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Countywide& Sun


2019 The Rodeo Heritage Has Deep Roots In The Roper Family
By MICHELE TOBERER bareback and bull rid- WLPH IRU Á\ ÀVKLQJ RF-
Page When your grandma ing. He was inducted casionally and enjoys
B01 is Betty Roper, the win-
ningest barrel racer in Fame in 2014. with his bulldogger
the International Pro- “Justin has been a friend, Shylo Glover.
Clip huge help to me over Jayco’s dad works for
resized fessional Rodeo Asso-
ciation, the announcer the years,” said Jayco. the Oklahoma Depart-
35% often mentions her “He is always there to ment of Transportation,
when introducing you KHOSÀ[P\ULJJLQJDQG and his mom works as
to the crowds. Jayco give me advice; I really a teacher at the Oklaho-
Roper has grown ac- look up to him. And, ma School for the Blind.
customed to hearing the I never ride a horse J.W.’s mom, Betty, lives
announcers rave about without praying to God next door to the family
his grandma and her ÀUVWµ and at 70 years old, still
six world titles as he is Jayco keeps up a very rides every day.
getting things just right busy schedule, com- “Grandma Betty is
in the chutes. peting in the Ameri- still healthy and gets
The Roper name has can Cowboys Rodeo around like a 40-year-
a longstanding rodeo Association, Cowboys old,” said Jayco. “She’s
history. As with many Regional Rodeo As- never sitting down
fourth-generation Okla- sociation and the All unless they’re eating
homa cowboys, rodeo Indian Rodeo Cowboys lunch.”
surrounds Jayco on all Association. Betty has helped both
sides. Jayco and his sis- “My dad is my big- granddaughters with
ters, Jaylie, 23, and Jer- Jayco Roper (Photo by Skylar Wright) time manager; he takes their barrel racing and
nie, 8, have had plenty care of everything,” imparted much of her
of examples set before would compete at. fourth in 2016 at the the past two years. He said Jayco. “He sched- training knowledge on
them, as their dad J.W. -D\FR·VÀUVW\HDULQWKH NJHSFR. He stepped resides in Oktaha, Okla- ules what rodeos I’m the girls as they work
competed as a team Oklahoma Junior High up to bareback horses homa, and is home- entering, and I hop and with her.
roper for many years. Rodeo Association led when he was about 14, schooled through Epic don’t ask too many “The IFYR is a great
Besides their grand- him to a national title and soon he was riding Charter School. questions.” competition where you
ma Betty’s successful as a seventh grader, with all the big boys on Learning the bronc Jayco spends much of can win a lot of money
barrel racing and horse when he left the NJHS- full size broncs. Jayco riding ropes has been his time practicing on and our family has a lot
training career, their FR in Des Moines, Iowa, won the 2017 Oklaho- easier with the help of his spur board, prepar- of history with both the
grandpa Jimmy Roper as the 2015 National ma High School Rodeo neighbor Justin McDan- ing for rodeos and goes IPRA and IFYR,” said
was a well-known and Champion Bareback Association Champion iel. Justin competed in to the gym at least three Jayco. “I’d like to win as
accomplished steer Steer Rider. Leading Bareback Rider title his the IFYR in 2003 and times each week. many world champion
wrestler. Jaylie com- up to that, he had won freshman year. 2004, winning the all- “I like to run and titles as she has so that
peted at the IFYR in the Oklahoma bareback Jayco is now 17 years around championship do a lot of core work one day, they may be
barrel racing when she steer champion title and old and has competed in 2004 after topping and powerlifting at the talking about me when
was younger and has champion rookie cow- at the International Fi- the earnings board with gym,” said Jayco. my grandson is getting
trained some great bar- boy title. Jayco placed nals Youth Rodeo for money earned in both He does make some ready in the chutes.”
rel horses; and Jernie
lives, eats and breathes
barrel racing.
Jayco started his ro-
deo career riding sheep
Virginia’s Home Furnishings
starting at
at three years old and
stepped up the rough
stock ladder to calves,
steers and mini broncs Let us 1815 N. Harrison
when he was six years Build yo Shawnee, OK
old. Although he comes Logo
from a family of mainly (405) 273-6620
timed-event competi-
tors, Jayco had a pas-
sion for rough stock
from the very begin- FINANCING & LAYAWAY AVAILABLE!
ning at the Ward Rodeo 212 E. Main, Shawnee Hours: Mon-Sat, 9-5
Company rodeos he

