2013-05-17 00:00:00)

Parameters 2G 3G Total
SAU 210 748 222 578 433 325

# Active PDPs 39 805 70 722 110 527

IPUserTraffic(kByte/s) 11 951 14 412 26 363
IPUserTraffic(kbits/s) 95 609 115 292 210 901
Data Rate kbits/s downlink 78 044 96 460 174 504
Data Rate kbits/s uplink 17 565 18 832 36 397

Data Rate KPPS downlink 16.86 16.57 33.43

Data Rate KPPS uplink 16.45 16.23 32.68
Average Packet Size DL (Bytes) 578.76 727.60 1 306
Average Packet Size UL (Bytes) 133.43 145.05 278.48

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2.2.3 SAU (SGSN1A)

The SAU capacity on the node is 1.5M Subs. The SAU capacity utilization on
SGSN1A node level is around 30%, where the contribution of 3G is around
53% while the contribution of 2G is 47%.

2.2.4 Active PDP Context (SGSN1A)

In fact, the maximum number of PDP context is dimensioned in relation to the

penetration of user type.

Analysis shows that number of Active PDP Context over SGSN1A crosses
110,000 at the Payload BH, where the contribution of 3G is around 65% while
the contribution of 2G is 35%.

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2.2.5 Throughput (SGSN1A)

3GDT feature is implemented; consequently 3G Payload and Throughput

figures are in relation to PDP Contexts related to Roaming and/or APNs that
are not included in 3GDT implementation as the traffic for such PDP Contexts
will still be passing through the SGSN.

The remaining portion of the 3G Traffic (Payload) will be directly routed from
the RNCs towards the GGSNs.

The below chart shows the hourly trends of the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL)
Throughput of the two different radio access technologies between 9th and
22nd of May 2013.

140,0 2G DL Throughput in Mbps

120,0 2G UL Throughput in Mbps

3G UL Throughput in Mbps
3G DL Throughput in Mbps
Gn DL Throughput in Mbps
60,0 Gn UL Throughput in Mbps
2013-05-09 06:00
2013-05-10 02:00
2013-05-10 22:00
2013-05-11 18:00
2013-05-12 14:00
2013-05-13 10:00
2013-05-14 06:00
2013-05-15 02:00
2013-05-15 22:00
2013-05-16 18:00
2013-05-17 14:00
2013-05-18 10:00
2013-05-19 06:00
2013-05-20 02:00
2013-05-20 22:00
2013-05-21 18:00
2013-05-22 15:00

2.2.6 CPU / Memory Load (SGSN1A)

There are several CPUs within the node that handle different aspects of the
signaling traffic and payload traffic:
• Application Processor (AP): These processors handle the Control Plane
Signaling, as well as node management and processing.
• Device Processor (DP): These processors are responsible for protocol
handling, for signaling and payload traffic. There are several types of DPs:
• DP Payload: These processors handle the User Plane traffic
which is the 2G and 3G user payload. They also handle some
aspects of BSSGP signaling to BSCs over Gb, as well as Frame
Relay if they have a Gb link connected.

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• SS7 Front End: These processors handle the low layers of SS7
protocol of the SS7 stack, such as MTP-L3 / M3UA / SCTP.
• SS7 Back End: These processors handle the higher level layers
of the SS7 protocol stack.

• Node Controller Board (NCB): The active Node Controller Board (NCB)
provides central support and functions, such as O&M, Hardware and
Software monitoring and distribution, Packet Data (PD) application and
SGSN supervision.

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There is correct and healthy balancing among APs and DPs as shown in the
graphs below:

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2.3 KPIs Performance Analysis and Benchmarking

NetQB Performance Benchmarking compares standard KPIs’ trends with
other markets in the region or elsewhere in the world, providing the basis for
proactive improvement actions and strategic planning. In general, this is done
on quarter basis for PS Core Networks.

Key to NetQB benchmarking is an Ericsson central database, which is created

from fetching statistical data from Ericsson PS Core nodes around the globe.

It is recommended for Vodafone Egypt to be enrolled in Ericsson PS Core

NetQB Performance Benchmarking service.

