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Period of Lesson: 3 Days


I. Objectives:
A. Describe what a cyclone is.
B. Identify the different kinds of cyclone.
C. Describe each kind of cyclone.
D. Describe the
condition in the environment before,
Value: Being aware of calamities during and after a cyclone.

II. Subject Matter: The Tropical Cyclones (Unit VI – EARTH)

Ref. PELC VI – 5.5.1, RBEC VI.8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 pp. 231 233, Science and Health
5, pp. 231 – 236 Science for Daily use 5 (Textbook)

A. Science Concept
A cyclone is a big whirling mass of strong winds and rains moving in
counterclockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere.

B. Processes Stressed
Observing, Describing, Inferring and Communicating

C. Science Vocabulary : cyclone, breeze, air, wind, climate, weather, typhoon,

altitude, barometer, humidity, hurricane
D. Materials: audio, visuals, computer, pictures, news clippings
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Science song
2. Health Inspection
3. Weather Report
4. Science News / Trivia

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Review: Heating of Land and Water
2. Checking of Assignments

C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation- What is a cyclone? Then show pictures then try to ask more
2. Drill
3. Presentation of Activity: (Teacher Assisted Activity)
A. Movement and Direction of a cyclone
Basin with water
Talcum/baby powder
1. Get a basin and fill it with water.
2. Sprinkle some baby / talcum powder on the water.
3. Place a stick at the center of the basin, then move it counter
4. Remove the stick. Observe what happens?
1. What did you observe?
2. How did the water move?
3. How did you relate this with the motion of wind in a tropical

B. Identifying / describing the different kinds of Cyclone

Materials: world map showing occurrences of tropical cyclone
Do These:
1. Study the situations in the given weather report showing the
occurrences of the tropical cyclones at different times of the year in
different places.
2. Enter your observation in a table like this:

Movement of Period of
Place Name
Air Occurrence

3. Study the classification of tropical cyclones by international Agreement.


Tropical Depression Wind up to 63 km /hr.
Tropical Storm Winds up to 64-118 km./hr
Typhoon Winds more than 118 km./hr.

Answer these:
1. What are cyclones?
2. What are the different kinds of cyclones?
3. Describe each kind.
4. Describe the condition in the environment before, during and after a
3. Discussion /Analysis:
A cyclone is a big mass of strong winds and rain moving in counterclockwise direction
in the Northern Hemisphere. A cyclone may hit an area of stormy weather.
All tropical cyclones originate on the western sides of the oceans in the doldrums.
After forming in the doldrums, the cyclones move Western ward and away from the equator.
Around the world, tropical storms are called by different names. They come at
different times of the year in different places. For example, in our country, the tropical cyclones
are called “bagyo”. They occur from Sept. to November.
By international Agreement, tropical cyclones are classified according to intensity.
The weakest is called the tropical depression while the strongest is typhoon.
Tropical cyclones harm the movement. They bring heavy rains and strong winds.
After a strong tropical cyclone (typhoon), lives and properties are destroyed. Some people and
animals are killed because of floods. Others are killed by falling objects. Crops are destroyed by
winds and floods.
Properties such as house and school buildings are destroyed. In addition, roads, dams
and transportation means are destroyed by the tropical cyclones.
Winds in the Northern Hemisphere spiral counterclockwise into the center of a

Conditions of the Environment Before, During and After Cyclones

 there is a drop in air pressure

 there are tall clouds
 air is colder and dry
 the weather looks good
 strong winds around
 heavy rains
 calm within the eye of the storm
 big waves in the sea
 speed of wind decreases
 rains
After  flooding
 damaged plants and structures
 outbreak of diseases

4. Concept Formation
A cyclone is a big whirling mass of strong winds and rain moving in counterclockwise
direction in the Northern Hemisphere.
It is classified as tropical depression, tropical storm and typhoon.
5. Application:
Read the following weather report situation and answer the questions that follows.
Tropical storm Oscar is now over Antipolo City. At 2:00 a.m. today, October
26, Antipolo was estimated to have maximum winds of 70kph near the center.

1. What is the name of the tropical storm over Antipolo City?
2. What is the maximum wind speed of tropical storm?
3. Do you think this is a strong weather disturbance? Why or why not?
4. What do you think the effects of winds with 70 kph reach your place?
IV. Evaluation: Direction: Encircle the letter that has the correct answer.
1. A typhoon has a maximum wind of ________?
a. less than 63 kph near the center
b. from 63 to 118 kph near the center
c. greater than 118 kph near the center
d. greater than 200 kph near the center

2. A tropical storm may develop into a typhoon when _____________.

a. the wind accelerates
b. the wind decelerates
c. the wind changes direction
d. the wind stops blowing

3. The strength of the tropical cyclone depends on the ____________.

a. minimum speed of winds near the center
b. maximum speed of wind near the center
c. the cloudiness near the center
d. none of the above

4. It is a big mass of winds and rain whirling about a center of a low pressure called eye.
a. tropical c. cool winds
b. light winds d. gentle winds

5. Great differences in pressure gradient between a mass of cold air and a warm air causes.
a. strong winds c. cool winds
b. light winds d. gentle winds
(Key answer: c, a, b, a, a)
V. Assignment:
Explain in a paragraph how a tropical cyclone occurs.
List down precautionary measures before, during and after typhoon.
VI. Remarks: (Please indicate formative test results)
Mastery Level: 5– ,4– ,3– ,2– ,1– ,0–
Instructional Decision:

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