BPA Template

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Project name

Business Process Analysis (BPA)

Action statement

Date Name Position Action required Due date


Prepared by Name
Title Job title
Branch/District Branch/District
Division/Region Division/Region
Location Floor, street, city
Version no. 1.0
Version date 07 October 2004
Status Draft/Final review/Sign off (delete 2 of)
DMS ref. no. DMS reference number
File/Doc no. File number/document number

On-Q template version date 14/07/2006 Business Process Analysis 140706.doc

Project name Business Process Analysis

Document control sheet

Contact for enquiries and proposed changes

If you have any questions regarding this document or if you have a suggestion for
improvements, please contact:
Project Manager Insert Project Manager's name here
Phone Insert phone number here

Version history

Version no. Date Changed by Nature of amendment

09/07/2002 Initial draft.

Business Process Analysis approval

The following officers have approved this document.


Signature Date


Signature Date

The following officer has endorsed this document.


Signature Date

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Project name Business Process Analysis


1 Introduction ............................................................................................................5
1.1 Purpose of this document..........................................................................................5
1.2 References ................................................................................................................5
1.3 Definitions................................................................................................................5

2 Project Customer, Sponsor and Project Manager.................................................6

2.1 Project Customer ......................................................................................................6
2.2 Project Sponsor.........................................................................................................6
2.3 Project Manager........................................................................................................6

3 Stakeholders............................................................................................................6

4 Background.............................................................................................................7

5 Current situation ....................................................................................................7

6 Purpose/objectives of the project ...........................................................................7

6.1 Purpose/objectives ....................................................................................................7
6.2 Links with the department’s strategic objectives .......................................................8

7 Scope of project.......................................................................................................8
7.1 In scope ....................................................................................................................8
7.2 Out of scope .............................................................................................................8
7.3 Related projects ........................................................................................................8
7.4 Constraints................................................................................................................9
7.5 Urgency....................................................................................................................9
7.6 Assumptions .............................................................................................................9

8 Impacts ....................................................................................................................9
8.1 Internal ...................................................................................................................10
8.2 External ..................................................................................................................10

9 Method to date ......................................................................................................10

10 Outstanding issues ................................................................................................11

11 Business processes.................................................................................................11

12 Process maps .........................................................................................................12

12.1 Current business process (as is)...............................................................................12
12.2 Proposed business process (to be) ...........................................................................12

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Project name Business Process Analysis

13 Project performance measurement......................................................................12

14 Product benefits realisation..................................................................................12

15 Preliminary Business Requirements ....................................................................13

Appendix A - Insert title.....................................................................................................14

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Project name Business Process Analysis

1 Introduction
Text in this document which has been copied forward from the previous document
has been shown bold and italics “words copied from previous documents”.

1.1 Purpose of this document

To record and obtain agreement on the new or changed business processes requiring
introduction or changes resulting from the implementation of the project.

To record and obtain agreement on the business processes requiring introduction or

change as a result of the project. The Business Process Analysis is one component of
the department’s standard approach to project management.
For many projects, two Business Process Analyses may be necessary and this
template is meant to service both those documents. Initially, a Preliminary Business
Process Analysis (PBPA) suitable for input into the Options Analysis and Business
Case processes may be required and subsequently a Final Business Process Analysis
(FBPA) will be required to be prepared after the Business Case and preceding the
preparation of the Business Requirements Specification. The PBPA would have a
higher level of detail than the FBPA which will be prepared at a later stage of the
project and will focus on a lower level of detail pertinent to the selected option as
outlined in the Options Analysis and Business Case.
The PBPA describes what functions are required by the business but not necessarily
how. The FBPA addresses not only the “what” but the “how” of the project’s
implementation. The two Business Process Analysis documents should be reviewed
as distinctly separate documents and the Cover Sheet should be amended to describe
whether the document is a PBPA or a FBPA.
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1.2 References
This item lists any documents to which this document refers and could include
reports on any previous investigations carried out. Include all previous documents
prepared as part of this project.
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Type here

1.3 Definitions
In the table below define any term which this document’s audience may not
understand, including specific terms, abbreviations and acronyms.
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Project name Business Process Analysis

Terms, abbreviations and acronyms Meaning

2 Project Customer, Sponsor and Project Manager

2.1 Project Customer

Enter the name of the Project Customer.
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Insert name is the Project Customer who carries responsibility for the end result of
the project.

