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Translations of Romance de la Luna, Luna, Luna

by Federico García Lorca (1898 - 1936)

Translated by Translated by Automatic translation by
Original Spanish Helen Gunn, Dr. David K. Loughran,
CSU San Marcos John Hopkins University
La luna vino a la fragua The moon came to the forge The moon came to the forge The moon came to the forge
con su polisón de nardos. with her skirt of white, fragrant flowers. wearing her bustle of nards. with his polisón of nardos.
El niño la mira, mira. The young boy watches her, watches. The child stares and stares at her; The boy the sight, watches.
El niño la está mirando. The boy is watching her. the child keeps staring on. The boy is watching it.
In the agitated air the moon moves
En el aire conmovido In the electrified air her arms revealing lubricious and In the affected air
mueve la luna sus brazos the moon moves her arms pure he moves the moon his arms
y enseña, lúbrica y pura, and points out, lecherous and pure, her breasts, tin and hard. and he teaches, lascivious and pure,
sus senos de duro estaño. her breasts of hard tin. Run away, moon, moon, moon! its sines of duro tin.
If the gypsies find where we are
Huye luna, luna, luna. Flee, moon, moon, moon. white necklaces and rings It flees moon, moon, moon.
Si vinieran los gitanos, If the gypsies were to come, they’ll make of your heart. If the gypsys came,
harían con tu corazón they would make with your heart Little boy, let me dance, they would do with your heart
collares y anillos blancos. white necklaces and rings. for when the gypsies come, white necklaces and ring.
on the anvil they’ll find you
Niño, déjame que baile. Young boy, leave me to dance. with your little eyes shut. Boy, leaves me that he dances.
Cuando vengan los gitanos, When they come, the gypsies Run away, moon, moon, moon; When the gypsys come,
te encontrarán sobre el will find you upon the anvil already I hear a horse. they will find you on the anvil
yunque with closed eyes. Little boy, let me be, don’t step with the closed ojillos.
con los ojillos cerrados. on my whiteness of starch.
Flee, moon, moon, moon. He flees moon, moon, moon,
Huye luna, luna, luna, Already I sit astride horses. Beating the drum of the plains that I already feel its horses.
que ya siento sus caballos. Young boy, leave me, don’t step on the horseman approached,
and inside the forge Boy, leaves me, you are not above
the child’s eyes are closed
Niño, déjame, no pises my starched whiteness. Through the olive grove they came, my starchy whiteness.
mi blancor almidonado. gypsies half bronze and half dream,
The horse rider approaches their heads lifted up high, The rider approached touching the
El jinete se acercaba tocando beating the drum of the plain. eyes closed as in sleep. drum of the level one. Within the
el tambor del llano. Dentro Within the forge the young man forge the boy, has the closed eyes.
de la fragua el niño, tiene los has closed eyes. How the owl is singing,
ojos cerrados. from its tree, how it hoots! By the olive grove they came,
Through the olive grove they come, With a child by the hand bronze and dream, the gypsys. The
Por el olivar ven'an, bronce y the gypsies – bronze and dreaming, through the sky goes the moon. raised heads and the half-closed
sueño, los gitanos. Las heads lifted eyes.
cabezas levantadas y los ojos and eyes half closed. Inside the forge
entornados. the gypsies cry and scream. How it sings zumaya,
The air keeps on in vigil.
Hark, hear the night bird – The air its vigil keeps ay, how it sings in the tree!
Cómo canta la zumaya, how it sings in the tree. By the sky the moon goes
¡ay, cómo canta en el árbol! Across the sky moves the moon, with a boy of the hand.
Por el cielo va la luna holding the young boy by the hand.
con un niño de la mano. Within the forge they cry,
Within the forge the gypsies cry, giving shouts, the gypsys.
Dentro de la fragua lloran, are crying out. The air the candle, guards.
dando gritos, los gitanos. The air watches over her, watches. The air is guarding it
El aire la vela, vela. The air is watching over her.
El aire la está velando.

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