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INTRODUCTION: ....................................................................................................................................... 2
OBJECTIVES: .............................................................................................................................................. 2
APPARATUS: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
PROCEDURE: .............................................................................................................................................. 6
RESULTS AND CALCULATIONS: ........................................................................................................... 7
DISCUSSION: ............................................................................................................................................ 10
CONCLUSION: .......................................................................................................................................... 14
REFERENCES: .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Fatigue Test

A method for determining the behavior of materials under fluctuating loads. A specified
mean load (which may be zero) and an alternating load are applied to a specimen and the number
of cycles required to produce failure (fatigue life) is recorded. Generally, the test is repeated with
identical specimens and various fluctuating loads. Loads may be applied axially, in torsion, or in
flexure. Depending on amplitude of the mean and cyclic load, net stress in the specimen may be
in one direction through the loading cycle, or may reverse direction. Data from fatigue testing
often are presented in an S-N diagram which is a plot of the number of cycles required to cause
failure in a specimen against the amplitude of the cyclical stress developed. The cyclical stress
represented may be stress amplitude, maximum stress or minimum stress. Each curve in the
diagram represents a constant mean stress. Most fatigue tests are conducted in flexure, rotating
beam, or vibratory type machines.
The shape of the structure will significantly affect the fatigue life; square holes or sharp
corners will lead to elevated local stresses where fatigue cracks can initiate. Round holes and
smooth transitions or fillets will therefore increase the fatigue strength of the structure.

 To determine the fatigue characteristics of two different metals
 To study the S-N curve behavior
 To study the effect of load and No. of cycles on fatigue
 To identify the possible sources of error in the experiment and how the error can be
minimized to improve the accuracy of the experimental result
 Determine the fatigue strength at 3 x 104 cycles
 Determine the fatigue life Nf of brass at the applied stress level of 50 MPa

 3 Steel specimen

 3 Brass specimen

 Fatigue Testing Machine

 Load Nut – Required Load is set by rotating the load nut

 Spring Balance – Shows the maximum load applied onto the specimen

 Power Switch – Turn on and off the motor

 Motor – Generates power to rotate the shaft

 Shaft – Holds the specimen

1. Place the one end of the specimen into the shaft and the other end into the bearing at the

load end.

2. By using the keys, tight the grips.

3. Turn the load nut to set the desired load.

Suggested Load:

Brass Specimen – 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5, 30 Kg; Steel Specimen – 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5, 30 Kg

4. Set the revolution counter to zero.

5. Turn ON the main switch of the inverter speed control.

6. Let the motor run until the specimen fails

7. Record the number of turns upon failure.


Load (Kg) Diameter (𝒅) Length (𝒍) Number of turn

20 7.8 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 8480

22.5 7.8 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 5680

25 7.8 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 4450

27 7.8 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 1309

30 7.8 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 757

Table 1: Experimental results and measurement of steel element

Load (Kg) Diameter (𝒅) Length (𝒍) Number of turn

20 8.05 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 830

22.5 8.05 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 178

25 8.05 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 85

27.5 8.05 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 50

30 8.05 × 10−3 𝑚 110 × 10−3 𝑚 30

Table 2: Experiment results and measurement of brass element

Sample calculation

Using data of Brass for applied load of 20 𝑘𝑔.

Maximum bending stress amplitude, 𝑆 = 𝜋𝑑3

𝑃= Load in Newton (N)

Using 𝑔= 9.81 𝑚𝑠 −2

32(20 × 9.81)(110 × 10−3 )

𝜋(8.05 × 10−3 )3

= 421.42 𝑀𝑃𝑎

Load (𝑁) 196.2 220.725 245.25 269.78 294.3

Stress (𝑀𝑃𝑎) 463.25 521.16 579.07 636.98 694.88

ln (number of 9.04 8.64 8.4 7.17 6.63


Table 3: Maximum bending stress of steel element for different loads

Load (𝑁) 196.2 220.725 245.25 269.78 294.3

Stress (𝑀𝑃𝑎) 421.42 474.099 526.77 579.466 632.13

ln (number of 6.72 5.18 4.44 3.91 3.40


Table 4: Maximum bending stress of brass element for different loads



Stress (MPa)


550 Y-Values

y = -86.458x + 1269

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
ln(number of turns)

Graph 1: Stress against ln(number of turns) for Steel element




Stress (Mpa)



y = -62.304x + 821.47
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ln(number of turns)

Graph 2: Stress against ln(number of turns) for Brass element




Stress (Mpa)