In the next section, PS Core KPIs of Vodafone SGSN1A are benchmarked

against Regional and Global reference values, retrieved from Q1_2013 NetQB

2.3.1 KPIs Overview and Benchmarking with NetQB

Observed Values Observed Values Regional World

KPI Network Comments
Overall Average BH Average Average Average

Attach Success Ratio Failure 2G 96.68 96.88 97.31 97.50 Slightly Below average
Attach Success Ratio Failure 3G 98.04 98.05 83.57 89.69 Healthy
Intra SGSN Routing Area Update Success Ratio 2G 89.80 87.73 95.98 95.36 Degraded & Needs Further Investigations
Intra SGSN Routing Area Update Success Ratio 3G 99.78 99.68 98.58 99.04 Healthy
Inter SGSN Routing Area Update Success Ratio 2G 99.89 99.78 90.36 90.60 Healthy
Inter SGSN Routing Area Update Success Ratio 3G 98.87 98.94 91.50 96.62 Healthy
PDP Context Activation Success Ratio 2G 99.54 99.61 98.58 98.48 Healthy
PDP Context Activation Success Ratio 3G 98.14 98.07 98.18 98.15 Healthy
PS Paging Success 2G 91.34 84.84 94.21 93.09 Degraded & Needs Further Investigations
PS Paging Success 3G 84.13 78.23 95.72 96.14 Degraded & Needs Further Investigations
RAB Assignment Success 3G 98.83 98.40 Healthy
Service Request Success 3G 99.82 99.77 Healthy
Needs More Investigations, Slightly above observed values
PDP Context Cutoff Ratio 2G 4.57 5.28
from other operators
Needs More Investigations, within the range of observed
PDP Context Cutoff Ratio 3G 3.76 4.40
values from other operators

2.3.2 Attach Success Ratio

Attach Success Ratio simply denotes the percentage of successful PS attach

procedures. Attach Success Ratio (2G) – SGSN1A

The trend of 2G Attach Success Ratio for SGSN1A during the period from 10th
till 18th of May 2013 is shown below.

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It indicates that the KPI is fluctuating around an average value of 96.68%,

which is slightly below Q1_2013 NetQB Regional and Global reference values.

Figure: 2G Attach Success Ratio 2G Attach Failure Cause Codes – SGSN1A

Analysis shows that Cause Code #17 (Network Failure) is the main practical
contributor to 2G Attach Failures. The reason behind these failures is mainly
data Roamers as described in more details in Section

Cause Code #7 (GPRS Services Not Allowed) and Cause Code #14 (GPRS
Services Not Allowed in this PLMN) are present however they are excluded by
default from the KPI calculation, as these are considered ‘correct’ behaviors
from network side.
o Cause Code #14 (GPRS Services Not Allowed in this PLMN) is sent to the
MS which requests GPRS service in a PLMN, but the network does not
offer roaming for GPRS services to that MS. Only IMSIs belonging to
the IMSI series stored in the SGSN will get access, and others will be

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o Cause Code #14 can also occur when the HLR address for a particular
IMSI series is not configured, or when HLR settings do not allow the
usage of GPRS services when roaming. It is worth mentioning that if
an IMSI series is wrongly configured, it will be a fault with Cause Code
#17 on Ericsson SGSN nodes.

A relatively high number of discardedGprsAttach was noticed along the

analysis. This measurement provides the number of discarded attach requests
on DP level, due to overload protection or incorrect information elements.
ISP, Alarm and Event logs were checked; overload protection was not noticed
to kick-in on DPs which suggests that most of discardedGprsAttach are
related to incorrect information elements. However, some DP takeovers were
noticed in the ISP log.
Boards indicated in the ISP log should be checked by Vodafone Operations
team. Please refer to Section 2.4.3 for more details. Attach Success Ratio (3G) – SGSN1A

The trend of 3G Attach Success Ratio for SGSN1A during the period from 10th
till 18th of May 2013 is shown below.
It indicates that the KPI is fluctuating around an average value of 98.04%,
which is a very healthy value and is better than Q1_2013 NetQB Regional and
Global reference values.

Figure: 3G Attach Success Ratio Mobility Management Log Analysis

A Sample Mobility Management log was analysed to figure out the failure
reasons for 2G and 3G Attach Success Ratio. Majority of failures found to be
due to Cause Code #17(Network Failure).

