2019 07 22 Regular Council Agenda Website-2

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bistalcT oF HOPE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL AGENDA 5 ‘Council Chambors 325 Wallace Street, Hope, British Columbia For those in attendance at District of Hope Open Council Meetings and Public Hearings, please be advised that the District of Hope Ratepayers Association are recording these ‘meetings and hearings. “he District, in no way, has custody or control of the recordings. ‘Therefore, all persons who do not want their presentation or themselves recorded, please approach the Clerk to deslare same and the District wil relay this to the Association so that you can freely speak. THAT the July 22, 2019 Regular Meeting Agenda be adopted, as presented. (a) Regular Meeting of Council w ‘THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held June 24, 2019 be adopted, as presented. (a) Hope and Area Transition Society a) Bonnie Millward, Youth Coordinator for Hope and Area Transition Society, Donna Barner from the School District and Tamara Young, Faciltator for the youth group, "The Community’, will be in attendance to discuss feasibilty of the installation of a rainbow ‘crosswalk near 400 Park Street or near Hope Secondary School. (a) 753 Water System (15) Report dated July 22, 2019 from the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the 753 Water ‘System outlining options for Councils consideration. ‘There are no Commitee Reports. Page 22 Regula Metin ty 22,2018 7. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS: 8. PERMITS AND BYLAW (a) Report dated July 22, 2019 from the Director of Community Development (23) Re: Development Variance Permit, 588 Wardle Stroot THAT Council receive the July 22, 2019 report from the Director of Community Development. 9. CORRESPONDENCE (a) Naming of Hope's Off-Leash Dog Park (25) Letter from Libby Kirkland requesting the off/eash dog parked be given the formal name of Hedlund Dog Park. (b) For Information Correspondence (2) THAT the For Information Correspondence List dated July 22, 2019 be received (c) Accounts Payable Cheque Listing (31) ‘THAT the Accounts Payable Cheque Listing for June 2019 be received, 410, OTHER PERTINENT BUSINESS 41, QUESTION PERIOD Call for questions from the public fr items relevant tothe agenda, 42, NOTICE OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING Monday, August 26, 2019 at 7:00 pm in District of Hope Council Chambers. 413, RESOLUTION TO PROCEED TO CLOSED MEETING THAT the meeting be closed to consider matters pursuant to Section 90 (1)() tthe aoquistion, Aispositon or expropiaton of land or improvements if the councl considers that cisclosure ‘could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality] of the Community Charter and for the purpose of receiving and adopting closed meeting minutes. 14, RETURN TO OPEN MEETING Mayor to reconvene the Regular Council Meeting at 7:00pm 48, ADJOURN REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING oirner or MINUTES OF THE HOPE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 2 Monday, June 24, 2019 Council Chambers, District of Hope Municipal Orfice 325 Wallace Street, Hope, BC Council Members Present: Mayor Peter Robb Councilor Victor Smith Councilor Heather Stein Councillor Scott Medlock Councilor Craig Traun Councilor Bob Erickson Absent: Councillor Dusty Smith Staff Prosont: John Fortoloczky, CAO Donna Bellingham, Director of Corporate Services ‘Jas Gil, Director of Community Development ‘Jessica Harknett, Deputy Corporate Officer/EA Others: 4 members ofthe pubic CALL TO ORDER Mayor Robb called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. RESOLUTION TO PROCEED TO CLOSED MEETING Moved / Seconded THAT the meeting be closed to consider matters pursuant to Section 90 (1)(e) [the acquisition, dispositicn or expropriation of land or improvements, ifthe council considers ‘that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality] of ‘the Community Charter and for the purpose of receiving and adopting closed meeting minutes. ‘CARRIED. RETURN TO OPEN MEETING Mayor reconvened the Regular Council Meeting at 7:00pm, APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved / Seconded THAT the June 24, 2019 Regular Meeting Agenda be adopted, as amended, to: ‘Add Section 7 (a) Statutory Rights of Way ~ Trans Mountain Pipeline Twinning Project. ‘CARRIED. PI

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