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DMNG StreamHub

Server Installation & Configuration Guide

Document Version: v4
Software Version: v2.1.x
02/2016 – Customer Services
Table of Contents

How To read this Document? ..................................................................................................... 4

Copyright and Trademarks......................................................................................................... 4
Contact Us .................................................................................................................................. 4
Installing the DMNG StreamHub Server .................................................................................... 5
Installing the Server................................................................................................................ 5
Testing the Bandwidth ........................................................................................................... 5
Estimating the Required Download Speed ........................................................................ 5
Estimating the Required Upload Speed ............................................................................. 6
Configuring the Network Interfaces .......................................................................................... 7
Using the Default Configuration ............................................................................................ 7
Configuring an Ethernet Interface ......................................................................................... 7
Accessing the Server’s settings menu to Configure Ethernet Interface 1 ......................... 7
Modifying the IP Settings ................................................................................................... 8
Configuring IP Routes ............................................................................................................. 9
Deleting IP Routes .................................................................................................................. 9
Configuring Network Settings .................................................................................................. 10
Getting a License ...................................................................................................................... 11
Checking the License ............................................................................................................ 11
Requesting a License Update ............................................................................................... 12
Applying a License on the DMNG StreamHub ..................................................................... 12
Configuring the Server Settings ............................................................................................... 13
Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu ................................................................................. 13
Changing the Password to Access the Server’s Settings Menu ........................................... 13
Configuring System Settings .................................................................................................... 14
Setting the Date and Time ................................................................................................... 14
Setting an NTP Server ...................................................................................................... 14
Setting the Timezone ....................................................................................................... 14
Setting the Date and Time Manually ............................................................................... 15
Reconfiguring the Keyboard ................................................................................................. 15
Maintaining the DMNG StreamHub Server ............................................................................. 16

Restarting the DMNG Services ............................................................................................. 16
Upgrading the System .......................................................................................................... 16
Upgrading the DMNG StreamHub ....................................................................................... 17
Upgrading the Blackmagic Cards Firmware ......................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................... 18
Generating a Report ............................................................................................................. 18
Rebooting the DMNG StreamHub Server ............................................................................ 18

How To read this Document?

This document includes all the procedures required to install and maintain the
DMNG StreamHub server on which the DMNG StreamHub software application is already
To facilitate the navigation through this Installation Guide, we adopt the following text

 The references are underlined; you can click on them to access the referred part.
 The terms highlighted in bold are user interface terms.
 Please note that data that can vary such as file names and default values (for IP
addresses, logins and passwords) are in italic.
Important notice: The content of this guide may be modified without notice. Please go to
AVIWEST's Extranet to make sure that you have the latest version of this manual.

Copyright and Trademarks

This installation guide and its content are the property of AVIWEST. It is forbidden to copy,
disclose, or reproduce either the whole document or any part without AVIWEST’s prior
written agreement. DMNG® is a trademark of SAS AVIWEST. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions or require any complementary information, feel free to
contact AVIWEST’s technical support team.
Global Support
APAC Support Office LatAm Support Office Russia Support Office

+33 (0) 2 56 56 50 18 +852 3580 8964 +56 (9) 67 55 11 23 +7 (963) 658 42 18

Unit 401B, 4/F, Block A

Espace Performance, Bat. O
Sea View Estate
2-8 Watson Road, North Point

Installing the DMNG StreamHub Server

To operate the DMNG StreamHub has to be connected to a router, it must have a public
IP connection and sufficient download and upload speeds. Finally, the router or firewall
must be properly configured.

Installing the Server

① Mount the server in a rack and plug the power cable(s).
For more information, please refer to the Installation Guide provided with the
② Power on the server.
▷ The power indicator turns on.

▷ Once the server installed, you have to configure the server’s network interfaces and
then the network settings.

Testing the Bandwidth

The DMNG StreamHub requires sufficient download and upload speeds to operate properly.