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Anadarko Daily News

Thursday, July 18, 2019 • The Anadarko, Oklahoma, Daily News • Page Three

Oklahoma virtual charter

18 ss,
founders embezzled millions
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Tommy Johnson wrote the school's lion in state funding in fiscal year
nd The founders of Oklahoma's largest founders, David Chaney and Ben 2019, according to figures from the
on virtual charter school embezzled Harris, split illegal profits of more Oklahoma State Department of Ed-
2019 millions of dollars in state funds than $10 million between 2013 and ucation.
— through an illegal scheme that in- 2018. "These allegations are extremely
ee volved the use of "ghost students" "Ben Harris and David Chaney serious and disturbing," State Su-
Page e's to artificially inflate enrollment inflated the number of students re- perintendent of Public Instruction
003 numbers, investigators allege. ported to (the Oklahoma State De- Joy Hofmeister said in a statement.
ve "The State Department of Educa-
Clip all
resized tion stands ready to work with any
47% criminal investigation to determine
if public education and countless
Oklahoma taxpayers have been de-
frauded of millions of dollars."
A department spokeswoman said
ws Wednesday federal investigators
ke also have sought data about Epic
in from the agency.
do Epic also has expanded its virtual
charter school operations into Cali-
ke fornia and began efforts to move
ze into Arkansas .
in The school boasts on its website
se, that Epic teachers can earn an esti-
es mated $15,000 more than the state
average, and many parents say their
sa children prefer Epic to a traditional
IN THIS MARCH 11, 2019, photo, Epic Charter Schools administra- brick-and-mortar school. Epic also
in tor Erin Barnes speaks during Virtual Charter School Day at the state
as offers a "learning fund" credit of
Capitol in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma investigators allege the founders between $800 and $1,000 per stu-
of Epic, Oklahoma's largest virtual charter school, embezzled millions dent that can be used to pay for
of of dollars in state funds through an illegal scheme involving the use
a- such things as karate and dance les-
of "ghost students" to inflate enrollment numbers. (AP Photo by Sean sons, yoga or music instruction.
ur- Murphy)
ey Johnson wrote in the affidavit
Oklahoma State Bureau of Inves- partment of Education) by enrolling that Harris and Chaney used the
his tigation agent Tommy Johnson out- and/or retaining 'ghost students,'" learning fund to entice parents to
mp lined the allegations in an affidavit Johnson wrote. "Ghost students enroll their students in Epic.
ic for a search warrant of an Epic were students enrolled in Epic that Dozens of the 'ghost students' were
a- teacher's home filed late Monday in received little or no instruction home-school or private-school stu-
ill Oklahoma County. Investigators from Epic teachers." dents who were enrolled just so par-
er- seized a laptop and mobile phone The two men operated Epic ents could receive the credit
u- during their search. Youth Services, a for-profit limited without any intent to receive in-
th In the affidavit, Oklahoma State liability company, which contracted struction.
x- Bureau of Investigation agent with the school to oversee opera- "Many teachers dubbed them
er- tions and received a portion of the 'members of the $800 club,'" ac-
ew Records: school's state-appropriated funds. cording to the affidavit.
Trump discussed The existence of the affidavit was
first reported by The Oklahoman .
One former Epic teacher told
Johnson about a family in rural
quashing stories The OSBI's investigation is ongo- Oklahoma that withdrew 10 of their
ry ing, and formal charges have not children from a local public school
ke about affairs been filed. and received $8,000.
n- NEW YORK (AP) — Court Epic did not make Chaney or "The parents did not require the
records show that in the days lead- Harris available for an interview, students to participate in any of
ing up to the 2016 election, Presi- but released a statement from the Epic's curriculums and they spent
e dent Donald Trump spoke with two men on Wednesday saying they their day horseback riding and par-
aides rushing to quash stories about dispute the allegations in the affi- ticipating in other non-educational
alleged affairs he had. davit and that they've cooperated activities," Johnson wrote.
Search warrants unsealed Thurs- fully with investigators for more Chaney also recruited students
me day shed new light on the presi- than five years. from private schools for dual en-
he dent's role as his campaign "We will continue to cooperate rollment in Epic, sometimes with-
he scrambled to respond to media in- with investigators, as we have out their parents' knowledge,
nt quiries about hush-money paid to throughout the history of our according to the affidavit. In one
two women who said they had af- school," the statement read. "We are case, a student was counted for two
o- fairs with Trump. confident the facts will once again school years after she moved to an-
on U.S. District Judge William vindicate our team." other state.
p- Pauley ordered the materials un- Epic is a free, public school for In his affidavit, Johnson wrote he
o- sealed this week after prosecutors children in pre-kindergarten has probable cause to believe
ve said they had concluded their inves- through grade 12 that has enjoyed crimes committed include embez-
ey tigation into a scheme intended to explosive growth since it was zlement, conspiracy, obtaining
ke protect Trump's reputation as he ran founded by Chaney and Harris in money under false pretenses, and
ar- for president. 2011. The school had more than violation of Oklahoma's Racketeer-
de The investigation involved pay- 21,000 students enrolled last year Influenced and Corrupt Organiza-
wo ments Michael Cohen helped or- and received more than $113 mil- tions Act.
chestrate to porn actress Stormy
Daniels and Pla bo centerfold Sudanese protesters rally to
Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Jul 2019 Page resized
18 A003 47%

Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise

OSBI: ‘Ghost students’ at Epic Charter Schools

By Nuria Martinez-Keel for each student enrolled. which was filed Tuesday with multiple parents, and academic standards, at her Oklahoma City
The Oklahoman There is no cost to stu- in Oklahoma County Dis- schools and day care cen- investigators reported. home. Patton could not
dents to attend. trict Court. ters that all reported Epic Epic’s truancy policy be reached for comment.
A state investiga- In a statement emailed These students were incentivized them to dual stated any student who The OSBI found Harris
tion alleges Epic Charter to The Oklahoman, Epic enrolled in Epic but enroll children. Many didn’t complete at least allowed hundreds of stu-
Schools, the state’s larg- referred to the allegations “received little or no children were enrolled five graded assignments dents to remain on Epic’s
est virtual charter school as a “coordinated effort” instruction from Epic at Epic without their over 10 consecutive days rolls even though they no
system, embezzled mil- to attack a fast-growing teachers.” parents’ knowledge or would be withdrawn. longer attended Epic.
lions in state funds by school that “makes status “Ben Harris and David consent while the school One teacher told Oklahoma State Super-
illegally inflating enroll- quo education lobbying Chaney enticed ghost or learning center received the OSBI that she was intendent Joy Hofmeister
ment counts with “ghost groups uncomfortable,” students to enroll in Epic money from Epic, accord- pressured to drop poor-
students.” called the allegations from
said Shelly Hickman, by offering each student ing to the warrant. performing students
The Oklahoma State OSBI “extremely serious
assistant superintendent an annual learning fund One woman, whom from enrollment so they
Bureau of Investigation of communications for ranging from $800 to investigators only iden- wouldn’t count against and disturbing.”
alleged Epic co-founders Epic. $1,000,” OSBI reported tified by her initials Epic’s standardized test “The State Department
David Chaney and Ben “We are audited by the in the warrant. “… The LDW, operated a sec- scores. of Education stands ready
Harris “devised a scheme Department of Educa- parents of many of the tarian school in Sapulpa “(The teacher) forced to work with any criminal
to use their positions as tion and state approved homeschool students when Epic presented her the students into tru- investigation to deter-
public officers to unlaw- auditors each school year admitted they enrolled with an opportunity for ancy by giving them mine if public education
fully derive profits from and are supremely con- their children in Epic to an “economic windfall.” assignments that were and countless Oklahoma
state appropriated funds.” fident that we operate receive the $800 learning The woman converted impossible to complete, taxpayers have been
An OSBI agent made our public school system fund without any intent to her school to a learning and they were with- defrauded of millions of
the allegations in a search within the boundaries of receive instruction from center under the “Epic drawn from Epic,” the dollars,” Hofmeister said
warrant that sought state and federal law,” Epic.” model” to take advantage search warrant states. in a statement. “In the
evidence of embezzle- Hickman added. “Since Several parents refused of the economic benefits, “The students were later meantime, it is important
ment, obtaining money our inception in 2011 instruction from Epic agents reported. re-enrolled without the to let the legal system do
by false pretenses and we have time after time teachers but continued to LDW allowed students knowledge or consent of its work. For the sake of
racketeering. proven ourselves innocent accept the $800 learning to work on Epic assign- their parents.” Oklahoma students and
Investigators reported of all allegations. We will fund and expenses, inves- ments for three hours One student with- families all across the
Chaney and Harris “cre- again.” tigators found. Many Epic to get credit for a full drew from Epic when her state, we must ensure
ated a system of financial In its search warrant, teachers dubbed these school day, though state family moved to Portland, accountability of all
gain at Epic” when they OSBI alleged between 2013 families “members of the law requires six hours of Oregon, from Oklahoma education funding. We
founded the virtual char- and 2018, Chaney and $800 club,” investigators instruction. LDW and her City in September 2017. understand that today’s
ter school in 2010. The Harris unlawfully received said. staff were not certified However, she was still
two co-founders have events may create confu-
$10 million in profits from Chaney reportedly teachers. In fact, inves- listed as a student at an
managed the virtual sion and stress for many
Epic Youth Services and estimated during a board tigators said LDW should Epic blended learning
charter school through a students and families.
split the total. meeting in April 2013 have been prohibited center through the 2017-
for-profit company, Epic OSBI agents reportedly that 30% of Epic students from working on school 18 and 2018-19 school They have our support.”
Youth Services, which found dozens of “ghost were homeschooled. The premises because she is years.
receives a portion of Epic’s students” counted in OSBI alleged Chaney was a convicted felon, having The student’s name still The Oklahoman is a
state funds. Epic’s enrollment num- personally involved in pleaded guilty in 2010 to belonged to the roster sister publication of the
Epic, which enrolled just bers, though they were recruiting homeschool, mortgage fraud in Florida of Epic teacher Jenni- Bartlesville Examiner-
under 20,000 students homeschooled or also private and sectarian federal court. fer Patton. OSBI agents Enterprise. More content
last year, is a public char- attended private and sec- school students for dual Ghost students were seized Patton’s computer from The Oklahoman is
ter school that receives tarian schools, according enrollment in Epic. not held to general Epic Monday evening while available at www.oklaho-
state education funding to the search warrant, Investigators spoke policies for attendance serving the search warrant

