Posse Comitatus BlueBook

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It is the duty of government to prevent injustice--not to promote it. THE POSSE COMITATUS by authority of “The Canstisation Of The United States In the formation of tis conscitutonal republic, the county tap always been and rermains to this day, the TRUE seat of the gorerament for the eitizeas who are the inhabitants thereof. The County Sheriff 1s the only legal law enforce iment officer in these United States of America. "The Sheriff can mobolize all men between the ages of 16 ‘and 45 who are in good Nealth and not in the federal military Service, OTHERS CAN VOLUNTEER! This body of citizens ts the Sheruf's Posse, Each must cerve when called by the Sheriff. The title of this body is the Fosse Comitarus. Tae. Posse ia the eatire body of those inhabitants who may be summoned by the Sheriff, or who may volunteer, to pre~ Serve the public peace or execute any lawful precept that Is ope Jed. Since the Sheriff is the servant of the citizens who fare inbabitantaof the County, it isnot his ehoice a8 to whettr ff or not the Posse 4¢ organized and brought into being. Ie is only tis choice as to wether or not he wishes to use i ‘Since the formation of our Republic, the local County has always been the seat of government for the people. A county government (s the highest authonty of government in our Republic a3 it is closest to the people, who are in fact, the government. The County Sheritt t= the only legal law en forcement citicer in the United States of America. He is e~ lected By the people and is directly responsible for law forcement in his County. It is his responsibility to protect the people of hie County from unlawful acts om the part of lanyore, including officials of government. His oath of office js 10 uphold, preserve and defend the constitution of these 1 United States and the Suite in which iis County Exists. He may be required 10 d no less and no more in the perfor~ mance of his official duties. It should be emphasized that this protection extends to Citizens who are being subyected unlawful acts even by oificials of government, whether these be Judges of courts or Federal or State Agents of any ind whatsoever. ‘The County Sheriff mast be advised af the Instances where unlawful acts are committed. It is the duty of the Sheriff to protect the local citizens from such unlawul acts. Once he has been advised and refuses to perform his lawful duty in respect to the matter, the Posse Comitatus has the lawful right under natural law to act in the name of the Sheriff wo protect local jurisdiction. Since the Second Amendment to the Constitution cays, "the right of the people to keep and Dear arme shall not be antringed.” In the execution of the law, arrests may be made, The eriminal may be remanded tw the custody of the County Sheriff for trial by a citizen Jury empanelled by the Sherilf from citizens of the Jocal Jurvediction, instead o! by the Courts as is the current pro cedure in most Counties and which hae no basis under law, fy act of any legislature or directives tesued by the judi clary or Executive notwithstanding. ‘The ualawial use of County Sheriffs as LACKEYS of the Cours should be discontinued at once. There is no lawfull awhority, for Judges and the Courts to direct the law en~ forcement activities of 3 County Sheritt. The Sherst 1s 2c countable and responsible only to the cltizens who are the Inhabitants of bis County. He 1s under osth of office and need not receive unlawiul orders {rom ]udges or the Cours. They are the Judiciary but the Sherif 1s the Bxec~ itive branch of ovr government, He is Tesponsible to pro- 2 tect citizens, even fromunlawful acts of officials of gov~ erement. Ihe refuses to do 60, he should be removed from office promptly. ‘The prerequisite to proper guidance 1s the basic under~ standingof Common Lew and s background knowledge of the Ualied States Constitution, as well as the Republican form of government created thereby. Such knowledge is consider~ ced essential to good citizenship and fulfillment of the re~ ‘sponcibilities by true Christians to their God and Country. "The Supreme Cour of the United States formally declared this Republic to be a Christign nation. In a case involving the Holy Trinity Church vs United States, 143 US 471, on the ‘2ethaf Feb, 1892, Tae Court, after mesiioning various cir~ cumstances, added the following words; "end these end many other matters which might be noticed, afd @ volume of un= ‘official declarations to the mass of organic witerances, that this is @ Chrisitan Nation. “The Constitution was lifted from the ¢sticles of Confeder~ sation, therefore the Constitution's rource is the Holy ble By this contract the States, representing the people, cre~ ‘ated an agent of the States known as the Federal Govern ment, The people, a3 States, gave certain powers to this ‘agent”and by the’ Sth and Ith Amendments, made st clear that thie agent had only those powers which have been env ‘merated ior it an the contract herween the Siates. All others remainwith the States and the people. The Federal Govern men’ is not above States which created it. “The Constitution i¢ a simple document. It says what 1 means and means whst it says. Ir means today what it meant ‘When {1 was written, It 1s the SUPREME. LAW for the States (of the Union as well as for the Federal Government, which has been created by the States and the people, existing as 3

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