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Let’s tell a story!

How to play....
Sort the cards into four sets: Setting cards, Good character cards,
Prop cards and Bad character cards.
Roll the dice or spin the spinner to see which coloured cards you
will need to select.
Roll the dice or spin the spinner 4 times, each time taking 1 card
from each set of cards.
Use the cards to help you tell a short fairytale to your friends.

Your story can have as many characters, settings and props as
you like but you must include the characters, setting and prop
which you selected from the cards.

Why not try...

Taking it in turns in your group to spin or roll the dice?

Picking cards for your friends and letting them tell the story?

Taking it in turns to tell a different fairytale but using the same

four cards?

Setting Cards Good Character Cards

Bad Character Cards Prop Cards

Bridge Cave

Fairytale Setting Cards Fairytale Setting Cards

Mountain Castle

Fairytale Setting Cards Fairytale Setting Cards

Cottage Forest

Fairytale Setting Cards Fairytale Setting Cards

Pumpkin Key

Fairytale Props Cards Fairytale Props Cards

Apple Rope

Fairytale Props Cards Fairytale Props Cards

Beans Wand

Fairytale Props Cards Fairytale Props Cards

Princess Poor Girl

Fairytale Good Character Cards Fairytale Good Character Cards

Prince Fairy

Fairytale Good Character Cards Fairytale Good Character Cards

Billy Goat Little Pig

Fairytale Good Character Cards Fairytale Good Character Cards

Wolf Giant

Fairytale Bad Character Cards Fairytale Bad Character Cards

Wicked Queen Witch

Fairytale Bad Character Cards Fairytale Bad Character Cards

Troll Dragon

Fairytale Bad Character Cards Fairytale Bad Character Cards

Story telling game spinner

copyright Cut out the spinner and attach using a split pin.
Story telling game dice

This can be used as well as or instead of the

story telling spinner.

copyright 2010

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