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Blythe Valley Innovation Centre, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull – B90 8AJ

Network Technology
Systems Solutions
Diagnostic Testing
Green Building Services

Buildings account for an enormous amount of land use, energy and water consumption, as well as
resources for construction. In addition, buildings also contribute to air and atmospheric alteration. A
Service Features and Benefits
Green Building is one that increases the efficiency of resource use during the building’s lifecycle
through optimal siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance and removal. In addition to
A b o u t E n z e n G l o b al L td reducing the overall impact of the built environment on the natural environment and human health,
green buildings can lead to significant reductions in operating costs by using less energy and water.
Enzen Global is a
Enzen Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd. provides Green Building Services for large-scale commercial,
consulting and services institutional and residential buildings at various stages of a building project cycle. These include:
company operating in
energy and environment 1. Comprehensive Green Building advisory services including carbon neutral development (Pre-
domains. Enzen design phase) that include:
incorporates cutting edge  Solar passive design assistance:
technology solutions while ▬ Preliminary analysis of alternative building forms and orientations to minimize heat gain and maximize
natural lighting based on climatic conditions.
delivering its business ▬ Envelope design of final building form and orientation through energy modeling comparing available options
solutions portfolio. Our of construction material, insulation, window sizing and glazing; Consideration of embodied energy of
innovative knowledge materials. Final recommendations based on financial analysis of options.
▬ Detailed design of elements such as overhangs and sun shades for all orientations of façade.
solutions have been tested  Building integrated Renewable Energy systems:
and have succeeded in the ▬ Assessing potential and feasibility of installing solar thermal, solar PV, wind, biomass gasification and hybrid
energy distribution and systems.
▬ Installation of systems.
transmission sectors. With  Selection and specifications of lighting, HVAC, electrical supply and distribution systems for energy efficiency.
Enzen’s concern about  Waste minimization:
sustainability and climate ▬ Optimal schematic planning of water and wastewater systems to minimize dependence on conventional
freshwater sources and to maximize reuse and recycling of water on site; selection and specification of
change, our solutions are fittings and fixtures to minimize wastage.
tailored towards clean and ▬ Solid waste management plan preparation for segregation, collection, recovery, composting and/or disposal.
green technology.  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating services:
▬ Providing assistance in obtaining LEED certification under the United States Green Building Council

2. Building energy management services (Pre-design phase or post-construction phase):

 Building energy modeling and carbon offset accounting.
Fo r d e t a i l s s e n d m a i l  Design and implementation of adaptive control systems of lighting, HVAC, security and life safety systems for new
to buildings or retrofitting existing buildings; Cost-efficient, comfortable and safe as well as simplify facilities
 Carbon advisory services:
(info.env@enzenglobal.c ▬ CDM and JI advisory services
om)  On-line energy monitoring and customized reporting services.

3. Integrated water management solutions (Pre-design phase or post-construction phase):

 Optimization of water resources to maximize utilization of treated wastewater and on-site harvested rainwater.
 Designing (schematic) of integrated system with optimal allocations of freshwater, treated wastewater and
rainwater for HVAC, domestic and irrigation requirements.
 Water and wastewater quality monitoring for compliance requirements and critical functions.

4. Indoor air quality monitoring and management services (Post-construction phase):

 Monitoring services for PM10, CO, CO2, VOC’s, temperature and humidity in indoor environments.
 Customized reporting services for on-line monitored indoor air pollutants.

5. Integrated Solid Waste Management (SWM) services (Pre-design phase or post-construction):

 Campus-wide SWM plan preparation for segregation, collection, recovery, composting and/or disposal.
 Technical assistance and implementation for composting.

6. Energy and Environmental Information systems:

 Storing, displaying and analysis of on-line energy and environmental monitoring data to generate alerts and/or
develop predictive models based on advanced statistical modeling.
▬ Energy efficiency mapping (zone-wise and / or equipment wise), benchmark reporting and performance
metrics (customized dashboards).
▬ Productivity and health monitoring (zone-wise) for indoor air quality and thermal comfort conditions.
▬ Fault detection alerting (SMS/email alert) and incident analysis reporting.

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