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Freedom Call

Probe: Oklahoma virtual charter



founders embezzled millions
0003 By Sean Murphy view, but released a statement Epic to a traditional brick-and-
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) from the two men on Wednes- mortar school. Epic also offers
Clip — The founders of Oklahoma's day saying they dispute the alle- a "learning fund" credit of be-
largest virtual charter school gations in the affidavit and that tween $800 and $1,000 per stu-
embezzled millions of dollars they've cooperated fully with dent that can be used to pay for
in state funds through an illegal investigators for more than five such things as karate and dance
scheme that involved the use of years. lessons, yoga or music instruc-
"ghost students" to artificially "We will continue to coop- tion.
inflate enrollment numbers, in- erate with investigators, as we Johnson wrote in the affida-
vestigators allege. have throughout the history of vit that Harris and Chaney used
Oklahoma State Bureau of our school," the statement read. the learning fund to entice par-
Investigation agent Tommy "We are confident the facts will ents to enroll their students in
Johnson outlined the allegations once again vindicate our team." Epic. Dozens of the 'ghost stu-
in an affidavit for a search war- Epic is a free, public school dents' were home-school or pri-
rant of an Epic teacher's home for children in pre-kindergarten vate-school students who were
filed late Monday in Oklahoma through grade 12 that has en- enrolled just so parents could
County. Investigators seized a joyed explosive growth since receive the credit without any
laptop and mobile phone during it was founded by Chaney and intent to receive instruction.
their search. Harris in 2011. The school had "Many teachers dubbed them
In the affidavit, Oklahoma more than 21,000 students en- 'members of the $800 club,'" ac-
State Bureau of Investigation rolled last year and received cording to the affidavit.
agent Tommy Johnson wrote more than $113 million in state One former Epic teacher told
the school's founders, David funding in fiscal year 2019, Johnson about a family in rural
Chaney and Ben Harris, split il- according to figures from the Oklahoma that withdrew 10 of
legal profits of more than $10 Oklahoma State Department of their children from a local pub-
million between 2013 and 2018. Education. lic school and received $8,000.
"Ben Harris and David "These allegations are ex- "The parents did not require
Chaney inflated the number of tremely serious and disturbing," the students to participate in any
students reported to (the Okla- State Superintendent of Public of Epic's curriculums and they
homa State Department of Instruction Joy Hofmeister said spent their day horseback riding
Education) by enrolling and/ in a statement. "The State De- and participating in other non-
or retaining 'ghost students,'" partment of Education stands educational activities," Johnson
Johnson wrote. "Ghost students ready to work with any crimi- wrote.
were students enrolled in Epic nal investigation to determine if Chaney also recruited stu-
that received little or no instruc- public education and countless dents from private schools for
tion from Epic teachers." Oklahoma taxpayers have been dual enrollment in Epic, some-
The two men operated Epic defrauded of millions of dollars." times without their parents'
Youth Services, a for-profit lim- A department spokeswoman knowledge, according to the
ited liability company, which said Wednesday federal inves- affidavit. In one case, a student
contracted with the school to tigators also have sought data was counted for two school
oversee operations and received about Epic from the agency. years after she moved to another
a portion of the school's state- Epic also has expanded its state.
appropriated funds. virtual charter school operations In his affidavit, Johnson
The existence of the affi- into California and began efforts wrote he has probable cause to
davit was first reported by The to move into Arkansas . believe crimes committed in-
Oklahoman . The OSBI's inves- The school boasts on its web- clude embezzlement, conspira-
tigation is ongoing, and formal site that Epic teachers can earn cy, obtaining money under false
charges have not been filed. an estimated $15,000 more than pretenses, and violation of Okla-
Epic did not make Chaney the state average, and many par- homa's Racketeer-Influenced
or Harris available for an inter- ents say their children prefer and Corrupt Organizations Act.

orig.pdf 1 19-Jul-19 15:38:55

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Jul 2019 Page resized
19 A002 52%

