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Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

The Canteen Satisfaction Level of the

Grade 11 Students of Peñablanca

National High School

A Research Study Presented by the Senior

High Students of Peñablanca

National High School

Accad,Jemina H. 11-ABM

Darilag,Katrin Aeris D. 11-ABM

Llanillo,Jaylene T. 11-ABM

Turingan,Ma. Theresa 11-ABM

Submitted to: Marijane P. Lasam

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan


We the researchers want to extend our profound gratitude, acknowledgement and

appreciation to all the people who have inspired us to conduct and finally finish this study.

This study was made possible through the valuable assistance and cooperation of several


To our former subject – teacher Mrs. Maryjane Lasam for the suggestions, guidance,

untiring support and advice she has given to us that helped us to start this study.

To our Family who supported us, guide us and gave us strength to do this research.

Heartfelt thanks are also given to the of this study. Without them, this study could not

have been possible.

Lastly, to the Lord God, who gave us strength, good health, energy and determination

to make this piece of work a reality.


We would like to dedicate this research to our FAMILY who are always there no matter

what happen, to our FRIENDS who motivates us, to our CLASSMATES who help us in so

many ways and also to our teachers who guide and supported us.

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan


Title Page…………………………………………………………... i
Acknowledgement………………………………………………… ii
Dedication…………………………………………………………. iii

Chapter I – The Problem and it’s Background

Introduction………………………………………………………... 1
Statement of the Problem………………………………………….. 2
Hypothesis……………………………………………………….… 3
Significance of the Study………………………………………….. 3-4
Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………. 4
Definition of Terms………………………………………………… 5
Chapter II – Review of Related Literature and Study
Related Literature………………………………………………….. 6-7
Local Literature……………………………………………………. 8-9
Local Studies………………………………………..……………... 9
Foreign Literature………………………………….……………… 10-11
Foreign Studies……………………………………...…………….. 11-12
Chapter III – Methodology
Research Design…………………………………….…………….. 12-14
Respondents of the Study…………………………………………. 15
Data Gathering Tools……………………………………………… 15
Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………… 15
Conclusion………………………………………………………… 16
Recommendation………………………………………………….. 17

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan


The Problem and it’s Background


School canteens are important in the life of every students because it is one of source

of snacks of each student educational resources. They have important role in the

provision of food to student and the school community as well being an integral part of

the school environment. The school canteen should reflect the educational goals of the

school to support and compliment student learning. When consumed daily, the food

provided to the school canteen may comprise a third to a students total daily intake and

have a significant influence on their health and nutrition. It is appropriate to restrict

unhealthy food in an educational setting. The canteen also plays an important role within

the broader school environment – that of reinforcing knowledge, skills and behaviors

about healthy eating and lifestyle which are taught in the classroom.

Nowadays, PNHS only have a few canteen wherein there is an impact to every SHS

students. For example, because there’s only few canteen that the PNHS have, some

students are forced to go outside or to go in a farther store just to buy the food they

want to eat. That’s why the researchers conduct an experiment to analyze what is the

impact of these school canteens to SHS students. The researchers wanted to know what is

the impact of the canteen to the students, is it positive or negative?

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

Statement of the Problem

Many students of the PNHS are going outside the school campus in order to satisfy

themselves in buying the food they want to it. Generally, the study aims to know the level

of satisfaction of the senior high school students in terms of the food service provided by

the school canteen of PNHS Senior High School.

Since there is a canteen provide by the school, a study must be conducted. Specifically, the

study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of the SHS students in the service of the

school canteen.

This research aim to answer the following questions:

1. What is the satisfaction level of the senior high school to canteen as to the following:

1.1. Nutritional value

1.2. Cleanliness of the Canteen

2. How will you described the canteen staff in terms of their service?

3. How will you describe the canteen in terms of the product they sell?

4. What is the best way in order to improve school canteen services?

5. How does the school canteen satisfy you?

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan


The food served that satisfies the students most are healthy vegetable foods with

40%. The biscuit products have the most sufficient variety to choose from with 60%.

