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12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

In your course materials, you will have received a document called the student
reference manual, or SRM. I will be presenting the contents of the SRM and
this slide shows the cover.

Before looking inside the SRM, it is worth considering the actual words used in
the title of the course.

The topic that this course addresses is service management. This will include
management of people and process and management and delivery of products,
but is the service and what it enables its customer to do that matters.

If you decide that you want to be in another city at a specific time, you may
buy a rail ticket and use a train service. Your concerns are about whether the
train turns up on time, whether there is room for you on board in an expected
amount of comfort and whether the train arrives at its destination on time.
You do not care about what type of engine will be pulling the train, what
specific technology is used to run the service nor indeed anything about how
the train arrives at its destination. You only care about the outcome delivered
by a combination of people, process and technology.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

Ensuring that the combination of people, process and technology deliver an

outcome that the consumer requires is service management – the topic of this

The brand of service management addressed by this course is ITIL4, the latest
evolution of the most well-used and well-known framework for service
management around the world

This course is a foundation level course, which means that its main focus is on
what is in the ITIL4 framework and why it is there. It does not drill down into
a lot of detail about how service management is, or could be, executed.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

As you look inside the SRM, you will see a detailed table of contents showing
how to find everything within the SRM.

After the table of contents, you will see this slide at the top of page 7. This
slide introduces chapter 1, which is the topic of this presentation. The purpose
of this chapter and this session is to ensure that you know what to expect in
the course and what your responsibilities will be during the course

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

All of the information shown on the slides is presented within the SRM.
Sometimes, as here with the course aims, it is the slide itself which is
presented in the SRM, and other times there will be text in the SRM which is
explained on a slide.

From this point onwards, each slide title is preceded by a chapter, section (and
sometimes sub-section) number. This slide has 1.1 in the title, so is in chapter
1, section 1 which explains the course. It is at the top of page 8 of the SRM.

A major aim of the course is to introduce you to both service management – as

mentioned at the start of the presentation - and to the ITIL4 framework for
service management.

There is a significant amount of documentation available about ITIL4; the

framework and its usage. Throughout all documentation (including training
and examination material), terminology is used consistently. This may or may
not be the way that you use the terminology, so it is a key function of the
course to explain the terms used in order to facilitate a good understanding.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

The examination will also be explained during this session and, within the
course materials, there is appropriate examination practice materials. Some is
built into the presentations that I will be delivering and there are also two
sample exam papers for you to undertake when you have completed the
course, but before you take the real examination. The answers and rationales
for the sample papers are also provided to you so that you can mark and
review your practice attempt and understand why you may have got a
question wrong in the practice.

Apart from the official sample papers themselves, all related examination
information can be found in Appendix B of the SRM.

Sample examination questions will be presented by me as the final part of the

presentation of each chapter that concerns examinable topics. These sample
questions can be found at Appendix B.1 of your SRM. The answers are not
shown in Appendix B.1, so you will have to add the answers as you attempt
the questions and as they are explained in the appropriate session. The official
exam specification is provided at appendix B.2 and this will be explained in
detail when presenting chapter 8.

Over and above all of this though, the course will only be of real value to you if
it can prompt you to think about how you may be able to apply the ITIL4
framework to your professional environment in order to improve what you and
your colleagues can do. There is no real point in doing all of the work entailed
in a course like this if you are not going to use it in the development of your
professional career.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

The course topics are presented here. This presentation is presenting chapter
1, “introduction to the course”.

You will be able to find where all other topics are addressed in the manual by
consulting the table of contents at the front of the SRM. The table of contents
shows not only the chapters, but the section and sub-sections too.

A final summary and review is presented in chapter 8 and is a reminder of

each topic and of how it will be addressed in the examination.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

On page 12, you will see this information. Boxes like this are used throughout
the course to present exercises. Whenever we reach an exercise point in the
course, there will be a box in which the exercise will be explained, together
with suggested timings. I will also present the exercise to you, but, once the
exercise has been presented, you should pause viewing the video and
undertake the exercise.

On completion of the exercise, you may turn to Appendix A to see ideas which
we have suggested that you could have covered whilst executing the exercise.
Exercise 1 has solution ideas documented in Appendix A.1 through to ideas for
exercise 8 being documented in appendix A.8. Please note that, as in the real
world, there are rarely any simple, single answers that are absolutely correct.
The exercises are there to make you think; they are not to force you to come
up with a specific answer and we present only ideas, not exclusive solutions.