Important Note: Typical network configuration

This section explains how to estimate the required upload and download speeds for a
typical network configuration: a DMNG StreamHub server with one Internet connection
only (i.e. connected to one router). If the DMNG StreamHub server has several network
connections, i.e. if it is connected to multiple routers, we strongly recommend that you draw
a diagram of your network architecture to identify the potential bottlenecks. The estimated
minimal download and upload speeds are then required for each network connection.

Important Note: Worst case scenario

The calculations provided in this document are for the worst case scenario, it means that
they are based on the maximal capabilities of the DMNG StreamHub granted by the license,
which does not necessarily correspond to the usual conditions in which you will use the
DMNG StreamHub. In order to adapt those calculations according to your use, please refer
to the footnotes (  ,  , § , ** and ).

Estimating the Required Download Speed

To receive video feeds and files from field units, the DMNG StreamHub requires a minimal
download speed. To estimate the minimal download speed required for you needs, you have
to know:

 The number of input channels, i.e. the maximal number of field units allowed to connect
simultaneously to the DMNG StreamHub as defined by the license. We call this value
 The max redundancy percent, as it is configured in the live profile used by the field units
to transmit live videos. We call this value max_red.

You can then calculate the required download speed (in Mbps):

Required download speed:

(( 10† + ( 10 x max_red ) )+ 1 ) x max_channels‡

For instance, if the max_channels is 4 and the max_red is 50%, the required download speed
on the DMNG StreamHub will be:
(( 10 + ( 10 x 50/100 ) + 1 ) x 4 = 64 Mbps

Estimating the Required Upload Speed

The DMNG StreamHub also requires a minimal upload speed to operate properly. To
estimate the minimal upload speed required (in kbps), take into account the following

 The number of input channels, i.e. the maximal number of field units allowed to connect
simultaneously to the DMNG StreamHub as defined by the license. We call this value
 The use of the streaming output function, and if so you have to know:
o The number of streaming outputs (as defined by the license). We call this
value streaming_outs.

o For TS, RTSP and HLS, the potential number of simultaneous clients (i.e. the
number of watchers or receiving devices) for each output stream. We call this
value max_client_nb.
You can then calculate the required upload speed (in kbps):

without streaming output:

150 x max_channels§
with streaming output:
(150 x max_channels§) + ∑ (12000 kbps†† x 𝑚𝑎𝑥_𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡_𝑛𝑏)

The calculation is based on a 10Mbps video bitrate, which is the maximal bitrate for HD videos sent by DMNG
PRO or DMNG RACK field units. If you know that you usually do not receive SD or HD live videos, you can
replace (10+(10 x max_red) +1)with the average stream bitrate that you usually receive. For your information,
the maximal steam bitrate for live videos coming from DMNG APP is 4 or 5Mbps.

If you know that you will not use simultaneously all the input channels that the license grants, you can then
set the Max_channels to the maximal number of input channels that are expected to be used simultaneously.
If you know that you will not use simultaneously all the input channels that the license grants, you can then
set the Max_channels to the maximal number of input channels that are expected to be used simultaneously.
If you know that you will not use simultaneously all the streaming outputs that the license grants, you can
then set the streaming_outs to the maximal number of streaming outputs that are expected to be used
12,000 is the maximal stream bitrate for TS streaming output protocol. To adjust the estimate according to
your use, replace this value with the stream bitrate:
 for TS, the stream bitrate (TS Bitrate) is configured in the Streaming Outputs section of the Settings
menu of the DMNG StreamHub application;
 for RTSP, RTMP and HLS, the output stream bitrate is equivalent to the input stream bitrate (which
can be found on the Dashboard and on the Channel page of the DMNG StreamHub application).

Configuring the Network Interfaces

You have two possibilities to configure the server’s network interfaces: using the default
configuration or configuring each Ethernet interface from the server’s settings menu
available through an ssh connection.