Casue Code #17 (Network Failure) Sub Cause Code Analysis:

Further going down to the Sub Cause Code Level, it was found that:

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- 42.3% of failures are on 2G and 53.7% of failures are on 3G

- Major failures are due to Sub-cause Codes “No Information

Available” and “Timeout when communicating with External

- 99% of the failures are related to Roamers

- For the Home Subscribers a total of 61 of total 2401 failures

were observed which is ~0.03% of total failures. Of these, the
majority of failures are due to Ciphering Failures.

- The Ciphering parameters in SGSN1 were checked and are

as below:

- Gb_UncipheredMode – Yes (Unciphered connections


- Iu_UncipheredMode – Yes (Unciphered connections


- There is no problem from SGSN1 Ciphering parameter


- Recommendation: Traces are required at BSCs/RNCs

end to check for these failures. Normally these are
certain handsets which cause these problems.

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2.3.3 Service Request Success Ratio 3G – SGSN1A

The Service Request Failure Ratio denotes the probability that a Service
Request fails (WCDMA Systems only).
The Service Request (3G) is initiated by the MS when it needs to perform the
• To send uplink payload when no RABs are established to the
SGSN. In this case the SGSN initiates a RAB Assignment back to
the RAN
• To send uplink signalling when no Iu connection is established to
the SGSN, that is when the MS is in the PMM-IDLE state and
wants to activate, modify, or delete a PDP context
• To respond to a paging request from the SGSN
The below figure shows the trend for Service Request Success Ratio 3G for
SGSN1A during the period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013.
The trend shows that the Service Request Success Ratio 3G for SGSN1A has
been around 99.82%, indicating that this KPI has a very healthy trend.

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2.3.4 PDP Context Activation Success Ratio

PDP Context Activation Failure Rate denotes the percentage of PDP

Activation procedures that failed due to some fault or problem encountered
during the procedure. PDP Context Activation Success Ratio 2G –SGSN1A

The trend of PDP Context Success Rate – GSM for SGSN1A during the
period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013 is shown below.

The average PDP context Success Rate in this period for 2G over SGSN1
was around 99.36%. The KPI is very good and is normally above 99% mark
which is a very healthy value better than Q1_2013 NetQB Regional and
Global reference values.

Degradation occurred on 13th of May 2013 was on network level and affected
all SGSN nodes. As per feedback from Vodafone Operations, this was due to
planned action on router that was extended till noon. PDP Context Activation Success Ratio 3G –SGSN1A

The trend of PDP Context Success Rate – WCDMA for SGSN1A during the
period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013 is shown below.

The average PDP context Success Rate in this period for 3G over SGSN was
around 98.14%. The KPI trend is very good and is on par with Q1_2013
NetQB Regional and Global reference values.

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Degradation occurred on 13th of May 2013 was on network level and affected
all SGSN nodes. As per feedback from Vodafone Operations, this was due to
planned action on router that was extended till noon. Session Management Log Analysis

Although PDP Context Activation Success Ratios are healthy; a sample

Session Management log was analysed to find out the existing failure reasons.

Majority of failures found out were due to CC#33 (Service Option Not
Subscribed). This is not affecting the overall PDP Activation SR as it is
considered as normal network behaviour; however further analysis was
performed as this is considered from end user perception point of view.

CC#33 (Service Option Not Subscribed) Sub Cause Code Analysis:

Further going down to the Sub Cause Code Level, it was found that:

- 69% of Failures are on 2G & 31% of Failures are on 3G.

- Major failures are observed because of Sub cause Code “APN

resolving failed since APN is not present in HLR” & “Service
Option Not Subscribed”.

- 99% of the failures are related to Home subscribers.

- 45% of failures are related to subscribers requesting access to

Iphone and Blackberry APNs while subscription is not granted
to these APNs.

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2.3.5 PDP Context Cutoff Ratio

The PDP context cutoff ratio denotes the probability that an active PDP
context is abnormally deactivated by the network PDP Context Cutoff Ratio 2G –SGSN1A

The below figure shows the trend for PDP Context Cutoff Ratio – GSM for
SGSN1A during the period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013.

The Average 2G PDP Context Cutoff Ratio in this period was around 4.57%. PDP Context Cutoff Ratio 3G –SGSN1A

The below figure shows the trend for PDP Context Cutoff Ratio – WCDMA for
SGSN1A during the period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013.

