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Written by: Artisan

Sexual Attraction Triggers

Hey, it’s Artisan…

Do you want to know how to create
sexual attraction almost instantly with
any girl you meet?
This is the cheat sheet that will make
you irresistible to women.
You see, certain qualities “turn
women on” without them even
knowing it. We call these qualities
“triggers”, because when executed,
women will do things they normally
wouldn’t do. They will sleep with a
guy on the first date because, “I just
felt so connected to him.” They will
want to rip off your pants in public because they “can’t help
The best part…you don’t have to be good looking or have tons of
When you use these triggers, you will be the guy women crave to be
with. The guy that women think about, when they are alone in their
bedroom. Men will respect you. Women will want to date you.
You will attract the hottest girl in the room without even saying a
You will be irresistible.
Now, what I’m about to share with you is very powerful. This is not
meant for guys that want to abuse/hurt women. Use these triggers
with caution.
Some of them you can use instantly and some of them you will have
to practice. Once you master these, you will have lots of women to
choose from.

Now lets get started…

1. High Value Man

This is the most important trigger and it is the basis for every
single attraction trigger that follows.

Women have biological programming to look for a high value

man because their root inclination is to produce offspring and
they want a man that will provide a good future for their
children. Women have more at risk when they sleep with a
man. That man might be the father of her children, and that is
why they are intuitively attracted to High Value Men.

What is a high value man? He is confident. He has wealth, fame,

and status. He has women surrounding him. He has men that
follow him. He is comfortable with his sexuality. He does not
have to prove himself to anyone. He has a life filled with
excitement and purpose. He is athletically fit. He has social
charm. He can take charge of a situation. He is well mannered.
And more.

Most pickup artists will tell you to degrade/insult the girl in order
to raise your status. A true High Value Man doesn’t have to.
Instead, he lifts them up.
Now, it is not necessary to have all
of these qualities. When you
know what you are doing, you can
trigger attraction even if you are
broke and not good looking.

2. Alpha/Leader
Women are attracted to the leader
of the group. They want their man
to be able to lead others and also
lead her.

When out with friends, make the
plans. Instead of waiting for
someone else to figure out what
you are going to do, suggest what you want to do and then lead
them to do it. Be the first to act. She will notice if your friends
listen to you. If you don’t have a group of friends, create one.
This will automatically give you the leadership position.

When you are with a girl, lead in every way possible. Lead by
approaching her. Lead by getting her number, touching her,
escalating, and lead her to your bedroom.

3. Pre-Selection Value
If she notices other women like you, she will almost automatically
want you too. Demonstrate that you have lots of women to
choose from and she will want you to choose her. This trigger is
the fastest way to short-cut attraction and get women wanting

On your online dating profile and
Facebook page, show pictures with
you and other women.

When you are out, befriend all of

the girls in the venue and get them
to want you. The hottest girl in the
room will see this and want you

When talking to a girl, casually bring up other girls in your life.

4. Protector
Being a High Value Man also means being able to protect her
from harm. During ancient times, her man had to protect her
from hostile tribes and wild beasts. She innately wants a man that
can protect her and her future children

Be strong, fit, and athletic. Knowing how to fight will give you
the confidence to face up to other men. I am not saying go
looking for fights. I am saying, be knowledgeable and able if one
does come your way.

5. Exclusivity
Be very selective about who you sleep with, how you spend your
time, and how you spend your money. High Value Men are very
selective about who gets be in their “Inner Circle.”

This applies to women as well. Be a challenge for women and

don’t sleep with just any girl. If she sees you are selective with
your women, she will want to be the “one” who gets you.
Flirt and have fun with ALL girls,
however, sleep with the quality

Make women qualify themselves

to you. They have to meet your
standards, not the other way
around. Ask them, “what makes
you so special?”

6. Confidence – Sexual
You have probably heard “be
confident,” however, I will show
you how to apply it so that women
melt in your presence. A high value man knows who he is, where
he is going, and knows what he wants. He doesn’t make excuses
for who he is and he can handle anything that comes his way.

Do not try to please everyone. Do not seek the approval of

others. You don’t have to make excuses for going up and hitting
on her. You are a man and men are supposed to fuck women.
That is our nature. Own it.

When you go up to a woman, go up like a Man, not a little bitch.
Command and let her feel your presence.

Hold your eye contact with hers for almost too long.

Keep good posture and stand like you own the place. Don’t fidget
or look nervous.
Speak in a way that is slow and eloquent. Don’t speak too fast
because that gives off the impression that you are nervous. Speak
and breathe through your balls so that you have a low voice.
Also, watch your voice inflections. That topic is covered in detail
in our PUA course as it is hard to explain via text.

Sexual confidence is about being comfortable with being a man.

She wants you to fuck her. While talking to her casually say, “I
want to bend you over that booth right now.” And then continue
the conversation like nothing happened. It will drive her wild.

7. Unpredictable - Mysterious - Excitement

Women want excitement in their life. Predictable men are boring.
Women like “badboys” because they are exciting and
spontaneous. Have a life that is a wild adventure and bring her
along for the ride.

Don’t tell her everything about you on the first date. Leave her
something to wonder about you when she goes home. Be

Casually tell her stories of your exciting life. Do something in the
spur of the moment. For example, say, “Do you like to have fun?”
and when she says “yes,” take her hand and lead her
somewhere… use your imagination.

8. Trust
Women must have a certain level of trust in you before they will
sleep with you.
By leading your friends, it will show her that they trust you.

Be a man of good character and judgment. Demonstrate that

through your actions and stories.

Build Deep Rapport – Show a little vulnerability with her. Tell

her a story you don’t tell most people and tell her that you don’t
tell most people. There is much more to deep rapport to explain,
however, it will take too long to explain here.

9. Social Intuition
You must know how to interact socially. She will be completely
turned off by two guys sitting in the corner just standing there
looking bored. On the other hand, if it looks like you are having
the time of your life, she will want to be a part of it.

Manners also fit into this category. Don’t be a douchebag

asshole, however, don’t be a guy that people walk all over.

Know how to communicate and charm a crowd when necessary.

Have a few good stories/jokes that you can tell your friends and
new acquaintances when you go out.

Open the door for her.

Work the room when you are at a party/club. Talk with

everyone, not just the hot girls. Most important rule, have a good
10. Drive
Notice I did not say wealth or money. That is not as important as
drive. They want a man that is going places and doing things
with his life. They don’t want someone that is going to sit on
their ass and watch TV all day.

IMPORTANT: This is just the tip of iceberg when it comes to

attraction triggers. We will show you how to master these
attraction triggers and more.

Make sure you check out our training at:

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