Tables are the maintained part of the canteen with 40%. The approach that students are

satisfied with, is the kind and pleasant approach with 40%. 60% of the respondents

considers price as the main factor before buying a product from the canteen.

Significance of the Study

For the students

This research would help to a detailed analysis of satisfaction of the canteen service

and food. The result would give knowledge and ideas about their schoolmates level of

satisfaction and they would be able to evaluate their own.

For the parents

This research would give the parents knowledge about their children’s level of

satisfaction in the canteen’s service and food. They would be aware of how the canteen

staff treats their children and how the food that their children consume affects them.

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

For the School Management

This research would give the school management a detailed description about the

canteen’s service and food. The results may give them ideas and motivations for change

and improvement.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this research is only about level of satisfaction on the school canteen’s

service and food of senior high students of PNHS. This includes the foods that satisfies the

students and service attributes. This investigation was conducted to determine the issues

regarding the quality and safety of the food of the students in PNHS SY 2018-2019 for a

healthier school food environment. The aspects looked into were the issues regarding the

quality and safety of the food, health of the students, and proposed solutions to problem.

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

Definition of terms

Canteen- a place provided by schools where students can buy and eat food products and


Product- anything that the canteen may sell to the students.

Price- the value of the canteen’s product in exchange for currency.

Canteen Personnel- the people who run the canteen and maintains the facilities.

Canteen Facility- the physical equipment’s that the staff and students use.

Service Attributes- the serving approach of a server towards its customer.

Variety- having different choices among the products.

Satisfaction- contentment/fulfillment of one’s wants/needs.

Meal- a large amount of food consisting of ingredients that can fulfill hunger.

Utensils- a tool commonly used for cooking and eating.

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter reviews related literature and studies which serves as frame of reference

for this study. Related literature and studies, foreign and local, are presented such that some

of the present study’s variables have been tackled.

Related Literature

Most people are concerned with food taken daily without regard

for practices or habits which may influence good health. It is a common observation that

when food is presented to a person his/her attention is focused on the aesthetics value and

how the food appeals to the palate, rather than on the nutritional content. This reality calls

for the need to re-orient people on the cause-and-effect relationship between eating and

health. One’s drive for food and the way he is satisfied is important, food is needed by man

not on for energy work and play but also for maintaining body function such

as breathing, beating of the heart, digestion of food, circulation

of the blood, absorption of food, excretion of body waist and other processes. No single

type of food is capable of providing all the nutritional needs of a person.

It is therefore important that daily diet contains the correct amount of all food listed in

daily guide to good nutrition. (Velasquez,2004)

Many children rely on their school canteen for their snacks and lunches with child

obesity levels rising and physical activity level declining it is important that the canteen

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

provide a range of healthy food. Many Education Departments now require school canteen

to provide healthy food for students.(

Food contains the essential nutrients needed by the body for its normal growth and

development. It is necessary for student’s to know the sources, function and nutrients of the

food they buy, adequacy for these nutrients in their diet will result to good health. Hence,

students must learn to plan, select, prepare and serve simple but nutritious food.

(Bernardino and Lee, 2005) School canteen plays four-fold role in the educational program

school. First, it helps combat malnutrition. Second, it is a center for teaching health. Third,

it helps in the vocational and social and training of students. And lastly, it presents an

opportunity of correlating teaching experience which is centered of foods. The needs of

teenagers in general are greater than those of children and adults. Their food requirements

are used for growth and development and enhanced activity. As young adults, they have the

freedom to choose what they like to eat but they should guide on their choices. (Cruz,2003)

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

Local Literature

As we all know, food is a basic necessity for a person. Food is one of the basic needs that

we must obtain in order to fulfill our hunger. Food does not only end the hunger but it also

gives the much needed vitamins and nutrients for our body to function properly. According

to Ginger Arboleda (2010) she said that food industries are inevitable especially in our

country of endless works. We need a place where we can eat while we work and study. A

school is a place where there are many activities that uses up its student’s energy. A school

provides a canteen as a place where students can eat and relax and for them regain energy.