Ada News

Search warrant alleges embezzlement,

use of ‘ghost students’ by Epic Schools
By Jennifer Palmer | Oklahoma Watch Epic is accused of receiving
state funding for “ghost students”
as early as 2014. Those students
Tuesday seeks evidence of alleged embezzlement of private and sectarian schools Whitney Bryen | Oklahoma Watc
state funds and obtaining money under false pre- and enrolled in Epic to receive A sign is seen outside of 50 Penn Place in Oklahoma City, where Epic Char-
tenses at Epic Charter Schools, including through DQ³OHDUQLQJIXQG´ZLWKRXW ter Schools leases 40,000 square feet for administrative use.
the use of “ghost students” who receive no actual receiving instruction from Epic,
instruction at the school. WKHḊGDYLWVWDWHV(SLFWHDFKHUV uncomfortable. We are considering legal action to
Epic and and its two co-founders, David Chaney dubbed those students “members FRPEDWZKDWZHEHOLHYHLVDFRRUGLQDWHGH̆RUWWR
enforcement investigation, according to the seven- ing fund is provided to all Epic Superintendent Joy Hofmeister, in a statement,
SDJHḊGDYLWDQGZDUUDQW¿OHGLQ2NODKRPD&RXQW\ students and can be spent on curriculum, technol- called the allegations “extremely serious and dis-
District Court. ogy and extracurricular activities. turbing.
The agent reviewed bank statements and found Shelly Hickman, a spokeswoman for Epic Charter “The state Department of Education stands ready
&KDQH\DQG+DUULVVSOLWVFKRROSUR¿WVRIDWOHDVW Schools, responded to media reports describing the to work with any criminal investigation to deter-
PLOOLRQEHWZHHQDQGWKHḊGDYLWVWDWHV allegations on Tuesday. mine if public education and countless Oklahoma
Epic is a publicly funded charter school that is man- “We are audited by the Department of Education taxpayers have been defrauded of millions of dol-
DJHGE\DIRUSUR¿WFRPSDQ\(SLF<RXWK6HUYLFHV and state-approved auditors each school year and lars. In the meantime, it is important to let the legal
On June 28, OSBI agents visited the Oklahoma federal law,” her statement reads. “Since our incep- the handling of Epic’s 2019-20 funding, Education
+HUFRPSXWHUFHOOSKRQHDQG¿OHVLQFOXGLQJQRWHV selves innocent of all allegations. We will again. they will consult with law enforcement to determine
letters, text messages with Epic parents, Chaney and “This latest attack comes at a time when our the next appropriate steps. Epic’s state funding for
Harris, is what agents sought in the search warrant. growth makes status quo education lobbying groups QH[W\HDULVHVWLPDWHGDWPLOOLRQ

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Alva Review-Courier

Probe: Oklahoma

virtual charter founders
embezzled millions
Clip By Sean Murphy again vindicate our team." children from a local public school
resized Epic is a free, public school and received $8,000.
The founders of Oklahoma's largest for children in pre-kindergarten "The parents did not require
virtual charter school embezzled through grade 12 that has enjoyed the students to participate in any of
millions of dollars in state funds explosive growth since it was Epic's curriculums and they spent
through an illegal scheme that in- founded by Chaney and Harris in their day horseback riding and par-
volved the use of "ghost students" 2011. The school had more than ticipating in other non-educational
WR DUWL¿FLDOO\ LQÀDWH HQUROOPHQW 21,000 students enrolled last year activities," Johnson wrote.
numbers, investigators allege. and received more than $113 mil- Chaney also recruited students
Oklahoma State Bureau of In- OLRQ LQ VWDWH IXQGLQJ LQ ¿VFDO \HDU from private schools for dual en-
vestigation agent Tommy Johnson DFFRUGLQJWR¿JXUHVIURPWKH rollment in Epic, sometimes with-
outlined the allegations in an af- Oklahoma State Department of Ed- out their parents' knowledge, ac-
VKRPH¿OHGODWH0RQ- "These allegations are extreme- case, a student was counted for two
day in Oklahoma County. Investi- ly serious and disturbing," State Su- school years after she moved to an-
gators seized a laptop and mobile perintendent of Public Instruction other state.
phone during their search. Joy Hofmeister said in a statement. ,Q KLV D൶GDYLW -RKQVRQ ZURWH
,QWKHD൶GDYLW2NODKRPD6WDWH "The State Department of Educa- he has probable cause to believe
Bureau of Investigation agent Tom- tion stands ready to work with any crimes committed include embez-
my Johnson wrote the school's criminal investigation to determine zlement, conspiracy, obtaining
founders, David Chaney and Ben if public education and countless money under false pretenses, and
+DUULVVSOLWLOOHJDOSUR¿WVRIPRUH Oklahoma taxpayers have been de- violation of Oklahoma's Racke-
than $10 million between 2013 and frauded of millions of dollars." WHHU,QÀXHQFHG DQG &RUUXSW 2UJD-
2018. A department spokeswoman nizations Act.
"Ben Harris and David Chaney said Wednesday federal investiga-
LQÀDWHG WKH QXPEHU RI VWXGHQWV tors also have sought data about
reported to (the Oklahoma State Epic from the agency.
Department of Education) by en- Epic also has expanded its vir-
rolling and/or retaining 'ghost stu- tual charter school operations into
dents,'" Johnson wrote. "Ghost &DOLIRUQLD DQG EHJDQ H൵RUWV WR
students were students enrolled in move into Arkansas .
Epic that received little or no in- The school boasts on its website
struction from Epic teachers." that Epic teachers can earn an esti-
The two men operated Epic mated $15,000 more than the state
<RXWK6HUYLFHVDIRUSUR¿WOLPLWHG average, and many parents say their
liability company, which contract- children prefer Epic to a tradition-
ed with the school to oversee oper- al brick-and-mortar school. Epic
ations and received a portion of the DOVR R൵HUV D OHDUQLQJ IXQG FUHG-
school's state-appropriated funds. it of between $800 and $1,000 per
7KH H[LVWHQFH RI WKH D൶GDYLW student that can be used to pay for
ZDV ¿UVW UHSRUWHG E\ 7KH 2NODKR- such things as karate and dance les-
man . The OSBI's investigation is sons, yoga or music instruction.
ongoing, and formal charges have -RKQVRQ ZURWH LQ WKH D൶GDYLW
QRWEHHQ¿OHG that Harris and Chaney used the
Epic did not make Chaney or learning fund to entice parents to
Harris available for an interview, enroll their students in Epic. Dozens
but released a statement from the of the 'ghost students' were home-
two men on Wednesday saying they school or private-school students
GLVSXWHWKHDOOHJDWLRQVLQWKHD൶GD- who were enrolled just so parents
vit and that they've cooperated ful- could receive the credit without any
ly with investigators for more than intent to receive instruction.
¿YH\HDUV "Many teachers dubbed them
"We will continue to coop- 'members of the $800 club,'" ac-
erate with investigators, as we FRUGLQJWRWKHD൶GDYLW
have throughout the history of our One former Epic teacher told
school," the statement read. "We Johnson about a family in rural
DUH FRQ¿GHQW WKH IDFWV ZLOO RQFH Oklahoma that withdrew 10 of their