The Average 3G PDP Context Cutoff Ratio in this period was around 3.76%.

Rev D 22 (30)
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PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt PDP Context Cutoff Ratio Cause Code Analysis

The major Cause Code that affects 2G and 3G PDP Context Cutoff Ratio is
Cause Code #39, which represents Reactivation Requested as described

- SM.AttDeactPdpContextSgsnCC39.G/U: This measurement provides

the number of PDP context that is disconnected by the SGSN where
Cause Code #39 (Reactivation requested) is sent to the MS.

Two extra Cause Codes exist but with very limited contribution as follows;

- SM.AttDeactPdpContextSgsnCC38.G/U: This measurement provides

the number of PDP context that is disconnected by the SGSN where
Cause Code 38 (Network failure) is sent to the MS.

- SM.PdpContextsLost.G/U: This measurement provides the number of

PDP contexts lost due to any crash or restart except node restart and
large restart.

2.3.6 RAB Establishment Success Ratio 3G – SGSN1A

The Radio Access Bearer (RAB) Establishment Failure Ratio denotes the
probability that RAB establishment fails (WCDMA Systems only).

The below figure shows the trend for RAB Establishment Success Ratio 3G
for SGSN1A during the period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013.

The trend shows that the Average RAB Establishment Success Ratio 3G for
SGSN1A has been around 98.83%. The KPI is healthy and normally above

Rev D 23 (30)
Amr SAMY Commercial in confidence
PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

2.3.7 Intra SGSN RAU

Intra SGSN Routing Area Update Failure Ratio is defined as the percentage of
Intra SGSN RAU procedures that are initiated then failed due to a fault or
problem in the signalling procedure. This KPI counts both Periodic and Normal
(change of RAI) Intra SGSN RAU procedures. A procedure fails if an Intra
SGSN RAU Request is received by the SGSN and is not accepted, or rejected
with a cause indicate failure. Intra SGSN RAU (2G) – SGSN1A

The below figure shows the trend for 2G Intra SGSN RAU Success Rate for
SGSN1A during the period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013.

The average Intra SGSN RAU SR for 2G during this period is around 89.8%.
This KPI can be improved.

Rev D 24 (30)
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PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

Breakdown of 2G Intra SGSN RAU (Normal vs Periodic/Resume) shows that

2G Intra SGSN RAU Periodic/Resume is performing well and averaging

2G Intra SGSN RAU (Normal) seems to be causing the overall low

performance of 2G Intra SGSN RAU SR. This would suggest possible Radio
coverage issues. However this can also be related to feature ‘Detach of
Inactive Subscribers” as highlighted below.

The below chart shows the average 2G Intra RAU Success Rate per Routing

Feature ‘Detach of Inactive Subscribers” is turned on in the SGSN for GSM.

Network Initiated Detach detaches inactive subscribers in the SGSN, and frees
up capacity in the node. Detaching of inactive subscribers is controlled by a
configurable timer in the SGSN. The timer is started when an MS performs
Attach or Inter-SGSN Routing Area Update, without any active PDP context.
The timer is stopped as soon as the MS activates a PDP context.

Rev D 25 (30)
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PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

After the timeout, the procedure will wait until a Normal RAU or a Periodic RAU
attempt occurs, and thereafter detaches the MS by using the SGSN-Initiated
Detach procedure. The related Detach message is: Network Initiated Detach,
Detach Type = "re-attach not required" and NO GPRS Mobility Management
Cause (GMM Cause).

Those RAU attempts are neither successful nor unsuccessful because a

detach subscriber procedure is started in the meantime. Therefore there are
several Intra RAU attempts which are ignored, but are still counted in the KPI

The timer associated with this feature is not at default of 300 Minutes which
can affect the Intra RAU KPI. It is recommended to set the timer back to its
default value followed by close evaluation of its impact on Intra RAU SR and
SAU Capacity. Changes in default value can then be implemented / evaluated
in steps to reach the best possible outcome of the feature while maintaining
acceptable Intra RAU SR & SAU Capacity. Intra SGSN RAU (3G) – SGSN1A

The below figure shows the trend for Intra SGSN RAU Success Rate –
WCDMA for SGSN1A during the period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013.