550 Steel

y = -86.458x + 1269
y = -62.304x + 821.47
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ln(number of turns)

1) Fatigue Characteristics:

A typical fatigue test specimen bas three areas: the test section and the two grip ends. The

grip ends are designed to transfer load from the test machine grips to the test section and may be

identical. The test section in the specimen is reduced in cross section to prevent failure in the grip

ends and should be proportioned to use the upper ranges of the load capacity of the fatigue

machine. Fatigue strength is reduced significantly by the introduction of a stress raiser such as a

notch or hole. Generally, fatigue properties are very sensitive to surface conditions. Except in

special cases where internal defects or case hardening is involved, all fatigue cracks initiate at the

surface. Factors that affect the surface of a fatigue specimen can be divided into three categories:

(I) surface roughness or stress raisers at the surface, (2) changes in the properties of the surface
metal, and (3) changes in the residual stress condition of the surface. Additionally, the surface

may be subjected to oxidation and corrosion.

2) Effect of Load & No. of cycles:

The higher the magnitude of the applied stress, lower the number of cycles to failure. This is

relevant because based on the results obtained above it shows that the maximum bending stress

amplitude decreases as the number of cycles to failure increases. Based on our observation, on

applying the load of 30 kg, brass takes 30 Number of turns while steel takes 757 Number of

turns. Material properties play an important role in fatigue failure. The higher the magnitude of

the applied stress, this will result in the damage on the specimen increases and the cracks will

initiate followed by a progressive crack growth across the part. Finally, there will be a sudden

fracture in the remaining cross section.

2) Determine the fatigue strength of Steel & Brass at 3 x 104 cycles

To determine the fatigue strength of Steel at 3 x 104 cycles, substitute the value into the equation

obtained from the graph of stress versus Log N for Steel.

y = -86.458x + 1269_____ (1)


Log N = Log (3 X 104)

N= 2.49

Subs x = 2.49 into (1),

y = -86.45(2.49) + 1269

= 1053.74 MPa
The fatigue strength of Steel at 3 X 104 cycle is equals to 1053.74 MPa.


To determine the fatigue strength of Brass at 3 x 104 cycles, substitute the value into the

equation obtained from the graph of stress versus Log N for Steel.

y = -62.304x + 821.47_____ (2)


Log N = Log (3 X 104)

N= 2.49

Subs x = 2.49 into (2),

y = -62.304(2.49) + 821.47

= 666.30 MPa

The fatigue strength of Brass at 3 X 104 cycle is equals to 666.30 MPa.

3) Determine the fatigue life Nf of brass & steel at the applied stress level of 50 MPa

To determine the fatigue life, Nf, of brass at the applied stress level of 50 MPa, substitute

the value into equation obtained from graph of the stress verses Log N for Brass.

y = -62.304x + 821.47 _____ (2)

Subs y = 50 MPa into (2)

50 = -62.304x + 821.47

Log N = 12.38

N= 2.39×1012

Nf, of brass at the applied stress level of 50 MPa is 2.39×1012


To determine the fatigue life, Nf, of steel at the applied stress level of 50 MPa, substitute the

value into equation obtained from graph of the stress verses Log N for Steel.

y = -86.458x + 1269 _____ (1)

Subs y = 50 MPa into (1)

50 = -86.458x + 1269


Log N = 14.009

N= 1.02×1014

Nf, of steel at the applied stress level of 50 MPa is 1.02×1014

4. Errors:
Errors may be caused due to physical negligence of performer and also the instruments

can be the cause of fluctuation in the readings and also in the graphical representation. To reduce

the errors, greater attention is required and also clean the instrument before use.

The reduction of avoidable stress raisers through careful design and the prevention of

accidental stress raisers by careful machining and fabrication. Stress concentration can also arise

from surface roughness and metallurgical stress raisers such as porosity, inclusions; local

overheating in grinding, and decarburization.


Endurance Limit (No. of 830 8480

Cycles at 20Kg)
Fatigue Strength at 3x104 1053.74MPa 666.30MPa
Fatigue Life Nf at 50 MPa 2.39x1012 1.02×1014

Hence, the objectives of the experiment are achieved. It is cleared that the steel has a

higher endurance limit as compared to brass. Thus it can withstand a higher amount of stress

before failure occurs. Similarly the brass will withstand lesser number of cycles before failure.

The load and No. of cycles have inverse relation, as the load will increase, lesser will be the No.

of cycles or vice versa.





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