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Enid News & Eagle


Epic questions
State lawmaker wants answers on Oklahoma charter school
Page By Dylan Goforth Schools in multiple lawsuits brought
The Frontier about by former Epic teachers, and his
A003 wife is Shelly Hickman, Epic assis-
Clip A day after Oklahoma Superin- tant superintendent and spokeswom-
resized tendent of Schools Joy Hofmeister an. Shelly Hickman also was former
said she would “work with any crimi- head of public affairs for the OSDE
nal investigation” conducted into Epic under former State Superintendent
Charter Schools, one state lawmaker Sandy Garrett.
said she plans to ask Hofmeister if Hofmeister also received more
that cooperation is even possible. dards,” Provenzano said. than $23,000 in campaign contribu-
The Oklahoman reported Tuesday Epic Assistant Superintendent/ tions from Chaney and Harris.
that Epic Charter Schools founders spokeswoman Shelly Hickman did Provenzano was critical of Clark’s
Ben Harris and David Chaney had not respond to requests for comment. decision last month to release the
been accused in an Oklahoma State Steffie Corcoran, spokeswoman for physical and email addresses of thou-
Bureau of Investigation search war- OSDE, told The Frontier in an email sands of certified Oklahoma Public
rant request of unlawfully “deriv- the department had already discussed School teachers to Epic in a records
ing profits from State appropriated varying concerns with the OSBI. request made by Shelly Hickman.
funds.” “I can assure you there is no ques- Hickman requested the information
The search warrant request tion of any of this being a factor, in order to recruit teachers away from
detailed an alleged scheme in which period,” Corcoran said in the email. traditional brick-and-mortar schools
Harris and Chaney inflated Epic’s “We have the utmost confidence in and into Epic.
enrollment in order to collect more the professional standards of our legal Provenzano told The Frontier she
money from the state, of which their office.” did not believe Clark should have
privately owned management compa- released the information to Epic,
ny kept 10 percent. saying the request was only ful-
The search warrant affidavit said an filled via a “loophole.” In the email
OSBI agent reviewed bank statements chain between Clark and Hickman,
and discovered Harris and Chaney Clark noted although such infor-
“split profits … of at least $10 million mation is typically prohibited from
between 2013 and 2018. being released, he believed since the
Harris and Chaney inflated the teachers had submitted the informa-
number of students reported to OSDE tion to a public body in order to get
by enrolling and/or retaining “ghost their certification, it was subject to
students,” the affidavit claimed. In disclosure.
this context, ghost students refer to Provenzano said she planned to
students who were enrolled in the ask Hofmeister how she can ensure
charter school but “received little or the OSDE would ethically respond to
no instruction from Epic teachers.” a criminal investigation, given “that
Following the Oklahoman’s story, we just had all these teachers unsolic-
Rep. Melissa Provenzano
Hofmeister tweeted the allegations ited get recruitment emails from Epic
against Epic Charter Schools were Epic said in a statement Tuesday, and your own general counsel cited a
“extremely serious” and “disturb- “This latest attack comes at a time loophole in order to release that infor-
ing.” She said the Oklahoma State when our growth makes status quo mation.”
Department of Education “stands education lobbying groups uncom- Provenzano said the “ball was roll-
ready to work w/any criminal inves- fortable. We are considering legal ing” on the criminal investigation into
tigation to determine if … taxpayers action to combat what we believe Epic “and has been rolling for a long
have been defrauded.” is a coordinated effort to damage time and I doubt it will go away.”
On Wednesday afternoon, Rep. our school, our co-founders and our “But I’m concerned about how
Melissa Provenzano, D-Tulsa, said staff.” many people … in the state depart-
she planned to ask Hofmeister about The Oklahoman reported Wednes- ment (of education) are willing to
that cooperation pledge. day that Gov. Kevin Stitt was seeking facilitate this,” she said. “It’s not
“I plan to ask her how she is a briefing by the OSBI on Epic’s about the students or the teachers, it’s
planning to cooperate in a way that alleged “ghost students.” about who is running the show and
hasn’t already been taking place,” Provenzano has long been con- the money and could it go to students
Provenzano said. “If the state depart- cerned about the differences in regu- to increase their graduation rate.”
ment is doing its job and catching lations between traditional brick and Epic Charter School Board of
these kind of things, then $10 million mortar schools in the state and virtual Education was scheduled to hold its
doesn’t go poof.” schools like Epic. She said she also regular public meeting in Oklahoma
She said she believes the inves- was concerned about seemingly close City on Wednesday, but it was can-
tigation eventually will lead to the existing ties between OSDE and Epic. celed early Wednesday the morning.
for-profit management company Epic Oklahoma State Department of
Youth Services that “Epic filters its Education General Counsel Brad
money through.” The Frontier is a nonprofit focusing on
Clark used to work for the Hickman
“Next (legislative) session I think Law Group, a Norman-based legal investigative and watchdog journalism. For more
there will be a greater alignment firm operated by Bill Hickman. information or to donate, go to www.readfrontier.
between the accountability stan- Hickman represents Epic Charter org.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Moore American