She also said that ambiance and atmosphere is a very important attribute that a canteen

must have.

In running a canteen, there are certain rules to be followed. There must be a potable

drinking water and facilities for washing, a clean and ventilated environment, food cover

and containers to maintain its cleanliness, and for safe keeping. This rules would help in

making students comfortable and satisfied especially when it comes to food safety

standards. (DepEd,2007).

A canteen not only matters in its function to sell different kinds of food, but its ability to

make students socialize and develop friendships, to be a study place for people where they

can maintain mental power and a place to sit back, relax and take a break from all the

school works. (Adel Tamano,2011)

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

Local Studies

School are the best places in implementing solutions to the problems in nutrition since

the students spend more time in school than being at home. This means they eat more in

school rather than at home. This statement shows how important that the canteens must

satisfy the students because it shows that they spend more time eating in school than at

their own homes. (Cartagena,2014)

According to Arlen Maniquiz (2009)she said that the effectiveness of the cafeteria

management does not only reflect the quality of its food but also it is reflected by the

quality of its service, Quality service that are characterized by being courteous, friendly,

democratic and fair. In this statement it shows the characteristics that can satisfy the

students when it comes to service.

Foreign Literature

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

Narayana Murthy (2000) has studied socio-economic profile of the work force and

employee welfare activities in Indian Industrial Organizations. It is found that majority of

the employees in co-operate sector units are satisfied with the existing welfare, canteen and

health facilities. All these studies help the management, unions and governments to

improve the existing state of affairs mainly by emphasizing on functional areas of Human

Resources Management and existing welfare amenities in a single unit or two units or more

with a comparative study in the same sector like private or public or co-operative. There

have been very few comprehensive studies in the field of work environment and less

concentration on the provision of welfare facilities and amenities provided by the

Government and the management of the under takings as well. However, surprisingly very

few attempts have been made by the researchers to study the extent of canteen facility to

the employees of any unit. The study shows the gap and also furnishes there a reasons

between the practice and precept. According to Dana (2016)she stated that nutrition is very

relevant in improving a student’s ability to learn. It is very important to choose the right

and proper equipments the students will use. Having properly prepared food will boost the

satisfaction of the student.

The State Government of Victoria (2016) said that school canteens and other school food

services are important educational resources. They have an important role in the provision

of food to students and the school community as well as being an integral part of the school

environment. The school canteen should reflect the educational goals of the

school and support and complement student learning. When consumed daily, the food

provided through the school canteen may comprise a third of a student’s total daily intake

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

and have a significant influence on their health and nutrition. This shows how important

the school canteen is and how it plays its role on the students’ daily lives. It is said the

canteen reflects the educational goals of the of the school, so it means the more the canteen

is well manage then the more its goals and values are being uphold.

Foreign Studies

Customer satisfaction is defined as a state of mind in which the customer’s needs, wants

and expectations throughout the product of service have been met or exceeded, resulting in

future repurchase and loyalty. Some researchers have supported the idea that satisfaction

can be measured from a perspective of evaluating performance, making inclusions of

dis-confirmation processes. Satisfaction not only consists cognitive elements but includes

emotional elements in determining customer satisfaction(Anton,1996).

Canteen services is one of the welfare activities that the Government of India provided to it

defense forces and their families. The canteen has many effects on the living standard of

the defense personnel. The idea of canteen is founded way back in the early twentieth

century. Its sole purpose was to provide food and a facility to the British Troops stationed

in India. The canteens plays their role in uplifting the standard of living of the defense

personnel by giving their 50 percent of the remaining profit towards providing safe and

secure environment lowering market product prices and boosting the morale by making

them exclusive consumer of largest retail network of India. The canteen have many

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

different importance back then. They not only sell food but they the society to function

more properly in order to grow and develop more(Bhardwaj,2011).



