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Resonence Educating for better tomorrow TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2017 Course : VIKAAS (JA) Date : 27-04-2015 NO. 01 & 02 TEST INFORMATION DATE : 24.05.2015, PART TEST-1 (PT-1) (ADVANCED) Syllabus : Introduction To Chemistry and Atomic Structure (upto Quantum Theory). (All Cheminfos and Handouts till date) This DPP is to be discussed in the week (27-04-2015 to 02-05-2015) DPP No. #01 (JEE-MAIN) Total Marks : 60 Max. Time : 40 min, Single choice Objective (‘-1" negative marking) Q.1 to Q.20 (3 marks, 2 min.) [60,40] [1 [2]3]4[5]6|7] 8] 9 |] 1] 2] 13] 14] | 6] 7] 18] 19 | 20] Taal Mark obtained 4. 1 mole by definition represents same number of particles as (A) Number of atoms present in exactly 8 g of 10 isotope. (©) Number of molecules in exactly 29 of H, gas. (C) Number of atoms present in exactly 16 g of ‘$0 isotope. (D*) Number of atoms present in exactly 12 of '8C isotope. 4 tet Hofer weit ah com, ara 8 verb /Adprs eat 8 ? () Go wrentre & wate os O 8g 4 safes AMS A eT (©) wate 3 8 2gH, AHH oS A eT (©) $0 wrente 3 wae we 1694 coker TANS a eer (0) 3c wrentra & wee wa 8 1294 sake Teas a eT Sol. It isa fact to be remembered. (ae az War za 27 2 |) 2. The weight of a molecule of the compound C,H,,O,is about (a) 1809 (3x 102g (€)22*10g ()1329 Tira CH,.0,3 eH ory wr RETRY ara Fe. (a) 180.9 (8) 3* 10g (€)22« 10g (0) 132 9 Sol. Gram mol. wt. of C,H,,0,= 1809 i.e. wt. of 6.022 x 10” molecules = 180g 180 $0, wt. of 1 molecule = § 939, 1977 3x 102g FA. G\H,,0, 37 57H Mp = 180.9 seit 6.022 « 10° ary ar He = 180 180 af, 1 91 I AR= Gop9, 49m =3%* 109, R [Corporate Office | OG Tower, A466 62, PIA, Noat Oly Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kola (al ESONSNCE hietsterramareeonencescmT Educating for better tomorrow carrraeTaGO ZOD ZIGT TOD 255 SESS] CH USSISERIEOOTPT COTO 3, The mass of half mole of electrons is about: (Given : Mass of electron = 9.1 x 10g) cand Aras wags Hr ane, se rar ate ? Rear goa Baal I ZATATT= 9.1 x 10 g) (A) 0.546 mg (B*) 0.273mg (C) 1.092 mg (0) 4.55mg Sol, = m=9.1 * 10° x 3.011 x 10g = 0.273 mg 4, 39.4kg of gold was recovered from a smuggler. The number of atoms of gold recovered are ee as 8 -39.4 kg MAT sa PAT Ta | Br gE A RASH aA sen ae 2? (200 (©) 1.2044 x10" _(C) 6.022 « 10 (0) 1.2044 « 102 Sol. No. of atoms of gold recovered = Moles of gold « N, eax) Sar |x N, = 1.2044 x 10% a arey eae oH oT eee = ea tax N, (39.4% 103) 204000) 204410 5. The charge on 1 gram of Al* ions is : (e = magnitude of electronic charge) N,ecoulomb (0) 3N,e coulomb 1 1 (A) 57 Niecoulomd (8) N,ecoulomb AB mrt arm ge om Fe B : (@= eSagifep se er aReAT) 1 1 7 1 7 fi 2 A) x7 Neowin) 3 Negi (© g Neain O)3N,eqgia Sol. Moles of AP* ions = = sono. of AF*ions= -N, 7 ions = 5 ions = 5 1 1 so charge on these jons= 5 N, x 3e coulomb = g N,e coulomb AP ore ats = ra: APS ore a ee peee al seqrin = 5 Njeaein peal 1 Sr AR TRI = 5 N 6. The number of atoms present in 0.5 g atoms of nitrogen is same as the atoms in (A) 24g of Mg (G1) 89 of Oxygen gas (C) 32g ofS (©) 12g ore FSI 3 0.5 g TRAM A wera RATES Bem FT A MNS ot see TB (8) 24g APR yegsinta ta (C329 TR (©) 129 2144 Sol. 0.5g atom of nitrogen = 0.5N, atoms 8g of oxygen = mole of Sol, 0.5.9 SHIM AEST = O.5N, TAM, 0.5, atoms « 8 Sgsitadtar => aa0,= 05N, Ty 7. Invwhich ofthe following pairs, do 1 g of each have an equal number of molecules ? (A)N,O and co (®)N, andco (©)N,O andco, (©) Both (B) and (c) Fr A 8 fore /farr BG) Hwee S41 MTA ors ar ve TA a — (A)NOwNICO (®)N,weNCO (©N,ownco, (09 (8) 7M (C) art arpa Oi CS Tot SH BER War Ci Wa Tay Ro Rae ay Resonance} ducating for better tomorrow Sol Sol. Sol. 10. Sol. ‘Species having same molar mass will have same number of molecules in a given mass. Molar mass of N, and CO = 28 Molar mass of NO and CO, = 44 a etter fired ate come ars ate FRA TA com & fe ga syst aA ston A ee eh 2 N, ae CO Ata wa = 28 NO @2H CO, 1 Her aT = 44 ‘The number of atoms in 4.25 g of NH, is approximately NH, & 4.25 9 4 qearypil a dean ara 2 (A) 1 * 10” (B)2* 10” (C)4* 10” (0°)6 « 10” 425 y= Na Molecules of NH, lolecules of a NH, se ‘Atoms in sample (araef #1 ama) = Me x4=N, Total number of neutrons presentin 4g of heavy water (0,0) is: (Where N, represents Avogadro's number) ant art (0,0) 4 gi waftera rated ah apa chen fr & — (we N, oncrere ea cari 8) (A)24N, ®4n, ©12N, ()2N, Moles of D.0= 35 = § no of neutrons in D = 1 and in oxyger $0 total no. of neutrons in 1 mole D, ON, 1 1 Now in 5 moles 0,0, no of neutrons = 10N, « = A 41 Dow ma= =F Da agit a chen = 1 aon sitar 4 AEH Hh dem =8 ang 4 Hiei DOF qa AERhAl AY sien = 10N, 1 — 1 ot 5 Ate D,OF =ECKrh MH slo = 10N,x 5 In which ofthe following options, the molecules are correctly matched with their atomicity ? Fr HS fave Pres my see oTOTTEN TEY a wT GAK e ? (P, 7 (2)HNO, @é @)N.H, 5 (4)H.SO, @)4 (A) (1-5), 2-9, =P), 4-9 @) (1-4), 2-5), @-p), 4-9) (©) (1-9), 2-9), @-. 4—p) © 1-9), 2-0, 6-9). 4-p) Total no. of atoms present in a molecule = 4inP, 141435 inHNO, 2+4=6 inNH,&2+144= Rayeat = yo oy H sate RTS A EE eT =P. 4, HNO, 14143=5,NH,92+4=69H,S0,9 2414427 in H,80,. arpa Oi CS Tot SH BER War Ci Wa Tay Ro Rae ay Resonance} ducating for better tomorrow

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