Epic schools
alleged of


75% using ‘ghost
students’ to
By Jennifer Palmer school
Oklahoma Watch profits of
at least $10
A state investigator’s million
search warrant filed in court between
Tuesday seeks evidence of 2013 and
alleged embezzlement of 2018, the
state funds and obtaining affidavit
money under false pretens- states. Epic
es at Epic Charter Schools, is a publicly funded charter
including through the use school that is managed
of “ghost students,” who re- by a for-profit company,
ceive no actual instruction Epic Youth Services, which
at the school. is owned by Chaney and
Epic and and its two Harris.
co-founders, David Chaney On June 28, OSBI agents
and Ben Harris, are the visited the Oklahoma City
subject of a state law home of an Epic teacher, the
enforcement investigation, affidavit states. Her com-
puter, cellphone and files,
according to the seven-page
including notes, letters, text
affidavit and warrant filed in
messages with Epic parents,
Oklahoma County District Chaney and Harris, is what
Court. agents sought in the search
The agent reviewed bank warrant.
statements and found
Chaney and Harris split See WATCH Page A2

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Moore American

y y g

lobbying groups uncom-

Watch: fortable. We are considering
legal action to combat what
19 From Page A1 we believe is a coordinated
effort to damage our school,
2019 Epic is accused of re- our co-founders and our
ceiving state funding for staff.”
Page “ghost students” as early as
A002 Superintendent Joy
2014. Those students were Hofmeister, in a state-
resized homeschooled and attend- ment, called the allegations
ed private and sectarian extremely serious and
schools and enrolled in Epic disturbing.
to receive an $800 “learn- “The state Department
ing fund” without receiving of Education stands ready
instruction from Epic, the to work with any criminal
affidavit states. Epic teach- investigation to determine if
ers dubbed those students public education and count-
“members of the $800 club.” less Oklahoma taxpayers
The learning fund is provid- have been defrauded of
ed to all Epic students and
millions of dollars. In the
can be spent on curriculum,
meantime, it is important
technology and extracur-
ricular activities. to let the legal system do its
Shelly Hickman, a spokes- work,” she said.
woman for Epic Charter When asked whether the
Schools, responded to allegations would affect the
media reports describing handling of Epic’s 2019-20
the allegations Tuesday. funding, Education Depart-
“We are audited by the ment spokeswoman Steffie
Department of Education Corcoran said they will
and state-approved auditors consult with law enforce-
each school year and are su- ment to determine the next
premely confident that we appropriate steps. Epic’s
operate our public school state funding for next year
system within the boundar- is estimated at $120 million.
ies of state and federal law,” Oklahoma Watch is a
her statement reads. “Since nonprofit, nonpartisan
our inception in 2011 we media organization that
have time after time proven produces in-depth and
ourselves innocent of all al- investigative content on a
e legations. We will again. range of public-policy issues
“This latest attack comes facing the state. For more
at a time when our growth Oklahoma Watch content,
makes status quo education go to