Using the Default Configuration

The default configuration of the Ethernet interfaces of the DMNG StreamHub server is:

 Interface 1 (Eth0): DHCP

You can connect the Ethernet interface 1 of the server directly to a router with a DHCP
Server using an Ethernet cable (RJ45).
 Interface 2 (Eth1): static
Its default IP address is
▷ Once the DMNG StreamHub server has an IP address, you can connect it to a router
or firewall and configure the network settings, see Configuring Network Settings.

Configuring an Ethernet Interface

To perform the initial configuration of the Ethernet interfaces, you have to use a laptop and
an Ethernet cable to access the server’s settings menu.

Accessing the Server’s settings menu to Configure Ethernet Interface 1

① Plug an Ethernet cable from Ethernet interface 2 of the DMNG StreamHub server to
a laptop.
② Set the laptop IP address to a fixed address in the range to with netmask set to
③ Open Putty or Tera Term on the laptop or another ssh client application (MAC and
Unix operating systems usually include an ssh terminal).
④ In the Host box, type the default IP address of the Ethernet interface 2, which is
⑤ In the Port box, enter 5322.
⑥ For the connection type (or service), tick ssh.
⑦ Click the Open (or OK) button.
⑧ Login in to the DMNG StreamHub server
Login: user
Password: user
(This is the default password. To change it, please see
Changing the Password to Access the Server’s Settings
▷ The DMNG StreamHub server’s settings menu appears.

Modifying the IP Settings
From the server’s settings menu, you can configure the IP settings of an Ethernet interface.
① Press 2 on your keyboard to access the IP settings menu.
② Press 1 or 2 to select the Ethernet interface that you want
to configure.
Important note: Mind not modifying the
configuration of the Ethernet interface used for the ssh
▷ The command prompt shows the current
configuration of the selected Ethernet interface.

③ Press E to edit the IP configuration of the selected

Ethernet interface.
▷ A message prompts you if you want to use DHCP.

④ Select the configuration mode according to your needs:

 If you want to use a DHCP server for setting the IP address, press Y and Enter.
Go to step ⑩.
 If you want to configure a static IP address, press N and Enter.
You can then perform the following steps (⑤ to ⑪).
⑤ Type the IP address and press Enter.
⑥ Type the netmask and press Enter.
⑦ Type the gateway.
If a gateway is already configured on one of the Ethernet interfaces of the server, it
is mentioned.
If you don’t need to use a gateway, skip this step.
⑧ Type the DNS.
The default DNS is
⑨ Press Enter.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm your changes.

⑩ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel and press Enter.

⑪ Restart the DMNG services (see Restarting the DMNG Services).
⑫ Plug an Ethernet cable in the Ethernet interface 1 or 2 of the server, according to
your needs, and connect it to a router.
▷ Once the DMNG StreamHub server has an IP address, you can connect it to a router
or firewall and configure the network settings, see Configuring Network Settings.

Configuring IP Routes
According to your network architecture; you may need to configure IP routes on the
DMNG server.
① Press 2 on your keyboard to access the IP settings
② Press T on your keyboard to access the Route table
③ Press A on your keyboard to add a new route.
④ According to the type of destination for which you want to add a route:
 press 1 on your keyboard to configure a network
route (net);
 press 2 on your keyboard to configure a host
route (host).
⑤ Type the destination IP address.
⑥ If the destination is a network, type the netmask.
⑦ Type the gateway‡‡.
⑧ Press 1 or 2 on your keyboard to select the Ethernet interface for which you want to
set this route.

Deleting IP Routes
① Press 2 on your keyboard to access the IP settings menu.
② Press T on your keyboard to access the Route table
③ Press D on your keyboard to delete a route.
④ Press on your keyboard the digit corresponding to the
route to delete.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

① Press Y to confirm or N to cancel and press Enter.

The gateway must be on the same LAN as the DMNG server.

Configuring Network Settings

To operate the DMNG StreamHub uses UDP and TCP ports.