2.2 Project Sponsor

Enter the name of the Project Sponsor.
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Insert name is the Project Sponsor who carries responsibility for the end result of the

2.3 Project Manager

Enter the name of the Project Manager.
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Insert name is the Project Manager who is responsible for the preparation of this

3 Stakeholders
This section should illustrate the consultation undertaken with stakeholders in
developing this document and the key findings of that consultation. List all
stakeholders with an interest in this document including internal stakeholders (from
regions/districts/divisions/branches with the department) and external stakeholders.
Stakeholders may be listed in tabular form (as below) if considered appropriate.
Stakeholders may be categorised (internal, external and so on) if appropriate.
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Project name Business Process Analysis

Stakeholder area Stakeholder representative Responsibility Interest/context

4 Background
Provide a brief history to bring the reader up to date on the subject matter and
associated business issues.
This section should describe the history of the project. It should include details of:
- Who initiated the project and how it was initiated
- Describe the products and/or services
- Describe any other initiatives carried out previously to address related issues.
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5 Current situation
Describe here the current situation and the problems, needs and/or opportunities
along with their associated impacts on internal and external stakeholders.
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Type here

6 Purpose/objectives of the project

6.1 Purpose/objectives
A statement of what the project is expected to achieve including potential benefits
based upon the current state of knowledge and understanding.
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Project name Business Process Analysis

6.2 Links with the department’s strategic objectives

A statement of how the project links to the department’s Strategic Plan and
objectives. If the project has not originated from the Strategic Plan then the
need/justification for the project should be stated, together with some demonstration
that this project is the right one to satisfy the need or to solve the problem.
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7 Scope of project

7.1 In scope
This defines the project boundaries to facilitate effective management of deliverables
on time and to agreed/approved cost. The scope outlined in any previous document
should be confirmed here or updated as necessary. List all items that are included in
the scope of this project.
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7.2 Out of scope

List identified items that will not be delivered as part of this project. This is most
important as it specifies items which will not be undertaken as part of this project.
This assists in managing/avoiding scope creep. The importance of individual out of
scope items should be mentioned. Such items may pose significant risks to the
project if they are not done at all by others. This may create risks for the project
which need to be recognised and managed.
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7.3 Related projects

List any related projects or proposals affecting this project (whether past, current or
planned) and their relationship to this project. The impact of these on your project
should be described. Such projects may pose significant risks to the project if they
are not done at all by others or not completed in time. This may create risks for the
project which need to be recognised and managed.
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Project name Business Process Analysis

7.4 Constraints
Restrictions which will limit the way the objective is to be achieved (describe
anything that might impact on the successful development and/or implementation of
the project). This may include restrictions on budget / funding, political issues,
limited resources to work on the project, timing constraints or constraints on the
implementation of the outcomes of the project.
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7.5 Urgency
Identify the urgency of the project stating reasons.
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Type here

7.6 Assumptions
List all assumptions made in producing this document.
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Type here

8 Impacts
This can be completed in narrative or table format.
Identify areas of potential impact, the nature of impact and who will be impacted
(internal and external). Include both the impacts envisaged during the life of the
project (that is, costs, disruptions, temporary arrangements, and so on) and ongoing
impacts resulting from the project’s product/deliverables.
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Project name Business Process Analysis

8.1 Internal
This item describes when, where and how the project will impact on areas within the
department and should include an outline of both positive and negative influences.
Consider here the culture change and change management aspects that will be
needed to introduce the proposed changes the project will bring. Impacts on staff
and likely staff attitudes need to be considered as well as the impacts on the business.
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Area within the department Nature of impact

8.2 External
This item describes the impact that the project will have outside the department and
includes both positive and negative impacts on external stakeholders.
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Area external to the department Nature of impact

9 Method to date
In this section describe the steps taken in developing this document. Describe any
investigations carried out, research methodology used and consultation carried out
to date.
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Project name Business Process Analysis

10 Outstanding issues
List here any requirements that have been broadly identified but are as yet
unresolved at the appropriate level of detail.
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11 Business processes
In this section, document all of the existing business processes that this project will
affect. Identify the areas that are impacted by these changes. Also, list any new
processes required to support this project. Indicate the areas affected by these new
processes. This information may best be illustrated in tabular form similar to that
shown below.
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Item no. Business process Impact area Reference

- Item number - A sequential numbering series suitable to the project.

- Impact areas - The business areas upon which the impact of change will take place
(for example,
Customer Service Centres and Call Centres).
- Reference - Record points of reference such as sections of legislation, regulations,
minutes, briefing
notes, internal policy or other documentation relevant to the particular business
process and rules.
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Project name Business Process Analysis

12 Process maps
The following process maps show the business processes affected by the project.

These maps will be at a high level for the PBPA document but refined to a detail
level in the FBPA document since the selected option is then known and the level of
detailed information will be further advanced.
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12.1 Current business process (as is)

Show the process map for the current business process (as is).
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Type here

12.2 Proposed business process (to be)

Show the process map for the proposed business process (to be).
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Type here

13 Project performance measurement

Detail how the performance of the project will be measured during the project’s life.
An example table format is shown below.
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14 Product benefits realisation

Detail how the benefits of the project will be measured. This may or may not be
during the life of the project. Consider business outcomes such as triple bottom line
here. An example table format is shown below.
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Success Criteria Responsibility Measurement KPI Target


15 Preliminary Business Requirements

List any critical business requirements that may be evident at this stage.
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When all information has been put into this document and the guidance text boxes
have been deleted, it will be necessary to reformat the document taking out any blank
lines. Once this is done, right click mouse in the table of content, click Update Fields,
Update entire table, then click OK. This will update the table of contents to show the
new page numbers.
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Project name Business Process Analysis

Appendix A - Insert title

Type here

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