To Build A Fire Summary

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To Build a Fire Summary capsized lower boughs in turn until a small

avalanche had blotted out the fire.

A man travels in the Yukon (near the
border of current day Alaska) on an extremely The man is scared, and sets himself to
cold morning with a husky wolf-dog. The cold building a new fire, aware that he is already
does not faze the man, a newcomer to the going to lose a few toes from frostbite. He
Yukon, who plans to meet his friends by six gathers twigs and grasses. His fingers numb and
o'clock at an old claim. As it grows colder, he nearly lifeless, he unsuccessfully attempts to light
realizes his unprotected cheekbones will freeze, a match. He
but he does not pay it much attention. He walks
along a creek trail, mindful of the dangerous,
concealed springs; even getting wet feet on such grabs all his matches--seventy--and

a cold day is extremely dangerous. He stops for lights them simultaneously, then sets fire to a

lunch and builds a fire. piece of bark. He starts the fire, but in trying to
protect it from pieces of moss, it soon goes out.
The man continues on and, in a
seemingly safe spot, falls through the snow and The man decides to kill the dog and puts

wets himself up to his shins. He curses his luck; his hands inside its warm body to restore his

starting a fire and drying his foot-gear will delay circulation. He calls out to the dog, but

him at least an hour. His feet and fingers are something fearful and strange in his voice

numb, but he starts the fire. He remembers the frightens the dog. The dog finally comes forward

old-timer from Sulphur Creek who had warned and the man grabs it in his arms. But he cannot

him that no man should travel in the Klondike kill the dog, since he is unable to pull out his

alone when the temperature was fifty degrees knife or even throttle the animal. He lets it go.

below zero.
The man realizes that frostbite is now a

The man unties his icy moccasins, but less worrisome prospect than death. He panics

before he can cut the frozen strings on them, and runs along the creek trail, trying to restore

clumps of snow from the spruce tree above fall circulation, the dog at his heels. But his

down and snuff out the fire. Though building a endurance gives out, and finally he falls and

fire in the open would have been wiser, it had cannot rise. He fights against the thought of his

been easier for the man to take twigs from the body freezing, but it is too powerful a vision, and

spruce tree and drop them directly below on to he runs again. He falls again, and makes one last

the fire. Each time he pulled a twig, he had panicked run and falls once more. He decides he

slightly agitated the tree until, at this point, a should meet death in a more dignified manner.

bough high up had capsized its load of snow. It

He imagines his friends finding his body In 1889, London began working 12
to 18 hours a day.
The man falls off into a comfortable
On July 12, 1897, London (age 21)
sleep. The dog does not understand why the
man is sitting in the snow like that without and his sister's husband Captain Shepard
making a fire. As the night comes, it comes sailed to join the Klondike Gold Rush.
closer and detects death in the man's scent. It This was the setting for some of his first
runs away in the direction of the camp, "where
successful stories. London's time in the
were the other food-providers and fire-
harsh Klondike, however, was
detrimental to his health. Like so many
other men who were malnourished in
the goldfields, London developed scurvy.
His gums became swollen, leading to the
loss of his four front teeth. A constant
gnawing pain affected his hip and leg
muscles, and his face was stricken with
Jack London
marks that always reminded him of the
struggles he faced in the Klondike
(Klondike is an icy region)
John Griffith "Jack" London (born
John Griffith Chaney; January 12, 1876 –
November 22, 1916) was an American
novelist, journalist, and social activist.

Some of his most famous works

Jack London
include The Call of the Wild and White
Fang, both set in the Klondike Gold
Rush, as well as the short story "To Build
John Griffith "Jack" London (born
a Fire".
John Griffith Chaney; January 12, 1876 –
November 22, 1916) was an American
novelist, journalist, and social activist.

Some of his most famous works

include The Call of the Wild and White
Fang, both set in the Klondike Gold
Rush, as well as the short story "To Build
a Fire".

In 1889, London began working 12

to 18 hours a day.

On July 12, 1897, London (age 21)

and his sister's husband Captain Shepard
sailed to join the Klondike Gold Rush.
This was the setting for some of his first
successful stories. London's time in the
harsh Klondike, however, was
detrimental to his health. Like so many
other men who were malnourished in
the goldfields, London developed scurvy.
His gums became swollen, leading to the
loss of his four front teeth. A constant
gnawing pain affected his hip and leg
muscles, and his face was stricken with
marks that always reminded him of the
struggles he faced in the Klondike
(Klondike is an icy region)

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