① Add rules on your router or firewall to enable inbound and outbound rules on the
following ports:

Port Inbound Outbound Use

X X 7900: Default base port**
UDP 7900-79xx*
7901-79xx : 1 port per DMNG StreamHub's channel*
X X Allows the remote access to the DMNG StreamHub
TCP 8888
web interface.
X Allows connecting to official Ubuntu servers
TCP 80
( to upgrade the system.
X Allows the remote access to the server’s settings
TCP 5322
menu through an ssh connection.
DMNG Manager
Allows the connection between the
TCP 7900 X X DMNG StreamHub and the DMNG Manager.
This is the default base port**.
File Transfer
X Allows the access to the FTP server of the
TCP 21
DMNG StreamHub.
Allows the access to the FTP server of the
TCP 20 X DMNG StreamHub (when the client requires the
active mode).
Allows the access to the FTP server of the
TCP 12000-12009 X DMNG StreamHub (when the client requires the
passive mode).
X Allows the access to the Samba file sharing system of
TCP 445
the DMNG StreamHub.
Streaming output
X If there is a proxy or firewall: for RTMP streaming
TCP 1935
output protocol (this is the default port)

* Here, you have to open a port range starting from the base port and equal to the number
of channels of the DMNG StreamHub + 1. Mind: the number of channels is defined by the
license, please see Checking the License.
** The base port can be modified by administrators from the DMNG StreamHub
application’s settings menu, for more information please refer to the DMNG StreamHub
User Guide.
② Make sure that your router or firewall allows traffic on these UDP and TCP ports.

▷ The DMNG StreamHub is now ready to operate, however we strongly recommend
that you perform the following tasks: Checking the License and Changing the
Password to Access the Server’s Settings Menu. If required, you can also change the
system settings, please see Configuring System Settings.
To use the DMNG StreamHub application, you now have to access its web interface,
for more detailed information, please refer to the DMNG StreamHub User Guide,
Accessing the DMNG StreamHub Web page.

Getting a License

Checking the License

Before using the DMNG StreamHub for the first time, we recommend that you to check the
license applied on it. The license defines the number of simultaneous connections of field
units to the DMNG StreamHub, the number of input channels, the number of physical and
streaming outputs, as well as some options of the DMNG StreamHub application: Record,
Intercom, File transfer and Play back.
To check the license applied on the DMNG StreamHub, you have to log in to the
DMNG StreamHub application as administrator and then access the settings menu of the
DMNG StreamHub web page.
① Open Google Chrome web browser.
② In the search bar, type the IP address of the DMNG StreamHub server followed by
":8888" (i.e. colon and 8888).
For instance, if the IP address is, you have to type
③ Type the login and password to access the DMNG StreamHub application as
login: admin
password: password
(This is the default password to access the DMNG StreamHub application as
administrator. It can be changed from the settings menu of the DMNG StreamHub
application. For more details, please refer to the DMNG StreamHub User Guide).
④ Click on Settings.
⑤ Click on General.

▷ The License section shows the number of

simultaneous connections allowed for each
type of field units and the options allowed
on the DMNG StreamHub.

Requesting a License Update
If you need additional allowed devices, input channels, physical or streaming outputs or
supplementary functions you have to request a license update.
① Contact your salesman who will help you to define your needs.
② Note down the hardware ID shown in the "About" section.

③ Send this hardware identifier by email to or to
▷ AVIWEST will send you a license file with an ".awl" extension.

Applying a License on the DMNG StreamHub

After receiving the updated license file, you have to apply it on the DMNG StreamHub.

① Download the license file on your computer.

② On the side bar of the DMNG StreamHub, click on Settings.
③ Click on General.
④ Click the Browse button.
⑤ Go to the folder where you saved the license file.
⑥ Select the license file.
⑦ Click the Open button.
⑧ Click the Apply button.
▷ A message prompts you to restart the DMNG StreamHub.

⑨ Click on Yes to restart the DMNG StreamHub.

▷ A success message appears indicating that the license is successfully applied on the
DMNG StreamHub. If the DMNG StreamHub displays another message that means
that an issue has occurred. In that case, please contact AVIWEST's support.

