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An Overview of Continuous-Annealing

Technology for Steel Sheet Products*

P. R. Mould


Although continuous-sheet-annealing facilities have been

used in the North American steel industry for several decades, 1600 r-" Intercritical}
their use has been largely restricted to certain products for !! Soak Temp 800
which special metallurgical processing is required. These I I Subcritical
continuous-annealing (CA) facilities have not been competi- 1200 I
tive with batch annealing (BA) in producing the highly 600
~ Various Cooling Rates

ductile and formable carbon-steel sheets required by the
automotive and appliance industries. However, new tech- : Overaging (Time varies

nology has been developed over the last 10 years that can "",n.. ""'J
produce continuously annealed carbon-steel sheet with
improved ductility. Furthermore, the new CA technology is
more suitable than that of BA for producing the uniform 400
high-strength sheets (from relatively lean steel compositions) ..
that are increasingly being required by automobile
The metallurgy of the new CA technology is reviewed by o 2 4 6 8
contrasting it with BA technology. The modern CA processes TIME, minutes
are briefly described, and the engineering and metallurgi-
cal conseqUences of the differences among several CA processes Figure 1. Schematic representation of the annealing cycles
are discussed. In addition, the metallurgical factors involved that form the basis of the new continuous-annealing technology.
in producing various sheet products (low- and high-strength,
electrical, and enameling sheets) and tinplate by CA are
reviewed. Finally, the significance of CA to steel producers forming properties and aging resistance (which are impor-
and the possible future developments in CA technology are tant requirements of the automotive and appliance mar-
considered. kets) can be developed in continuously annealed sheets.
Although the properties of some continuously annealed
INTRODUCTION sheet grades, such as drawing-quality special-killed (DQSK)
As the keynote paper of a four-session symposium on the sheet, are still not equivalent to box-annealed sheets, there
are other advantages of CA that make it an attractive
metallurgy of continuously annealed sheet, it may appear
process for steel producers: improved quality, lower pro-
inconsistent to state that there is little new about continu- duction cost, and improved product versatility. Better flatness
ous annealing (CA) as a process for softening sheet and
results from the in-line tension that produces thermal
tin-mill products. Nevertheless, this is true, because CA is flattening. Also, because a single strand of sheet is annealed,
widely used in North America and throughout the world to
the temperature control is better than for BA, and more-
produce a variety of sheet products, such as hot-dip- uniform properties along the coil length are obtained. The
galvanized sheets, tinplate, stainless-steel sheets, and
presence of in-line electrolytic cleaning provides a cleaner
nonoriented silicon-steel sheets. On the basis of AISI ship-
surface than for box-annealed sheet, which in North America
ments for these products in 1980, it is estimated that about is usually not electrolytically cleaned.
seven million tons of sheet and tinplate products are
The production economies, which have been well
continuously annealed each year in the United States alone. documented by the Japanese,l,2 stem from shorter processing
Despite this wide-spread use, CA has never been used
times, lower handling and labor costs, and the improved
significantly to produce carbon-steel sheets for the large
yield (reduced damage losses) resulting from the combina-
automotive and appliance markets because, until recently,
the properties (particularly formability and aging resis- tion of several operations in the CA line. Excellent control
of annealing temperature and rapid cooling make CA an
tance) of sheets produced by CA have been inferior to those
produced by box-annealing (BA) sheets. However, it is for ideal process for producing the high-strength steel sheets
(35-150 ksi yield strength) now being used by the automo-
the automotive and appliance market segments that CA is
bile industry.
attracting so much attention today.
By incorporating overaging into the CA cycle (Figure 1), Considering all these aspects, with CA a more versatile
Japanese steelmakers have demonstrated that improved mix of low- and high-strength sheet products can be pro-
duced than with BA, and thus there is a high commercial
interest in CA technology. Several lines are in operation in
·,Editor's note: This paper is a condensation of the keynote paper by the same title from Japan, others are under construction in Europe and South
the conference proceedings Metallurgy of Continuous·Annealed Sheet Steel. edited by America, and still others are planned for North America.
Bruce L. Bramfitt and P.L. Mangonon, Jr., The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale,
Pennsylvania. Copyright 1982. Therefore, it is appropriate that the metallurgy of CA be