The average Intra SGSN RAU SR for 3G during this period is around 99.78%.
The Intra SGSN RAU Success rate is very good and is consistently above
99.6% which is a very healthy value better that Q1_2013 NetQB Regional and
Global reference values.

Rev D 26 (30)
Amr SAMY Commercial in confidence
PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

2.3.8 Inter SGSN RAU

The inter-SGSN RAU failure ratio denotes the probability that an inter-SGSN
RAU attempt fails. Inter SGSN RAU (2G) – SGSN1A

The below figure shows the trend for Inter SGSN RAU Success Rate – GSM
for SGSN1A during the period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013.

The average Inter SGSN RAU Success Ratio for 2G during this period is
around 99.89%. The Inter SGSN RAU Success rate is very good and is
consistently above 99.1% which is a very healthy value better that Q1_2013
NetQB Regional and Global reference values. Inter SGSN RAU (3G) – SGSN1A

The below figure shows the trend for Inter SGSN RAU Success Rate –
WCDMA for SGSN1A during the period from 10 May 2013 to 18 May 2013.

The average Inter SGSN RAU SR for 3G during this period is around 98.87%.
The Inter SGSN RAU Success rate is very good and is normally above 99%
which is a very healthy value better that Q1_2013 NetQB Regional and Global
reference values.

The two degradations observed on 10th and 18th of May 2013 seem to be on
network level where all SGSNs were affected. However this needs to be
verified by Vodafone Operations Team.

Rev D 27 (30)
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PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

2.3.9 Paging Success Rate

The paging failure ratio denotes the probability that a paging procedure fails.

The Paging procedure is used for an MS in STANDBY_REACHABLE state. A

successful Paging procedure changes the state of the mobility management
context to READY, allowing the SGSN to forward data or signaling messages
to the MS.

A Paging Request message is sent to the BSC/RNC belonging to the RA

where the MS is currently registered. The current P-TMSI is used as identifier.

The Packet Switched paging KPI is primarily an indication of the Radio,

Transport, and Handset quality, and is mostly an indicator to an operator of
potential problems in these areas. The SGSN is simply sending a downlink
message to the MS and awaiting a response. The counter-based KPI is below
average with respect to Regional and Global reference values, however it is
noted that values observed in similar markets and networks can vary
considerably due to a variety of factors. Paging Success Rate (2G) –SGSN1A

The below figure shows the trend of GSM Paging Success Rate for SGSN1A
during the period from 10th till 18th of May 2013.

The average Paging SR for 2G during this period is around 91.34%; there is
room for improvement.

Paging Parameters have been checked and they are following the default

Investigating this KPI degradation further can be done through Traces and
Trace analysis.

Rev D 28 (30)
Amr SAMY Commercial in confidence
PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

By increasing MobileReachableTimer, periodic RAU attempt number can be

decreased, hence can lead to possible decrease in signaling load and
consequently SGSN CPU load. However, increasing MobileReachableTimer
can on the other hand have a negative impact on PS paging Success rate,
which might be the case for SGSN1.

Accordingly, it’s recommended to reduce MobileReachableTimer back from

9240 Seconds to its default value 3480 Seconds. Paging Success Rate (3G) –SGSN1A

The below figure shows the trend for 3G Paging Success Rate for SGSN1A
from 10th till 18th of May 2013.

The average 3G Paging Success Rate during this period is around 84.13%
which is relatively low. Paging Parameters on SGSN side have been checked
and they are following the default values.

The healthy trend of 3G Service Request Success Rate KPI indicates that
SGSN1 is behaving properly and that further investigation regarding 3G Paging
Success Rate should take place from radio and transport sides.

Investigating this KPI degradation further can be by Traces and Trace analysis.

Rev D 29 (30)
Amr SAMY Commercial in confidence
PS Core Audit for Vodafone Egypt

2.4 Parameter/Configuration/Hardware Audit

2.4.1 Node Parameters/Properties

Node Parameters/Properties are generally following the default values except

for those included in the embedded sheet below. Comments on each
Parameter/Property are included in the sheet.

Non-Default Node

2.4.2 Configuration Audit

2.4.3 Hardware Audit

HW Audit.doc

Faults noticed on some Boards as indicated in the document should be

checked by Vodafone Operations team.

Rev D 30 (30)
Amr SAMY Commercial in confidence

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