When you resume watching the video after undertaking an exercise, I will
present information about the solution ideas documented, before progressing
to sample examination questions about the topic in question. I will then move
to the close of session with advice about your responsibilities before you move
to the next session.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

Section 1.2, starting on page 10, explains the structure of ownership and
accreditation around ITIL, with which we have to conform.

Axelos is the name of the company that owns the intellectual property of ITIL
and which devised the structure of the framework and its associated

Axelos have engaged PeopleCert as the examination institute. PeopleCert not

only set, manage and mark the examinations and provide the qualifications,
but they also accredited training providers, training materials and trainers.

iLearn is the accredited company that has produced the material and organised
the course and the associated examination.

The course consists of accredited material, managed by an accredited company

and delivered by an accredited trainer. This allows the course to lead to formal
examination to enable you to gain ITIL certification through PeopleCert.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

To look at the examination, it will last for 60 minutes unless you are taking it
in a non-native and non-working language when you will be allowed 75
minutes. This will be determined when you enter your details when registering
for the examination. (Guidance on examination registration is provided in
additional information supplied with the courseware).

There are 40 discrete multi-choice questions on the paper and you need to get
a minimum of 26 right in order to pass the examination. There is no linkage
between questions and there is only ever one answer that is deemed to be
correct and that will earn you the point. There is no negative marking for
incorrect answers.

The examination will be proctored or invigilated and is absolutely closed-book.

The can be no use of technology apart from that used to view the questions
and to record the answers.

You will therefore need to ensure that you do some practice and revision
before taking the live examination. Do note that it is a multi-choice
examination with answers presented to you, so you will generally need to
recognise the correct answer rather than to remember or work-out the correct

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

The Foundation certificate is a valuable qualification in its own right, but it can
also be the starting point for further professional qualifications as shown here.
Once you have the foundation qualification you may wish to pursue further
qualifications leading to either ITIL Managing Professional or/and ITIL strategic
leader as shown in the blue boxes on this slide.

The training and examination required to lead to these qualifications are shown
in the boxes above the foundation box. The four qualifications required
towards ITIL Managing Professional qualification are shown on the left and are:
• Three ITIL specialist qualifications;
o Create, deliver and support
o Drive stakeholder value
o High velocity IT
• And one ITIL strategist qualification;
o Direct, plan and improve

Those qualifications leading to ITIL Strategic Leader are shown on the right
and are the two ITIL strategist qualifications:
• Direct, plan and improve, and
• Digital and IT strategy

If you ultimately aim for both Managing Professional and Strategic Leader, you
only need to take Direct, Plan and Improve once.

The top-level qualification of “ITIL Master” is not a qualification that you can
apply for nor be examined for. You would have to be invited and the process
will be explained when you are invited.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

Before going into detail about ITIL4, we should consider why it may be

First of all, it is proven to work in many different business or technical

environments. It is all in use, and it is in use all over the world.

ITIL is not a method that tells you what to do; it is a framework that gives
guidance on things may need to be done, and it provides a common language
for all the different organizations and part organizations that may be involved
in service delivery, whether large or small.

ITIL has been around for a long time, having been made publicly available in
1988, when it was a library of books about managing an IT Infrastructure. It
was given the name of the Information Technical Infrastructure Library. In
2000, it evolved into version 2, which focussed much more on process than on

In 2007, ITIL evolved again around the concept of a lifecycle. At this point, as
ITIL moved further away from pure IT application, the original name was
dropped, and the initials used as a brand name instead. The structure evolved
further in 2011, but, as from April 2019, ITIL4 has become the current
incarnation. ITIL4 build on all of the earlier best practice and also takes into
account innovative technologies such as cloud-based services and modern
practices such as Agile, DevOps and Lean.

ITIL4 training now brings many of these aspects into their proper place in
service management.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
12719 - The ITIL®4 Foundation Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

This slide, shown on page 14, marks the end of this session covering chapter
one in your SRM.

A slide like this will be used to mark the end of each presentation session, but
such slides will not appear again in the SRM.

Thank you for your attention so far. We have not covered any of the
examinable aspects yet but, before progressing to the detail presented in the
next session, please make sure that you have all of the materials to hand and
that you have the time to study and to practice for the examination.

Before undertaking the live examination, it would be wise to allow around 18

to 20 hours to study and to review the materials and to practice and review
exam questions. There will no benefit in rushing.

Please move to session two when you are ready to do so.

Thank you.

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12719 ITIL® 4 Foundation
Copyright © iCONS – Innovative Consulting srl and AXELOS Limited 2019. All rights reserved.
Based upon AXELOS® ITIL® materials.
Material is used under licence from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

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