Configuring the Server Settings

To configure the server from its settings menu, you have to access it using an ssh connection.

Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu

To access the server’s settings menu through an ssh connection, you need to use a computer
and to know the IP address of one of the Ethernet interfaces of the server.
① Open Putty or Tera Term on the laptop or another ssh client application (MAC and
Unix operating systems usually include an ssh terminal).
② In the Host box, type the IP address of the DMNG StreamHub server:
 If the computer is on the same LAN as the DMNG StreamHub server, you can
use its local IP address (as you configured it or the default IP address of
Ethernet interface 2 which is
 If the computer is not on the same LAN as the DMNG StreamHub, you have to
type the public IP address of the server.
③ In the Port box, enter 5322.
④ For the connection type (or service), tick ssh.
⑤ Click the Open (or OK) button.
⑥ Login in to the DMNG StreamHub server:
Login: user
Password: user
(This is the default password to access the server’s settings menu. To change it,
please see Changing the Password to Access the Server’s Settings Menu.)
▷ You should see the DMNG StreamHub server’s settings menu.

Changing the Password to Access the Server’s Settings Menu

We strongly recommend that you to change the server password since it is also the
password used for the FTP and samba file servers installed on the DMNG StreamHub.
① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu..
② Press P on your keyboard to change the server password.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

③ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

④ Type the new password.
⑤ Confirm the new password.
⑥ Press Enter.
▷ A success message appears.

Configuring System Settings

If the system settings, i.e. the time and date or the default keyboard, configured on your
server do not match your needs, you can change them from the server’s settings menu.

Setting the Date and Time

You have three possibilities to set the date and time on your DMNG server: setting an NTP
server, setting the time zone or setting the date and time manually.

Setting an NTP Server

To set an NTP server:

① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu..
② Press 3 on your keyboard to access the server System
Settings menu.
③ Press N on your keyboard to set an NTP server.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

④ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

▷ If an NTP server is already configured, it is

⑤ Type the new NTP server address (e.g. or let it blank to erase the
NTP server currently set.
⑥ Press Enter.
▷ A success message appears.

Setting the Timezone

The timezone defines the default language, as well as the date and time. To change the
timezone configured on your server:
① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu..
② Press 3 on your keyboard to access the server System Settings menu.
③ Press T on your keyboard to reconfigure the timezone.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

④ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

▷ The current timezone is highlighted in red.

⑤ Press the up or down arrows on your keyboard to select a

geographic area from the list.
⑥ Press the right arrow and then the Enter key on your keyboard to confirm <Ok> or to

cancel <cancel> the selection.
⑦ Repeat steps 5 and 6 mentioned above on the following page to select the city or
▷ The timezone is reconfigured.

Setting the Date and Time Manually

You can set the date and time of the server manually:
① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu..
② Press 3 on your keyboard to access the server System Settings menu.
③ Press D on your keyboard to set the date.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

④ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

⑤ Enter the date and time.
⑥ Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
▷ The date is set.

Reconfiguring the Keyboard

If you want to connect a keyboard directly on the server in order to access the server’s
settings menu without using a laptop, you may need to change the default keyboard
① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu..
② Press 3 on your keyboard to access the server System Settings menu.
③ Press K on your keyboard to select a keyboard type from the list.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

④ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

▷ The keyboard currently configured on the
server is highlighted in red.

⑤ Press the up or down arrows on your keyboard to

select a keyboard from the list.
⑥ Press the right arrow and then the Enter key on your keyboard to confirm <Ok> or to
cancel <cancel> the selection.
⑦ Repeat steps 5 and 6 mentioned above on the following 3 pages to select the
country, the keyboard layout, and the use of the “AltGr” key.
▷ The keyboard is reconfigured.

Maintaining the DMNG StreamHub Server

In order to maintain the DMNG StreamHub server you may need to restart the
DMNG Services, or to upgrade the system, the DMNG StreamHub application or the
BlackMagic cards drivers.

