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TEX Rogue Day 12

1. What should be the first move when the customer stated "I've almost given up on accessing
Facebook. It is too slow and frustrating."
a. Verify the account
b. Check software version
c. Provide a signature response
d. Update apps and clear cache

2. How can your customer get software updates for their device?
a. OTA updates work just like other platforms. The customer will receive a notification to
download and install the update.
b. They have to check the website
c. Contact the manufacturer
d. The application of the manufacturer should be downloaded

3. Why would a software version be a possible root cause for crashing or freezing issues?
a. Device manufacturers are constantly improving the software that helps the device run
b. A manufacturer may determine a glitch in the software and fix it by making a new software
available to users.
c. A and B
d. A only

4. What part do applications play with crashing or freezing issues?

a. Applications can impact internal and SD card memory in a way that causes a device to crash
or freeze.
b. Applications running in the background on a device with low memory can cause it to crash
or freeze.
c. Applications use memory when they are being used. The device uses this memory to help a
user who pauses an application to later pick up where they left off.
d. All of the above

5. What makes IOT concept so Un-carrier?

a. People seem to like the idea of being able to use the internet everywhere. Being customer
obsessed means that our goal is to make sure that our customers are always empowered to
use the internet however they want, whenever they want, and wherever they are.
b. This is one way to sell to our customer at the same time give them more than they paid for
c. IOT is a response we have because our customers suggested via email about this service
d. No other carrier offers this
6. Why do you think safety, security, and connectedness are our biggest priorities in the world of
a. This is about more than one-upping your friends; these are tools that directly benefit just
about anybody.
b. This is part of being #CustomerObsessed, meaning we want customers to access everything
our awesome network has to offer.
c. When we talk about IoT in terms of safety, security, and connectedness it shows we are
putting customers first and making these types of devices more comfortable and accessible
to our customers.
d. All of the above

7. Aside from C2, what resources should we be using when troubleshooting the SyncUP DRIVE?
a. The Fix in Grand Central!
b. T-Mobile WEBSITE
d. Coverage Map

8. If the customer has completed all of the steps you've covered, what would we do if the
customer is having an issue getting service from Allstate?
a. It is important to note that SyncUP DRIVE support does have some additional tools and
resources but if customers haven't completed the steps above, it is important that we don't
promise them that SyncUP DRIVE support will fix it all for them. Don't set the customer or
SyncUP DRIVE support up for failure by overpromising.
b. We connect the customer to SyncUP DRIVE support.
c. A only
d. A and B

9. Once the device is set up for the first time, what steps have to be taken for the device to
recognize a new car?
a. Once the app and the SyncUP have been set up together, the SyncUP DRIVE will detect and
update the app to reflect that new car automatically.
b. If it doesn't detect automatically or if the user would prefer to add it manually, that option is
available but isn't generally required if the vehicle is fully compatible.
c. A only
d. A and B

10. Probing is always important in any call types.

True or False

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