reviewed at this time so that the technology can be better tion. Without overaging, quench and strain aging would
understood, its limitations recognized, and further areas result and impair the formability of the sheet.
for development identified. This paper reviews the broad Despite overaging, more carbon is retained in solid solu-
technology of CA from the following aspects: tion during CA than in BA, and, as a result, even aluminum-
• comparison of the metallurgy of CA and BA, killed continuously annealed steels show some aging effects
• description of modern CA processes and the engineering unless special additions of titanium or niobium are made
and metallurgical consequences of the differences among to combine with the residual carbon. By controlling the
the CA processes, amount of carbon retained in solid solution (by controlling
• review of the metallurgical factors involved in the pro- the steel composition, cooling rate, and overaging), bake
duction of various sheet and tin-mill products, hardening can be obtained in continuously annealed sheets3
• significance of CA to steel producers, and whereby strengthening occurs during the paint baking of a
• future developments in CA technology. formed part. The factors affecting strain aging and bake
hardening will be discussed later.
The tight-wound coils used in batch, annealing have a Modern CA lines are, in fact, continuous-annealing and
large thermal mass and, hence, the heating and cooling processing lines because they combine-several processes-
rates are slow and the soak time at temperature is long. electrolytic cleaning, annealing (including overaging), and,
As a result, several days are required for BA, as shown in most cases, temper rolling. The CA processes differ
schematically in Figure 2. In addition, the adjacent wraps essentially in the cooling media used to effect cooling from
of the box-annealed coils have an increased tendency to the annealing temperature. Gas-jet cooling, in which
stick together as the annealing temperature is increased. nitrogen/hydrogen gas is passed through jets to impinge
Also coarse carbides, which are deleterious to formability, the steel sheet, is used by Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC)
form at high BA temperatures. For these reasons, the soak in its commercial lines at Kimitsu and Yawata Works.
temperature in BA is usually limited to about 700-730°C Cooling rates of about 5-30CO/s (9-54Fo/s) can be achieved. 4
(1290-1340°F), which is close to the Al equilibrium tem- By using specially designed cooling nozzles, Kawasaki has
perature shown in the portion of the Fe-Fe3C equilibrium been able to increase the cooling rate of the gas-cooling
diagram in Figure 2b. Although the ferrite contains the system in its KM-CAL line at Chiba Works to 30-50Co/s
maximum amount of carbon in solid solution at this tem- (54-90Fo/s).5 To increase the cooling rates and hence improve
perature, the slow cooling associated with BA results in the capability to produce high-strength sheets, NSC has
near complete precipitation of carbon by the time ambient designed a mixed-spray (gas and water) cooling system
temperature is reached. capable of cooling at rates of 80-300Co/s (144-540Fo/s).6 In
In CA, the single-sheet strand is heated to the annealing Belgium, Centre de Recherches Metallurgigues (CRM) has
temperature very quickly, the soak time is short, and the developed a process for quenching the moving sheet into
cooling rate is relatively rapid so that the total cycle takes hot water to achieve cooling rates of 25-150Co/s (45-270Fo/s),7
only a few minutes (usually 4-8 min, Figure 2c). Because whereas Nippon Kokan (NKK) quenches the sheet directly
there is no danger of sticking in CA, and because the short into cold water and achieves cooling rates in excess of
times minimize carbide coarsening; the maximum annealing 1000Co/s (1800Fo/s).8 With the NKK system, it is impos-
temperature can be raised above the Al temperature so sible to arrest the cooling at the overaging temperature
that recrystallization and grain growth can be promoted. with the high cooling rates (> 1000Co/s) associated with
The rapid, nonequilibrium cooling during CA inhibits the this system, so it is necessary to reheat the sheet to the
complete precipitation of carbon from ferrite solid solution, overaging temperature. To avoid the cost of this reheating
and, as a consequence, overaging at an intermediate tem- for those low-strength grades for which there is little advan-
perature (Figure 2c) is needed to encourage such precipita- tage in rapid cooling, a means of cooling the sheet by

A. B. c.
Fe-Fe3 C
Q'+,), 800
.---------- 600
TEMP, '" Rapid Cooling TEMP,

Q' + Fe3 C
L. \


\ \. 0
0 1 2 3 .01 .02 .03 .04 2 4 6 8
TIME, days C,wt% TIME, min
Figure 2. Comparison of schematic box- and continuous-annealing cycles with the Fe-Fe3C equilibrium diagram.


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