Important note: Restarting the DMNG Services, upgrading the system, the DMNG
StreamHub application or the BlackMagic cards firmware lead to disconnecting all the online
field units from the DMNG StreamHub and stopping the action in progress on the fields units
and on the DMNG StreamHub’s channels (Live or Forward).

Restarting the DMNG Services

You may have to restart the DMNG StreamHub services for maintenance purposes. For
instance, you must restart the DMNG StreamHub services after modifying the IP settings.
To restart the DMNG services from the DMNG StreamHub server’s settings menu:
① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu.
② Press S on your keyboard to restart the DMNG services.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

③ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

④ Press Enter.
▷ The DMNG Services stop and then restart.

Upgrading the System

The DMNG StreamHub runs on Linux Ubuntu operating system. We recommend upgrading
the system once a month‡‡.
To upgrade the operating system to the latest versions, please proceed as follows:
① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu.
② Press U on your keyboard to upgrade the system.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

③ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

④ Press Enter.
▷ Please wait while the system is upgrading. The
DMNG StreamHub automatically connects to the official Ubuntu servers, checks if
some packages require to be updated and updates them.
⑤ Reboot the DMNG StreamHub server.

To upgrade the system, the router on which is connected your server must allow traffic on TCP port 80.

Upgrading the DMNG StreamHub
Upgrading the DMNG StreamHub consists in updating the DMNG StreamHub application,
upgrading AVIWEST system packages and updating the BlackMagic cards drivers. This is
different than updating the DMNG StreamHub application from its web page (Admin menu >
Update StreamHub) because this latter only updates the DMNG StreamHub application.
① Upload the .fw software package to the DMNG StreamHub server in Data\update
using an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla) or Samba Windows file sharing system.
② Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu.
③ Press 1 on your keyboard to access the DMNG StreamHub menu.

④ Press 1 on your keyboard to upgrade the DMNG StreamHub.

▷ The menu displays the latest software version available in the directory
Data\update and prompts you to confirm that you want to upgrade the
DMNG StreamHub to this version.

⑤ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

⑥ Press Enter.

▷ Please wait while the DMNG StreamHub is upgrading.

⑦ The DMNG StreamHub application automatically restarts.

Upgrading the BlackMagic Cards Firmware

The BlackMagic DeckLink video cards embedded into the DMNG StreamHub server require
being up-to-date. In addition to updating the drivers thanks the upgrade of the
DMNG StreamHub (see Upgrading the DMNG StreamHub), you also have to upgrade the
firmware versions of the BlackMagic DeckLink video cards.
① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu.
② Press 1 on your keyboard to access the DMNG StreamHub menu.

③ Press 2 on your keyboard to upgrade the BlackMagic cards firmware.

▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

④ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

⑤ Press Enter.

▷ Please wait while the BlackMagic cards firmware is upgrading.

⑥ Reboot the DMNG StreamHub server.


Generating a Report
If you experience any issue with the DMNG StreamHub server or application, please follow
the below steps:

① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the

Server’s Settings Menu.
② Press 1 on your keyboard.

③ Press 3 on your keyboard to generate a log archive

(i.e. a report file).
▷ A success message appears and the log file is
saved onto the server in Data\log.

④ Download the report file from the DMNG StreamHub server to your computer using
an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla) or Samba Windows file sharing system.
⑤ Contact AVIWEST’s support team by email to explain the problem you are facing and
attach the report file to your email.
Note: You can also generate a report file directly from the DMNG StreamHub application, for
more detailed information, please refer to the DMNG StreamHub User Guide.

Rebooting the DMNG StreamHub Server

If you experience troubles while using the DMNG StreamHub, rebooting the
DMNG StreamHub server could solve some issues.

① Access the server’s settings menu, see Accessing the Server’s Settings Menu.
② Press B on your keyboard to reboot the server.
▷ A message prompts you to confirm.

③ Press Y to confirm or N to cancel.

④ Press Enter.
▷ The server reboots and the ssh connection is closed.


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