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Evidence " Happines advantage "

Written by Mateo Florez Osorno

I remember the day I finish my carreer of mechanical engineer. It was just about a week ago,
July 13th 2019. I felt very happy and exited by the time I had finished the university. But not
everything is so rosy. You wont belive if i tell you that during the time I spend studying in the
university I felt no support at all, not even from my family or friends. I was the only who trust on

Usually, when you are by yourself, you feel helpless, hopeless and very afraid of the things that
can happen. Everythig gets dark and you feel you can do anything. On the other hand, you also
feel a small voice in your head saying " no matter what you are passing through you need to
continue and fight for what you really want". That small voice inside my head had gave me

I took to many classes of calculous, physics and material science which included exams and
expositions that made me feel in shock and overwhelmed. I always had a constant thinking of
failure. Fortunately for me I had become courageous and by the time the examns where
scheduled I already had prepared and studied to pass with good grades, staying time late until I
could learn the topics for the expositions.

Thanks to good actitude when it comes to face problems , when I was in the 7th semester I had
gone to Mexico in a universty exchange due to I had scored very good grades .

By now I feel I recover the confidence I didn't have from my family, I did new friends and create
oportunities for my future with the professional carrear that I just finish, I still feel that a storm is
coming for me since I have now to send my curiculum vitae to get a job regarding what i studied
but i will have a lot of patience and i will be calm. Last but not least, my advice for you, from
what I learned is that you have to realice that hard times will come but with a lot of patience,
good and positive thinking and a little of effort you can complete your goals.

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