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Tahlequah Daily Press

Lawmaker has questions

about Epic investigation
By DYLAN GOFORTH she planned to ask Hof- ties between OSDE and
19 The Frontier meister about that coop- Epic.
eration pledge. Oklahoma State Depart-
2019 A day after Oklahoma “I plan to ask her how ment of Education General
Superintendent of Schools she is planning to cooper- Counsel Brad Clark used
Joy Hofmeister said she ate in a way that hasn’t al- to work for the Hickman
Page would “work with any ready been taking place,” Law Group, a Norman-
A02 criminal investigation” Provenzano said. “If the based legal firm operated
conducted into Epic Char- state department is doing by Bill Hickman. Hickman
Clip ter Schools, one state law-
resized its job and catching these represents Epic Charter
maker said she plans to ask kind of things, then $10 Schools in multiple law-
Hofmeister if that coopera- million doesn’t go poof.” suits brought about by
tion is even possible. She said she believes former Epic teachers, and
The Oklahoman report- the investigation eventu- his wife is Shelly Hickman,
ed Tuesday that Epic Char- ally will lead to the for- Epic assistant superinten-
ter Schools founders Ben profit management com- dent and spokeswoman.
Harris and David Chaney pany Epic Youth Services Shelly Hickman also was
had been accused in an that “Epic filters its money former head of public af-
Oklahoma State Bureau of through.” fairs for the OSDE under
Investigation search war- “Next (legislative) ses- former State Superinten-
rant request of unlawfully sion I think there will be a dent Sandy Garrett.
“deriving profits from State greater alignment between Hofmeister also re-
appropriated funds.” the accountability stan- ceived more than $23,000
The search warrant re- dards,” Provenzano said. in campaign contributions
quest detailed an alleged Epic Assistant Super- from Chaney and Harris.
scheme in which Harris intendent/spokeswoman Provenzano was criti-
and Chaney inflated Ep- Shelly Hickman did not re- cal of Clark’s decision
ic’s enrollment in order to spond to requests for com- last month to release the
collect more money from ment. Steffie Corcoran, physical and email ad-
the state, of which their spokeswoman for OSDE, dresses of thousands of
privately owned manage- told The Frontier in an certified Oklahoma Public
ment company kept 10 email the department had School teachers to Epic in
percent. already discussed varying a records request made by
The search warrant af- concerns with the OSBI. Shelly Hickman. Hickman
fidavit said an OSBI agent “I can assure you there requested the information
reviewed bank statements is no question of any of in order to recruit teach-
and discovered Harris and this being a factor, period,” ers away from traditional
Chaney “split profits … of Corcoran said in the email. brick and mortar schools
at least ten million dollars” “We have the utmost con- and into Epic.
between 2013 and 2018. fidence in the professional Provenzano told The
Harris and Chaney in- standards of our legal of- Frontier she did not be-
flated the number of stu- fice.” lieve Clark should have
dents reported to OSDE by Epic said in a statement released the information
enrolling and/or retaining Tuesday, “This latest attack to Epic, saying the request
“ghost students,” the affi- comes at a time when our was only fulfilled via a
davit claimed. In this con- growth makes status quo “loophole.” In the email
text, ghost students refer education lobbying groups chain between Clark and
to students who were en- uncomfortable. We are Hickman, Clark noted al-
rolled in the charter school considering legal action to though such information
but “received little or no in- combat what we believe is typically prohibited from
struction from Epic teach- is a coordinated effort to being released, he believed
ers.” damage our school, our since the teachers had sub-
Following the Oklaho- co-founders and our staff.” mitted the information to a
man’s story, Hofmeister The Oklahoman report- public body in order to get
tweeted the allegations ed Wednesday that Gov. their certification, it was
against Epic Charter Kevin Stitt was seeking a subject to disclosure.
Schools were “extremely briefing by the OSBI on Provenzano said she
serious” and “disturbing.” Epic’s alleged “ghost stu- planned to ask Hofmeister
She said the Oklahoma dents.” how she can ensure the
State Department of Edu- Provenzano has long OSDE would ethically re-
cation “stands ready to been concerned about the spond to a criminal inves-
work w/any criminal in- differences in regulations tigation, given “that we just
vestigation to determine between traditional brick had all these teachers un-
if … taxpayers have been and mortar schools in the solicited get recruitment
defrauded.” state and virtual schools emails from Epic and your
On Wednesday af- like Epic. She said she own general counsel cited
ternoon, Rep. Melissa also was concerned about a loophole in order to re-
Provenzano, D-Tulsa, said seemingly close existing lease that information.”

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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