Research Design

We use descriptive design and gathered information through the use of survey

questionnaire as an instrument in collecting data.


1.I eat in the canteen 24 74 2

2.They have the same food everyday 31 60 9

3.I think their service is good. 10 86 4

4.I eat breakfast in the canteen. 0 44 56

5.Their food is healthy and 19 78 3


6.I think their staff are approachable 9 81 10

and friendly.

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

7.Is the food in the canteen satisfy 15 80 5

your stomach?

8.The canteen area is hygienic. 4 76 20

9.I experience being not prioritize by 9 81 10

the staff.

10.I experience eating while there’s 16 69 15

still dirty dishes in the table

11.Have you ever experience eating 8 64 28

in the canteen with flies or hair inside

your food.

The respondents are the grade 11 students and a total population of 100.

The total number of respondents who eat in the canteen always is 15, 74 of them in the

canteen sometimes while there’s 2 people who never eat in the canteen. 31 says they have

the same food always,60 of them says they have the same food sometimes and 9 of them

says that they never have the same food everyday. 10 people says that their service is good

always, 56 says they only have good service sometimes and 4 says they never think

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

that their service is good. No one of them always eat breakfast in the canteen, while 43 of

them eat sometimes a breakfast in the canteen and 31 of them never eat breakfast in the

canteen. 10 says that their food is always healthy and nutritious, while 71 says sometimes

only, and 3 of them says they food is never been healthy and nutritious. 9 people say that

their staff is always friendly and approachable, while 81 of them says only sometimes and

10 says never. 24 respondents says that the canteen always satisfy their stomach, 80 says

sometimes and 9 says never. 3 says that the canteen area is always hygienic, 76 of them

says sometimes and 20 of them says never. 9 respondents says that they always experience

not being prioritize by the staff, 81 says sometimes and 10 says never. 13 of them always

experience eating while there’s still dirty dishes in the table, 61 among of the respondents

says sometimes and 15 says never. 8 among of the respondents have always experience

eating in the canteen with flies or hair inside the food, 64 says sometimes and 28 of them

says never.

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the grade 11 students of Peñablanca National High

Schoool .

Data Gathering Tools

This research used surveying. We distribute paper questionnaire for them to answer.

Then, we tally the results and used the data for the research study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers ask permission to the teachers incharge of the grade 11 strands from

the school Peñablanca national high school of Camasi to conduct a survey. After gaining

permission the researchers conducted a survey questionnaire to the students randomly

chosen to answer the questionnaire. The researcher then collected the data and analyzed it.

After analyzing the data, the researcher tallied and tabulated the gathered data and

proceeded to interpret it.

Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan


According to our respondents the service of the school canteen is not good, they repeat

their product/food everyday. They also says that the food that they served is not healthy

sometimes and their staff is not that friendly or not approachable. Almost all of them also

says that their service is good sometimes only. The respondents also says that the canteen

area is hygienic. But the respondents are experiencing not being prioritize by the staff

sometimes. A lot of them are also experiencing eating in the cantteen while there’s still

dirty dishes in the table and also eating in the canteen with flies or hair inside the food. So,

they must still improve their service and food so that they can attract a lot of students to eat

in the canteen. They must also check the food that they are serving to avoid being critisize

by the students and also to avoid food poisoning because poisoning is very common


Peñablanca National High School

Camasi, Peñabanca, Cagayan


1. The canteen personnel should make a healthy vegetable meals creative to attract the

students and satisfy them.

2. The canteen personnel should add more variety of choices like bread and pastry product.

3. Both canteen personnel and students should always keep the canteen facilities clean and

well maintained. The students should always keep the tables clean and should be careful

while using the chairs. The canteen personnel must always inspect the canteen facilities

and make sure to clean it when it gets dirty.

4. The canteen personnel should focus in serving the students fast and with a smile to make

them satisfied with their serving approach.

5. The canteen should slightly lower the price of the products that they sell.


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